Transcript of Radio Show: The Field of Energy-Forms, the Cosmic Builders, and the Oneness of Creation, Part 2 Patterns of Meaning
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I thought it would be helpful to continue our discussion from October 3, 2021, where we examined the constitution of the Cosmos. I think it is very important that we go further into this today, so that we might find a deeper appreciation of the gift of understanding that this approach to the nature of reality provides.
Cosmos – A Hierarchy of Energy-Fields
What we have found is that when we see the Cosmos as formed by a hierarchy of Energy-Fields, we can better understand that what we know as our bodies (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual), should really be seen for what they truly are, as Energy-Fields that by significant resonances and alignments manifest as Forms; and, how in turn these fields, by their intra and interrelationships, create a hierarchy of Meaning-Filled Patterns that indeed constitute what we experience as Reality or Life. Because of this essential nature of the Cosmos, we can experience the Universe as Meaningful, because it is made by and is full of patterns, meanings, and truths, from the densest of material to the most ethereal of energy-forms, in what I like to call the “Song of Spirit”. That Song of Spirit, the Master Chords of Patterns and Meanings are held by the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac.
As I noted then, the modern-era models and the data we collect based upon our modern tools of perception, as well as the Wisdom passed down to us in the Ancient Teachings, both of these approaches, whether by Science or by Spirit hold that the ultimate nature of Reality, the Noumena behind the Phenomena we perceive can best be understood as Fields of Energy, and these Fields create the Energy-Forms or Bodies that we perceive as the physical reality that is made by a Hierarchy of Atomic Particles, Atoms, Molecules, Matter, Life-Forms, Planets and Stars.
Patterns of Meaning – The Design Bodies of Creation
But what we also need to understand is that these Fields of Energy-Forms are shaped and guided by Patterns that are interrelated within each type of Energy-Form, and between them and other Energy-Forms too. These internal and external patterns are the Web of Designs and Meanings, what the Ancient Wisdom calls “the Design Bodies” that form, shape and hold Creation together as it is, and create the Story of Spirit, The Life of the One.
These patterns range from the physical “Laws of Energy-Forms” which guides their combinations-transformations (what we call Chemistry in the physical sciences, or Alchemy in the spiritual sciences), and which we humans have arranged and labeled in a Hierarchy from the micro or sub-atomic up to the galactic structures of the Universe. We have discerned and described this materialized world as being formed and arranged by these patterns of the physical laws that hold and guide their manifestation and meaning.
And equally, what we consider as the realm of Living Energy-Forms, (though in the Ancient Wisdom we hold that everything in the Universe is Alive and Conscious in some form), we have arranged our understanding of these Life-Forms into a hierarchy guided by the Patterns or Laws of the Biological, from the most archaic of life-forms, to the most complex of Living-Beings. And we see and understand that those life-forms are shaped and guided by their chemical-biological Patterns of Interrelationships within each form, and between those forms of life and other forms of life, and which we understand as being shaped and guided by the pattern of meanings held by DNA.
Patterns of Consciousness
Moreover, as we look at ever more complex forms of life, we see how these Patterns of Life move beyond the merely physical, chemical, and cellular combinations and interrelationships, into an ever-widening web of the Phenomena of Mind, of Patterns of Consciousness, of Feelings and Thought-Forms and Awareness deepening and expanding within and between the Hierarchies of Life. Though these exist according to the Ancient Wisdom in all the realms of being, they become ever more pronounced and luminous as we move into more complex orders of Creation.
When we come to the relatively advanced forms of life, like our Human Kingdom, the multiple Patterns of Meaning that shape and guide our journey range from the physical, to the emotional, to the mental and to the spiritual Energy-Forms and their Patterns. As I noted last time, we humans are part of a Hierarchy of Life-Forms in this Universe, and we are not so very different from many life-forms with whom we share this precious planet, because we are all held and shaped by these Fields of Relationships that we create within and between one another and all other lives on this planet. Indeed, we see how very much the Patterns of these other Kingdoms of Life, and our Patterns of Human Life, are deeply interwoven and interdependent with one another. And we can certainly acknowledge given the Covid-19 experience and the existential crisis posed by Climate Change, that we are much more interdependent than we might have thought.
Yes, we can now see how we bear a singular responsibility for both the Crisis of Climate Change and the Covid-19 pandemic (which is just another manifestation of Climate Change). Why or how could a single species on a planet, that is teaming with a host of life-forms, be so powerful as to effect such a change for the entire planet?
The reason is that we humans, given our special abilities for self-aware, self-development, have developed these Influential Fields of Patterns in our Emotional-Mental-Spiritual Energy-Bodies to such a degree, to such a consequential power, that we have been able to reshape ourselves and in consequence our world in vaster, deeper, and infinitely more complex ways than any other life-form.
Paradigms of Belief
The combination of these three Pattern Shapers, the Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Fields that we make with and through one another in our Human Interrelationships, these three form our Consciousness, our Paradigms of Belief and Reality-Forms that shape and guide our Actions and Behaviors, and forge our Wants, Desires and Fears; and it is by these Patterns of Feeling, Thinking and Believing that we have made our Human Reality for thousands of years. Steadily, and now increasingly, we have been changing ourselves and our world. But it does appear to many of us, that we have forged these developments without wisdom or humility, and we have failed to understand the costs and consequences for ourselves and this planet until it was too late.
First Humans – Hunters/Gatherers for almost 200,000 years
For tens of thousands of years, we humans lived in a certain Pattern of Meaning; we were what we call “Hunter-Gatherers”, and our Design Body Patterns, our patterns of Emotion, Mind and Spirit, were closely aligned with the natural world around us. According to our latest Genetic discoveries and Archaeological findings, modern Humans evolved into our present form around 200,000 years ago. And for all but the last 12,000 years we lived by aligning our Patterns with the Natural World around us, creating what many have come to see as a mostly symbiotic and balanced relationship with the other realms of life.
The Great Turning – Settlements 12, 000 years ago
Whether by happenstance, or some climate shift, or some other yet as undiscovered reason, we were able to settle down and begin to grow grains, and then domesticate animals around 12,000 years ago…and everything began to change, for us and for the Natural world around us. We began to change our own Patterns of Meaning and Interrelationships with one another, and we can see this by comparing our way of life to the few remaining groups of Hunter-Gatherers that live at the margins of our Human-Remade World. We moved away from an Egalitarian society grounded in sharing equitably, and into a Hierarchical order defined by possessions and power. And we began to significantly alter the delicate balance in the ecosystems for the land and wildlife to meet our ever-changing and growing needs for the next many thousands of years. But a most important change was still ahead, and it was because of this shift in our Consciousness that we find ourselves with our existential crisis today.
Our self-framing and self-shaping by our Patterns of Meaning and Consciousness is the most significant factor in creating and determining the path we have followed, and they will also determine the path that we make that lies ahead. Throughout our journey, that is since we “woke up”, we have been sharing our stories with one another, for we are Storytellers one and all, and our observations, experiences, knowledge, and wisdom have formed the Web of Consciousness that we weave around and between one another. These individual and collective stories form our Patterns of Belief and forge the Path that we are on. We are very much what we think and feel, and we make our reality accordingly, whether for good or for ill.
The Scientific Revolution – 500 years ago, the 1500’s
The last and most significant change in our Patterns of Meaning, in our Emotional, Mental and Spiritual formations of Reality, led us to a new Way of Belief and Life and it happened just over 500 years ago. We once again experienced a shift in our Consciousness that fundamentally altered how we understand ourselves and our relationship to the rest of Creation. Our Patterns of Meaning and Consciousness shifted, our Purpose and Motivation went from preserving the Wisdom and Knowledge of the Ancients to acquiring practical Knowledge of the material world. This Epistemological Shift has been named The Scientific Revolution.
For most of our journey, we have revered what was handed down by our forebears, holding that the first teachings and our ancestral knowledge was the Truth, and in some fashion absolute and final. For generations upon generations, change was incremental and mostly accidental, as all the solutions and answers to life were embodied in our customs and crafts or found via the mediation of the religious orders, so that a person whether from 2,000 years or 1,000 years or 500 years ago, would have found much that was familiar in one another’s lives and customs. But this would certainly not be true if they came into our world today, for we have made a very different world now.
This shift began around 500 years ago, and it created an approach to the world that is critical and questioning. Rather than assuming what was handed down was true, we began to examine reality for ourselves. We measured, and evaluated and tested our findings, constantly refining and improving and retesting our findings so that we could continuously increase our knowledge of how the Universe works. This was not done to merely satisfy our curiosity. Rather, we sought to know so that we could harness these discoveries and make use of them to meet our needs. And as we acquired more capabilities, we created ever more complex needs and wants that we sought to satisfy, and then we did it again. We went from mostly very simple lives to create a world of astounding complexity. We went from over 400 million humans to a current population of just under 8 billion now!
Our Crisis – The Next Turning
But now we find ourselves with a range of challenges that we have brought upon ourselves. For in our rush for the Energy and Materials to create and sustain our modern lives, the modern world that our Science and Technologies have made possible, we have changed the delicate balance of the various ecosystems that make up the rich and beautiful hierarchy of life-forms on this planet. As the increasing loss of diversity of species accelerates, we can truly see now that our world is becoming less beautiful, less vibrant, less meaningful because quite literally, “life is leaving the planet”.
At this critical moment, when the future of the planet and the prospects for humanity are in great peril, we must hope and expect that our Patterns of Meaning, our complex Web of Feelings, Thoughts and Spiritual Intimations, that our most special Gift of the Imagination will help us to find a way to solve our self-made crises and avoid the calamities that are hurtling towards us.
Confusion Reigns
But at this critical moment, we are faced with another crisis of our own making, we face a Crisis of Consciousness itself. Because of our technologies, because of our means to spread information and misinformation without limits, we find ourselves today in a veritable “Ocean of Cacophonies”, with clashing “storms of stories” and meanings without context or foundation, where competing opinions and dueling facts stream out of our many devices, and we cannot find our way to what is reasonable let alone what is true. We are lost because our storytelling and stories are broken, and we can neither find our way home nor see a path to a better future. What are we to do?
Yes, if I were some sort of outside/alien observer of humanity at this time, I would say the general condition of our species right now is that we are confused and uncertain. It is rather telling, that at this time we are experiencing the passage of Neptune through the Sign of Pisces, which always represents a time when the boundaries between the various realms of Spirit and Matter become more permeable and unfixed. Whenever I have a client experiencing a major transit of Neptune in their chart, I always point out that they are going through a time of mystery and confusion. They will often say yes, they are confused, and it is distressing and scary. But I gently remind them that the universe is not out “to get them”, and that the reason we must go through periods of confusion is to make it possible for us to grow! They look at me as if I am somewhat out of my mind, but I explain that we become attached to the way things are, to the way we are, and even though those ways may now be hurting us (or others) we hold to them, not because of our faith but because we are fearful. So it is Spirit, in this case Neptune, that comes along to make that old reality appear as it is, an illusion, a moment in time that is passing, and that we are being given this opportunity to let go and grow.
Our Time, Like the 1500’s
That is what is happening now, and it is on a global scale because we are so interconnected by our new technologies, so the entire world can virtually participate in the most uplifting inspirations of the human spirit and our darkest fears too. Neptune was in Pisces before, from 1848 to 1862, and 1685 to 1698, and 1521 to 1535. Our shift from 2011 to 2026 is most similar to and perhaps as consequential as that dawn of the Scientific Revolution in the 1500’s. Not only was Neptune in Pisces during that period, but the planet Pluto was also passing through Capricorn as well. That is exactly what we are experiencing now, Neptune in Pisces with Pluto in Capricorn. We are at the Dawn of a New Age, but we cannot yet see what that New World might be.
Remember, whenever Pluto is in Capricorn it indicates the End of an Institutional Age, when the structures we have created to meet our needs break down because they can no longer meet our needs, that is why the world as we knew it falls apart around us. And Neptune meanwhile is dissolving those boundaries between Patterns of Meaning, so that our Understanding of the World and of one another is clouded and confused.
The Way Ahead
What we can know is that our ancestors found a way through their time of breakdown and confusion, and they built a New World. They did it not by denying Science or their Faith, but by finding a way to hold them together. That is “The Way”.
We will find our way when we let go of what we must but hold onto that which is everlasting. We must tell one another our stories, share our hopes and our fears, find new meanings and ways to meet one another’s needs. We must turn to one another with love and listen and try to find a way to meet one another in a newly created shared space of understanding.
We can do this if we remain on the Path of Love and Light, by holding together our Hearts and our Minds.
At the Dawn of the Scientific Age, Descartes famously declared as part of the new Patterns of Meaning, this defining phrase for being human: “I think, therefore I am”.
But I would differ with this claim of what it means to be human, and in accordance with the Ancient Teachings and all the great Religions, I believe we would be truer to affirm, “I love, therefore I am”!
We are here for one thing, To Love One Another.
And we do this when we listen to one another, share with one another, and care for one another.
This is the Way.
And this is the way we will make a New World.