The One and the Many, the Luminous Bridge of Creation…Relationship
Today we reach one of the four fundamental turnings in the Zodiacal calendar, one season ends, and another begins. These four gateways of spirit hold the four directions of life which frame our journey through the stars, and so we ask, time and time again, “where did I come from, where am I going, who am I, and who are you”?
We are told that we are all part of and came from the One. We humans are one of a host of monads singing our songs of spirit upon countless worlds and in many lives. Our destiny is to someday reach our human apotheosis, when we become fully conscious co-creators of creation, formed and guided by Unconditional Love, joining the great company of shining ones or Devas in the life divine.
At the center of every part of creation is a monad of spirit; in every atom, molecule, organism, planet, star and galaxy, there is the spark of the Divine, because the whole of creation is the One made manifest, all made by Divine Unconditional Love. At the heart of every part of creation is a monad which is formed by Spirit-Life-Consciousness, and this is why all of creation is Spirit, and all of creation is Alive, and all of creation is Conscious.
In each and every life we seek to understand who we are to be in this life, to discover what is quintessential to us as a unique spark of the Divine, so that we might sing our true song in the chorus of spirit. And in each and every life we meet one another, again and again, because it is also true that we will find our true self through one another, because we are made by one another from the beginning unto the end. Whether in the infinitesimal worlds of monads and atoms, or in the divine heart of stars, it is also true for us humans as well; it is the truth that all of creation is forged, formed, and transformed through the agency and power of relationships, and so it so with one another as humans and with all the innumerable hosts of Creation too.
For the next 30 days, and always and forever an essential part of your very own being too, we celebrate the realm that is Libra. It is here, in the forge of Spirit, that you meet the great truth that what makes you, and what makes all of creation too, is the wonder that is the magic and mystery of relationship.
It is most certainly true, that we have been shaped and informed by all our experiences with one another, by mother and father, by sister and brother, by aunt and uncle, by our friends, by our colleagues, by a passing stranger, and our dearest loves ones too. And just as we have been shaped by them, so have we been an essential source of their forming, shaping, and becoming who they are meant to be as well. Truly, we are all made by and held in a vast web of energy-forms, and the most consequential and essential part of these energy-forms are these past and present relationships between with one another, so that we are truly inseparable from one another forever and ever.
This is why relationships are the Forge of Creation. You exist within your own sacred space, and the other before you, they are likewise in their sacred space, and then together we create what I call “Third Space”, which is the space that is your relationship. It is here where the magic of creative combination can lead you both to a better, higher and truer experience of being and becoming what you are meant to be.
Guiding your actions and reactions with one another, you must understand that whoever is before you, they are just like you, another spark of the Divine on this journey of awakening, made by and here to become fully human through love. You must do everything you can, and they must also likewise, to endeavor to make this new and sacred space a beautiful sharing and blending by which you and they can be even more what you are meant to be than you could ever be without one another.
In order to create, maintain and grow this experience with one another, you are to be guided by what you are, to give from your heart what is at the root of Creation, to live by unconditional love for yourself and for them. But no matter what place in this journey of awakening you are, you and they are not perfect, and you and they will make mistakes, you will give too little or take too much, you will trespass upon one another’s sacred space, and experience pain and loss. But this too is part of your journey. You are here to learn what to be, and what not to be, and you are meant to help one another to reveal these errors of omission or commission, so that you may turn away from pain and back to love.
And so, as a principal part of your journey to perfection, you must forgive yourself as you equally must forgive them. By this loving forgiveness you renew your shared sacred space for healing and growth. Yes, by humility, grace and forgiveness, as you try and fail, and try again, you will help one another to stay upon the one true path, which is the wisdom way of love.
Yes, we are the means to one another’s perfection, we are the instruments of our renewal and the reward of happiness and peace, and this will always happen when we stay true to our nature, and remember we are here because of love, and our only commandment is to love and be that love.
As it was in the beginning, so shall it be forever and ever,
Love one another.
Beautiful.… I wish you had sharing these with others available to use