Author Archives: Bill Attride

Full Moon in Virgo (March 16, 2014)


The Twelfth Illu­mi­na­tion is here…

The Final Step before you begin, again.

For a New Year approaches,

And you must pre­pare the Way.

Twelve Signs, Twelve Moons will mark your Path,

As you the Pil­grim reach for that Promised Land.

The Alpha and Omega, togeth­er once more,

The Infin­i­tes­i­mal and Infi­nite, held as One.

The Sin­gu­lar­i­ty that is Spirit,

Eter­nal Now.

Twelve times around The Wheel of Life, Luna weaves those webs of des­tiny, she cir­cles in and out, up and down, as she will ever stand between Earth and what for you is the Incom­pre­hen­si­ble Infin­i­ty, those spaces of Space that sur­round you. She has but one call­ing, she is there to look after you, her child and hope, as she weaves and mod­u­lates those Awe­some ener­gies that sweep over, around and through you.

For Space is not an empti­ness, it is not a mere ves­sel or con­tain­er. Space is the Plero­ma, it is the Full­ness of Spir­it and Mat­ter, of Inner and Out­er Spaces and end­less Hier­ar­chies of Being beyond your Know­ing. And all of THAT is but the many, mir­ror­ing aspects of the One Life Divine, the one life which is your life too.

These Uni­ver­sal Forms and Ener­gies stream forth for you on Earth from the Shin­ing One, the Roy­al Regent you know as Sun, and then are mod­u­lat­ed in Form and Mean­ing as they stream between the Sun and his Court. The Sun with these oth­er Lords or Plan­e­taries cre­ate the Sacred Songs of Space that ring out in a Won­drous and Beau­ti­ful Majesty of Spir­i­tu­al Inspi­ra­tion for you as they hold to their appoint­ed places and rounds in your Solar System.

Between them all there stands dear, dear Luna. She stands between those Uni­ver­sal Ener­gies that stream from the Lumi­nous One and his Court, she stands between them all so as to mod­u­late and medi­ate their gifts for you here on Earth. For the Moon is the Moth­er, and she will ever pro­tect, nur­ture and care­ful­ly atten­u­ate those awe­some offer­ings for you her chil­dren here on Earth.

She comes once more to her out­er­most post, out beyond your orbital path and so she is bathed there in the Fullest Light of the Sun. She stands out in that beyond, a Mag­ic Mir­ror of Solar Force so that you might not lose your way. For in each and every Sign you can go “too far”, you may burn so bright­ly with that Solar Force and for­get that there is but one true way, The Way, that Inte­gral Path of Whole­ness where all Twelve Rays are as One. You can­not be in Aries with­out being in Libra, you can­not hold in Can­cer with­out stand­ing in Capri­corn. And now you must com­plete the Cir­cle of Life, you must hon­or and live in Vir­go as you move through Pisces too.

So as the Solar Song sings through this time of Pisces, Luna brings you the gift of Bal­ance and Com­pen­sa­tion from the cho­rus that is Vir­go. The noblest gifts are to be found here in Pisces, for in this Twelve of the Twelve you stand at the Sum­ma Codex of Life, and you can Intu­it and Feel, per­haps even under­stand and so bow your head before the Great Mys­tery Revealed. That all of this Cre­ation, every mote and speck, every being and plan­et and star, all are sparks of this Life Divine, all are held togeth­er in the Love which is the Abid­ing Force that springs from the very Root of Cre­ation itself, and this same Uncon­di­tion­al Love comes from with­in you too.

But from these lofty Heights of Uni­ver­sal Love, Bound­less Joy and Infi­nite Com­pas­sion you may still stum­ble and fall, yes even here you may for­get to main­tain the most fun­da­men­tal Prin­ci­ple. That you are a Sacred Cen­ter and there are lines and bound­aries you should not cross, (at least not until you are tru­ly ready and under­stand how, when and why this may be done). For with­out this under­stand­ing you can give too much, lose too much of your­self for anoth­er, and instead of mak­ing a sac­ri­fice you stum­ble and fall into being the very sac­ri­fice itself…and this is not the way, this is not your way to Beau­ty, Truth and Love at all.

So the Full Moon in Vir­go pro­vides the way of under­stand­ing now. That you must Love with Wis­dom, expe­ri­ence Joy with Understanding…and to do this you must live a Life that is marked by a Dis­cern­ing Compassion.

For you must not cast your Pearls (your Love) before swine. You must Live the Truth of being a Spark of the Divine and bring forth this very same expe­ri­ence by relat­ing in this man­ner with whomev­er stands before you.

Look to Luna, rid­ing high and illumined…

Your Medi­a­trix, your Mother.

She is there to show you the Way.

She offers the Gift of Beauty…because you must make your­self Whole.

She offers the Gift of Truth…because you must under­stand why you are here.

She offers the Gift of Love…because you are to be the Love that you are.

Jupiter Turns Direct (March 6, 2014)


As not­ed in the Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Jupiter Direct (March 6 until Decem­ber 8)

Jupiter who has been ret­ro­grade since ear­ly Novem­ber moves for­ward again. You have had the last four months to con­sid­er the nature of your Prin­ci­ples, Truths and Beliefs. The focus of Growth and Under­stand­ing has been with­in one­self. Now with this renew­al of the way in which you relate to your world, you can move out to sub­stan­ti­ate this Greater Under­stand­ing in your build­ing of a bet­ter world.

Your Avatar of Truth, your faith­ful guide upon the path of Under­stand­ing is turn­ing once more. For the past four months you have moved inwards with Jupiter, as you explored the Foun­da­tions of your Beliefs that are formed in the realm of your Roots, in the Sign of Cancer. 

Your orig­i­nal Truths, formed and nur­tured in your Fam­i­ly of birth and/or of choice, and then fur­ther devel­oped with­in ever larg­er Cir­cles of Life Expe­ri­ence, have been revised, renewed and affirmed by your recon­nec­tion to source. You have affirmed what is tru­ly your core of con­vic­tions, and you should have dis­missed and let go of what had nev­er been true or is no longer true for you.

You have tak­en the path of Inner Growth for the past four months, seek­ing to find what is tru­ly cen­ter­ing and authen­tic, for you felt this need to know your Truth. Though you may wish and believe that you must always grow and expand out­ward­ly, the Truth of Spir­it is that before you can go out­wards you must go with­in. For how could you know or under­stand where you should go if you had not first under­stood from where you have come?

Your answer to the ques­tion, “where should I go, what should I do”, does not exist “out there”. Your answer, which lies with­in your Heart and Soul, is formed by the lev­el of Spir­i­tu­al Devel­op­ment and Awak­en­ing to which you have attained. Your degree of Spir­i­tu­al Matu­ri­ty forms what you are able to com­pre­hend and under­stand of your­self and your world. It is from this Lev­el of Matu­ri­ty or Wis­dom that you will under­stand from where you have come, and why you are here…and then, and only then, will you tru­ly know where are you going.

Today Jupiter turns, and it is time to apply what you have secured by your restored and renewed foun­da­tions. With your Self more tru­ly cen­tered upon what you stand for, you can bring into pur­pose­ful man­i­fes­ta­tion your Prin­ci­ples, Beliefs and Truths, you can do this with Conviction…and with Car­ing too.

For the Waters of Can­cer will have helped you to con­nect to one of the Abid­ing and Peren­ni­al Prin­ci­ples, to the Core of Spir­i­tu­al Truth:

“That we are all related.”

So guid­ed by Jupiter in Can­cer you will relate to your world from this under­stand­ing: That as regards with how you will con­duct your­self towards any oth­er, your first and most impor­tant prin­ci­ple will be, “there too am I”, and I will treat with them as I wish to be treat­ed too.

That all you wish for yourself,

Is to be Loved.

And all that you need do, is

Be Con­stant and True.

For this Love was given,

It forms the very Core of you,

All that you need fol­low, is

The Gold­en Rule.

Love one Another.

Care for and Love one another.


Venus Enters Aquarius (March 5, 2014)


She is the Light-Bring­ing won­der of the Dawn…

Dear Venus ris­ing before the Sun,

Singing her songs of Love and Beauty.

Your Avatar of Heart and Soul,

Will shine by a dif­fer­ent Light today.

She sings now of Hopes and Dreams,

Of Kind­li­ness and Consideration.

For your Dreams are made of one another,

Your hopes and their hopes made One.

You are Spir­it Farm­ers plant­i­ng Futures,

In the ash­es of the Past.

Your New Earth, see her Rising,

As you turn and Praise the Dawn.

Venus is chang­ing her Song of Spir­it. For quite some time, since Novem­ber in fact, Venus has mod­u­lat­ed her sen­si­bil­i­ty so as to align with the melodies of Capri­corn. Nor­mal­ly Venus moves through a sign in about three weeks, so that was quite an expe­ri­ence for her and for you too!

Venus in Capri­corn graced you with appre­ci­a­tion and due rev­er­ence for those Ancient Val­ues and Ways of Lov­ing, and these will stand the Test of Time. But it is time for Venus to move beyond these clas­si­cal, time­less ways of Tradition…she hears a dif­fer­ent Song danc­ing through the Air. Venus leaves these trea­sures of Gold­en Ages, and you turn with smil­ing eyes wide open, sparkling with dreams of future days.

Your Avatar of Love and Beau­ty smiles and sings of New Tomor­rows, for Aquar­ius is final­ly here. Your best is not behind you, no you have not seen it yet. Your Future is there wait­ing, and your tomor­row will be met. It is there in the dreams you share with one anoth­er, with those you know as Friend.

And all that you have ever want­ed, and all that will mat­ter in the end, is that you can be your­self com­plete­ly, to be loved and known for who you tru­ly are. You will enjoy this Truest Free­dom as you must, with one anoth­er. That you are free to be your­self pre­cise­ly because you are with those who want and need only this of you, and you return the same with love for them. 

Venus ris­es and you will hear your Future,

The Light-Bear­er, singing Free­dom’s song.

A New Gold­en Age awaits,

You Mak­ers of Tomorrow.

Sing your Songs of Freedom,

Break­ing with the Dawn.

Saturn Turns Retrograde (March 2, 2014)


As not­ed in the Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014, today marks the begin­ning of Sat­urn’s four and half month ret­ro­grade in Scorpio:

Sat­urn Ret­ro­grade (March 2 until July 20)

Sat­urn begins his year­ly ret­ro­grade, and once again he is tak­ing you inward in Scor­pio to con­sid­er what may be found there that might form the obsta­cle to a greater Union in your life. As before, the shad­ows of the past, your fears about rejec­tion or loss have to be faced and released here first, with­in your­self, for only then will you find it pos­si­ble to expe­ri­ence your joy of a deep­er Union out there with one another.

The Lord of Real­i­ty is turn­ing around…

And you will turn with him too.

Once again you must face your Fear…

That bro­ken mir­ror of your Past.

For if you would make a bet­ter world…

Then you must start at the beginning,

You must start with the Real­i­ty of You.

Sat­urn is mov­ing through Scor­pio, and the par­tic­u­lar aspect of your real­i­ty that you will know is being test­ed con­cerns your Unions with one anoth­er. But what you must also under­stand is that because of this Sat­ur­nine chal­lenge, that it is here in your Unions where you can and may expe­ri­ence the most pro­found heal­ing and restoration…if you hear­ken to Sat­urn’s song.

That song of Sat­urn has shift­ed now, for while he is ret­ro­grade this “Real­i­ty Test” of your Unions will be focused back upon your­self. You will find that what you must and can do is dis­cern what you car­ry with­in you that has con­tributed to the dif­fi­cul­ties you have encoun­tered in your attempt to form or improve the Unions in your life.

There is per­haps no greater joy than Union, to slip beyond the lim­its forged by your mor­tal frame, to let go of being alone and sep­a­rate, and expe­ri­ence the sub­lime bliss of becom­ing one with anoth­er. There is noth­ing quite like this, when you tru­ly know and feel your one­ness with one anoth­er, and you each expe­ri­ence this most bind­ing yet total­ly free­ing expe­ri­ence of being accept­ed, under­stood and loved for who you are.

Yet, as much as this sub­lime Joy is the nec­tar of Spir­i­tu­al Union, the pain and sor­row of a Join­ing that has come undone, or the rejec­tion of a Union that might have been will tru­ly be felt as the great­est pain that you have ever experienced.

And you have had both of these, the Joy and the Pain, the Promise of Immor­tal­i­ty and the Fear of Death, and because you “remem­ber”, you bring these expe­ri­ences into your present in your Hopes and in your Fears.

You long to be one with anoth­er, but you may not cre­ate the nec­es­sary con­di­tions as you also hold back out of fear…And in so doing, you may bring about the very thing you were seek­ing to avoid. In your fear of being hurt again, you fail to cre­ate the space of Inti­ma­cy and Trust the Union requires…and what could have been can­not be. You try to pre­vent anoth­er expe­ri­ence of pain, which brings it back yet again. For if you act on the basis of Fear, then you will bring about the very thing that you do fear. 

And it is pre­cise­ly here that Sat­urn will offer you a help­ing hand. For you are here to grow and to learn to do bet­ter, and Sat­urn is “the teacher” who can take to the depths where awaits your High­er Self and the Union with­in. You will with Sat­urn’s help take out your dis­cern­ing Sword of Sev­er­ance, and with it you will cut these chords that bind you to your past pain and fear. You can do this for you now see that these fears are mere­ly the remain­ders of anoth­er life where you loved and you lost too. And you will under­stand that is “the way”, that this is the path that you must walk, and that this is what it means to be an Immor­tal in a mor­tal frame.

From this you can know and accept that there will many join­ings and sep­a­ra­tions, in life after life and through­out the span of any one life too. For how could there be one with­out the oth­er? But you can remain firm and resolved and go forth to join again and again in this and in all your lives because of that stead­fast Union which will remain. For there is always one who will not waver in their Uncon­di­tion­al Love for you, whose very essence forms the foun­da­tion behind each join­ing and sep­a­ra­tion you have in life after life, and is the real you behind all of your appear­ances, your Beloved High­er Self.

The les­son of Sat­urn here is that you should be fear­less because you are love and loved, always. That if you give into these fears of your past and pull back from the joy that could be made in a Union here and now, well that would be a tragedy. For that is you reject­ing your­self, that is you deny­ing your own true nature.

Sat­urn and your High­er Self will patient­ly show you that your fear of loss and rejec­tion is of the past, it is formed by the echoes of lives lived long, long ago. But you are not that same per­son as you were then, and Sat­urn with your High­er Self will help you now to face your fears, let them go and turn with Love to today and tomorrow. 

You will face your Fear…

You will know it for what it is,


You are an Immortal,

Pass­ing through many mor­tal lives.

Hold to the One Within,

Feel the Love.

Then turn to the one before you,

And Love.

Mars Turns Retrograde (March 1, 2014)


As not­ed in the overview for 2014, today marks the begin­ning of Mars mov­ing retrograde:

Mars Ret­ro­grade (March 1 until May 19)

The Avatar of your Desires is tak­ing you upon an inner jour­ney. You will have the next 80 days to reex­am­ine what your aims and inten­tions tru­ly are. From where do they come, and where are they tak­ing you? It is time to pause and recon­sid­er two points: Is this Goal True for you now? Is this the best path of action to take you there?

Your Avatar of Action, who leads you out­ward into the vast­ness of your jour­ney of dis­cov­ery and self-becom­ing, the Red Plan­et Mars is turn­ing ret­ro­grade and so you must turn too. He will lead you inward now, so that you might come to know and under­stand why you do what you do, why you want to go “there”, why you act they way that you do, and to help you turn your more lim­it­ed ener­gy of Desires into Spir­i­tu­al Aspirations.

All of the plan­ets will turn ret­ro­grade for us here on Earth. Some like Mer­cury will turn every four months, or Venus every year and a half, and all of the oth­er “out­er plan­ets” from Jupiter through Plu­to will do so once a year (and they will do so for many months). But Mars is the plan­et that does this less than any oth­er, only every 26 months or so. So this is spe­cial, this is a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty for you to con­sid­er the nature of your Desires, to reex­am­ine your Aims and Inten­tions, to see how you “Move” with and by these Ener­gy-Forms through the Sacred Space in which you abide.

Though some might con­sid­er a plan­et to be some­how “weak­ened” by mov­ing back­wards, you must remem­ber that this is only an appear­ance for us here on Earth. In the mat­ter of Mars, we on Earth are “catch­ing up” to Mars and pass­ing him, as if we were on an inside lane of a race track. He appears to be going back­wards, only because we are catch­ing up and pass­ing him by. More­over, as we do catch up we make our clos­est approach to Mars as he “grows” big­ger and brighter. Mars, the Avatar of Desires and Actions will shine red­der than ever, and much will be stirred with­in and around you too. You will see Mars at his most glo­ri­ous, a glow­ing crim­son orb, when he forms the oppo­si­tion to the Sun on April 8, 2014.

More­over, many have not­ed and it will be observed cer­tain­ly here at this pas­sage again, that when­ev­er Mars turns ret­ro­grade the forces of Self-Asser­tion will seem to slip beyond the bounds of cau­tion or self-restraint, and the man­i­fes­ta­tions of Aggres­sion will be both expressed and encountered…yes, there is “dan­ger” in this Air.

But of course the mis­use of Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gies is always a prob­lem no mat­ter what is hap­pen­ing “up there”, but it would seem that this peri­od of Mars Ret­ro­grade stirs more strong­ly those depths of the human psy­che where hurts and resent­ments have fes­tered, and the result of this stir­ring of painful ener­gies inflames pas­sions, stokes fear and anger, and this col­li­sion of pas­sion, pain and anger erupts in actions that harm one­self and others.

The Ener­gies evoked or stoked by Mars are nei­ther “good” or “bad”…rather it is your degree of spir­i­tu­al aware­ness and evo­lu­tion that will indi­cate how the ener­gy will be received and then how you will pass it on. How you receive the Ener­gies around you, how you work with them, and in what form will you pass them on is deter­mined by your Spir­i­tu­al Inte­gra­tion and Awareness.

To the extent that you have become Self-Mas­ter­ful, guid­ed by your High­er Self and not your Ego, then to that same extent will you be able to wield your Phys­i­cal, Emo­tion­al, Men­tal and Intu­ition­al Pow­ers in a Lov­ing and Con­struc­tive Man­ner. And, to the extent that you remain unin­te­grat­ed, with con­flicts with­in and between your Hier­ar­chi­cal Nature of Body, Feel­ings, Mind and Spir­it, then to that same extent will you act Destruc­tive­ly towards your­self and/or towards others.

In the end, as always, it comes quite sim­ply down to one thing, do you Love Your­self? Do you have and know the Love of your High­er Self as real and ever present and before you at all times, that you stand in its pres­ence and this most true love per­vades your entire being and all your doing too? It will always be so, and as long as you sojourn here as a human, as long as you strive to become out­ward­ly what you are in your High­er Self, to be a ful­ly awak­ened shin­ing one, you will con­tin­ue on this jour­ney to dis­cov­er, accept and embrace your true nature which is Spir­it, which is Love.

So in this pas­sage of Mars Ret­ro­grade, you are giv­en anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to more deeply pen­e­trate into the mys­tery of your Desire Body, and to dis­cov­er what lies at the core of your self-pro­pelling urgency to become, as you lift your­self step by step and draw clos­er to your Truth.

Mars is in Libra now, so you path of Soul Search­ing will be guid­ed and formed by the Sign of Bal­ance, Har­mo­ny and Beauty.

With Mars in Libra, you Desire to be sur­round­ed by Grace and Beau­ty, and you Aspire to act with Fair­ness and Con­sid­er­a­tion for one anoth­er. But to seek for that Beau­ty around you, to even see the beau­ty that is there, you must turn around and find the source of your Beau­ty that lies with­in you, or it will not be found any­where. Mars mov­ing back­ward in Libra takes you inwards to expe­ri­ence your Aes­thet­ic Heart, where­in the qual­i­ty of your palette of col­ors, your scale of notes and your tastes in all things of mat­ter-form are found. You must ele­vate your own beau­ty here, with­in your­self, and to love your­self and your sen­si­bil­i­ties in order to see and make your world more beau­ti­ful too.

Like­wise in your Social Sen­si­bil­i­ties, as you Aspire to live through and by Equal­i­ty, Jus­tice and Har­mo­ny with one oth­er, you must first expe­ri­ence this Con­sid­er­a­tion of Fair­ness with­in. For you can­not Love anoth­er, and you can­not receive the Love of anoth­er tru­ly, until you have looked with­in your own Lov­ing Heart and felt, accept­ed and known your own High­er Self. For it is this One with­in who will ever be stead­fast and true, who does and will for­ev­er embrace and hold you in your true nature, Uncon­di­tion­al Love. 

Mars leads you out­wards in your Jour­ney to the Stars…

But now he turns and takes you on more Hid­den Paths…

To the Source of Beau­ty and Love…

That is there at the Cen­ter of One and All.

You will be a Mak­er of Beauty.

You will be a Patri­ot for Peace.

You will be a Shin­ing Light,

You will Love and be Loved.