Author Archives: Bill Attride

Venus Enters Taurus (April 15, 2013)


Slow­er, steadier…yes that is more to
your lik­ing, and much more to Hers…Yes, Venus/Aphrodite has come home again
and for the next three weeks your Love of Beau­ty and the Beau­ty of Love needs
to be Tangible…Sensual…and oh so very Real.

Those ardent feel­ings, those eager and fervent
promis­es, those bold dec­la­ra­tions of Aries will give way now to this most
Earthy Realm that is Tau­rus. While you were in that Aries sojourn, you and Venus wan­dered there, you
were inspired by the Beau­ty with­in and with­out, and you could see in your mind’s eye those
won­drous dreams of a bet­ter world to be, to catch a shin­ing, fleet­ing glimpse of your Beau­ti­ful Garden…

But now that is not near­ly enough, no not enough at all. In Tau­rus you
must touch and smell, taste and hear, and see the Beau­ty of you and your world…You walk in Beau­ty, bare­foot in the Gar­den of Delights…You need to dig your hands into the rich,
warm­ing soil…you must breathe deeply the won­drous aro­mas of life resurgent…you look up and feel the promise of the Sun ris­ing upon a brand new day, and then receive that part­ing kiss of
glo­ry as he sets, and all is Good…

In every way, through every sense you will seek the path­way that
affirms that indeed it is done in Beau­ty, that Beau­ty sur­rounds you…that you are Beauty.

And then, when you turn towards one another…

When you gaze upon the Lumi­nous Beau­ty that is before you…

It is not enough, no not near­ly enough, to tell your
beloved how you feel…

For Venus needs more from you now.

When you say those mag­ic words…“I
love you”,

You must caress them too! 

Wel­come, wel­come home Venus…

To Beau­ty, To Love!

Mercury Enters Aries (April 13, 2013)


has been a long, long time coming…your mind has been on quite a jour­ney since
ear­ly Feb­ru­ary, trip­ping through a dream­ing-time, you won­drous­ly wandered
through many man­sions in your mind, like an “Alice through the
Look­ing-Glass”. You were inspired and sought to stretch your
under­stand­ing, to get your head and heart to more lucid­ly encom­pass what is
known as The Greater Reality.

And if you were able, even somewhat,
to lift the cur­tain of appear­ances, what you dis­cov­ered is not some certainty
as to this “Uni­verse” you call home, no not at all…You encountered
some­thing much more pro­found and unknow­able by mere intel­lect alone as you came
face to face with what wise ones call the Great Mys­tery, the Veil of Isis.…for
only with Great Humil­i­ty might you dis­cern this ever-present, self-unfolding
won­der of Spirit…you caught a glimpse in your Heart-Eye and beheld the
real­i­ty of your “Mul­ti-Verse”…

Yes it has been most mar­velous and
con­fus­ing, deeply moved even as you and your life may have remained relatively
still…you lis­tened for the Songs of Spir­it, you heard the Voice of the
Silence, and in Rev­er­ence and Awe you bowed your head…that’s right dear
friend, you have been on an extend­ed trip in the land known as Pisces…

So pre­pare your­self for a most
dra­mat­ic jolt and shift in your Per­cep­tions and Thoughts, for you are turn­ing a
cor­ner and there is Fire sweep­ing through your Mind! Her­mes is leav­ing those
watery depths of Pisces and sweep­ing into the Enthu­si­asms, Eager­ness and
Excite­ments of Aries…

There is no wait­ing for Aries, no
time to pause and consider…The Vision or Dream or Inspi­ra­tion arrives, and
you must act, Now! You leap into action, bold­ly going where angels would indeed
fear to tread…

Yes, that is why you must pause to
con­sid­er how to use this won­drous gift of new found ener­gy and
confidence…Truly, your Ide­al­ism and Enthu­si­asm are won­der­ful and inspir­ing and
oh so nec­es­sary to this next step in your Self-Unfoldment…but All Ener­gy must
be wield­ed with Under­stand­ing, (this is in fact one of the most important
lessons you must learn in each and every Sign, how to Mas­ter and Wield each one
of these won­drous gifts with Wis­dom, Grace and Love).…

So here with Mer­cury in Aries, if
you do not pause to con­sid­er, “Why must I do this, How am I to do this,
and to What end will this lead?” If instead you allow this rush of force
to stoke your Impa­tience, you may stum­ble as your Self-Asser­tion slips into
Aggres­sion, your Con­fi­dence falls into Arro­gance and you will end up on a path
of reck­less dis­re­gard which will lead to you to many, many regrets…

The ener­gy is there, to be used by
you Wise­ly or No…

So be Eager
yet Patient…

Lis­ten to one another.

Enthused yet Humble…

from one another.

Bold yet Gentle…

one another.



Pluto turns Retrograde (April 12, 2013)


I men­tioned this shift in my 2013
Gen­er­al Fore­cast

Plu­to Ret­ro­grade (April 12 until Sep­tem­ber 20)

Plu­to takes you inwards to re-con­sid­er the nature of your will. Before
you can forge even deep­er mean­ings between one anoth­er, before you can make the
mag­ic that comes from the join­ing of spir­its one with anoth­er, you need to
secure your own sacred space again. 

Plu­to is the Gate­keep­er, the Lord of
Will and Bound­aries, the Pre­serv­er and Pro­tec­tor of you and your Sacred Space.
He is the third of the Mighty Three, which form the Endur­ing Foun­da­tions for
your High­er Spir­i­tu­al Pres­ence. For this is the key to your Self-Becom­ing, that
at your core burns the Sacred Spir­i­tu­al Fire, and its nature is Tri­une as it
is for every Par­ti­cle and Force in the Universe.

The Sacred Three, these Avatars of
Wis­dom, Love and Will are: Uranus who leads you upon the path­way to a Freer
Mind, Nep­tune who sings your Heart-Song of Uncon­di­tion­al Love, and Plu­to who
forms and secures your Sacred Space of Self-Real­iza­tion. These three powers
form the core of you, and they are the Sub­stan­tial Sacred Promise of your Fulfillment
in this human chap­ter of your nev­er-end­ing Spir­i­tu­al Journey.

Plu­to is turn­ing now…and so you must
too. For your Jour­ney of Will depends upon this most essen­tial rhythm, of
mov­ing out then mov­ing in. It is the Weav­ing-Way of Spir­it lead­ing you to the
Greater Under­stand­ing, and it is this which is the key to your Self-Mastery,
Free­dom and Joy.

Before you may wield wise­ly and well
those awe­some pow­ers that you have (and have yet to encounter), pow­ers that you
have bare­ly learned to under­stand or com­mand, you must first clear your inner
cham­bers and redeem your mis­di­rect­ed energies…you must learn to steadi­ly and
sure­ly, cycle after cycle, learn how to draw upon your High­er Self, your true Beloved, so as to
move into the Promised Land of Peace, into your Sacred Space of the Centered
Will where you will abide with Res­olute Self-Control.

Plu­to is turn­ing, and so shall you…

You will turn your will upon yourself…

To cleanse and heal yourself…

Of fears, regrets and those shadowed
echoes of your past.

The Lord of Will reminds you…

You are the Mak­er, the

And your Sto­ry and Destiny,

Is but yours to

New Moon in Aries (April 10, 2013)


She slips between you
and your Star…kissed by the Sun, the Moon receives her req­ui­site spir­i­tu­al Gift
of Inspi­ra­tion which she in turn offers to you…For this is her pur­pose, to be
your Muse, your stead­fast guardian who reflects and so buffers those burning
bright Solar Rays of pure Spir­i­tu­al Fire…she does this for you always, and
most espe­cial­ly as you enter into yet anoth­er Month of Moons.

Your jour­ney is formed
by many inter­sect­ing cycles of these Great Lords sweep­ing through the heavens,
artic­u­lat­ing, blend­ing and form­ing the forces which shape this lit­tle cor­ner of
space for you…and in the end it is she, dear Luna, who stands watch above as
she gath­ers, mod­u­lates and pass­es on these awe­some forces for you.

No cycle is more primal
nor more deeply felt by you than this Luna­tion Cycle, from New Moon to Full
Moon and back again, which from month to month, and year after year articulates
the Spir­i­tu­al rhythm of activ­i­ty and mean­ing for your Self Becoming…

The first moment in any
cycle was always held and revered as the most spe­cial and sacred, for it is said
that with­in this seed­ing moment the entire­ty of what is with­in and what will become
is held, as if wait­ing with bait­ed breath to begin its jour­ney of man­i­fes­ta­tion, and so it is that with­in the Alpha ker­nel there lies the promise of those har­vest­ed fruits
of the Omega…

And that from this Omega fruit, from the very seeds that it
con­tains with­in its Sacred Heart, it is from this that the next greater expres­sion of Spir­it that is Becom­ing will emerge as the Alphas of a new­er, high­er beginning…and
so on, and so on…For as it was in the begin­ning, so shall it be, for­ev­er and ever.

As you begin this
your New Year of the Self-Becom­ing, your next great year of Awak­en­ing to your Greater
Aware­ness, you should pause at this Thresh­old of Mean­ing, you should bow your
head and humbly offer your grat­i­tude for these gifts from on high…You need to
be still and qui­et and lis­ten with your heart to this most impor­tant message
from your Sun and Moon here at their First Lunation.

And in the silence and
dark­ness, in that still, qui­et cor­ner that is with­in, you will feel a stirring
in your soul, a leap­ing of your heart…You will feel the pres­ence of this
awe­some mes­sage of Spir­i­tu­al Grace and Truth…that you may Begin Again, always…For
with­in you is your Alpha Seed of Self that is the Ever Becoming…and your most
impor­tant and tru­ly only pur­pose is to quite sim­ply know and then be your Self!

For in each and every
dawn, in each and every moment in the day, there resides the one eter­nal and
ever-present pres­ence that is your Pure Poten­tial, where the past meets the future, and you will find it there in the ever abid­ing Now.

That is where you need
to be, remain­ing always…

Ever present in this
moment of your pure Cre­ative Fulcrum…

Where you will redeem
your past and forge your bet­ter tomorrows…

Because you are,
because you will…

Be the Alpha and the

remain­ing in the Now.

Venus Conjunct Mars (April 6–7, 2013)


has been almost two years since you last felt this way…for that is how long
it takes for Venus to race around and catch up to Mars…Today they begin a new
cycle in the Sto­ry of Love and Desire in your world.

For these two are the com­pan­ions to
your Earth, shep­herd­ing her, guid­ing her…standing watch over her. They are
por­tals towards what is with­in you and what lies beyond…they pro­vide you with
the mean­ings and mes­sages of what is most per­son­al to you.

Venus, the Guardian of your Inner
Life, rules Val­ue, Beau­ty and Love. For at the very core of you (as at the core
of every Par­ti­cle and Force in Cre­ation) is the undy­ing, eter­nal lamp of Spirit
which you know and feel as Love. It is through Venus that your Jour­ney to Self
ever seeks to remind you that your true Nature is Love that is Unbound­ed and
Unconditional…and your Jour­ney is so that you might learn to become what you are…and to learn that what you have is to be enjoyed with one another.

Mars, the Guardian of your Outer
Life, rules Action, Desire and Aspi­ra­tion. For at the very core of you (as at
the core of every Par­ti­cle and Force in Cre­ation) is the ever-present,
ever-seek­ing Spark of the Divine whose one Desire is to become, to unceasingly
unfold and bring into being or Man­i­fes­ta­tion what you call your Self. All that
you see and touch and smell and feel and taste, and all that you can­not yet
perceive…All of it IS because at the Core of Spir­it there resides this
insis­tent, self-unfold­ing power…

in the begin­ning of any cycle, includ­ing the Great Cos­mic Cycle of Being and Non-Being, there is and
will always be one necessity…Spirit Desires to BE, and so it was, is and
shall be…Look up, look out and see the majesty that sur­rounds you in these Heav­ens above…Spirit Is, it Desires to Be…Let there be Light!

Now these two, your stalwart
stew­ards, now they come togeth­er to inspire you yet again, to remind you that
it all begins with your Love and your Desire…it all comes from what you hold in your Heart
and what you Seek in the world around you. In the end, these two are the
same, for what you are is what you seek…I am That, I Am.

You are here to become more fully
the Love that you are…

You are here to seek for this Love in
these worlds that sur­round you…

You are here to embrace
the Greater Reality…

That you and your Journey
are one…

To Love, To Desire.

To Be.