Author Archives: Bill Attride

About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

Sun Enters Gemini (May 21, 2023)

Mer­cury by Dos­so Dossi

Who am I; What am I… Now, what is this?

It is held as a fun­da­men­tal truth in the Ancient Wis­dom, that the Cre­ative Pow­ers of the Cos­mos are divid­ed into Twelve Realms or Dimen­sions, and this divi­sion is mir­rored or matched by our expe­ri­ence of this by the essen­tial arrange­ment by the Lords of Time and Space held in the Zodi­ac. But we must remem­ber this, there is but the One…who became the Two, who became the Three, and from this came all the hier­ar­chies of Spirit-Life-Consciousness.

We also know from the Ancients, that there is but one “Self”, the One of all the selves, man­i­fest­ing in the Inner­most of the Inmost being of one and all. But we have many egos, and many oth­er spir­it-mat­ter forms or parts that make up the con­sti­tu­tion of the hosts for all monadic life-forms. And because of the many divi­sions into realms and beings of life we can under­stand that though it is true that all came from the One and abide in the One, from the most infin­i­tes­i­mal unto the great­est of hosts, we have always ques­tioned and strug­gled as to what is the source of the errors or of con­flicts that we see all around us, or as many have won­dered, if all is of the One Spir­it, what is the “ori­gin of evil”?

The Ancient Wis­dom answers, that this expe­ri­ence of evil is mere­ly the result of the con­flict of wills of all the evolv­ing beings, espe­cial­ly those who have lift­ed them­selves to some lev­el of self-aware­ness and who then oper­ate with more of qual­i­ty of choice or free will; and that we must under­stand that error or evil is the inevitable and nec­es­sary expe­ri­ence of the host of mon­ads who are mov­ing from unself-aware to ful­ly divine con­scious­ness over the course of count­less eons.

In Aries, we expe­ri­ence that we “are”, that we exist. In Tau­rus, we expe­ri­ence that we are some “thing”, that we are in our body (real­ly many mat­ter-forms or bod­ies, from the most ethe­re­al to the dens­est mat­ter). Just as the Uni­verse is formed of Spir­it and Mat­ter, or Spir­it-Mat­ter, so does in the Astro­log­i­cal hier­ar­chy of the Cos­mos we have Aries in a sense hold­ing the first realm of Spir­it and Tau­rus as hold­ing the first realm of Mat­ter. But once again, these two can nev­er be con­sid­ered sep­a­rate or apart while the Cos­mos exists, for every part of Cre­ation is Spir­it-Mat­ter, and then, of course there is so much more than this.

Now we have Gem­i­ni, the third in the first tri­ad of truth, and as much as you are One in Spir­it, and that you are made of many forms or bod­ies too, you are also part of the won­der of Spir­it that we call Mind or Con­scious­ness. Because just as much as every­thing is formed of Spir­it, and every­thing is formed as Mat­ter, so too is the entire­ty of Cre­ation formed as Mind or Con­scious­ness too. Now there are many lev­els and realms of con­scious­ness, from the most sim­ple and unaware of par­ti­cles or ele­men­tals to the most sub­lime and encom­pass­ing beings who form the Divine Hier­ar­chies of Creation.

All mon­ads are on a jour­ney of becom­ing, of unfold­ing and real­iz­ing their unique qual­i­ty of being, that unique self that we know as their Swab­hā­va or Quin­tes­sence. We all came from a Star as a unique spark of the Divine, and through our var­i­ous stages of real­iza­tion or self-devel­op­ment we have moved into ever more encom­pass­ing bod­ies and realms of self-real­iza­tion. But when we moved into this human king­dom, we entered the greater half of our jour­ney from a mere spark of the divine and clos­er to being a con­scious co-cre­ator of Creation.

Long, long ago we were ready to receive what must be quickened/awakened in each mon­ad at the prop­er time. Whether we look to the book shared by many, of Adam and Eve and the “act” that brought about their self-aware­ness, or to the many sto­ries, myths (or truths!), of the great ones who gift­ed to us our self-con­scious­ness, of the myths of Prometheus, of Lucifer, of Quet­zal­coatl, of Loki and what the Ancient Wis­dom tells of the join­ing of the Kumaras with us, in all these sto­ries we find the one sto­ry, which is that we are awake and self-aware because we are part of a much greater sto­ry of Spirit.

Today as we enter Gem­i­ni, and for­ev­er some­where in your chart, we bow down to those who passed the “light of under­stand­ing” to us, as it had been done unto them long ago. Because this is also part of the teach­ing. We are not one and apart, we are made of and by one anoth­er, by those who came before us and by our fel­low humans now. We can­not know with­out one anoth­er, because the very nature of self-con­scious­ness depends upon rela­tion­ships, it forms in our rela­tion­ship with the worlds around us and our rela­tion­ships with our fel­low humans.

The sto­ry of our jour­ney is also the sto­ry of Con­scious­ness. It can only be formed by shar­ing with one anoth­er, by telling one anoth­er our sto­ries, by lis­ten­ing to one anoth­er, by cor­rect­ing our errors of per­cep­tion and com­pre­hen­sion by shar­ing our expe­ri­ences, by free­ing our minds and hearts from the shad­ows and fears that blind us to the truth.

The key to wis­dom and truth starts with this, “Know Thyself”!

But the first step is to know that you will only know your­self when you see the oth­er as your­self. When you look into their eyes with no shad­ow or fear, and what you will see shin­ing there before you, in them and from you, is the Light Divine, the Love that is the One, the One whose cen­ter is every­where and whose cir­cum­fer­ence is nowhere.

It is then that you will know because it is true, that all of Cre­ation is shin­ing, that all of Cre­ation is alive and Con­scious, because it is all the One, and we are all here to live as cre­ators of the life Divine.

2023–5‑7 Radio Show Transcript — Pluto in Aquarius, Pluto in the Signs (May 7, 2023)

Astro­log­i­cal Mus­ings — Plu­to in Aquar­ius, Plu­to in the signs and what do we mean by an age?

(If you wish to lis­ten to the show instead, here is the link on BlogTalk or Apple Pod­casts)

As many of you know I have been speak­ing and writ­ing about Pluto’s pas­sage through Capri­corn since 2008 as the “end of age”. Nat­u­ral­ly, we might assume that the next pas­sage of Plu­to through Aquar­ius, which tech­ni­cal­ly has begun here in 2023, would mark the begin­ning of a “New Age”. But that rais­es a num­ber of ques­tions, the first ques­tion being what do we mean, or what do I mean by an “age”, or the end of an age, let alone “a new age”?

Many observers of his­to­ry have cat­e­go­rized peri­ods in his­to­ry, in var­i­ous areas and regions in the world as being of a cer­tain type or order, and they char­ac­ter­ized what some call “the tides of his­to­ry”, the rise and fall of civ­i­liza­tions and cul­tures over years, cen­turies and even mil­len­nia. Some eras or ages are rather long, oth­ers much short­er. And you prob­a­bly would not be sur­prised to see that many if not most of these rip­ples in time can be under­stood as being marked, informed, and shaped by the var­i­ous cycles of the plan­ets around the Sun, as well as by their inter­sect­ing cycles with one anoth­er. After all, our Earth is part of this larg­er sys­tem, the solar sys­tem, whose plan­e­tary cycles can be seen much like a giant forge of ener­gy-forms whose cir­cu­la­tions and per­am­bu­la­tions and rota­tions form what I call the “dance of the plan­ets”, and it is this which cre­ates the ener­gy-pat­terns we expe­ri­ence as “time”.

Jupiter/Saturn Muta­tion
For exam­ple, one of the most well-known cycles in Mun­dane Astrol­o­gy is the repeat­ed con­junc­tions of Jupiter and Sat­urn in a cer­tain ele­ment, (Fire, Earth, Air and Water), that demar­cate or indi­cate the type of his­tor­i­cal peri­od that cul­tures and civ­i­liza­tions are mov­ing through. We have just fin­ished a 200-year cycle in the ele­ment of Earth at the end of 2020, and we began a 200-year age of Air with Jupiter and Sat­urn meet­ing in Aquar­ius. The com­plete cycle for the Jupiter/Saturn align­ments in the four ele­ments is about 800 years long.

Anoth­er means for peri­odiz­ing his­to­ry comes from the pas­sages of the out­er plan­ets through the Signs indi­vid­u­al­ly, and also by the var­i­ous Syn­od­ic cycles that Uranus, Nep­tune, and Plu­to form with one anoth­er. A Syn­od­ic cycle is the peri­od of one planet’s con­junc­tion with anoth­er and those con­junc­tions can be viewed as being like a “new Moon” or a seed­ing of that’s plan­e­tary pair’s influence.

Pluto’s pas­sage through the Signs takes about 245 years and Nep­tune about 164 years and Uranus about 84 years. The longest Syn­od­ic Cycle is that of Plu­to with Nep­tune, which is approx­i­mate­ly 492 years, then comes Nep­tune with Uranus of around 171 years and final­ly Plu­to with Uranus of around 127 years.

Out­er Plan­ets Syn­od­ic Cycles
With regard to those com­bined syn­od­ic cycles, the most recent Pluto/Neptune cycle began in 1891–92, and the pre­vi­ous seed­ing was in 1398–99. I con­sid­er this influ­ence to be the rec­i­p­ro­cal rela­tion­ship of Divine Will and Divine Love, and for us forms the dynam­ic inter­play of how we man­age the mys­tery of union or of alche­my, as we learn to join togeth­er with­out los­ing our indi­vid­ual selves in one another.

The last Neptune/Uranus cycle began in 1993, and the pre­vi­ous seed­ing was in 1821. This plan­e­tary pair con­cerns the rec­i­p­ro­cal rela­tion­ship between “Freer Minds” or inde­pen­dence and uncon­di­tion­al love or com­mu­ni­ty, it holds the ever-unfold­ing dynam­ic ten­sion between our var­i­ous “kinds” of being and belong­ing to a com­mu­ni­ty as one of many, while also try­ing to live and being true to one­self as a “one of a kind”.

Final­ly, the last Pluto/Uranus cycle began in 1965–66, and the pre­vi­ous seed­ing was in 1850–51. This plan­e­tary pair con­cerns the rec­i­p­ro­cal rela­tion­ship between the Will and Free­dom, or Sacred Space and Freer Minds; it is the ever-unfold­ing dynam­ic ten­sion of striv­ing to being freer with­out caus­ing harm to anoth­er or oth­ers in their sacred space.

What this means is that in just the last 100 years or so we have had each of the three major plan­e­tary pairs begin new cycles, and per­haps that may be anoth­er rea­son as to why we are mov­ing through such a dynam­ic and tumul­tuous peri­od of change.

So, in a way we could say that 1891 was the begin­ning of an age, as was 1965, and also 1993. Indeed, there are realms with­in realms, cir­cles with­in cir­cles and for us to try and sort through and under­stand these mul­ti­ple influ­ences and ener­gy-forms is quite chal­leng­ing. But for our pur­pos­es today, let’s con­sid­er the cycle of Plu­to through the signs and see what mes­sages it might have for us.

Plu­to through the Signs
The pas­sage of Plu­to through the Zodi­ac takes about 245 years, and I believe it marks one of the more sig­nif­i­cant shapers for the series of phas­es in our spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment as we trav­el through the halls of his­to­ry. Plu­to is crit­i­cal, as it holds for us, or is the Avatar for us in our solar sys­tem, for the essen­tial pow­er that is Alche­my, which is the heart of the spir­i­tu­al process that dri­ves Cre­ation. The beat­ing heart of Cre­ation is forged by com­bi­na­tions of the many ones who in their entire­ty form the Life and Body of the One. Spir­it moves into innu­mer­able forms of man­i­fes­ta­tion, which pro­ceeds as a series of cre­ative com­bi­na­tions of trans­for­ma­tions, which we expe­ri­ence and under­stand as Birth, Death, and then Rebirth into new forms. As I like to say, the whole of Cre­ation is the sto­ry of Spir­it danc­ing through Mat­ter-Forms, which are the tem­po­rary forms of mate­ri­al­iza­tions which by their very nature are mor­tal or bound by time.

If we take the “begin­ning” of the jour­ney for Plu­to through the signs, that is start­ing with Aries, then we should under­stand that the pas­sage from Aries to Tau­rus, from Tau­rus to Gem­i­ni and so on, should be viewed as the “sto­ry of Plu­to” in the signs, with the nature and mean­ing of each sign being trans­formed by the agency of Alche­my that is Plu­to. That would mean that a New Age of Plu­to would begin in Aries and would end in Pisces. In each of those pas­sages in a sign, we would expect to find the arche­typ­al-trans­for­ma­tion­al role of Plu­to to take the expe­ri­ences of that realm to the high­est of highs, and equal­ly to the low­est of lows, for us to expe­ri­ence in that sign the alchem­i­cal truth of Birth, Death, and Rebirth if you will. So, why did I des­ig­nate the pas­sage of Plu­to in Capri­corn as the “end of an age”?

My des­ig­na­tion or delin­eation comes from what Capri­corn holds or rep­re­sents, which is the Insti­tu­tion­al Hier­ar­chy, whether that be of fam­i­ly, com­mu­ni­ty cul­ture or civ­i­liza­tion. In Capri­corn we wit­ness or reach the apex and/or col­lapse of the devel­op­ment for that Plu­to cycle, the ful­fill­ment of what­ev­er ener­gy-form we are exam­in­ing, (which in our case is the broad­er human sto­ry of cul­ture and civ­i­liza­tion). What would come after, where we are now in 2023 until 2044, is our chal­lenge to reimag­ine the world we want to pre­serve or cre­ate now (Aquar­ius), and then in the last Sign of Pisces, the final chal­lenge would to be restore our faith and face down our fears. Giv­en our cur­rent cycle of Plu­to, the next new “age of Plu­to” will not tru­ly begin until 2068 when Plu­to enters Aries again.

With that in mind, let us see what the cur­rent cycle of Plu­to through the signs has been. We should arrange this both in date order, but we may also find it use­ful to con­sid­er the four sea­son­al sec­tions of these pas­sages, Aries to Gem­i­ni, Can­cer to Vir­go, Libra to Sagit­tar­ius and Capri­corn to Pisces to be insight­ful as well.

The first three signs, Aries, Tau­rus, and Gem­i­ni, form the begin­ning of the emer­gence of any age.

Plu­to in Aries
The begin­ning of the last pas­sage of Plu­to in Aries was 1823 to 1853, which most cer­tain­ly cor­re­sponds to the emer­gence of a new form of world iden­ti­ty, with the seed­ing of the mod­ern polit­i­cal and indus­tri­al age and the begin­ning of a world-wide glob­al­iza­tion of the polit­i­cal econ­o­my, as Plu­to in Aries her­ald­ed that a new type of order was tak­ing shape in the world. It wit­nessed what his­to­ri­ans call the first “indus­tri­al rev­o­lu­tion”, includ­ing the spread of the means of con­nect­ing and trav­el­ling that exceed­ed any­thing before that time ever in human his­to­ry, the railroad.

Plu­to in Taurus
The pas­sage of Plu­to through Tau­rus was from 1853 to 1884 and cor­re­spond­ed with the trans­for­ma­tion of the val­ues of the emerg­ing world order of that time, the rise of fac­to­ries and major indus­tri­al pro­duc­tion was the sub­stan­tial man­i­fes­ta­tion that would lead to the car­bon-based world order that we have now. In the USA, this strug­gle over our val­ues came to a cli­max with the Civ­il War, over the very ques­tion of the slav­ery, with the eman­ci­pa­tion of the slaves, and then their vir­tu­al re-enslave­ment with the counter-ref­or­ma­tion as the strug­gle for equal­i­ty and jus­tice in Recon­struc­tion failed, which led to the rise of share­crop­ping and Jim Crow in the south.

Plu­to in Gemini
Pluto’s pas­sage through Gem­i­ni was 1884 to 1914 and this cor­re­spond­ed with the trans­for­ma­tion through a surge of inven­tive­ness and new tech­nolo­gies that formed the spread of the infor­ma­tion net­works of the glob­al order, with lines of com­mu­ni­ca­tion that con­nect­ed and encom­passed for the very first time the entire world. In the USA, inven­tions such as the tele­graph, tele­phone, the spread of elec­tri­fi­ca­tion, and the auto­mo­bile and air­plane rev­o­lu­tion­ized the world.

The sec­ond three signs, Can­cer, Leo, and Vir­go, form the sec­ond qua­ter­ni­ty, and rep­re­sent the strug­gle with the foun­da­tions and the via­bil­i­ty of what began in the first quarter.

Plu­to in Cancer
Plu­to moved through Can­cer from 1914 to 1939, and the foun­da­tions of the world and human secu­ri­ty were dis­rupt­ed by World War One, the world-wide Great Depres­sion and the begin­ning of the Sec­ond World War. The very nature of secu­ri­ty which Can­cer rules, of one’s land and ter­ri­to­r­i­al integri­ty, was torn asun­der as peo­ples and nations lost their lives and their homes on a world-wide scale.

Plu­to in Leo
Plu­to passed through Leo from 1939 to 1957, and this pas­sage wit­nessed the epic strug­gles of world cen­ters of lead­er­ship and pow­er (ruled by Leo) vying for world domin­ion in World War II and into the Cold War. The epic con­fronta­tions of com­pet­ing sys­tems of belief led to the devel­op­ment for the very first time in human his­to­ry of a ter­ri­fy­ing real­i­ty, the weapons of war humans had invent­ed formed and still present an exis­ten­tial threat to life itself, in that we could destroy our world with our crafti­ness and tech­nol­o­gy, because our intel­li­gence had sur­passed our wisdom.

Plu­to in Virgo
Plu­to moved through Vir­go from 1957 to 1972, as the world became trans­formed by the devel­op­ment of new tech­nolo­gies and meth­ods of pro­duc­tion, which trans­formed the econ­o­my through sci­en­tif­ic dis­cov­er­ies and rev­o­lu­tion­ary appli­ca­tions in med­i­cine, food pro­duc­tion, and the nature of work and liv­ing were trans­formed. Dis­eases were con­quered but new sources of human suf­fer­ing were forged by the dis­rup­tions of nat­ur­al sys­tems by the pro­lif­er­a­tion of chem­i­cals and oth­er human-made poi­sons into the world.

The third sec­tor of signs, Libra, Scor­pio, and Sagit­tar­ius forms the third quar­ter of the Astro­log­i­cal cal­en­dar, and it is in this sec­ond half of the Plu­to cycle where we can see that Pluto’s Alchem­i­cal force trans­formed the larg­er struc­tures of human life.

Plu­to in Libra
Plu­to moved through Libra from 1972 to 1984, and the trans­for­ma­tions of the soci­ety and cul­ture of the pre­vi­ous signs led to an erup­tion of changes in the qual­i­ty and the nature of the var­i­ous forms of rela­tion­ships in soci­ety, for sex­u­al rela­tion­ships, for racial and cul­tur­al divi­sions so that the more con­strained def­i­n­i­tions of social norms were bro­ken lead­ing to lib­er­a­tions for many and yet equal­ly the rise of counter-move­ments seek­ing to return to tra­di­tion­al ways of defin­ing hier­ar­chy and power.

Plu­to in Scorpio
Plu­to moved through (its own sign) of Scor­pio from 1984 to 1995, herald­ing trans­for­ma­tions of the world order as the essen­tial divi­sion of East and West was bro­ken down by the col­lapse of the Sovi­et Union and the open­ing of Chi­na to the world econ­o­my, which cre­at­ed the poten­tial for what some called the “end of his­to­ry” and the so-called tri­umph of the lib­er­al polit­i­cal eco­nom­ic order. What real­ly emerged in this so-called “peace div­i­dend”, led to the break­ing up of many of the for­mer alliances of the world in the con­tin­u­ing strug­gle between moder­ni­ty and old­er cul­tures and customs.

Plu­to in Sagittarius
Plu­to passed through Sagit­tar­ius from 1995 to 2008, and the realms of belief, truth, sci­ence, and reli­gion were trans­formed and dis­rupt­ed by advances in sci­ence, in com­put­ers, the spread of the inter­net and oth­er mea­sures that con­nect­ed every­thing and every­one, but equal­ly gave rise to a host of what we know as mil­len­ni­al move­ments, to fun­da­men­tal­ist and author­i­tar­i­an sys­tems seek­ing to base their cul­tures and gov­ern­ments as coun­ter­points to the lib­er­al world order that had been estab­lished in the Amer­i­can and French Rev­o­lu­tions, and their lat­er tri­umph over com­mu­nism. Instead, the rush into the brave new worlds led to cathar­tic erup­tions of a long­ing for a sim­pler order based for some upon what we know as “blood and soil”, as a return to tra­di­tion­al beliefs and prac­tices, and equal­ly to the mis­guid­ed attempts to pro­mote “democ­ra­cy” by impos­ing free­dom through destruction.

Final­ly, Plu­to entered the last quar­ter of the Zodi­ac, and the seed that was plant­ed in the ear­ly 1800’s would bear its final fruits. Here we have expe­ri­enced the tri­umph or fail­ure of over 200 years of his­to­ry and the painful real­i­ties and crises of the present day.

Plu­to in Capricorn
Plu­to moved through Capri­corn from 2008 to 2023, (and actu­al­ly will dip in and out of Capri­corn all this year), and it brought this cycle of Plu­to to its moment of reck­on­ing, with the test­ing of the insti­tu­tion­al orders of the world, with either the prop­er or improp­er wield­ing of Author­i­ty, with the via­bil­i­ty or inef­fec­tive­ness of Sys­tems (which Capri­corn rules) revealed for all to see. As these insti­tu­tions of the world were shook, reformed, or broke apart, as the orders of soci­ety from the fam­i­ly to the com­mu­ni­ty, in realms sec­tar­i­an and sec­u­lar held or crum­bled around the world, to many it seemed as if they were indeed at the end of age, and that the promise of a bet­ter future for human­i­ty was lost.

Plu­to in Aquarius
And now we have Plu­to mov­ing into Aquar­ius from 2023 to 2044, and so we are fac­ing the chal­lenge of the death and rebirth of our hopes and dreams for the future, which are forged and ful­filled by one anoth­er, in the expe­ri­ences of our fel­low­ships, our com­mu­ni­ties, and our social iden­ti­ties. What can we learn from the pre­vi­ous pas­sage of Plu­to in Aquar­ius, which was from 1778 to 1798?

That ear­li­er pas­sage in Aquar­ius encom­passed the peri­od of our Rev­o­lu­tion­ary War and its after­math, with our ances­tors’ failed attempts to form a loose Con­fed­er­a­tion of States, and to final­ly set­tle upon our present Con­sti­tu­tion of a Fed­er­al gov­ern­ment. In order to pro­tect the rights of any one indi­vid­ual and the well-being of the many, we formed a com­pact of “checks and bal­ances” to make pos­si­ble the dreams of many, while also pro­tect­ing each indi­vid­ual. But our fore­bears were as we are, imper­fect. And there have been many peri­ods in our his­to­ry since then when we have advanced and also retreat­ed on the cen­tral promise of the dream of self-ful­fill­ment. This was also the peri­od which saw the French Rev­o­lu­tion (1789–99), the pub­li­ca­tion of the Dec­la­ra­tion of the Rights of Man, the Hait­ian Rev­o­lu­tion, and the rise of Napoleon.

What Plu­to is bring­ing now from 2023 to 2044, is the neces­si­ty to reform/reformulate/transform our ideals and prin­ci­ples of com­mu­ni­ty, to under­stand that the strug­gle for a new soci­ety from 1778 to 1798 came out of the col­lapse of the old monar­chial sys­tems and mer­can­tile economies, and that a new order was ris­ing, with new group­ings of peo­ples filled with a dif­fer­ent vision of them­selves and the world they wished to make. Their hopes and dreams were dif­fer­ent than their ances­tors, and they were forced by cir­cum­stances or made the bet­ter choice to face the need to move away from beat­en paths and be path makers.

We, like our ances­tors did 250 years ago, have to face the world that we have made, the dreams we dreamt, the actions we took, which have led to our cur­rent crises and chal­lenges. The pur­suit of our old ways, of our old dreams and goals, by the same means and for the same rea­sons, that path not only makes no sense, but it is also not even pos­si­ble. We have to move away from the abso­lutist and ego­tis­ti­cal approach to this world and towards one anoth­er, where the right do what one wants is unteth­ered to the essen­tial truth of Spir­it, that first and fore­most we must be respon­si­ble, we must take care of one anoth­er, and that we can only live on this beau­ti­ful Earth if we do so in a sus­tain­able and lov­ing man­ner, or we will fail our­selves and our children.

We have to be bold, as Plu­to demands that we renew and trans­form the dreams we have for our­selves, for our chil­dren, and for one another.

Astrological Musings — Pluto in Aquarius, Pluto in the Signs (May 7, 2023)

Astro­log­i­cal Mus­ings — Plu­to in Aquar­ius, Plu­to in the signs and what do we mean by an age?

In my third show of 2023, I will return to our look at Plu­to in Aquar­ius in order to dis­cuss the mean­ing of his­tor­i­cal peri­ods or “ages”, what forms their begin­ning and end­ing in Astrol­o­gy, and to look at Pluto’s cycle through the signs of the Zodi­ac as being one exam­ple of the cycles for an age.

If you wish to sug­gest a sub­ject or top­ic for a future show, please email me as I would be hap­py to hear from you. My email is:

Here is the main link to Astrologer Bill Attride Radio:

Please note a new time for the show, 3 pm.

Here is the link to the show on Sun­day May 7, 2023 @ 3 pm EDT:

The phone num­ber to call if you wish to ask a ques­tion dur­ing the live show is: (516) 531‑9638.

Please join me on Sun­day May 7, 2023 @ 3 pm EDT as we look at the cur­rent astro­log­i­cal indi­ca­tions and what they mean for you.

If you miss the show, it will be avail­able as a Pod­cast short­ly after on BlogTalk or my Apple Pod­casts.

Sun Enters Taurus (April 20, 2023)

Who am I; What am I?

Today we enter the sec­ond realm of the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, the “sacred-made-real” home of Tau­rus. For­ev­er some­where in your own chart, and always at this time of the year, we dance and sing and give our thanks to the eter­nal light that shines in the first of the Fixed signs of the Zodiac.

For the past 30 days you have been guid­ed, shaped, and inspired to con­sid­er the fun­da­men­tal truth that forms your exis­tence, that brings your past and your future togeth­er in the only place you exist which is in the “eter­nal now”. And through each and every moment where you redeem your past and cre­ate a bet­ter future for your­self and your world, you come to under­stand that the only thing you can con­trol is this, which is what kind of aware­ness and pres­ence you bring into this next and every sin­gle moment. You need to be “aligned to your high­est pres­ence” yet equal­ly aware of the space you are enter­ing; to be aware of how you must con­stant­ly refine and seek to under­stand the first ques­tion of life, that most pro­found of ques­tions, “who are you?”.

But now the next les­son of life may prove to be even more chal­leng­ing and yet equal­ly rewarding…for now the Lords of Des­tiny will bring you to con­sid­er the nature, qual­i­ty, mean­ing, and pur­pose of the sec­ond Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones which is “what are you?”

It may seem quite obvi­ous, at least at first, that of course I am here is this human body, this won­der­ous phys­i­cal vehi­cle for life on Earth. I am sim­ply that! But looks can be deceiv­ing, and through our tools and meth­ods of rea­son and sci­ence, and from our spir­i­tu­al inspi­ra­tions and insights, we have come to under­stand how very many dimen­sions and “states of mat­ter” or real­i­ty there are!

Whether we approach our­selves and all that sur­rounds us from a pure­ly sci­en­tif­ic approach, or fol­low the path of the ancient wis­dom, or indeed lis­ten to our own high­er intu­itive self, we have come to under­stand that the ques­tion of “what is the ‘what’” is pro­found, and yet when we step back and con­sid­er the very root of things, I believe that it can be very sim­ple to under­stand too.

From the Ancient Wis­dom we have the under­stand­ing that Cre­ation is formed of Ener­gy-Mat­ter, and that Parabrah­man and Mulaprakri­ti are the San­skrit terms for this divi­sion of what is tru­ly an insep­a­ra­ble union and rela­tion­ship of Ener­gy and Form, where­in we can see Spir­it as the most ethe­re­al form of mat­ter, and mat­ter as the dens­est form of Spir­it. From the lat­est rev­e­la­tions in mod­ern sci­ence we find, not sur­pris­ing­ly, that this same notion of Ener­gy and Mat­ter being inter­wo­ven and inte­gral so as to form the essen­tial nature of real­i­ty as ele­gant­ly stat­ed in Einstein’s equa­tion of Ener­gy equals Mass times the speed of Light squared, E = mc2 .

What you and I are made of is infi­nite­ly com­plex, and the Peren­ni­al Teach­ings hold that we are formed by hosts of ener­gy-forms that form our twelve lev­els of being, from the most mate­r­i­al to the most ethe­re­al. In mate­r­i­al terms we stretch from the mon­ads and atoms to mol­e­cules and organs, to our entire encom­pass­ing vehi­cle for life on this earth. And, yet equal­ly, each of these is in itself a hier­ar­chy of ener­gy-forms rang­ing from the phys­i­cal body to the ether­ic body, to the emo­tion­al and low­er men­tal bod­ies, and on up to our divine tri­ad of our high­est self, our Man­as, Bud­dhi, and Atman.

Yes, it can be so com­plex and con­fus­ing to sort through all the var­i­ous realms, forms, bod­ies, and ener­gies, so I believe it helps if we can sim­ply under­stand that all of this, that every­thing and every­one exists or is formed by the one root cause behind Cre­ation. And this essen­tial “that” is the ener­gy-form that was at the begin­ning and sus­tains the entire­ty of Cre­ation, and we know it and we feel it as Divine Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

This is the mes­sage, and this is the sto­ry of Tau­rus. That is what you are, and what every­one and every­thing is, which means that the tree and rock, and the lake and flower, and the bird and plan­et and stars above, that all of this is shin­ing with the light of Divine Love. The whole Uni­verse was made by love and was made to be loved and to be lived with love.

So let us cel­e­brate this gift of Love, this won­der­ous, lumi­nous, and resplen­dent Creation.

Let us move into the space of Tau­rus and know that what we are is love.

That our true nature is price­less, as is every­thing and every­one around us.

Let us be what we are and live as we should.

Let us be,


Sun Enters Aries (March 20, 2023)

The Eter­nal Now

Once again, we find our­selves at the begin­ning; our jour­ney through the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones has brought us back to the first realm of Cre­ation and to the first ques­tion of your life, which is “who are you”?

For the next 30 days, and for­ev­er some­where in your chart, you need to align your body, heart, and mind as one, because you need to feel the wind of the spir­it that springs from the eter­nal fires burn­ing in the realm known as Aries. For the past month of Pisces, we have wan­dered and won­dered, we have looked back and con­sid­ered the whole arc of our lives, and we have found the truth by hold­ing togeth­er our tri­umphs and defeats, so that we might see that that what makes us what we are is found­ed in our faith and for­give­ness, and by our capac­i­ty to imag­ine and dream. Because we are cre­ators, and the ful­fill­ment of that gift is found­ed in our ever­last­ing love of one anoth­er. The great­est illu­sion we have ever faced is our sep­a­ra­tion from one anoth­er, and equal­ly the illu­sion that we are sep­a­rate from the infini­tude formed by the encom­pass­ing hosts of spir­its with whom we journey.

In Pisces, we felt the truth that we are all relat­ed, that there is but One Spir­it form­ing the Uni­verse, and our hearts are held by the fun­da­men­tal root of all of Cre­ation, Divine Uncon­di­tion­al Love. This Love forms each and every­thing in Cre­ation, and so we under­stand that the sto­ry of our Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney will bring forth our true nature as it will ever bend towards liv­ing with love, com­pas­sion, and empa­thy for all of life. We will know in the end that “I am that, that I am”.

But here in Aries, as we emerge out of the one­ness that is Pisces and begin again, we are remind­ed and brought to the essen­tial truth that we are also “sep­a­rate” from one anoth­er too. We are, and until the end of days here to be, a unique instance of the One Spir­it. So, we must find our way to be our own essen­tial self too, which means that for us to be the true and liv­ing spir­it we must strive to be an authen­tic, dis­tinc­tive, radi­ant man­i­fes­ta­tion a “one of a kind” too. The great­est truths are found in these seem­ing con­tra­dic­tions about the nature of cre­ation, and this truth about the One and the Many is at the root of them all. All of Cre­ation is the One, yet all of Cre­ation is formed by the infi­nite hosts of the many, many ones too.

Aries is the sacred space for the begin­ning of all things. At this time every year, and at the begin­ning of any activ­i­ty or endeav­or, you must under­stand the essen­tial truth held by Aries. In Time and Space, in the Hier­ar­chies of the Liv­ing which form Man­i­fest­ed Cre­ation let this be your guid­ing prin­ci­ple, which is you only exist here and now. What you were before, what came before, you can­not change; and what you will make and become tomor­row or a thou­sand tomor­rows from now you can­not know. There is only one place and time that you can redeem your past and forge a bet­ter future too, and it is here, it is at the heart of Cre­ation; and the heart of Cre­ation is only found in the space­time of our real­i­ty called the Eter­nal Now.

But it is equal­ly true that you are not enter­ing a space of empti­ness; you do not move upon a vir­gin can­vas or tab­u­la rasa. For the entire­ty of the hosts of the spir­it, and each and every one of us too, have forged the real­i­ty of the space that you are now enter­ing into. But you must be ready, this is the moment, where you will bring your past expe­ri­ences and com­bine them with your hopes for the future. You find your­self at the cross­ing point between the dark­ness and the light, here in the moment of Cre­ation, the only space you are free to be the cre­ative liv­ing spir­it, it is here that you face the oppor­tu­ni­ty and test of Aries, the test of your Presence.

As you enter the next space of real­i­ty, as you enter any space, it changes. The ques­tion will always be, was this the change you intend­ed to make? Did you come into a dull space and bring it to life; did you come into a dis­turbed space and bring it peace? Do you under­stand that by how you meet the moment, which is root­ed in your moti­va­tions, that form and flow into your inten­tions, which then shape your actions, it is by this that you may be able to heal the world and lift your­self and one anoth­er on the path of awak­en­ing. If you “fail”, if you come in with less of or a lack of aware­ness, if you over­whelm the sit­u­a­tion or under­whelm it, then you will have missed this moment and you will have to try again.

What you face today has been forged by you and all with whom you jour­ney. But what will be your tomor­row is being made by you today. The mot­to of Aries is, “Beat­en paths are for the beat­en, we are here to make a bet­ter future”.

The gift of Aries is forged in the spir­it and pow­er of begin­nings, so that each and every moment of your life holds the promise of light and truth and love. But you must be present, and you must be aware of this, that it is you who is the mak­er of your future, and that you must choose to be the promise keep­er of the Love of the One of which you are.

May all your steps be as those who made the first.

May you walk in beau­ty, and may you live by love.

And may you shine for­ev­er like a bright morn­ing star.