Author Archives: Bill Attride

Mercury Enters Gemini (May 15, 2013)


Her­mes, the Fleet-Foot­ed mes­sen­ger, who
flies between those Star­ry Realms above and your Earth­ly plane below, returns to
his home sign of Gem­i­ni. Yet he is already begin­ning to slow down as he arcs
his way around the Sun and approach­es the next ret­ro­grade in late June. He is
still mov­ing at his top speed right now, which means he will only be in Gemini
for just over two weeks…So you had bet­ter take advan­tage of all this
delight­ful­ly engag­ing Airy Ener­gy while it lasts! (Take note of this, because Mercury
is going ret­ro­grade at the end of June, and he will swim, back and forth, in and out, through
those Waters of Can­cer for over two months!)

The realm of Air is where Her­mes shines,
for your grow­ing Self-Aware­ness is found­ed upon those Mer­cu­r­ial Pow­ers which
have endowed you with the abil­i­ty to pon­der and ques­tion, to com­pare and
con­trast, to observe and rea­son as you seek to know your world and yourself
through an ever-expand­ing means of Perception-Understanding.

For the next two weeks, you should do
your utmost to let your mind rejoice in its pli­a­bil­i­ty, inge­nu­ity and comically
con­trar­i­an nature. It is most nec­es­sary to your growth that you
question…Everything. Chal­lenge your­self and oth­ers to step out­side their
com­fort zones and look at your assump­tions and self-made “facts”,
which as often as they may pro­vide frame­works will inevitably veil you from a more
com­plete understanding.

These nec­es­sary par­a­digms, like steps upon a spi­ral stair­way, reveal much to
you for a time, but they equal­ly forge and hold you enthralled, cre­at­ing the very shad­ows, those
dif­fer­ences and dilem­mas that you must free your­self from in order to become.
Like a Spi­ral Flame of Light, you rise from lev­el to lev­el, from the ordi­nary to
an ever more inclu­sive and extra­or­di­nary per­spec­tive. You will dis­cov­er as you
let go and grow, that many intractable prob­lems melt away by you shift­ing your
Per­spec­tives-Assump­tions as you appre­hend new approach­es and solutions.

Remem­ber, your Jour­ney of Self-Becoming
is found­ed upon a most Holy Trin­i­ty, the Three Prin­ci­ple Attrib­ut­es of Spirit
that are a Cen­tered Will, Uncon­di­tion­al Love and a Free Mind. The Spir­it within
you, your Spark of the Divine, is the source of your Self-Aware­ness, and it is
ever seek­ing to inspire, guide and help you to real­ize your Des­tiny, which is
to grow through and yet ulti­mate­ly tran­scend your more lim­it­ed under­stand­ing as
you climb the Path of Light and approach the Greater Aware­ness of Cos­mic Consciousness.

Rejoice in Her­mes, who has come to lead
you through the Por­tal to his Realm…

He, who is named, but is not known, by
many names…Trickster, Coy­ote, Fool and Clown.

He shows you the Way to Wis­dom, through
Humil­i­ty and Laughter.

You Dance a Spi­ral Dance of

Your Jour­ney of Shad­ows lead­ing you into the

Lift­ing you Home­ward to the Stars.

Venus Square Neptune (May 13, 2013)


Things are not what they seem…and depending
upon how you under­stand what the Uni­verse is ask­ing of you, you are either going
to end up feel­ing a bit con­fused (and per­haps even deceived) or filled with a
renewed sense of wonder.

is danc­ing through Gem­i­ni now, and your sen­si­bil­i­ties thrill to the delights of
explor­ing the Deli­cious Diver­si­ties of your world. You need to par­take in the
many nuanced reflec­tions of Aes­thet­ic and Social Sen­si­bil­i­ties that you find mirrored
with­in your­self and seek as well in those who accom­pa­ny you. For now, you
are in this Gem­i­ni Way of Seek­ing, Eval­u­at­ing and Under­stand­ing your World, and
so every form and expe­ri­ence with­in it will appear to you as some multi-faceted
Jew­el, sparkling with many Vari­a­tions on what­ev­er Sub­ject, Theme or Experience
you are par­tic­i­pat­ing in. You find that you need and wish to look through the many
Win­dows of Life with a child­like Delight in Dis­cov­ery, with your Eyes Wide and filled
with Wonderment.

How­ev­er, you may find that these many-mirrored
ways become a lit­tle more than con­fus­ing, and you may in fact stum­ble into
realms of decep­tion and self-decep­tion when Nep­tune weighs in today. Though
par­tak­ing in these vari­eties of val­ue, beau­ty and cul­ture are most nec­es­sary to
your devel­op­ment, both as a deep­en­ing and broad­en­ing of your own rela­tion­ship to
your expe­ri­ence of Love, you may fall into con­fu­sion or error as Nep­tune pushes
those facets of your appar­ent Uni­verse into the Frac­tals of the greater Multi-Verse.

For it is one thing to under­stand and appreciate
the var­ied nuances of val­ue with­in your world, but as you trav­el beyond the
ordi­nary, you may assume over much that the oth­er before you shares your point
of view. Those facets that joined with some agree­ment and under­stand­ing become
bent, twist­ed and dis­solve as you fall into the error of mis­read­ing another’s
inten­tion or pro­ject­ing too much of your view upon them…or it is they who
have fall­en, pro­ject­ing their view, their wish or fear upon you. From whichever
side, the chances for mis­un­der­stand­ing, delu­sion and decep­tion are that much

But the Uni­verse is not seek­ing to lead
you astray, it is ever abet­ting and encour­ag­ing your growth which requires that
you leave behind the less­er and move into your Greater Aware­ness. At each step
you take you come to the next Cer­tain­ty, the next lev­el of Truth that will and
must hold for a time (but hope­ful­ly, over time, you will come to understand
that it is all rel­a­tive, so that you grow in Wis­dom and Humil­i­ty equally).

Always remem­ber, Cer­tain­ty is very
over-rat­ed. When you are cer­tain you will pro­ceed to relate to the oth­er with
no adapt­abil­i­ty or true empa­thy, and those mis­cues and errors will grow and
swell and could even­tu­al­ly undo what might have been.

Nep­tune here offers you a chance, to see
that things are not so cer­tain, not so def­i­nite and you must open your range of
per­cep­tions and expec­ta­tions if you are to con­sid­er mat­ters in a more nuanced
light. For a time this can bring about doubts and con­fu­sion, as you seek to
find your way in this new world of danc­ing Light and Shadows…

Your con­fu­sion is a most nec­es­sary price
you must pay, again and again, in order to let go of the less­er understanding
in order show you the way into the Greater…

For those who are cer­tain, they have their
self-made shad­ows firm­ly set…

They see but through a glass that is of
Dark­ness and Doubt.

But when you tru­ly open your­self with
Won­der and Acceptance…

When you ques­tion, and seek and strive
to move beyond…

Those Shad­ows begin to soft­en, and a New
World stands in the Light.

You see the Greater Truth of all in One
and One in All…

There Hope and True Love ever prevail…

At the Cross­ing Point between the
Dark­ness and the Light.

Mercury Conjunct Sun (May 11, 2013)


Her­mes has reached his Superior
Con­junc­tion with the Sun, and so you too have reached anoth­er culmination/revelation
in your Jour­ney of Mind. This align­ment is when Mer­cury has come around to the
“Far Side” of the Sun rel­a­tive to you, and so it is more like a
“Full Moon” for Mer­cury and your Mind. When Mer­cury ret­ro­grades and
comes back across the Sun in the Infe­ri­or Con­junc­tion, well that align­ment is
like a “New Moon” for your Mind. Three times in a year, this Mer­cury cycle
of Seed­ing and Reap­ing will repeat for you.

Your Jour­ney of Self-Unfold­ment is like
a Spi­ral Dance, which swirls around in intri­cate, inter­sect­ing cycles Formed
and Guid­ed by all these Lords of Time and Space, most vivid­ly evi­denced by the
cycle of the Sun and Moon, but also with Mer­cury and Venus, Mars, Jupiter and
out to Plu­to too. For they repeat­ed­ly meet up and align with one anoth­er in a
series of Har­mon­ic Align­ments based on the divi­sion of the 360 degrees of the
Cir­cle of Life called the Zodi­ac. From Con­junc­tion (or “New Moon”),
to Wax­ing First Quar­ter, to Wax­ing Trine to Oppo­si­tion (or “Full
Moon”) and then back in reverse order to a new Con­junc­tion, each phase
car­ries Ener­gies and Mean­ings to guide your Jour­ney on Earth.

The last Begin­ning or New Moon for your
Mind was in ear­ly March, which is when a fresh offer­ing of new Thought-Forms
were seed­ed into your world dur­ing Mer­cury’s last retrograde…Today, is when
you are asked to step back and see what you have under­stood, formed and
real­ized in your jour­ney of Con­scious­ness. The Seed of this present cycle came
from Pisces, and your Har­vest today is in Taurus.

How­ev­er, remem­ber, as it is like a
“Full Moon” for Mer­cury, it real­ly is about your under­stand­ing the
inte­gral rela­tion­ship of Tau­rus with its oppo­site Scor­pio, and you need to see
how this Aware­ness is the ful­fill­ment of that Seed­ing of Mean­ing that began in

That Seed­ing of Pisces springs from your
heart of hearts, and encour­ages you to believe in your Pow­ers of Imagination,
Dream­ing and Faith. That through your most pre­cious gift of Intu­ition, perhaps
as you were mov­ing beyond nor­mal men­tal bound­aries in a day­dream, or upon
awak­en­ing from your night’s rest after hav­ing been graced by a whis­per from
your High­er Self, you found your­self with a renewed sense of the way in which
to approach an old prob­lem, or found inspi­ra­tion to pur­sue some alto­geth­er new endeavor…Whatever
and whichev­er, a new way of Know­ing began to take shape in your mind’s eye.

Today you need stand back and see what
these Ten Weeks have made man­i­fest, to see how well your new approach has
allowed you to resolve the prob­lem you faced, or how well your new idea has
become estab­lished with­in the frame­work of your life.

The ves­sel of your under­stand­ing will be
found and formed by this rela­tion­ship of Tau­rus and Scor­pio, by the Sun and
Mer­cury togeth­er while you abide upon Earth. You see illu­mined the Dream and
Idea of Val­ue made Real and Sub­stan­tial today, brought down from your Mind and come
to life in this boun­ti­ful Tau­rus World of Forms. But you equal­ly must turn and see
the Truth from Scor­pio too, that what­ev­er fin­er form you have made is only for
a time, whether for a day, a month or a hun­dred years, because the Divine Flame
of Spir­it must con­tin­ue the Jour­ney of Becom­ing and so the World will change
and so shall you.

The sto­ry and les­son is there to remind you who you are…

For­ev­er and always, you must grow and become…

To con­tin­ue to Form your­self, and so your
world, into ever more per­fect forms…

But to always remem­ber that you are
Free, and that you are not the form…

You are the Form-Mak­er, a Cre­ator in

The Dream­er weav­ing Light into Forms and Worlds…

And you have only just begun.

New Moon in Taurus — Solar Eclipse (May 9, 2013)


This is the first of two Solar Eclipses this year. Here is what I wrote in my Gen­er­al Forecast:

Solar Eclipse in Tau­rus (May 9)

The first of two Solar Eclipses this year as the Moon crosses
the face of the Sun, but because of the Moon’s dis­tance from the Earth, it will
not com­plete­ly block the Sun so that there will be a “Ring of Fire”
of the Sun’s light around the Moon’s shad­ow. This type of align­ment is called
an annu­lar eclipse (annu­lus means “bright ring”). This near­ly total
eclipse will be vis­i­ble in North­ern Aus­tralia and the South Pacif­ic and here is
a map of its path. Here
is an ani­ma­tion show­ing how the Eclipse will move across the Earth.

The mes­sage of the Tau­rus Solar Eclipse is cen­tered again upon
the ques­tion of val­ue, but this spe­cial New Moon will release a deeper
under­stand­ing as regards your under­stand­ing about the nature of true
val­ue, how it aris­es, grows and is sustained…The answer, quite sim­ply, is
that it is to be found in your expe­ri­ence of your Self. It is this, your
“trea­sure in heav­en”, that you take with you from life to life, and
all the efforts you put in to bet­ter your­self today will be there as a gift to
your­self in this life and in life after life.  

align­ment of Sun, Moon and Earth is a beau­ti­ful demon­stra­tion of how the
Ener­gies and Forms of your Uni­verse are embraced with­in a Greater Whole, and
how each finds Mean­ing and Sup­port in their intri­cate pat­terns that form and
informs their rela­tion­ship with one anoth­er. Of course, you and they are
con­stant­ly engaged in this Song and Dance of Spir­it, but in a Solar Eclipse you
can actu­al­ly wit­ness this won­drous exam­ple of how you on Earth and these Worlds
around you are bound with one anoth­er in a great com­pa­ny of Forces, Forms and Formations
as you jour­ney in these Spaces of Space together.

Every New Moon pro­vides a release
of Spir­i­tu­al Inspi­ra­tion to help you under­stand the next step in your journey
of Self-Becom­ing. But an Eclipsed New Moon car­ries an even deep­er, more
mys­ti­cal mes­sage for you. The Sun is the Bear­er of your Infi­nite Poten­tial, it
is your Pure Being that is Becom­ing by mov­ing into and through these realms of
Self-Real­iza­tion. The Moon is the bear­er of your past which you stand upon and
draw from in life after life. But Luna’s Ancient Offer­ings are often entangled
and enmeshed with unseen, non-inte­grat­ed and uncon­scious ele­ments whose effects
will often man­i­fest as pat­terns (Emo­tion­al Com­plex­es) that inevitably create
obsta­cles and bur­dens for your journey.

The Eclipse of the Sun,
aligned for you so per­fect­ly with the Moon, focus­es the Solar Rays so that they
burn through these Karmic Shad­ows, illu­mi­nat­ing for you what was beyond your
ordi­nary pow­ers of per­cep­tion. This may of course, as indeed it should,
Pre­cip­i­tate or bring into Illu­mined Activ­i­ty that very Karmic Pat­tern. This
will bring about, prob­a­bly as it must, very painful mem­o­ries as well as
chal­leng­ing re-enact­ments of these trou­bled Energy-Forms…But it is also by so
doing the way by which you can ascend to your Greater Understanding…For your
Inte­gra­tion and Redemp­tion of these buried trea­sures, that were caught within
these Ancient and most like­ly Self-Destruc­tive pat­terns, can only be
accom­plished by remov­ing your Self-Cast Shad­ows so that you can re-integrate
these Ener­gies into more devel­oped Forms of Self-Realization.

What then is the core mes­sage of this Eclipse in Tau­rus? The
prin­ci­ple mes­sage that Tau­rus car­ries for you is that your source and measure
of val­ue is with­in you, it lies with­in your heart of hearts, it is your spark
of the Divine Flame you know as your High­er Self or the Beloved…it is your “Trea­sure
in Heav­en”. But between you the Pil­grim seek­ing to be reunit­ed and to
dwell in this Place of Beau­ty and Peace, with the Spark of the Divine abid­ing in Eternal
and Uncon­di­tion­al Love, between you and your Des­tiny there is the Great Work, of
lift­ing your­self up and through these forms that Veil you from your Self. For
you will often find your­self so Enam­ored and Glam­ored by these Mate­r­i­al Forms
you jour­ney through, you for­get who and what you tru­ly are…These Forms permit
you to move in these Realms of Mat­ter, but you become lost as in a World of Mirrors,
catch­ing the Light of the Spir­it in only Refract­ed and Bro­ken Forms…

But if
you would but open your Heart, and Lift your Eyes beyond your Self-Cast Shadows
you would see-through into that clear­er Sacred Space…And to help you in this,
these great Lords of Time and Space Dance and Sing, they bestow their combined
ener­gies like beam­ing bright lights, which dis­pel those refract­ed and Illusional
appear­ances so that you can find your way…So that you may make your way
Illu­mined, Lov­ing and Free…

is what a Solar Eclipse is for…

is intend­ed to shake you to your core.

make you sit up and take notice.

To remind
you from whence you came…

And to
where you must journey.

is your Ser­vant and Liberator…

Light­ing the Way…

For you, the Pil­grim, reach­ing for the Stars.

Venus Enters Gemini (May 9, 2013)


Venus leaves her Earthy and Luxuriant
home realm of Taurus…and your appre­ci­a­tion, enjoy­ment and indul­gences in the
Beau­ty of your phys­i­cal world will now yield to a dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ence and expression
of your sensibilities…Venus moves from Earth to Air, and with Gem­i­ni the
delights that mat­ter will reside in and flow from and to your Mind as you share
your expe­ri­ences, thoughts and ideas with one another.

Gem­i­ni delights in com­par­i­son and
con­trast, in curiosi­ties and the delights of Diver­si­ty. Your tastes are going
to reach out, whether in Music or Food, in Friend­ship and in Love, as the
ordi­nary will give way to the extra­or­di­nary, to expand­ing and appre­ci­at­ing the
deli­cious vari­ety that your world has to offer.

For the next three weeks, you will bend
and stretch, com­pare and con­trast and jug­gle the delights of the Rain­bows of
Val­ue, Beau­ty and Love in your world. You will dis­cov­er new sensibilities,
dis­cuss and debate and share with one another…because this is your time to let
a thou­sand flow­ers bloom.

With the Eyes of a Child…

With Won­der and Amazement…

Cel­e­brate you and your world…

Sur­round­ed in Beauty.