Author Archives: Bill Attride

Mercury Trine Jupiter (September 26, 2012)


Today is a day for Right Thinking! 

When your Low­er Mind (Mer­cury) is graced by the boun­ti­ful­ly benef­ic Jupiter
(High­er Mind), you are able to effort­less­ly inte­grate the near at hand and the
far away…you can show your adept­ness with the myr­i­ad details of what’s before
you while remain­ing won­drous and wide-open to the big­ger pic­ture too. 

You are not mired in micro­manag­ing, con­found­ed by the details, nor
paint­ing with such big brush strokes that you over­look impor­tant par­tic­u­lars. You
are able to dance the inte­gral dance that weaves togeth­er the devel­op­ment of
your Intel­li­gence and Wis­dom. Your adap­tive per­cep­tive mind eas­i­ly shifts among
a wide range of many per­spec­tives, while being guid­ed and cen­tered with­in an
unfold­ing expan­sion of more inclu­sive prin­ci­ples and truths.

Jupiter in Gem­i­ni encour­ages your open­ness to explore dif­fer­ing paradigms
and approach­es that helps Mer­cury in Libra bridge the gap between yourself
and your part­ner. Today is a day you can meet one anoth­er with a greater appre­ci­a­tion for how your dif­fer­ences are not prob­lems to be over­come. Instead, they are the foun­tain-source of how you can help one anoth­er to illu­mi­nate what you each would not have seen with­out the help of the other.

Today you will think more clearly…

Today you will com­mu­ni­cate with more understanding…

Always togeth­er, you are here to build.…

Bet­ter bridges on your path to Wisdom.

Sun Enters Libra, The Fall Equinox (September 22, 2012)


The Promise Kept…The Rain­bow Bridge Shines Eternal

You have come to this moment, to this most spe­cial turn­ing in your yearly
jour­ney through the Signs of Life. Wheel­ing round your gold­en heart, your brightly
burn­ing Star, you can espy in the slow­ly soft­en­ing light an arrival, it is a
New Sea­son here on Earth. 

Those slant­i­ng rays and play­ful shad­ows reveal new
path­ways, ven­tures and dis­cov­er­ies that lie ahead. You look back, you look
for­ward, you pause to con­sid­er, you are halfway through this Astro­log­i­cal year…What have you learned and what comes next…for you can sense it, a change is in the

You have passed through Fire and Earth, through Air and Water too. Now you stand at the point of Equi­lib­ri­um, the Bal­anced Beam­ing Point, it
is the Autum­nal Equinox and the Earth bows nei­ther left nor right, you have
reached a cross­ing point for the Light. You face this Por­tal, a Bridge to new
beginnings…with Equal Day and Equal Night…you breathe in, you breathe out…And
you know, it is time.

You cross the threshold…this time you will enter through the Realms of Thought…You
make your approach this time in Air, for you walk in Libra’s realm. It is
nec­es­sary, right and true to think it through now, to under­stand your world in
a New Light, from a new per­spec­tive, as you move from Sub­jec­tive to Objective,
from your Inner Sen­si­bil­i­ty to Out­er Awareness…you move into new spaces and
you need to con­sid­er anoth­er way. You must take some time to pause and consider
what oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges await you now, what do you face in this second
half of your jour­ney, for this is the oth­er part of your story…

The Sec­ond Half is about your “Oth­er Half”, it is about your
jour­ney of Self through the oth­er (and others)…it is your sto­ry of Relationship.
For you are nev­er alone, Not Ever. But you will con­front illu­sions all along
this path of Light and Shad­ow, at every step and turn. Per­haps none is greater or more
painful than this: to be bereft, in a bar­ren world of empti­ness, to be over­whelmed by lone­li­ness, to face the
fear of separation…that you will be alone.

But this is Illu­sion, this is com­plete­ly untrue! Your con­stant companion,
the tru­ly beloved, that you know as your High­er Self, wish­es you to see this
now through the expe­ri­ence of shar­ing and car­ing. By reach­ing across the space
between I and Thou, you span the seem­ing chasm that divid­ed the One and the
many, as you build togeth­er with your beloved those Bridges of Destiny.

It is true that in the core of your being, you know this, you know that
all are part of the One Great Life, the One Breath of Spir­it. But you need to
expe­ri­ence this now in a tan­gi­ble way, by the con­scious cre­ation of relationships
with oth­ers, by mutu­al sup­port, of love and car­ing for one anoth­er, by fol­low­ing the path­way of growth that is to be found in and through one another…You need rela­tion­ship to be Real.

You stand before the gates of part­ner­ship, before the Scales of Libra…for
you wish to belong to anoth­er and so do they to you. Each gate­way requires a
sac­ri­fice, so you must offer some­thing up…you and your offer­ing must be
weighed upon the Scales of Life in order to answer the ques­tion, “Are
you ready for, are you wor­thy of this fuller mea­sure of life…are you ready to
enter into the Holy Space of I and Thou.” 

But what is to be offered, what trea­sure is wor­thy of the such a precious
reward? In the still­ness and the silence, a qui­et voice from with­in your heart
will answer, “You have all that you require in your one priceless
trea­sure, the con­stant burn­ing flame of Cre­ation, the source of all
value…which you know as Love.” You need but extend your self-regard, to
sac­ri­fice your ego and fear, and so encom­pass the oth­er with love, to love the
oth­er as you love yourself…for you must act now to cre­ate the con­di­tions for
your shared sacred space of We.

To love the oth­er as one­self, to tru­ly walk this Rain­bow Bridge between one
and all, is what you must do in order to live in truth…That Love, the truth
that reflects what resides at the heart of Cre­ation, is the bind­ing force for
each and every…That all are One, all are loved…as you are love. 

The wheel has turned, your bridge is waiting…

The Sign, a Promise, from One to all…

Your Rain­bow Bridge…

Of Light and Love…

Spans from Heart to Heart…

And to Heav­en above.

Mercury Opposes Uranus & Squares Pluto (September 20, 2012)


The strug­gle between Freer Minds
and Sacred Spaces focus­es upon your mind today as Mer­cury finds itself caught
betwixt and between these two great Lords…

It’s ” Déjà Vu”
all over again…Similar to the align­ments on June 11 when Mer­cury felt the
squeeze play of Uranus and Plu­to, these two Lords of Trans­for­ma­tion are teaming
up again and Mer­cury is caught in the middle…what does this mean for you?

Uranus, “The Awak­en­er” is oppo­site Mer­cury this time, so those
con­trary cur­rents he brings to you seem to come from beyond your­self, beyond
your present focus on Libra and your rela­tion­ships. Uranus reminds you of the
need to assert your­self and your own mind (Aries) even as you seek the poise,
grace and bal­ance of shared expe­ri­ences (Libra) with your com­pan­ions. Uranus is
there to escort you beyond your assump­tions and points of view, offer­ing you
alter­na­tives that will bend your mind upon new path­ways and outcomes. 

Uranus is always here to encour­age you to remain true to the realization
of your indi­vid­u­al­i­ty through your most won­drous gift, a Free Mind. Uranus
reminds you now that this can only be true when you cre­ate a shared space of
self-real­iza­tion that acknowl­edges and encour­ages the Freer Mind of yourself
and equal­ly accords that same mea­sure of free­dom for your com­pan­ions too.

Open­ing your mind to con­sid­er new (and hope­ful­ly) more evolved ways of
shar­ing with one anoth­er is not always easy, but it is nec­es­sary if you and
your com­pan­ions are to con­tin­ue to grow as indi­vid­u­als, and to move beyond the
old spaces that formed and bound­ed your rela­tion­ship. How­ev­er, it is without
any ques­tion essen­tial and nec­es­sary to be open to this oppor­tu­ni­ty for growth
when your sacred spaces are also being pushed and pulled by Plu­to at the same

Plu­to, Ruler of Will and Sacred Spaces, is squar­ing Mer­cury this time, so
you feel the added pow­er (and pres­sure) to secure, pro­tect and grow your space
of ideas and self-real­iza­tion, to advo­cate for your beliefs, to assert your
truths. But, how do you do this in the con­text of oth­er will­ing beings who will
seek to sway, per­suade or force you towards their points of view too?

When Plu­to is pushing/pulling (as in the Square aspect), it seems as if
you need to employ your will to con­vince anoth­er of your point of view…or you
need to defend your­self as they brow­beat you with theirs…But this is only a
mis­un­der­stand­ing and mis­use of the sacred pow­er of will. 

You must always keep sacred your space, which includes your sacred space
of thought. Only by being cen­tered in your sacred tem­ple of thought can you
come into align­ment with your high­er self, your true beloved who has always
been ready, will­ing and able to lead you onto the high­er paths of consciousness.
These paths can­not be dis­cov­ered nor dis­cerned by you if you are too distracted
by the noise and tumult with­in or around you. 

Just as you can only find your way to high­er truth by secur­ing your
sacred realm of thought, you must respect, hon­or and pro­tect the jour­ney of
con­scious­ness that every oth­er soul is upon as well…You will not find your way to
truth alone, and oth­ers will help you on that path in gen­tle and less gen­tle ways. 

The cir­cuitous jour­ney to Wis­dom takes many turns and twists, and to accomplish
this unfold­ment it is very much part of the plan to debate and argue, to
per­suade or dis­suade with one another…but you must not, can­not be forced to
truth. Like­wise, even if you have dis­cov­ered “IT”, even if you know
you have “IT”, you should there­fore know (espe­cial­ly if you do have
it!) that you must allow oth­ers to find their own way to the greater
under­stand­ing too, for oth­er­wise it will not be true for them.

The strug­gle of Plu­to, the strug­gle with the Will, is always about
control…Self-Control. You must main­tain your own integri­ty of space as you
respect the sacred spaces of oth­ers too. When­ev­er you find your­self in a
bat­tle, a bat­tle of wills, the only vic­to­ry you should be seek­ing is that of
the Spir­i­tu­al War­rior. The vic­to­ry you tru­ly seek is over your low­er self and
ego, over your own pride and need to be “right”.

Instead, you should always seek to use your will to extend the cir­cle of
under­stand­ing in the world. You need to join in ones and twos and threes, and
be build­ing those rain­bow bridges of sym­pa­thy so that new shared, sacred spaces
of under­stand­ing can be estab­lished, nur­tured and expand­ed. You need to keep
advanc­ing the cause of understanding.…for this is how you dis­pel the shad­ows that come from

Uranus offers his gift…Think Freely!

Plu­to offers his gift…Create Sacred Space!

Now! It’s up to you!

Uranus Squares Pluto (September 19, 2012)


This is the sec­ond of sev­en exact align­ments of these Lords of Trans­for­ma­tion, that will con­tin­ue from 2012 till 2015. I will reserve the analy­sis of their influ­ence for indi­vid­u­als when this align­ment is acti­vat­ed by more per­son­al plan­ets, such as tomor­row by Mer­cury and then next week at the Full Moon by the Sun and the Moon. Below is what I wrote both for the Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2012 and for their first exact encounter on June 24, 2012:

Okay…This, this is the BIG ONE

You are going to be feel­ing it, and deal­ing with it for many, many years to come.

I wrote exten­sive­ly about the Uni­ver­sal-World­ly effects of this mul­ti­ple year dance in my 2012 Gen­er­al Fore­cast. Here it is: 


Uranus Square Plu­to (June 24, 2012 & Sep­tem­ber 19, 2012, then May 20, 2013…and beyond)


The Cycles of the Out­er Plan­ets — Gifts of the Spirit

The cycles of the 3 out­er­most plan­ets, (Uranus, Nep­tune and Pluto),
their move­ment around the zodi­ac indi­vid­u­al­ly and their intersecting
aspects with one anoth­er, cre­ate fun­da­men­tal and long-wave releas­es of
spir­i­tu­al forces, what I like to think of as trans­for­ma­tion­al Gifts of
the Spir­it that dri­ve and deter­mine per­son­al and social devel­op­ments for
us on Earth.

When we con­sid­er the cycle of each plan­et through the 12 signs of the
zodi­ac we can see how each plan­et brings to bear its influ­ence through
the mean­ing of that sign for def­i­nite peri­ods. Their cycles are: Uranus
approx­i­mate­ly 84 years, or 7 years in a sign; Nep­tune about 164 years,
or about 14 years in a sign and Plu­to approx­i­mate­ly 245 years, which
because of its high­ly eccen­tric orbit is in a sign for 12 to 32 years.
Their orbits form a ratio from Uranus to Plu­to of about 1 to 2 to 3.

When we con­sid­er the rela­tion­ship of these 3 plan­ets to one another,
that is their inter­sect­ing cycles, we have the fol­low­ing cycles of them
mov­ing from one con­junc­tion to their next con­junc­tion with one another:
Neptune/Pluto about 492 years; Uranus/Neptune about 172 years; and (the
one we are cur­rent­ly sub­ject to) Uranus/Pluto about 110–140 years.

These 3 cycles cre­ate releas­es of dif­fer­ent forms of spiritual
quick­en­ing for per­son­al and social devel­op­ments here on Earth. Each has
its own char­ac­ter and role to play and we have been the recip­i­ents of
all 3 releas­ing new seeds of devel­op­ment in the last 100+ years. We
expe­ri­enced the longer wave cycle of Nep­tune con­junct Plu­to in 1891–92;
we received the sec­ond lev­el release of Uranus con­junct Nep­tune in 1993;
and we expe­ri­enced the third lev­el of Uranus con­junct Plu­to in 1965–66.

What we are expe­ri­enc­ing now is the next step of that Uranus/Pluto
seed­ing, the unfold­ment of that ini­tial release of spir­i­tu­al ener­gy that
we received in 1965–66 has now reached the moment where they are at the
point of being one quar­ter the way around their cycle, and we must face
choic­es and make decisions.

**As a
point of inter­est we should note that the most sig­nif­i­cant alignment
all three plan­ets can have with one anoth­er, their triple or Super
Con­junc­tion (all 3 being in the same zodi­a­cal space), which should be
con­sid­ered as the most sig­nif­i­cant seed­ing of spir­i­tu­al energies
pos­si­ble, last took place about 580 BC. This was of course the peri­od that wit­nessed the spir­i­tu­al teach­ings that were offered to the world
by such great souls as Con­fu­cius, Bud­dha, Lao Tzu, Zoroast­er, Pythagoras
and many oth­ers whose wis­dom and influ­ence still guides us today. (If
you are curi­ous, the next super con­junc­tion­al release of Spir­it will
take place around 3,368).

But let us turn now to our chal­lenge and our opportunity…


The Roles of Uranus & Pluto

To meet the chal­lenges and seize the oppor­tu­ni­ties of Uranus square
Plu­to we need to under­stand the spir­i­tu­al nature of what their
rela­tion­ship cre­ates gen­er­al­ly, and see what their most recent
align­ments might pro­vide as insights into our present stage in the
ever-unfold­ing becom­ing of our spir­i­tu­al poten­tials. We espe­cial­ly need
to under­stand what their last con­junc­tion released, and what we need to
do to face the chal­lenge pre­sent­ed by the square we meet now.

The three out­er plan­ets should be viewed as the spir­i­tu­al agents of
trans­for­ma­tion; they are emis­saries from the cos­mos that cre­ate the
poten­tial for each and every one of us to move beyond our mere
con­di­tioned self, the self defined and delim­it­ed by our Saturnian
mold­ings and struc­tures. They do not “cause” our devel­op­ment but serve
to elic­it, quick­en and sup­port our spir­i­tu­al unfold­ment and evolution,
which would even­tu­al­ly unfold since all of “That”, our poten­tial to
become, is con­tained with­in our monadic self, but it would devel­op at a
much slow­er pace. They are tru­ly Gifts of the Spir­it, lift­ing us up upon
that steep­er, truer path of ful­fill­ment. Uranus is said to rule higher
Mind, Nep­tune to rule high­er Love and Plu­to to rule high­er Will.
Togeth­er they are said to rep­re­sent the 3 aspects of the Divine working
in our world; The Mind, The Love and The Will of the Divine for our
Solar System.

This is why the cycle align­ments of Uranus and Plu­to gov­ern the
cre­ative, dynam­ic and cathar­tic inter­sec­tions of Mind and Will. It is
Uranus’ role to be the instru­ment for the release of new idea forms,
(Seed Ideas), that quick­en the devel­op­ment of thought in our world. At
its most basic, yet equal­ly most pro­found lev­el, the entire­ty of
cre­ation can be seen as pure con­scious­ness. That means that the
hier­ar­chies of all forms of exis­tence in this cos­mos, from the smallest
to the great­est, are the count­less instances of the uni­verse com­ing to
con­scious­ly know itself (“I am THAT, I am!”). But Mind alone is not

It is Plu­to’s role to be the instru­ment of form­ing the bound­aries in
our Space, the spaces of Space with­in which each Mon­ad unfolds and
devel­ops; Plu­to rules the pow­er of the Will which is the pow­er to shape
and re-shape (or trans­form) Space itself. From the high­est to the
low­est, each mon­ad, each spark of the Divine, unfolds and develops
with­in its space with­in Space, yet each mon­ad will always be
fun­da­men­tal­ly part of each and every oth­er mon­ad because they have all
come from and con­tin­ue their exis­tence in and through the One.

The pro­gres­sive devel­op­ment of each and every mon­ad or spir­it, from
the low­est forms of exis­tence to forms beyond our present capac­i­ty to
com­pre­hend, requires the bend­ing and trans­form­ing of the spaces of Space
for each mon­ad to devel­op with­in. This devel­op­ment of Space, and of the
bound­aries between each and every mon­ad’s sacred space of self, is
gov­erned by the Will.

Plu­to for us rules this for­ma­tion and trans­for­ma­tion by the will; and
in this cycle with Uranus, Plu­to reveals the trans­for­ma­tion­al pow­er of
the release of new ideas and new forms of think­ing upon existing
struc­tures or spaces.

This is their dynam­ic inter­play: New ideas lead to new spaces and
rela­tion­ships for spir­it to devel­op through; but those bound­ed spaces
even­tu­al­ly begin to prove lim­it­ing to the fur­ther devel­op­ment of spirit;
and so new idea forms are released to estab­lish new for­ma­tions of space
and rela­tion­ships; and so all mon­ads, includ­ing us, can con­tin­ue their
unfold­ment through Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

So let us turn to the ques­tion of our time, to see what has been
revealed and required by this cycle in the lat­est series of alignments
of Uranus and Plu­to, and what might be in store for us in the next
sev­er­al years…


The Uranus/Pluto Cycle

To under­stand what is before us we must remem­ber, remem­ber that we
have been mov­ing through a series of cycles, and turn­ing points within
cycles, for a very long time indeed. To tru­ly under­stand where we are
now, and what lies ahead, we do need to con­sid­er what we have emerged

The Uranus/Pluto square that we face is the next step in a series of
seed-forms that was most recent­ly renewed in 1965–66 when Uranus and
Plu­to formed their last con­junc­tion in the sign of Vir­go. Much as in
their pre­vi­ous con­junc­tions of 1710 in Leo and 1850–51 in Aries, this
encounter of Mind and Will brought about a trans­for­ma­tion of
thought-forms and spa­tial rela­tion­ships or bound­aries. Cer­tain­ly, anyone
present dur­ing the 1960’s or look­ing back upon that peri­od can note the
extra­or­di­nary degree to which change erupt­ed across the planet.

Uranus rul­ing Mind (as well as Inde­pen­dence, Free­dom and
Inven­tive­ness) when com­bined with and cat­alyzed by Plu­to rul­ing Will (as
well as Trans­for­ma­tion, Con­trol and Rebirth) togeth­er quickened
devel­op­ments in our world in almost every are­na. Tech­no­log­i­cal advances
then gave birth to our wired world of today along with medical
dis­cov­er­ies that have now pushed us to the edge of the pow­er to create
life itself. Per­son­al, social and glob­al trans­for­ma­tions erupted
through­out the social sphere as waves of social progress were released
for Civ­il Rights, Wom­en’s Rights, the Free Speech & Peace Movements
and many, many others.

But the com­bi­na­tion of Uranus and Plu­to releas­es ener­gies which form
reac­tions that are not uni­di­rec­tion­al; as much as new Ideas and new
Spaces emerge at such a time they do so with­in, and often in reaction
to, the exist­ing par­a­digms of thought and struc­ture. The emer­gent spirit
of “the New” chal­lenges the entrenched spir­it of “the old ways”, and so
a strug­gle is waged in all spheres. Whether the forces for change
bub­ble up from below, or are imposed from above, equal­ly the push back
or resis­tance to change can come from either realm.

As much as the new ideas cre­ate new spaces and new forms of
rela­tion­ships, the old order will seek to exert its Free­dom (Uranus) and
use exist­ing pow­er (Will/Pluto) to resist and turn back the tides of
change. This too is part of the dynam­ic, spi­ral evo­lu­tion of Spirit,
part of the “the plan” so to speak, for as much as there may be
tremen­dous gains in doing away with the “old order”, there is much that
would be lost and should be pre­served as well. And equal­ly, the mere
emer­gence of new ways of think­ing does not in fact mean that it is
always “bet­ter”. So, a strug­gle ensues between the forces of
transformation/revolution and the forces for preservation/reaction.

What was released by the Uranus/Pluto con­junc­tion in the Sixties
con­tin­ued to work itself through the hier­ar­chies of mate­r­i­al, personal
and social orders, trans­form­ing what was, but with ebbs and flows,
progress and regres­sions, until we approach the next turn­ing in their

This is what we have been feel­ing now for the last cou­ple of years,
we have been draw­ing clos­er to the next piv­ot point and we have
expe­ri­enced a fore­shad­ow­ing, we have felt the head winds blowing
stronger and stronger as we move to the next fork in our journey…

Now we are here and we should meet with great expectan­cy the next
phase of this spir­i­tu­al drama…We face chal­lenges, choic­es and
deci­sions and we can no longer post­pone the inevitable…

For this is to be the time in which we choose which future we wish to live in.


Uranus in Aries, Plu­to in Capricorn

Uranus in Aries will square Plu­to in Capri­corn from 2012 till 2015.
What was released in 1965–66 as a new dis­pen­sa­tion, a new dynam­ic in the
rela­tion­ship of Mind and Will, between the Indi­vid­ual Spir­it and the
Col­lec­tive Order, will now reach a cross­roads in their dynam­ic dance of
Thought and Space.

The last time Uranus and Plu­to squared one anoth­er was 1932 to 1934.
Remark­ably, Uranus was in Aries then too, while Plu­to was in the
oppo­site sign to now, in Can­cer. That was indeed a time of great
chal­lenge and change, but it was a wan­ing square of Uranus/Pluto. A
wan­ing square is a time for “decon­struc­tion”; it is a time for a crisis
of con­scious­ness that expos­es the ideas that must be chal­lenged, tested
and tran­scend­ed so that bet­ter spaces for spir­i­tu­al growth may develop.

This time we are expe­ri­enc­ing a wax­ing square, so this is a cri­sis of
for­ma­tion, a time to make a choice about what to be cen­tered upon, a
time to estab­lish deep­er, truer foun­da­tions… it is a time for action.
This turn­ing point will build upon the themes that were released at the
con­junc­tion (dur­ing the Six­ties), but those themes (and counter-themes)
have now reached a crit­i­cal mass. What is put before us, or bet­ter, what
we have put before our­selves is a cross­roads which demands that we
choose one path or anoth­er. We should look upon it as an oppor­tu­ni­ty for
build­ing a New World more than the decon­struc­tion of an Old World.

To under­stand the nature of the chal­lenge and choice we must look to
the mes­sage bear­ers of this turn­ing, to jux­ta­pose Uranus in Aries with
Plu­to in Capri­corn. By exam­in­ing each plan­et’s func­tion as focused
through the sign they are in will guide us to the deep­er mean­ing of this


The Two Themes:  Uranus in Aries & Plu­to in Capricorn

Uranus in Aries

Uranus is squar­ing Plu­to from the sign of Aries, so we must
under­stand what the mes­sage of Uranus in Aries means. The gen­er­al theme
for Uranus in Aries is that this is a time for the resur­gence of
Indi­vid­u­al­ism, Ide­al­ism and Inven­tions. Uranus here acts a cat­a­lyst for
cre­ativ­i­ty in the sci­ences, arts and social orga­ni­za­tions. Tru­ly it is a
time that we expe­ri­ence the re-emer­gence of new forms of true
Lead­er­ship as this time calls out for trail-blaz­ers in all walks of

Though the past can­not be a per­fect pre­dic­tor of the future, it still
can pro­vide some out­line as to the effects of this expe­ri­ence. The last
two times for Uranus in Aries were 1843–1851 and 1927–1935. In the
1840’s the US was trans­formed as indi­vid­u­als and fam­i­lies joined
togeth­er in a great pil­grim­age across the coun­try to the Cal­i­for­nia and
Ore­gon ter­ri­to­ries, which was then great­ly stim­u­lat­ed by the gold rush
that began in 1848. The coun­try was being bound togeth­er through the
pro­lif­er­a­tion of rail­roads and the inven­tion of the tele­graph. The
feel­ing of a spe­cial pur­pose seized many with the claim of a “Man­i­fest

In the late 1920’s into the 30’s Uranus in Aries accom­pa­nied the
dev­as­ta­tion wrought by the Great Depres­sion; Uranus helped to bring to a
soci­ety and a cul­ture (that need­ed it) a whole range of inventive
spirit­ed­ness, which led to rev­o­lu­tions in tech­nolo­gies, indus­try and in
social orga­ni­za­tions and gov­ern­ment. Again, bold lead­er­ship was needed
and rose to meet the challenge.

For us now, we can and should hope that as Uranus moves through Aries
from 2010–19 that we too will wit­ness the present pauci­ty of leadership
giv­ing way to true lead­ers who inspire us as our cri­sis unfolds.
Cer­tain­ly we have already seen numer­ous exam­ples of new forms of
leading/organizing emerg­ing in this time. The dra­mat­ic evi­dence of the
inter­sec­tion of new forms of con­nect­ing and the desire for greater
indi­vid­ual free­doms have been made man­i­fest around the world, from
across the Mid­dle East, through Europe (includ­ing Rus­sia now), and on to
Amer­i­ca with the Tea Par­ty on one side and Occu­py Wall Street on the
oth­er, and fur­ther on across to the rum­blings now com­ing out of
China…all across the globe there is a quick­en­ing of the Spirit…and
much of that we should know is because Uranus is again in Aries…But of
course, there is some­thing more, much more at work on us and in our
world at this time.

Plu­to in Capricorn

Plu­to is form­ing its square with Uranus from the sign of Capricorn,
and so just as with Uranus, we must seek to under­stand the expe­ri­ence of
what Plu­to in Capri­corn brings. Plu­to rules the Will, the pow­er to
shape and re-shape spaces, it rules the pow­er of con­trol; it brings this
influ­ence to bear in Capri­corn by either serv­ing to main­tain or
trans­form the hier­ar­chi­cal worlds of cul­ture, soci­ety and institutions.

It would seem by look­ing at the his­tor­i­cal record that when­ev­er Pluto
moves through Capri­corn there is a pro­found trans­for­ma­tion, a death and
a rebirth, of the cul­tur­al, eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal order.

When Plu­to moves through Capri­corn, which is about every 247 years or
so, the insti­tu­tions and hier­ar­chies of a his­tor­i­cal peri­od have
reached a turn­ing point where their space and exer­cise of pow­er has
start­ed to fall apart, pri­mar­i­ly because new spaces and new pow­ers are
emerg­ing. Often this end of an era and the birth of a new, this shift of
spir­it, forces the old order, in the attempt to pre­serve that system,
to go to ever greater extremes in the exer­cise of its power…but
inevitably the emer­gence of these new forms of orga­ni­za­tion and power
bring about its trans­for­ma­tion or demise.

We can obtain some idea of the his­tor­i­cal pow­er of this pas­sage by
look­ing back at the two most recent times Plu­to was in Capricorn,
1515–1532 and 1762–1778. In the ear­ly 1500’s the Euro­pean world was in
the throes of one of its most his­toric changes in over 1,000 years, the
one church, the Catholic Church, which had been weak­ened by scandal
inter­nal­ly as much as it was chal­lenged by the new­ly avail­able printed
bible exter­nal­ly, was bro­ken apart by the Ref­or­ma­tion. The attempt by
the Catholic King­doms to main­tain their pow­er led to dev­as­tat­ing wars
between them and those who broke away to form Protes­tant realms. The old
order, with its feu­dal sys­tem based on land­ed pow­er and the one
Catholic Church was giv­ing way to the rise of absolute monarchs
accom­pa­nied by a new eco­nom­ic order empow­er­ing a grow­ing mercantile

In the 1700’s colo­nial enter­pris­es of Eng­land in Amer­i­ca, the growing
imbal­ances between gov­erned and gov­er­nor were becom­ing increasingly
unten­able. New forms of free asso­ci­a­tions were spread­ing in the New
World, seed­ed by new ideas about the nature of Pow­er (Will) and Space
(New Lands) as well as a new, more dynam­ic eco­nom­ic way of life. The old
order attempt­ed to rein­force its con­trol over the colonies which led to
protests, which led to fur­ther repres­sion, and even greater protests
until a clash between Monar­chy and indi­vid­u­als in free asso­ci­a­tions led
to the estab­lish­ment of a tru­ly new form of gov­ern­ment that became the
mod­el for our cul­tur­al, eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal world… and that model,
that arrange­ment of Pow­er and Space is what is now com­ing to its end…

Three years ago, in 2008, Plu­to began its next jour­ney through
Capri­corn and it will remain there now till 2024. And just as in the
1500’s and in the 1700’s a world will pass away and a new one will be
born…And even more now, as Uranus and Plu­to line up in a series of
squares between 2012 and 2015, this decon­struc­tion of an old order and
the emer­gence of a new will most cer­tain­ly become very, very real.

The winds of change are blowing…and we must choose our path…

Remem­ber­ing that beat­en paths are for beat­en people…

This is our time…

And it is time for bright stars and trail blaz­ers again!


Uranus/Pluto Square 2012–2015

So we find our­selves at the inter­sec­tion of sev­er­al significant
streams of Spir­i­tu­al forces, influ­ences that will pro­vide the
inspi­ra­tion and artic­u­late the chal­lenges we now encounter. (Though, of
course, the form and con­tent of what we now expe­ri­ence which is
seem­ing­ly “pre­sent­ed” to us, the “facts” of our sit­u­a­tion, is the
man­i­fest­ed con­se­quence of the choic­es we made before, of what we have
done and so made by our pre­vi­ous steps in this jour­ney in
Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it). What we have are 3 major influ­ences that are
com­bined and cat­alyzed togeth­er by the sec­ond of the three: 1) Uranus
in Aries which we have not expe­ri­enced for 75 years, 2) The Uranus/Pluto
wax­ing square which we have not expe­ri­enced for 135 years and 3) (the
“big one”) Plu­to in Capri­corn which we have not expe­ri­enced for 247

As before the avatars of Mind (Uranus) and Will (Plu­to), the carriers
of Seed Ideas and Sacred Space have come to a turn­ing point. As in
those pre­vi­ous eras with Plu­to in Capri­corn, we find with­in ourselves
and in all sec­tors of our cul­ture and soci­ety, that there exists an
over­whelm­ing sense that the world is not “right”. In realms both
Tem­po­ral and Sec­u­lar, the dis­con­nec­tion between elites and the general
pop­u­lace has widened, and that the yawn­ing gulf between lead­ers and led
is grow­ing ever greater. In fact the feel­ing amongst many is that
lead­er­ship, true lead­er­ship has some­how “left the planet”.

Whether with­in any one coun­try or around the world, the incessant,
increas­ing expe­ri­ence of dis­ap­point­ment is felt by almost all…that
every struc­ture, insti­tu­tion, stan­dard or val­ue has become compromised;
whether that loss of cred­i­bil­i­ty or virtue is encoun­tered in Religion,
or Edu­ca­tion, or Gov­ern­ment, or in the sim­ple promise of a bet­ter world
for one’s chil­dren and their children…all of it seems without
hope…and there is a great longing…

And so it is pre­cise­ly in times such as this, when a great emptiness
and loss of hope begins to take hold in the world…it is pre­cise­ly at
such a time that Spir­it answers…It moves into our emp­ty spaces and
trou­bled minds…It lifts up our hearts and awak­ens the spir­it within
and reminds us all that we can change…and then, as if by “mag­ic”, we
do change and renew our world. Spir­it does this pre­cise­ly as we move
into and through the cri­sis because it is that very cri­sis which
cat­alyzes each and every indi­vid­ual to turn around, to turn and to make
the nec­es­sary sac­ri­fices which must be made to bring about a New World

The signs of the unrav­el­ing of the old are more than
self-evident…but so too are the signs and por­tents of the emerging
ways that are lead­ing to the New World. As indi­vid­u­als and groups of
indi­vid­u­als seek to real­ize their dreams with new inten­tions and means,
and seek equal­ly to cope with the fail­ures of the sys­tems they are
cur­rent­ly cir­cum­scribed by, we can dis­cern the out­lines of new Ways of
Think­ing and new Spaces of Being.


And so we must each ask our­selves, what can I do?

First, in order to be guid­ed by the high­est influ­ences, in order to
fol­low Spir­it and your heart, do not be deceived or con­fused by the
myr­i­ad ways that the old order dis­tracts and divides. Remem­ber always
that the one true source of pow­er in this Uni­verse is with­in you…and
you, and you. It is not “out there”, it is “in here” and also within
any­one beside you.

But that is also and always where the real strug­gle is met. It is not
the fault or fail­ing of a kind of gov­ern­ment or pol­i­tics, it is not the
fault of the church or a faith…Do not let fetishism or the projection
upon some­thing or some­one else con­fuse you as to where “the problem”
is…For every­thing in this world that seems to be fail­ing, every
insti­tu­tion, every struc­ture and way of life…everything is what it is
because it is giv­en life by each and every one of us…

We must change and we shall change…and so will our world.


Time for Action:

We are at a turn­ing. Some have
called it “The Fourth Turn­ing”. Some have called it the “End of
Times”…but we are at our moment of oppor­tu­ni­ty to build a New World
and offer to those that fol­low us a bet­ter world than we could have

This is our time to choose, to ask of our self, “What is the greater good for all?”…

And then to sim­ply do that!

This is the time for Heroes and Heal­ers, Doers and Leaders.

This is Our Time to Become the Becoming…

And, it is your time to shine!

Pluto Turns Direct (September 17, 2012)


The Lord of Will and Bound­aries is turning…and there is much unfold­ing in
the world now (and much more that will be unveiled soon) that is under his
sway…Changes such as these have not been seen for over 200 years…

For you per­son­al­ly, the focus of will is turn­ing again at this time…Pluto
turn­ing direct points you out­ward, towards the worlds you have made. Plu­to turns
your atten­tion to your pow­er of reality-making…and there is change in the

The past five months, since April 2012, Plu­to swept through the inner realms
of your nature, your will was best used for clear­ing your
sacred space within…Now with this turn­ing, you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work on
the sacred space around your­self too! (Of course, through­out the year, you engage
your will con­tin­u­ous­ly, like in a del­i­cate dance of back and forth, of in and
out, between your inner deter­mi­na­tions and out­er exertions…Pluto’s direction
pro­vides an empha­sis, and that point of empha­sis has shift­ed now).

Much as you could and should have focused since April upon clear­ing your
inner sacred space of your shad­ows, to lessen your doubts, anx­i­eties, fears and
emo­tion­al com­plex­es, now you are encour­aged to move from that clear­er space
with­in and seek to lift those shad­ows you project around your­self too. It is
time to break up old pat­terns of inter­ac­tion that were shaped, bound and
lim­it­ed by those doubts, anx­i­eties and fears and move into more lov­ing patterns
of emo­tion­al con­nec­tiv­i­ty between your sacred space and the sacred space of any

As always, the key to the right exer­cise of your Will, of your Pluto
pow­er, is self-control…You must ever seek to remain cen­tered with­in your own
sacred space as you hon­or the sacred­ness of every oth­er space around you too. For
every being is of spir­it, every being resides in its own sacred space.

To the extent, that you have achieved more self-mas­tery, that you have
secured more self-con­trol, then to that same extent will you be able to form
mean­ing­ful unions with oth­er self-mas­ter­ful, cen­tered souls as well…You join
togeth­er will­ing­ly with­out the doubts and fears that had lim­it­ed your mutual
sup­port of one another.

It is then that Plu­to’s Pow­er will stand revealed…

In Mys­tery and Mag­ic, a time of renew­al and rebirth we will see…

As you, and your com­pan­ions change one another…

And the world becomes what you Will it to Be.