Author Archives: Bill Attride

About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2021)

The Spark of the Divine, The Jew­el in the Lotus

Where do you come from, why are you here, and where are you going?

The Wise Ones Answer:

You came from the One; and You are here to become a True and Com­plete Human; and your Jour­ney of Awak­en­ing is how you make your Destiny.

Here at the end of the Zodi­ac in the time of Pisces, and wher­ev­er Pisces is found in your chart, it is here that you come clos­est to what I call “The Greater Under­stand­ing”. In Aquar­ius, you expe­ri­ence the truth of embrac­ing all of human­i­ty as your field of hap­pi­ness. You real­ize that you are for each oth­er the way to one another’s self-ful­fill­ment; tru­ly, you are for one anoth­er your dreams come true.

But now you must com­plete the Cir­cle of Life. You look up and to the beyond as you gaze upon the star­ry fir­ma­ment whirling above, and you equal­ly look around at the won­der­ous life-forms who share this beau­ti­ful world with you too. And in it all you see it, the Light that is there shin­ing through. This is the answer, this is the truth, that we are, that all of us are, and all the oth­er life-forms great and small, and real­ly the entire­ty of Cre­ation is in us and we in it. Because we are the Cre­ation, the One made man­i­fest in every mote and par­ti­cle of this won­der of Light and Love.

That Peak Expe­ri­ence of Whole­ness (“Holi­ness”), of embrac­ing the All as one in all, leads you to won­der once again about your jour­ney. Here at the end of anoth­er Zodi­a­cal Year, you look back and con­sid­er: Who have I become? What will I face as a New Year dawns? How will I know if I am on the path?

The Wise Ones Answer:

You are made by you; what you face is what you set in motion yes­ter­day, and a thou­sand years ago; you are on the path, always. And all you do, and do not do, it is this which cre­ates your future form and your future con­di­tions too.

Here at the end of the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, you are giv­en the great­est gift; here in Pisces you real­ize that you are made by what you dream, and you find your Faith as a co-cre­ator of Cre­ation. You can see the whole arc of your jour­ney, both in this past year and for your entire life too. You stand ready now to reap the har­vest of all you did and all you did not do. You feel your shin­ing tri­umphs, and your sting­ing defeats, you cel­e­brate the pre­cious joys, and you wish to hide from your painful regrets. But hope­ful­ly you will come to this sacred place of remem­brance, dreams, and hope, and you will under­stand that it was all good because the Fruits that are Wis­dom and Love are forever.

And if this is so, you will real­ize that it was all nec­es­sary, the good and the so-called bad. Because in the end you under­stand that by your error and cor­rec­tion you forged the way to make the light that is Love; you can accept and smile and for­give your­self because you have done the one true work that you are here for, which is to become a bet­ter you by being the love that you are.

And this is the Heart of the Teach­ing, this is the Truth upon which all oth­er truths are made. You are formed, guid­ed, inspired, and held by the Love of the One which is your Spark of the Divine, your own true beloved, your immor­tal High­er Self. For you know and feel this now, you were made by Love, and you are here to be that Love.

But many have won­dered, if this is tru­ly what I am, then why can I not become bet­ter with­out all this effort; if the Spark of the Divine is with­in me, then why am I not bet­ter than this? Why must I strug­gle and suf­fer? Why?

And the Wise Ones Answer:

Because you are not mere­ly a Spark of the Divine; you, like every par­ti­cle of Cre­ation, are a host of Ener­gy-Forms, and each of these are on their path of Awak­en­ing too. Your Spark of the Divine, your beloved, is the Light of Love that is at the heart of every­thing and every­one, and it is the pro­tean force of Spir­it and your source of Self-Becom­ing. That Divin­i­ty, your Mon­ad, is the Causal Agency of you becom­ing ful­ly human some­day but which you have only par­tial­ly real­ized today. 

You are on Earth in many bod­ies (not one), and for sim­plic­i­ty now let us name them as the Phys­i­cal Ener­gy-Form, the Emo­tion­al Ener­gy-Form, the Men­tal Ener­gy-Form, and the High­er Mon­ad or Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gy-Form. Every one of these “bod­ies” jour­neys with you, you through them and they through you, in this life and in life after life. You are bound to one anoth­er by the Law of Kar­ma, and each of you will reap what you sow.

But you as the Self-Aware agent of Spir­it bear the great­est respon­si­bil­i­ty for all this Kar­ma, the so-called good kar­ma and the so-called bad. Each of these vehi­cles of Spir­it is on this path of Awak­en­ing with you. You, as the self-aware pre­sid­ing Spir­i­tu­al Intel­li­gence and Iden­ti­ty, you as a Human Mon­ad, are here to take respon­si­bil­i­ty for the uplift­ment and per­fec­tion for all your vehi­cles too. You are the means to their awak­en­ing, as they pro­vide you with the means to lift your­self up too.

Yes, yes, I see. But why, why must I suffer?

And the Wise Ones Answer:

Because you are here to learn to use your body, heart, mind, and spir­it so that it per­fect­ly aligns with what is there at your cen­ter, which is Love. The Path­way to Per­fec­tion is long and ardu­ous, and you have spent many lives with­out much aware­ness and so you fell into error, suf­fer­ing and pain. This is the Law, and those ener­gy-forms of pain you will turn into Love.

This pain was not ordained or doled out by some mean-spir­it­ed deity, or the prod­uct of some strug­gle between good and evil into which you became trapped like some unfor­tu­nate vic­tim. The Law is the Law; the Law is Kar­ma, it is Action and Reac­tion on all the planes of Cre­ation, but most espe­cial­ly Spir­i­tu­al­ly. You are here to learn false from true, to cre­ate and pre­serve, to live by love, and when you fall into error you set in motion the very instru­ment of your own con­se­quence and even­tu­al growth. This is Spir­i­tu­al Jus­tice, and it is Divine­ly ordained, and all the ones of the One are sub­ject to this Path­way of Per­fec­tion and Love.

Those dear, wise ones who offer exam­ple, inspi­ra­tion and gen­tle guid­ance, they were once as you are now. They too were trou­bled by doubt, they were par­a­lyzed by fear, and they lived with shame and regret. But now they are the Shin­ing Ones. Yes, they have been where you are and that is why they under­stand and why they will stay at the por­tal that leads beyond this plane because they will not leave you alone. Why? Because they are the embod­i­ment of Love and Com­pas­sion which is your des­tiny too.

They can­not wave a mag­ic wand and make you bet­ter; they can­not remove the obsta­cles you have made for your­self. But they can help, and they will help if you will but lis­ten to your heart. These Winds of the Spir­it are like a gen­tle whis­per, and they form that know­ing in your heart, that kind­li­ness, com­pas­sion, and love that pro­vide a balm to your trou­bled soul and true guid­ance for right think­ing and right action.

You walk with them; and they are there with you on that very same path that they came by long ago. They know your trou­bles; they have felt your pain. But they know what you will be, as they are now. Shin­ing, Radi­ant, Loving.

This is the Cir­cle of Life, the radi­ant path of awak­en­ing that you will walk from the dark­ness into the Light.

This is the Promise of Pisces.

It is the Liv­ing Faith of the Cre­ator shin­ing through all that you do.

Now reap what you have sown and make ready for the dawn.

It is time to Shine.

2021–1‑31 Radio Show Transcript – Karma and the USA, Pluto Return

Tran­script of Radio Show: Kar­ma and the USA, The Plu­to Return – A Rebirth of Value

(If you wish to lis­ten to the show instead, here is the link on BlogTalk or Apple Pod­casts)

Today we will con­tin­ue our exam­i­na­tion of the plan­e­tary influ­ences in the chart of the USA. In my last show on Jan­u­ary 3rd, (here is the link to the tran­script for the Jan­u­ary 3rd show) we looked at the role of Nep­tune in the charts of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic and Repub­li­can par­ties; I exam­ined the influ­ence of the cycle of Nep­tune in the two charts and US history.

Nep­tune Oppo­site Nep­tune, Our Epis­te­mo­log­i­cal Crisis
I not­ed then, and have men­tioned numer­ous times, that Neptune’s role in the USA chart is of great impor­tance, and the fact that here in 2020 and 2021 tran­sit­ing Nep­tune is oppo­site the USA Nep­tune, indi­cates that our “Bub­bles of Belief and Real­i­ty” are very sep­a­rate from one anoth­er at this time. We are divid­ed in our under­stand­ing as to what and who we are as Amer­i­cans, and we have sort­ed our­selves into very sep­a­rate group­ings, sec­tors, and realms, and  because of this we can­not agree as to what is True ver­sus False, what is Real­i­ty and what is Fantasy.

We are as a Nation going through what is known as an Epis­te­mo­log­i­cal Cri­sis, where the very nature of knowl­edge and truth is in dis­pute. And this same align­ment of Nep­tune oppos­ing Nep­tune sig­naled a sim­i­lar divi­sion into dif­fer­ent World­views that pre­vailed just before the Civ­il War in the late 1850’s. Then the divi­sion was between Slave and Free States, between North and South, and which was resolved by what many his­to­ri­ans note was the inevitable and exis­ten­tial cli­max of our war between the states from 1860 to 1865.

Keep­ing that mes­sage of Nep­tune in our minds, I want to con­sid­er the impor­tance of Plu­to in the chart of the USA and exam­ine the sig­nif­i­cance of the upcom­ing (and first-ever) return of Plu­to to its natal or birth posi­tion in 2021 and 2022. It will have been 246 years since the found­ing of our coun­try and giv­en the promi­nent posi­tion and sig­nif­i­cance of its posi­tion in the chart, I believe it will shine a light upon our his­to­ry and the crit­i­cal  events of our cur­rent period.

Plu­to in USA Chart
Plu­to is the ris­ing plan­et in the USA chart, and it is placed in the 2nd house. The sec­ond house holds the answer to this pri­ma­ry ques­tion: what is of Val­ue for the USA? Tra­di­tion­al Mun­dane Astrol­o­gy would assign cat­e­gories of val­ue to the sec­ond house such as: a nation’s wealth, tax rev­enue, stocks, bonds, shares, exports. Of places deal­ing with cur­ren­cy, such as banks, trade and com­merce, stock/commodity exchanges. Val­ues formed by nation­al expen­di­tures and receipts, cir­cu­la­tion of cur­ren­cy and oth­er liq­uid assets. In sum, it is the wealth of the nation as mea­sured by the population’s earn­ing and pur­chas­ing power.

Source of Value
All of that is true, if one assumes the point of view of a prac­ti­cal and mate­r­i­al under­stand­ing of val­ue, and even more espe­cial­ly in the cul­ture and econ­o­my that is dom­i­nant in our time. But for me, look­ing at this ques­tion spir­i­tu­al­ly, the real nature and source of val­ue for any human com­mu­ni­ty, whether they be hunter-gath­er­ers, pas­toral­ists or farm­ers, or part of a high­ly com­plex hier­ar­chy of pro­duc­tion like our cul­ture and civ­i­liza­tion, what I would claim that is com­mon to all these types is this: that the true mea­sure of val­ue for any cul­ture is to be found in the peo­ple them­selves. It is their spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment, their intel­lec­tu­al adept­ness, their emo­tion­al depth, and their phys­i­cal well-being that com­pris­es the wealth of their com­mu­ni­ty and their val­ue to one another.

For the USA, Capri­corn is the ruler of this house, which would indi­cate that the USA would expe­ri­ence its val­ue and strength as being root­ed in the val­ues that “have stood the test of time”, i.e. Truths formed into the Insti­tu­tions of the nation, and that this would find its ulti­mate expres­sion in what is known as the Wis­dom of the Ages. It is cer­tain­ly true, that although we take pride in being a nation born through “rev­o­lu­tion”, we are a Nation that takes our val­ues seri­ous­ly and con­ser­v­a­tive­ly, and I mean here con­ser­v­a­tive in the spir­i­tu­al not polit­i­cal sense. These val­ues are embod­ied in all the great tra­di­tions and teach­ings, and they are most sim­ply but pro­found­ly expressed in the root of wis­dom-teach­ing, that we are here to “Love one another”.

For today, I wish to con­sid­er the natal place­ment and cyclic mean­ings for Plu­to in the USA sec­ond house. I con­sid­er Plu­to to be the Avatar of the Will and the Pow­er of Alche­my. As the Avatar of the Will, Plu­to holds the Truth of Spir­it that all ener­gy-forms exist in their “own sacred space”, and that the will forms and main­tains these sacred cen­ters. Since all cen­ters of spir­it are sacred, the fun­da­men­tal pre­cept for us as humans is that “Thou shall not Tres­pass”, and that to impose one’s will upon anoth­er, or to vio­late their space is quite sim­ply a Spir­i­tu­al Crime.

The Mean­ing of Plu­to and Alche­my
As the rep­re­sen­ta­tive (along with the Sign Scor­pio), of the Root Pow­er of Cre­ation, Plu­to indi­cates that the USA is meant to be a trans­former of val­ues through the pow­er of Alche­my. The whole of Cre­ation is formed at it cease­less­ly unfolds and becomes what it will be through the innu­mer­able com­bi­na­tions and trans­for­ma­tions of the Ener­gy-Forms of Spir­it. Whether by atoms comb­ing with atoms to form larg­er atoms, mol­e­cules with mol­e­cules, organ­isms with organ­isms, on up to the plan­ets, stars, and galax­ies, what dri­ves Cre­ation is the Pro­tean Pow­er that is Alche­my, which is the mag­ic and mys­tery of combination.

At the human lev­el, we com­bine in part­ner­ships, col­lab­o­ra­tions, joint ven­tures, enter­pris­es, com­mu­ni­ties, cul­tures, and nations. To form any union, we must make a sac­ri­fice which elic­its our change and growth; we let go of our less­er qual­i­ties in order to com­bine with one anoth­er by our deep­er val­ues, and by this we move into a greater real­i­ty. We forge our own growth and make pos­si­ble our greater and shared qual­i­ties through com­bi­na­tion. When prop­er­ly guid­ed by love and under­stand­ing, we give up for one anoth­er what we must, but we hold to the core of who we are, sac­ri­fic­ing our ego but lift­ing our hearts and minds together.

The very found­ing of our nation was a com­pact, an agree­ment made by indi­vid­u­als who sought to free them­selves from tyran­ny and pledged to one anoth­er, a sacred oath that estab­lished “a new order for the cen­turies”; and that they would cre­ate a new kind of soci­ety and gov­ern them­selves by mutu­al con­sent. Their ideals and inten­tions stat­ed in our Dec­la­ra­tion res­onate to this day, “that all men are cre­at­ed equal”.

USA Kar­ma
But they, like we, were not per­fect, and though they sac­ri­ficed much, they also held onto that which they should not. More than half of the sign­ers of the 1776 Dec­la­ra­tion of Inde­pen­dence were slave own­ers, and of the del­e­gates to the 1787 Con­sti­tu­tion­al Con­ven­tion, almost half were also slave own­ers. This shame­ful fact is one-half of the orig­i­nal sin of the Unit­ed States, the oth­er being the bru­tal con­quest of Native Americans.

The Pro­tean Pow­er of Plu­to can be used for good or ill, as can all the gifts of Spir­it. As much as it is the source of cre­ation by freely formed com­bi­na­tions, it is also by its mis­use and tres­pass­ing, which is so often found through­out human his­to­ry, the source of destruc­tion by the dom­i­na­tion and con­trol of one per­son or group over anoth­er. The sub­ju­ga­tion of the native peo­ples and the enslave­ment of mil­lions of African peo­ples is the root curse that hangs over the promise and dream of Amer­i­ca. What we wit­nessed in the storm­ing of the Capi­tol on Jan­u­ary 6th, is that same evil ener­gy-form of White Suprema­cy and fear-based rage attempt­ing to seize power.

When­ev­er you treat any fel­low human being as less than your­self, that is when you turn from the path of Spir­it. For hun­dreds of years, the US slave pop­u­la­tion was treat­ed as a thing, to be used by their own­ers to pro­duce wealth and pow­er, and their human val­ue was stolen by tres­pass­ing upon the sacred cen­ter of each and every slave. After the Civ­il War, in a very few years, Recon­struc­tion was chal­lenged, erod­ed, and final­ly bro­ken, and the for­mer slave pop­u­la­tion was re-enslaved through peon­age, seg­re­ga­tion, and ter­ror for almost 100 more years. For over 400 years, ful­ly or par­tial­ly, con­trol, manip­u­la­tion, dom­i­na­tion, and ter­ror of one peo­ple over anoth­er cre­at­ed the USA’s karmic calami­ty of racism and caste in America.

Harm to all
Make no mis­take, this hurt con­tin­ues to harm every Amer­i­can of every creed and eth­nic ori­gin; we dimin­ish and reduce the self-ful­fill­ment of every one of us when we treat oth­ers as less than our­selves. We can only meet our self-real­iza­tion through and by one anoth­er; if we lim­it the self-ful­fill­ment of one or some, we hurt all of us. If we are to meet the promise of our dreams, we must forge the real­i­ty where each and every per­son is able to real­ize the full­ness of their poten­tial here and now. This is the spir­i­tu­al cri­sis we are fac­ing; and that is why what is hap­pen­ing is so mean­ing­ful and challenging.

A Reck­on­ing
Many have com­ment­ed upon the nature of our his­tor­i­cal moment, as we wit­ness erupt­ing once more from the dark­est depths of our Amer­i­can Kar­ma the shad­ows and fears formed by the ter­ri­ble lega­cy of dom­i­na­tion and ter­ror expe­ri­enced by many in our his­to­ry and to this present day. This tim­ing is not an acci­dent of course, for we are com­ing to the return of Plu­to in the USA chart in 2021–2022. The erup­tion of this neg­a­tive ener­gy-form into right-wing domes­tic ter­ror­ism is a very real and present dan­ger. For our con­sid­er­a­tion today, there are four major moments or turn­ings in any plan­e­tary cycle: the wax­ing square, the oppo­si­tion, the wan­ing square and the return or con­junc­tion. Let us look at the four turn­ings of Plu­to and see how they framed our choic­es and his­to­ry, and how that may guide us in our own time of the Plu­to return.

We should remem­ber that the align­ment of espe­cial­ly out­er plan­ets takes sev­er­al years to become exact, so the peri­od of the exact aspect rep­re­sents the cli­max or cul­mi­na­tion of that influ­ence. There­fore, these moments are cli­max­es of expe­ri­ences that had been grow­ing over sev­er­al years. More­over, with regards to Plu­to in the USA chart, its natal aspect with Mer­cury extends this peri­od of mean­ing­ful­ness even more.

If we are to look for the mean­ing behind these turn­ing points, we will see that the issue posed by Plu­to at each turn­ing will be gen­er­al­ly framed around our under­stand­ing of and actions tak­en with regards to this fun­da­men­tal ques­tion of how we under­stand the true nature of val­ue for our coun­try. That is, it will reveal how close or far from the ide­al of “equal­i­ty and equi­ty and jus­tice” we are in our jour­ney of self-ful­fill­ment for one and all.

Plu­to Squared Plu­to 1848–1850
Zachary Tay­lor
, a hero of the Mex­i­can War, elect­ed Pres­i­dent of the Whig Par­ty and served March 1849 to July 1850 (suc­ceed­ed by his VP Mil­lard Fill­more). Though a slave­hold­er him­self, he did not push for expan­sion of slav­ery, but tried to work out a com­pro­mise. The pres­sure to expand slav­ery into the lands tak­en from Mex­i­co, espe­cial­ly Texas but also for all ter­ri­to­ries includ­ing Cal­i­for­nia, was extreme, as the slave­hold­ing inter­ests des­per­ate­ly sought to main­tain their con­trol of the Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment. Their plan was to have every ter­ri­to­ry and state per­mit slav­ery. Much like now, there were ris­ing threats of vio­lence around the coun­try and in Wash­ing­ton, and real vio­lence broke out in both the House and Sen­ate cham­bers, with crowds gath­er­ing out­side the Capi­tol in antic­i­pa­tion of open war­fare over the issue of slavery.

This strug­gle led to the Com­pro­mise of 1850, where Cal­i­for­nia was admit­ted as a “free” state, and the lands of Texas, New Mex­i­co, Utah, and Ari­zona could put the ques­tion of slav­ery to their cit­i­zens. To pla­cate the slave-hold­ing states, it also estab­lished a much tougher Fugi­tive Slave Law. Many his­to­ri­ans see this com­pro­mise as mere­ly delay­ing the inevitable by post­pon­ing the Civ­il War for the next 10 years.

Plu­to Oppo­site Plu­to 1936–1937
Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s
attempts to res­cue the nation from the depths of the depres­sion with new agen­cies and laws led to a series of bat­tles with the Supreme court over his pro­gram of eco­nom­ic reforms. He attempt­ed to cre­ate a court more favor­able to his pro­gres­sive eco­nom­ic agen­da by adding Jus­tices through leg­is­la­tion (fear­ing a con­sti­tu­tion­al bat­tle would fail). But he failed in his attempt to “pack the court”, and some of his reforms were overturned.

But then, by retire­ment and new appoint­ments, between 1938 to 1941 his new appoint­ments turned the court away the focus upon the New Deal’s pro­gres­sive eco­nom­ic reg­u­la­tions as the court came to focus upon the issue of civ­il liberties.

As a result, Roosevelt’s poli­cies for eco­nom­ic jus­tice and greater racial equal­i­ty began the his­toric shift of black vot­ers from the Repub­li­can Par­ty to the Demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty, which was espe­cial­ly sig­nif­i­cant in the North­ern States.

Plu­to Square Plu­to 1982–1983
Ronald Reagan’s
elec­tion was found­ed upon the premise that “the gov­ern­ment is the prob­lem”, and his admin­is­tra­tion spent 8 years work­ing to dis­man­tle the laws and pro­grams of a greater safe­ty net for all Amer­i­cans, (Social Secu­ri­ty, Medicare, Labor Laws, and Eco­nom­ic reg­u­la­to­ry Laws that had lim­it­ed the reck­less greed of Wall Street), which had been place since Roosevelt’s New Deal in the 1930’s and 1940’s. It was a counter-rev­o­lu­tion dri­ven by a Neo-lib­er­al ide­ol­o­gy that took as its objec­tive the dis­man­tling of the state to pro­mote greater growth in the econ­o­my. But the poli­cies begun dur­ing the 1980’s and through the era of George W. Bush were the dri­ving force behind the destruc­tion of the fair­ly equi­table eco­nom­ic growth for all cit­i­zens that had pre­vailed since the 1940’s. The result is that by 2020 the USA has the largest gap between the wealthy and the major­i­ty of Amer­i­cans since the 1920’s.

Inte­gral to the polit­i­cal pow­er of the Repub­li­can Par­ty for the past 40 years has been an ever increas­ing “pol­i­tics of divi­sion”, where pow­er was main­tained by divid­ing the peo­ple of the USA by race, eth­nic­i­ty, region and reli­gion. This polit­i­cal agen­da, com­bined with spe­cif­ic news out­lets and social media cam­paigns, has cre­at­ed an insu­lar and ever-shrink­ing minor­i­ty that strives to wield polit­i­cal pow­er over the major­i­ty, and which has also led to grow­ing acts of right-wing domes­tic ter­ror­ism from the 1990’s and 2000’s up to the present day.

It has become very clear to many Amer­i­cans, (and here the Nep­tune to Nep­tune oppo­si­tion in the USA chart is rel­e­vant), that a grow­ing and core com­po­nent of the Repub­li­can base have become beguiled and delud­ed by unin­tel­li­gi­ble con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries, with a hard core that are com­mit­ted to White Suprema­cy. And it is these fear-based fol­low­ers who made their bold­est move by the attempt to over­turn the 2020 elec­tion and destroy democ­ra­cy by seiz­ing pow­er. They are not dis­suad­ed by their fail­ure, and they pose a real and present dan­ger to our coun­try, our insti­tu­tions, and our fel­low citizens.

The Plu­to Return of 2022
Of course, every cri­sis is ulti­mate­ly a Spir­i­tu­al Cri­sis. The seed of our twin crises, Cli­mate Change and Racism, spring from the same root cause, and that is the sin of divid­ing our­selves from the greater whole of which we are a part. Humans have sep­a­rat­ed them­selves from the oth­er king­doms of life on this plan­et, and in doing so we have made all oth­er life-forms an object for our use with­out regard to the del­i­cate, inte­gral bal­ance of the hier­ar­chies of life on this plan­et. We are destroy­ing the web of life on which on our own human lives depend. This spir­i­tu­al crime, of mis­us­ing the essen­tial beau­ty and boun­ty of Earth has cre­at­ed the exis­ten­tial cri­sis of Cli­mate Change, and one more proof of this is the Covid-19 Pan­dem­ic that has cir­cled the globe.

Humans have equal­ly, (and here we are unique among all oth­er species of life on this plan­et), we have equal­ly and most griev­ous­ly divid­ed humans from one anoth­er; we sep­a­rate our­selves by race, eth­nic­i­ty, gen­der, reli­gion and cul­ture, and by so doing we treat some humans as less than oth­ers, turn­ing them into the objects of fear based pro­jec­tions, into scape­goats for blame and pun­ish­ment. This virus of divi­sion and hate is how we are equal­ly destroy­ing our­selves too.

Plu­to Return, A New Beginning
The return of Plu­to is very much like a New Moon of Val­ue for the USA. It rep­re­sents the release of a new seed of Val­ue; it is the hope and promise of a new begin­ning for Amer­i­ca. But know this, before we can enter what might become a bright New Age and ful­fill the promise of uni­ver­sal self-ful­fill­ment, we must hold our­selves account­able to what we wrought and what we must make right.

The only way for­ward is to under­stand where we are com­ing from; we need to under­stand our his­to­ry, to tell our sto­ries to one anoth­er and rebuild our com­mon under­stand­ing with one anoth­er. The inequity in our present cir­cum­stances that divide us by race and eth­nic­i­ty, the vast dif­fer­ences in income and wealth, in health­care and gen­er­al well-being, in the cir­cum­stances of secu­ri­ty and safe­ty which are so  dis­pro­por­tion­ate and dead­ly, all of these are no acci­dent but the results of the fail­ure to live by the spir­i­tu­al truth that we are here to love one another.

We must recom­mit our­selves to our orig­i­nal dec­la­ra­tion of equal­i­ty and self-ful­fill­ment for one and all. But to build anew we must also make amends; we must face the truth and act to reverse the sys­temic inequities, injus­tices, and spir­i­tu­al harm we have done to one another.

As I often have said, we are the mak­ers of one anoth­er, and we owe our well-being and can only become ful­filled through one anoth­er. We are, as is the entire­ty of Cre­ation, made by and become what we are through the mys­tery of Alche­my. We are what we are through join­ing with one anoth­er in our sacred spaces of Union.

Tru­ly, we are indi­vis­i­ble from one anoth­er, and we must treat one anoth­er with love, respect, and hon­or. If we are to meet this Spir­i­tu­al Cri­sis, then we must renew our sacred com­mit­ment to make it pos­si­ble for each and every per­son to ful­fill their poten­tial for self-realization.

Here in 2021 and 2022 we are at an end which is a begin­ning, so let us pledge to one anoth­er that we will pro­tect and secure our true val­ue, which is our human family.

Astrologer Bill Attride Radio Show – Karma and the USA, Pluto Return (Sunday January 31, 2021 @ 2 pm EST)

Astro­log­i­cal Mus­ings – Kar­ma and the USA, The Plu­to Return – A Rebirth of Val­ue (Jan­u­ary 31, 2021)

In my sec­ond show of 2021, we will con­tin­ue our look at the USA.
In my last episode on Jan­u­ary 3rd, we looked at the impor­tance of Nep­tune for the Unit­ed States with regards to the Demo­c­ra­t­ic and Repub­li­can Par­ties. Today I want to look at the mean­ing of Plu­to in the USA chart, and the sig­nif­i­cance of its first ever “Return” in the USA chart in 2021–2022. The events of the past month have been quite extra­or­di­nary, and we can bet­ter under­stand what they mean by look­ing at this most sig­nif­i­cant alignment.

As before, I will answer your ques­tions dur­ing the show, whether on this top­ic or some oth­er mat­ter, includ­ing per­son­al ques­tions about your astro­log­i­cal chart. If you do wish to ask a per­son­al ques­tion, please be ready to pro­vide at least your birth date and birth­place, and time of your birth if you have that too.

If you wish to sug­gest a sub­ject or top­ic for a future show, please email me as I would be hap­py to hear from you. My email is:

Here is the main link to Astrologer Bill Attride Radio:

Here is the link to the show on Sun­day Jan­u­ary 31st @ 2 pm EST:

The phone num­ber to call if you wish to ask a ques­tion dur­ing the live show is: (516) 531‑9638.

Please join me on Sun­day Jan­u­ary 31st @ 2 pm EST as we look at the cur­rent astro­log­i­cal indi­ca­tions and what they mean for you.

If you miss the show, it will be avail­able as a Pod­cast short­ly after on BlogTalk or my Apple Pod­casts.

Sun Enters Aquarius – The New Age (January 19, 2021)

The Root of Happiness

In the cen­ter of every human, and through­out every par­ti­cle of Cre­ation, in the heart of each and every ener­gy-form, is the root of one and all, the Divine Mon­ad. That is the “source” of you; it is the Spark of the Divine, the Root Ener­gy-Form that made and sus­tains Cre­ation. It is what we call Divine Love.

It is here that we find the source of our self-aware con­scious­ness, our indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. It is from the Mon­ad, from the Spark of the Divine, that is where the spe­cial­ness that each one of us is here “to be and to become” shines. It is our Song of Spir­it, the very Quin­tes­sence of us. It is the pro­tean force that dri­ves our Cre­ation, the call to Self-Realization.

Cre­ation is formed by a hier­ar­chy of hosts, formed by and into mul­ti­plic­i­ties of indi­vid­u­al­i­ties and com­mu­ni­ties of affil­i­a­tion, and each of them is shaped, guid­ed, and inspired by a unique spark of the Divine. The whole of Cre­ation is the jour­ney of innu­mer­able ones who are on the sacred path of “Self-Becom­ing by Self-Fulfillment”.

Yet we are equal­ly made by one anoth­er for one anoth­er too. Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and Com­mu­ni­ty are woven through­out the fab­ric of the Uni­verse. As humans, we all wish to be “one of a kind”; but we also are made by our kinds, as we forge our unique­ness from the rich sources of the many groups, com­mu­ni­ties, and cul­tures of our human world.

Today we leave the realm of Capri­corn and enter the space of Aquar­ius. At this time of the year, and wher­ev­er Aquar­ius is to be found in your chart, it is there that you will reach beyond what was estab­lished and secured by your own efforts, and also by all those who came before you. Aquar­ius is the space where we dream of what might be, of who we might become, and how we shall cre­ate and make a bet­ter life for our­selves and for one anoth­er too.

Aquar­ius holds the dream of your future, that there are fin­er days ahead, with more gen­tle breezes and far hori­zons of hopes ful­filled. That one fine day we will live in kind­li­ness and good­ness shared between all peo­ple who know in their hearts that “we are what we are” because of our love for one another.

Aquar­ius brings you deep­er into the realm of your “vol­un­tary asso­ci­a­tions”, to your Fel­low­ships, to your Broth­er­hoods and Sis­ter­hoods, to your com­rades and com­pan­ions, for Aquar­ius is about the Truth that we are all made by and for one anoth­er. We sim­ply could nev­er be human with­out expe­ri­enc­ing the holis­tic truth, that we make one anoth­er by our shared expe­ri­ences. It is through one anoth­er that we form a more per­fect self for our­selves as we build our more per­fect com­mu­ni­ties of camaraderie.

Aquar­ius holds the para­dox­i­cal Truth, that we are One and we are the Many. Each one of us is a unique expres­sion of being human, yet we make our­selves from many groups or “kinds”. We are shaped by our com­bin­ing these var­i­ous kinds into the spe­cial human that we are, and we con­tribute our own sen­si­bil­i­ties and expe­ri­ences back into these var­i­ous asso­ci­a­tions. This dynam­ic and pro­tean cre­ation made by the weav­ing of the per­son­al and social, it is by this that “you devel­op you”, with a par­tic­u­lar per­son­al social con­scious­ness that is informed, shaped, and real­ized into a larg­er com­mu­ni­ty con­scious­ness. We are ones, formed and shaped into larg­er wholes that are a “one” as well; from indi­vid­ual, to fam­i­ly, to com­mu­ni­ty to cul­ture to the world of human­i­ty itself, we are all ones with­in oth­er ones that ulti­mate­ly are held in the One.

We expe­ri­ence our human­i­ty in Aquar­ius, of find­ing our spe­cial­ness that makes us dif­fer­ent from one anoth­er, but also find­ing and mak­ing what we have in com­mon too. At the core of what we com­mon­ly share, as Sparks of the Divine, is our dream of Self-Ful­fill­ment. This is what has been known and shared by all humans through­out the ages, and it holds the answer to the ancient ques­tion, “What will make me happy?”

Those who are wise under­stand that Hap­pi­ness is not a “thing”, it is not some­thing that you can pur­chase or an expe­ri­ence you can have. Hap­pi­ness is a “Qual­i­ty of Being” that is forged by expe­ri­enc­ing your most essen­tial nature, it is your expe­ri­ence of Self-Fulfillment.

Your hap­pi­ness comes from your own self-ful­fill­ment. But you can­not tru­ly expe­ri­ence this for your­self alone. Indeed, how could you? As you have been made by one anoth­er since the begin­ning of time, your hap­pi­ness is also part of one anoth­er too. Our true Hap­pi­ness is a social expe­ri­ence, where you see your friend’s joy in ful­fill­ment, and it brings a smile to your heart; and your laugh­ter and joy in self-real­iza­tion warms their heart as well. How can any of us be tru­ly hap­py if we have not done all that we can to make pos­si­ble the ful­fill­ment of one and all?

This is the promise and pur­pose of Aquar­ius. We are “one for all, and all for one”; we are here for one anoth­er and we are the means to one anoth­er’s self-ful­fill­ment and happiness.

Aquar­ius is about our love for one anoth­er and the joy we have when we strive to make pos­si­ble a bet­ter future for our­selves, and for those who fol­low us too.

Aquar­ius is the dream of a bet­ter world, a kinder more lov­ing world that will not come until we act as we are tru­ly meant to be.

We are made of love, and we are here to love one anoth­er too.

Yes, there is a New Age dawning,

And we will be that Dawn.

2021–1‑3 Radio Show Transcript – The New Year

Tran­script of Radio Show: The New Year – Nep­tune and US History

(If you wish to lis­ten to the show instead, here is the link on BlogTalk or Apple Pod­casts)

As we say good­bye to 2020 and look ahead to what may unfold in 2021, I thought I would con­tin­ue to exam­ine the impor­tance of Neptune’s influ­ence for the USA and look at how this might be under­stood with regards to our present con­di­tion and his­tor­i­cal antecedents.

As I not­ed in my show on Decem­ber 6th, (which you can read the tran­script for here), the impor­tance of Nep­tune gen­er­al­ly, and more espe­cial­ly in the USA chart is quite telling. Nep­tune, one of the three Avatars of the Divine Tri­ad of Spir­it, holds the truth of the Ener­gy-Form behind the whole of Cre­ation. That Ener­gy-Form is the Love of the One in every Mon­ad; it is the “One in one and all” and it is most pure­ly expe­ri­enced by us as Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

Of course, noth­ing can be or exist with­out inter­re­la­tion­ship, and for Nep­tune that means we can only under­stand its mean­ings for us by fram­ing our expe­ri­ence with Uranus and Plu­to as well. Look­ing at this Tri­ad we find that Plu­to as the Avatar of Divine Will cre­ates and forms the Space or Con­tain­er for any being; Nep­tune as the Avatar of Uncon­di­tion­al Love shapes the aware­ness of any being towards ever greater Com­mu­nal­i­ty; and Uranus as the Avatar of Freer Mind shapes the aware­ness of any being towards every greater Individuality.

Nep­tune as the Avatar of Uncon­di­tion­al Love holds for us our Intu­ition­al nature, our capac­i­ty to know and encom­pass anoth­er as our­self; it is the foun­tain-source for our empa­thy, com­pas­sion and sac­ri­fice for one anoth­er as all of these (and oth­er noble traits) are found­ed by our true nature (when awak­ened), which is quite sim­ply that we are made by and for one anoth­er in uncon­di­tion­al love.

Nep­tune and Astro­log­i­cal Chart of the USA
As I have not­ed before, the place­ment of Nep­tune in the chart of the USA is quite promi­nent. It is at the top of the chart (along with Sat­urn), locat­ed in the 9th house of Under­stand­ing. Nep­tune holds the dream of a nation and part of the found­ing myth of the Unit­ed States is its sense of being excep­tion­al. We declare in our nation­al seal that we are a “New Order for the Ages”. We came to form a new human covenant, where we by hold­ing togeth­er dis­parate peo­ples from around the world, all of whom are seek­ing to live a freer life, we would be a shin­ing exam­ple of Free­dom, Tol­er­ance and Com­mu­ni­ty. The USA would be a new soci­ety, formed by a belief in one another’s self-ful­fill­ment as being made pos­si­ble through one anoth­er, and by our self-gov­ern­ment, where­in we would care for one anoth­er; we declared that “We Mutu­al­ly Pledge To Each Oth­er Our Lives, Our For­tunes, And Our Sacred Hon­or”, and so strive to cre­ate a space of free­dom and jus­tice for one and for all.

As I not­ed in my ear­li­er shows, Nep­tune, the hold­er of dreams and myths, of illu­mi­na­tions and delu­sions, has returned now to the posi­tion it held as the Unit­ed States faced its great­est exis­ten­tial and spir­i­tu­al cri­sis formed by the divi­sion into two visions or myths of Amer­i­ca, whether to be Slave or Free, in the Civ­il War. The ques­tion then and seem­ing­ly now is, “will the fun­da­men­tal spir­i­tu­al truth, that all humans are cre­at­ed equal, be made our real­i­ty or not”?

Demo­c­ra­t­ic and Repub­li­can Charts
It is quite inter­est­ing, and cer­tain­ly no acci­dent, that in the charts of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic and Repub­li­can par­ties Nep­tune is also fea­tured quite promi­nent­ly. It is also quite inter­est­ing, and again no acci­dent I would think, that these two charts are so inter­re­lat­ed with one another.

Though there was an ear­li­er ver­sion of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty, the gen­er­al­ly accept­ed date of the par­ty is Jan­u­ary 8, 1828 in Portsmouth, NH. That makes it a Capri­corn, and for our pur­pos­es today, it is note­wor­thy that it is born with a Sun/Neptune Con­junc­tion. The Repub­li­can Par­ty was found­ed on the wreck­age of the Whig Par­ty and its date of incor­po­ra­tion is July 6, 1854 in Jack­son, WI. That makes it a Can­cer, and it has its Nep­tune in Pisces which is Trin­ing the Sun in Cancer.

The two charts have their Sun in oppo­si­tion to one anoth­er, which makes per­fect sense giv­en the oppo­si­tion­al nature of the two party’s posi­tions through­out US his­to­ry. Spir­i­tu­al­ly, it is by oppo­si­tions or oppo­site qual­i­ties and natures that we tru­ly find our way. That Way or path is found by hold­ing each togeth­er as part of the answer, and by find­ing the third way, we fol­low the inte­gral path of Spirit.

Because of this oppo­si­tion , it is very instruc­tive to exam­ine the series of align­ments to their respec­tive Suns, by Sat­urn or Uranus, and by Nep­tune and Plu­to, as these have often indi­cat­ed the mean­ing behind as well as the tim­ing of shifts in those who held pow­er. With regards to the par­ty in con­trol of the Pres­i­den­cy, the Repub­li­can Par­ty from the Civ­il War to the Great Depres­sion held the White House, with only Grover Cleve­land and Woodrow Wil­son being the excep­tions. Then from FDR to LBJ the democ­rats held pow­er, except for the two terms of Dwight David Eisenhower.

Nep­tune and the Democratic/Republican Charts
For today, I want to focus upon the role of Nep­tune with regards to the two par­ties and their his­tor­i­cal shifts. Both par­ties are strong­ly influ­enced by the plan­et Nep­tune, which is the plan­et of dreams, myths, and ide­olo­gies. It is the prin­ci­pal shaper of the visions and dreams of a per­son, group, or nation. Real­ly, along with the plan­et Uranus, I see Nep­tune shap­ing the con­scious­ness of what­ev­er enti­ty one may be exam­in­ing. But just like an indi­vid­ual, or cul­tur­al group or par­ty or nation, those dreams and myths are pro­tean in nature, as they trans­form and blend, rise and fall, even­tu­al­ly becom­ing bro­ken, or reformed or reborn over time. Though in its high­est form Nep­tune, as the plan­et of Uncon­di­tion­al Love, will inspire empa­thy and inclu­sive­ness, wher­ev­er fear takes hold, it will then man­i­fest as the shad­ow side of Nep­tune, evi­denced by sep­a­ra­tions and exclu­sive divi­sions, becom­ing sub­ject to fan­tasies, delu­sions, and con­spir­a­to­r­i­al manias.

There are not a few his­to­ri­ans and oth­er social observers who have watch the arc of the Repub­li­can par­ty from its found­ing as the par­ty of Lin­coln and Eman­ci­pa­tion, seem­ing­ly devolve in the past 50 years or so into a par­ty whose self-inter­est seems to be depen­dent upon var­i­ous schemes to deny the right to vote to peo­ple of col­or. This process of exclu­sion instead of inclu­sion, (very much a reflec­tion of a neg­a­tive fear-based shift­ing of Nep­tun­ian dreams and myths), was not an acci­dent. It was a reac­tion or fear fed by the exten­sion of civ­il rights in 1964 and 1965. As a result of this attempt of greater inclu­sive­ness, the con­trol by the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty shift­ed to the Repub­li­can Par­ty in the for­mer states of the Con­fed­er­a­cy as well in some West­ern States and rur­al areas.

1960’s Shift
This redefin­ing of the myth of the Repub­li­can par­ty began in the late 1960’s and was accom­pa­nied Astro­log­i­cal­ly by the wan­ing Trine of Nep­tune to Nep­tune in its chart. It is inter­est­ing that we can note that the same aspect of the wan­ing Trine in the Demo­c­ra­t­ic chart hap­pened in the mid-1930’s when it shift­ed to a more activist form of gov­er­nance, in the attempt to deal with the calami­ty of the Great Depres­sion and the exis­ten­tial cri­sis of World War II. That redefin­ing of the par­ty and its elec­toral make­up, led to the Democ­rats hold­ing pow­er (except for the Eisen­how­er years), from 1932 to the late 1960’s.

It is quite inter­est­ing that for the Demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty, the wan­ing of Nep­tune to Nep­tune in the response to the dev­as­ta­tion of the Great Depres­sion in the 1930’s, led to the expan­sion of gov­ern­ment and to the inclu­sion of more peo­ple in the body politic over time; where­as for the Repub­li­can par­ty in the late 1960’s the wan­ing trine led to con­sis­tent attempts to roll back the com­mu­nal space for the right to self-deter­mi­na­tion, in attempts to lim­it and ulti­mate­ly hob­ble Fed­er­al ser­vices, and by var­ied and numer­ous actions to nar­row the elec­torate and deny rights to legit­i­mate US citizens.

Nep­tune 2021
For our cur­rent peri­od, Nep­tune has returned to its natal posi­tion in the Repub­li­can party’s chart, the same place it was at the thresh­old of the Civ­il War. Like a “New Moon”, the return would imply a release of a new ener­gy-form that will slow­ly but sure­ly make itself evi­dent over the next many years. What this might mean after the last four years remains to be seen. But it is cer­tain­ly a fun­da­men­tal ques­tion among pun­dits and his­to­ri­ans right now: What is the dream and myth of the Repub­li­can par­ty now; what does it “stand for” after four years of Don­ald Trump?

The Nep­tune return in the Demo­c­ra­t­ic chart occurred in 1991, when after the 12 years of Repub­li­can rule under Rea­gan and George H. W. Bush, Democ­rats deter­mined that they should attempt to expand their elec­toral base by mov­ing towards a more con­ser­v­a­tive eco­nom­ic posi­tion dur­ing the Clin­ton pres­i­den­cy. Many have argued that this attempt to secure wider sup­port by mov­ing to “the cen­ter” only served to rein­force the eco­nom­i­cal­ly unsus­tain­able neo-lib­er­al poli­cies of the Rea­gan and Bush years, as it removed the last safe­guards and over­sight that had been insti­tut­ed after the Great Depres­sion. The lessons of the 1920’s and 1930’s had been for­got­ten by both par­ties, and this, along with oth­er devel­op­ments in the nature of the finan­cial mar­kets and broad­er econ­o­my, brought about the Sec­ond Great Depres­sion under George W. Bush.

That mort­gage cri­sis and finan­cial melt­down of 2007 and 2008, led to the Demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty nom­i­nat­ing Barack Oba­ma, who would become the first black pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States. Sad­dled with the worse eco­nom­ic con­di­tions since the 1930’s, he attempt­ed to restore the eco­nom­ic order while also extend­ing one of the most basic pro­tec­tions of a civ­il (or bet­ter put, humane) soci­ety by address­ing the bro­ken health­care sys­tem of the US in the Afford­able Care Act.

Trump and Repub­li­can Party
The last four years have seen the Trump agen­da being for the most part an attempt to reverse all the gains in equi­ty and fair­ness dur­ing the Oba­ma years. The Repub­li­can par­ty, as embod­ied by its leader, appears to have no guid­ing belief or mean­ing, as it has devolved into a cult of per­son­al­i­ty for a self­ish and cru­el nar­cis­sist. There was no mean­ing or love guid­ing poli­cies and actions, no plans for the greater good, just fear-filled demands for atten­tion or revenge. It has led many now, to break their sacred oath for all who serve in gov­ern­ment, that they will “pro­tect and defend the Con­sti­tu­tion”. The repeat­ed attempts to bring charges of elec­toral fraud have failed in the courts because there is no cred­i­ble evi­dence of fraud, just spu­ri­ous alle­ga­tions meant to dis­en­fran­chise minor­i­ty districts.

What will the Repub­li­can par­ty become now? The par­ty found­ed on com­pas­sion for those suf­fer­ing under slav­ery has turned into a par­ty of griev­ance whose lamen­ta­tions and woe are root­ed in a Nep­tun­ian delu­sion of their inher­ent right to pow­er, and their claim that oth­ers are not enti­tled to vote. In all but one of their chal­lenges regard­ing the 2020 Pres­i­den­tial elec­tion brought before the courts, and three of those to the Supreme Court, all have been found to be with­out evi­dence and dis­missed. The very votes they seek to throw out were over­seen and cer­ti­fied by rep­re­sen­ta­tives from both par­ties, and in most of the states the offi­cers over­see­ing the elec­tions are from the Repub­li­can Party.

The plan­ets do not make what hap­pens down here; they pro­vide a con­text of mean­ing and the tim­ing for the events in our jour­ney of Spir­it. What hap­pens, what actions we take and what real­i­ty we make, that is on us; it is by this that we, the mak­ers of our real­i­ty, reveal our aware­ness or lack of under­stand­ing. It is upon each of us to act with integri­ty, hon­or, and love. If we lis­ten to the Winds of the Spir­it in our heart, we will be guid­ed and cen­tered in each and every moment by our ever­last­ing faith and love, and not by fear. The mes­sage of Spir­it now, held by Nep­tune, is that we must always turn away from fear and hate and remem­ber that we are here to love one another.

2021 – A Reckoning
2021 is a year of reck­on­ing. In the chart of the USA, Nep­tune is once again oppo­site to its natal or birth posi­tion. Just like in 1858, we are being asked to look at our­selves, and to look at one anoth­er, and see in one anoth­er our own true self. We formed a covenant, and in that sacred con­tract we pledged to cre­ate a space for self-ful­fill­ment that is found­ed upon and cir­cum­scribed by our Love for one anoth­er. That is why we must strive to cre­ate the freest con­di­tions pos­si­ble to real­ize each member’s poten­tial, while equal­ly sac­ri­fic­ing more self­ish inter­ests for the greater good of the com­mu­ni­ty. We must find the mid­dle way, the path of inte­gra­tion and love for one another.

It starts right here, as you lis­ten with your heart you must rea­son with your mind. As you hold togeth­er your feel­ings and thoughts through the bless­ings of your high­er, Intu­ition­al Self, it is then that you will be guid­ed to be ever kinder to your­self and to one anoth­er too.

The Law of Kar­ma is per­fect and Just; the Answer is always the same.

Love one anoth­er as you love are loved by your High­er Self.

This is the way of the Lone­ly Ones, the way of the Mas­ters of the Light.

Fol­low the path of gen­tle­ness, com­pas­sion, and sacrifice.

Fol­low the Way of Light and Truth and Love.