Author Archives: Bill Attride

Mars Conjunct North Node in Scorpio (October 2, 2012)


You will not see this…no, not this nor many oth­er things that are
“veiled”…but it is happening…and you need to become more aware of what is all around you! 

For this is fun­da­men­tal: Space is filled with con­scious­ness, the vastness
through which we move is not a noth­ing or empty…It is a Full­ness that is made of a host of
energies/entities. It is, as the Greeks called it, a won­drous “Plero­ma”,
and every sin­gle infin­i­tes­i­mal point with­in it is at its core a spark of Divine
Consciousness…evolving, unfold­ing, devel­op­ing from with­in outwards…ever
grow­ing and ever becoming. 

From the small­est ele­ments that we can ascer­tain, from what we call
atom­ic par­ti­cles to the stars (and beyond), (and we humans find our­selves residing
about mid­way between the atoms and those stars), every one of these evolving
con­scious­ness-cen­ters are the “chil­dren”, the sparks that have orig­i­nat­ed and emanat­ed from the
Greater cir­cum­scrib­ing Con­scious­ness that some call the One, the Divine, the All…or
per­haps, more humbly and just sim­ply, the Unknowable.

This mag­nif­i­cent self-lumi­nous, evolv­ing host of mind becomes
par­tic­u­lar­ized, each being cen­tered with­in a point of aware­ness. That over
eons and eons of devel­op­ment, these foci of sim­ple aware­ness unfold to become self-aware…and
then they even­tu­al­ly become cos­mi­cal­ly aware…until they become supremely
aware or achieve Cos­mic Con­scious­ness with­in this Cosmos.

Today, Mars is com­ing to the end of his time in Scor­pio and is crossing
over one of these “points in Space”…Mars is cross­ing over the
Dhar­ma point, the North Node of the Moon. One Point of Aware­ness meets with
anoth­er, and they offer through their union, as all points when they meet with
one anoth­er, a mes­sage for you. 

Mars in Scor­pio has been pro­vid­ing the impe­tus to go deep­er, probe harder
and reveal more tru­ly, what stands behind the appear­ances of this world. Mars
in Scor­pio digs down to uncov­er the secrets buried beneath the phe­nom­e­na of the
world…he takes you behind the Veil of Isis so that you might move from this
world of shad­ows and clos­er to the Light. 

Mars is encoun­ter­ing the Point of
Dhar­ma mov­ing through Scor­pio, which, as I recent­ly described in my blog, carries
this meaning: 

The Scor­pio North Node asks you to
focus upon the need for emo­tion­al rebirth that you can and should expe­ri­ence as
the fruit of over­com­ing your sep­a­ra­tion from one anoth­er. How do you do this? 

You move into deep­er unions
through being both true to your­self while you make nec­es­sary sac­ri­fices for one
anoth­er. To do so, you must let go of the less­er “things” in your
life, the things that may keep you sep­a­rate from one anoth­er. How­ev­er, you must
always hon­or the greater val­ues that can and should hold you togeth­er, the ones
that brought you togeth­er, and the ones that hold you to one another…because
these are the fun­da­men­tal val­ues that you share. It is by join­ing with one
anoth­er in your union that you can expand, trans­form and grow…together.

The Tau­rus South Node is there to
remind you about the beau­ty of last­ing val­ue, of hav­ing and holding
“some­thing” that is, at least for you, eter­nal or of ever-lasting
value…of what you wish to hold to and nev­er let go. How­ev­er, if you hold too
much to your own par­tic­u­lar form of val­ue, if you give into your fears of loss
and hold to self­ish pos­ses­sive­ness, you become bound to and blind­ed by your own
things, and you fail to com­bine, share and grow through one another. 

By doing this, your poten­tial for
growth beyond your more lim­it­ed form of life is not pos­si­ble. For it is only
when two or three or more are joined togeth­er, when joined in com­mon cause or
pur­pose, only then do you expe­ri­ence the mag­ic of Union with the beloved…of
being more than a one and of becom­ing much more than you could ever have been
by yourself.

Mars brings to this cycle of Dhar­ma a moment of clar­i­ty, of your
see­ing-through to a deep­er under­stand­ing of what is being asked of you here…It
does this and adds a most nec­es­sary ele­ment…Pas­sion.

Mars stirs your desire, which will help you to make that leap across the divide between “I and Thou”, for Union only
comes when you extend your­self into a space of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. You must be strong…you must be brave and fearless…you must take a chance. You must make that leap of faith, if you are to tru­ly expe­ri­ence self-tran­scen­dence, to
let go of the less­er sense of your­self, to let go of your fear and dis­cov­er the greater where it is to be found…in and through the union with one

Mars touch­es Dhar­ma, the Way of Union beckons…

Your Desire, your pas­sion for one another…

Is met by the arch­ing, heart­felt bridge you forge…

That reach­es ‘cross this Maya of Separation…

To reveal, there at the center… 

From each to the other…

Shines the light Eter­nal, the Nameless…

The One.

2012 Radio Interview — Theme for USA in 2012, Uranus Transit to USA Jupiter


This excerpt from my lat­est radio inter­view con­cerns the major tran­sit affect­ing the Unit­ed States in 2012, the Square of Uranus to the USA Jupiter. I had pre­vi­ous­ly ana­lyzed this in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2012 which you can read here: 2012 Gen­er­al Fore­cast- USA.

The essen­tial point I made then was that Jupiter pro­vides this cen­tral theme to the USA character:

Jupiter in Can­cer holds the USA to this essen­tial truth:

That we are
bound to one anoth­er through hon­or­ing the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ple of the
dig­ni­ty, worth and sacred nature of each and every indi­vid­ual as equals.
Amer­i­ca was found­ed upon this sacred com­pact that here any­one could
come and seek to ful­fill them­selves by join­ing in this tru­ly new form of
soci­ety based upon free asso­ci­a­tion. Our rela­tion­ships with one another
are found­ed upon this essen­tial truth; which means that we relate to
one anoth­er from this cen­tral tenet, this expe­ri­ence of hon­or­ing the
essen­tial spir­i­tu­al core of each of us, a spir­i­tu­al core which is sacred
and free, behold­en to no oth­er pow­er, to no lord, to no mas­ter or king.
The only “lord” that we acknowl­edge is what we have togeth­er agreed to
be bound by, our sacred com­pact with one anoth­er which is embod­ied in
the law. 


Here is the record­ing of the interview:

Radio Inter­view on Uranus to Jupiter

2012 Radio Interview — The Election: Romney or Obama


The first of three Pres­i­den­tial debates is to take place on Octo­ber 3…but the stars have already “decreed” who will be our next President. 

Here is an Astro­log­i­cal expla­na­tion of the Pres­i­den­tial Race between Mitt Rom­ney and Barack Oba­ma and it cen­ters upon the plan­et of Dreams and Illu­sions, the ruler for the sign of Pisces, the plan­et Neptune:

Rom­ney vs. Obama


Full Moon in Aries (September 29, 2012)


Every Full Moon is special…each presents a rev­e­la­tion to you about your
jour­ney. But this one, well this one is very spe­cial as it Illu­mi­nates the pre­vi­ous
regard­ing the Sun/Uranus/Pluto alignment…

The Winds of the Spir­it are blow­ing stronger today and tonight…But are
you open to these prompt­ings, are you lis­ten­ing to your soul? 

This tru­ly “Har­vest Moon” reminds you of the one fundamental
fact of your exis­tence: You are a unique being, a remark­able spark of the One
Divine Flame, but you are not apart and alone…Every oth­er being that you encounter is
also a spark of this Divine Spir­it too! 

This is the Rev­e­la­tion of Libra as reflect­ed in the Aries Moon…that for
every “I” there is your “Thou”. You will walk upon many
path­ways and worlds togeth­er, life after life, and reveal to and for one
anoth­er The Mystery…That you are sep­a­rate yet togeth­er for all time. You are the One and the Many and your jour­ney and des­tiny are bound­ed and secured by a love
for one anoth­er and to the greater love for one and all.

Libra pulls you to the oth­er now, as you long for, live for, give all to the
rela­tion­ship so that your part­ner becomes your guid­ing center…for it is from
with­in them, yes you see a light that shines upon you, and you smile in this
mar­velous mir­ror­ing rev­e­la­tion of your own true self through the soul-filled
eyes of your beloved…

Yet it is the pur­pose of this Aries Moon to remind you in and through this very reflection,
from the oth­er back upon you, to always remem­ber to keep the bal­ance between
the “I and Thou”. For your “I”, your space of you, is your Sacred Space. 

That you must, in order to cre­ate and sus­tain your “We”, ever affirm your unique­ness, and keep holy your own sacred space of you…for this is inte­gral to there
being any mean­ing­ful spir­i­tu­al rela­tion­ship whatsoever. 

This is the rev­e­la­tion of Libra/Aries, this is the mes­sage of your Luna
ris­ing now: 

That as you draw clos­er to one another…

As you build your sacred
Rain­bow Bridges of Des­tiny together…

You must equal­ly be true to your­self in
order to be true to one another.

So be it!

Sun Opposes Uranus and Sun Squares Pluto (September 29, 2012)


To Freer Minds…and Sacred Spaces

This align­ment re-illu­mi­nates, elic­its and is the con­sum­ma­tion (for now) of
the Uranus square Plu­to on Sep­tem­ber 19 and the Mer­cury align­ment to
Uranus/Pluto on Sep­tem­ber 20. As it coin­cides with the Full Moon
tonight, it is par­tic­u­lar­ly aus­pi­cious, beautiful…and potent. 

But of course you need to know, what does it mean for you?

The Sun is in Libra now, oppo­site to Uranus in Aries and square to Pluto
in Capri­corn. Those are three of the four signs that open each sea­son and form
what is called the “Car­di­nal Cross”. These Gate­way signs are about
your unfolding/evolving expe­ri­ence of your con­scious­ness and iden­ti­ty. Aries is
your Pres­ence, your pre­sen­ta­tion of “you”, your Per­sona. Libra is
your Rela­tion­ship, your expe­ri­ence of you in and through the oth­er, your
Part­ner. Capri­corn is your Respon­si­bil­i­ty, your expe­ri­ence of your “Flow­er­ing”
as you ful­fill your des­tiny in the world around you, your Duty. Can­cer is your
Foun­da­tion, your expe­ri­ence of secu­ri­ty through hon­or­ing the roots of your life,
your Cen­ter. These four realms are your expe­ri­ence of ori­en­ta­tion in time and
space, the fun­da­men­tal four-part ques­tion of life: “Who am I, Who are You,
Where do I come From, Where am I going?”

The on-going align­ment of Uranus in Aries to Plu­to in Capri­corn is bringing
about a World­wide or Glob­al “Iden­ti­ty Event” (or some would say
“Cri­sis”). There is great oppor­tu­ni­ty at moments like this, a por­tal has
opened to greater Spir­i­tu­al Awak­en­ing and participation…and, of course, there
is dan­ger too. The oppor­tu­ni­ty comes from meet­ing the chal­lenge thrown down by
these Lords of Trans­for­ma­tion so that you expe­ri­ence a Quick­en­ing of Spir­it, so
that you move that much fur­ther (and faster) along your path of des­tiny. The
dan­ger (always, always) comes from fear, from you hold­ing back, from a retreat
into the old pat­terns that will no longer meet the needs of the present let
alone for your future…

Let’s take a look at this dou­ble alignment.…

What does the Sun oppo­site to Uranus ask of you? The Sun is your pure
poten­tial, your ever-unfold­ing becoming…Your “being­ness in waiting”
that has moved out upon the “waters” and made itself man­i­fest into
var­i­ous forms of self-real­iza­tion: per­son­al and social, fam­i­ly and career…you
have made for your­self forms of man­i­fes­ta­tion that ful­fill you…but by being
def­i­nite they lim­it you too. 

Uranus is sug­gest­ing, pulling even demand­ing that you look within
your­self again at your poten­tial, and then cast your gaze upon what you have
wrought and asks quite sim­ply, “Is this you? Are you being the you that is
most true to what you now know of your­self?” Uranus reminds you that you
must con­tin­u­ous­ly seek to be open to new ideas and forms of self-realization
because both you and your world are chang­ing, becom­ing some­thing more than you
or it were…and so you must free your­self from what for­mer­ly ful­filled but now
would deny the greater you that you can become.

The Sun in Libra holds now to the prin­ci­ple of relat­ed­ness, that the
con­cern for the well-being of the part­ner and even more of that
“thing” between the self and the oth­er, the rela­tion­ship, must come
first now. But Uranus reminds you that for this to tru­ly work each par­ty to the
rela­tion­ship must be true to them­selves as well as accord that free­dom of
self-real­iza­tion to the oth­er too. For in that way your rela­tion­ship may
con­tin­ue to become that sacred space of mutu­al self-ful­fill­ment in and through
one another…For tru­ly Spir­i­tu­al rela­tion­ships can only be found­ed with­in a space of Free­dom wherein
both can be free to be them­selves in and through your relationship. 

Mean­while Plu­to brings anoth­er shap­ing force to bear. The Lord of Will
and Bound­aries reminds you that the jour­ney of self-unfold­ment takes place within
an ever-expand­ing realm of sacred spaces of self-real­iza­tion for each and every
con­scious­ness. The Sun in Libra lives for and extols the virtue and necessity
of build­ing the shared sacred spaces you call “We”…But this might
make one over-eager to form a rela­tion­ship, or to attempt to make it “work”
(work for who?). 

But to cre­ate those shared sacred spaces you must have first come from
your own well-wrought per­son­al sacred space where Respon­si­bil­i­ty and Duty pre­vail, where you
stand and ful­fill your­self with­in a hier­ar­chy of many rela­tion­ships that you
have cre­at­ed will­ing­ly with one another. 

The pow­er of the Will, to create
sacred Space must be exer­cised with the great­est care…you can­not force
anoth­er into rela­tion­ship, you can­not make any­one like or love you…for if you
do this you are tres­pass­ing upon the sacred space of anoth­er, and this is not
sacred at all, this is not love
what­so­ev­er. This is just fear and your only path for­ward is to real­ize that all you need is to employ your will so as to exer­cise Self-Control.

Uranus and Plu­to are pulling and push­ing upon the Sun in Libra…

And you find your­self faced with your own “Iden­ti­ty Crisis”…

You are remind­ed that your jour­ney through rela­tion­ship requires that

Ever open your mind to a Greater Understanding…

So that you can co-cre­ate your shared Sacred Spaces.

There you will expe­ri­ence the great­est of mysteries…

Where I and Thou…becomes the We.