Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2025)

The Great­est Gift

And in the end…”

Today you enter the last month in the Astro­log­i­cal cal­en­dar, and always at this time of the year, and for­ev­er form­ing a quin­tes­sen­tial part of your nature too, we cel­e­brate the gift of Pisces, which holds one of the most pre­cious jew­els in the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones.

Tru­ly, all of the signs of the Zodi­ac are present in every­thing and at all times, as they form and inform every­one and every par­ti­cle of Cre­ation. The Zodi­ac is a fun­da­men­tal foun­da­tion for the whole of Cre­ation, form­ing what is known as the Design-Body or the mas­ter Aura of Cre­ation. It is this Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones which holds the Twelve Cre­ative Hier­ar­chies that are found through­out all of the realms and dimen­sions of this Universe.

How does this work? Every­thing and every­one are formed with­in their own aura or elec­tro-mag­net­ic field or Zodi­ac, which is then equal­ly aligned to and informed for us here by the aura or Zodi­ac of the Earth. And the Earth in turn is aligned and informed by the aura for our Solar Sys­tem, and then to our Galaxy and so on.

In effect, what we feel with­in and all around us are these wheels revolv­ing with­in wheels, vor­tices of ener­gy-forms danc­ing with­in greater vor­tices. Because Cre­ation is the dance of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness, we can under­stand that what hap­pens here on Earth is aligned, informed and inspired with all that hap­pens “up there”, which is why  we say “as above, so below”, because the whole of Cre­ation is held, shaped and guid­ed by the Lords of Light behind it all, these spi­ral­ing vor­tex­es that form the dance of the Zodi­ac, the dance of Life and Creation.

These twelve cre­ative hier­ar­chies of spir­it pro­vide the vehi­cles for the release of that which is behind the whole of Cre­ation, which is the Will, Love and Mind of the One. And because this is so, no mat­ter where you are, no mat­ter with whom you jour­ney now, you are always and will remain with­in your holy of holies, because you are held in the divine and uncon­di­tion­al love of the One at the cen­ter of us all.

But while all these Lords of Cre­ation are omni present and active, there is an arc to the unfold­ment in all the realms and beings of Cre­ation. There are times of incep­tion or begin­nings, peri­ods for hold­ings or cul­mi­na­tion, and times for end­ings or tran­si­tion; here too is the cir­cle of life, the dawns, the bright noon days and evening times too.

It is here at the last sign of clo­sure that you will reach the great­est source of peace. Much as you have found illu­mi­na­tion by the air sign of Gem­i­ni, or in the earth sign of Vir­go, or through the fire of Sagit­tar­ius, here you seek by the “way of water” to be at peace. Because this is the gift that comes from all of the water signs, to con­nect and to hold all as one. It is through the waters of spir­it that you move beyond the bounds of mind, so that you might feel and intu­it some­thing more, to lis­ten to the gen­tle whis­per­ings of the immor­tal with­in you, to per­ceive beyond any lim­it of ordi­nary thought or mind, to dream and dis­cov­er some greater under­stand­ing of the mean­ing and pur­pose of your life.

What are you? Your soul will answer; you are a being of Light danc­ing through mor­tal realms. Why are you here? You are here to fol­low the ever­last­ing call of spir­it, and to become what you are meant to be, a ful­ly con­scious co-cre­ator of Cre­ation. Each and every sign that forms and informs you pro­vides part of the answer, but it is here at “the end that is the begin­ning” you may mas­ter the mys­tery and find the key behind it all.

What you will feel and know is this, that you are made of the Ever­last­ing Light, Divine Eter­nal Love. This means that your true nature is not fixed nor is it lim­it­ed, it is ulti­mate­ly not bound to be fat­ed or unfree. You are spir­it danc­ing through mor­tal realms, made of Love and Light unfold­ing through a series of bod­ies and lives that began at the dawn of Creation.

You are the “ever becom­ing”, a resplen­dent spark of the Divine, whose jour­ney through the stars, as you wan­der and won­der in these Hous­es of the Holy, means that you will become ever more, for­ev­er and ever, a being filled with the Light of a Liv­ing Faith that is found­ed and forged in the Uncon­di­tion­al Love of the One.

But then you might won­der, and ask how this can be true, if I am tru­ly made of this divine love, why must I suf­fer, why must we suf­fer, why?

Because you, and the entire­ty of cre­ation are part of a hier­ar­chy of Cre­ation, with many lev­els of self-real­iza­tion; it is a jour­ney of self-becom­ing through many forms and count­less lives, unfold­ing from less per­fect forms to more sub­lime real­iza­tions. Yes, the high­est part of you, your Mon­ad of the Divine, is the “per­fect” part of you. It holds your quin­tes­sence, the most pre­cious and high­est part, what is called the jew­el in the lotus, the spark of the divine at the head of a hier­ar­chy of ener­gy-forms or bod­ies that form you and indeed all of cre­ation. It is this Divine Light, this Love that is the Divine, that shines in every par­ti­cle and mote of Cre­ation, and in your human form it has been formed into a vehi­cle with a mind and a heart, by intel­li­gence and love, so that you can under­stand and care for one anoth­er and for this Cre­ation too.

You exist in many bod­ies or dimen­sions, some of which are more devel­oped, and some are less so. You are a host of forms which can be under­stood as arranged from the dens­est to the more ethe­re­al, rang­ing from your phys­i­cal ener­gy-forms to your emo­tion­al ener­gy-forms, and then men­tal ener­gy-forms, and final­ly your High­er Mon­ad or Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gy-Form. The whole of Cre­ation is this unfold­ment of beings, forged by “com­bi­na­tion­al-trans­for­ma­tion­al” or Alche­my, and for you, each and every one of these “bod­ies” is part of and forms your own per­son­al jour­ney of becom­ing. It is like your very own solar sys­tem, with your spark of the divine being like a Star.

Even­tu­al­ly, you will become a ful­ly formed human through all these less­er bod­ies, but they too will be equal­ly uplift­ed to high­er forms by you; and it is by this dance of spir­it that you help one anoth­er with­in your­self, as you equal­ly help all those with whom you jour­ney, to remain upon the lumi­nous path of per­fec­tion, in this life, and in life after life after life.

The spe­cial gift of Pisces, which like all your gifts are held in the Divine that is with­in you, is this quin­tes­sen­tial pow­er by which you redeem your past and forge your future. It is the pow­er of Cre­ation itself. It is the ever-abid­ing source of true Faith, found­ed and forged by the light of Uncon­di­tion­al Love. What are you? You are the dream­er, who has made what you are today by what you dreamt and did before. What you will be tomor­row is not fixed or writ­ten in the stars. It is your price­less gift of being a dream­er that makes pos­si­ble the cre­ation of a bet­ter future for you, day after day, life after life.

Pisces holds the truth of how to live with­out fear, by hold­ing to your faith. Your true source of faith is found in your abil­i­ty to redeem your past and make your future. You are here to learn from your errors of omis­sion or com­mis­sion, to try, to fail, and to try to do bet­ter. The path of becom­ing involves chal­lenges and suf­fer­ing, which are nec­es­sary for growth and learn­ing. This is the great law of Kar­ma, of spir­i­tu­al jus­tice, where your actions lead to cor­re­spond­ing out­comes. It is by learn­ing to make ever more lov­ing, car­ing, and truth­ful choic­es that you forge a char­ac­ter of self-mas­tery and wisdom.

Yes, each sign holds a most spe­cial truth, about what makes you, you. The great­est, the most awe­some pow­er and respon­si­bil­i­ty that you have is this, that what you are and how you are and why you are is because you are the “cre­ator of you”. All that you think, and all that you feel, and all that you do, it is this that will make the future you.

You have the gift of choice; you have the pow­er to dream and to cre­ate a bet­ter you and a bet­ter world.  Yes, it is at the end of every day, and at the end of each life’s jour­ney, your har­vest of under­stand­ing forms your seed of the next. Still, you may need some reas­sur­ance about your pur­pose, of how and why you are here. From deep with­in your soul, and also held in ancient teach­ings too, you will both feel and know that you are part of a larg­er cos­mic order, your self-aware­ness forg­ing your faith, of being the cre­ator of you. It is this very self-aware­ness, this Divine with­in you, it is this force that cre­ates cre­ation, and you will become more tru­ly a con­scious co-cre­ator of Creation.

The Law of Cre­ation is per­fect; by divine light you are guid­ed to a lov­ing pur­pose to help one anoth­er to grow in wis­dom and by love. The ulti­mate truth is found here in Pisces, that all beings are part of the light divine and all of life is the body of the One. By liv­ing in truth, the uni­ty and inter­con­nect­ed­ness with­in all of cre­ation, you are a one of the One, for you were made by love to be this love.

As it was at the begin­ning, so too here at anoth­er end, “the love you receive is equal to the love you create”.

May the grace of the One be with you now and may the light and love that made you shine forth like the star that you are.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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