Author Archives: Bill Attride

Mercury Conjunct Venus (June 20, 2013)


Your Mind and your Heart are coming

And you should heed this beautiful

For they are your Dear Ones, your Inner
Medi­a­tors, who are the first to Mod­u­late those stream­ing Solar Rays for you…They
step down, fil­ter and refract the Solar Force into the two prin­ci­pal melodies
of your life…

Your Know­ing and your Love.

Mer­cury is the Avatar of your Mind, of
your won­drous gift for per­ceiv­ing, dis­cern­ing, con­sid­er­ing and com­ing to
under­stand who and what you are. For the core of Spir­it is the Self, and from
it you are endowed with this most mar­velous fac­ul­ty which you expe­ri­ence as
your Self-Awareness…This is what will lead you to your Ori­gins, and equal­ly to your
Des­tiny, and to the fuller under­stand­ing as to the one that is before you too.

Venus is the Avatar of your Heart,
where­by you come to relate to your­self and expe­ri­ence the truth of what you
are, and of the worlds around you too…It is your expe­ri­ence of Val­ue, your
Joy in Beau­ty, of what you are attract­ed to. This all comes from the Universal
Force of Attrac­tion that ulti­mate­ly resides in the One, yet abides and flows
through one and All and is the under­ly­ing, undy­ing Val­ue and Force that binds
the whole of this Cre­ation as one…it is what you know and expe­ri­ence as Love.

Togeth­er in Can­cer, Mer­cury and Venus
bear for and bring to you the pos­si­bil­i­ty of know­ing your­self bet­ter and so loving
one anoth­er bet­ter too, because you are brought togeth­er with­in the Roots that you share with one anoth­er, of being part of the Fam­i­ly of the One. And by this foun­da­tion­al feel­ing, by know­ing and lov­ing your­self as you can and
should, you will also see, under­stand and treat the oth­er as your own true self!

Today Venus catch­es Mer­cury, (for he is
slow­ing down now as he draws clos­er to his ret­ro­grade next week), and your
Heart and Mind are as one, as they should be…

For you should always Speak from
your Heart and Con­sid­er well how you Love…

That always and forever,

You need to Think Lovingly…

You need to Love Thoughtfully.

Today and every day you should ever

To fol­low the one true path where…

Your Mind and Heart are One.

Sun Conjunct Jupiter (June 19, 2013)



Growth, Good Will and Grace begin their year­ly cycle…

Sun, who is your Avatar of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, your Divine Pow­er of Self-Becoming,
begins a new 13 Month Cycle with the Avatar of your Prin­ci­ples, Truths and
Beliefs, the Lord of Growth and Benev­o­lence, Jupiter…

means, of course, that you have also just end­ed your last 13 Month cycle of
Growth, and you have should have cast your gaze back upon what was and was not
attained in this last period…And hav­ing reaped your har­vest of mean­ing and
under­stand­ing, not giv­ing way to any wal­low­ing in judg­ments or mis­giv­ings, you
will find a renewed sense of hope­ful­ness obtained from these essen­tial fruits
of your growth in this past period…For it is from this har­vest of what was
learned that you can now extract the wis­er seeds of your future growth, the
very seeds which you sow for your new sea­son of opportunity…for your
spir­i­tu­al growth relies upon this, that you con­tin­u­ous­ly reach towards a more inclu­sive understanding.

turn and face the prospect of the New Cycle before you with this greater
under­stand­ing to guide you…For you should know by now that you only learn by
mak­ing mis­takes, reflect­ing upon them and so cor­rect­ing those errors…That
your suc­cess­es, though plea­sur­able and wel­come bless­ings indeed, do not
indi­cate any great growth in your spir­i­tu­al sta­tus, for they only con­firm the
growth you had pre­vi­ous­ly attained.

future is always made in the Now, you redeem your past so that you can
res­olute­ly turn your atten­tion to the next cycle of the Self that is
Becoming…You sep­a­rate the wheat from the chafe, for you must refine your
har­vest of mean­ing to yield up your gift to your­self, your har­vest of newfound
faith, of seed ideas/actions that you put forth to con­tin­ue your cycle of

life real­ly is not about these frag­ments or moments, nei­ther begin­nings or
end­ings, as in some form of dis­crete or abrupt dis­junc­tion in the flow of your
life unfold­ing. Your life is com­prised of many inter­sect­ing streams of energies
that you work with and work through you, and each of these stream­ing forces
unfold through many inter­pen­e­trat­ing cycles of vary­ing dura­tions that sweep
through your world, some are just start­ing, some at a cru­cial piv­ot points of
deci­sion, some reach­ing a cli­max of real­iza­tion, and some com­ing to closure…

you will always find your­self in the midst of a mul­ti­tude of ener­gies that you
must blend togeth­er, at first more or less uncon­scious­ly, but over time ever
more direct­ed by your Aware­ness, Love and Will…So that you will eventually
become what you are meant to be, a Mas­ter Weaver of Life-Consciousness-Spirit,
a true Adept of your Self-Becoming.

if there is one insis­tent, over-all pur­pose behind it all it is tru­ly this…

You are here to Grow!

pur­pose is found­ed upon the core and ker­nel of your essen­tial essence, of you
being a Spark of the Divine…This is what comes from your Self and so is held
up to you by the Avatar of Self, the Sun. But as to How and to What your
pur­pose of growth will become, well that is deter­mined by where you are within
your Jour­ney of Con­scious­ness, where you walk on that Noble Road to the Greater
Understanding…And this lev­el of Aware­ness is formed by you into your
Prin­ci­ples, Truths and Beliefs…and so that is what is held up and elicited
for you by the Avatar of your Under­stand­ing, Jupiter.

your Self and your Under­stand­ing have come togeth­er to inspire you anew, for
you must ever seek to become some­thing more, but you must ever strive to ascend
this path of Under­stand­ing as your seek to draw that much clos­er to the Light

order to know what you can or must do, in order to under­stand as to how, why
and to where you are going, there is one pro­found but sim­ple thing you must
ascer­tain. Where exact­ly are you com­ing from?

know this, that is not a ques­tion about your indi­vid­ual begin­nings or birth,
this is the know­ing about the Greater Real­i­ty of which you are an essential
part…That you are a Spark of the Divine, this is true…But so are all who
accom­pa­ny you in this great Jour­ney of Immor­tals in Mor­tal Frames…And so your
Prin­ci­ples have been and must be formed and shaped by this one most critical
under­stand­ing that you will come to know and abide in…That the oth­er before
me is my brother/sister and so what is “The Good” must be the Good
for All.

this First Prin­ci­ple, this Abid­ing Truth, of your Ori­gin, this is also your Des­tiny, for your jour­ney out from the Divine and back to the Stars is a jour­ney in a
shin­ing host of sparks of the Divine, and it is this know­ing that will steer
your heart to find and keep to the one true way, the Noble Path of

goals and direc­tions in life do not come from nor do they exist “out
there” really…

are ever secured by and forged in your Self and with­in your Heart.

Leap out from your Divin­i­ty With­in, the very Divin­i­ty that sur­rounds you…

The One Divine that
is the Ener­gy-Sub­stance of all Cre­ation too.

as you and all with whom you travel…

Seek to fol­low that path­way of Light…

return to the One.

will know that always there…

and around you…

And tru­ly in every spark resides…

ever-present Real­i­ty and Truth of your being.

to Grow, is to Grow Together…

for­ev­er be, ever and always…

with the One…

And with one anoth­er too.

Venus Square Uranus (June 12, 2013)


Through Your Love…To Your Freedom…

To live by them, Togeth­er as One.

Your Pre­view of the Greater Grand Trine of Water con­cludes today as Venus like Mer­cury aligns with Uranus. But with­in two
weeks the pat­tern will be re-engaged as the Sun moves through Can­cer, which
will be fol­lowed about two weeks lat­er by the Greater Trine itself of Jupiter, Saturn
and Nep­tune form­ing up in mid-July.

This part­ing mes­sage from the Waters of
Life con­cerns the chal­lenges you feel and face with regards to the seeming
con­flict between your expe­ri­ences of Free­dom and Relationship…For how do you cre­ate, adjust
and pre­serve that del­i­cate bal­ance between your need to be True to your Self
with your need through Love to sac­ri­fice for one anoth­er too.

Venus in the Waters of Can­cer is holding
the posi­tion that is the source for those joy­ful feel­ings that come from a life of
nur­tur­ing and car­ing for one anoth­er, where the req­ui­site con­cerns for the
needs of one anoth­er require sacred acts or sacrifice…and this is true. Yet Uranus in Aries
is declaim­ing the Fire-Born Prin­ci­ple of the Unique­ness and Inde­pen­dence of
your­self that is behold­en to no other…and this, this is also true.

But what is more Tru­ly True, is that
each of these expe­ri­ences, your need for Close­ness and Car­ing for one anoth­er, and your need for Inde­pen­dence and Free­dom to Be True to you, that these two can only find their
Spir­i­tu­al Ful­fill­ment through a Path­way of Growth where­in each sup­ports and
informs the oth­er, because they are only whole and com­plete through the
Inte­gral devel­op­ment of each with and through the other.

Truth is found­ed upon your Belong­ing, of you and every­one (and everything)
orig­i­nat­ing long ago from the One Divine Source, so that tru­ly “We
Are All Relat­ed”
. And so it is Nat­ur­al and Right to experience
the need to care for and be cared for, to make mean­ing­ful sac­ri­fices for one
anoth­er because of your endur­ing Love for one another…Because whomev­er is before you is
a part of you, and so you and they abide in the Con­scious­ness of the One, with the purest
of love formed in this your Greater “Fam­i­ly”…

Your Truth is equal­ly found­ed upon you being a Unique Spark of
this Divine Source, a Mon­ad, an evolv­ing Con­scious­ness Cen­ter that is formed upon a Pri­mal Aware­ness that all share in as Con­scious­ness itself, the source of know­ing that “I
Am”.…But this Con­scious­ness is equal­ly devel­op­ing, unfold­ing, and becom­ing ever more deter­mined to acquire for itself a dis­tinct Self-Aware­ness, to be a Unique instance and spark of
this Uni­ver­sal Self, and so to devel­op the know­ing that “I Am That”, and so it must devel­op Freely in order to be the Self-Becoming.

Your Epiphany regard­ing these two, The Way of Love and The Way of
Free­dom, will be found as you accept, bal­ance and inte­grate both of these
Spir­i­tu­al Truths in a Liv­ing Way of Being. This is what is known as The Path, for
this is how you must learn to live…for You and Spir­it and all of Cre­ation are
Indi­vis­i­ble, and you will find your Peace when you tru­ly under­stand and live this too.

You must devel­op a strong sense of your unique self, so as to acquire
the Wis­dom to know where and how to draw the bound­aries of how much you are
will­ing to yield and bend for the good of the oth­er, with­out bring­ing about undue harm to yourself.
Yet you will always need this Cen­ter­ing of Feel­ings that informs and nurtures
these caring/cared for expe­ri­ences, in order to deeply Secure
your­self with­in your Root Ener­gies. For it is from this Deep Anchor­ing that you
will join with the source of your Unique Essence, to find and to hold it, and so under­stand that though you are a pre­cious and unique sparkling drop of the Divine, you are also one of an Infin­i­ty of drops drawn from those Waters
of Life that make up the One Life, The Life Divine.

This is the mes­sage of Venus and Uranus today…

That you must be Free to be your­self in order to Love…

That you must Love one anoth­er in order to be Free.

You must Feel what you share…

You must Love what is special.

There can be no separation…

For Free­dom, For Love…

For Spir­it.

Saturn Trine Neptune & Venus Opposition Pluto (June 11, 2013)


your Dreams come True…

For Love and the Sacred Space of You!

I wrote about this beau­ti­ful align­ment in the Gen­er­al
Fore­cast for 2013
 where I
dis­cussed the Grand Trine in Water of Jupiter, Sat­urn and Neptune…and here is
what I wrote of Sat­urn and Nep­tune mak­ing their first of three exact alignments
in Octo­ber 2012:

Sat­urn Trine Nep­tune (Octo­ber 10,

meets Dreaming…and it is Beautiful!

is anoth­er one of those “big­ger” alignments…Saturn is lin­ing up
with Nep­tune in a won­der­ful trine today and again in June and July of
2013…but what you need to know is…what does this mean?

Ruler of the Formed, Sat­urn, greets and is graced by the Foun­tain-source of all
forms, the Ruler of the Form­less, Neptune…and you are remind­ed once again
about this awe­some pow­er, your pow­er of Dreaming-Making-Reality.

rules Real­i­ty, what you and every­one else has so far brought into being on
Earth. Sat­urn’s draw­ing down into sub­stance is the ful­fill­ment of your dreams,
shaped into real­i­ty-forms. Yet these very forms at the same time necessarily
lim­it your pure poten­tial by bind­ing it into some def­i­nite (finite) Thing.

Ideas, Hopes and Dreams on this plane, in order to be real, become formed into
Mat­ter and by doing so they become circumscribed…and there­fore sub­ject to the
Laws of Time and Cycles…for any and every­thing here is a com­pos­ite or
com­pound, and must even­tu­al­ly pass away.

les­son of this dance of life, of Sat­urn and Nep­tune, is that you must continually
Imag­ine anew. You must ever Dream, again and again, to keep form­ing and
re-form­ing your world and yourself…This is the sub­stance of your spiral
jour­ney as Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, of you becom­ing you through countless
unfold­ing forms of self-realization.

rules your Dream­ing and Imag­i­na­tion, it is the rep­re­sen­ta­tive for the Spiritual
source for this awe­some pow­er, the pow­er to unfold from with­in a new world and
a new you. You encounter the world before you, your present cir­cum­stances. You
dare to dream, you imag­ine and believe that there could be a dif­fer­ent world, a
bet­ter world…and so it begins to take form…And you have been doing
this…you have done this…many, many, many times…

well you cre­ate, how much of your dream will be, will depend upon you and those
with whom you dream. But with­in any cycling of Saturn/Neptune there are moments
of greater flow and ease, of when it seems “just right”, and there
are moments that present a greater challenge.

cur­rent cycle of Saturn/Neptune began in 1989, and an old world was end­ing and
new world was being imagined…Then in 2006–2007, Sat­urn and Nep­tune were
oppo­site to one anoth­er and a reck­on­ing was at hand for how well the dream had
been executed…or not…

you are at a dif­fer­ent moment of the cycle, not a begin­ning nor a
reckoning…Now you find your­self at one of those moments where it does seem
pos­si­ble to bring togeth­er the Dream and the Real. You can take the reins of
your own life and ride that slip­stream between Dream­ing and Making…

are the Dream­er, Dream­ing Real­i­ty all around you…

can Imag­ine a bet­ter world…

when you share your dreams with one another…

you believe in your­self, and sup­port each other…

will join to build a New Earth…Together.


This ever-unfold­ing Grand Trine in Water, anchored and formed
prin­ci­pal­ly by Sat­urn to Nep­tune, com­plet­ed now by Mer­cury and Venus, is being
fur­ther mod­u­lat­ed with­in the Kite Pat­tern of June
and June

you expe­ri­ence the sec­ond exact Trine of Sat­urn and Nep­tune, (which will be
exact one more time in July). This time it is brought into greater focus
through Venus adding to the Grand Trine and form­ing the Kite by oppo­si­tion to
Plu­to, (along with Mer­cury who is still there too)…well one thing is for
sure, things are cer­tain­ly busy!

For as much as Mer­cury aligned with Plu­to helped you to focus
upon the Thoughts behind your Roots and your Destiny…and helped you to bet­ter under­stand how your Will­ful­ly focused Pow­er of Mind is one of the prin­ci­ple means by which you make your Dreams into the New Reality…Today it is Venus with Plu­to who will help you to look more deeply into the nature of the Value
that Forms those Roots and so Informs your Destiny. 

For what lies at the core
of you is a Spark of the Divine, which you will often expe­ri­ence as that
won­drous feel­ing of warm famil­iar­i­ty, of Inner Attune­ment, of being Cen­tered and at Peace…of Being Home, of Being Loved. This is the Love of the Beloved for you…and your ador­ing love that
flows back in return. This is the Source of Love, and it is yours and abides with­in you, as it also
sur­rounds you too…For this is the Force that fills, binds and holds the whole of
this Cos­mos in the One Great Life…This is the seed and source with­in you, it is your Origin…and for this very rea­son it also holds the key and points the way to your des­tiny too…

is the Gift of Venus in Can­cer for you, to feel this source and to be nurtured
by this ever-last­ing love of the Divine for all of the Divine Sparks, who long ago
began their jour­ney through the spaces of Space…All of these Sparks are what make…Everything…They are the Forces
and Mat­ters of this Uni­verse, and they are of course you too. 

each and every Spark of the Divine must exist with­in its own Holy Space…For
it is in and through this Space that it can unfold and become, as each Consciousness
must have its own space to exer­cise its Pow­er of Will and Self-Becoming…Yet
as each Spark is Sacred so is each and every Space Sacred too, and so each Consciousness
must learn to form and pre­serve their own Space, while Hon­or­ing, Respecting…by Lov­ing the Sacred Space of every oth­er too…This is the Jour­ney of Self-Becom­ing that you are on.

is the mes­sage of Venus to Plu­to and Plu­to to Venus, your love of Self is
Inte­gral to the Love you will have for and receive from any Oth­er, just as your keep­ing Sacred the Space of You is Inte­gral to the you Keep­ing Sacred all the Spaces that sur­round you too…

For the Great Illu­sion is Separation…


Is that there is but One Life…

There is but One Love…

And you are IT

And it is YOU.

Now, togeth­er, in Love and Sacred Space…

May your Dreams come True!

Mercury Square Uranus (June 8, 2013)


These are Wheels with­in Wheels indeed…

The Dance of the Plan­ets becomes even
more com­plex as Mer­cury forms anoth­er aspect with­in this already intricate
res­o­nance pat­tern that con­tin­ues from Fri­day,
which is when Her­mes made the oppo­si­tion to Plu­to, and Venus brought her Gifts
to add to the ener­gies formed by the Grand Trine of Mer­cury, Sat­urn and

Now anoth­er inflec­tion is added to this
mes­sage from your Planetaries…and this comes from the oth­er great Avatar of
Trans­for­ma­tion, Lord Uranus, who through his ongo­ing, mul­ti-year grand align­ment with Plu­to is helping
to bring about this Cathar­sis of Con­scious­ness sweep­ing across the planet.

As I have not­ed for sev­er­al years now,
the changes welling up from with­in you, and sweep­ing and swirling around you in
the world, these are trans­for­ma­tion­al ener­gies that have not been experienced
for over 200 years! Of course this is a very spe­cial time for you, for you are
here!…But it is truer today than before, that you walk in Age that is ending,
you are priv­i­leged to see this Dawn­ing of a New Age…

May you live not merely
in an Inter­est­ing Time, May you live in times that Mat­ter, May you help to
bring about a bet­ter New World!

This Mod­u­la­tion of Mer­cury brings an
enhance­ment to the mes­sage of “The Kite” from Fri­day. Uranus and
Plu­to are joined in a great Dance of Meta­mor­pho­sis where each brings to bear
the neces­si­ty of trans­for­ma­tion as to how you approach your expe­ri­ence of
Free­dom (Uranus) and Sacred Space (Plu­to).

So it was on Fri­day as Mer­cury aligned with Plu­to, and the
mes­sage affirmed the inte­gral rela­tion­ship between your Ori­gins (Mer­cury in
Can­cer) and Des­tiny (Plu­to in Capri­corn), between your Authen­tic­i­ty of Feelings
and the Ful­fill­ment of your Responsibilities.

Mer­cury to Uranus now brings to bear the
equal­ly nec­es­sary under­stand­ing that in order for you to cre­ate and secure for
your­self the Sacred Space of You, which is and will always be inte­gral­ly bound
to the hon­or you show to the Sacred Spaces of oth­ers (Plu­to), that you must
ever strive to free your mind so as to more deeply appre­ci­ate and acknowledge
your own unique self as a Spark of the Divine, and that this too will equally
depend upon you expe­ri­enc­ing the Truth of the unique Divin­i­ty of each and every
sin­gle spark of the Divine.

You must ever strive for a Freer Mind
and a Sacred Space to hold your Divin­i­ty, but to do this you must equally
strive to help oth­ers to Free their Minds and to secure their Sacred Spaces too!

For you are all ones of the One, and
what you do to the least of you…you also do to the One!

This is the Law, this is Truth.

The Sacred Three shall always guide you:

A Free Mind (Uranus), Uncon­di­tion­al Love
(Nep­tune) and a Will that is Cen­tered with­in Sacred Space (Pluto)…From these three your Self-Becom­ing is Found­ed and Sus­tained, for you have a Great Destiny…

But your path­way to the Stars, that is your choice as to when and how you will make your way, for some it is steep and short, oth­ers will take a longer way…but in the end…

This is your jour­ney, from the beginning
to the Greater Mystery…

To reach the cross­ing point for the Light…

Free your Mind, Love one anoth­er and Build Sacred Spaces…

May it be so.