Author Archives: Bill Attride

Mercury Conjunct Sun (April 25, 2014)


The Dance of the Plan­ets tells a story…

The Sto­ry of Spirit,

The Sto­ry of You.

One of the most impor­tant sto­ries they sing and dance for you con­cerns the unfold­ment of your mind. For in the order of the Hier­ar­chies of the Uni­verse, beyond, behind and above all there is the Divine, then there is Spir­it and then there is Con­scious­ness or Mind.

The weav­ing dance between the Sun (Spir­it) and Mer­cury (Mind) is full of much Beau­ty and Mean­ing for you. It is in their cycle of rela­tion­ship that you see the sto­ry of your know­ing, as they illus­trate the var­i­ous lessons of con­scious­ness that you must mas­ter as you seek to become ful­ly human, as you draw ever near to the Greater Aware­ness, as you become what you are des­tined to be, Awakened.

Their cycle, much as in the arche­typ­al cycle for you between the Sun and Moon, begins when the Sun and Mer­cury align, (like in a New Moon), in what is called their infe­ri­or con­junc­tion. The cycle will reach a point of rev­e­la­tion of mean­ing at their supe­ri­or con­junc­tion (just like a Full Moon). This cycle repeats about three times a year, seri­al­ly unfold­ing through the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

Today you have reached anoth­er “Full Moon” for Mer­cury and you, for today Mer­cury is on the “far side” of the Sun and oppo­site to you. To under­stand the “answer” that is offered here you will need to look back to the last “New Moon” of Mer­cury with the Sun, which was in the mid­dle of Feb­ru­ary dur­ing Mer­cury’s ret­ro­grade. That align­ment in the infe­ri­or con­junc­tion released a “Seed of Mean­ing” that was formed in the Sign of Aquar­ius, and that Thought-Form has unfold­ed and devel­oped into the rev­e­la­tion of this moment. The rev­e­la­tion today is the answer to a ques­tion posed in Aquar­ius, and that answer is found in the rela­tion­ship of Tau­rus to Scorpio.

This seed of Aquar­ius for your mind con­cerns the nature of your Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, of your need, (because you are here for one true Spir­i­tu­al Pur­pose, which is to Grow, to Become, to unfold your Divin­i­ty), your need to con­stant­ly free your mind from the old (and out­worn) assump­tions that per­mit­ted you to rise to a cer­tain lev­el of under­stand­ing. That is because it is these very cer­tain­ties that will be unable to lift you beyond your present par­a­digm into the next or Greater Real­i­ty. The mes­sage of the Sun/Mercury align­ment in Aquar­ius is that you must con­stant­ly seek to chal­lenge your assump­tions, to be open to and inspired by your High­er Mind, and to move through and beyond the ordi­nary mind of dual­i­ties and self-cast shad­ows. By so doing, you can think out­side of the very “box of thought” you put your­self into, (which was of course a nec­es­sary “box” to thrive in that real­i­ty, but becomes your self-made mir­rored realm that only reflects what you expect to see and understand).

Yet, the prob­lem this cre­ates for you is equal­ly pro­found. For how can you let go of the sure­ty of the present form of believ­ing with­out know­ing whether what you are attempt­ing is a mark of the “genius” and gift from your Spir­i­tu­al Self, or a descent into delu­sion or worse? How do you “Parse the Par­a­digms”, how do you know what is real­ly Real? How will you know or rec­og­nize, (and so draw clos­er to) the Greater Reality?

As always, Spir­it shows the way, and this is where today’s mes­sage of mean­ing is offered to won­der­ful­ly illus­trate for you the way through. For the mes­sage of the rela­tion­ship of Tau­rus and Scor­pio for your devel­op­ing con­scious­ness is this: That you will come to appre­ci­ate and under­stand the Uni­ver­sal Truths and Val­ues (Tau­rus) that stand behind all these var­i­ous worlds of man­i­fes­ta­tion. That they are found in the Ancient Teach­ings which form the often­times hid­den core of Truth, found scat­tered through and through­out the many Meta­physics, Philoso­phies, Sci­ences and Reli­gions that have been passed down to you.

But that you equal­ly must know that any par­tic­u­lar man­i­fes­ta­tion of any such truth or real­i­ty struc­ture is only for a time, for all things, includ­ing Thought-Forms, are com­pos­ites and they can only be rel­e­vant and true for a time. Spir­it-Ener­gy moves into and through these lim­it­ing forms, but these forms must give way and pass the ener­gy along (Scor­pio). That the Great Truths are found in this flow of Con­scious­ness and Life which like you expands from realm to realm, from life-form to life-form. That as every­thing is Spir­it, every­thing is Divine-Spir­it-Con­scious­ness, the one under­ly­ing imper­a­tive for Every­thing is to grow.

But still you will won­der, how will I know what is truer and less true at any one time? How will you know if you are draw­ing clos­er to the light or head­ing into a deep­er dark­ness of under­stand­ing? First, you must always lis­ten care­ful­ly, to the voice of your High­er Self who can guide you here. And you should cer­tain­ly share and com­pare and con­firm with your com­pan­ions, to see whether they can appre­ci­ate and accept this greater way of see­ing-believ­ing-act­ing too…

The real answer lies in Spir­it, in what holds each of you with, to and for one anoth­er. It lies in the Ener­gy-Mat­ter that is the core expe­ri­ence of your Jour­ney through the Stars. In the end you will know that this new way of think­ing is truer by one qual­i­ty, by the One Cen­tral Truth, the only ques­tion to answer is:

Is it Lov­ing?

If your way of think­ing, if your thought or idea is more inclu­sive, more con­sid­er­ate, more com­pas­sion­ate and more just, if it is more bound to the Fun­da­men­tal Truth of Spir­it: That before you is just anoth­er you…Then you will know you are indeed head­ing towards the Light, you are ful­fill­ing your Des­tiny, you are grow­ing into your Divin­i­ty, and you are mak­ing your way Home.

Yes, today you will have a revelation…

A pre­cious answer to your prayer.

For you are a seek­er in a journey…

But you are not sure of get­ting there.

You seek for answers to many questions…

But the Truth is writ­ten in your Heart.

Just love one another…

Just lis­ten to your Heart.

Jupiter Square Uranus & Jupiter Opposite Pluto (April 20, 2014)



The Way,

There is only one way…

You will, as you must and always should,

Stand in your Center.

Be True to who you are,

Be what you are here for,

Be the Heart of the Cross.


The Four Directions,

Point you to the Truth.

You must look within,

For there it will be found,

The Gold­en Immor­tal Chord,

The One True Path,

Your Way of Wis­dom, Light and Love. 


The Grand Cross

There is noth­ing unusu­al or rare about a Grand Cross. Yes, you have been here before, one way or anoth­er, in this life (and in many oth­ers). If we just exam­ine the Grand Cross­es formed by the plan­ets from Mars out to Plu­to in the last 100 years, (though some of these would be more and some less than exact), you would find about 10 Grand Cross­es. Of those, five were Car­di­nal, two were Fixed and three were Muta­ble Grand Crosses.

Of those Car­di­nal Grand Cross­es, the one most like “our own” of 2014, (it actu­al­ly involves the same four plan­ets!), is the Grand Car­di­nal Cross of 1933, which had Plu­to in Can­cer (oppo­site to where it is in 2014), Uranus in Aries (the same as now in 2014), Jupiter in Libra (where Mars is in 2014), and Mars in Capri­corn (where Plu­to is in 2014).

The key or crit­i­cal fea­ture of the Car­di­nal Cross­es in 1933 and in 2014 is also the same. That key fea­ture is the prin­ci­pal square aspect of the pat­tern. (A square is formed when plan­ets are 90 degrees apart, which is one quar­ter of the cir­cle of 360 degrees. In a Grand Cross, formed by four plan­ets, two pairs oppose one anoth­er and each plan­et squares two oth­er plan­ets, as shown in the pic­ture at the top of this post).

The main square in 1933 and 2014 is formed by two of the out­er­most plan­ets, Uranus and Plu­to. In 1933, Uranus was form­ing a wan­ing square to Plu­to, and in 2014 Uranus is form­ing the wax­ing square to Plu­to, (and between these two squares they aligned to start a new cycle of their rela­tion­ship to one anoth­er dur­ing the 1960’s).

It would be quite right to view the cycle of Uranus and Plu­to in this man­ner: The wan­ing square of 1933 pre­pared the way for the plant­i­ng of New Seeds of Spir­i­tu­al Truth which were released when Uranus and Plu­to formed a con­junc­tion (like a New Moon) in the 1960’s. You should approach and live the Wax­ing Square you are expe­ri­enc­ing now as the “growth pains” of that seed­ing of New Inspi­ra­tion that was released in the 1960’s.

The Uranus/Pluto square is the crit­i­cal and key ele­ment to under­stand with­in the Grand Car­di­nal Cross for 2014. If you have time or wish to review what I have writ­ten about this before, you will cer­tain­ly want to read my series of post­ings about this impor­tant align­ment, as it has been one of the main spir­i­tu­al themes you have been expe­ri­enc­ing since Plu­to entered the Sign of Capri­corn in 2008. Here is a link to those arti­cles on Uranus/Pluto: The Uranus-Plu­to Square.

The Grand Car­di­nal Cross of 2014 will form up exact­ly over the next sev­er­al days. Today Jupiter will square Uranus as Jupiter Oppos­es Plu­to. Then on April 21, the main ele­ment will be exact, Uranus will Square Plu­to once again. Then Mars will seri­al­ly align with the oth­er three plan­ets: on April 22 Mars will Square Jupiter and on April 23 Mars will oppose Uranus and also Square Pluto.

For today, let us look at these two alignments:

Jupiter Square Uranus & Jupiter Oppo­site Plu­to.

Here is what I wrote about this two-fold align­ment in May 2013:

For each of us has a part to play in this great dra­ma unfold­ing with­in and around us…and as I men­tioned above, the mes­sage and mod­u­la­tion of Jupiter this year can help you find your way.

For as you strug­gle with­in your own world to bal­ance Uranus and Plu­to, to weave togeth­er your Aspi­ra­tions for Greater Self-Real­iza­tion and Free­dom (Uranus) while also Cre­at­ing, Pre­serv­ing and Hon­or­ing your own and every­one else’s Sacred Space (Plu­to) too, it is per­haps from Jupiter in Can­cer that you can draw upon and find com­fort in the Age­less Wis­dom to help guide you in your Under­stand­ing and Actions.

For it is through Jupiter, The Lord of Truth and Wis­dom, who can show you the way to the Source of the Prin­ci­ples and Teach­ings which have always and will for­ev­er Inspire, Guide and Keep you upon the Noble Mid­dle Path. This Wis­dom Teach­ing has been passed down in many forms through the ages, and it will be ever obtained by those who tru­ly seek to serve, and as it is found­ed by and upon the Peren­ni­al Foun­da­tions formed from the very Ener­gies and Forms of Cre­ation itself, this Rock of Ages will always be there to guide you tru­ly in these days when an Age will End and a New World Rise.

Jupiter is in Can­cer and form­ing an align­ment to both Uranus and Plu­to, and this Gift of the Spir­it can inform and guide you as to how to inte­grate these pow­er­ful ener­gies trans­form­ing you and your world at this time.

To Uranus, who blazes with the Fires of Aries Ide­al­ism, where Impa­tient Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and Unbri­dled Enthu­si­asms can often betray the inten­tion to do “what is right”, Jupiter offers the Waters of Can­cer which remind you that your Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty is born through and aris­es from the Foun­da­tions and Roots of your jour­ney which ulti­mate­ly con­nects you to all of your fel­low humans, and ulti­mate­ly to all forms of Life, and your need to be True to One­self must nev­er result in the Harm to another…

For “we are all relat­ed”, we are all ones of the One, and each Indi­vid­u­al’s Unique con­tri­bu­tion to the Song of Life must be Hon­ored and Free to Be…yet Each must also respect, sup­port and so join in pay­ing Homage and Fideli­ty to one and all…For as you must to thine own self be True, you must equal­ly be True to all your Broth­ers and Sis­ters too.

To Plu­to, who brings and bears the Will that Forms, Pre­serves and Trans­forms the Sacred Spaces of Spir­it, Plu­to can, when Unbound­ed in Capri­corn, wield this Pow­er in such a man­ner that what one intend­ed to Pre­serve is in fact Lost, what was Trans­formed is actu­al­ly Destroyed, because your Sacred Spaces become bro­ken by the Will that stands for Absolute Pow­er alone, where there is either Dom­i­na­tion or Sub­mis­sion and no Free­dom or Sacred Space remains.

To this Jupiter offers the Heal­ing Grace from Can­cer, that Plu­to’s Pow­er with­out Bounds, which was formed from and fueled by Fear, may be washed away by those Lov­ing, Car­ing and Nur­tur­ing Waters of Jupiter in Can­cer where­in is found the Root of your Being. It is found­ed for­ev­er, with­in the heart of each spark of the Divine, in the Love of the One for all of the ones of the One, and it is in fact this All-Embrac­ing Love which forms the Divine Sacred Space whose cen­ter is every­where, and whose cir­cum­fer­ence is nowhere.

For each Space is Sacred, and to harm anoth­er is to Harm Oneself…For you abide with­in the Greater Space of the One, and what you do the least of these, you do also to the One, to all oth­ers and so to your own self too.

Yes, Kar­ma is per­fect, what­ev­er you wish to cre­ate you must also Be and you will Become. Help one anoth­er to Grow the Sacred Spaces for each and every, for their Integri­ty is your own too. As always, keep your­self aligned to the Greater…Let Thy Will be Done.

As to all things, all chal­lenges and hopes, the answer lies with­in you…it is in your Mind that is Free from Fear, your Heart that is Uncon­di­tion­al in Love and your Will that is Cen­tered and Bound­ed with­in the Sacred­ness of Space.

It is from these, The Ancient Teach­ings, that your Hope and Path will be ever found and secured. When­ev­er you are in doubt or trou­bled by fear, remem­ber the Great Invo­ca­tion and repeat:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.

Stand in your Center.

Lis­ten to your Heart.

Be not afraid,

For you are here to Love

and be Loved.

That is the Way.

Sun Enters Taurus (April 19, 2014)


There is but One Life…All is Sacred.

There is but One Light…Pure Consciousness.

There is but One Truth…Unconditional Love.

Through­out your jour­ney, in Life after Life, in year after year, and in day after day, you expe­ri­ence these Three-in-One Prin­ci­ples in this world of Spir­it-Mat­ter. Your Life is real­ly about your Jour­ney as Con­scious­ness in which you expe­ri­ence and make your world through the Twelve Facets of the One Light. You expe­ri­ence this Cre­ation with and through the Twelve Rays that form the Hier­ar­chies of Life-Con­scious­ness Spir­it. You live these Twelve mod­u­la­tions of the One Ener­gy of Spir­it in, through and by the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac.

All Twelve Signs are active all the time, both around you in what I call the “Liv­ing Chart of the Now”, and as embod­ied and ener­gized through the var­i­ous facets of your being too. But these Twelve com­bine in delight­ful­ly dif­fer­ent ways to pro­duce what every­thing is…That every snowflake or tree or dol­phin or human or plan­et or star is unique…Every par­ti­cle or mote, from every Infin­i­tes­i­mal on up to this Galaxy and beyond in this Cos­mos, each is a tru­ly Indi­vid­ual instance and expres­sion of the One True Spirit.

In your year­ly jour­ney through the Signs, as the Sun illu­mines one facet of Spir­i­tu­al Truth after anoth­er, you can and should attune your­self to this unfold­ing Song of Life because it is your song too. Yes, you may be a “Gem­i­ni” or a “Leo” or “Scor­pio” as fig­ured by the day upon which you took your first breath, but you are much, much more than this, as you well know.

All the signs sing with­in you! And, you need to lis­ten when the Sun sings through each song for you again, because you can and should par­take of this if you wish to live a live that is Full, a life that is True, a Life as you are meant to live it, as one of the ones of the One.

Today the Song of Aries is giv­ing way to the next Song of Spir­it. Now is the time of Tau­rus and you need to bring out this Sec­ond Song of Spir­it that is also part of you.

You have met and answered again the ques­tion that is Aries: “Who are you? How do you present your­self, how do you look, what is your demeanor, what is your atti­tude, (and from which all of this comes), What is your Inten­tion?” The Ques­tion of Aries is the ques­tion of your Pres­ence, for it is from how you begin or start any­thing, from that form of Ener­gy-Mat­ter that your put forth in that first moment, from this all else will fol­low. Your Pres­ence is your Alpha, and it will lead to your Omega too.

You move through the Sec­ond Por­tal of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, and you must lis­ten to the Divine who is with­in you, to your High­er Self who is lead­ing you onward and upward. Now you must answer this most pro­found ques­tion: “What are you? What are you made of, what do you Pos­sess? What do you bring to this world, what will you Make of Your Self…What is the Val­ue of you?”

Your under­stand­ing and expres­sion of this Val­ue is to be found in your Ori­gin. At the heart of you, in your Inner­most, you are Spark of the Divine. You are a Self-Aware Con­scious­ness-Cen­ter that is slow­ly but sure­ly com­ing into the exer­cise of your true nature. You are a Being of Light who has descend­ed through these var­i­ous worlds of increas­ing den­si­ty in order to bring your light and under­stand­ing into this realm of Mat­ter-Forms, and by so doing you will lift them and your­self up and back towards the Light.

You are here to Cre­ate, to lift your­self and this Cre­ation to a high­er plane of being, and you do this because you are here for one true Rea­son, you have guid­ing you one Fun­da­men­tal and pre­cious Pur­pose, you are here because of Love…you are here to Love.

In all your forms, in all your Thoughts, Feel­ings and Actions, in all that you were, are and are yet to be, there is one Gold­en Thread that binds you to one anoth­er and to all Cre­ation too…

You are a pre­cious spark of the ONE.

You are a Divine Being in training…

You are here to live in Beauty…

You are here to Light the Way…

You are here to Sing one Song…

You are here to Sing of Love.

Mercury Opposite Mars (April 16, 2014)


Mer­cury, the winged-foot mes­sen­ger of the Gods,

Links the Super­nal realms above,

With these less­er realms below.

His Caduceus of Consciousness,

Twin Ser­pents climb the rod.

Reveal­ing and Con­ceal­ing, for it is

A mys­tic sym­bol, of Ancient Truths.

It is the Promise of your Awakening,

For your Self-Becom­ing was foretold.

Today your Ser­vant of the Light, the Lord Mer­cury, aligns with the Fourth and final cor­ner of the Grand Car­di­nal Cross. You have already received his three pre­vi­ous gifts:

From Jupiter, you were remind­ed that you will find your Cen­tered Space with­in the Ancient Truths that have always held you to your true Path and Des­tiny; from Uranus, you were remind­ed that you have the Jew­el of Self-Tran­scen­dence with­in your own High­er Mind; and from Plu­to you were remind­ed that you are to use your Will in order to form your own Sacred Cen­ter as you also pro­tect all of Sacred Space.

From Jupiter you touched the Roots of Truth, from Uranus you touched the Wis­dom with­in, and from Plu­to you touched your Pow­er to Become…and now there remains but one guardian, one last bless­ing on this Car­di­nal Cross of Con­scious­ness, now it is time to lis­ten to Mars.

Mars is your Avatar of Action and Inten­tion. He moves with you through Time & Space as you stir the Waters of Life, as you Cre­ate these worlds with your Heart and Mind. He is the Pas­sion­ate Plan­et, he is your source of becom­ing, he is your Desire.

For in “the begin­ning” there is and will always be the One, unman­i­fest, THAT, pure poten­tial “wait­ing” out­side of Time and Space…and then, the Desire to become stirs, the One becomes Man­i­fest, and the One becomes the many, and this Cos­mos comes into being, again.

You are a most impor­tant part of that becom­ing, of that Jour­ney of Spir­it and Life. And in your heart of hearts, in the Spark of the Divine that is your inmost, that same Desire to be, that same insis­tent dri­ve to become is there…For you are here for one rea­son, you are dri­ven by one pur­pose as is all of this mar­velous Creation…You are here quite sim­ply for this, you are here To Grow.

Today your Avatar of Mind stands oppo­site to your Avatar of Desire, and you need to con­sid­er them as they are and are meant to be. You are to hold them togeth­er for they are nec­es­sary to each oth­er. You need to under­stand how they each are inte­gral to one anoth­er as you jour­ney on this path­way of Light.

For you will find in your many forms, expe­ri­ences and lives, that Action with­out Thought­ful guid­ance will lead to pain and suf­fer­ing for your­self and oth­ers. But equal­ly you will find that Knowl­edge and Under­stand­ing for them­selves are not enough, for you are here to become, you are here to Cre­ate and so you must Act too.

The Inte­gral rela­tion­ship of Mer­cury and Mars is how you learn to Mas­ter a most basic part of how you make and remake your­self and your worlds. That it is from Right Think­ing that you will bring about Right Action…But it is equal­ly true, that it is by Right Action that you lift your­self and your Mind from these realms below to the Star­ry realms above.

It is a most del­i­cate balance,

To mas­ter your Mind and your Desires too.

But you are here to learn,

Through the one Law, Kar­ma, Cause and Effect.

You will learn by thought­ful actions,

To make your world and yourself,

Into your Heart’s Desire.

Full Moon Total Eclipse in Libra (April 14–15, 2014)


The Mag­is­te­r­i­al dance of the Planets,

Sweeps through your Heav­ens above.

Singing and Danc­ing, their Songs of Spirit,

Offer­ing Gifts of Meaning,

By their Intri­cate, Inter­con­nect­ed Patterns,

Of Light and Grace and Love.

Tonight, your Star and Moon join with you on Earth, to put on a spe­cial show of mean­ing for you. It is a beau­ti­ful reminder of how intri­cate, inter­con­nect­ed and syn­chro­nized are the count­less lives of each and every being who share this Sacred Space you trav­el in, named for your Sun, what you call your “Solar System”.

Twice a year the Sun, Earth and Moon will come into align­ment with one anoth­er. Tonight the Moon will be posi­tioned so that the Earth­’s shad­ow will block the Sun’s light for a short while (and the Moon will glow instead with the reflec­tive light that arcs around the Earth). It is called a Full Moon Total Eclipse and here is what I wrote about it in the Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse (April 14–15)

The first Eclipse of the year is a total eclipse of the Moon in Libra. The shad­ow of the Earth falls across the face of the Moon, and the Mes­sage of Mean­ing you would nor­mal­ly seek and find as revealed to you by Luna is obscured by some shad­ow formed by your present cir­cum­stance (Earth­’s shad­ow being the “Present” dims the Illu­mi­na­tion of the Moon). You will have to more deeply exam­ine the inte­gral rela­tion­ship between the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra.

Here is infor­ma­tion about the Eclipse and where it will be vis­i­ble. The West­ern Hemi­sphere, both North and South Amer­i­ca, will be able to view this eclipse.

Every Full Moon is a mes­sage of rela­tion­ship, for it artic­u­lates the inte­gral mean­ing found between the Sun’s ener­gies that are being focused through one Sign being coun­ter­point­ed (and this is the point), coun­ter­bal­anced by the oppo­site Sign’s mean­ing held by the Moon.

As the Sun swings through any Sign there is ten­den­cy to empha­size that facet of Spir­i­tu­al Truth over any oth­er. There is a need, a neces­si­ty that Spir­it will respond with so as to bring in the oppos­ing ener­gy of point of view. There is the Desire of Spir­it to restore bal­ance and equi­lib­ri­um to this Jour­ney of Ener­gies, to this Sto­ry of Light and Love.

But when there is an Eclipse of the Moon, the mes­sage that is there is some­what hid­den, for some­thing has got­ten in the way…the Earth! The shad­ow of the present day (which is where you are on Earth), is some­what block­ing the mean­ing that is need­ed in order to bal­ance and inte­grate the Sun’s ener­gies with the Moon’s answer­ing song. You will need to dig a lit­tle deep­er, think a lit­tle hard­er to see and feel the Truth that dear Luna offers you now.

The Sun is in Aries, and those Indi­vid­u­al­iz­ing, Inde­pen­dent and Self-Assertive ener­gies have been wax­ing strong­ly. That is why you have the need of the Moon, who rules your Mem­o­ry and the Past. The Moon is there now to bring to you the Gift of Remem­brance that is focused through the Way of Libra now:

That although your Song of Aries sings of you as a pre­cious one, a tru­ly unique Spark of the Divine (and you are that), you are also and equal­ly one of count­less, many oth­er ones too. That your Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty is only made True by your life that you share in as a life you live togeth­er, that you are here for one anoth­er, that you are here because of Love.

That it is in, by and through your rela­tion­ships that you have been formed into what you are, and it is through this intri­cate Dance of Spir­it, of won­drous inte­con­nect­ed rela­tion­ships, it is by this Liv­ing-Lov­ing expe­ri­ence that you will even­tu­al­ly become a Shin­ing Star in a Space filled with all your fel­low Stars.

The Full Moon of Libra reminds you…

That you are One,

And you are Many.

All held together,

By Love.