Category Archives: Uncategorized

Uranus Turns Retrograde (July 21, 2014)


How do you become more than you are?

How to you rise above your mere con­di­tioned being, of being a prod­uct of “caus­es and effects”, how do you become more than the accu­mu­la­tion of those incre­men­tal changes that are the result of action and reaction?

Three Inte­gral Gifts pro­pel your ever­last­ing Jour­ney of Self-Becom­ing, Three Divine Attrib­ut­es endow you with the abil­i­ty to be the Imag­i­neer, Believ­er and Cre­ator of you.

The secret to your Quick­en­ing, to your remark­able Self-unfold­ing Growth is because you (and real­ly the whole of this Cre­ation) are con­sti­tut­ed as a Hier­ar­chi­cal Spir­i­tu­al Being, endowed with many gifts that range from the Phys­i­cal, to the Emo­tion­al to the Men­tal and on up into the most sub­lime Spir­i­tu­al Qual­i­ties. With­in these High­er Parts of you, in your Spir­i­tu­al Core, there is found the source of this Self-Unfold­ing pro­pelling force that dri­ves your whole jour­ney through the Spaces of Space.

There, abid­ing in your High­er Self, is a Spark of the Divine, which is itself formed by a most Holy Trin­i­ty of Three Inte­gral Prin­ci­ples. And it is these three Prin­ci­ples of Spir­it that form your link with the Divine, “whose Cen­ter is Every­where and whose Cir­cum­fer­ence is Nowhere”. That Divine Spir­it is the Great Unknown, (though many have tried to describe or name it, but tru­ly it is inex­press­ible, unnam­able) so we fee­bly yet most rev­er­ent­ly and humbly call this “the All”, or “Atman”, or “The One” or sim­ply “That”.

These Holy Three, that form your Divine Core, are the three Forms of Spir­it that you will expe­ri­ence in your Human form as: your Freer Mind, your Uncon­di­tion­al Love and your Cen­tered Will. Today Uranus, who is the Avatar of the first of these three, The Prin­ci­ple or Spir­it of Free Mind, is turn­ing retrograde.

For the next 5 months, you are giv­en anoth­er annu­al oppor­tu­ni­ty to do a most essen­tial and nec­es­sary task if you wish lift your­self up and move a lit­tle more quick­ly upon your Lumi­nous path­way of Ful­fill­ment. For though you may expe­ri­ence the delays and imped­i­ments to your jour­ney as being all “out there”, the true locus of your lim­i­ta­tions are most­ly to be found with­in yourself.

And so here it is, your Good News! You are endowed with a remark­able abil­i­ty, to use this Gift from your High­er Self, from your High­er or Freer Mind, and think in such a way that you are able to bend your ordi­nary or every­day mind around the walls of your own real­i­ty-mak­ing. You are able to rise above what formed your con­di­tion­al under­stand­ing, to stand out­side of your­self for a time, and con­sid­er oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ties, oth­er path­ways of Believ­ing, See­ing and then Acting…For you are Spir­it and you are here upon a Jour­ney where­in you will claim your Birthright and so free your­self so that you might become a ful­ly con­scious Co-Cre­ator of this Creation.

You can turn this Uranus Lamp of Aware­ness now back upon your­self. By this you are able to lift your­self beyond your own self-cast shad­ows and see what you have missed or mis­un­der­stood until now. You have to think once again “out­side the box”. It is this very box of belief that you built to explain and move through your world, and it is these very thought-forms which have “boxed you in”. This box of belief is formed by your par­a­digm, your assump­tions, prin­ci­ples, truths and facts, and though these were pos­si­bly ade­quate and func­tion­al and “true” at some lev­el of being, they can only take you so far…

You are old­er now, wis­er now, and you need to stop lean­ing upon your old crutch­es formed of half-truths and false con­vic­tions. For you are a Liv­ing Spir­it, and you need to ques­tion and learn, and to ques­tion and learn, again and again…You have to think Spir­i­tu­al­ly. You have to con­sid­er your­self and your world by think­ing Crit­i­cal­ly and by think­ing Cre­ative­ly, which means to be con­stant­ly self-crit­i­cal and to also cir­cle and cycle back with a renewed approach, to ques­tion again and again, and then again…and always and for­ev­er, you must approach the won­der and mys­tery of this uni­verse, you must seek to under­stand the Divin­i­ty of which you are a part with the great­est Rev­er­ence and Humility…for you do not yet understand.

Uranus is the elic­i­tor of your Intu­ition­al Mind. It flash­es upon your low­er mind, which is bound by its set ways and forms, and reveals some­thing just beyond what you can present­ly com­pre­hend. It helps you to rise above your dichotomies and dual­i­ties, which have been formed main­ly by your old assump­tions, and per­ceive a high­er plane that will lead to a greater inte­gra­tion and uni­ty of Thought-Forms.

Uranus frees you to think again, to won­der what might be, and by burn­ing away your shad­owed thoughts you will find that many of your present day prob­lems dis­solve in the light of Brighter Beliefs.

Your High­er Self, through the Avatar of Uranus, is call­ing to you now…

Step out of your shad­ows and draw clos­er to the Light.

For you abide in an Ocean of Con­scious­ness, and

You are a most pre­cious drop in this Sea of Spirit.

Let the Waters of the Greater Aware­ness into your Heart,

Let the Wis­dom, Love and Will of the One be your guide.

Lift up your­self, and become what you are to be…

Be Wise, Be Lov­ing, Be Strong.

Be Free.

Saturn Turns Direct (July 20, 2014)



The Lord of Real­i­ty is turn­ing again…

He turns to lead you out­wards now.

For your Des­tiny is formed and forged…

By this weav­ing of your Hopes & Dreams,

Into these worlds of Forms and Matter.

You are here upon this Earth…

To draw down and weave your Wonders.

Wield­ing the Twelve, Sacred Light­full Ener­gies from on high,

You bring to realms of Shad­owed Pathways,

Some greater mea­sure of your love,

You bring your World and your­self out of the darkness,

Self-Illumined…you shine by a more super­nal Light.

I wrote of this turn­ing in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Sat­urn Direct (July 20 until March 14, 2015)

The Avatar of Real­i­ty has fin­ished anoth­er jour­ney with­in, and now it is time to move with the Lord of Man­i­fes­ta­tion to make more real what you wish for you and yours. You have had the past four and a half months to exam­ine your Fears regard­ing Union, of join­ing with or more deeply with one anoth­er. You need­ed this oppor­tu­ni­ty to make your­self more ready, to face the source of this fear, “the dweller on the thresh­old”. Now you both can try again to find that deep­er, sweet­er promise made by two becom­ing one with one another.

Sat­urn is the Lord of Man­i­fes­ta­tion, the Avatar of the Hier­ar­chy of Cau­sa­tion. He is your Keep­er of Respon­si­bil­i­ties and your stead­fast com­pan­ion on this Path­way of Pur­pose­ful­ness. For you are here because of one spir­i­tu­al imper­a­tive, you are here to become, you are here to unfold all of your potentials…you are here quite sim­ply to Grow.

To do this you must mas­ter all of these Ener­gy-Forms found through­out the many Dimen­sions and Worlds through which you jour­ney. Of all of these Lessons of Life, per­haps the most daunt­ing yet most filled with sweet promise is the chal­lenge posed with­in this Realm of Scor­pio. For it is here that you are chal­lenged to over­come the most appar­ent yet most illu­sion­ary con­di­tion of your jour­ney through Forms.

You are, it would seem, a dis­tinct sep­a­rate enti­ty from all the oth­er human as well as oth­er Life-Forms. Your expe­ri­ence of your Mat­ter-Body is that you come into the world as sep­a­rate and alone, and you strive through­out your life to over­come this sep­a­ra­tion, and to expe­ri­ence some greater or less­er mea­sure of a one­ness with one anoth­er. Yes, you may suc­cumb to the echoes of your Past, to the fear of being alone, of being aban­doned or reject­ed again. Yet if you do, then this very Ener­gy-Form of fear may cre­ate the very pain-filled real­i­ty that becomes your life…and so it this Illu­sion formed by your Past that you must pierce through and transcend…it is your Dweller on the Thresh­old, and you must under­stand and be your Truth before you may pass beyond this shadow.

For the Truth of Spir­it is that you are Nev­er Alone, not ever. With you, for­ev­er and ever, is your High­er Self, your Beloved whose ever­last­ing expe­ri­ence abides in the Con­nect­ed­ness and One­ness of all of this Cre­ation, and whose love for you is unbound­ed and uncon­di­tion­al. To the extent, as you jour­ney in life after life, that you can strive to feel and expe­ri­ence this love that is there with­in you, and to lift your Con­scious­ness and hold your Aware­ness with and by your High­er Self, then to that same extent will you expe­ri­ence “the peace which pass­es all under­stand­ing”. For you will find that you are by your Ori­gin and so are you Des­tined too, to have always been held by, and that you will for­ev­er dwell in, and you will for­ev­er grow through the Love of the One for you and all those who jour­ney with you through these Mate­r­i­al Worlds.

For the last many months you were giv­en yet anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­sid­er this fear of Sep­a­ra­tion that lies with­in you, a fear formed by the echoes of past fail­ures, by the ancient pains of rejec­tion and loss, and to real­ize that it is these very echoes which cast­ing for­ward into the present day might lead you to act with doubt, hes­i­tan­cy and fear and so bring about the very expe­ri­ence of loss you were so des­per­ate­ly seek­ing to avoid.

But going forth now with a greater under­stand­ing about your own nature and of the One Life in which you tru­ly abide, you can do what must be done…You must press beyond all that fear, you must be Fear­less and extend your­self to the oth­er, and offer to them the oppor­tu­ni­ty of join­ing you in a more Lov­ing Space of Union…and it just might be, it just might become, that the ancient shad­ows fall away and the Love that is there, that was and will always be there, will become the Real­i­ty of your many, many days, and lives to come…

Let go of your Fears…

Be the Love that is your True Nature…

Cre­ate your Lov­ing Space with One Another…

Step out of the Shadows…

And into your Love and the Light.

Venus Enters Cancer (July 18, 2014)


Your Avatar of Beau­ty and Love,

Beck­ons to you now.

Join with her and your loved ones,

In joy­ful remem­brances, and with hopes for a bet­ter future too.

Hold to one anoth­er in your most pre­cious and spe­cial space.

Feel the Love that flows from and to this Sacred Center,

Which is found with­in your heart of hearts,

The one and abid­ing source of you,

That you sim­ply call my “Home”.

Venus returns to the Realm of Water and the Sign of Can­cer once more. It is time to move with her and renew your soul­ful feel­ings of kin­ship for one anoth­er. In your Jour­ney of Becom­ing, on this Path of Awak­en­ing, you are to expe­ri­ence all of the many beau­ti­ful forms of this Ener­gy that binds the whole of Cre­ation togeth­er, and it is this that you know and expe­ri­ence, this Life-Force-Con­scious­ness that illu­mines the whole of this Universe…and you call this Love.

Per­haps the most mean­ing­ful, cer­tain­ly the most soul­ful and heart­felt form of this Love is expe­ri­enced here in Can­cer. It is here that your soul finds those “Res­o­nances of Remem­brance”, of your count­less lives stretch­ing back to the One. For it is this, your essen­tial nature, that you are a Spir­i­tu­al Spark of the Divine, it is this which forms the core of your Sil­ver Cord that links you to One and to all of this won­drous Cre­ation too.

That because this is so, you are all relat­ed one to anoth­er by your Moth­er-Father in Heav­en, as well as by your Moth­er-Fathers here and now, and to all of your Broth­ers, Sis­ters, and your Aunts and Uncles too…and like­wise to all of your count­less rela­tions that have made you and you them through all your Lives and Worlds, in life after life, world after world, for­ev­er and ever.

For as has been affirmed in all these Worlds and Lives you have expe­ri­enced so far, in all those times and places, in count­less ways and cul­tures, the truth of Cre­ation and your Jour­ney, the Truth of Spir­it is that we are all One Fam­i­ly, “That we are all Relat­ed”, and so whomev­er is before me yes­ter­day, today and in all my tomor­rows too, there too is my fam­i­ly, there too is part of me also.

You are here to live out this Truth, and in Can­cer you will feel this and you will live this in all those count­less and won­drous Lov­ing ways that you Care for one another.

Your Sil­ver Chord of Immor­tal­i­ty, that con­nects you to all of your Lives that were and are yet to be…

Is forged and formed by your many Dreams and Actions, by your Thoughts and Feel­ings too.

You weave with these your Webs of Destiny…

Which in no small mea­sure are formed by these Car­ing Con­sid­er­a­tions that pass between you and all your relations.

They and you form a Lumi­nous Fam­i­ly of Spirit,

Gath­ered togeth­er in your Sacred Home, your Place of Peace.

And all that you are asked to do…

Is lis­ten to your heart, and do what is right…

Care for one another…

Love one another.

Just love.

Jupiter Enters Leo (July 16, 2014)


Your Lord of Truth beck­ons to you once again…

Jupiter, your Avatar of Aspi­ra­tion reminds you,

That you are here for one reason…

The Self-unfold­ing Foun­tain-Source of your journey,

Flows from your nature as a Spark of the Divine.

That your Truth, as a Being of Light, forms an irre­press­ible Spir­i­tu­al Injunction…

You are here for one won­drous­ly, joy­ous­ly and hum­bling pur­pose only,

You are here to become, you are here to awaken…you are here to Grow…

You are here quite sim­ply to Love.

As I not­ed in my gen­er­al fore­cast for 2014, Jupiter is mov­ing into the Fire Sign of Leo today:

Jupiter Enters Leo (July 16 until August 11, 2015)

The Lord of Prin­ci­ples and Social Under­stand­ing enters the Regal Sign of Leo for the next 13 months. This is the time to expand or stretch your­self upon even grander stages, to slip into new and renewed roles of self-real­iza­tion. You had the last 13 months while in Can­cer to restore and recon­nect to your roots, to remem­ber and feel what lies at the heart of you. Now it is time to go forth and reveal to your­self and oth­ers what you are, to be and live a more Authen­tic Self.

Jupiter pass­es through all the signs of the zodi­ac in about 12 years, mov­ing through the three Modal­i­ties of Car­di­nal, Fixed and Muta­ble and the four Mod­u­la­tions of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Through these 12 Spir­it-Forms you slow­ly but sure­ly come to appre­ci­ate and under­stand your nature and pur­pose. Whether found in Meta­physics or Physics, whether sourced and sung of by Reli­gion, Phi­los­o­phy or Sci­ence, this Expe­ri­en­tial Jour­ney of you and all your fore­bears is forged, car­ried and passed down through the ages. This Riv­er of Wis­dom is tru­ly con­tained with­in your spir­i­tu­al core, held in trust by your High­er Self…and because this is so, as you come to rec­og­nize once again the “truths out there”, you find a calm­ing assur­ance of recog­ni­tion and remem­brance with­in you too…for “as above, so below, as with­in so around you too”…there is but One Spir­it, there is but one Life-Con­scious­ness-Love which embraces one and All.

Through these ever-unfold­ing Teach­ings of Mean­ings, of the “Whys and Where­for­es” of your jour­ney, you fash­ion and form the Pur­pos­es of your Life and so like­wise forge the Path you fol­low in life after life. Some­times you just strug­gle to sur­vive, to live with lit­tle and hope for a bet­ter day…and some­times you reach a lit­tle high­er as you under­stand that what is “the good” is to be for the Greater Good. So that over the course of many worlds and lives you come ever clos­er to the Lumi­nous Halls of Wis­dom, to the real­iza­tion that it is you who are to fash­ion your Road of Redemp­tion, and that it is your own path of Dharma/Karma that will lead you to the Promised Land of Ful­fill­ment. That it is only by pierc­ing through the illu­sions of any one time, space or cul­ture that you will accept and so real­ize that your Jour­ney is an inte­gral and pre­cious part of the One great sto­ry of all of the count­less sparks of the Divine. For you all went forth ages ago to grow into your Divin­i­ty; you went out to lift your­selves and your worlds high­er, to learn and to live and to love one anoth­er unconditionally.

This par­tic­u­lar tran­si­tion will bring Jupiter back into the realm that is Fire, after hav­ing spent a year with­in the Soul-Cen­ter­ing sign that is the Watery Realm of Can­cer. It was there that you felt the truth that abides with­in your soul, that you are part of a great Fam­i­ly of Spir­it. This Truth is found, anchored and cen­tered with­in your feel­ings that are first felt and forged with­in your imme­di­ate Fam­i­ly, and that is extend­ed out­ward over many lives to encom­pass your Eth­nic­i­ty, and then extends fur­ther to your Cul­ture and then, as you draw clos­er to your truth, to encom­pass all of Human­i­ty. But, as you draw even clos­er, you will find the “pearl of great price”, that what is with­in you is all around you too, and that your True Home is held by the Soul­ful Expe­ri­ence that the whole of Cre­ation, that all of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it is your Home and Fam­i­ly too.

Hav­ing had this hum­bling through Self-Cen­ter­ing expe­ri­ence, you are ready now for the next les­son that is Jupiter in the Sign of Leo. This year ahead is about you mov­ing out­wards into ever greater roles of self-real­iza­tion, to move out upon ever larg­er stages of liv­ing in your Truth. At the core of you is a Divine Spark, and you are here quite sim­ply to Love your­self and pour and release that love into all of your Dreams, Acts, Thoughts and Feel­ings. You need to be seen and respect­ed for who and what you are…but, you must know this now, so does any oth­er that is before you too…The Key dri­ve for Leo is to earn Respect, to be seen in your Truth as a unique Spark of the Divine. Your need for this can only be obtained when you under­stand and show this same con­sid­er­a­tion to every oth­er too…You are here to Encour­age and Inspire one anoth­er to believe in your Selves, to help one anoth­er to reach a greater mea­sure of Self-Ful­fill­ment, to Love one anoth­er as you Love your­self too.

More­over, as I also not­ed in my 2014 Gen­er­al Fore­cast, this pro­ces­sion of Jupiter into the Fires of Leo will lead to a beau­ti­ful align­ment of three plan­ets equal­ly spaced from one anoth­er, each in one of the Three Fire Signs of Aries, Leo and Sagit­tar­ius in September/October. Here is what I wrote about this Spir­i­tu­al Trin­i­ty of Truth:

The Grand Fire Trine (Uranus, Jupiter and Mars) Sept/Oct 2014

Tru­ly a gift of the spir­it, this beau­ti­ful pat­tern formed by these three will pro­vide a greater mea­sure of hope and inspi­ra­tion for your world. I will write more exten­sive­ly about this pat­tern in Sep­tem­ber and Octo­ber, but for now I will sum­ma­rize it in this overview:

Though form­ing up over the peri­od of about three weeks, you will prob­a­bly feel the fore­shad­ow­ing of this beau­ty when Mars enters into the Fire Ele­ment when he moves into Sagit­tar­ius on Sep­tem­ber 13. Then you most cer­tain­ly will feel the fuller effects when Jupiter and Uranus reach their exact trine align­ment on Sep­tem­ber 25, which is fol­lowed about a week lat­er as Mars joins the pat­tern exact­ly as he aligns first with Uranus and then with Jupiter between Octo­ber 4 and Octo­ber 8.

The Fire Ele­ment con­cerns the Ener­gies of Inspi­ra­tion, Ide­al­ism and Vision. When plan­ets are found in one of each of the three Fire Signs, and equal­ly spaced from one anoth­er, they then form a most beau­ti­ful pat­tern that mir­rors or reflects the beau­ty and bal­ance found by this res­o­nance of ener­gy formed by this par­tic­u­lar ele­ment, in this case a Grand Tri­an­gle of Fire.

From their inter­play and inte­gra­tion with one anoth­er, their Fiery Mes­sage will be artic­u­lat­ed in this manner:

From Uranus in Aries, you will receive a renew­al of Inspi­ra­tion so that you may forge a Freer Pres­ence that will help you to move through your world with Grace and Adept­ness. From Jupiter in Leo, you will receive a benev­o­lent gift of renewed Ide­al­ism so that you may lead from the Truth that lies at the core of you, and so find and release your Courage in Authen­tic Per­for­mances. And from Mars in Sagit­tar­ius, you will be filled by a most vital gift of focused Inten­tion, your Desires being trans­mut­ed into ever Greater Aspi­ra­tions, as right Think­ing and Right Action com­bine to keep you upon the Noble Path of Wisdom.

These three in com­bi­na­tion bring to you a triple Gift of Spir­it so that you and your com­pan­ions may find that Bridge of Light between the Old and the New, between Left and Right, between Fear and Delusion…and find a way to the Greater Truth that there is more that we hold dear and in com­mon than sep­a­rates us from one another.

We need this reminder now more than ever, we need to recall that the guid­ing prin­ci­ple of our Inten­tions and Actions will come to be guid­ed by what binds one to one, and all to the One and that is Love.

The Lord of Truth returns to the Realms of Fire…

It is time to fol­low your Heart,

And lis­ten to your Soul.

You are here to Lead by Love,

You are here to Hold by Love,

You are here to Love one Another.

This is why and how you Grow…

The Wis­dom of the Ages,

Is Love.

Full Moon in Capricorn (July 12, 2014)


The Sun will set,

Your Moon will rise.

It is time to remember,

Where you came from, and

Why you are here…

The Cycle of the Sun and Moon is the sig­na­to­ry or pri­ma­ry expe­ri­ence you have of your spir­i­tu­al path, of this won­drous dance in spir­it that is your jour­ney through the stars. Their cycle, which moves from New Moon to First Quar­ter to Full Moon to Last Quar­ter, and then back to the next New Moon in about 28 days, illus­trates the arche­typ­al, self-unfold­ing rela­tion­ship of mean­ing that will help you find your way towards the Light. They form the pri­ma­ry exam­ple of these lov­ing Gifts of the Spir­it in which all the oth­er plan­e­tary pairs help to cir­cum­scribe, pro­pel and inform your life in this Cir­cle of Spir­it, this fam­i­ly of plan­ets with which you jour­ney through the spaces of space and beyond.

It would seem that the Sun and Moon form a “dance of dual­ism”, with each express­ing a mean­ing spe­cif­ic to their nature, as well as mod­u­lat­ed by the sign that they are pass­ing through. That each forms a coun­ter­point to the oth­er, and that their dance with one anoth­er, and through the signs, forms an ever-unfold­ing “weav­ing of mean­ing”, of inspi­ra­tional mes­sages, and by this they cre­ate a liv­ing tes­ta­ment of the inte­gral spir­i­tu­al ener­gy-forms for you and your world.

But you need to step back from this appear­ance and rec­og­nize a fun­da­men­tal truth…That every such rela­tion­ship is not formed by only two points, as in this arche­typ­al dance of the Sun and the Moon…really in each and every pair there are actu­al­ly Three! For, as in this instance, here is the Sun, and there is the Moon, but low and behold, between them both there you are, here upon your beloved Earth. It is you, this third ele­ment, who by being a liv­ing spir­it forms a Tri­ad of Truth that is the bridge and inte­gra­tion of these ever-unfold­ing “Pairs of Pres­ence and Polarity”.

Tonight the Sun will set and the Moon will rise, and you will wit­ness once more the beau­ty of this pri­ma­ry rela­tion­ship for your world, as the Lights of your Life stand oppo­site to one anoth­er again. The Full Moon is a time of rev­e­la­tion, a time to acknowl­edge that the Truth of the Sun, and the Truth of the Moon can only be under­stood in their whole­ness by being seen and held as they are, togeth­er. The Full Moon brings to a cli­max of mean­ing, tran­scen­dence and res­o­lu­tion what was lov­ing­ly offered to you about 2 weeks before at the pri­or New Moon.

The seed­ing of that New Moon was in Can­cer, and it remind­ed you of your Ori­gins and Roots. That in your begin­ning there was the One, who became the many of which you are one of these ones. That you are in your heart to feel your­self to be part of this great fam­i­ly of Spir­it, and that the fun­da­men­tal truth of every mote and speck in this Cre­ation, of every crea­ture, plan­et, star and plan­e­tary sys­tem, that in this whole­ness there is found the fun­da­men­tal truth, that “we are all relat­ed”, we all come from the One, and that we are all made of one anoth­er in, through and by our love for one another.

In Can­cer you feel this con­nec­tion, to your fam­i­ly, to your vil­lage, to your clan, tribe, nation and to your world…and if you allow your spir­it to lift you just high enough, then you can look out upon these won­drous spaces that sur­round you too…and you will trem­ble and feel the awe­some truth, and so shout to the stars wheel­ing above you, “There you are, there is my fam­i­ly, there are my fathers and moth­ers, there are my sis­ters and broth­ers, there they are, all my rela­tions, sweep­ing across these heav­en­ly spaces above…and there, there is my home too”…

And from this Truth-Seed­ing springs tonight the nec­es­sary and inte­gral real­iza­tion that is embod­ied by the Capri­corn Full Moon. If you are indeed an insep­a­ra­ble part of the “One Fam­i­ly”, that indeed all of this Cre­ation is indeed the One Life of Spir­it, then each of you is respon­si­ble to and for one anoth­er too. You are here to take care of your Moth­er and Father (as they have tak­en care of you), you are here to care for your Sis­ter and your Broth­er, to Love and Pro­tect your home world of Earth, and all these oth­er worlds too…They are your fam­i­ly and you are theirs…They are there to take care of you, and you are here to care for them, for what is there hold­ing you all with one anoth­er is the one true Ener­gy-Form, which you call Love.

The Seed of Ori­gin that is sown in every time of Can­cer will lead you now to this “Fruit of Ful­fill­ment”, and this is the tes­ta­ment of Capri­corn: You are to Feel at one with your­self and with your world; You are to ful­fill this feel­ing by being Respon­si­ble for and to one anoth­er too. These Truths can­not be divid­ed nor you from your­self, your ori­gin is your des­tiny, to Love and be Loved is your Truth and Des­tiny too.

Watch your Star set,

Then turn and watch your Moon rise.

Feel these Roots of your Beginnings,

Then shoul­der your Respon­si­bil­i­ties too.

You are here to Feel this Truth,

That you are here for One Another,

You are Fam­i­ly, and you are here,

To Care for one another.

You are here because of Love,

You are to Love one anoth­er too.