Author Archives: Bill Attride

Mercury Retrogrades back into Scorpio (November 14, 2012)


Her­mes is hurtling around the Sun and
mak­ing his clos­est approach to Earth on Sat­ur­day when he forms a Conjunction
with the Sun…That is when the Earth, Mer­cury and the Sun will all line up
with one anoth­er. For you right now, he appears to be going back­wards and today
he slips from Sagit­tar­ius into Scor­pio until Decem­ber 10…what does this

It means you are going to expe­ri­ence a shift
of ener­gies now and re-engage your Feel­ing-Mind again…You are turn­ing from
espous­ing your truths to inquir­ing more about how you know them! Apparently,
the Uni­verse is say­ing, that there is a lit­tle more dig­ging need­ed here to uncover
what is “real­ly real”, a deep­er re-exam­i­na­tion is required before you
can move for­ward with a bit more clar­i­ty and certainty. 

You do not know what
you do not understand…so take your time to feel your way upon this path, for
true under­stand­ing requires more con­sid­er­a­tion for the nuance and sub­tle­ty of

Your Head and your Heart need this…they
need to work togeth­er if you are to under­stand your world in all its wondrous

It is Time, time to Think and

New Moon in Scorpio — Total Solar Eclipse! (November 13, 2012)


The Eighth New Moon of the Astrological
Year has some­thing spe­cial for you this time. I wrote about this Luna­tion in my
2012 Fore­cast:

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
(Novem­ber 13)

Right in the mid­dle of Mercury’s
ret­ro­grade we expe­ri­ence the sec­ond New Moon Eclipse of the year. The theme for
the Solar/Lunar eclipses is shift­ing now, away from the realm of thoughts and
ideas (Gemini/Sagittarius) and onto the thorny ques­tions of Value
(Taurus/Scorpio). The release of some new under­stand­ing about the nature of
your unions is being obscured by shad­ows from the past…time to con­front those
fears of rejec­tion and loss and take the high­er path of show­ing your strength
by cre­at­ing a bet­ter space for mutu­al sacrifice.

New Moons always pro­vide a release of
new spir­i­tu­al inspi­ra­tion to help guide you through the lessons and opportunities
of the Astro­log­i­cal Sign that we are all mov­ing through dur­ing that month. Usually
two times a year, and rough­ly six months apart, some­thing spe­cial hap­pens as the
Earth, Moon and Sun line up with one anoth­er in the same plane of
orbital space. The Moon pass­es exact­ly in front of the Sun to bring about a
Solar Eclipse, and a shad­ow falls upon and races across part of the Earth
turn­ing day into night.

This par­tic­u­lar Solar Eclipse is
hap­pen­ing in the South­ern Hemi­sphere, start­ing by North­east­ern Aus­tralia and
speed­ing across the Pacif­ic towards South Amer­i­ca, so most of the world will
not see this event directly…but the mes­sage of the Eclipse brings a nuanced
mean­ing to this New Moon for you no mat­ter where you reside.

Much Kar­ma is held and passed on to you by
your con­stant com­pan­ion, the weaver of those webs of des­tiny, the Moon. The
Eclipse pro­vides a shock of Solar Illu­mi­na­tion to these ele­ments of your past,
and some­thing will be revealed that had been hid­den from you, some block or
fear that stood in the way of your growth will be thrown into stark relief. 

The Sun, the
Solar Ray, as rep­re­sent­ing your High­er Self, the Pure Poten­tial of all that you
can and will be, will burn through to reveal for you a deep­er under­stand­ing of
what always stands athwart your path and must be overcome…like in the tale of the Gor­dian Knot, you must free your­self by under­stand­ing the true nature of the chal­lenge if you are to con­tin­ue your journey
of self-becoming. 

What are these chal­lenges? You know, oh yes
you do…they are the neg­a­tive self-cast shad­ows you have made long ago that
must be van­quished so that you may move more freely, more truly…They are what
you know as your Fears. 

These fail­ures of yes­ter­year, the doubts, anx­i­eties and
bit­ter emo­tions of your might haves but were not, these emo­tion­al com­plex­es must
be faced and released if you are to reach what awaits you beyond the shadows,
what you have always dreamt of and wished for…and at this time, you long for this one true thing, the Union with the Beloved. 

What is this present form of fear then,
what is this shad­ow that looms at this time of year? The fear you face now is
your fear of rejec­tion, the fear of aban­don­ment, the fear of loss…you fear
that you will lose one another…that you will reject one anoth­er out of fear,
that you both will fall again.

The Sun through the Solar Eclipse
illu­mi­nates this fear so that you can see it for what it is…it is the Past. It
comes from a time and place when you attempt­ed but failed, or the oth­er failed
in their effort towards you, so the union that could have been was not. You do
not want to feel that again, the awful echo of that pain caus­es you to do
exact­ly what you should not do…it makes you react and lead with your fear.
You approach this pos­si­ble union now with trep­i­da­tion and fear, you anticipate
los­ing again…and by so doing, by act­ing on the basis of this fear you bring
about the very thing you were try­ing to avoid…of course!

The Sun shows you the way through,
burn­ing through the gloom and shad­ows of your past to illu­mi­nate the one true
path ahead…You must be fear­less, for at your core you must remem­ber, in the
truest part of who you are which the Sun illu­mi­nates, you live in Love and you
live with­out fear, for­ev­er and ever. 

You have noth­ing to lose, and everything
to gain by extend­ing your­self yet again. You need to act from your Love and
take anoth­er chance, make anoth­er brave attempt to cre­ate that req­ui­site sacred
space, that shared space of mutu­al vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty where two may become one. And
then, and then ask the oth­er to join you there…to take this chance with you…And
maybe, just maybe they will also let go of their fear and join you there…

For Love rec­og­nizes Love…Love feels,
ris­es and rejoices…and fear, fear has no hold.

Love is always drawn to that, to itself…to
the Light…

It is with­in you, it is You…lead with
it always.

Lead with Love!

Neptune Turns Direct (November 10, 2012)


Your Intu­ition­al or Third Eye is turning
out­wards again…it is time to “clear-see” through to the external
expe­ri­ence of your world, to see more tru­ly, to see what is “real­ly real” behind
those swirling veils of Real­i­ty Mat­ter (and that those who tru­ly know of these
mys­ter­ies have called the illu­sion­ary appear­ance of Reality…or just pure­ly and sim­ply — Maya)… 

Since June, your spe­cial sight, your precious
Insight, was turned with­in, to help you bet­ter espy with­in your­self those many
hier­ar­chi­cal forces and forms that you are com­pound­ed by…In many cul­tures, in
many tra­di­tions, the divi­sion of your being is enu­mer­at­ed in var­i­ous ways. Some
mere­ly divide your exis­tence into Spir­it and Mat­ter, or a Body, Soul and
Spir­it. Theos­o­phy enu­mer­ates your nature into a 1) Phys­i­cal Form or Body, an 2) Etheric
Body, an 3) Astral or Emo­tion­al Body, a 4) low­er Men­tal Body, a 5) higher
Men­tal Body, a 6) Spir­it Body and a 7) Divine Seed. There are so many ways to
describe your majesty and mys­tery, and no mat­ter which one or ones you fol­low, each
can help you to find the way to the truth of who you real­ly are. 

For this is
what is of utmost impor­tance, noth­ing is more nec­es­sary than this, for the key
to liv­ing com­plete­ly, to becom­ing ful­ly human, to becom­ing what you are to be…the
key to this is to always fol­low the Mas­ter­ful injunc­tion: “Know

Even mod­ern phys­i­cal sci­ence recognizes
that you are a “host” of many life-forms, that with­in and upon you
reside many oth­er beings, many of which if you were sud­den­ly deprived of, that
very loss of those “less­er” life-forms would jeop­ar­dize your very

You in fact are you own lit­tle cos­mos, and your per­son­al consciousness
and aware­ness in fact stands as the pre­sid­ing God of your lit­tle or per­son­al “Uni­verse
of You”. You are in fact a micro­cosm of the greater worlds around you, what
is called the Macrocosm…The less­er reflects the greater and so by better
know­ing your­self you can ascer­tain more about the truths in the worlds around
you too…That is why it is said: “As Above, So Below”…

But now your atten­tion (and inten­tions) need
to be turned out­ward to that greater mys­tery that sur­rounds you…you need to
turn your Lucid Eye so that you might bet­ter under­stand a lit­tle bit more about
your jour­ney as it unfolds “out there”, out there in the pulsing,
swirling host of inter­sect­ing beings and con­scious­ness­es that is known as

As you move through all these realms, both
vis­i­ble and invis­i­ble to you, you need help in dis­cern­ing what is more real
from what mere­ly appears real to you. To a great extent, you do this with your
fel­low com­pan­ions. You com­pare expe­ri­ences, chal­lenge one anoth­er’s point of
view, share your insights with one anoth­er, con­stant­ly improv­ing and refining
your under­stand­ing of the greater real­i­ty through which you move, as you help one
anoth­er to cre­ate a shared sense of under­stand­ing about this won­drous Universe.

But you also have an inner guide too,
your own High­er Self stead­fast­ly waits with­in you, and who at times is able to
break through the noise and dis­trac­tions that delight/distract/captivate your
out­ward sens­es, (and so can often deceive you). Your high­er self can come
through to lift you up to moments of epiphany where the dual­i­ties and divisions
or ordi­nary rea­son­ing dis­solves before the com­pas­sion­ate under­stand­ing of your
High­er Spirit.

How can you access this spe­cial sense,
where can you hear your inner voice? All you need do is make yourself
avail­able, to be open, to take your fil­ters and blind­ers off and ask for help.
For some your puz­zle or dilem­ma may be solved while sit­ting in your meditation,
for oth­ers it may drift in while you are tak­ing your dai­ly run. For many if not
most the sim­plest way is to con­sid­er the mat­ter care­ful­ly before retir­ing for
the night and calm­ly ask for help and guid­ance, and it will come…help will
always come.

Turn your radi­ant lamp­light, turn your
intu­ition out­ward now…

Dis­pel the shad­ows, those lurk­ers of
Fear and Ignorance.

For too long they have held you in their

You are a bright shin­ing Being, a
Divin­i­ty return­ing to the Light.

See your­self in the atom, and in one
anoth­er too.

Then turn your gaze upwards to see…shining oh so bright­ly there…

Your Des­tiny, your Future in the Com­pa­ny of the Stars.

Venus Trine Jupiter (November 9, 2012)


Today is about Beau­ty and Truth…

Today is a day for Love and Faith.

Today is your day for Happiness…Today your
day of Joy!

When the plan­et of Beau­ty and Love (Venus)
makes a trine to the plan­et of Truth and Faith (Jupiter)…well let us just say it is a
very good day indeed! Many will call this a “lucky day” and they
should for it cer­tain­ly can feel like that as things seem to be going rather well…

But what you real­ly need to understand
is that today is a day that the Uni­verse will return to you, “mea­sure for
mea­sure”, what you have giv­en to one anoth­er. For in each and every day, you
move through your world by cre­at­ing those thoughts, feel­ings and actions that
form the sub­stance of your life…But these very “chil­dren of your life”
then cir­cu­late out into the world and affect many, many oth­ers both near and

Even­tu­al­ly those cre­ations, your
chil­dren of mind, heart and will, they will come bend­ing back and return to you
their cre­ator, as they must. This is the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ple that governs
this Uni­verse, and it is this truth which is so won­der­ful­ly brought home to you

You reap what you sow…The Law of Karma
is the Law of the Uni­verse and it is your unfail­ing promise that Jus­tice will
pre­vail and Truth will win the Day…eventually.

For it takes time, time for each soul to
under­stand and appre­ci­ate this law, because often­times the effects of Karma
play out over the course of a life­time, or many lives. You cer­tain­ly have seen
your fair share of “instant kar­ma”, like when you get angry with
your­self or some­one else and then sud­den­ly break some­thing or injure yourself. 

But most of the cre­ations that stream forth from you will cir­cu­late around and
inter­sect and inter­act with many oth­ers, so it may take years or life­times for
the ener­gies to return to you…but they will…And so you must ever strive to
cre­ate the good.

Today you are blessed by those pos­i­tive efforts
(or good chil­dren) you sent on their way…your kind thoughts, your loving
feel­ings and gen­tle acts will come stream­ing back to you and you will feel
blessed…as you should. 

But you should also know that you made
this hap­pen, and you need to keep it on mak­ing it hap­pen by liv­ing a
con­scious­ly spir­i­tu­al life of kind­li­ness and love for one another. 

Today you cel­e­brate Love and Beauty…

Today you live with­in the splen­dor of
Truth and Faith.

Today you reap what you have sowed…

May your har­vest be joy­ful, your
bless­ings bountiful…

And may you receive, cre­ate and share
the Joy that you are becoming.

For the Love you have is always equal to
the Love that you make.

For­ev­er and ever, you are the
self-becom­ing wonder.

In Beau­ty and Truth, with Love and Faith…

You are the past, you are the present and…

You are the promise of what will be!

Mercury Turns Retrograde (November 6, 2012)


Your World is nev­er what it
seems…not ever. You believe you per­ceive real­i­ty as it is, but you live in an
inter-twined, mul­ti-dimen­sion­al whirling space of Spirit/Matter and appearances
are often deceiving…and that is espe­cial­ly true when you are deal­ing with the
mer­ry trick­ster him­self, Mer­cury the mes­sen­ger of the Gods… 

For those who are striv­ing for a
greater aware­ness, who wish to see it Truer, you need to pierce beyond the
envelop­ing veil of appear­ances if you wish to per­ceive things in a more
clear-sight­ed way. You need to keep dig­ging deep­er, chal­leng­ing your
assump­tions and look­ing at the world around you again, and then shift
per­spec­tive and look again in order to move clos­er to what is True. This is
your nev­er-end­ing pur­suit, you mov­ing ever deep­er and high­er, to your goal of Cosmic
Con­scious­ness, where you begin to see it revealed to you, as you draw ever
near­er and it makes you catch your breath…you smile and gaze into the won­der, into the
heart of your real­i­ty, your home and destiny.

Today’s shift of per­spec­tive comes
to you now as Mer­cury turns ret­ro­grade for the next 3 weeks, he turns around
and goes back­wards and all sorts of things will go awry…devices will
break­down, mis­un­der­stand­ings will pro­lif­er­ate, and it all will be blamed on
Mer­cury going retrograde…but what goes on here, does he real­ly go backwards?

Well, of course he does not go
back­wards! It just is how it appears to you here on Earth as Mer­cury pass­es you
by on his “inside track” between you and the Sun…That is why you must
under­stand what he offers you here. You need to see this for what it can and
should be for you, to lis­ten to the stars as they point the way towards
advanc­ing your under­stand­ing and mov­ing you that much clos­er to the truth…for
your sto­ry is there, writ­ten in starlight by Radi­ant Beings of Glory.

Mer­cury is draw­ing clos­er to you
while ret­ro­grade, brush­ing by while turn­ing your aware­ness and atten­tion upon
more intro­spec­tive path­ways, towards self-reflec­tion, intro­spec­tion and
con­tem­pla­tion. You can probe deep­er into your­self so that you may peel away
some of the lay­ers of assump­tions and old data points and con­sid­er Spirit/Matter
with a refreshed view…your focus and atten­tion is turned within…

Of course, that is part of the
prob­lem and source of errors now, because “life” and the real world’s
demands upon you and every­one else have not changed…it would be nice if you
could go on a retreat or vaca­tion and mull things over for 3 weeks…but that
is unlike­ly! Instead, many peo­ple will pro­ceed as if noth­ing has changed and bump
into these “annoy­ances” of Mer­cury ret­ro­grade which will be mostly
self-inflict­ed. That is because by being so turned inward (and not being aware
of that), many of the ordi­nary hints and clues you per­ceive about your world
and dis­cern from oth­ers will be lacking…That is why mis­un­der­stand­ings and
mis­com­mu­ni­ca­tions mul­ti­ply at a time like this…it is as if the whole world is
suf­fer­ing from Atten­tion Deficit Disorder!

So your first step is to look
your­self in the mir­ror and say out loud, “Okay, pay atten­tion!” (Maybe
you should even add a lit­tle slap to your face to star­tle your­self into being
present and atten­tive). You need to com­mu­ni­cate with even greater care, so always
fol­low up with every­one to make sure that he or she: 1) Got the mes­sage, and 2)
Under­stood the mes­sage. Then you, for your own part, need to receive with care,
always re-con­firm­ing with some­one that this is what they meant…Now if you do
this, you should have less trouble…but of course, every­one else around you
will be in this same fix and not hav­ing fun with this at all! Your best policy,
as always, is be patient and show under­stand­ing to those who do not yet
under­stand what is going on…

But you should also take advantage
of what Mer­cury is offer­ing here…This is one of those times when your
mar­velous fac­ul­ty of self-reflec­tion (and your won­drous abil­i­ty for self-cor­rec­tion and improve­ment), can be most
gain­ful­ly engaged. So use these next 3 weeks to repair your per­cep­tions, clean
up your thoughts by ques­tion­ing your assump­tions and con­sid­er how you came by your so-called

The first peri­od of Mercury
ret­ro­grade, until Novem­ber 14, will take place in the sign of Sagit­tar­ius then
for the sec­ond part of the ret­ro­grade Her­mes will take you “back”
through Scor­pio until he turns Direct on Novem­ber 26. He will then move forward
and final­ly get back to re-enter Sagit­tar­ius on Decem­ber 10.

Dur­ing the first phase, while in
Sagit­tar­ius, you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to look again at your underlying
assump­tions that cre­ate your Par­a­digm, the real­i­ty view for you. You can
ques­tion your Ideals and Prin­ci­ples and Truths, because Mer­cury offers you an
Archimedean point of open-mind­ed­ness that is seem­ing­ly out­side of your­self. You
are bet­ter able to look at your assump­tions with more objec­tiv­i­ty and won­der to
your­self if they do indeed reveal or mask the greater real­i­ty around you. 

To do this you must take the path of
Wis­dom, which requires that you bow your head and admit that no mat­ter how
much you think you under­stand, no mat­ter how far you have walked upon the path
to High­er Under­stand­ing, you have to acknowl­edge that you still do not know
what you do not know. That your most impor­tant approach to this life after life jour­ney should be that of
Accep­tance and Humil­i­ty before the Mys­ter­ies and Unknown (and the Unknowable).…and that you must fol­low the injunc­tion ever offered to those who seek to know,
“Walk On”.

Dur­ing the sec­ond phase, while in
Scor­pio, you are more able to exam­ine your per­cep­tions (and misperceptions)
about the nature of your Unions and Joint Ven­tures, of how you join with one or
with many oth­ers. As you reach across that divide of I and Thou, as you learn
to com­bine with one anoth­er in your shared space of Union, you dis­cov­er more
about who you tru­ly are and become much, much more than you ever thought

To make this pos­si­ble, to open
your­self and cre­ate that space of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty requires that you understand
what must be offered up, what you must and should sacrifice…and what you must
hold to in order to be true to your­self too. This is what Mer­cury retrograde
can help you to dis­cern now…he can help you to parse the less­er from the
greater and move you clos­er to your­self as you move clos­er to one anoth­er and
form the more per­fect We.

Yes, cel­e­brate Mercury/Hermes as he
takes you upon his jour­ney of Self-Discovery…

Set aside some pre­cious time for your Introspections
and Contemplations…

Look with­in, look around and then
look to the Heav­en’s above…and you will smile.

Your Answers are to be found there, oh yes they are!

See them there…in the Radi­ance, in the Glo­ry of the Stars!