Author Archives: Bill Attride

Mercury Turns Retrograde (February 23, 2013)


Here we go again, but don’t
complain…understand what the uni­verse is offer­ing to you and you will turn
frus­tra­tion into won­ders, joy and greater understanding!

I com­ment­ed upon this in the 2013
Gen­er­al Fore­cast. Here is what I wrote:

Ret­ro­grade in Pisces (Feb­ru­ary 23 until March 17)

The first
of three Mer­cury ret­ro­grades this year and there is some­thing special…all
three ret­ro­grades will take place in one of each of the three Water signs, Pisces,
Can­cer and Scor­pio (in that order). It looks like the uni­verse is bring­ing you
an inten­sive oppor­tu­ni­ty to work on your Mind/Feeling integration.

This first
ret­ro­grade is in Pisces, so it is time to pay par­tic­u­lar atten­tion to your
dreams and imag­i­na­tion in this one. You need to re-con­sid­er what you dream of,
what you imag­ine will be and how to make it so. As usu­al, many issues in your
present day life may be put on hold as you go back to fin­ish some­thing left

When plan­ets “turn” retrograde
their ener­gies (and influ­ence) actu­al­ly become stronger and more focused for
you. No plan­et ever goes back­wards real­ly, it is all a mat­ter of relative
posi­tion­ing in regards to Earth­’s orbital path around the Sun and how that
cor­re­sponds to the oth­er plan­et’s orbital path. In the case of Mer­cury, he has
come around on the “inside track” and is pass­ing Earth as he makes
his clos­est approach to us, and so in terms of Zodi­a­cal posi­tion­ing he appears
to stop, go back­wards for 3 weeks and then resume for­ward motion for the next
sev­er­al months until he catch­es up with us again…and the next retrograde
begins. Three times a year, for 3 weeks each time this reg­u­lar rhythm repeats.
But what you need to know is…what does it mean?

The gift of Mer­cury ret­ro­grade cre­ates a
shift in the nor­mal day-to-day process­es of your mind and your connectivity,
both with­in and around your­self. Mer­cury, as Her­mes the Mes­sen­ger gov­erns both
the devel­op­ment inter­nal­ly of your ner­vous sys­tem, intel­li­gence and consciousness,
and then exter­nal­ly through all the means and ways in which you are networked
in your world, all of your pow­ers of receiving/transmitting whether by touch,
taste, smell, sound or sight…and per­haps oth­er ways that are awak­en­ing with
you as well.

When ret­ro­grade all of these functions
and oper­a­tions become altered, and if you were per­fect­ly aware of this you
would wel­come this chance to bend your mind back on itself, for then you would
be able to more deeply reflect upon what you have learned, how well you know
and what you know, and equal­ly be enabled to revise and renew the var­i­ous means
in which you con­vey your­self to others.

But for many if not most, this shift of
ener­gies is often not even noticed for what it offers, or it is most certainly
mis­un­der­stood as just annoy­ing, and so many will pro­ceed as if noth­ing has
changed and find that the ordi­nary becomes extra­or­di­nar­i­ly dif­fi­cult, annoying
and frus­trat­ing. It as if some­one has let the “Grem­lins” out and perceiving,
think­ing and com­mu­ni­cat­ing become fraught with a host of trou­bles. Moreover,
even if you are aware many if not most of whom you are deal­ing with are not, so
mis­com­mu­ni­ca­tions, mis­un­der­stand­ings and mishaps mount up…no won­der so many
wor­ry about these periods!

Of course a great many of these
“prob­lems” arise from the fact that life for most, cer­tain­ly in our so-called modern
world, “goes on” and you real­ly may find it quite incon­ve­nient or
impos­si­ble to take three weeks off so as to turn your con­scious­ness towards
what it should attend to now, to be more pen­sive, reflec­tive and
introspective…but it cer­tain­ly would help you and the world if you could!

So the ques­tion remains, what do you do? 

First, to min­i­mize the mis­un­der­stand­ings and frus­tra­tions you must understand
that you have to be even more atten­tive now. Hon­or this shift by tak­ing more
time to reflect upon your own mind, upon the ways in which you per­ceive and
rea­son and make this is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to revise your think­ing upon various
mat­ters, to ques­tion what you think you know, and review how well you are
com­mu­ni­cat­ing with your world. Lis­ten more care­ful­ly, speak more thoughtfully
and be patient with one anoth­er, and yourself…and most cer­tain­ly lean on your
sense of humor as the uni­verse reminds you again and again that you just cannot
know what you do not yet understand…and you will begin to move clos­er to true

The ret­ro­grade in Pisces pro­vides the
theme for you in this reflec­tive phase of Mer­cury. You will need to especially
focus upon your most pre­cious and dis­tinc­tive­ly human pow­ers of Dream­ing and
Imag­i­na­tion, for these form the true Foun­tain-Source of your Faith. It is through these pow­ers that you encounter the world as it is, you then Dream
of and so Imag­ine a bet­ter world…and then by your now Illu­mined and Faith-filled Will
you are able to con­tin­u­ous­ly, con­scious­ly cre­ate the future you wish to move
into…and it is this which forms the abid­ing proof of your Faith in your­self as the Dreamer/Creator
of this world.

But for these pow­ers to be real­ized you
must free your­self from the shad­owed echoes of your past, those fears of what was not to
be or failed to be yes­ter­day, last week and a thou­sand years ago.…and you
must con­front these mis­be­got­ten attempts and real­ize that you have grown wiser
now, more inclu­sive and exten­sive in your under­stand­ing as a Creator…and so you
can accept and believe those lov­ing inti­ma­tions from your High­er Self, and now behold the won­der as you unfold from within
what you were meant to become.

You are able to become more of what you
were meant to be pre­cise­ly because you have this abil­i­ty, to be this ever-unfold­ing, self-reflective
con­scious­ness, and it this which allows you to dis­cern why and how you could be or do
better…and then you will make it so.

Let Mer­cury Ret­ro­grade help you to
redeem your Past, to become free of fear…

For it is time…

It is time to Dream, it is time to

It is time to be Faith-Full…

It is your time to be Full-Filled.

Saturn Turns Retrograde (February 18, 2013)


This turn­ing was com­ment­ed upon in my 2013 Gen­er­al Forecast:

Ret­ro­grade (Feb­ru­ary 18 until July 7)

turns your atten­tion inwards to con­sid­er the nature of Union in your
world…You have been delv­ing deeply with Sat­urn in Scor­pio, into how you can
over­come your pains of sep­a­ra­tion and join with one anoth­er more completely.
Now you need to look with­in to see what is there, what you hold to, or what
holds you back from the deep­er expe­ri­ences you pro­fess to desire. The shadows
of the past, your fears about rejec­tion or loss have to be faced and released
here with­in your­self, for only then will you find your joy out there.

Dur­ing any ret­ro­grade you are giv­en an
oppor­tu­ni­ty to draw clos­er to the tests and oppor­tu­ni­ties your planetary
com­pan­ions offer as their gifts to you. There is no greater teacher than
Sat­urn, and no greater test or oppor­tu­ni­ty than what he will show you in

Your great­est long­ing is to be found here,
to draw clos­er to and become one with one another…and there is no greater
fear or pain than this, noth­ing is more painful than to expe­ri­ence the loss of
your union…it is almost unbear­able. But this is part of your jour­ney as you
move from the less­er to the Greater Under­stand­ing, from the realms of shadows
and half-truths and draw that much clos­er to your true Self…You can only grow
by let­ting go of what brings you pain and so you will come clos­er and clos­er to the
Cross­ing Point…and you will leave behind the dark­ness and fears as you move into the Light.

Let Sat­urn help you to face your fears,
which are your self-made reflec­tions, formed by those aches and pains of what
was but is now lost, or what might have been and yet was not to be…

Under­stand that these painful laments that
echo into your present cir­cum­stance can be eas­i­ly mis­un­der­stood and foster
hope­less­ness, lone­li­ness and despair, and so you might turn from the prospect
of union, to give up on yourself…but this is not who you are and this is not
the mes­sage these echoes are meant to car­ry for you.

Instead you will even­tu­al­ly see and under­stand that
these laments con­tain the mir­rored reminders of the Love that Was, Is and Will
always be. That the One True Real­i­ty that binds all as one is Love, and it is
this fun­da­men­tal Force which holds all of Cre­ation togeth­er in Love.

You will come to understand
that the pain or loss you feel from time to time is equal­ly and more tru­ly to
be under­stood as the mea­sure of the Love that was, is and will always be there
for you, for this Love is with­in you as much as it sur­rounds you too…and so you will even­tu­al­ly live in accep­tance, peace and understanding.

Let Sat­urn teach you to let go of the
Illu­sion that comes from your Mor­tal Frame, let go of this Maya of Separation…

For all are ones of the One and you are
nev­er, ever alone…not ever.

For with you always, for­ev­er and ever, for­ev­er you walk with your beloved, your own high­er Self…

Who wish­es only for you to real­ize the
Great­ness that awaits you, that lies with­in you…

That is You, your Self.

Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2013)


Three times Four, Four times Three, the
heart­beat of your world car­ries you and all your com­pan­ions from Alpha to Omega
year after year…You have come around once again to this final turn of your
annu­al, upward spi­ral­ing, ever unfold­ing jour­ney through the Stars. At every
stage, through every sign you have become more of what you were meant to be.

Through the three phas­es of each season,
in the releas­es, max­i­mums and tran­si­tions of Car­di­nal, Fixed and Muta­ble you
have sought to mas­ter the ways to Start, Hold and Trans­form your Inten­tion, Value
and Will. Through the four qual­i­ties of being, through Fire, Earth, Air and
Water you have expe­ri­enced your world through the realms of Vision and
Sub­stance, you have shared and con­nect­ed with one anoth­er in Thoughts and Feelings.

Now you stand before the final portal
that is Pisces, you return to the Begin­ning-End­ing for all of
Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, you return to the Waters…You step across this
final thresh­old where­in you will reap the har­vest of the year just passed and
so pre­pare for the next advance in your jour­ney of becoming…it has always
been so, it is The Way.

Hav­ing come through all the preceding
signs, you are ready for this final gift of Spir­it, this Sum­ma Spir­i­tus, this
Sum­ming up of Spir­it. It is nec­es­sary for you now, so that you can bring
togeth­er all you have wished, willed, thought and felt through the year…Now
you are ready to pull togeth­er all these expe­ri­ences and see the Greater Web of
Des­tiny you have wrought. 

For it is you who are the Weaver at the Loom of your Life,
you the Cre­ator of what has been, of what is before you now…and what is to yet
to come. It is time for you to con­sid­er how to more tru­ly bring forth the
beau­ty that you were, are and have yet to become…For this is your final
real­iza­tion and gift of Spir­it, you are the Cause of all of this, you are the
Dreamer/Maker of your world.

And from where does this Weav­ing Way come?
It is in your very nature…for you are Spir­it and your most pure and defining
nature is quite sim­ply To Grow. At the very heart of you there beams a spark of
the Divine Flame, and it is in fact this one Self that that gives to each and
every par­ti­cle of cre­ation the expe­ri­ence of being one of the ones of the
One…it is, quite sim­ply, your expe­ri­ence of self, that pure Intuition-Feeling
that sings out “I Am”!

You are always becom­ing, always
unfold­ing into some­thing more, some­thing greater (and know there can be no end
to this)…and at this stage in your jour­ney, in this Human King­dom of
self-real­iza­tion, this process has become both Con­scious and Informed by your
Intention…You are becom­ing ever-more the Self-Con­scious Cre­ator of You!

Though called by many names this gift,
this pow­er for you is known as your Gift of Dreaming/Imagination/Faith. You
encounter the world as it is and you dream of a dif­fer­ent world, a better
world…and then with Faith and Will you bring you and your world clos­er, ever
clos­er to that bet­ter place…but it takes time, a great deal of time, because you
must learn how to do this well, how to do this right…

There is but one thing that holds you
back, that lim­its the dream-mak­ing real­i­ty you wish to become…and it is known
as Fear…and you must even­tu­al­ly come to face and free your­self from its grip.

And so at every end­ing, in every harvest
you must see what you have learned, how far you have come and turn with Faith
to what is yet to be and put your fear behind you. For this fear is mere­ly formed from the
echoes of those yes­ter­days stretch­ing their shad­ows into your today…And you
must choose to believe and so make the bet­ter you and a bet­ter world…and it will

This is the Final Gift of Spir­it. That
you are the Cre­ator-Dream­er-Mak­er of worlds and you must learn to take your
place in the great work of all the Light-Bear­ers who seek to bring us that much clos­er to the Light, clos­er to one another…

It is time to har­vest the Mean­ings of
your Life lived this past year…

It is time to plant those Seeds that
will become the Stars of a Brighter Future…

It is your time to become…

Mars Trine Saturn (February 15, 2013)


Your aims and inten­tions get a
sub­stan­tial, steady­ing lift today as Mars makes a beau­ti­ful align­ment with

Mars is danc­ing through Pisces now, and
he is not alto­geth­er mov­ing with cer­tain­ty or clar­i­ty of inten­tion when he
trav­els through those Watery depths, because this is a realm that turns the
Plan­et of Self-Asser­tion right around…He has to learn how to be
self-assertive in non self-cen­tered ways, to learn how you can and must fulfill
your­self by sac­ri­fic­ing your very same self…and these lessons, these lessons
are not easy…

So it is quite won­der­ful, that the
Teacher, the expe­ri­enced wise one known as Sat­urn, has come along to lend a
hand…Saturn in Scor­pio is here to remind Mars that you must find, secure and
main­tain the deep­est com­mit­ment to your core prin­ci­ples and val­ues so that you
can dis­cern what you should sac­ri­fice for one another…but to equal­ly know what
you must nev­er sac­ri­fice if you are to be true to your Self.

Sat­urn shows Mars that it is in the very
mys­tery of com­bi­na­tion, of two becom­ing one, that you dis­cern what is more you
and what is less you, that you dis­cov­er what you may let go of and what you can
and should hold, share and grow together…and this is only found when you move
clos­er to one anoth­er in your Union.

The Mys­tery is that as you move closer
to the oth­er you actu­al­ly move clos­er to your own true Self. Your Union with
the beloved is exact­ly what helps you to dis­cern what you must sac­ri­fice so
that you become what you were always meant to be, to sur­ren­der the less­er you
and so rec­og­nize, release and real­ize the Greater…

The Truer you has patient­ly wait­ed for
you to move into the Light…

Today, through Com­pas­sion­ate Pas­sion you
can take the next step…

You are the becom­ing, you are the

Now step into the Light.

You are the Light.


2013 Radio Show Recordings from January and February


What is ahead for 2013? Lis­ten to what the Stars may her­ald as I dis­cuss the ener­gies around us in 2013…it is going to be a very spe­cial year indeed!

Here are the links to three radio shows:

Taria St. John Show, Jan­u­ary 2, 2013

Suzane Northrop Show, Jan­u­ary 7, 2013

Jaden Ster­ling Wealth & Wis­dom Show, Feb­ru­ary 6, 2013

You may also wish to read my gen­er­al fore­cast which is here.