Daily Archives: June 20, 2024

Sun Enters Cancer (June 20, 2024)

What is the cen­ter of you?

Today we move through one of the four por­tals of the Zodi­ac, one of four car­di­nal realms in this Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, who are the Lords of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. And when­ev­er you move through one of these car­di­nal signs, you are guid­ed and inspired to find the way to your true self.

Now you enter the sacred space of Can­cer, that most spe­cial realm where you feel your way to the cen­ter of your being. Here you go inward, so that you may remain cen­tered in your truth and draw upon the many sources that form your jour­ney through time and space. But what will you find as you go to the root of you, exact­ly what is at the cen­ter of you?

Your cen­ter is forged in the sto­ry of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness, it is the sto­ry of Cre­ation, and it is the Life of the One. You and the entire­ty of Cre­ation are essen­tial­ly formed of Spir­it, you are a spark of the Divine, a Light made of Love.

Guid­ing this unfold­ing sto­ry of the One is the Zodi­ac, which is real­ly the fun­da­men­tal field of ener­gy-forms that form the Design Body of the Uni­verse. This field of ener­gy-forms cre­ates what we under­stand as the sub­tle body for all beings in the uni­verse, whether they be an atom, mol­e­cule, organ­ism, plan­et, star or galaxy. The signs of the Zodi­ac are the Twelve Dimen­sions of the One and only Spirit.

There is a very real hier­ar­chy in Cre­ation, from the most infin­i­tes­i­mal of par­ti­cles on up through the plan­ets and stars. All of it is Spir­it-Mat­ter that is becom­ing some­thing more, shaped, informed and guid­ed by the Twelve. For us humans here on Earth, we are each held in our own auric field of the Zodi­ac, which is in turn aligned to the greater aura of our Earth, which in turn is aligned with zodi­a­cal auric field of our Solar Sys­tem, and then to the zodi­a­cal field of our Galaxy. Each of these “zodi­acs” is part of the One, and all are aligned to and cor­re­spond with one another.

The illu­sion of the mate­r­i­al world is that every­thing is sep­a­rate and apart from one anoth­er, and that we have to find and forge the con­nec­tions or rela­tion­ships between all these “things” and between one anoth­er too. But tru­ly all of Cre­ation is held with­in the Divine Space of the One, which means that we are, in so many won­der­ful forms and dimen­sions, insep­a­ra­bly relat­ed already. Actu­al­ly, we are made of and by all of our weav­ing togeth­er with one anoth­er, grow­ing togeth­er, becom­ing togeth­er, and with all of the rest of Cre­ation too. The order­ing of the Uni­verse is formed by and held by the One, the One “whose Cen­ter is Every­where, and whose Cir­cum­fer­ence is Nowhere”.

But, now in this time of Can­cer, and for­ev­er present in your own space of Can­cer too, you need to remem­ber this sto­ry of your roots, of the mean­ing of Can­cer in your life. You need to make your way to the cen­ter of you, and to do this you will, and you must, enter the world of intu­ition, and allow your feel­ings to guide you, as you move beyond what is known by mind and into what can only be expe­ri­enced and shaped by your heart. You do this most deeply by fol­low­ing the gen­tle whis­pers which come from your own spark of the divine, your immor­tal light with­in your mor­tal frame.

What you will find is that the roots of you are deep and wide, stretch­ing back into the mists of time, formed by many lives and shaped by so many expe­ri­ences with oth­ers. You feel the mem­o­ries and expe­ri­ences in the endur­ing con­nec­tion to the ever-present Arche­types, to lives lived long ago and to liv­ing beings here and now too. You feel and know Father-Moth­er, Grand­moth­er-Grand­fa­ther, the warm embrace of all your present and past rela­tions, who were and are the web of life that bring you back to your roots, back to the famil­iar space of being from some­where, from some­one, some peo­ple, in the just before and long, long ago.

Here in Can­cer, in the ves­sel of your mem­o­ries, the riv­er of life and mean­ing that flows back­wards into the mists of the past, and for­ward into what you shall some­day become, you find your cen­ter, your ever-present sense of being on this great jour­ney, with a host of fel­low explor­ers singing our songs as sparks of the Divine, search­ing, seek­ing, car­ing and lov­ing to be, some­day, a star among the count­less stars.

Here at the root of Cre­ation, here in the shin­ing light of your dear heart, what you will find at the cen­ter of you is the source of life. It is the spark of the Divine which is your true self, the cen­ter which is every­where and whose cir­cum­fer­ence is nowhere, and you will feel the essen­tial truth of spir­it, that we are all relat­ed, that we are because we care, because we love.

This is the truth of Can­cer, that your ori­gin is your des­tiny too.

And that you are here to love and be loved.