Sun Enters Libra (September 22, 2024)

The One and the Many, the Lumi­nous Bridge of Creation…Relationship

Today we reach one of the four fun­da­men­tal turn­ings in the Zodi­a­cal cal­en­dar, one sea­son ends, and anoth­er begins. These four gate­ways of spir­it hold the four direc­tions of life which frame our jour­ney through the stars, and so we ask, time and time again, “where did I come from, where am I going, who am I, and who are you”?

We are told that we are all part of and came from the One. We humans are one of a host of mon­ads singing our songs of spir­it upon count­less worlds and in many lives. Our des­tiny is to some­day reach our human apoth­e­o­sis, when we become ful­ly con­scious co-cre­ators of cre­ation, formed and guid­ed by Uncon­di­tion­al Love, join­ing the great com­pa­ny of shin­ing ones or Devas in the life divine.

At the cen­ter of every part of cre­ation is a mon­ad of spir­it; in every atom, mol­e­cule, organ­ism, plan­et, star and galaxy, there is the spark of the Divine, because the whole of cre­ation is the One made man­i­fest, all made by Divine Uncon­di­tion­al Love. At the heart of every part of cre­ation is a mon­ad which is formed by Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness, and this is why all of cre­ation is Spir­it, and all of cre­ation is Alive, and all of cre­ation is Conscious.

In each and every life we seek to under­stand who we are to be in this life, to dis­cov­er what is quin­tes­sen­tial to us as a unique spark of the Divine, so that we might sing our true song in the cho­rus of spir­it. And in each and every life we meet one anoth­er, again and again, because it is also true that we will find our true self through one anoth­er, because we are made by one anoth­er from the begin­ning unto the end. Whether in the infin­i­tes­i­mal worlds of mon­ads and atoms, or in the divine heart of stars, it is also true for us humans as well; it is the truth that all of cre­ation is forged, formed, and trans­formed through the agency and pow­er of rela­tion­ships, and so it so with one anoth­er as humans and with all the innu­mer­able hosts of Cre­ation too.

For the next 30 days, and always and for­ev­er an essen­tial part of your very own being too, we cel­e­brate the realm that is Libra. It is here, in the forge of Spir­it, that you meet the great truth that what makes you, and what makes all of cre­ation too, is the won­der that is the mag­ic and mys­tery of relationship.

It is most cer­tain­ly true, that we have been shaped and informed by all our expe­ri­ences with one anoth­er, by moth­er and father, by sis­ter and broth­er, by aunt and uncle, by our friends, by our col­leagues, by a pass­ing stranger, and our dear­est loves ones too. And just as we have been shaped by them, so have we been an essen­tial source of their form­ing, shap­ing, and becom­ing who they are meant to be as well. Tru­ly, we are all made by and held in a vast web of ener­gy-forms, and the most con­se­quen­tial and essen­tial part of these ener­gy-forms are these past and present rela­tion­ships between with one anoth­er, so that we are tru­ly insep­a­ra­ble from one anoth­er for­ev­er and ever.

This is why rela­tion­ships are the Forge of Cre­ation. You exist with­in your own sacred space, and the oth­er before you, they are like­wise in their sacred space, and then togeth­er we cre­ate what I call “Third Space”, which is the space that is your rela­tion­ship. It is here where the mag­ic of cre­ative com­bi­na­tion can lead you both to a bet­ter, high­er and truer expe­ri­ence of being and becom­ing what you are meant to be.

Guid­ing your actions and reac­tions with one anoth­er, you must under­stand that who­ev­er is before you, they are just like you, anoth­er spark of the Divine on this jour­ney of awak­en­ing, made by and here to become ful­ly human through love. You must do every­thing you can, and they must also like­wise, to endeav­or to make this new and sacred space a beau­ti­ful shar­ing and blend­ing by which you and they can be even more what you are meant to be than you could ever be with­out one another.

In order to cre­ate, main­tain and grow this expe­ri­ence with one anoth­er, you are to be guid­ed by what you are, to give from your heart what is at the root of Cre­ation, to live by uncon­di­tion­al love for your­self and for them. But no mat­ter what place in this jour­ney of awak­en­ing you are, you and they are not per­fect, and you and they will make mis­takes, you will give too lit­tle or take too much, you will tres­pass upon one another’s sacred space, and expe­ri­ence pain and loss. But this too is part of your jour­ney. You are here to learn what to be, and what not to be, and you are meant to help one anoth­er to reveal these errors of omis­sion or com­mis­sion, so that you may turn away from pain and back to love.

And so, as a prin­ci­pal part of your jour­ney to per­fec­tion, you must for­give your­self as you equal­ly must for­give them. By this lov­ing for­give­ness you renew your shared sacred space for heal­ing and growth. Yes, by humil­i­ty, grace and for­give­ness, as you try and fail, and try again, you will help one anoth­er to stay upon the one true path, which is the wis­dom way of love.

Yes, we are the means to one another’s per­fec­tion, we are the instru­ments of our renew­al and the reward of hap­pi­ness and peace, and this will always hap­pen when we stay true to our nature, and remem­ber we are here because of love, and our only com­mand­ment is to love and be that love.

As it was in the begin­ning, so shall it be for­ev­er and ever,

Love one another.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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