Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sun Square Jupiter (October 12, 2013)


You are here to Grow,

But not all growth is Good.

So you must choose…Wisely.

The Sun is the Avatar of your Pure
Poten­tial, the Spark of the Divine that is your Self-Becom­ing. Its true Nature
and Essence is to Unfold, to grow from with­in as Spir­it and move or form into
Con­scious­ness and then onwards into oth­er vehi­cles or Souls of manifestation,
mov­ing inward­ly and out­ward­ly, mov­ing from Infin­i­tes­i­mals to Infinities. 

Sun is this Avatar for what abides with­in the core of you, and like your Sun
you have all this with­in you, all that you can and will be in time is in this
Spark of your Divinity…but only so much of this is pos­si­ble for you to be in
any one time.

Jupiter is your Avatar of Principles,
Truths and Beliefs and holds you to your path as you seek to become…For you will
be guid­ed or direct­ed in your growth by what you have so far under­stood to be
the Truth (or your truth). As your under­stand­ing grows, your capac­i­ty to realize
your Greater Self grows too.

Your growth of Under­stand­ing is Integral
to your unfold­ment in Self-Becom­ing, but this path is not lin­ear. It proceeds
more in the form of a spi­ral dance, that ris­es and falls, twists and turns as you
seek to find your way through many worlds and many forms.

Through­out these sweep­ing, spiraling
gyra­tions of your Jour­ney through Mean­ings and Forms, you will come upon critical
moments with­in these cycles of unfold­ment. You will come to forks in the “Road of Spir­it” where you must
pause and con­sid­er which path you should now fol­low. Often­times, the paths will
not be all that dif­fer­ent as regards to where they will bring you, it is just a
dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ence as you go from here to there…for it is a Truth that in the end
most roads will take you “home”.

But you can choose whether to grow more
eas­i­ly and slow­ly, or take on a greater, brisker pace and so greater chal­lenges too.
You can choose poor­ly or well and either way you will learn, and you will grow
and you will become…But when­ev­er you come to one of these forks, you must choose.

Today the Sun aligns with Jupiter, and
so you must choose again. This par­tic­u­lar cycle moment prob­a­bly refers back to
what­ev­er might have begun (or reached a new begin­ning) in the third week of
June or about four months ago. You will encounter the “Neces­si­ty of the Now”,
of pick­ing the best (for you) path or paths of growth. 

Some­times it is
per­fect­ly cor­rect to take the road of “more”, that your tra­jec­to­ry of
growth until now was fine but you could accept the chal­lenge of a steep­er path.
Some­times, upon con­sid­er­a­tion, you may real­ize that your growth so far has been
over­much or over­heat­ed and that tem­per­ance and restraint need be applied to
steady your course. 

How will you know, how will you decide? 

With the Sun in Libra now, you must be
care­ful so as to not “think” too much or ratio­nal­ize which is the truer path
for you now. Jupiter in Can­cer is pro­vid­ing this “course correction”
and is offer­ing guid­ance that is speak­ing from your Ori­gins, from your Foun­da­tions in Fam­i­ly, Car­ing and your Feel­ings for one another…When in doubt as to which path is the right one for you now, lis­ten to your Heart and you will bet­ter guide your Head.

You are at anoth­er turn­ing in your Path
of Self-Realization…

Look back on this path you have followed,

Now turn and look ahead, to the cross­ing, to this turning-way.

Choose your path of Growth Wisely,

By fol­low­ing what is in your Heart…

As you make your Cir­cuitous Way,

Back to your Star­ry Home.

Venus Square Neptune (October 10, 2013)


Illu­mi­na­tion or Illu­sion, Clear-Seeing
or Confusion?

Venus, the Avatar of Val­ue, Beau­ty and
Love has just begun her four week jour­ney through Sagit­tar­ius, and you feel
inspired to seek and extend the bound­aries of your Appre­ci­a­tions, you want to
par­take of some­thing greater than before, to move into ever more exot­ic spaces
of Aes­thet­ic and Social Sen­si­bil­i­ties, to encom­pass a Wider and Wis­er Way of
Liv­ing in Beauty…

Nep­tune, the Avatar of your Faith and
Imag­i­na­tion, is the pow­er that stands behind your Self-Becom­ing. For as you
encounter the Real­i­ty that has so far been made, you will come to dream of a
dif­fer­ent one, and then with this Fac­ul­ty of Imag­i­na­tion and Faith, coupled
with your High­er Mind and Will, you will bring about a New World and a New You! 

But of course, your capa­bil­i­ty to
exer­cise this Essence that you are, this Pow­er of Self-Becom­ing, it is always
and for­ev­er cir­cum­scribed by your Under­stand­ing. Though you may Dream of
Won­drous Worlds for you and yours, what does result is often much less and
lack­ing, for what also enters into this Cre­ation are your Anx­i­eties, Doubts and
Fears…What you encounter, day after day, and life after life, is often a dim
lit ver­sion of the orig­i­nal you had envi­sioned yes­ter­day and many, many lifetimes

But, the won­drous truth is, you will
slow­ly and sure­ly grow, you will step beyond your Self-Cast Shad­ows as you
devel­op your greater Self-Aware­ness and so be able to throw down and cast off your
Doubts and Fears. You will even­tu­al­ly cre­ate a Heav­en here on Earth…and every
day it draws closer…but before that can be true, you must learn and grow.

The mag­is­te­r­i­al Plan­e­tary Align­ments illustrate
these great Life Lessons that you are here to Mas­ter as you become this Dream­ing-Mak­er. The Dance of the Planets
is meant to Lift and Inspire you, to remind you of your Ancient Lin­eage and
your Won­drous Des­tiny. So, what is it that Venus and Nep­tune are reveal­ing, remind­ing and ask­ing of
you today?

As you strive with Venus in Sagittarius
to stretch your Appre­ci­a­tion so as to encom­pass a dif­fer­ent or foreign
Sen­si­bil­i­ty, you may fall into error as you project over­much your own
Assump­tions or Truths upon the expe­ri­ence itself or upon this oth­er that stands
before you. You will try to bridge the divide, from where you stand with your
own Val­ues as you reach to extend your­self into this Expe­ri­ence or Other…But
you may mis­ap­pre­hend, assume too much or mis­in­ter­pret, what is for you, an Exotic
Expe­ri­ence. The bridge from one world to the next will not be crossed, or even
form…and illu­sion, delu­sion and con­fu­sion will be the result.

But this is not the end if you remain
open and sincere…for from your Con­fu­sion will emerge anoth­er real­iza­tion. You
will real­ize that this very con­fu­sion or doubt is the nec­es­sary price and
path­way to your greater under­stand­ing. That your Cer­tain­ties and Assumptions
were the very source of your Self-Cast shad­ows. Though they formed your lesser
real­i­ty and were dear to you, they were the very instru­ments of your more circumscribed
under­stand­ing as regards what is your des­tiny, the Greater Reality.

Now hum­bled and made more open, you are
ready to expand beyond those for­mer para­me­ters that formed your more limited
experience…You are through humil­i­ty, and so by empa­thy, more ready now to
encom­pass and move into a more inclu­sive sen­si­bil­i­ty and find a com­mon space of
shared val­ue and sen­si­bil­i­ty, to pull back from your pro­jec­tions and assumptions
and be open and accepting…

You will grow because you let go of your
cer­tain­ty and open your­self to the Won­der of Nep­tune, which reveals to you that
you real­ly exist in a mar­velous hier­ar­chy of Con­scious­ness and Mean­ing, which
extends back­wards and for­wards, inwards and out­wards. And so you must always
remem­ber, that your ever-present Essence as you walk upon this Path of Self-Becom­ing, that you
fol­low the one essen­tial injunction…you must Grow, you must Walk On.

For those who are cer­tain and fixed in
their ways, who have all the answers, they live in their shad­ow-world of mere appearances…

They have made a world of clay, they remain
bound to mat­ter and dust.

For those who won­der, who have
ques­tions, whose faith is not of Certainties…

They are and abide in the Liv­ing Spirit,
with Won­der and Self-Becoming…Forever.

For this is a Jour­ney of Consciousness,
with no Begin­ning and no End…

Your Path is formed by a Greater

That each and every, that one and All
are held together.

And, that there is but one Val­ue, one Truth
that holds…

That all are one, as the One is in All.

The only Illu­sion is Separation. 

Your only Real­i­ty, is to grow…

Your only path, is to Love.

Venus Enters Sagittarius (October 7, 2013)


Your Beau­ty, your won­drous Evening Star
is prepar­ing for her change…

But there is this one more step that she
and you must take before she turns, and then…

And then she and you will abide for quite
a while, in that most Ancient Realm of Capri­corn, and your Sen­si­bil­i­ties and
Dis­cern­ment will be chal­lenged and test­ed, prove to be true and last­ing, or fail
and fall in that Hard­en­ing Way. For that is the way in this Space that is
Sat­urn’s, in this realm in which you shall learn and become, as you strive upon
this Beau­ti­ful, Blue-orbed trea­sure, your Cre­ation, your Earth-Bound Reality.

Venus would nor­mal­ly abide in a sign for
less than a month, but dur­ing her Capri­corn sojourn she will go back and forth
in that Seri­ous Space, Sat­urn’s Realm of Tra­di­tion, Duty and Respon­si­bil­i­ty for
over four months! She will enter Capri­corn on Novem­ber 5, and turn retrograde
by Decem­ber 21 and not leave Capri­corn until March 5, 2014…

And in so doing Venus will be born anew,
mov­ing from her role as your Evening Star and take up her call­ing as your
Beau­ty of the Dawn…And reborn as the Morn­ing Star she shall light your way, she will
assume again her place that holds a mys­tery and a much deep­er truth, she becomes
your Light-Bringer, your Prometheus, and many oth­er names too…

But before you watch this Venu­sian Dance
of Spir­it, before you set­tle into this rather extend­ed con­sid­er­a­tion of questions
most pro­found, of how and what will stand as Last­ing Val­ues in these
“Tests of Time”…Before you do this it is time now to prepare
your­self and con­sid­er care­ful­ly what you bring into these Hier­ar­chies, what
informs these Struc­tures of Con­cret­ed Val­ue, of your Cul­ture, Soci­ety and
Civilization…You need to con­sid­er the Idea behind the form, what is the Truth
of your Val­ue, Beau­ty and Love that sup­ports and stands behind these Worlds of
Form and Substance.

For you are com­ing out of the Waters of
Scor­pio now, where your deep­est Need and great­est Desire was either won or
lost. You sought to go beyond, to let go and slip behind the veil that divides
the “I and Thou”, to expe­ri­ence the bliss of Self-ful­fill­ment in
Self-for­get­ful­ness and so forge through true Sac­ri­fice the com­mon space of your
Con­sum­mat­ed Desire, the mys­tery met, of two becom­ing One…or,

You strove but fell short, or the other
held back or turned away, or they were tak­en away, and instead of Joy the Pain
was met, and now the Void is there. For there is no greater Loss than this, to
lose the Union that was, to miss the one that could have been, to be left alone
and so you turn, you must find your way back, towards the Light again…

Whether in Joy or Defeat, Transcendence
or Tragedy, what Venus says you need right now, what your Head and Heart and
Soul need right now is quite sim­ply this…You need to make sense of your expe­ri­ence, you
need to hold the path in your Joy, or to find your way out of the Pit, you need
to put it all, all of this into perspective…you need to Understand. 

And that is why, in this Great Cir­cle of
Life known as the Zodi­ac, that is why always after the immer­sion in the Waters
of Life, when com­ing out of the Depths with your Feel­ings full of Faith or of Fear,
that is why Spir­it Lov­ing­ly and Wise­ly responds and offers to you the Gifts of
Fire…For it is here to show you the Rea­son and Truth behind the Illu­sion of
Appear­ances, to help you find your Way to Wis­dom and Acceptance. 

Venus in Sagit­tar­ius calls upon you now to
lift your­self up and look to the far hori­zons. To move beyond the bound­aries of
parochial beliefs and per­cep­tions, to grow beyond the famil­iar but limiting
world of the known…You will need to stretch your­self so as to encom­pass a more
sub­tle and nuanced sen­si­bil­i­ty of the world around you, as you equal­ly lis­ten for
that gen­tle voice who abides with­in to con­firm this wis­er way…and you will
grow, and you will accept, and you will understand.

You are a Pilgrim…

Trav­el­ling through Time and Space,

Seek­ing, striv­ing, becom­ing what you are
des­tined to be.

Through all these Realms, upon all these

You seek to under­stand, you need to find “The

You cast about for direc­tion, some hint
of how or why…

And then you remem­ber, and look Up to
the Splen­dor in the Sky.

For Writ­ten in the Stars, as much as in
your Heart…

Those Ancient Truths abide.

Many names Veil these Truths, Ancient
Teach­ings held inside.

One Veil, one name by which they are known is the Ever-Recur­ring, the
Peren­ni­al Philosophy…

And with­in this Veil there lies a deep­er, truer Truth.

For though Phi­los­o­phy does mean the
“Love of Wisdom”,

All Wise Ones know and hold with­in their Hearts,

The Greater Teach­ing hid­den there. 

For this Name, this Veil does more truly

For those who Understand…

The Wis­dom of Love.

Look up in Awe…

Lis­ten with Reverence… 

But above all,


New Moon in Libra (October 4, 2013)


Twelve New Moons…Light your way.

Each an offer­ing of Inspi­ra­tion and
Guid­ance, lift­ing you up and help­ing you hold togeth­er these Inner Realms and Outer
Spaces, as you move inwards, out­wards and onwards, slow­ly bring­ing forth from
with­in your­self what you are meant to be…Uncovering, reveal­ing and bring­ing yourself
and your world clos­er to that Greater Light of Under­stand­ing. For you are des­tined to live
with the Wis­dom, Love and Spir­i­tu­al Will that resides with­in the Ker­nel of each
Spark of the Divine.

All are seek­ing to ful­fill their
Des­tiny, all are mov­ing along this same path, which is yours too, this Path of
the Self-Becom­ing. Because this Seed, this Spark of the Divine or Spiritual
Flame, it is this which resides with­in each infin­i­tes­i­mal point of Spirit-Matter,
pre­sid­ing at the heart of all Ener­gies and Forms, from the small­est to the
greater, up and up through to the very Divin­i­ty which holds with­in their Mind,
Love and Will this entire Uni­verse (and then to even greater Spaces beyond),
all share in this Flame of Spir­it, this Spark of the Divine.

At each New Moon a part of this Seed, a
part of this Song of Spir­it rings out to Remind and Inspire you. To remind you
of whence you came and to inspire you to ful­fill your Destiny…which is quite
sim­ply and won­der­ful­ly this…to Grow. You are here to Become in fact what you
hold with­in you as Pure Poten­tial­i­ty, because this is what you are, this Spirit,
this Spark of the Divine. 

At each New Libra Moon you are offered
anoth­er pre­cious Reminder and Inspi­ra­tion, of how and why your Jour­ney is also
an Awak­en­ing and a Remem­ber­ing, and that you are here to expe­ri­ence through
each and every form that you move through, through each and every life, and
through Life after Life, that you will find your Path and Grow by and through
an ever-unfold­ing real­iza­tion that you are just one of a great com­pa­ny of fellow-seekers
who set out long ago to become what you will be.

That in life after life you will
encounter one anoth­er again, and that is because your past Thoughts, Feelings
and Actions will make it so. For this is the Way, the Law of Kar­ma, of Cause and
Effect, and so you will encounter one anoth­er, again and again and again. Your
Actions and Reac­tions, your Thoughts and Feel­ings have made you and what they are…You
are all mixed up togeth­er, all part of one anoth­er, all in one anoth­er, in
count­less ways, in Rela­tion­ships and Mean­ings that make you what you are today.
You are of one anoth­er, and for one anoth­er and will be with one anoth­er from
the Begin­ning until the End. 

Through every Time and Space, as you
meet in dif­fer­ent Forms and new Lives, you will expe­ri­ence in the encounter a
won­drous­ly strange and thrilling feeling…that you have met one another
before. Like a dis­tant echo ring­ing through the ages, you will sense this familiar
Pres­ence that is before you now. A chill will come over you, and you will
trem­ble, you will catch your breath… 

You will turn, and look upon the other,
and you will see it there in each oth­er’s eyes…THAT. It is The One who is
look­ing back at you, the Aware­ness who is there behind it all, behind this beautiful
but beguil­ing facade of mat­ter, beyond these Illu­sion­ary Forms…you will Feel them
again, you will Know them again…and you will Smile.

For the Beau­ty and Mys­tery of Libra, the
Sign that is the Bridge between the I and Thou, is that you are already, you
are for­ev­er and ever joined as one from the begin­ning until the end…For this is
a Foun­tain-Source Truth, “We are all related”. 

Every encounter, every relationship…is your next chance to live this Truth, to be this Truth and to act towards one anoth­er with this Under­stand­ing and Love…to break the Illu­sion that is Sep­a­ra­tion and Live and Love by, with and through this Pres­ence of the One.

You are a Spark of the Divine, and this same
Divine Essence also looks back upon you through your Beloved’s eyes…

You look into their eyes…and they look upon

And you will know, you will both just know…

That you are togeth­er, again.

And you will smile.

Mercury Enters Scorpio (September 29, 2013)


It is time to leave aside those balanced
beam­ing ways of Air. Her­mes, the Avatar of your Mind is turn­ing now, he is here
to take you into a deep­en­ing, to help you to go beyond appear­ances and find those
greater mean­ings, the soul-filled know­ings that can only be encoun­tered upon more
hid­den pathways…Even so, this is no small for­ay for you or for him…

Where­as Mer­cury might nor­mal­ly skip
through a sign in two or three weeks, this time he will delve and dig, seek and
search, and take you upon this jour­ney into your hid­den spaces for over nine weeks…that is, from now until Decem­ber 4th or for 66 days you are
going into the Cat­a­combs of your Creation.

You are com­ing out of your Libra space,
where Har­mo­ny and Equi­lib­ri­um were trea­sured above all else, where your Mind sought to
hon­or, pre­serve and pro­tect your rela­tion­ships by forg­ing and find­ing consensus…and
this must give way now…for you seek a High­er Prize.

You feel the Desire welling up within
you now, to go beyond the Seem­ing­ly Beau­ti­ful and Accept­ed notions, to move
past the what is com­mon­ly com­fort­ing, what is the accept­able, agree­able yet ordinary
and obvi­ous. You wish to break through this Illu­sion of Appear­ances, through
the Maya or Veil that obscures, and move clos­er to what dwells at the Root of
your World…You have this greater desire now, you seek for noth­ing less than

But what and how is that to be, how will
look beyond your self-cast shad­ows of assump­tions, expec­ta­tions and fears…and
will the oth­er before you do likewise?

If you wish to tru­ly under­stand, you
need to go beyond this world of appear­ances, beyond the Subjective/Objective,
and lift your Con­scious­ness up to a more Sub­tle Plane of Per­cep­tion, where you
may draw that much clos­er to the Greater Real­i­ty, to the One­ness that thrills
through each and every par­ti­cle of Cre­ation, and so begin to approach the
Noume­na that stands behind all this Phenomena.

But how do you over­come this Divide that
seems unbridge­able, between you the Sub­ject and this Object, or between
your­self and the oth­er, how can you tru­ly under­stand That or Them? What could
pos­si­bly allow you to reach beyond your Par­a­digms, Per­cep­tions and Principles,
the very means and mech­a­nisms by which you per­ceive what you hold to be Real, the
very Thought-Forms that have made this world in which you abide? 

To slip beyond mere Know­ing or
Knowl­edge, to move towards the Greater Under­stand­ing, this is it, this is your
Des­tiny as a one of the One. And pre­cise­ly because of who and what you are, you
already pos­sess the req­ui­site fac­ul­ty that will reveal to you what lies beyond
your more lim­it­ed Thought-Forms. 

For beyond and behind, and what tru­ly forms the
very foun­da­tion of your Low­er Mind stands this High­er Plane of a more sub­lime Con­scious­ness. It is the Realm of your High­er or Intu­itive Mind or Man­as, which is itself informed
and guid­ed by the next Realm beyond that, which is your Spir­i­tu­al Nature. This is the way of it, this is the Hier­ar­chy of Cre­ation, which pro­ceeds from
the One into the Two, and to the Third and so becomes the many…

It is from this Intu­itive Mind that you
can enter into the expe­ri­ence of the thing before you, or expe­ri­ence this
join­ing with anoth­er, for it is only by becom­ing one with one anoth­er that you
can tru­ly move into that more imma­nent State of Grace, into your Greater

You have felt and expe­ri­enced this
Con­scious­ness in your life before, many, many times before, and your
self-unfold­ing jour­ney will bring it to you more and more as you walk this
Noble Way, this Path­way of Perfection…

Your mind will turn now, to the
Aware­ness of a deep­er Truth…

Whether by Sym­pa­thy, Empa­thy or

This Love that thrills through Creation,
is the One Reality.

Form­ing the Bridge, between one and

This truth, of One­ness, stirs your

The Illu­sion that is Sep­a­ra­tion is

Now Hearts and Minds are One.