Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mars Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (November 10, 2014)


Your Desires meet,

With your Will.

Your Aims and Actions,

Lensed by a Pow­er­ful Pairing.

Your Guid­ing Intentions,

Focus upon the Purposeful.

For you have Responsibilities,

That you must Fulfill.

As you make your Way,

To a more Sacred Realm.

Mars, your Avatar of the Self-in-Action, meets with Plu­to, your Avatar and Mak­er of Sacred Space. When your Desire meets with your Will, the unreach­able becomes attain­able, the impos­si­ble falls away.

The com­bi­na­tion of Mars and Plu­to forms one of the most potent forces of Spir­i­tu­al strength or pow­er that you will ever wield…but for this very rea­son, this gift must be treat­ed with great respect, held with sin­cere rev­er­ence, and exer­cised with the utmost humility.

All these pow­ers that flow from you…they come from the core of Spir­it that abides with­in you. These pow­ers are not “for you” as the lim­it­ed I or me. You are not here to ask what Spir­it, or God or what­ev­er you may name “that” can “do for you”…You are here to serve Nature, to love your Moth­er-Father, to live for and with Spir­it or God! Ask how you may serve, and you will be lift­ed up and spir­i­tu­al­ly rewarded.

Your ever-grow­ing Wis­dom and Spir­i­tu­al Strength are for this Uni­verse that you and all the heav­en­ly hosts are creating…for you all are in fact this very “Cre­ation”. Your gifts and pow­ers are for the good of one and all, and any exer­cise of them for mere­ly your­self, any inher­ent­ly self­ish use of Spir­i­tu­al pow­er is in truth what is known as “black mag­ic”. When you use Uni­ver­sal Ener­gy for per­son­al and self­ish rea­sons, you dimin­ish the light, and you con­tribute to dark­ness. You have turned away from Truth, and you have left the realm of Kind­ness, Con­sid­er­a­tion and Love.

You are here to dis­cov­er and dis­cern by tri­al and error, to mas­ter your­self through the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ple of Cause and Effect, the Mas­ter Keep­er known as Kar­ma. You will learn to choose to do what is good, why? Because quite pure­ly and sim­ply it pro­duces good. Any Intention/Action that helps to grow the greater good, which helps the many and not the few, that is when you push back the dark­ness and extend the Light of Spir­it. That is when you fol­low the path of Truth, that is when you walk “the way”…that is when you are the Life of Wis­dom and you live by Love.

You are here to be respon­si­ble for and to one another…

This is the Les­son and Truth of Capricorn.

You are here to hon­or and keep to the path,

To build upon the great efforts of those who came before.

You are here to pro­tect, pre­serve and act,

To hon­or the source of one and all.

You must use your pow­er to Cre­ate, not destroy.

You will learn to act with Pow­er and by Love…

For it is the Way, it is the only path,

That will take you Home.

Mercury Re-Enters Scorpio (November 8, 2014)


Mer­cury returns to the watery depths of Scor­pio, and your final step, (for now) of this Air-Water-Air-Water dance is at hand. Three times Mer­cury has moved from an Air sign to Water, then ret­ro­grad­ed back into Air and then for­ward again into Water. In February/March, in May/June and here in September/November, you have had a Trip­tych of Truth, a gift of grace from your star­ry com­pan­ions wheel­ing above. For this is “the Way”, these spi­ral­ing rib­bons of light and love both inspire and form your inte­gral jour­ney in Spirit.

All these Ener­gy-Forms, of Fire, Earth, Air and Water sweep in, through and around you. But even more than this, their unique Blend­ing-Com­bin­ing-Weav­ing make you into “you”, a com­plete human. You are not one thing or anoth­er; you are a unique instance of Cre­ation. You are a micro­cosm, a won­drous reflec­tion of the Macro­cosm or Cos­mos. You are a “host in minia­ture” of the Heav­en­ly Host, of the entire­ty of Cre­ation which sur­rounds you. And so you are here to know and feel that the won­ders of heav­en which are “out there”, that they also and will ever abide with­in you too…for “I am That, I am”…Yes, yes you are.

Now and until Novem­ber 27, your mind is lens­ing through the desires, pas­sions and fears that are faced in the realm that is Scor­pio. You wish to bridge the seem­ing divide between your­self and your beloved. You need to pierce beyond the shad­ows that fall between I and Thou, and forge that pre­cious bond of Union that actu­al­ly releas­es your Spir­it to soar even high­er. But to do this you must face down the shad­ows of your past rejec­tions and hurts. For if these take hold of your mind and heart, and so sway your inten­tions and actions, then you will act through these shad­owed ener­gy-forms and bring about the very loss­es you are des­per­ate­ly try­ing to avoid.

You need to draw down the High­er side of Scor­pio, to know that you are Spir­it, that you are Love and Loved, and that you have noth­ing to fear. Then you will show your strength which is your Love by act­ing Fearlessly…That by lead­ing with your lov­ing­ness, by your open­ness and vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty which are the signs of your Spir­i­tu­al Strength, that by this you will cre­ate the oppor­tu­ni­ty to heal the breach between you. You will open your mind and your heart and so cre­ate the space where I and Thou can enter in. And you will move into that won­drous expe­ri­ence and mys­tery where you two can become one with one another.

Let Her­mes, the mes­sen­ger of the Gods, take you to the place of your deep­est long­ing now.

It is time to pierce beyond the Loss­es and Shadows,

To move beyond those pains and regrets,

Which held you apart from one another.

It is time to Lead with your Faith,

It is time to Live in your Truth,

It is time, to let go of fear.

It is time,

To Love.

Full Moon in Taurus (November 6, 2014)


Your Spir­i­tu­al Journey,

Is all about Hold­ing on…

and Let­ting go.

You will vis­it count­less worlds of manifestation,

You will pass through many won­drous hier­ar­chies of form,

You will live many lives mov­ing through each form…

But even so, you will ever and for­ev­er always jour­ney on.

For you seek for the Transcendent,

The promise of Permanence,

You yearn to expe­ri­ence an eter­nal you,

Behind all these con­stant­ly chang­ing worlds, forms and lives.

The Tau­rus Full Moon in this month of Scor­pio is the nec­es­sary com­pli­ment to the Scor­pio Full Moon of six months ago. It was dur­ing that Month of Tau­rus, it was then that you were remind­ed to bow your head and give thanks to the Hier­ar­chy of Love and Wis­dom that lights your path. The great lessons embod­ied in the Life and Teach­ings of the Bud­dha are hon­ored at that time. One of the most impor­tant of these is this: that the nature of you is that you are a host of ener­gies and forms that is con­stant­ly devel­op­ing, chang­ing, grow­ing into some­thing more…and that there is noth­ing “per­ma­nent” in your “human” form.

But it is equal­ly true that one abid­ing con­stant that you will find in your many lives, through­out your many jour­neys, is held for you in what are known as the Peren­ni­al Truths, the Ancient Wis­dom Teach­ings. These gifts of the Spir­it become real for you by and through those who have come this way before, the many com­pas­sion­ate wise ones who will ever show and help you in the next step, who lov­ing offer their help so that you may find “the way”…but you, of course, must walk this sacred path yourself.

Here in the Light of the Tau­rus Moon you are giv­en anoth­er lov­ing gift of Wis­dom. Just as you need to accept the ephemer­al nature of your bod­i­ly lives and forms while mov­ing through the time that is Tau­rus, you equal­ly need some reas­sur­ance as you jour­ney now through the Joys and Pains of Scor­pio. For as you encounter your heart­felt leaps and falls, as you find Union and Sep­a­ra­tion, as you expe­ri­ence Death and Rebirth, that through it all you will find your­self mak­ing your way to the abid­ing lov­ing pres­ence behind it all.

For what you must leave behind is your fear…that you are alone, that you are sep­a­rate, and the pre­sid­ing nature of things is that noth­ing lasts. The Great Illu­sion is this sep­a­ra­tion, and the Abid­ing Truth is that all of this, the entire­ty of Cre­ation is of, by and for the One. All these Worlds, Forms and Lives form the radi­ant robe of Glo­ry of the Divine which is found at the cen­ter of every speck and mote of Cre­ation. All of “this” is The Divine, whose Cen­ter is Every­where and whose Cir­cum­fer­ence is nowhere.

At the cen­ter of each and every mote and par­ti­cle of Cre­ation is a spark of this Divine, each like you a Self-Unfold­ing, Self-Becom­ing Pres­ence of Con­scious­ness. That pres­ence, that Aware­ness of Aware­ness, is your con­stant com­pan­ion through all the Worlds, Forms and Lives. And you will come to know this and feel this in many, many ways in your jour­ney. But behind it all, the essence of it tru­ly, is that you are one with the One, and you jour­ney in the embrace of a Pure and Uncon­di­tion­al Love…and you will come to know and live that you are this Love.

You are here to grow…

To move from form to form,

To Be, and Not to be.

To be a One, and to be Many.

To be Love, and be Loved.

As it was invoked six months ago at the Bud­dha Full Moon, it is quite right and fit­ting to bow your head in the light of the Full Moon today and tonight, and be grate­ful. To give thanks to those who have gone ahead, and bow your head and offer up once again the Great Invocation:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.

Mars Enters Capricorn (October 26, 2014)


Your Keep­er of those “realms beyond”,

Infini­ties stretch­ing beyond your blue orbed sphere.

Mars, your Avatar of Desire and Action,

Cir­cles round from Aspi­ra­tion to Manifestation.

Leav­ing the Realm of Fire,

He enters your Space of Destiny,

A most Sub­stan­tial and Earthy Realm.


It is not enough for you to dream and imagine,

You are here on Earth to become,

To be the Dream­er-Mak­er, the Self-Made-Manifest.

So you must climb a cir­cuitous stony path,

Forg­ing a Dia­mond Body of Karma-Dharma,

To be revealed in your Self-Illu­mined Spirit-Matter.


Mars enters Capri­corn today,

Your Spir­i­tu­al War­rior calls to you.

His Song of Self-Asser­tion/­Self-Actu­al­iza­tion has shifted,

And you must lift your gaze from the path.

You must look ahead, for you can see it now,

Your Ful­fill­ment, your Ori­gin and Destiny,

More Hum­bled and filled with Gratitude,

You can under­stand your Pur­pose and Prize.


Your heart­felt endeav­ors have made more of you,

And remade your world and your com­pan­ions too, and

There is some­thing more than was before.

And you have earned some well-earned praise,

For shoul­der­ing those Joys and Burdens,

That forms your path here upon the Earth.


But you must know, that your jour­ney is far from done,

Your Self-Mas­ter-Craft­ing, The Great Work continues,

Stretch­ing far beyond this hum­ble Plateau you stand upon today.

This Moun­tain of Mak­ing, your Crown­ing Achievement,

Is part of a greater under­tak­ing you share,

With hosts upon hosts of fel­low Light-Weavers,

Seek­ing as you the Greater Life, the Greater Understanding,

As all stretch upwards, all bend­ing back towards the Light Divine.


The Mes­sage of Mars in Capri­corn is about Respon­si­bil­i­ty in Action.

For your Self-Becom­ing/­Self-Mak­ing is not your own or of you at all.

You stand upon a path blazed by innu­mer­able souls who came this way,

Long, long ago.

Their Light and Love help you upon the path today,

And it is your Duty and Respon­si­bil­i­ty to like­wise turn to those who fol­low you.

To extend your­self, to bend your actions, feel­ings, thoughts and will to help­ing those,

Who look up to you now as you once did too,

So that you are reach­ing for­wards and back­wards, helped and helping,

Much as those who came before you, still on this path too,

Will lift you high­er and high­er each and every day.


For the Cos­mos is a Spir­i­tu­al Hier­ar­chy of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

You are but one Spark along a Nev­er-End­ing Lumi­nous Chain.

You are only what you are because of one another.

You are here to help one another…

You are here to be for one another…

You are here quite sim­ply to Love.

Mercury Turns Direct (October 25, 2014)


The tri­als and tribu­la­tions of Mer­cury ret­ro­grade are end­ing today. Oh yes, it seems as if it caus­es noth­ing but trou­ble, that when Her­mes retraces his steps, Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, Tech­nol­o­gy, Relationships…All Life seems to get turned upside down/inside out. But real­ly, this is not the case at all!

Yes, it appears that this is so, but appear­ances are deceiv­ing. Mer­cury is not “caus­ing” these things. Remem­ber, you are the “Actor” down here, and these ener­gies that are mov­ing through and around you, are not there to frus­trate or harm you. You just need to under­stand and work with them.

For the past three weeks every­one was, whether they real­ized it or not, every­one was more Introspective/Contemplative. So out­ward activ­i­ties and com­mu­ni­ca­tions were more chal­leng­ing. Either through a fail­ure to approach the mat­ter atten­tive­ly, or to receive the mes­sage or action atten­tive­ly. From either one side or both, errors would enter in.

But this was from a fail­ure to appre­ci­ate this shift in the Song of Spir­it that flows through and around you.

What Mer­cury ret­ro­grade offers you is a gift…But life does go on.

So you just have to learn to be even more…

Hum­ble, Thought­ful and Attentive.

When­ev­er these Winds of the Spir­it swirl…Listen for these shifts in the Song of Spir­it, so that you may align your­self with the Greater Self, with­in which you tru­ly abide.

I wrote of this turn­ing in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Mer­cury Direct (Octo­ber 25 until Feb­ru­ary 6, 2015)

Mer­cury goes direct until Feb­ru­ary of 2015. You have com­plet­ed three rounds of Water/Air ret­ro­grades of Mer­cury. This three-fold dance that showed you the link­age between your Feel­ings and Thoughts ends with this reminder that for you to expe­ri­ence the pas­sion of a more per­fect Union depends upon your Con­scious­ness being guid­ed by true Jus­tice and shared Prin­ci­ples, that you must ever be guid­ed by tol­er­ance and under­stand­ing for one another.

Time to turn again…

To con­sid­er more what is “out there”,

To show how more adept you have become, as

You move with a new-found Grace,

Into that Space between I and Thou.

Your Inner wan­der­ings, first by Water and now by Air,

Reveal­ing more tru­ly your rela­tion­ship to yourself,

Were to review/revise your assump­tions and patterns,

Which you forge as your “half” of any rela­tion­ship you are in.

But now you must take this Gift of Contemplation,

Hermes’s Pen­sive Pause,

You must turn with Mer­cury now and build a bet­ter bridge of Understanding,

Between your­self and one another.

The Vita Con­tem­pla­tive must give way to this “Time of Praxis”,

For you are here to build with one anoth­er a far more Intel­li­gent Social Space.

That only in your Mutu­al under­stand­ing and sup­port for one another,

Only in this do you ful­fill your true heart’s desire,

To Love and be Loved.

To know that you can­not see, you can­not know,

With­out the Light of Under­stand­ing that you shine,

For one another.

The Light of Understanding,

That is formed and framed,

By Love.