Monthly Archives: January 2025

Sun Enters Aquarius (January 19, 2025)

One for all, and all for the One

For the past 30 days you have con­sid­ered the path and pur­pose of your life. It is in the sign of Capri­corn that you meet your des­tiny, as you take the mea­sure of how mas­ter­ful you have become, of how well you have been respon­si­ble in and ful­filled by your achieve­ments and con­tri­bu­tions, revealed in your bear­ing and by your con­duct, shaped and guid­ed into these works of your char­ac­ter. You and “your works” are the self-forged liv­ing tes­ta­ment to your spir­i­tu­al understanding.

After you have reached this sum­mit, once you have done your duty to be your very best, once you have hon­ored, pre­served and passed on what your ances­tors gave to you, after all your tri­als and labors, what will your next step be?

Today you leave the realm of Capri­corn and enter the space of Aquar­ius. At this time every year, and wher­ev­er Aquar­ius is found in your chart, you are remind­ed of what is at the root of every par­ti­cle of Cos­mos, the light ever­last­ing, the spark of the Divine. Behind the whole of Cre­ation is the One, and being a one of the One, your whole nature is divined and defined by the essence of spir­it, which is “to be, by self-becoming”.

So, hav­ing ful­filled your respon­si­bil­i­ties, to your fam­i­ly, to your com­mu­ni­ty, you might indeed won­der, “what comes next, what do I do now?” Ancient teach­ings and wise ones will gen­tly sug­gest, and your very own “voice of the silence” will con­cur, that it is not enough to pro­tect and pre­serve what was made by your ances­tors. The ever­last­ing spir­it of your divine mon­ad was not made, nor can it be held fast by what was. You are part of the jour­ney of Spir­it, and you are here to reach for the unmet promise, to make for the dis­tant hori­zon of the unre­al­ized dream of what you and your world are yet to be.

As much as it was not enough to know and tell the Truth in Sagit­tar­ius, you had to become and live by that Truth in Capri­corn, so too it is not enough to stand for what is right and pre­serve the ways of our ances­tors in Capri­corn. Because you are here to grow beyond what has been, to be the mak­er of a bet­ter you and to make a bet­ter world, for you, for your chil­dren and all who will come after you too.

You are here to reach beyond what was estab­lished and secured by your own efforts, and also by all those who came before you. Aquar­ius is the space where we dream of what might be, of who we might become, and how we will cre­ate and make a bet­ter life for our­selves and for one anoth­er too.

Because, after all, behind all the what’s and why’s of what it means to be human, it all comes down to this…why are you here?

You are here for one sub­lime pur­pose; you are on this beau­ti­ful Earth to become a bet­ter human. You are on the path of awak­en­ing, and it will even­tu­al­ly lead to your self-ful­fill­ment as a ful­ly con­scious co-cre­ator of Cre­ation, what is known as a “freed mon­ad”, where you will no longer be utter­ly bound to the law of karma.

You are on a path that leads to true free­dom, and your pur­pose is to free your­self. But this is also true about the way in which you will become free. You can­not be tru­ly free with­out being the means to free one anoth­er. Because your self-ful­fill­ment and your free­dom can only be real­ized by means of and through one anoth­er. This is the one true path of the liv­ing spir­it; we are all part of a bright shin­ing com­mu­ni­ty of light and love.

This is the Truth of Aquar­ius; that you are only what you are because you are part of a great com­pa­ny, a sacred fel­low­ship, a band of broth­ers and sis­ters who are seek­ing to cre­ate a bet­ter future. You are here to help one anoth­er to be the very means by which your dreams come true, your hap­pi­ness made real in them, and theirs in you.

This is the spark of the divine held by Aquar­ius. That you are part of a great human fel­low­ship, a great fam­i­ly of souls. The dream of human­i­ty can only be ful­filled through one anoth­er, because you are for­ev­er inex­tri­ca­bly made by and for one anoth­er, by your fel­low­ships and friend­ships, by your dream­ing and doing and lov­ing one another.

You are here for one rea­son, to become a bet­ter human.
You are on a path of awak­en­ing that leads to true freedom.
Your pur­pose is to free your­self, as you equal­ly do this for one anoth­er too.

We will be what we dream, and we will become what we were des­tined to be.

Because we are “One for all, and all for the One”.