Monthly Archives: November 2024

Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 21, 2024)

The Sto­ry of Us

For the last 30 days you have wan­dered and won­dered in the forges of Cre­ation, the realm we call Scor­pio. It is dur­ing this time every year, and for­ev­er some­where in your very own chart too, where you feel the heights and depths of being human; that you are a spark of the divine who is inspired by the expe­ri­ence of joy-filled births, only to stum­ble and fall into the ago­nies of loss­es that seem unbear­able. For this is what you are, an immor­tal who is wing­ing your way through mor­tal realms. And it is pre­cise­ly this expe­ri­ence of immor­tal­i­ty and mor­tal­i­ty, it is by walk­ing upon this razor’s edge that you become the com­pas­sion­ate co-cre­ator of Cre­ation, a shin­ing one, a Deva, whose light is the ever­last­ing Love of the One.

But while you are in these realms of death and rebirth, there sim­ply is no way to tru­ly com­pre­hend or under­stand those heights and the great depths of spir­i­tu­al alche­my, which is the very forge that will one day make you free, which will some­day bring you to a place of peace and under­stand­ing. But while in this expe­ri­ence, because this sacred space of Cre­ation is a realm of water, all you can do is feel the joys and endure the pains as you wait for what will come after, when you will enter the realm of the wise ones, the tem­ples of accep­tance and under­stand­ing, and the balm of peace you seek will be found at last.

Today we enter the realm of Sagit­tar­ius, and for the next 30 days, and always and for­ev­er being a quin­tes­sen­tial part of your divine spir­i­tu­al nature too, you will work with what was intu­it­ed in Scor­pio and bring that com­plex range of feel­ings and inti­ma­tions into the light of con­scious­ness and under­stand­ing, you will move through the “tem­ples of truth”, into the realm of the wis­dom-keep­ers, those who are the guardians of the Eter­nal in Light and Love.

Yes, “the truth” is out there, as it is the very spir­it of the One behind every part of the count­less dimen­sions, hier­ar­chies and realms of the Uni­verse. It is Truth which forms the warp and weft of the entire uni­verse, from the most infin­i­tes­i­mal ener­gy-fields to the largest of realms, from mon­ads and atoms to the stars and galax­ies of Cre­ation; the One is in all, and all of “that” is the One.

And that is equal­ly why, “the truth” is with­in you too. For that is pre­cise­ly how and why you can per­ceive these fields of ener­gy-forms that hold, sur­round, and pen­e­trate the entire uni­verse, because those very same gov­ern­ing tem­plates of cre­ation are what makes you and me too. You and I are made of these sto­ries of Cre­ation, and more to the point, what makes us human is that we are sto­ry­tellers, and our sto­ries are the liv­ing spir­it of our jour­ney in the fields of the One.

All of your expe­ri­ences with one anoth­er are these sto­ries of our human life, start­ing with moth­er-father, broth­er-sis­ter, class­mates, friends, loved ones, and strangers too, all of these con­nec­tions, exchanges, dis­cov­er­ies, chal­lenges and delights, all of these have formed the sto­ry of you and of them as well.

But in your expe­ri­ence of your­self, your egoic self-con­scious­ness seems to lead you to the obvi­ous “truth” that you are a “one”, that you are a whol­ly sep­a­rate being or indi­vid­ual. But if you step back and see what has tru­ly hap­pened to make any human, you will find that we have, for­ev­er and ever, made one anoth­er for one anoth­er, so that you and I are much more of a “we” than an I. Our sto­ries live on in one anoth­er, and we are inex­tri­ca­bly part of one anoth­er forever.

Not only do we make our­selves and seek to under­stand our world through our rela­tion­ships with one anoth­er, by our inti­mate expe­ri­ences with one anoth­er, but we extend this col­lec­tive shap­ing of our human­ness by the many sto­ries we have cre­at­ed and embod­ied into the world we have made. Whether by song or in dance, by sculp­ture or paint­ing, in our fic­tion and non-fic­tion, by plays and poet­ry, and through phi­los­o­phy, spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, sci­ence and even­tu­al­ly held in the sacred halls of wis­dom too, we have and will always be find­ing our way on this path of Light by being the sto­ry­tellers for our part in Creation.

And this is why it is so impor­tant for us to share our expe­ri­ences with one anoth­er, so that we might com­pare our find­ings, sto­ries, truths, and beliefs. We can help one anoth­er to dis­cern the truth from our half-truths, the real­i­ty from the illu­sion, and we will see that we can only become human as long as we treat one anoth­er with open­ness and love. Only togeth­er can we dis­cern what is truer from the less true, by shar­ing with one anoth­er, by com­par­ing, con­trast­ing, cor­rect­ing, and affirm­ing what is clos­er to the light of the Love Divine, the light of the One shin­ing through us all.

And as we enter this realm of Wis­dom and Truth, we must equal­ly give thanks to the great­est of us, those who walked these paths of sto­ry­telling long, long ago. For truth was there at the begin­ning and it has been held in trust for all the ages in our jour­ney. We remem­ber and we name them to this very day, from Prometheus, Quet­zal­coatl, Adi­ti, Isis, Lucifer, and Odin, to Con­fu­cius, Bud­dha, Lao Tzu, Zoroast­er, and Pythago­ras, to all those we know and to the many more who worked with­out recog­ni­tion, it is to these shin­ing ones that we give thanks for the Light that you brought into our world.

Yes, at this time in the year, let us give thanks, but also keep faith with their Lov­ing Light. Let us tell our sto­ries to one anoth­er, and may we lis­ten and learn from each oth­er. May we be guid­ed by our own true heart to stay upon the noble path and fol­low the Ways of the Wise Ones. With humil­i­ty and hope, let us repeat the Great Invo­ca­tion that is the sto­ry behind all our sto­ries as we walk the path of Light:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.