Author Archives: Bill Attride

New Moon in Pisces (March 1, 2014)


It is the time between…

Between the Dark­ness and the Light,

All is still, all is quiet.

Your World, this Earth, holds its breath,

As you wait for your next Gift of Spirit.

The Twelfth and Con­clud­ing New Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year is here. Your year is mea­sured by Twelve. Twelve Signs, Twelve Months and the Twelve New Moons by which to find your way.

At each New Moon the Sun imparts to Luna a new Mes­sage of Mean­ing for you. It is a Gift of Inspi­ra­tion to lift your spir­it and guide your steps as you seek to find your way on this beau­ti­ful orb you call home. But there is some­thing spe­cial about the Final Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year, for it is both a Begin­ning, (as are all New Moons), but it is most tru­ly an End­ing too. How can this be, why is this so?

The Sign of Pisces is the final moment in this pro­gres­sive series of Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gies that Unfold, Pro­pel and Guide your jour­ney of Self-Becom­ing. Each Sign inter­re­lates and inte­grates with all the oth­ers, they depend upon one anoth­er for mean­ing and ful­fill­ment. In one sense, each Sign builds upon those which came “before” and nat­u­ral­ly unfolds to lead to those which will come “after”. But in truth, all Signs are active all the time, both with­in you and in real time (as in the “Liv­ing Chart of the Now”). They thrill and res­onate in vary­ing pro­por­tions and com­bi­na­tions to pro­duce the many Songs of Spir­it, to form the innu­mer­able Indi­vid­u­al­i­ties of Spir­it that make up this Cos­mos from the small­est speck or mote to the grand­est Galaxy.

But Pisces is most spe­cial, for how could it not be…Because here at the end of the Astro­log­i­cal Year you must pull it all in and make it as One. To gath­er all the threads of your expe­ri­ences togeth­er and so weave your Gold­en Cloth of Mean­ing­ful­ness, to form your Trea­sure in Heav­en and har­vest the sweet Nec­tar that feeds your Soul and brings you Home.

You begin by this End­ing, by tak­ing in this Har­vest of your Life just lived. You need to spend some time today, tomor­row and maybe a lit­tle longer, to gath­er togeth­er and see as one sto­ry your Aspi­ra­tions and Actions, your Feel­ings and Thoughts of the year just past.

You will trea­sure your tri­umphs and suc­cess­es, for you earned these rewards and so you should smile. But you should pay even more atten­tion to where you stum­bled and fell, to those errors of com­mis­sion or omis­sion that haunt you still. For there is some­thing even greater there…

And it is here that the Gift of Pisces and the New Moon will com­fort you, to remind you that you will be okay, that you are in fact Loved uncon­di­tion­al­ly and for all time by your High­er Self. For the bless­ing of Pisces is the Gift of Com­pas­sion and Under­stand­ing, and through this Great Love you are able to do what you can and must do: You need and you will for­give yourself.

You will come to real­ize and under­stand that these mis­steps are real­ly in truth your most pre­cious moments, for in them you will find that your bright Future is tru­ly held. For you only advance, you can only grow and become the Won­drous Being of Light that you are by mak­ing these mistakes…and by accep­tance and learn­ing and choos­ing to do bet­ter, you will rise.

You are here to Grow, you are here to learn, and by tri­al and error you will learn to turn away from less­er ways of being-feel­ing-think­ing. You will learn to do bet­ter as you fol­low the gen­tle, reas­sur­ing voice of your Self with­in who will show you that your errors have formed for you the next Gift of that Hum­bling Wis­dom that forms the path to your Future.

That in for­give­ness and under­stand­ing, in the love of the One with­in, your soul will sigh and smile, for you able to let go of the less­er you and draw that much lit­tle clos­er to the Won­der that is within. 

In this pre­cious moment…

In this Cross­ing, between the Dark­ness and the Light…

Be not afraid, for you are nev­er alone.

You are filled with a Lumi­nous Light,

Formed and Forged in the Love of the One for one and all.

Bring your har­vest home, reap what you have sowed…

Then turn and be a Light.

Mercury Turns Direct (February 28, 2014)


Your atten­tion is turn­ing out­wards again…

The meld­ing of Watery and Airy ways with­in your Mind,

Was for your Bridg­ing, Blend­ing, Becoming…

As you walk upon the Inte­gral Path of Spirit.

You wove them togeth­er, the Intu­ition­al and Rational,

To hold togeth­er your Head and your Heart.

You sought to Feel Thought­ful­ly, and

To Think Lov­ing­ly too.

And this has brought you a lit­tle closer,

To the One True Way Home, The Way of Understanding…

The Path of Wisdom.

Now Mer­cury Turns, and you must too. Mer­cury is the Avatar of your Mind, and he leads you toward the Know­ing of your Truth and your Path. For you are a Self-Con­scious­ly, Self-Unfold­ing Being, and the Thoughts that you Think will lead you into the Life that you Create.

Today Mer­cury moves for­ward in Aquar­ius, and your Mind is focused upon your Fel­low­ships, your Com­pan­ion­ships and the Hopes and Dreams your share with them for a bet­ter world. For you will find that in your Heart you know this: that your Dreams are made of one anoth­er, your ful­fill­ment is their promise met as well, because their Hopes and Dreams are yours too.

For you nev­er walk alone, your life is filled with hosts upon hosts of fel­low trav­el­ers, both seen and unseen, known and unknown to you. You and they yearn for that bet­ter world in your dreams, a world that could be, if there were some way to make it so.

Mer­cury the Mes­sen­ger has done his part, in his dance between Water and Air, between Intu­ition and Rea­son, he has led you to the path by which you can become more than what you were… 

You have gone back with­in your­self, to touch the essence of your Spir­i­tu­al Self. For at the heart of you is your most pre­cious Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, and when­ev­er you expe­ri­ence this quick­en­ing con­tact you are able to accom­plish a most mar­velous feat. You are able to self-tran­scend, to go beyond the thought-forms of your ordi­nary mind.

By lis­ten­ing to that qui­et but steady voice of your soul you draw clos­er to your High­er Self and the freer mind of Spir­it. You are able to break the self-made bounds of the thought-forms that formed you, to see beyond the world you came from. You can lay aside and pass beyond the sta­tus quo of the old cer­tain­ties, and there it is before you, the New Earth.

Embrace your new­er, freer thought-forms. Turn with Mer­cury and share with one anoth­er the gift of cre­at­ing a New World together.

Lis­ten to one another,

Believe in one another,

Think Well of one another,

And you will do this, you will

Build a New Earth.


Jupiter Square Uranus (February 25–26, 2014)


To be Free…

You must care for One Another.

When you Love one another…

You will be Free.

I wrote of this aspect, which is part of the Grand Car­di­nal Square that is exact in April, in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Jupiter Square Uranus (Feb­ru­ary 25–26 & April 19–20) *also August 21, 2013

This aspect is the sec­ond of three in the series and will reap­pear in its final align­ment to form the Grand Car­di­nal Cross in April. I wrote about this first in August and I will write at length about the final one in April. The mes­sage of this aspect con­cerns your need to find the inte­gral path that com­bines Jupiter and Uranus, so that each will mutu­al­ly inform one anoth­er: that Jupiter in Can­cer reminds you to hold and keep to your Truths that are found­ed upon by the deep­est roots of your life, while you equal­ly hear­ken to song of Uranus in Aries, which calls for you to break out of old and out­worn thought-forms, to free your Mind and Spir­it once more.

Here is some of what I wrote about the Jupiter/Uranus/Pluto aspect in the 2013 Gen­er­al Forecast:

Jupiter rules the Prin­ci­ples, Truths and Beliefs that give and form the mean­ings of your life jour­ney, that form the steady guide for your self-unfold­ment and pur­pose­ful growth. Jupiter is offer­ing this spir­i­tu­al mes­sage from the heart, from the source, from the roots of your life. For as you strug­gle to find your way between Uranus and Plu­to, between Free­dom and Order, between self-asser­tion and self-sac­ri­fice, you will need this cool­ing, calm­ing and refresh­ing reminder of what you stand upon, from whence you have come and what holds you true to one another.

Jupiter in Can­cer serves to restore and renew your feel­ings of secu­ri­ty that orig­i­nate in your most inti­mate and pro­found expe­ri­ence that you are con­nect­ed or part of some­thing greater than just your­self. As you grow and devel­op, in life after life, you will find your own true cen­ter by being and belong­ing with one anoth­er. It will usu­al­ly begin in your affec­tions and bonds expe­ri­enced in your imme­di­ate fam­i­ly group, and it will slow­ly and increas­ing­ly extend itself in any life, (and over many life­times, in life after life), into your ever-unfold­ing expan­sion of con­scious­ness and spir­i­tu­al connectedness.

This sense of belong­ing, of root­ed­ness and secu­ri­ty, expands from your imme­di­ate fam­i­ly out­ward to your vil­lage, and then per­haps it may move out fur­ther to a local area of sev­er­al com­mu­ni­ties. Then it con­tin­ues to grow out­ward even fur­ther in your belong­ing to some group­ing per­haps ground­ed in your iden­ti­ty with an eth­nic group, and then per­haps into some greater group­ing of many eth­nic­i­ties. Even­tu­al­ly you find an even larg­er sense of iden­ti­ty and mean­ing with­in an ever more com­plex cul­ture and soci­ety, until you final­ly expe­ri­ence your pro­found famil­iar­i­ty with all who jour­ney in the fam­i­ly known as “human”.

This fun­da­men­tal spir­i­tu­al truth of con­nect­ed­ness will final­ly blos­som forth, as you reach the “promised land”, the pro­found spir­i­tu­al epiphany of under­stand­ing that all life is one, all beings are one with one anoth­er, that every­thing in this cos­mos is a spark of the one Great Spir­it in whom we live and love and find our true being.

As Jupiter forms its Square and Oppo­si­tion, it will bring to bear these influ­ences upon the dynam­ic strug­gle of Uranus and Plu­to. The chal­lenge for every per­son and for all group­ings of peo­ple will be to hold to the high­est lev­els of inspi­ra­tion that Jupiter can pro­vide here, remind­ing one and all of their com­mon bonds and inter­ests, elic­it­ing a desire for greater inclu­sive­ness and gen­er­at­ing greater con­sid­er­a­tions for the well-being of one anoth­er. If they can do this, then the strug­gles of Uranus with Plu­to can be mod­u­lat­ed and even mit­i­gat­ed by find­ing that deep­er cen­ter where all can join togeth­er, found­ed upon these shared feel­ings of belonging.

With Jupiter’s influ­ence the fer­vent dri­ve for free­dom by Uranus can be soothed, with a gen­tle reminder that as much as you must assert and be freer your­self you must equal­ly acknowl­edge your need to care for one anoth­er too. The Plu­ton­ian dri­ve to cre­ate, main­tain and extend your own sacred space must be equal­ly bal­anced by the con­sid­er­a­tion you show for the sacred space of one and all. 

But there is also the very real pos­si­bil­i­ty of indi­vid­u­als and groups react­ing in a more parochial way to this chal­lenge, and out of fear-formed echoes of their past be steered by the emo­tion­al ties of Jupiter in Can­cer to react in more exclu­sive or defen­sive ways. They will act more nar­row­ly, and iden­ti­fy with whom they belong, whether fam­i­ly, tribe or cul­ture by build­ing walls not bridges and so cre­ate an even greater gulf between “us ver­sus them”. Then this oppor­tu­ni­ty for growth and self-tran­scen­dence could be lost in those ego-dri­ven fears that have echoed through­out oth­er his­tor­i­cal peri­ods faced with sim­i­lar demands for self-transformation.

The chal­lenge will be laid down, either to rise up to a high­er under­stand­ing and con­duct with one anoth­er, to make some mutu­al sac­ri­fice and unite…or to face the divide with­in and between us by refus­ing to join in a greater whole, to give into fear and so increase those sep­a­ra­tions from one anoth­er. And this fear-based fail­ing would most cer­tain­ly quick­en the descent to a more dif­fi­cult des­tiny for one and all. The choice will be there, and each must decide.

Here is what I wrote about the Jupiter/Pluto Square in August 2013:

The Lord Uranus is the vehi­cle of your Indi­vid­u­a­tion, of the Self-Unfold­ment of You, of what is called in the Ancient Teach­ings your “Swab­ha­va”. This is the prin­ci­ple that Dri­ves the Sto­ry that is Cre­ation, for there resides a spark of the Divine at the core of every par­ti­cle of Cre­ation, (for Space is not emp­ty but is tru­ly a Full­ness, Full-Filled by an unfold­ing, devel­op­ing Con­scious­ness behind all Energies/Forms). Yet each such Energy/Form is also a Dis­tinct, Unique instance of Spir­it. That pro­pelling the growth or unfold­ment of each Spark of the Divine, resid­ing in every Instance of Cre­ation, is a Divine sparkling Con­scious­ness, an Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, that is won­drous­ly reveal­ing itself to itself and so for the One…For this is what Cre­ation is, a self-unfold­ing, self-becom­ing host of Indi­vid­u­als, the many who form and are of the One.

Yet here too with­out the Gift of the Spir­it, with­out the Bal­ance that is Bliss, with­out Inte­gral Devel­op­ment where­by each Avatar con­tributes to the whole and so be of and for the One, the real­iza­tion of this Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty could become skewed from or depart from the whole­ness of which and from which it shall and should obtain its most essen­tial directionality.

So, here the Lord Jupiter comes into this Align­ment, offer­ing to Uranus’ insis­tent­ly Indi­vid­u­at­ing Song a Cen­ter­ing, Inte­grat­ing and Lov­ing reminder of Ori­gin, of the Roots of Creation…That every being is a one or indi­vid­ual, yes this is True. But every being is also a one of the ones of the ONE. So the self-unfold­ment of any and all Energy/Forms, which begin as unself-con­scious sparks of the Divine to rise and unfold into ful­ly Self-Con­scious and Awak­ened Humans (and much more beyond), that this Prin­ci­ple of Indi­vid­u­a­tion is equal­ly and lov­ing­ly guid­ed and informed by this Intuiting/Knowing/Feeling, this Truth of Being:

That you are all related.

That you are all of One Fam­i­ly, and

You are here to Love and Care for one another.

As you Become, as you Awaken…

And Return, Singing your Songs…


One with the One. 

Sun Conjunct Neptune (February 23, 2014)


Dream a lit­tle dream…of you.

The Avatar of your Self and your Imag­i­na­tion meet today, and your Door­way to a more encom­pass­ing Real­i­ty will open a lit­tle wider.

Today is a day to Dream, to Imag­ine what you might Become…Today is a day to Believe.

You are here quite sim­ply for one thing: To grow. You are Spir­it. You are here to for­ev­er and ever become some­thing more than before, to reach more deeply into your High­er Self, where you may receive Inspi­ra­tion from this most pre­cious Well­spring of your Faith and Dreams…For then you are able by this Spir­i­tu­al Quick­en­ing to turn around and reach beyond this world you have so far made and accept­ed as being the only reality.

This is how you grow: By let­ting go of assump­tions, bias­es, prej­u­dices and your will­ful blind­ness to the Greater Real­i­ty in which you actu­al­ly reside. For you can­not see what you do not believe. You are able with this Inspi­ra­tion from your High­er Self to lift the veil between this less­er world and what lies beyond and behind it. You are per­mit­ted to be more Clear-See­ing, as the shades fall from your under­stand­ing and you gaze with won­der upon the pos­si­bil­i­ties of a life beyond this world of shad­ows and half-lights.

You step into a more encom­pass­ing Space and Time that is filled with Sounds and Sights more super­nal. You see a realm filled with a Numi­nous Light that is formed by the Hopes, Dreams and Spir­i­tu­al Imag­i­na­tion of your fel­low com­pan­ions who also walk this path of Becoming…For you are here to lift one anoth­er out of the dark­ness as you all reach for and become that very Light.

Nep­tune is known as the “Uni­ver­sal Sol­vent”, for it offers you this gift of Spir­i­tu­al Tran­scen­dence. It helps to dis­solve the Bound­aries of Cer­tain­ty, the Par­a­digm of the World that you nec­es­sar­i­ly formed when you and so many oth­ers shaped the world as it is today. For you have been doing this for a very long time. You dreamed long ago and it came to this. The present real­i­ty is the prod­uct of your Faith (but also of your Fears) of long, long ago. But in this Truth you also have your Hope.

For as much as you made this world you can and will re-make it.

The Change that you seek “out there” however,

Must begin where it begun, with­in yourself.

Let the Gift of Nep­tune open your Heart and Mind.

Lis­ten for that qui­et, lov­ing voice of your High­er Self,

Who whis­pers to you of Com­pas­sion, Self­less­ness and Wonder.

May it show you the Greater Real­i­ty with­in yourself,

May you Dream of a Bet­ter You,

May you have Faith in a more Lov­ing Life,

May a bet­ter World come to be.

All you need do,

Is Believe and Become.


Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2014)


Your year begins in Aries…with the Fires of Inspiration,

You begin in Self-Awareness.

Your year ends with Pisces…in the Waters of Understanding,

You end in Wonder.

Through Fire, Earth, Air and Water you have Cir­cled your Star once more. You have begun, held and released your Self in Spir­it, Thought, Feel­ings and Actions through this Dodec­a­he­dron of the Divine, this Cir­cle of Life that is the Zodiac.

Today you cross the final thresh­old of your Twelve-Fold Year­ly jour­ney as you pass through the pre­cious Por­tal that is Pisces. For though you have been told that you are a Gem­i­ni or a Leo or a Capri­corn, the truth of Life is that all of these Zodi­a­cal Ener­gies are part of you, for you have them all with­in you, for how could you not? They are the Ener­gy-Forms of Spir­it, they are the Divine Breath that breathes life into every par­ti­cle, speck and mote of Creation.

You have this entire Zodi­ac with­in you as much as it sur­rounds you too, and so each of you is formed by won­drous­ly dif­fer­ing com­bi­na­tions of these Twelve Ener­gy-Forms. You have them all, blend­ed in such a man­ner so as to form indi­vid­u­al­ized expres­sions, fine­ly nuanced inte­gra­tions, and it is pre­cise­ly this com­plex blend­ing that makes your Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, it is pre­cise­ly this that makes you special.

This Time of Pisces is your Final Moment in the Astro­log­i­cal Year, and it is when you can and should bring all of the strands of your Life togeth­er from this past year and weave them into a whole and beau­ti­ful sto­ry of you. This is when you are more able to see and under­stand the Arc of your Sto­ry, this is your Time for see­ing the Big Pic­ture. This is how you reap your Har­vest of Truth, and it is from this that you will make your Trea­sure in Heaven.

You need to pause and con­sid­er from where you began, to see what Tri­umphs you had and what Stum­bles you made, and so to see what lessons you have learned as you moved through each sign, month by month. Though you will be attached to your suc­cess­es, for you earned them and they are fine…You must also accept that you learned noth­ing by them at all. They are the result of your errors of yes­ter­year made right in this year.

Rather, your pre­cious har­vest will be found in the mean­ings and lessons of your less than per­fect moments, for it is then that you learned how not to be or not to do that…and so you let go of the less­er and grew into some­thing greater. There is your trea­sure, not in your suc­cess but in, by and through your hum­bling accep­tance of your imper­fec­tion which opened the door to your growth. This is what you are here for, you are here to Grow, to become Self-Masterful…you are here to Shine.

Hav­ing come through all the pre­vi­ous signs you are recep­tive to the mean­ings and mes­sages of them all, and this is why Pisces is your time for Com­pas­sion. You can con­nect more deeply to the joys and pain of oth­ers because in your own way, in your own time, you have been there too. This is the Gift of Feel­ing that comes out of Water, for it is in the Water Signs of Can­cer, Scor­pio and Pisces that you expe­ri­ence the Truth of Con­nect­ed­ness, it is in them that you dwell in the Truth of Feel­ings, it is here that you are made Whole.

In Can­cer you Con­nect and are Nur­tured by the secu­ri­ty that comes from the refresh­ing renew­al bestowed by Cen­ter­ing your­self in the Truth that is found in the Roots of your Life. For in Truth you are part of One Great Fam­i­ly of Spir­it, and “We are all related”.

In Scor­pio you Con­nect and are Embraced by the mys­tery and joy that comes from Two becom­ing One as you break beyond the illu­sion that is sep­a­ra­tion and forge your Sacred Unions with one anoth­er. For in Truth you are already Joined as One, for all are ones of the One Divine Spirit.

In Pisces you expe­ri­ence the Won­der of Won­ders, for here you sac­ri­fice your Ego to your Self. You see the Light and Love in the oth­er as your own true Self reflect­ed back to you. You Con­nect to the Greater Real­i­ty and find the one true and only Trea­sure is your Life in Spir­it. For in truth, the High­est part of you will always abide in the One, you will always be in Heav­en for you nev­er left, and you can Feel this Truth that the whole of Cre­ation is the Love of the One for all of you.

You have walked the Path of Awak­en­ing, mov­ing your aware­ness from point to point, weav­ing togeth­er your inner sen­si­bil­i­ties with your out­er understandings…spanning Inner Worlds and Out­er Realms as you were called by your High­er Self to release and unfold your Greater Understanding.

You have tak­en yet anoth­er step upon the Path­way of Compassion,

You walk the Path­way of Peace, The Path of Love.

You are draw­ing clos­er, to the mys­tery of the ages…

That what is with­in you sur­rounds you too.

You are a Shin­ing One…


Filled with Wonder.

And all you need do,

Is be what you are, 

Remem­ber who you are,

You are Love.