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Venus Opposite Saturn (June 12–13, 2014)



Tonight and tomor­row you stand at the cen­ter of two revelations.

When your star­ry com­pan­ions are aligned so that you on Earth are between them, that align­ment is called an Oppo­si­tion. Each phase or step in these cycles of “Growth through Rela­tion­ship”, (which is real­ly what your Spir­i­tu­al jour­ney and Astrol­o­gy is all about), is impor­tant for you to under­stand and mas­ter. But the oppo­si­tion stands out as that sig­na­ture step when the mean­ing and mes­sage of that par­tic­u­lar rela­tion­ship will be revealed to you most clearly.

The cycle of any two bod­ies begins with their con­junc­tion with one anoth­er (which is best exem­pli­fied in the arche­typ­al exam­ple of a New Moon). Then as the two bod­ies move apart in their cycle of rela­tion­ship, they form a series of angu­lar sep­a­ra­tions (which Astrologers call “aspects”) along the arc of their orbital paths, formed along a cir­cle of spa­tial rela­tion­ship mea­sured out by 360 degrees. They move apart and then return to start a new cycle, and dur­ing their jour­ney form many degrees of sep­a­ra­tion from one anoth­er, yet four prin­ci­pal moments stand out along their path with one anoth­er. From O° or the con­junc­tion, they move out to the “First Quar­ter” or Wax­ing Square aspect of 90°, then to the “Full Moon” or Oppo­si­tion of 180°, then to the “Last Quar­ter” or Wan­ing Square of 270°, and then back to their next Con­junc­tion at 0°.

The Sun, Moon and Plan­ets are Avatars of Wis­dom who wheel around and offer their mes­sages to you, and they are there to teach and guide you as they bear wit­ness for you of the fun­da­men­tal truths you are here to mas­ter. Their Dance of Spir­it through the heav­ens illus­trate the Lessons of Spir­i­tu­al Life you are here to under­stand and learn to live by. They are your stal­wart com­pan­ions, and they are there to show you “The Way”, for you here to learn to live your life aligned with the Spir­i­tu­al Core that abides with­in you, as you will equal­ly find and see that same Spir­it inform­ing each and every mote and speck of Cre­ation too.

Thrilling through you and every moon, plan­et and star, is the Fun­da­men­tal Ener­gy-Sub­stance of this whole Cre­ation which is the One, it is Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it. All of this Cre­ation is this One Spir­it in Evo­lu­tion, all of these lives and life-forms are Spir­it as Becom­ing, all are embod­i­ments of the Con­scious­ness that is Spir­it. Quite sim­ply put, you are here to learn and become a ful­ly con­scious co-cre­ator of this Cre­ation, to achieve self-mas­tery in and through your many lives, as you sojourn here upon this beau­ti­ful realm you call your home, your beloved Earth.

Tonight and tomor­row, two rev­e­la­tions are offered to you once again (for these lessons of life require that you meet, solve and inte­grate them again and again). They can and should be seen as real­ly one mes­sage, but let us look at them sep­a­rate­ly, then see how to hold them as they are in fact, for they form a greater truth when held togeth­er as one.

The oppo­si­tion of Venus and Sat­urn comes every year, and pos­es to you what can be at times one of your most painful of moments of real­iza­tion, yet, as it is in these bal­ance-beam­ing ways of Truth, this rev­e­la­tion also con­tains the promise and reminder of your true, abid­ing source of ever­last­ing joy.

Venus is your Avatar of Val­ue and Worth, which is ulti­mate­ly to be found and held by the core of you by and in your Foun­tain-Source of Truth. This Truth is that you are a spe­cial, pre­cious Spark of the Divine. In Truth your essence, which is your Val­ue or Worth, and is ulti­mate­ly known to you as Love is beyond mea­sure. Yet, at any one point in your jour­ney of self-unfold­men­t/­self-becom­ing, what you have so far real­ized and made man­i­fest of this abid­ing truth is often much, much less, and it is this divide which brings about your pain and feel­ings of loss, for this is how and why you face what is seem­ing­ly a lack of love in your life

For though at your core you are filled with a bound­less love, your expe­ri­ence or man­i­fes­ta­tion of your worth and love in this mate­r­i­al world is cir­cum­scribed by the var­ied stages of unfold­ment of your oth­er “vehi­cles” or souls. The whole pur­pose of your self-unfold­ment is to raise up your Men­tal, Emo­tion­al and even Phys­i­cal Bod­ies or Souls so that they become the ade­quate con­tain­ers and expres­sions of the True Val­ue and Love which you are at your core. But this takes a very long time indeed. Many, many Lives and Worlds must you pass through to mas­ter your­self, for you have to learn to choose what is wis­er and more lov­ing, and so be guid­ed by your Inner Flame to become out­ward­ly what your high­er Self or Beloved is and will always be…and you will then be a Wise, Lov­ing and Free Spark of the Divine.

Sat­urn is the Avatar of Real­i­ty, and for you rep­re­sents what you have so far real­ized and embod­ied of your High­er Essence into those var­ied vehi­cles of Self-Deter­mi­na­tion. You can and will even­tu­al­ly be out­ward­ly what you are inward­ly, but until you have fin­ished your human jour­ney you will be lim­it­ed in your forms of Self-Real­iza­tion, you will have moments when you doubt your worth, you will at times expe­ri­ence that most painful of Illu­sions that you are with­out or lack­ing in Love.

This Oppo­si­tion of Venus and Sat­urn brings to bear this expe­ri­ence of the divide between your Divine Lov­ing nature and your less than per­fect embod­i­ment of the ines­timable Val­ue and Love that you are. Whether you are expe­ri­enc­ing a dis­ap­point­ment in another’s expres­sion of love for you, or they feel that same lack from you, what you both need at a time such as this is to look beyond and behind these Veils of Mat­ter that you attempt to reach one anoth­er through. You need to believe in, know of and act with the Love that is at the core of both of you, always. Nev­er more so than when you feel as if the oth­er has let you down, or you have done so by them. You need to reach deeply with­in to the uncon­di­tion­al love that is your high­er self, and then bring as much of that out­wards and bestow it upon your low­er self, and then equal­ly shine and share it with your beloved who stands before you too.

Whether by a fail­ure of Omis­sion or Com­mis­sion, whether one or both of you feel that you have been wronged, you need to acknowl­edge and accept that you are both a “work in progress”, that you both car­ry doubts, wounds and fears that are the echoes of your past lives as well as of ear­li­er errors made in this present one, and that these dark shad­ows can thwart your expe­ri­ence of one anoth­er today.

Yes, the form of your rela­tion­ship, the qual­i­ty of your love for one anoth­er is lim­it­ed in this time and place, for you and they are not yet what you will some­day become and be. But the only way you will reach it, soon­er than lat­er, is by hold­ing to the eter­nal truths of your inher­ent Divin­i­ty so that you will stay upon the path of Truth and Love. For what you each have that has drawn you to one anoth­er again is of the One. When you look beyond the bod­ies and appear­ances of one anoth­er, when you see “that pres­ence” look­ing back at you there in their eyes, you will know and remem­ber and smile. You need to real­ize it is that, this Divine Love which has and will always bring you back togeth­er, again and again, until you “get it right”. That you need to keep to this Path of Love that is the only way home…and to do this you need to For­give one anoth­er and be that Love with all your might.

Love your­self…

Love one another.

For you are Beautiful,

And so is your beloved.

You are Divini­ties who are Awakening.

You are Love. They are Love.

Love one Another.

Neptune Turns Retrograde (June 9, 2014)


Time to turn your Lamp of Lucid­i­ty inwards,

Towards Silence…Contemplation…Meditation.

Time to turn to the mys­ter­ies and wonders

Found upon the path of a Trans-Per­son­al Life.

Time to draw clos­er to your true mis­sion and goal,

The Ego-Tran­scend­ed, the Self-Fulfilled.

It is Time to Con­sid­er and move beyond mere appearances…

Time to push beyond the veils of Self-Delu­sion and Fear,

Yes, it is time to face the Truth,

It is time to meet your Self.

Nep­tune Ret­ro­grade (June 9 until Novem­ber 15)

The Avatar of Intu­ition and Dreams is turn­ing your atten­tion inwards. For the next five months you will do well to lis­ten more care­ful­ly to the prompt­ings of your Intu­itive Self who whis­pers to you from and of your Immor­tal­i­ty. It is time to dream a lit­tle more, to imag­ine a bet­ter you by fol­low­ing the path of Mys­tery and your Muse. It is most tru­ly a time to look with won­der at the Cre­ation with­in and around you.

Of course your ordi­nary, every­day life must and will go on. But it can­not hurt and will cer­tain­ly help if you remem­ber that you are here for much more than the labors and enjoy­ments that Earth-Life requires and also rewards you with.

Though you need to be atten­tive to these Whis­pers of the Spir­it each and every day, when Nep­tune is ret­ro­grade the need and ease of mov­ing inwards is more read­i­ly undertaken.

Enjoy your qui­et walks in a garden…

Breathe deeply the salty air that comes from the ocean waves…

Look up at the Mag­is­te­r­i­al Heav­ens at night and consider…

Infin­i­ty With­in, Infin­i­ty Without.

Be at Peace.

Be at One.

Just Be.

Mercury Turns Retrograde (June 7, 2014)


Time to turn around…

To go back and reconnect…

To repair and renew…

To Know and to Feel.

Time to be an Adept…

Of both Water and Air…

It is Time,

To Grow.

Mer­cury Ret­ro­grade (June 7 until July 1)

The sec­ond ret­ro­grade of 2014, this time Mer­cury goes from about 3 Can­cer back to around 24 of Gem­i­ni, and just as in the pre­vi­ous ret­ro­grade you are mov­ing back­wards from the begin­ning of a Water Sign and back into an Air Sign. Again, you are being offered a chance to forge a deep­er con­nec­tion between what you feel and how you think. To more deeply under­stand that your Secu­ri­ty and Cen­ter depend upon a Mind that is curi­ous, adapt­able and ques­tion­ing. As always with Mer­cury ret­ro­grade, many issues in your present day life may slow down or be put on hold as you go back to fin­ish some mat­ters that you left behind.

Your mod­u­la­tor of Spir­it into Mind, the Avatar who serves to adapt the awe­some array of Solar forces of Pure Spir­it into Thought, dear Mer­cury is loop­ing back once more. Three times a year Mer­cury “catch­es up” to Earth, he pass­es us by and so seem­ing­ly moves back­wards for about three weeks each time. When this hap­pens, he retraces for you a por­tion of space. It is a sign and sig­nal, to encour­age one and all to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to go back and review, renew and restore your Mind, Soul and Spir­it too.

As I not­ed in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014, all three Mer­cury ret­ro­grades this year have a sim­i­lar qual­i­ty, they all involve Mer­cury mov­ing back­wards out of a Water sign and return­ing to the pre­vi­ous Air sign. This loop­ing between Water and Air can be seen as the core expe­ri­en­tial gift of this series of ret­ro­grades, for it reaf­firms and also strength­ens the inte­gral rela­tion­ship between your Thoughts and your Feel­ings. Mer­cury is here and can now help you to more won­der­ful­ly weave togeth­er the Intel­li­gence that is your Mind with the Love that is your Heart.

Where­as the ret­ro­grade of Feb­ru­ary re-affirmed the rela­tion­ship of Pisces and Aquar­ius, of your Dream­ing and Indi­vid­u­al­iz­ing qual­i­ties of Mind, this ret­ro­grade in June speaks to anoth­er Inte­gral way that your Head and Heart are joined with one another.

For it is from Can­cer that you are brought into that most inti­mate realm of your begin­nings. You have a most essen­tial need to feel your way to the truth of your “birth”, to find your­self and your Secu­ri­ty in your home and fam­i­ly. You need to feel the embrac­ing Spir­it from where you have come, to feel your­self cen­tered upon and in your Roots. Real­ly, you “are your jour­ney”, and you are to find and become more your­self in this affir­ma­tion about your ori­gins, (which will then equal­ly help you to see and so move with more cen­tered­ness towards your des­tiny too).

Whether you iden­ti­fy more with your imme­di­ate bio­log­i­cal fam­i­ly, or with your eth­nic­i­ty and cul­ture, or with your “Fam­i­ly that is Human” (and final­ly beyond this to your Spir­i­tu­al-Fam­i­ly con­nec­tion to all Life-Forms, to the All which is this won­drous “Cre­ation that is Con­scious­ness”), it is in this sign of Can­cer that you re-affirm and recon­nect to the Roots of your Being. It is here that you find your Cen­ter, it is here that you can know and feel your Authen­tic­i­ty of being an essen­tial one, that you are a pre­cious spark of the Divine, a one of the One and the Many.

In this “Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones”, in this Zodi­ac, every sign depends upon every oth­er for its ful­fill­ment. The Twelve are all inter­twined, inter­linked and inte­gral to one anoth­er, for they com­prise every­thing in this Uni­verse, and of course they make up you too. There is a very spe­cial rela­tion­ship for the twelve signs in their order­ing, in how they flow from and fol­low one anoth­er. In Can­cer, the pre­vi­ous Ener­gy-Form of what­ev­er you are con­sid­er­ing and expe­ri­enc­ing has come from Gem­i­ni, and you will find this con­nec­tion is most impor­tant in work­ing with this cycle of Mer­cury retrograde.

Each sign builds upon the sign that came before, and each suc­ceed­ing sign com­ple­ments and bal­ances what was unfold­ed or man­i­fest­ed by and through the pre­vi­ous sign. The return to a pre­vi­ous sign, as in this ret­ro­grade from Can­cer back to Gem­i­ni, re-weaves the ener­gies between the two, and so offers to you an even more inti­mate and inte­gral link­ing too.

In Gem­i­ni, your Mind takes flight and finds great delight in one of its most amaz­ing and dis­tinc­tive gifts, your won­drous abil­i­ty to think about think­ing. To be able to some­what stand out­side of your­self and con­sid­er a ques­tion, a prob­lem or even your­self from more than one point of view or per­spec­tive. This mar­velous abil­i­ty to hold more than one thought or point of view at any one time, gives you the abil­i­ty to ques­tion and won­der, to mar­vel in and dis­play your adept­ness, inge­nu­ity and essen­tial curios­i­ty about “every­thing”, and it is this Gift of Intel­li­gence that is one of the major advances that define what is Spir­it-Mind for those who have crossed the thresh­old and become self-aware.

Yet the insa­tiable curios­i­ty and thirst for diver­sions and diver­si­ty in Gem­i­ni can lead to the prob­lem of dif­fuse­ness and dis­si­pa­tion. But, as always, Spir­it seeks to heal, bal­ance and inte­grate, and so fol­low­ing upon any peri­od of Gem­i­ni you come into the Realm of Can­cer, the sign of Cen­ter­ing and Con­tain­ment. Where­as Gem­i­ni takes you out to the periph­eries of the Uni­verse of Mind-Forms, Can­cer takes you in, back to the Roots of your Exis­tence in Feeling-Forms…Reaching out­wards is coun­ter­bal­anced and com­pli­ment­ed by Mov­ing inwards…As always, the Roy­al or Noble road in this Jour­ney of Spir­it is found on the one true path of Inte­gra­tion and Balance.

Yet if tak­en too far or dwelling too long with­in Can­cer, if you immerse your­self too much in these realms of Pure Feel­ing, you may there­by dis­place and dimin­ish that realm of Pure Thought. You may lose your hard-worn objec­tiv­i­ties and those mul­ti-faceted per­spec­tives which per­mit Crit­i­cal (and self-crit­i­cal) Think­ing. As you move away from Thought­ful­ness you become more vul­ner­a­ble to unrea­son­able emo­tions, and in the end you may become insu­lar or parochial, wrapped in a bub­ble of illu­sion and self-decep­tion too.

But the answer is there, right before you. To swing nei­ther Right nor Left, not Up or Down, but instead to take and always fol­low the Mid­dle Way, the Pas­sage of Peace, the Path of Spir­it and so hold your Head and your Heart as ONE. To be Thinking-Feeling/Feeling-Thinking…Always.

Today, Mer­cury starts your spi­ral dance between Air and Water as he turns ret­ro­grade in the Water sign of Can­cer. By June 17th, he will re-enter the ele­ment of Air in Gem­i­ni and con­tin­ue to move back­wards until July 1, when he will turn direct. He will then return to the sign of Can­cer once more on July 12–13th, and final­ly reach the fire sign of Leo on July 31st.

You need to attune your­self to this weav­ing-way now too. To move from Water to Air, and Air to Water, from Can­cer to Gem­i­ni and back again, for this is what is tru­ly real, this is “The Way”.

All of these ener­gies form the one great force that binds the Uni­verse together,

All are part of the one Great Truth which embraces one and all,

All of these Ener­gy-Forms are dif­fer­ent facets of the One,

All are beau­ti­ful melodies in the Greater Song of Life,

And that Song is One,

That Song is Love.

Venus Enters Taurus (May 28, 2014)


Time to pause…

To Slow things down.

For though your Love of Beauty,

And your Love for one another,

Will come with and to you in many ways,

With Venus in her home of Taurus…it must and will be Sen­su­al too!

Yes it is time to stretch your Aes­thet­ic and Social Tastes by find­ing and tak­ing more delec­table delights in all of your mar­velous sens­es. Venus in the Earthy sign of Tau­rus means you will need to Taste, Touch, See, Smell and Hear the Beau­ty that is your World.

Take more time to watch a Sun­rise, or if you pre­fer the glo­ry of the your Star as it sets. Watch the nuanced play of col­ors and shad­ows as your Day-Keep­er arcs through­out the day…Go for a walk in the for­est and smell the Earth and Wood, lis­ten to the cho­rus of the birds singing all around you, or go for walk on the Beach and taste the Salt in the air as waves break upon the shore…Then when the day is done, you might take some time to find your peace in the sub­tle play of Star Light and Moon­shine, to be sur­round­ed in the beau­ty that is your night­time too.

Turn to your friends or loved ones, and show how much they mean to you…Hold them, stroke them, caress them and enjoy this won­drous oppor­tu­ni­ty you have of being Immor­tals in these won­drous Mor­tal Frames. For you are here for this. You are here to Love, and to Love one anoth­er and you need and should delight in all the won­der­ful ways that you can express your love for one anoth­er. You are here to enjoy Beau­ty and Love so that you may bring hap­pi­ness to your­self and to those you love too.

Remem­ber, you are Beau­ti­ful and you are here to Love,

Just fol­low the Path that is in your Heart.

As the Nava­jo say:

In beau­ty, I walk.

With beau­ty before me, I walk.

With beau­ty behind me, I walk.

With beau­ty above me, I walk.

With beau­ty below me, I walk.

With beau­ty all around me, I walk.

With beau­ty with­in me, I walk.

It is fin­ished in beauty.

It is fin­ished in beauty.”

Sur­round your­self in Beauty,

Sur­round your­self in Love,

Hold one another,

In Beau­ty and in Love.

New Moon in Gemini (May 28, 2014)


Twelve New Moons,

Twelve Gifts of the Spirit.

Today is the next offer­ing from your Star and Moon,

For they meet every month, and in

Their Spi­ral Weav­ings around one another…

You will see sweep­ing before you,

The Arche­typ­al Dance, the Spir­i­tu­al Lessons of Life.

For that is what the Zodi­ac is, it is

The “Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones”.

They offer Guid­ance and Help along the path,

It is a Dream­ing-Being of Won­drous Meanings,

Of Promis­es made, of Inspi­ra­tions and Hope for you too,

All to Illu­mi­nate your steps upon the this Won­drous Path,

Your Nev­er-End­ing Jour­ney of the Self that is Becoming.

Each New Moon brings you a gift to help lift you on your path. Each of these twelve gifts is spe­cial and inte­gral to your ful­fill­ment of your des­tiny. For you are des­tined to become on Earth a ful­ly func­tion­ing Human, an Illu­mined being, Self-Awak­ened and so both will­ing and capa­ble of being a Self-Con­scious, Co-Cre­ator of this Cosmos.

But there is some­thing spe­cial about this Third Gift of Spir­it, some­thing that speaks to the impor­tance of a thresh­old you crossed over long ago. You passed through a Por­tal of Aware­ness, and that Quick­en­ing cre­at­ed the means by which you could begin to take up this stead­ier, self-made climb back to the stars. It is this Gift of Spir­it that is the Inte­gral Source of that which will ulti­mate­ly bring you to the promise of your even­tu­al Self-Mas­tery and Self-Determination.

For it is in this Third Stage of Unfold­ment that you are remind­ed of the gift that was impart­ed long ago by the “gods”, who walked among you and who were there to pass on to you the Gift that they too had once received from those who came before them. This Awe­some Gift (and Respon­si­bil­i­ty) is the Jew­el that is Self-Aware­ness. It was their Sacred Sac­ri­fice for you that began the Quick­en­ing of your Spir­i­tu­al Pow­ers of Rea­son, Intel­li­gence and Crit­i­cal Think­ing that put you firm­ly upon the noble path of becom­ing a Wis­dom-Keep­er too.

For it is the Gift of Gem­i­ni that brings to you the pre­cious fac­ul­ty of Self-Reflec­tive Aware­ness, and it is this abil­i­ty, “to think about think­ing”, to be able to “step out­side” of your­self and con­sid­er the why, how and what of your con­scious­ness, it is this that per­mits you to be able to com­pare and con­trast many points of view and to ulti­mate­ly see and under­stand this Uni­verse as it tru­ly is. That you will know that all the Beings or Life-Forms which in their total­i­ty form the very sub­stance of this Uni­verse, that all of THAT is to be expe­ri­enced as it tru­ly is, a Won­drous­ly Mul­ti-Faceted Jew­el of Spir­i­tu­al Con­scious­ness that, for lack of a bet­ter word, you call God.

It is from this that you are able to encom­pass and under­stand that there are innu­mer­able points of views and per­spec­tives, and that you must come to expe­ri­ence and under­stand as many as you can if you are to know your­self and your world as you must…For you are here to grow and learn, to become a Con­scious Co-Cre­ator of this Cos­mos, and to do this you must unfold your Divine poten­tial and become awak­ened, illu­mined and wise.

At any one time in your jour­ney, you will find your under­stand­ing shaped and mold­ed by your par­tic­u­lar point of view or par­a­digm. This win­dow on your world, this lens or facet through which you per­ceive is formed by many influ­ences, by your fam­i­ly, your soci­ety and cul­ture, by your edu­ca­tion­al and life expe­ri­ences, and many oth­er fac­tors too. No mat­ter what you may do at any one time, you will shine this point of view upon the phe­nom­e­na of the world around you, and just like a bright light, you will illu­mine what is “real” to you. But you will equal­ly cre­ate and cast a heavy shad­ow too. You will hide or obscure what you will then be unable to see or per­ceive, and it will remain for­eign to you. And it may if some­how hint­ed at, it may come to be expe­ri­enced as a very real threat to what is actu­al­ly your self-blind­ed, parochial view of Real­i­ty. That you will find that your Fears are formed in the Shad­ow that you cre­ate by what you do not yet under­stand or perceive.

The Gift of Gem­i­ni is here to remind you or what lies with­in you. That in order to Grow and Under­stand you must be open, and that you and your mind must ever be like a “child” at heart. You must remain agile and adept, con­stant­ly seek­ing, search­ing, ques­tion­ing (and self-ques­tion­ing). You must ever seek to keep adjust­ing, shift­ing and mov­ing your per­spec­tive so as to elim­i­nate your shadows…You must remain open in order to grow…You must remain eager to expe­ri­ence and know more…You must remain essen­tial­ly curious…about Every­thing.

You must ques­tion your­self and your assumptions…constantly. For it is by this that you will devel­op that more well-round­ed (hum­ble and wise) approach of a seek­er who keeps seek­ing, a know­er who under­stands there is more that is unknown. You will, as you grow into your Depth of Under­stand­ing learn to fol­low the Spir­i­tu­al Injunc­tion of those who Know and Serve, the so-called “Lone­ly Ones”. You will know, accept and so under­stand that there is only one Way and one Path, and so you will accept and under­stand that you must “Walk On”…

The Gift of the New Moon in Gem­i­ni is your Gift of Eter­nal Youth…

That with­in you is a Spark of the Divine…

An Abid­ing “Pres­ence” who watch­es over you…

Who Inspires and Guides your every step…

Along a Gold­en Path of Becoming…

This is your Jour­ney as a Spark of the Divine…

Find­ing your way back,

To your Home in the Stars.