Author Archives: Bill Attride

New Moon in Sagittarius, Uranus Turns Direct (December 13, 2012)


The Ninth New Moon of the Astrological
year holds spe­cial sig­nif­i­cance this year, for today is also when Uranus (The Awakener)
is turn­ing direct as well. Although most New Moons may come upon you dream­i­ly, often
drift­ing over you like a gen­tle breeze in which you can sense a sub­tle shifting
of ener­gies, bring­ing inti­ma­tions, feel­ings and the promise of new­found hopes that
bestow a renew­al of spir­i­tu­al meaning…Today, well today is
dif­fer­ent, very dif­fer­ent! In this New Moon, you will most cer­tain­ly feel a
most potent shift of ener­gies cours­ing through you and your world. There is a
crack­ling, elec­tri­cal fire burn­ing in the Air as Uranus adds his eclectic,
indi­vid­u­at­ing sparkle to the mix!

Every year, the New Moon of Sagittarius
encour­ages you to lift your eyes from your path and con­sid­er where you have
come from, to look back upon what you have so far encoun­tered in your yearly
journey…And, to try to look out to that far­ther hori­zon to see where you might
be going. But most impor­tant­ly, it is there to encour­age you to seek to understand
the “Why” of it all…how and why you are here? 

This is what you feel mov­ing through
your soul when you walk in the time of Sagit­tar­ius. You need to find that most
elu­sive prize, that long-sought treasure…the mean­ing to your life, the
pur­pose behind Cre­ation, behind all this phe­nom­e­na you know as your everyday

As you do this in Sagit­tar­ius, you turn
to con­sid­er what the “Great Ones” have shown you. For it is by their
sto­ries, teach­ings and lessons that was their life, by their lives and cre­ations left
behind for you that you may find a ray of hope. Their exam­ple is ever set before you like a lamp to light your
way out of the dark­ened forests of igno­rance, to lead you out, through and
beyond your shad­ows and fears. You seek the way to the straight,
nar­row and ever steep­en­ing way…you seek the path that leads you to the Light…and they offer their life and their love to you.

Their sto­ries and teach­ings, the Truths
declaimed by Phi­los­o­phy, the hal­lowed feel­ings enact­ed in the Sacred rituals
of Reli­gion, those Laws of life as encod­ed in the works of Science…it is by these
gifts of your fore­bears that you may dip your hand into the Well of Wisdom
where you find the way of mean­ing. You stand upon their efforts as you seek to
under­stand the where and what of your world…as you move inward and outward,
deep­er and high­er, clos­er and clos­er to the Greater Understanding.


But this New Moon is spe­cial for it is
accom­pa­nied by an Emis­sary from Beyond, by one of the Three Lords of your Self-Becoming…this
New Moon is her­ald­ed by Uranus turn­ing direct. 

From the Sun out to Sat­urn, from your
pure poten­tial of Being out to your most Crys­tal­lized Forms of Sub­stan­ti­a­tion, your
jour­ney of self-real­iza­tion unfolds by those pat­terns that have been set in
motion, laid down by you and your fel­low com­pan­ions, gov­erned, guid­ed and
cir­cum­scribed by that mas­ter prin­ci­ple of Cause and Effect. It is by this, in The Law
of Kar­ma, that Cre­ation unfolds as a Dance of Ener­gies and Forms that ensures your steady devel­op­ment as you learn
through expe­ri­ence to take your prop­er place as the self-aware, con­scious Cre­ator of your Life.

But if this were all there was, a life
of auto­mat­ic, self-pro­pelled cau­sa­tion, if it was only action/reaction form­ing your
inci­den­tal and incre­men­tal under­stand­ings, your jour­ney from form to form and
world to world would be very long indeed. 

But at the core of all beings, with­in each
and every con­scious­ness there resides a spark of the Divine Flame which is ever
seek­ing to bring forth its glo­ry. As cre­ation unfolds, more and more of this
Spir­i­tu­al Essence comes into being, into ever-widen­ing forms of self-becoming,
of greater and greater Indi­vid­u­a­tions. And so the Uni­ver­sal pace and scope of
Spir­i­tu­al Awak­en­ing and Real­iza­tion takes flight…

The out­ward agent of this most precious
gift of self-becom­ing with­in you, this spark of Divine Quick­en­ing, is outwardly
embod­ied, emanat­ed and elicit­ed by the Plan­et Uranus. Today Uranus moves
for­ward again, hav­ing spent the last sev­er­al months in his retrograde
dance, and in so doing he act­ed to quick­en your inner realm of indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, chal­leng­ing you to
let go of your less­er sense of your­self so that you might behold and bring forth the greater…

And now? Now he moves for­ward, and so you
with him need move out­wards and chal­lenge the forms of being that you formed around you, that for­mer­ly ful­filled yet may now
cir­cum­scribe, lim­it or even deny what you now know to be the truer you…

It is time to move for­ward again upon your path of Spir­i­tu­al Unfoldment…

You, the self-becom­ing, the self-aware wonder…

The Cre­ator danc­ing your dance of Creation.

It is time, time to become, time to be as the Great Ones were before you…

It is time to be yourself.

Mercury Squares Neptune (December 11, 2012)


Are you feel­ing a bit con­fused? Well, if
you are not then there is prob­a­bly some­body else in your world that is! So, either
way, you best pay atten­tion to the sub­tleties today because the Uni­verse is
speak­ing in tongues and you may find that those lit­tle mis­cues are creating
big­ger and big­ger snafus…for you and every­one else.

The best advice is to pause, take a step
back and remem­ber that you need to make sure that what you con­veyed was received
as you intend­ed. Make your best case, but then have the oth­er par­ty con­firm by
repeat­ing back what they heard…and then make sure that they get the same
ben­e­fit by you doing the same for them…What you will prob­a­bly find is that
you each prob­a­bly came to this mis­un­der­stand­ing through hold­ing differing
assump­tions or points of view that cloud­ed your communications.

Part this fog of doubts, misunderstandings
and hurt feel­ings by tak­ing the time to remove those self-cast shad­ows, by
show­ing a lit­tle more consideration…by remem­ber­ing that the most important
part of com­mu­ni­cat­ing is through lis­ten­ing with your heart and not just your head! 

Mercury Enters Sagittarius (December 10, 2012)


Time to stretch your mind and see what you might
encom­pass, to move beyond those com­fort­able, self-blind­ing cer­tain­ties that
form the bor­der­lands of your low­er mind, those mir­rored ways that seem so clear
but only reflect back what you expect­ed to see. Yes, yes it is time to lift
your eyes from the here and now, from par­tial truths and frac­tured facts, it is
time to pon­der the won­ders of the greater world that is the “real­ly
real” all around you…Yes it is time…

"To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour."
Auguries of Innocence by William Blake

Her­mes, The Mes­sen­ger, skips back into
Sagit­tar­ius, where he had pre­vi­ous­ly vis­it­ed from Octo­ber 29 until Novem­ber 14,
(all because of his ret­ro­grade from Novem­ber 6 through Novem­ber 26). Now Mer­cury leaves the Waters and moves into this ever seek­ing, reach­ing beyond those self-cast shad­ows, tak­ing high­er aim in this realm of Spir­i­tu­al Fire until
Decem­ber 31.

Your intu­itive perceptivities,
pas­sion­ate dis­cov­er­ies and mys­ter­ies unveiled while in Scor­pio need to find a
greater con­text of mean­ing now. Your per­son­al expe­ri­ence of those dra­mas, of
union and sep­a­ra­tion, like some tidal storm that came through your life, washed over you as a
windswept sea and left you tossed and turned upon some dis­tant shore…and so you must catch your breath, you
need to take your bear­ing, you need to find your way… 

Where did I come from, how did I come to
be here and what does it all mean? And so you turn once again, you look to the
teach­ings that have been passed down from the begin­ning, you seek for solace
and hope in those guid­ing lights of Phi­los­o­phy, Sci­ence and Religion…you seek
to under­stand you and your world, again.

So it is time, time to read a great
nov­el, to refresh your sto­ries from your cul­ture and espe­cial­ly from those from
dis­tant shores. For it is found in these jour­neys whether in mind or body, in
expe­ri­enc­ing anoth­er point of view, anoth­er cul­ture or time or place, it is
from such things that you reach a new under­stand­ing and per­spec­tive for your
own expe­ri­ence of you. Yes, time again to exam­ine your beliefs, the Wis­dom contained
in your Philoso­phies, the Truths delin­eat­ed by your Sci­ences, the Faith
reward­ed by your Religions…yes, you need this now…you need to understand…

Yes, it is time to seek, to dis­cov­er, to
wan­der far and wide…to accept and under­stand that you do not know, not yet…but
you must keep try­ing to push back the dark­ness, to seek for the Light of the
Greater Understanding…you must set your sights, Higher.

As Blake con­cludes his won­der­ful poem:

"God appears, and God is light,
To those poor souls who dwell in night;
But does a human form display
To those who dwell in realms of day."

As always and for­ev­er, your jour­ney of
Light and Love and Truth will continue…

You must fol­low the one injunc­tion, your
ever-present seeking…

That is the eter­nal, resplen­dent Light at
the heart of you. 

Seek­ing the How’s and Why’s and What’s
of your journey…

You real­ize, sil­ly one, it is all about Who.

And, as before and evermore…you

You must “Walk On”.

Sun Opposes Jupiter (December 2, 2012)


Today is the “Full Moon” of
the Sun/Jupiter cycle, which began this year on May 13, 2012. You have jour­neyed for six
months, and now it is time to see what you have made of, by and for yourself.

The Sun rep­re­sents your Pure Potential
wait­ing to unfold into the real­i­ty that sur­rounds you. Jupiter rules your
Prin­ci­ples, Beliefs and Truths that form or cre­ate the path­ways that you will
fol­low for your real­i­ty mak­ing, your self-man­i­fes­ta­tion. Every year you begin a
new cycle of growth and self-real­iza­tion when the Sun and Jupiter line up with
one anoth­er in their con­junc­tion, then at the halfway point of their cycle, you
are offered this oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­sid­er how you have done. 

Every year your Growth Cycle will
fea­ture a new theme, advanc­ing by one sign of the Zodi­ac year by year, as
Jupiter moves through all twelve signs. Six months lat­er, as in
today’s align­ment, you get to see how you have done, how well the promise of that
new begin­ning’s seed­ing has been real­ized, and what you now need to do to see it

Today is your moment to take stock, to
reflect on your growth over the last six months. You need to assess how well you
have ful­filled your poten­tial and what you may need to change in order to do
better…to refine, cor­rect and/or per­haps even begin again. Yes, some­times the promise was not met , but it always pos­si­ble to begin anew, and this is here too for you today.

You need to take
this oppor­tu­ni­ty to pause, to recon­sid­er and com­pare your poten­tial to your
actu­al results. You need to make sure that not only is your growth good, but that
you also take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to make this sec­ond half of your year­ly growth
cycle even better. 

So, take a deep breath, step back and
see how far you have come, what you have done well or not so well, where growth
was good or less good. Then take some time to con­sid­er why this is so and what
you might do in order to make your self-real­iza­tion even better…And, of
course that word “con­sid­er” is exact­ly to the point, for the word consider
is actu­al­ly made of two parts: con= “To be among”, and sider= “Stars”.

So when­ev­er you pause to con­sid­er
some­thing think about that, you are sup­posed to stop, look up and seek for your
answer in that won­drous­ly great, majes­tic pageantry that are your star­ry companions,
those Lords of Des­tiny, who sweep and whirl above you. They mark, inform and
pro­pel the sea­sons of your life, and they can lead you clos­er to the reasons
for your life down here. They beau­ti­ful­ly reflect and are here to guide your jour­ney on Earth by their
Ellip­ti­cal Dance through the spaces of space, in those mar­velous heav­ens above!

Yes, these Lords of Time mark your jour­ney down here, and if you walk your path
in accord with their rhythms, you will find a greater peace mov­ing through your
mind and heart and soul, as you align your­self with this Uni­verse, as you make your long, long way home.

For one thing is most cer­tain­ly true,
and was been laid down long, long ago…

As it is above, so it is below”.

For those eyes to see and ears to hear, you
will find mean­ings all around…

Por­tents, signs and sym­bols of life are
ever-present and set before you…

All you need do is pause, take a deep
breath…and look up!

Behold, your life writ­ten in the Stars!

Full Moon in Gemini — Lunar Eclipse (November 28, 2012)


This is the “oth­er side” of
the New Moon Solar Eclipse of two weeks ago. The release/renewal of spiritual
influ­ences at each New Moon find their com­pli­ment and coun­ter­point at the
fol­low­ing Full Moon. One point, the New Moon, is the like a spir­i­tu­al “Seed­ing
of Mean­ing”, the fol­low­ing Full Moon is like a “Har­vest of
Under­stand­ing”, and through their con­stant inter­play the uni­verse provides
you with signs, sym­bols and wis­dom as you make your jour­ney through Space.

How­ev­er, when the New Moon and Full Moon
are eclipses, it becomes a lit­tle more pro­found and occult (hid­den), you have
to delve a lit­tle more deeply to under­stand what the Meaning/Understanding
might be. I wrote about this Full Moon Eclipse in my Overview for 2012. This is
what I wrote then:

Lunar Eclipse in Gemini
(Novem­ber 28)

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini
inter­rupts the rev­e­la­tion you were hop­ing for. You were seek­ing to bend and
stretch your intel­li­gence so as to hold two (or more) approach­es to the issue
you con­front. Again, it is your men­tal “blind spot”, your unquestioned
pat­terns and assump­tions that need to be seen as stand­ing in your way. Real
intel­li­gence is not exer­cised in hav­ing the “cor­rect” answer by
accept­ing the con­ven­tion­al par­a­digm; it is much more impor­tant to be able to
shift your assump­tions so that you can ques­tion the ques­tion itself!

In an ordi­nary Full Moon, Luna bright­ly reflects the Sun’s
illu­mi­na­tion for you…it clear­ly reveals the deep­er Mean­ing of the original
seed­ing (New Moon) through her coun­ter­point of Under­stand­ing. How­ev­er, with the
shad­ow of the Earth cross­ing over the Moon (as in this Eclipse), the mes­sage is
par­tial­ly obscured by the Veil of Assump­tions formed by prevailing
thought-forms, emo­tions and fears here on Earth…your own, more lim­it­ed point
of view on Earth is obscur­ing the message.

What do you do? When­ev­er you encounter a shad­ow, you need to reduce or
elim­i­nate it with oth­er sources or points of illumination…you need to enlarge
your point of view so that it is more intu­itive, inclu­sive and clear-see­ing. The
ordi­nary mes­sage of Gem­i­ni needs to be enhanced, you need to shift your awareness
and chal­lenge your assump­tions, pre­sump­tions and “truths”.

The usu­al mes­sage of the Full Moon in Gem­i­ni is always there to pro­vide a
nec­es­sary coun­ter­point and bal­ance to the pre­vail­ing theme of the Sun in
Sagit­tar­ius. Sagit­tar­ius rev­els in Deduc­tive Under­stand­ings, which is when you
posit grand the­o­ries or prin­ci­ples to explain your expe­ri­ence. How­ev­er, when
tak­en too far you can lose touch with that very real­i­ty itself, you become
enam­ored with your love­ly cas­tles of thought-forms that increas­ing­ly bear no
rela­tion­ship to the real world at all…You lose touch with the greater reality
around you. 

As you con­front the dis­con­nect between what you actu­al­ly experience
and your self-wrapped mod­el­ing of the world you will have two choic­es: 1) you
either refuse to deal with real­i­ty and remain in your increas­ing­ly less than
real­is­tic world mod­el, or 2) you aban­don your mod­el and begin to re-con­nect to
what is actu­al­ly hap­pen­ing in your world.

This is where Gem­i­ni comes in as the advo­cate of Induc­tive Reasoning,
of gath­er­ing, observ­ing and exam­in­ing a myr­i­ad of data points with as little
pre­sump­tion or fil­ter­ing as pos­si­ble. Even­tu­al­ly, you cre­ate a body of
knowl­edge about your world that is built up, lay­er by lay­er, from your real
expe­ri­ences. Nor­mal­ly at the Gem­i­ni Full Moon you would be able to engage your
adap­tive, inquis­i­tive and con­trar­i­an fac­ul­ties as a coun­ter­point and bal­ance to
the pre­vail­ing Sagit­tar­i­an deduc­tive rea­son­ing with its self-shadowing
assump­tions. You would be able to chal­lenge the par­a­digm by ques­tion­ing those
very assumptions…and rev­el in your mind’s abil­i­ty to think “out­side the

But here at the eclipse you must go further…it is not enough to
ques­tion the par­a­digm or world views as put forth by the cul­tur­al verities,
polit­i­cal alle­giances or reli­gious ortho­dox­ies that claim to explain
“life” as it is or ought to be. You need to free your per­cep­tions and
see through these prisms to an even more inclu­sive understanding. 

What might
that be, how can you do that? It would seem that either you work inductively,
from the small­er to greater, or deduc­tive­ly, from the greater to the
lesser…what else is there?

Actu­al­ly, you have your most dis­tin­guish­ing spir­i­tu­al gift, part of what
makes you “human” and it will pro­vide the answer here. It is part of
your ongo­ing, unfold­ing awak­en­ing where your mind or ordi­nary con­scious­ness is
lift­ed up by your high­er self…and it is known to you, oh yes it is…it is
your Imagination! 

Your Imag­i­na­tion is that most won­drous spir­i­tu­al fac­ul­ty that truly
inspires your growth of under­stand­ing, about your­self and your uni­verse, and
cre­ates the means by which you can accept what has been, under­stand what is really
before you now and dream, yes dream of your bet­ter tomorrows! 

This is one of your Gifts of the Spir­it and it has ever quick­ened your
devel­op­ment in the Human King­dom of Life. Your progress is not acci­den­tal or
incre­men­tal, and it has more often been accom­plished by and through these great
leaps of self-tran­scen­dence, for beat­en paths are for those who beaten…Instead you will Imagine,
you will Dream…and you will become a wonder! 

Here at the Eclipse you need to re-imag­ine both your Deduc­tions and
Induc­tions, you need to think way out­side the box…By using your Intuitional
Intel­li­gence you will open the door to anoth­er realm of Under­stand­ing, you will
approach that much near­er to the realm of Divine Thought. Your
Imagination/Intuition allows you to cross beyond your self-accept­ed, self-made
bound­aries of what is “Real” to your The­o­ries or Facts. It does this
by help­ing you to move beyond your Cul­tur­al prisms and Sci­en­tif­ic Dogmas. 

Just like any pre­vi­ous seek­er of greater under­stand­ing, who had to put
aside the known to dis­cov­er the greater in their time, you must be will­ing to
approach your world with more Open­ness and Wonder…with the eyes of a child… 

Per­haps, with enough
imag­i­na­tion, you can even dream of becom­ing anoth­er type of being altogether…Imagine
how this world would be per­ceived or under­stood if you were some form of bird
of the air, or if you swam as a fish in the seas…or maybe some­thing beyond
entirely…What would you know or see then? 

To Dream, to Imagine…that is how your Future is made…

For what is Now, was made long, long ago…and it is done.

What will your new day bring, who will greet the Sun?

Be the Dream­er, be the Imagineer…let Intu­ition be your guide.

Move, grow, smile…beyond all those box­es and let your High­er Self… 

Show you the Way.