Author Archives: Bill Attride

About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

Sun Enters Virgo (August 22, 2024)

Virgo, by Jack Baddeley

The Great Work 

What is the rea­son you are here; what is your pur­pose here on the Earth, and what is your des­tiny? Some of the great­est minds have pon­dered these fun­da­men­tal ques­tions, as they wres­tled with the mean­ing of life, and what will be our fate.

For me, the Ancient Teach­ings, and with­in those teach­ings the lessons brought to us by the gift of Astrol­o­gy, point to the answer for these mysteries.

Why are we here; what is our pur­pose on Earth? It is real­ly so sim­ple, and yet so awful­ly hard, we are sim­ply here to learn to be bet­ter humans. In life after life, we encounter oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges, and each Zodi­a­cal Sign holds part of the answer as to how we should and will make our des­tiny, by the man­ner in which we meet each moment, one after the other.

In Aries we learn the les­son of pres­ence itself, of the pow­er of our atti­tude as we encounter each moment in the eter­nal now. In Tau­rus we learn the les­son of val­ue, of how all of Cre­ation is made from Divine Love, as we learn to live by love with one anoth­er. In Gem­i­ni we open our minds to the won­der of Cre­ation so that we may learn how to live as intel­li­gent cre­ators. In Can­cer we reach deep into the roots of our feel­ing nature so that we may be guid­ed to care for one anoth­er. In Leo we see the light of the divine in each oth­er as we are led by love to respect and hon­or one another.

Now we have arrived at anoth­er turn­ing in these, “songs of the spir­it”. At this time every year, and always and for­ev­er a most inte­gral part of your nature too, we turn to the gift that is held by the Sign we know as Vir­go. In Vir­go we observe, adjust, cor­rect and improve our­selves, because in order to grow there must be change, and our growth must be guid­ed by atten­tive intel­li­gence to the need to live a life of inte­gral bal­ance with one anoth­er and our world.

The gifts of Vir­go are clar­i­ty and focus, as we bring a crit­i­cal eye to our­selves, to our world and to one anoth­er. By our ser­vice and ded­i­ca­tion through all of our works in the world, from the most menial of tasks to the most mean­ing­ful sac­ri­fices, we strive to be bet­ter, to become bet­ter, to be that bet­ter human we are des­tined to be.

Yes, it is in this most spe­cial space of Vir­go, it is in this time and in this place where we seek and may find what we have always want­ed. Wise ones know that what­ev­er we may wish for or desire, what­ev­er it is that we think might make us hap­py and con­tent, what­ev­er that might be, there is no way to expe­ri­ence any form of hap­pi­ness with­out what you will find here in Virgo.

And what do you seek and what will you find in Vir­go? The great­est gift of Vir­go is to find your way to be at peace, to live as we were meant to be, which is to live in beau­ty and har­mo­ny with our world and with one anoth­er. It is by your self-cor­rec­tion and improve­ment, through your refine­ment and ser­vice, it is by this great work that you ele­vate your con­scious­ness and your actions so that you may live in beau­ty with­in your­self and with one anoth­er too.

Yes, in Vir­go you walk the path of self-mas­tery, sac­ri­fice and self­less­ness, of ded­i­ca­tion and grace to the great work of becom­ing a bet­ter human, and you will do well to remem­ber these words of wis­dom so that you will live your life as it was meant to be:

As I walk, as I walk

The Uni­verse is walk­ing with me

In beau­ty, it walks before me

In beau­ty, it walks behind me

In beau­ty, it walks below me

In beau­ty, it walks above me

Beau­ty is on every side

Sur­round­ed by Beauty

Liv­ing in Beauty

Lov­ing in Beauty

May you walk in Beauty

May you live in Beauty

For all your days

May you be at Peace

Sur­round­ed by Beauty

It is done.

2024–8‑11 Radio Show Transcript — The 2024 US Presidential Election, Kamala Harris-Donald Trump

The 2024 US Pres­i­den­tial Elec­tion, Kamala Har­ris and Don­ald Trump (August 11, 2024)

(If you wish to lis­ten to the show instead, here is the link on BlogTalk or Apple Pod­casts

I did a radio show back in 2019, and anoth­er in 2020 on Kamala Har­ris. In the first episode she was a Pres­i­den­tial can­di­date, and in the sec­ond I was ana­lyz­ing her chart as Joe Biden’s run­ning mate. But now that she is the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Pres­i­den­tial can­di­date for 2024, and Tim Walz is her Vice-Pres­i­den­tial pick, I knew we would all want to take a fresh look at our cur­rent con­di­tions, and in par­tic­u­lar take a look at Kamala’s chart and com­pare it to Don­ald Trump’s.

I will do a sum­ma­ry of Har­ris’ chart and com­pare that with a sum­ma­ry on Trump’s chart. Then I will look at the cur­rent con­di­tions in Har­ris’ chart and com­pare that with the influ­ences pre­vail­ing in Trump’s chart.

When read­ing a chart, it is impor­tant to remain open and curi­ous, to hold one­self with­in a holis­tic or inclu­sive obser­va­tion­al frame­work. What this means is that even though we will imme­di­ate­ly notice someone’s Sun sign, and their Moon sign and Ris­ing Sign, and we will cer­tain­ly ascer­tain a great deal from just these three indi­ca­tors, it is impor­tant to step back and look for an over­all pat­tern, an encom­pass­ing mean­ing­ful­ness of the chart. What we look for are what we call plan­e­tary pat­terns, cer­tain­ly an over­ar­ch­ing pat­tern that all the plan­ets may form with one anoth­er, and also to the indi­vid­ual pat­terns or for­ma­tions with­in the whole chart. And it is from such an over­all pat­tern or impres­sion that we are able to dis­cern a person’s basic type, some­thing that forms their spir­i­tu­al con­sti­tu­tion and their approach to life in general.

For Kamala, the over­ar­ch­ing pat­tern of her chart is what we call an Hour-Glass or a See Saw pat­tern. This is formed when there are a num­ber of plan­ets in one sec­tion of the chart, and then there is anoth­er gath­er­ing of plan­ets across from the oth­er, and then between those filled in areas there are no plan­ets what­so­ev­er. This cre­ates a deep aware­ness or con­scious­ness of oppo­site and con­trast­ing points of view, of expe­ri­enc­ing the world as diverse and com­plex, and espe­cial­ly see­ing our human world as formed by oppos­ing views which can lead to con­flicts between one side and anoth­er. Because of this, Kamala is able to under­stand one side of a ques­tion, and also the oth­er side (or sides), and so when she is work­ing at her best, her desire and inten­tion is to find the way to bring about under­stand­ing between one side and anoth­er, to rec­on­cile the oppo­sites if pos­si­ble. Often that is found by find­ing a “third way”, which blends some of each into a more inte­gral approach to the issues or prob­lems being faced. Kamala’s chal­lenge and her gift is to stand “in the mid­dle”, to see the good and the less than good on either side of the issue, and try, if pos­si­ble, to find a way beyond con­flict. Kamala will strive to bring peo­ple and groups togeth­er to forge agree­ments by build­ing bridges of mutu­al understanding.

Kamala is a Libra, with her Moon in Aries, and she has Gem­i­ni as her Ris­ing Sign. Though that com­bi­na­tion does cre­ate a very strong and ide­al­is­tic per­sona, she also has a num­ber of plan­ets in Earth signs, includ­ing her ruler Venus in Vir­go and Jupiter in Tau­rus, which togeth­er help to forge a more prag­mat­ic approach from her val­ues and sense of truth, lead­ing her to a real­is­tic appli­ca­tion for her ide­al­ism. As a Libra she wants to work towards coop­er­a­tion and under­stand­ing, but no one should mis­take her as being over-accom­mo­dat­ing. After all, she has the plan­et Mars, the plan­et of the war­rior, in Leo, and it is also her ris­ing plan­et, which means Mars will lead her through life. This makes her a fight­er (Mars) for hon­or and respect (Leo), a leader who seeks to leads by inspi­ra­tion and exam­ple. The chal­lenge posed by her Mars, is that Kamala will have to mod­u­late her assertive, mar­tial nature so that she does not come off as too aggres­sive. Though this served her well as a pros­e­cu­tor, it would have to be tem­pered in the pub­lic space of pol­i­tics. I do believe that her more joy­ful demeanor and laugh­ter now indi­cates that she is chan­nel­ing her war­rior spir­it, but she is doing it with a sense of humor too.

At the very top of her chart Kamala has Sat­urn, in the sign of Aquar­ius. Sat­urn rep­re­sents the test in one’s life, which by fac­ing and over­com­ing that spir­i­tu­al chal­lenge will reward that indi­vid­ual by becom­ing one of their most impor­tant strengths and deeply shape their char­ac­ter. Sat­urn in Aquar­ius is the test of social con­scious­ness and con­science, and by align­ing one’s own dreams with the com­mu­ni­ty, state or nation, a per­son can be a leader of social change and jus­tice. And Sat­urn in the 9th house is the test of Truth. Here a per­son is chal­lenged to con­tin­ue to strive to under­stand, to real­ize the jour­ney to truth is not about com­ing to a des­ti­na­tion, but it is instead formed by a series of epipha­nies, which leads the soul to expand their under­stand­ing to encom­pass­ing many approach­es to truth, to find the com­mon threads behind all sci­ences, philoso­phies and religions.

I have exam­ined Don­ald Trump’s chart many times, but I will sum­ma­rize his chart now just as I did for Kamala Har­ris. The over­ar­ch­ing pat­tern for Trump is what astrologer’s call a Bowl or Hemi­spher­ic pat­tern. All plan­ets fall with­in rough­ly 180 degrees, fill­ing one half of the chart, and the oth­er half has no plan­ets what­so­ev­er. This pat­tern fos­ters a high degree of self-con­tain­ment and inde­pen­dence, cre­at­ing a spe­cial sense of mis­sion or pur­pose in life. Often the indi­vid­ual does not need much social inter­ac­tion, as their own posi­tion or point of view is para­mount. The plan­et that is the lead­ing edge of this pat­tern forms the way they meet with the world. For Trump, this lead­ing plan­et is also the upper­most plan­et in his chart, and it is right next to his Sun and oppo­site his Moon. That sig­na­ture plan­et for Trump is the plan­et Uranus. Uranus is the plan­et of indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and free­dom, and giv­en its promi­nence in Trump’s chart, he cer­tain­ly sees him­self as a unique indi­vid­ual, and his pur­pose is to be a break­er of icons and norms.

Don­ald is a Gem­i­ni with his Moon in Sagit­tar­ius, and he has Leo Ris­ing. Like Kamala, Trump has a very strong and ide­al­is­tic per­sona, but unlike Kamala he does not have any Earthy plan­ets to bal­ance out or tem­per his ide­al­ism. The com­bi­na­tion of his Gem­i­ni Sun with the Sagit­tar­i­an Moon makes Don­ald a very curi­ous and rest­less indi­vid­ual, who swings back and forth between one posi­tion and then anoth­er, mak­ing him flex­i­ble and pli­able, a mer­cu­r­ial nature with a con­stant stream of thoughts, notions and sup­po­si­tions. And, inter­est­ing­ly, just like Kamala, Don­ald has the plan­et Mars in Leo, and giv­en its place­ment just inside his 12th house, it also func­tions as one of his Ris­ing plan­ets too. This means Trump is a fight­er too, but with Mars in his 12th house, he prefers to act as a sac­ri­fi­cial hero, and often works behind the cur­tain, cov­er­ing up his true aims or intentions.

It is very inter­est­ing to note, that two fac­tors shared by many pres­i­dents in US his­to­ry, is either hav­ing Mars as the ris­ing plan­et, for 20% of all pres­i­dents, or Mars in Leo, for 26% of all pres­i­dents. Admit­ted­ly, it is a small sam­ple of only 42 indi­vid­u­als, but the fact that Kamala and Trump have both means something.

But there is anoth­er plan­et that one could argue func­tions as anoth­er ris­ing plan­et for Trump, because we can cer­tain­ly observe that it plays a sig­nif­i­cant role in the per­sona he projects to the world, and that plan­et is Nep­tune. Nep­tune is the plan­et of dreams, of imag­i­na­tion and fan­ta­sy, of inspi­ra­tions and delu­sions. When Nep­tune is ris­ing, and many movie stars have had this fea­ture, you can play many or any roles, because the audi­ence finds it easy to project their dreams upon you, so that in effect, that per­son acts like a mir­ror and becomes the bear­er of oth­ers dreams or fears. And not only does Don­ald have Nep­tune ris­ing, but it exact­ly squares the ruler of Gem­i­ni, Mer­cury, and so it is very much inte­gral to the way he thinks and com­mu­ni­cates. But anoth­er fea­ture of Nep­tune, which rules the sign of Pisces, is to take on the role of sav­ior or mar­tyr, to play the hero or the vic­tim. That cer­tain­ly fits the per­sona of Trump, who swings between the van­quish­ing hero and the vic­tim of a world that is out to get him.

Now let us look at the major plan­e­tary indi­ca­tors in Kamala’s and Donald’s charts. When con­sid­er­ing any chart, I first take a look at two indi­ca­tors in order to get a quick sense of what is hap­pen­ing in any individual’s life. One indi­ca­tor is the posi­tion of their pro­gressed Moon, (sign and house) and the oth­er is the house posi­tion of Sat­urn, and the aspects it is form­ing with the ele­ments of their chart.

For Kamala, her pro­gressed Moon has been mov­ing through her 1st house since July 2023 and it will enter the 2nd house by Decem­ber 2024, and it has been in the sign of Can­cer since Decem­ber 2023, where it will remain until Novem­ber 2025. The pro­gressed Moon in the 1st house is a time when you re-present your­self to the world, when you take on a new role, a new iden­ti­ty, and you lean into and devel­op a new­er form of the pow­er of your pres­ence in the world. When it moves into the 2nd house, you focus on your strengths and val­ues, and you are tasked with apply­ing your fac­ul­ties in ever more mean­ing­ful ways in the world. When the pro­gressed Moon is in Can­cer, it is a time to re-cen­ter your­self, to become more in touch with your feel­ings, and so be able to equal­ly con­nect in more mean­ing­ful ways with oth­er peo­ple. You more deeply con­nect to your roots and ori­gins, and by exten­sion find the way to con­nect to oth­er peo­ple with regards to their needs for nur­tur­ing and secu­ri­ty too.

From 2021 to 2023, Kamala had Sat­urn mov­ing through her 9th house (which is where it is locat­ed in her birth chart). When Sat­urn is mov­ing through the 9th, you are going on an inner and out­er jour­ney to deep­en and extend your expe­ri­ence of the truth, whether that be cul­tur­al, sci­en­tif­ic, reli­gious or spir­i­tu­al truths, or usu­al­ly a com­bi­na­tion of them all. By clar­i­fy­ing your truth, and more deeply align­ing your­self to what guides and moti­vates you, you are in effect prepar­ing for what comes next, which is Sat­urn in the 10th house, the Test of Respon­si­bil­i­ty. Sat­urn entered Kamala’s 10th house in 2023 and will remain there until 2026. This is the cli­mac­tic moment in her life, where every­thing she has done since Sat­urn began it cycle through her chart, that is when it entered her 1st house in 2002–2004, then ful­ly com­mit­ting to her path with Sat­urn in the 4th house in 2008-10, and final­ly mov­ing out into an even more pub­lic life when Sat­urn entered her 7th house in 2017–19, so that now all that she has done and pre­pared her­self for is ready to be ful­ly real­ized. Now she will feel the weight of respon­si­bil­i­ty, and if she has pre­pared her­self, she will receive acknowl­edge­ment from the world that she is ready to ful­fill her duty.

With just these two indi­ca­tors, the pro­gressed Moon and the tran­sit­ing Sat­urn, mov­ing through these angu­lar hous­es, it cer­tain­ly would seem that the stars have aligned for Kamala. But there are oth­er indi­ca­tors that are also favor­ing her at this time. Most sig­nif­i­cant­ly, Kamala was born with her Sun trin­ing her Sat­urn, which forges and deep under­stand­ing of how the world works, and how one can and should work towards ful­fill­ing your duty as an author­i­ty in the world. In pro­gres­sions, the Sun moves about 1 degree per year in a chart, and it is pre­cise­ly this year, when she is 60 years old, that her pro­gressed Sun is now form­ing a sex­tile to her Sat­urn, which brings to fruition her potential.

Then with regards to oth­er major tran­sits, 2024 is the year when the plan­et Uranus is con­junct her Jupiter, the plan­et of benev­o­lence, of being jovial, of good for­tune and growth. Uranus brings the unex­pect­ed, like a door sud­den­ly open­ing. Kamala was pre­pared to be a vice-pres­i­dent again, but Uranus came along, and anoth­er door opened, sud­den good for­tune, and just as sud­den­ly, joyful.

Now let’s look at those two prin­ci­pal fac­tors in Don­ald Trump’s chart, the pro­gressed Moon and tran­sit­ing Sat­urn. For Don­ald, his pro­gressed Moon has been mov­ing through the 3rd house of his chart from 2023 and will remain there until 2026. When the Moon is mov­ing through this house you are being asked to work on your means of gath­er­ing data or infor­ma­tion, of pro­cess­ing infor­ma­tion, and then of trans­mit­ting it. What you will feel like is that you are sort of “back in school”, and you need to put your think­ing cap on and reex­am­ine the world around you and adjust your under­stand­ing and mes­sag­ing about it. Basi­cal­ly, it is like going through a series of intel­li­gence tests, and if you can adapt and grow you will do well. But if you refuse to change your approach and mes­sage, you will prob­a­bly become more dis­so­ci­at­ed from the world around you. This is, after all, the nat­ur­al house of Gem­i­ni, and Trump should be able to piv­ot and retool his think­ing now. But from all the evi­dence so far this year, he is still say­ing the same things, in the same ways, and it is not reach­ing that wider audi­ence he will need to win.

Mean­while, his pro­gressed Moon had been in Libra from Sep­tem­ber 2021 until Jan­u­ary 2024, but it is now mov­ing through Scor­pio (until 2026). When­ev­er the Moon is in Scor­pio, you are going to expe­ri­ence a far high­er range of feel­ings and emo­tions, much high­er highs and much deep­er lows. Scor­pio is the sign of Union, of birth, death and rebirth. The long­ing for the indi­vid­ual at this time is for a renew­al, and a deep­er con­nec­tion with­in one­self and to oth­ers. The fear that must be faced is rejec­tion and loss, and the very fear of death itself. What­ev­er hap­pens to Don­ald at this time, he is going to react more strong­ly, and if he does not face his fears he will not fare well.

From 2020 to 2023, Don­ald had Sat­urn mov­ing through his 6th house, the house that rules the order­ing of one’s life, your lifestyle and way of work­ing, of your health and the need for adjust­ment and heal­ing. I call this house the house of suf­fer­ing, because we suf­fer when we become unable to adapt, and we are attached to ways of being that were nev­er or are no longer good for us. We suf­fer, not as a thing unto itself, rather suf­fer­ing is nature’s way of say­ing “move away from this pain”, so that we will let go and grow, and become bet­ter. And if we do this, we are ready for what the next house will bring to us, the 7th house which is the house of rela­tion­ships and our rela­tion­ship to the world.

For 2023, 2024 and the begin­ning of 2025, Don­ald has Sat­urn in the 7th house of rela­tion­ship. Just as in Kamala’s chart, this is one of the four angles of the chart, and indi­cates a change in one’s rela­tion­ship with the world. If Trump has made the prop­er adjust­ments dur­ing Saturn’s pas­sage through the 6th house, then he should be pre­pared to face the tests and oppor­tu­ni­ties of more mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ships now. But if he has not released from his attach­ments that have caused him to suf­fer, then that will become evi­dent to the larg­er world as Sat­urn moves through his 7th house now.

For 2024, while Sat­urn is mov­ing through the 7th house it is form­ing a square to that most sig­nif­i­cant plan­et in Donald’s chart, the plan­et Uranus in his 10th house of the pub­lic life. This means he is fac­ing a great chal­lenge and dif­fi­cul­ty bal­anc­ing out his need to be dif­fer­ent (Uranus) and his need to be respon­si­ble (Sat­urn). Often this com­bi­na­tion of Sat­urn and Uranus can cre­ate a very tense peri­od, with upsets and frus­tra­tions as the chal­lenge to make nec­es­sary changes is thwart­ed by one’s own inabil­i­ty to change, or by oth­er peo­ple who are the source of the resis­tance and/or the source of the pres­sure to change what­ev­er he is resisting.

The oth­er major fac­tor in Donald’s chart this year is being brough to bear by that very sin­gu­lar plan­et for him, Uranus. Dur­ing 2024, Uranus is mov­ing back and forth over the cusp of his 10th house, and at the same time Uranus is squar­ing his Mars. I spoke about this in my show on Jan­u­ary 28, 2024, when I pre­viewed the 2024 elec­tion, with Trump and Biden as the can­di­dates. I not­ed then that with the immi­nent return of Uranus’ posi­tion in Donald’s chart, he would expe­ri­ence shocks, both pleas­ant and unpleas­ant, that Uranus brings into our lives. The chal­lenges of Uranus are meant to free us from our self-lim­i­ta­tions, to move us towards a more tru­ly indi­vid­u­at­ed expe­ri­ence of our­selves and our world. If we are here to grow, then we are here to change, to evolve, to become what our pur­pose of Earth is all about, which is to become a bet­ter human.

If you respond to the winds of change by resist­ing, you may suc­ceed if you are main­tain­ing core val­ues and prin­ci­ples. But if you are resist­ing because of fear, then your world­view and you will begin to crack and per­haps even shat­ter. Trump was pre­pared to com­pete against Biden, and it looked to many as if he would suc­ceed. Then Uranus lined up with Trump’s Mars; the unex­pect­ed hap­pened, Biden bowed out. This is, in Trump’s world­view, incom­pre­hen­si­ble, that some­one would walk away from pow­er? He was stunned, and he cer­tain­ly has not, as yet, recov­ered and respond­ed to this Uran­ian turn of events. And while Uranus is squar­ing Donald’s Mars so as to make him act even more errat­i­cal­ly, Uranus is form­ing a con­junc­tion to Kamala’s Jupiter which is open­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for her.

Giv­en recent events and cur­rent con­di­tions and con­sid­er­ing the over­all influ­ences pre­vail­ing in Kamala’s and Donald’s charts this year, it seems very like­ly that the next pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States will be Kamala Harris.

I think in my next show we will con­sid­er the larg­er forces at work in the world, as we seem to be at an inflec­tion point in many respects. We will cer­tain­ly talk more about the USA elec­tion, but also cast a wider net on the trends in the USA and the world. The winds of the spir­it are stir­ring, and we need to be atten­tive if we want to be pre­pared to meet the moment.

Astrological Musings — The 2024 US Presidential Election, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump (August 11, 2024)

This will be our sixth show of 2024. I think you will agree, that giv­en the series of events since our last show in ear­ly June, we need to take anoth­er look at the USA 2024 Pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. I will exam­ine the charts of Kamala Har­ris and Don­ald Trump, and con­sid­er the influ­ences present in their charts for 2024. And ‚if time per­mits, also con­sid­er their Vice-Pres­i­dents, Tim Walz and JD Vance.

If you wish to sug­gest a sub­ject or top­ic for a future show, please email me as I would be hap­py to hear from you. My email is:

Here is the main link to Astrologer Bill Attride Radio:

Here is the link to the show on Sun­day August 11th @ 2 pm EDT:–2024

The phone num­ber to call if you wish to ask a ques­tion dur­ing the live show is: (516) 531‑9638.

Please join me on Sun­day August 11th @ 2 pm EDT as we look at the cur­rent astro­log­i­cal indi­ca­tions and what they mean for you.

If you miss the show, it will be avail­able as a Pod­cast short­ly after on BlogTalk or my Apple Pod­casts.

Sun Enters Leo (July 22, 2024)

The Heart of a Lion

In the year­ly jour­ney around our star, we have fin­ished the first of the three acts that are shaped by the four ele­ments of life. We have tak­en the leap into Fire that is Aries, we have touched the Earth in Tau­rus, we have flown into the Air by Gem­i­ni, and we have plunged down into the Water that is Cancer.

It is by Fire that we find our inspi­ra­tions, and by Earth that we expe­ri­ence our man­i­fes­ta­tions, and by Air that we reach for our under­stand­ings, and by Water that we make our­selves whole. Now it is time for you to begin once again, to turn the page of life and lis­ten to the Fire that is the light of your soul.

For the past 30 days, you have fol­lowed your feel­ings, as you dipped your cup into the well of mem­o­ry and remem­brance, you felt the car­ing of the roots that made you, that hold you, and secure you, and which will ever point you towards your des­tiny in the stars. It is our com­mon fate and for­tune, for one and for all, to feel these con­nec­tions stretch­ing back to the begin­nings of cre­ation and down to this present day. For the Spir­it with­in us is like a rib­bon of light made by love, which we most per­son­al­ly expe­ri­ence in the care and love of moth­er and father, grand­fa­ther and grand­moth­er, of our sis­ters and broth­ers, held as we are in the love that made us and forms the chord of life to our ever­last­ing spark of the divine.

For the next 30 days, and for­ev­er and ever in your own nature too, you are inspired by the Spir­i­tu­al Fire of Leo that begins this sec­ond act of life. The Fire of Leo is of a fixed nature, it is pur­pose­ful, deter­mined and stead­fast. Here the Spir­i­tu­al Fire becomes focused and res­olute, shin­ing and affirm­ing the eter­nal val­ues that forged and form the Uni­verse. For humans, these eter­nal val­ues behind Cre­ation are revealed by your con­duct, when­ev­er you stride upon the stages of life, it will be by hon­or, in respect and through love for one another.

You hon­or your­self when you show con­sid­er­a­tion to your fel­low humans (and all oth­er life-forms too); you earn the respect you seek when you treat those before you as they are, just like you, a spark of the divine; and you feel the love that is your true nature when you love who­ev­er is before you as you are made to love, unconditionally.

For just as in your heart, and in the heart of our star, so it is true of every par­ti­cle and being of Cre­ation, at the cen­ter of one and of all, there is the spark of the Divine which is pure uncon­di­tion­al love. It is the foun­tain-source of the song that is Cre­ation, and so you must be what you are, you are a cre­ator too.

When you align your man­ner and pur­pos­es to your own spark of the divine, then the song of what­ev­er you cre­ate rings “true”, it feels authen­tic to you and is wel­comed by oth­ers who respect and hon­or the gift of your con­tri­bu­tion to the greater song that is life.

It is by Leo that you will strive to bring out the best from your­self; and it is by your exam­ple that you will inspire oth­ers, so that they will find with­in them­selves the courage to be their bet­ter selves too, to stretch beyond the ordi­nary and become a star among the stars, singing our songs of Creation.

This this is true mean­ing of lead­er­ship; it is not about direct­ing or order­ing anoth­er to do this or that, no that is not lead­er­ship, that is con­trol. Lead­er­ship is about being a light for one anoth­er, so that we encour­age one anoth­er to be bet­ter than we were before. We are here to inspire one anoth­er so that the light of the One beams from their eyes, and their love and laugh­ter and joy of being part of the mar­vel of becom­ing, it is this which makes real the des­tiny that we all will reach some­day, to become as we came from, to be a bright and shin­ing star.

We do not need, nor should we look for lead­ers who tell us what to do; we need only to look with­in our­selves and feel the light of love that is there, and then look to those who inspire us with the light of love with­in them too.

It is in Leo that we can see one anoth­er for who and what we real­ly are, to know the truth that is held in your heart which is Love of the One, which is the heart of the Lion.

Be fear­less, be respect­ful, be loving.

Be one with the Lion and let your heart soar.

Sun Enters Cancer (June 20, 2024)

What is the cen­ter of you?

Today we move through one of the four por­tals of the Zodi­ac, one of four car­di­nal realms in this Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, who are the Lords of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. And when­ev­er you move through one of these car­di­nal signs, you are guid­ed and inspired to find the way to your true self.

Now you enter the sacred space of Can­cer, that most spe­cial realm where you feel your way to the cen­ter of your being. Here you go inward, so that you may remain cen­tered in your truth and draw upon the many sources that form your jour­ney through time and space. But what will you find as you go to the root of you, exact­ly what is at the cen­ter of you?

Your cen­ter is forged in the sto­ry of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness, it is the sto­ry of Cre­ation, and it is the Life of the One. You and the entire­ty of Cre­ation are essen­tial­ly formed of Spir­it, you are a spark of the Divine, a Light made of Love.

Guid­ing this unfold­ing sto­ry of the One is the Zodi­ac, which is real­ly the fun­da­men­tal field of ener­gy-forms that form the Design Body of the Uni­verse. This field of ener­gy-forms cre­ates what we under­stand as the sub­tle body for all beings in the uni­verse, whether they be an atom, mol­e­cule, organ­ism, plan­et, star or galaxy. The signs of the Zodi­ac are the Twelve Dimen­sions of the One and only Spirit.

There is a very real hier­ar­chy in Cre­ation, from the most infin­i­tes­i­mal of par­ti­cles on up through the plan­ets and stars. All of it is Spir­it-Mat­ter that is becom­ing some­thing more, shaped, informed and guid­ed by the Twelve. For us humans here on Earth, we are each held in our own auric field of the Zodi­ac, which is in turn aligned to the greater aura of our Earth, which in turn is aligned with zodi­a­cal auric field of our Solar Sys­tem, and then to the zodi­a­cal field of our Galaxy. Each of these “zodi­acs” is part of the One, and all are aligned to and cor­re­spond with one another.

The illu­sion of the mate­r­i­al world is that every­thing is sep­a­rate and apart from one anoth­er, and that we have to find and forge the con­nec­tions or rela­tion­ships between all these “things” and between one anoth­er too. But tru­ly all of Cre­ation is held with­in the Divine Space of the One, which means that we are, in so many won­der­ful forms and dimen­sions, insep­a­ra­bly relat­ed already. Actu­al­ly, we are made of and by all of our weav­ing togeth­er with one anoth­er, grow­ing togeth­er, becom­ing togeth­er, and with all of the rest of Cre­ation too. The order­ing of the Uni­verse is formed by and held by the One, the One “whose Cen­ter is Every­where, and whose Cir­cum­fer­ence is Nowhere”.

But, now in this time of Can­cer, and for­ev­er present in your own space of Can­cer too, you need to remem­ber this sto­ry of your roots, of the mean­ing of Can­cer in your life. You need to make your way to the cen­ter of you, and to do this you will, and you must, enter the world of intu­ition, and allow your feel­ings to guide you, as you move beyond what is known by mind and into what can only be expe­ri­enced and shaped by your heart. You do this most deeply by fol­low­ing the gen­tle whis­pers which come from your own spark of the divine, your immor­tal light with­in your mor­tal frame.

What you will find is that the roots of you are deep and wide, stretch­ing back into the mists of time, formed by many lives and shaped by so many expe­ri­ences with oth­ers. You feel the mem­o­ries and expe­ri­ences in the endur­ing con­nec­tion to the ever-present Arche­types, to lives lived long ago and to liv­ing beings here and now too. You feel and know Father-Moth­er, Grand­moth­er-Grand­fa­ther, the warm embrace of all your present and past rela­tions, who were and are the web of life that bring you back to your roots, back to the famil­iar space of being from some­where, from some­one, some peo­ple, in the just before and long, long ago.

Here in Can­cer, in the ves­sel of your mem­o­ries, the riv­er of life and mean­ing that flows back­wards into the mists of the past, and for­ward into what you shall some­day become, you find your cen­ter, your ever-present sense of being on this great jour­ney, with a host of fel­low explor­ers singing our songs as sparks of the Divine, search­ing, seek­ing, car­ing and lov­ing to be, some­day, a star among the count­less stars.

Here at the root of Cre­ation, here in the shin­ing light of your dear heart, what you will find at the cen­ter of you is the source of life. It is the spark of the Divine which is your true self, the cen­ter which is every­where and whose cir­cum­fer­ence is nowhere, and you will feel the essen­tial truth of spir­it, that we are all relat­ed, that we are because we care, because we love.

This is the truth of Can­cer, that your ori­gin is your des­tiny too.

And that you are here to love and be loved.