The Heart of Creation
You have made ready your vessel of creation, the space we call relationship. It is in this sacred space that we become who we are through one another. Because we have been made into who we are “by all our relations”, that is by, and through, and with everyone we have encountered in this life now, and through our many, many lives before as well. As I will often say, you and I are more of a “we” than an “I”, because it is by all our experiences with one another, our laughter and our tears, our stories and our struggles, our standing up for ourselves but equally finding a way to be there for one another, all of these “stories of living” are the maker of our diamond body of spirit, the heart of our spiritual constitution from life to life to life. We are the makers of one another.
But of course, this is “the way” that Creation came to be, because the whole Universe is formed by collections of interconnected energy-fields, monads and atoms, organisms and planets, stars and galaxies, and you and me, and that all of “that” is ceaselessly blending, eliciting, shaping and forming each other, and all of them together form the living body of the One Spirit. This is how Creation continually unfolds or becomes what it will be.
This is the root foundation of the wisdom teachings, that from the very first day of this Manvantara until the end of this great cosmic cycle eons from now, all that is and all that will be is forged in our sacred relationships that form the One, “whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere”.
This is the truth held by Libra, and for the last 30 days you have worked to understand yourself, because you must begin with this. Before you can go out you must go in, you need to know yourself. It is only then that you can work to bring any and all of your relationships to a better form of mutual understanding and benefit. Yes, you had to make ready the space of meeting, and you have prepared yourselves for the challenge and the wonder of what can happen now, in the most special place of all, in the forge of Creation itself.
For the next 30 days, and forever in every moment of Creation, and also somewhere in your very own chart too, you will experience the gift of Scorpio which holds the ever-renewing spiritual fire we know as Alchemy, which is the spiritual agency of “combinational transformation”. Just as any atom combining with another atom produces a new and greater atom, and any molecule with any molecule does likewise, so too with our human kingdom, we make our way along the arc of our spiritual journey by combining with one another, sharing with one another, strengthening one another in and through our families, friendships, associations, and of course, in our most sacred and intimate loves in life after life.
In any union, you must be prepared, because there can be no combination without change, there cannot be growth without sacrifice. In this sacred space, here in the heart of creation, you will feel and find the truth, that the great work of union can only be mastered by love and through sacrifice. Yes, there will be joy, but there will be pain too, but that is only because you are giving up something that you felt was important to the old you.
But if the union is good, and if you are to grow, you must give up these lesser things to make way for your union, and so honor the greater reality you will make for one another. This is how you grow; this is how you become what you are meant to be.
This is the heart of the story of Spirit, in the beginning and in every moment of Creation the whole purpose of your being is to become what you will be, a conscious co-creator of Creation. It is here, in the beating heart of Spirit, in the deepest depths of Scorpio, that you will meet and fulfill the truth of your nature, which is that we are spirits dancing through realms of matter, we are “Immortals in Mortal Frames”.
But this also means that in Scorpio you will face the truth, and you will also feel the pain, that nothing in these mortal realms will be forever, and there will come a time when you must part, when you or they must move on, and as much as your joy was great, your loss will be hard and deep. But this is the way of Creation too, that we are spirits dancing through these material worlds, and we will return again and again to live and laugh and love.
So, look into one another’s eyes, and see shining there that splendid, special something that is unforgettable and forever, for each of us is a quintessential one of a kind, and that special spark is for you who they really are. So, you may know by this sign, that their light divine will shine brightly when you meet once more in another time and place. Yes, the truth of Scorpio is that there is nothing to fear, because there is only one source and purpose to Creation, and that is you are to be for one another the way to your mutual fulfillment, to love and be loved again and again. We are made of love, and we are here to love, and we will always be together again.
So, let us smile, our sadness tempered by the spark of the divine, and our true nature revealed as unconditional love. When it comes to that time when we must say goodbye, let us turn to one another, and simply say “fare thee well my dear one, until we meet again.”
Yes, we are immortals dancing through mortal realms, and we have nothing to fear.
We are made of the Light Divine, and our immortality is made of love.
One of your most beautiful reflections, ever.… Bless you and thank you.