Author Archives: Bill Attride

About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

2021–5‑2 Radio Show Transcript – The Democratic Leadership

Tran­script of Radio Show: The Demo­c­ra­t­ic Lead­er­ship: Biden, Schumer, Pelosi 

(If you wish to lis­ten to the show instead, here is the link on BlogTalk or Apple Pod­casts)

We have exam­ined over the last few shows the impor­tance of the out­er plan­e­tary con­di­tions active in the world gen­er­al­ly and with regards to the US and US his­to­ry. I thought we might want to take this moment to look at these influ­ences in a more indi­vid­ual way today and see how these same plan­ets are influ­enc­ing some of the most sig­nif­i­cant actors upon our his­tor­i­cal stage now in the Unit­ed States.

What is remark­able about our moment in the USA right now is that we find our­selves with the Exec­u­tive and Leg­isla­tive Branch­es being led by three Democ­rats. The last time this was true was in the peri­od from 2009–2011, which was in the first half of Obama’s first term. Astro­log­i­cal­ly, what was true then is also true now, in one respect, in that the Plan­et Jupiter once again is in Aquar­ius (as it is every 12 years or so).

So, I thought it would be inter­est­ing to exam­ine the charts for the three lead­ers of the Unit­ed States gov­ern­ment, Chuck Schumer, Nan­cy Pelosi, and Joe Biden. Let us look at each of their charts and see what they bring to this moment as indi­vid­u­als and as a team and look at the plan­e­tary influ­ences they are expe­ri­enc­ing this year. Giv­en the crit­i­cal impor­tance of what is hap­pen­ing gen­er­al­ly in the world with the pas­sage of Plu­to in Capri­corn, and Nep­tune in Pisces, and Uranus in Tau­rus, and espe­cial­ly so for the chart of the USA, we will want to see what these plan­ets indi­cate in each of their charts at this time.

Chuck Schumer
Let us begin with Chuck Schumer who is the Sen­ate Major­i­ty Leader and a key play­er right now because the House will work up Bills, but they have to pass the Sen­ate which is split now 50/50 between Democ­rats and Repub­li­cans, and then be signed or not into law by the Pres­i­dent. So, Chuck Schumer’s role is critical.

Chuck Schumer is born with a chart that has what we call a Splay pat­tern, which means the plan­ets are scat­tered around the wheel and form a high­ly inte­grat­ed pat­tern. I always tell clients who have this pat­tern, that they have a much more unique approach to life, and they can pull togeth­er var­i­ous things that some­times do not seem relat­ed and make sense of it. So, in times which for oth­ers is con­fus­ing, and they do not under­stand what is hap­pen­ing, peo­ple with splay pat­terns see through the con­fu­sion and see the under­ly­ing order of things. And because of this, they can come up with rather unusu­al or sig­nif­i­cant insights and actions or solu­tions because of that ability.

Chuck Schumer is a Sagit­tar­ius with his Sun in the 10th House and his Moon at the nadir in Tau­rus, and a Ris­ing Sign of Capri­corn, but with his ruler of Sagit­tar­ius of Jupiter Ris­ing in Aquar­ius in his 1st House. He has a Fire dom­i­nant chart, with that Sagit­tar­i­an ener­gy and oth­er place­ments in his chart that gives him more of a fire ele­ment than any­thing else. That makes them very ide­al­is­tic, but he is also firm because he has many fixed plan­ets in his chart. Yet more than not, he would be an adapt­able per­son because he has more muta­bil­i­ty in his chart or more muta­ble plan­ets in his chart than many oth­er people.

The sig­nif­i­cant tran­sits in his chart right now would be that he has Plu­to, the out­er­most plan­et, is tran­sit­ing his Dharma/Karma line in 2021 and 2022. That will make him feel as if a “date with des­tiny” for him has arrived, it is his time to reap the fruits of his past actions and move clos­er to his life pur­pose. This moment could be that time when Schumer’s per­son­al des­tiny aligns with a great moment in history.

More­over, and per­haps even more sig­nif­i­cant is that Plu­to is com­ing across his Ascen­dant this year, his Ris­ing sign, and next year as well. Plu­to is the plan­et of the Will and Will Pow­er and con­trol, and Schumer will feel the call to more deeply iden­ti­fy him­self with a spir­i­tu­al cause and/or polit­i­cal moment. He will be more uncom­pro­mis­ing and stead­fast as he frees him­self from con­ven­tion­al ideas and actions, and he will find him­self per­son­al­ly trans­formed as that Alchem­i­cal ener­gy of Plu­to trans­forms the crit­i­cal posi­tion that he holds in the world right now.

Mean­while Nep­tune is trin­ing his Mid­heav­en which means that he will see his faith, vision and dream becom­ing more of a real­i­ty now, espe­cial­ly if his pur­pose is formed and guid­ed by the greater com­mon good. This is a time where the ded­i­ca­tion and sac­ri­fice for a cause will lead to very real progress for the larg­er social order that he serves.

And then Uranus, which is the third of the out­er­most plan­ets, is trin­ing his Mars, the plan­et of action and desire, and this will help him to achieve his goals by act­ing in cre­ative and inno­v­a­tive ways to ful­fill his ambi­tions, pro­vid­ed his goal and pur­pose is guid­ed by the inten­tion to help estab­lish greater free­dom and self-ful­fill­ment for oth­ers. Peo­ple will notice that Schumer is not act­ing like his old self and he is like­ly to suc­ceed if he blazes a new path and does things that he would not have tried before. It is if his belief that he could not do some­thing pre­vent­ed him from even try­ing before, but now he is free to pur­sue the path not taken.

Nan­cy Pelosi
Nan­cy Pelosi, the Speak­er of the House, the head of the House in our gov­ern­ment, has a pat­tern that is called Loco­mo­tive which means the plan­ets are spread through 2/3 of the chart and 1/3 remains open and emp­ty. Peo­ple like that have a “loco­mo­tive ener­gy”, pro­pelling them upwards and out­wards as long as they have a vision and dream and a goal that they are reach­ing up to. The lead­ing edge of that pat­tern is often crit­i­cal, and for her it is Mer­cury, the plan­et of the mind and com­mu­ni­ca­tions lead­ing her through life. She is also a Fire dom­i­nant per­son in terms of from make­up, but she has a lot of Earth in her chart. She is an ide­al­ist and prag­ma­tist, with her Sun in the 8th House in Aries, and Aries being the first sign is a sign for lead­er­ship. And it is inter­est­ing that she is a Fire sign as his Chuck Schumer being a Sagit­tar­ius. Her Moon is at the Nadir for chart also, but it is in the sign of Scor­pio. Chuck’s Moon is in Tau­rus and her Moon is in Scor­pio almost exact­ly oppo­site one anoth­er, and yet Chuck’s Moon in Tau­rus is on or Con­junct Nancy’s Venus and Uranus. So, there are all these link­ages between their charts that would make them be rather good and sen­si­tive and coop­er­a­tive with one anoth­er. They are dif­fer­ent but there is more alike here than not. Nancy’s Ris­ing sign is the sign of Leo, again anoth­er sign of lead­er­ship, and Nep­tune, the plan­et vision and dream and inspi­ra­tion, is her Ris­ing plan­et. She is ide­al­is­tic but she is also very prag­mat­ic and very fixed; she is very pur­pose­ful, very deter­mined and more so than the adapt­able Chuck Schumer I would argue. She is very fixed and pur­pose­ful to the point of being unyield­ing with her fixed plan­ets being dominant.

What are her aspects now? Plu­to is trin­ing her Sun Sign ruler, the plan­et Mars. Pelosi will feel pow­er­ful and pur­pose­ful dur­ing this peri­od. This is a moment for her when what seemed impos­si­ble, Mars is what you are reach­ing for and try­ing to get, will be accom­plished. In fact, I tell peo­ple with Plu­to on their Mars that this is a time when “Mis­sion Impos­si­ble” is cer­tain­ly pos­si­ble, and you are going sur­prise oth­ers and your­self with what you can do. What most peo­ple would have found to be a most chal­leng­ing task right now will seem easy for her. This is one of those spe­cial moments when Pelosi can achieve her life’s ambi­tions, espe­cial­ly with regards to actions and goals ded­i­cat­ed to rebirth, renew­al, and regen­er­a­tion, again all key­words for the plan­et Pluto.

Nep­tune, mean­while, is oppo­site to her Nep­tune in 2021 and 2022, and yes, this is the same aspect that is occur­ring in the chart of the Unit­ed States. For an indi­vid­ual this will hap­pen only in their ear­ly 80s and marks a time of great sig­nif­i­cance for any­one spir­i­tu­al­ly. The ele­va­tion of her con­science and con­scious­ness to an even high­er plane is pos­si­ble, and so she may expe­ri­ence the uni­ty of not just humans for one anoth­er but for all life, and it is deeply felt and that guides her now. For many this moment marks a peri­od of great spir­i­tu­al awak­en­ing, of com­pas­sion and of empathy.

Mean­while, Uranus is tran­sit­ing her 10th House, because she has Tau­rus on her 10th House, which is the House of one’s life pur­pose and career. For those who have fol­lowed their truth, this can be a time of even greater self-ful­fill­ment, as she more com­plete­ly reveals her unique con­tri­bu­tion to her life’s work. With Uranus rul­ing indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and inno­va­tion, it will be a time for her to reveal her indi­vid­ual spe­cial­ness of vision in the world, a vision that she has steadi­ly worked towards since the year 2000 when Uranus moved into her 7th House. With Uranus at the top of her chart, this will be a time when Pelosi will reach beyond what appeared to be the lim­its of her efforts up to this point, and by act­ing from a mean­ing­ful and inno­v­a­tive ded­i­ca­tion to the task at hand, she will free her­self and oth­ers from the old world had estab­lished a new one.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden’s pat­tern is also a Loco­mo­tive like Nan­cy, but for him the lead­ing edge is the Moon in Tau­rus. So, both he and Nan­cy are pur­pose­ful and dri­ven, have their eyes on the prize, and as long as they steadi­ly fol­low that prize, they have this ener­gy dri­ving them to get to where they are going. But for Joe, as opposed to Chuck or Nan­cy, he has Water, a lot of Water in his chart, and peo­ple who are “Watery” are sen­si­tives, they are empath­ic and com­pas­sion­ate by nature. His Sun in Scor­pio is in the 12th House. His moon in Tau­rus is in the 5th, but it is also the ris­ing body of his chart. Joe has the Moon ris­ing which makes for even greater sen­si­tiv­i­ty, and with Nep­tune at his Mid­heav­en, as the plan­et that is guid­ing him in terms of his path in life. Sen­si­tive and com­pas­sion­ate with that water dom­i­nance, yet with fixed plan­ets being dom­i­nant, it makes him fun­da­men­tal­ly deter­mined and unyield­ing, as is Nan­cy Pelosi.

What are his tran­sits? For Joe, Plu­to right now is oppos­ing the ruler of Biden’s Ascen­dant, which is the plan­et Jupiter, dur­ing 2021. Jupiter rules our truth, and Jupiter rules Sagit­tar­ius his ris­ing sign and so this is a time where Biden’s deter­mi­na­tion and dri­ve to attain suc­cess this year will be unstop­pable, as he seeks to bring togeth­er the truth, or his truth, and real­i­ty, to make what he thinks ought to be the actu­al way things are. As long as he wields the pow­er of his office and posi­tion for the greater good, he will not be stopped at this time. He (we) can­not force our truth upon oth­ers, but it is his duty to ful­fill the hopes and dreams of the major­i­ty of Amer­i­cans he has sworn to serve, and this year he will be unwa­ver­ing in that service.

Mean­while, Nep­tune is trin­ing Biden’s Mer­cury, which is the ruler of his 10th House of the career. This will be a year when Biden’s com­pas­sion and imag­i­na­tion will guide his thoughts and deeds. For an artist and for him, this would be a moment where his rea­son and his ratio­nal mind will com­bine with his intu­ition­al and com­pas­sion­ate nature to inspire and uplift his audi­ence. His con­nec­tion to oth­ers, his abil­i­ty to empathize and give voice to their hopes and dreams, to reach them and move them will be very con­sid­er­able. Many will expe­ri­ence the truth that he feels what they feel, he speaks to their heart and their hopes, and they will know that he is a leader for them at this time.

Mean­while, Uranus is oppo­site the ruler of Biden’s Sun, the plan­et Mars, because Mars rules Scor­pio. Uranus is the plan­et that elic­its the Indi­vid­u­a­tion Process, and in align­ment with the plan­et of action and desire, means that Biden is going to sur­prise him­self (and oth­ers) with the way in which he acts on the world stage right now. He will feel the need to move or act in a very dif­fer­ent man­ner in order to reach his aims and aspi­ra­tions. He will sur­prise many who thought they knew how he would act as a leader.

Age of Aquarius
I also think, I believe, that giv­en the his­toric moment that we are in as deter­mined by the Great Muta­tion in Aquar­ius of Jupiter and Sat­urn this past Decem­ber, that it is also impor­tant to con­sid­er where this con­junc­tion took place in each of their charts, espe­cial­ly when we remem­ber that the chart of the USA has its ruler, giv­en that the USA’s Sun is in Can­cer, that the Moon in the USA chart is in the sign of Aquar­ius. And even more than this, that the Moon in a nation’s chart rules “the People”.

For Schumer, the Muta­tion was in his First House, where both Sat­urn and Jupiter remain for now. The First House rules are “pres­ence” in this world, and defines the moti­va­tions and inten­tions, and cre­ates the “per­sona” that a per­son will move into the world. The “way” Schumer will lead now will be a renewed one guid­ed by the Aquar­i­an Age.

For Pelosi, the Muta­tion was in her 6th House, which is the House of “Ser­vice and Order” and would indi­cate a reded­i­ca­tion in her life to the path of ser­vice and work at this time. And, even more deeply com­mit­ted by Aquar­ius, because this is what Aquar­ius rules, to help and heal communities.

For Biden, the Muta­tion was in his 2nd House, which is the House of “Val­ue and Self-worth”, which has been rein­forced by this Aquar­i­an New Age. He will expe­ri­ence a renewed com­mit­ment to the essen­tial val­ue behind all val­ues, which is at the cen­ter of the val­ue of us all, and which we all know and live by, and that is Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

I think this moment in his­to­ry, with these three lead­ers for us at this time, does indi­cate that a New Age has begun, or a New Age is attempt­ing to begin, by those peo­ple who are called upon to be instru­ments and lead­ers at this time. But, of course, we are all called upon at this time to believe that we can make a “New World” any and every day. There is an old phrase that I love to quote some­times, it is not my phrase, there are no orig­i­nal thoughts down here of course, and that phrase is that “beat­en paths are for beat­en peo­ple”. We are here to be Trail Blaz­ers and find a new and bet­ter way to meet each oth­er, to meet one anoth­er’s needs, to help each oth­er to thrive and be ful­filled, because to the extent that any one of us is lim­it­ed in our self-real­iza­tion, then all of us are dimin­ished. And so, it is incum­bent on all of us to fos­ter those con­di­tions which allow the flow­er­ing of the human poten­tial and our spir­it so that we will meet this moment in the best pos­si­ble man­ner and cre­ate a bet­ter future for those who come after us.

Reminder: The Inner Illumination Summit (May 3 to May 16, 2021)

Reminder: You are Invit­ed to The Inner Illu­mi­na­tion Sum­mit — Start­ing Mon­day May 5th to May 16

There are not many oth­er events like this that I know of. I invite you to join me at The Inner Illu­mi­na­tion Sum­mit ~ Sea­son 6 Mas­ter Class to hear my inter­view with col­league and host, Susan Jenk­ins. I high­ly rec­om­mend that you attend this Illu­mi­nat­ing FREE event with a high­ly respect­ed pan­el of spir­i­tu­al guides, heal­ers, teach­ers, lead­ers, and activists. I am very hon­ored to be includ­ed in this event and know that you will find it a reward­ing experience.

Please come lis­ten to my inter­view with Susan Jenk­ins at The Inner Illu­mi­na­tion Sum­mit ~ Sea­son 6 Mas­ter Class, and you will also be able to lis­ten to the wis­dom of renowned heal­ers, spir­i­tu­al guides, teach­ers, racial jus­tice activists, schol­ars and lead­ers who will show you how to har­ness your pow­er and be part of the solu­tion in this very chal­leng­ing time.

Here is the link to the Inner Illu­mi­na­tion Sum­mit which runs from May 3 to May 16:

Astrologer Bill Attride Radio Show – The Democratic Leadership (Sunday May 2, 2021 @ 2 pm EDT)

Astro­log­i­cal Mus­ings – The Demo­c­ra­t­ic Lead­er­ship: Biden, Schumer, Pelosi (May 2, 2021)

In my fifth show of 2021, we will look at this his­toric moment for the USA, with an exam­i­na­tion of the charts of the three lead­ers of the Exec­u­tive and Leg­isla­tive Branch­es of gov­ern­ment, Pres­i­dent Joe Biden, Sen­ate Major­i­ty Leader Chuck Schumer, and House Major­i­ty Leader Nan­cy Pelosi. What do their charts say about them, and what do the sig­nif­i­cant tran­sits in their charts indi­cate for this moment in history.

As before, I will answer your ques­tions dur­ing the show, whether on this top­ic or some oth­er mat­ter, includ­ing per­son­al ques­tions about your astro­log­i­cal chart. If you do wish to ask a per­son­al ques­tion, please be ready to pro­vide at least your birth date and birth­place, and time of your birth if you have that too.

If you wish to sug­gest a sub­ject or top­ic for a future show, please email me as I would be hap­py to hear from you. My email is:

Here is the main link to Astrologer Bill Attride Radio:

Here is the link to the show on Sun­day May 2nd @ 2 pm EDT:‑2–2021

The phone num­ber to call if you wish to ask a ques­tion dur­ing the live show is: (516) 531‑9638.

Please join me on Sun­day May 2nd @ 2 pm EDT as we look at the cur­rent astro­log­i­cal indi­ca­tions and what they mean for you.

If you miss the show, it will be avail­able as a Pod­cast short­ly after on BlogTalk or my Apple Pod­casts.

The Inner Illumination Summit (May 3 to May 16, 2021)

Spe­cial Invi­ta­tion!

There are not many oth­er events like this that I know of. I invite you to join me at The Inner Illu­mi­na­tion Sum­mit ~ Sea­son 6 Mas­ter Class to hear my inter­view with col­league and host, Susan Jenk­ins. I high­ly rec­om­mend that you attend this Illu­mi­nat­ing FREE event with a high­ly respect­ed pan­el of spir­i­tu­al guides, heal­ers, teach­ers, lead­ers, and activists. I am very hon­ored to be includ­ed in this event and know that you will find it a reward­ing experience.

Please come lis­ten to my inter­view with Susan Jenk­ins at The Inner Illu­mi­na­tion Sum­mit ~ Sea­son 6 Mas­ter Class, and you will also be able to lis­ten to the wis­dom of renowned heal­ers, spir­i­tu­al guides, teach­ers, racial jus­tice activists, schol­ars and lead­ers who will show you how to har­ness your pow­er and be part of the solu­tion in this very chal­leng­ing time.

Here is the link to the Inner Illu­mi­na­tion Sum­mit which runs from May 3 to May 16:

Sun Enters Taurus (April 19, 2021)

The Way to the Val­ue of You

Today we begin our jour­ney through the sec­ond realm of the Zodi­ac. Some­where in your chart, most cer­tain­ly through­out your entire being, and espe­cial­ly at this time of the year, you will find great wis­dom in the mes­sages and mean­ings held by the Sign of Taurus.

For the last 30 days or so, the light of illu­mi­na­tion has been upon the first ques­tion you will meet on your path; the ques­tion of Aries asks noth­ing less than, “Who are You?” But now the Wheel of Life has turned, and you meet the next, and some would say even more pro­found ques­tion on the path of Light and Love, “What are You?”

It is in Aries we ask, “Who am I?”; Aries is about our aware­ness of being aware, it is about the expe­ri­ence of our “pres­ence”, our per­sona (or per­sonas) by which we move through Space-Time in the Eter­nal Now. In Tau­rus we expe­ri­ence what must fol­low, the man­i­fes­ta­tion of form, of what I like to call the “Con­tain­ers of Spir­it”, in which through our bod­ies whether they be phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al, men­tal, or spir­i­tu­al we move through many forms of being. Quite sim­ply in Aries we say, “I Am”, but in Tau­rus we must ask, “What am I?”

But what is the nature of that “what”; how do we expe­ri­ence and under­stand our being “some-thing”? This is the heart of the realm that is Tau­rus, for it is the nature of the sec­ond sign to show us the qual­i­ty, nature, and con­tent of this and of that, to under­stand that most inef­fa­ble essence of being, that we are here in this Real­i­ty-Form, and we have formed what we expe­ri­ence of our self in rela­tion­ship to one anoth­er and to all of Cre­ation by this qual­i­ty of being that we call Value.

But what is Val­ue? What makes this thing, or this expe­ri­ence to be more or some­times less mean­ing­ful for you or for me? How do we mea­sure the qual­i­ty of what­ev­er we are con­sid­er­ing, expe­ri­enc­ing, becom­ing or being? For us to take the mea­sure of any­thing what­so­ev­er we need to form a rela­tion­ship of us to this oth­er form. We must have a stan­dard of mea­sure­ment; we need some way to under­stand the val­ue of this or of that in our hier­ar­chy of val­ue and meaning.

The ques­tion is, how do we form our mea­sure­ments? How do we com­pare this with that? We must have a last­ing and true, yet liv­ing and pro­tean stan­dard by which to mea­sure our­selves and our world. The Ancient Teach­ings remind us, that what we need to do is to start at the begin­ning, with our under­stand­ing about the Root nature of Cre­ation, and by this we will know where this ulti­mate val­ue is to be found.

The Root of all val­ue, the pri­mal Ener­gy-Form that shines through all the innu­mer­able hier­ar­chies of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness in the Uni­verse is this: it is the Uncon­di­tion­al Love of the One that is this Cre­ation and is in all of us as it is in every sin­gle par­ti­cle of Cre­ation. The ever­last­ing Truth behind Cre­ation and in each one of us is that we are all “price­less”, for we are made of the Uncon­di­tion­al Love of the One, and we are here to be and live by this Love.

This Spir­it of the One, this pre­cious love, is the root of your Immor­tal Self, your high­er Self. And your High­er Self is the source of your ever­last­ing “Val­ue that is Love”. It is this Love which makes all things shin­ing through all the lives that you will live. Your high­er self, what I like to call your Beloved, will always be there with you, shin­ing this light of love, this essen­tial being of you for ever and ever. When­ev­er you are in doubt, when­ev­er you doubt your val­ue or your love, lis­ten to that qui­et, lov­ing voice who is there with you and you will find peace. And you will equal­ly find this peace as you see that all around you is filled with this same love and is shin­ing too.

Yes, this is the essen­tial essence of you, the ener­gy-form of Pure Love. But you are most cer­tain­ly not a com­plete or per­fect human as your forms of self-real­iza­tion whether bod­i­ly, emo­tion­al, men­tal, and even spir­i­tu­al are not yet ful­ly formed or mas­tered by you. You and I are on a jour­ney through many forms and lives, as we learn to become a bet­ter human, more attuned and aligned with our high­er self. But to do this we must learn to choose what is more per­fect from less per­fect, to be more lov­ing, and less fear­ful, and this takes many lives; we make our­selves into what we will be by many won­der­ful but also many chal­leng­ing expe­ri­ences until we are a ful­ly awak­ened One, a being of pure Light and Love.

There will be many times that you will feel less than “price­less”, often far from it. And as you take the mea­sures of your val­ue of you, of your phys­i­cal strengths, emo­tion­al depths, intel­lec­tu­al adept­ness, and spir­i­tu­al aware­ness, you will most sure­ly expe­ri­ence them to wax and wane in any one life, and in all your many lives. But behind all those vari­a­tions in your expe­ri­ence of the val­ue of you and your world you will even­tu­al­ly be helped by the Love that is always there inside of you, and you will see the shin­ing truth behind it all. You always remain, and you will always be, a price­less spark of the Divine.

And because this is What you are, that you are one of the ones of the One, you will even­tu­al­ly reach that pre­cious moment when you will also arrive at the final step of becom­ing human. There you will be greet­ed by those who came this way before, whose Love and Inspi­ra­tion for you nev­er wavered as you fol­lowed the path of Awak­en­ing that brought forth ful­ly your essen­tial nature of Uncon­di­tion­al Love, just as they fol­lowed this path long, long ago.

Then, as the por­tal to the ways beyond this Earth beck­ons to you as it did them, you will be stead­fast and true as were those great souls, and so you will turn to help those who fol­low you because of this love of the One that is you.

This is the gift of Tau­rus; You are Love…and you are here to be that love which will one day encom­pass your entire being, and then you will shine like the stars above.