Author Archives: Bill Attride

New Moon in Gemini (June 8, 2013)


Your Medi­a­trix has slipped between you
and your Star, the Sun will set and the Night that falls is Ful­ly Dark…

And it is in this Dark­ness of the spaces
of Space, the Full­ness that is the Plero­ma, you see your Cos­mos now revealed as it is, Filled with the Light Divine, you see so much more of where you abide…and
so you know that you make your way upon this Earth graced by this
Greater Real­i­ty, bathed and blessed in this Uni­verse of Light…

The Greater Glo­ry of the Cos­mos stands
ful­ly revealed in these moments where you must wait for the next release of
Solar/Lunar seeds…You pause as a cycle ends and a new one com­mences for you
and your Plan­e­tary Companions…Yet ever around you, through­out the now revealed
greater vast­ness of Space, you can see that you are nev­er alone, for you travel
with a grand Host, a Lumi­nous Com­pa­ny of Stars…

But in this moment for you here on
Earth, you must attend to what is com­ing. For the Sun and Moon will Kiss again
and a New Cycle of Self-Becom­ing will begin for you. Twelve times a year you
receive this gift, the promise of a new­er, bet­ter way of being. Each time the
mes­sage is for your next step in your jour­ney of under­stand­ing, of who you are,
of why you are here…and where your des­tiny lies.

This Seed is of Gem­i­ni and a wel­come gift
indeed. For you have need of this, to be inspired, guid­ed and shown the Knowing
Way to yourself…For this is one of your most pre­cious gifts, your Pow­er of Manas,
your won­drous­ly curi­ous, self-reflective
Con­scious­ness that you received as a “Gift of the Gods” long, long

The New Moon of Gem­i­ni inspires you to
engage your capac­i­ty to look at your life, to approach all of your challenges
and oppor­tu­ni­ties, to remem­ber that you must always view what­ev­er is before you
as if through a many-faceted jew­el, where each facet rep­re­sents a dif­fer­ent way
of per­ceiv­ing and under­stand­ing what is before you.

You need to real­ize and become aware that
you will ordi­nar­i­ly view your life through per­haps a few of these facets,
usu­al­ly favor­ing even one way of view­ing over all…But by doing this, it is as
if you were to shine a very focused and bright light upon your world, and so it
would seem or appear to be very, very clear to you…

But you need to under­stand that you are
also, by view­ing through this one facet, by shin­ing this nar­row-cast­ed light you
are also the very cre­ator of deep, deep shadows…You see what you see, but you
can­not or will not see these shad­ows and what is hid­den by them…and so your
under­stand­ing is tru­ly lim­it­ed and illusionary.

Then it must fol­low that what­ev­er action
you will take to engage with your world, to make the most of your opportunities
and over­come your chal­lenges, these efforts and your results will also be limited
too. You will devel­op var­i­ous solu­tions and approach­es that will to vary­ing degrees
“work” for you. But over time, because you and the world are ever changing,
this or that solu­tion or approach will at some point par­tial­ly or completely
fail you…and this is when this Gift of Gem­i­ni, this reminder and re-Seeding
of your Intel­li­gence will come to your aid.

For it is in this Gift of Contrariness,
of Peer­ing through oth­er facets and so Pierc­ing through your self-made shadows,
it is this self-reflec­tive curios­i­ty that is at the heart of your Intelligence
which will help you to con­tin­ue to find you way clos­er to a more all-encompassing

Cel­e­brate the New Moon of Gemini.…

Chal­lenge your­self to see beyond/beneath…

To see Through.

To think out­side of your
Shad­ows as you…


And with the Won­der and Eyes of a

See the Mag­ic and Beau­ty, and The Light…

That is you, that is your world.

Venus Trine Neptune and Saturn & Mercury Opposition Pluto (June 7, 2013)


Avatar of Beau­ty and Love joins the Grand Align­ment of 2013…

Your Year of the “Waters of Life” con­tin­ues, as your
Plan­e­tary Com­pan­ions align with one anoth­er and so bestow upon you their
Wis­dom, Love and Strength…but this Dance of the Plan­ets is becom­ing ever more
nuanced and profound.

The open­ing of this grand align­ment was dis­cussed in the posting
for Mon­day June 3, and what
is offered to you now and in the days to come builds upon that first gift from
Mer­cury align­ing with Sat­urn and Nep­tune. Today it is Venus who slips into the
Space that Jupiter will soon assume. But the mes­sage and mean­ing of this
align­ment becomes even more potent as Mer­cury too adds anoth­er ele­ment to the
song and dance that is form­ing up now…and all of this is real­ly just a
prepa­ra­tion for you, to make ready the greater gift of what will be offered by
Jupiter later…For the plan­ets do not exists as sin­gu­lar enti­ties, they are
part of a greater whole, their Ener­gies, Mean­ings and Mes­sages for you can only
be expe­ri­enced and under­stood as they tru­ly exist, as part of the Liv­ing Spirit
that is the Cosmos.

A sin­gu­lar align­ment or change of posi­tion is real­ly not how you
should under­stand what is hap­pen­ing around you. It is vital­ly impor­tant that
you expe­ri­ence the align­ments of the plan­ets as not “events” as much
as extend­ed moments in Time and Space, in which ener­gies and forms weave with
one anoth­er, cycling up to a crescen­do of Force and Mat­ter and then sweep on
down as they cycle onward through many-lay­ered, intri­cate and inte­gral patterns
of relationship…Truly theirs is an ever-unfold­ing dance of Light and Shadows,
which is true for your life too. Though you may rea­son­ably attempt to focus
upon and under­stand a par­tic­u­lar align­ment at any one time, the Greater Reality
is that you reside in a ver­i­ta­ble Cos­mic Body that is con­stant­ly chang­ing and
form­ing an intri­cate weav­ing of res­o­nance pat­terns that affect one and
all…wheels with­in wheels.

So as much as today is about Venus adding her mes­sage of Beauty
and Love to your under­stand­ing of the align­ment of Sat­urn in Scor­pio to Neptune
in Pisces, it is also impor­tant to per­ceive the more com­plete mes­sage by incorporating
the ener­gies of Mer­cury align­ing with Plu­to too…But it does not end there,
for just ahead Mer­cury will align with Uranus on Sat­ur­day, and then Venus with
Plu­to on Tues­day which is when the Grander Align­ment of Sat­urn with Neptune
will be exact too, which will be fol­lowed by Venus with Uranus on
Wednesday…And this is all by way of prepar­ing the way for the greater
align­ment of Jupiter with Sat­urn, Nep­tune, Uranus and Plu­to which will come
dur­ing this summer…

The truer way to under­stand the mes­sages of the stars is to
expe­ri­ence their song and dance as it is, in con­stant motion!…You need to
step back and take in this greater Truth of Life and Con­scious­ness in Motion,
form­ing ever-chang­ing and won­drous pat­terns of Mean­ing. The Truth of this dance
you are expe­ri­enc­ing today can be seen not just as a series of moments or
events or instances, but form­ing and being revealed as part of a grander

There is in fact a name for this par­tic­u­lar pat­tern that the
plan­ets are now form­ing, and it is called “The Kite”, and the image
above shows clear­ly why it is so named. It is formed prin­ci­pal­ly by three
plan­ets form­ing a tri­an­gu­lar shape, here the Grand Trine in Water between
Sat­urn and Nep­tune and then to Mer­cury and Venus who form the third point. Then
it is this third point that in turn is oppo­site to anoth­er plan­et, Plu­to in
this instance, which in effect becomes the point for the release of the entire
align­ment! All of the Ener­gies and Mean­ings that res­onate through all the
Avatars in this type of pat­tern come to be focused and released through the
“point” formed at the top of the Kite, so here Plu­to pro­vides the Key
to the Mystery.

The gift of Venus in Can­cer today is to there to elic­it and remind
you that the Deep­er Union you seek by Sat­urn in Scor­pio, and the Divine
Com­mu­nion that you seek by Nep­tune in Pisces, that both of these forms of
deep­er con­nec­tion with the Beloved before you and the Beloved who surrounds
you, are found­ed and formed by you car­ing for and be cared for, by you
nur­tur­ing and being nur­tured by the root of you, by the love for and the love
from your own high­er self, which is your own true Beloved that is within.

Mod­u­lat­ing this mes­sage from your source of Beau­ty and Love, now
Mer­cury in Can­cer oppos­es Plu­to in Capricorn…and it is here that you will
find the focal point of today’s mes­sage as being formed, found and released.
The mes­sage that Mercury/Pluto offers is that your jour­ney to these Deeper
Unions with the “Three Forms of the Beloved” rely upon and require
your pow­er of Pierc­ing beyond Appear­ances, and you are able to do this through
your exer­cise of Men­tal Willpow­er. An essen­tial ele­ment of your Trans-Personal
Path­way, your Divine pow­er of Self-Unfold­ment, requires that you learn to wield
a Mind that is Focused by the Will, so that can “see through” to and
so expe­ri­ence ever deep­er lev­els of inter­re­la­tion­ship and understanding…for
this is how you come to know your truth, this is how you can humbly accept and
grow into Wisdom. 

The mes­sage is that your Pow­er can only be wield­ed well when
you under­stand the Inte­gral Align­ment of your Ori­gins and Destiny…For as Mercury
affirms that you remain firm­ly root­ed and secured to your Foun­tain-Source of
Feel­ing, Plu­to holds you to your Path of Ful­fill­ment, and that you also accept
the Duties and Respon­si­bil­i­ties that are yours, for you have a des­tiny, you are one of the ones
of the One. It is through this inte­gral rela­tion­ship between your Roots and
Respon­si­bil­i­ties, between your Foun­da­tions and your Des­tiny, it is through this
Joy­ful Aware­ness aligned and embraced by the Tri-Fold Love of your
Beloved, it is through this Weav­ing-Way that you will remain cen­tered upon the
Path­way of Light.

is how you Wise­ly and Lovingly…

but surely…

and Make your way…

your Home…

To your
Des­tiny, in the Stars.

Neptune Turns Stationary Retrograde (June 6, 2013)


a lit­tle dream of you…

wrote about this shift in my 2013 Gen­er­al Fore­cast:

Nep­tune Ret­ro­grade (June 6 until Novem­ber 13) 

Lord of Dreams and Imag­i­na­tion asks you to go with­in and con­sid­er what lies at
the heart of your pow­er of cre­ation. It is time for deep­er con­tem­pla­tions, you
need to med­i­tate and take more of those qui­et walks in forests or sanctuaries.
It is a time of ego-tran­scend­ing, true self-seek­ing acceptance…You need to
find a more trans-per­son­al way of believ­ing and being.

is turn­ing ret­ro­grade till Novem­ber. Well, of course, that is from your
per­spec­tive here on Earth, for in fact it is you who is pass­ing by
Neptune…you are like a rac­er on the inside track pass­ing a “slow­er”
rac­er on the out­side, so Nep­tune appears to be going “back­wards” to

in all things, appear­ances, facts, The Truth…It real­ly or Tru­ly is all “Relative”…What
you Perceive/Understand will depend upon your point of view as deter­mined by
your Prin­ci­pal lev­el of Con­scious­ness, which is formed by your degree of
Inte­gra­tion and Spir­i­tu­al Development…and with­in that realm of consciousness
in which you abide you will call that expe­ri­ence of what you perceive
“Real­i­ty” or the “Truth”…

will per­ceive what you expect, for you can only expe­ri­ence and know what you
are able to com­pre­hend giv­en your Consciousness…But as you con­tin­ue your
Jour­ney, as you unfold your poten­tial through your Self-Becom­ing, you will
begin to real­ize, more and more, that there is so much still that you do not
know or understand…and this is very good, because it is this real­iza­tion that
begins to form the Por­tal, this Humil­i­ty is your dawn­ing and door­way to Wisdom!

as the Avatar of Dreams and Imag­i­na­tion is cen­tral to this process of you
becom­ing more aware…Known as the Uni­ver­sal Sol­vent, Nep­tune dis­solves the
Forms and Appear­ances that you have tak­en for Real­i­ty at any par­tic­u­lar time,
for Nep­tune is the Gate­way to the Mul­ti­Verse or The Greater Real­i­ty that is
behind or beyond any par­tic­u­lar Uni­verse. You will with Neptune’s
“guid­ance”, slow­ly slip and stum­ble through “the Looking
Glass” as you descend into a peri­od of tran­si­tion, which you will
expe­ri­ence as Confusion…This is as it is meant to be, for you must let go a
less­er form of know­ing before you can move into the greater, and you will only
do this when your pre­vi­ous under­stand­ing begins to fail you…

You will
have need to re-imag­ine and re-per­ceive the world about you, which is exactly
what Nep­tune will also provide…And it is this which will allow you to continue
to move through ever more inclu­sive and expan­sive Par­a­digms of Reality…This
is your Spi­ral Jour­ney, your jour­ney of Awak­en­ing, as you move towards the Greater
Awareness…this is your jour­ney that is for­ev­er and ever!

this Jour­ney is not only out­ward, it is and most nec­es­sar­i­ly must be Inward
too…and that is what Nep­tune turn­ing ret­ro­grade offers to you now. Every year
you will receive this shift of ener­gies, those Dissolving/Illuminating Rays of
Nep­tune will turn your atten­tion to that which lies with­in and you will need to
explore the Nature of your Inner Worlds too.

course, you must and need be doing this each and every day. But your Inner
Jour­ney of Questioning/Confusion/Awakening is just that much more potent and
nec­es­sary when Nep­tune is mov­ing back­wards through the Zodi­ac, so you really
want to take advan­tage of this oppor­tu­ni­ty to pierce through the veil that
obscures your self-under­stand­ing and come that much clos­er to your High­er Self. 

you may think that you can only know and find your way through this world by
ris­ing above the illu­sion­ary nature of the out­er real­i­ty, it is in fact more
nec­es­sary and use­ful to use Nep­tune’s Gift to lift the Illu­sions you hold
with­in and about yourself…

the Path to Truth is the Path to your High­er Self…

so this imper­a­tive is found upon all the Por­tals to the Greater Awareness…


Mercury Trine Neptune and Saturn (June 3, 2013)


Your Year of Waters is here…

And so begins your pre­view of the Grand
Trine for this Sum­mer between Jupiter, Sat­urn and Nep­tune, which I wrote about
in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2013. Jupiter will enter Can­cer lat­er this month and
begin to form this most aus­pi­cious Align­ment, but for now you can par­take in this bless­ing as Mer­cury and then Venus lat­er this week, on Venus’
day (Fri­day), steps into the space that Jupiter will assume in a few
weeks…and so you will begin to receive, feel and respond to these won­drous energies
and mes­sages now…Here again is what I wrote about the Grand Trine of July

Grand Water Trine, Jupiter, Sat­urn and Nep­tune July 17–19, 2013

We can for­get as we go
about our busy lives “down here”, we can for­get how mag­i­cal and how
full of mean­ing were the pat­terns dis­cerned by our ances­tors. How they marveled
at what stood revealed in this great pageantry that sweeps before us every day
and night by our Star­ry com­pa­ny, those con­stant com­pan­ions who dance and form
beau­ti­ful, intri­cate and mean­ing­ful pat­terns all around us. Yes, we can miss
the signs and por­tents because we do not see them or even look for them
any­more, but they are there…these Guardians of Life con­tin­ue their wondrous
weav­ing, help­ing us to under­stand our great unfold­ing jour­ney through the
spaces of space, our walk among stars.

Some­times these planetary
pat­terns are hard­er to dis­cern, and their true sig­nif­i­cance and mean­ing even
more hid­den from you. But this mid-sum­mer align­ment of Jupiter, Sat­urn and
Nep­tune will, even if not seen, be felt by many…it will be beau­ti­ful to
behold and its mes­sage is sweet and deep.

The aspects between
plan­ets, formed by their angu­lar sep­a­ra­tion from one anoth­er, can be understood
by divid­ing the Cir­cle of Life by a par­tic­u­lar num­ber. The divi­sion of the
Cir­cle, which is 360 degrees in cir­cum­fer­ence, by the num­ber 2 cre­ates the
oppo­si­tion of 180 degrees. The divi­sion by the num­ber 4 cre­ates the square
aspect of 90 degrees. And for our pur­pos­es this July, the divi­sion of the
Cir­cle of Life by the num­ber 3 forms the Trine aspect of 120 degrees.

When­ev­er three planets
line up equal­ly spaced from one anoth­er, it is called a Grand Trine because the
pat­tern is formed by divid­ing the cir­cle of space around you into three equal
por­tions, and find­ing that at each divid­ing point there stands a plan­et equally
dis­tant from the oth­er two along the cir­cle. This divi­sion by three resonates
with a har­mon­ic that rep­re­sents a poised bal­ance of ener­gies that are being
focused through three dis­tinct avatars, in this case by Jupiter in Can­cer and
Sat­urn in Scor­pio and Nep­tune in Pisces. The Grand Trine of July is all about
the Mean­ing and Pow­er of the ele­ment of Water. It is through these three
Avatars in Water that you will receive inspi­ra­tion to help you walk your path
of des­tiny in this time of great and trans­for­ma­tion­al change.

Hav­ing already observed
the con­tri­bu­tion of Jupiter, let us turn our atten­tion to the oth­er two Lords,
and then turn and see how all three avatars will com­bine and con­tribute to a
greater influ­ence too.

The mes­sage of Sat­urn in
Scor­pio res­onates with the strength, pow­er and depth of feel­ing that abides in
the expe­ri­ence of Union. For as much as Jupiter in Can­cer upholds the truth of
find­ing your con­nec­tion to one anoth­er by look­ing to the past, to what you and
all around you have come through and from, Sat­urn in Scor­pio holds out the
neces­si­ty of deal­ing with your ever-resur­gent need, your yearn­ing neces­si­ty to
cross the divide that seem­ing­ly sep­a­rates you from one anoth­er and so find your
greater strength in join­ing togeth­er in your sacred unions. For when two or
more are gath­ered togeth­er, unit­ed in a com­mon pur­pose for which each has made
a right­ful sac­ri­fice, it is from such acts that the mag­ic and pow­er of
spir­i­tu­al growth is in fact real­ized and released. For it is not enough to
remem­ber and hon­or from where you came, it is equal­ly impor­tant to work
togeth­er, to forge deep­er under­stand­ings, to share in the joys and bur­dens of
life and so con­tin­ue to walk this spir­i­tu­al path of your self-becoming,

The mes­sage of Nep­tune in
Pisces, like bells peal­ing in a dew kissed morn­ing, thrill with the third and
final form of Water-Feel­ing, which is that numi­nous force that resides within
each par­ti­cle of this cre­ation, pro­vid­ing the impe­tus that inspir­its the lives
of all who jour­ney with­in this cos­mos. The cre­ative force that is behind all of
the phe­nom­e­na in this uni­verse is known by many names. For many it is called
Faith, some would say it is their Dreams or the pow­er of the Imag­i­na­tion, but
none can tru­ly cap­ture the mys­tery behind what flows through each and every
being, that leads them out from with­in, as they unfold as the sparks of the
Divine, these self-becom­ings who ever strive to grow, to become some­thing more.

For it is this feeling
that binds all as one and one to the All, and that leads all out so as to grow
beyond what they have so far cre­at­ed, to walk the path­ways of light and love
out­ward into the spaces of space, out upon their won­drous, spi­ral­ing journey.
It is this Great Jour­ney which will even­tu­al­ly bring them back to return as
some­thing more, hav­ing become so much more than what they were, when they
return home again.

For as much as Jupiter in
Can­cer will pro­vide you with your foun­da­tion of feel­ing, and Sat­urn in Scorpio
will teach you about the courage you have with­in you to reach out and join with
one anoth­er, it is Nep­tune in Pisces who com­pletes your cir­cle of life, Neptune
brings it all togeth­er by singing to you of your ever-renascent pow­er, forged
in your begin­ning by your nature as a spark of the Divine and that holds you as
one of count­less cre­ators who need but dream of a bet­ter world…and it will be

For this is how the
Uni­verse came to be and con­tin­ues to become, because your Spir­it is the very
essence of it all, the pow­er behind your Imag­i­na­tion, Dreams and Faith…The
Pow­er of your Becom­ing, The Pow­er of your Self.

Togeth­er these three,
Jupiter, Sat­urn and Nep­tune can show you once again that you are the mak­er, you
are the Cre­ator of what you face now. That you can feel more tru­ly the roots
that hold you all togeth­er, that you can feel the greater joy that comes from
join­ing with one anoth­er, and that you can love and cre­ate a bet­ter world by
believ­ing and dream­ing for one another. 

Yes, this will be a year
to remem­ber, and quite a sum­mer indeed. The ener­gies delin­eat­ed above will be
build­ing in towards the end of June, grow­ing through July and cli­max­ing in
August. The con­tin­u­ing chal­lenge laid down to you by Uranus and Plu­to may be
some­what eased by these spir­i­tu­al ema­na­tions that come from this grand
align­ment of Plan­e­tary Lords, and equal­ly and most chal­leng­ing acti­vat­ed by the
T‑Square formed by Jupiter too.

There is much to be hoped
for here. There is the hope offered in the Grand Trine that per­haps the things
which divide the many from one anoth­er will be sur­passed by this greater
under­stand­ing of our mutu­al need to sac­ri­fice for the greater good of one

Let us hope, may we
dream…and it shall be…


Today it is Mer­cury, the Avatar of your
Mind, who takes the lead­ing role in offering
you a pre­view of Jupiter’s gift of a deep­er con­nec­tion to your Cen­ter, to your
Home and Foun­da­tion. Mer­cury in Can­cer will start this process of Inte­gral Aligning
for you, as he Holds the Lamp of The Way of Can­cer and forms this bridge to The
Ways of Scor­pio and Pisces…For it is these three Water Signs that together
form and fash­ion your Feel­ing of Whole­ness, of Heart­felt Well-Being and Love.

It is from Can­cer that you secure
your Self to the Ori­gins of your Life and Journey…this is the gift you pass down to your­self from the Past.
And from Scor­pio, you find the strength to reach beyond your seem­ing­ly sep­a­rate exis­tence to join
with the Beloved in a more per­fect Union…this is the Gift you give to one anoth­er in the Present. And from Pisces,
you reach beyond your mere Human form to con­nect with all of
Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it that is the Full­ness of Creation…this is your

From these three you are made whole as Past, Present and Future are
made as One and you feel the Truth of Liv­ing as a Car­ing, Lov­ing and Faithful

Your Immer­sion into the Tripartite
Waters of Life begins today with Mer­cury in Cancer…

Who can help you form these Mind­ful-Feel­ings about your Roots.

Now through your Cen­tered Self is Lift­ed the Illu­sion of your sep­a­ra­tion from the other.

And it is this that will lead you to the Joy­ful Knowl­edge that you are For­ev­er and Ever One with the

The Divine, from whom, with whom and to whom you will Find your way Home.

Wel­come, wel­come the Grand Trine…

Bow your head and be one with “the Waters of Life”.

Venus Enters Cancer (June 2, 2013)


is Tru­ly, “in the Eye of the Behold­er”

For with­out your Love of your True Self,
which like a reflec­tive Mir­ror reveals to you the Beau­ty that you are, with­out this there
would be no way for you to appre­ci­ate, under­stand and con­nect to the Beau­ty and
Love that is around you too…

Today your Avatar of Beau­ty and Love returns
home, to those Famil­iar Waters of Cancer…Today you return to the Source of
your Val­ue, you return to the Roots of You, to your Origins…to Home. For it
is here in the Heart of you, it is here that you will find the Gold­en Chain of
all your Lives strung like Pearls back to your begin­ning where and when you
emerged as a Spark of the Divine.

Your Path is long and you pass through
many forms and worlds, cease­less­ly unfold­ing your­self in a jour­ney of Self-Becoming,
which is the Jour­ney of Spir­it weav­ing an ever expand­ing Light of Consciousness
into ever more com­plex Beings and Worlds…But through them all there ever
remains this Core, this Seed, the Root of it all from which you came and to
which you will one day return…and this Sacred Space is what you expe­ri­ence as
your Home.

And so through every Stage of your
Jour­ney, in every form and world you find your­self in, you will Feel this
Feel­ing, of your Con­nec­tion to what­ev­er you now call this place from which you
came, how­ev­er you expe­ri­ence it, of what you can so far under­stand as that
Foun­tain-Source, this Real­i­ty and Feel­ing of what you call “my Home”.

For some it will be mere­ly, but tru­ly for
them, found in their imme­di­ate fam­i­ly, for it is in “the blood” and
that phys­i­cal pres­ence and lin­eage, it is by hav­ing this tan­gi­ble connection
that the iden­ti­ty is secured to kin and kith, and that feel­ing of home is found there at
this lev­el of understanding…For oth­ers it will grow, to per­haps encompass
their local group, or tribe or ethnicity…Eventually, it will grow even wider,
to find Mean­ing and Belong­ing in a cul­ture, of being part of an Age, of sharing
in a Time and Place…

But, even­tu­al­ly, the High­er Self will
beck­on, and when tru­ly awak­ened the Pil­grim will see revealed their great
jour­ney and Joy­ful­ly feel this all Encom­pass­ing Truth of each and every soul as
belong­ing to one Great Family…That there is but One Home…That we are all relat­ed…We are all
ones of the One and this, this entire Cos­mos is your Family.

Venus returns now to immerse you in the
Waters of Remem­brance and Fam­i­ly. How­ev­er you expe­ri­ence it, wher­ev­er and
when­ev­er you feel this, you know and feel that you are Home, and you know and
feel Love.

Behold yourself…and you know…

You are home, you
are Beautiful…

You are Love.

Now you know, there is but one way…

Be your­self,

Be Lov­ing.

Wel­come Home!