Category Archives: Uncategorized

Full Moon in Capricorn (July 19, 2016)


Twelve Full Moons from sun­set until sunrise,

To illu­mi­nate your path of des­tiny each and every year.

To show you each les­son you are here to master,

And to illus­trate the way you must become the answer too.

The Full Moon in Capri­corn, (The Sun in Can­cer, the Moon in Capri­corn) is per­haps the most sig­nif­i­cant and pre­cious of these pair­ings of para­dox­i­cal truth. For in this realm of man­i­fes­ta­tion, upon this beau­ti­ful Earth, you will and must walk the “path­way of oppo­si­tion” as you seek the inte­gral way. The world of dual­i­ty is your real­i­ty, and all that is expe­ri­enced and known by you will come inex­orably bound to and informed by its opposite.

Whether at the most sub­lime lev­els of Being ver­sus non-Being, Ener­gy ver­sus Form, or Thought ver­sus Mat­ter, the pro­found yet sim­ple of Light ver­sus Dark, or Hot ver­sus Cold…all these can only exist with and through the oth­er. Every-Thing, Every-Ener­gy is found­ed, formed and expressed in rela­tion­ship to each other…and, of course, to all oth­er dual­i­ties too.

The Full Moon is a spe­cial moment, a time of and for Rev­e­la­tion. The Sun is now in the Zodi­a­cal Sign Can­cer, stream­ing the ener­gy-forms of truth about your ori­gins: You are a pre­cious par­ti­cle from the One; you are a spark of Divine Light that went forth in a great stream of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it who togeth­er form the Mind, Love and Will of the One who encom­pass­es you. Though you may in your jour­ney only iden­ti­fy or find your root or ori­gins in your imme­di­ate fam­i­ly, or your eth­nic group…you will even­tu­al­ly awak­en to the greater real­i­ties of belong­ing and becom­ing what you are through your cul­ture, through your com­mon human­i­ty with all humans, and ulti­mate­ly arrive to become a ful­ly self-aware, con­scious co-cre­ator of Cre­ation. You will come to under­stand and live in the pre­cious space (Nir­vana) where the illu­sion of sep­a­ra­tion is bro­ken, and you will live by the Love where you are all for one and know the One for us all.

The Moon ris­es in Capri­corn, the oppo­site ener­gy-form to Can­cer. As Can­cer is the Seed, Capri­corn is the Fruit; it is the promise kept and now met, it is the reward of your Self-Ful­fill­ment and brings the test of Respon­si­bil­i­ty. The germ that was plant­ed in Can­cer is said to find its ulti­mate real­iza­tion in the sign of Capri­corn. What was just a hope or idea has become a real­i­ty: a hob­by has turned into a career, a busi­ness has become an enter­prise. The spon­ta­neous respons­es to human needs have become insti­tu­tion­al­ized into the var­i­ous instru­ments found in the mod­ern world: into gov­ern­ment, busi­ness­es, reli­gions, etc. What was only a dream has now become Real­i­ty. Your feel­ings for one anoth­er, your car­ing for one anoth­er has made the real­i­ty that is your very self-fulfillment.

But equal­ly too, this Full Moon is the Rev­e­la­tion which offers the mean­ing for the test of Capri­corn, the Test of Respon­si­bil­i­ty. For as much as you find your expe­ri­ence of respon­si­bil­i­ty root­ed and found­ed upon the care of a par­ent for their child, and then of broth­er to broth­er or to sis­ter, of aunt and uncle and all oth­er kin­folk. So too does this awe­some test of respon­si­bil­i­ty expand as your aware­ness grows to encom­pass all these “fam­i­lies” to which you belong: to neigh­bor and to vil­lage, to com­mu­ni­ty and to your cul­ture, to your state and nation, and even­tu­al­ly the entire­ty of your pre­cious world of won­der called Earth.

Yes, final­ly you come to the know­ing that we are each respon­si­ble for and to one another…for you are insep­a­ra­ble from one anoth­er in the life of the One. As it is said by many before who became aligned to this know­ing in and by the One, “‘Tru­ly I tell you, what­ev­er you did for one of the least of these broth­ers and sis­ters of mine, you did for me”.

And equal­ly, what­ev­er you do to anoth­er, you do this to yourself…for the one before you is your broth­er, your sis­ter, your moth­er and your father…just like you, there is no dif­fer­ence. “We are all relat­ed”, and you are here to learn to love one anoth­er as such, to love the oth­er as much as you love yourself.

There is noth­ing so sim­ple to under­stand or so hard to per­fect­ly prac­tice… but it is the only path.

It is the Path of Truth.

It is the Truth of Love.

It is quite sim­ply, “the way”.

Watch the Sun set; See the Moon rise…

And take good care of one another.

Sun Enters Cancer ‑The Solstice (June 20, 2016)


Your jour­ney through the stars paus­es once more. For you are at one of two points in the year at which the Ener­gies and Forms of Life on Earth must stop and con­sid­er, and so you must ask your­self too, “Which way now, what path shall I take?”

This Hier­ar­chi­cal, Heli­cal move­ment of your form of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it through the spaces of space has reached a tip­ping point, as day and night are now most unequal. What has been build­ing since the Win­ter Sol­stice arrives at this moment of con­tra­pun­tal mean­ing of the Sum­mer Sol­stice. Six months ago, at the por­tal of Capri­corn, you stopped to con­sid­er what is your pur­pose, what is your respon­si­bil­i­ty and what should indeed be the “ever-last­ing” sub­stan­ti­a­tion of your Self-Fulfillment.

Here in Can­cer you must address a more inti­mate and per­son­al set of ques­tions (and answers). Now you must answer the ques­tion: “From whence did you come, what is the source of me?” Can­cer is the final fourth of the first set of signs. For it shall ever be that you will in Aries-Fire forge your Image of Pur­pose­ful Pres­ence; and through Tau­rus-Earth you will bring into being your Sub­stan­tial Val­ue of Heart­felt Love; so that by Gem­i­ni-Air you will come to know your­self and your world by that most human gift of Intel­li­gent Adaptability.

And so now you will pause as you enter this Sacred realm of Water. Mys­te­ri­ous­ly, now you end as you equal­ly begin, for Can­cer is the next of the Car­di­nal Signs that her­ald a new sea­son of life. Yet it is equal­ly the com­ple­tion of the first of three sets of these ele­men­tal group­ings of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. But tru­ly, your jour­ney through worlds, forms and lives is a spi­ral and not a cir­cle, and there was no “begin­ning” and there will nev­er be an “end”. There is but one Life, One Spir­it that is formed and expressed into the Sacred Twelve, the Shin­ing Prin­ci­pal­i­ties of the Signs, that take these Four Ways of Being which are formed/expressed into these three modal­i­ties: Car­di­nal for Ini­ti­a­tion, Fixed for Sub­stan­ti­a­tion and Muta­ble for Transformation.

Through each of these three ways there are the four: Fire is for Inspi­ra­tion, Earth is for Mate­ri­al­iza­tion, Air is for Under­stand­ing, and the realm of Water is that which brings them all togeth­er into what you know as the expe­ri­ence of Feel­ing. It is by feel­ings that all your expe­ri­ences of your­self (and of one anoth­er) are bound togeth­er into some­thing more than can be known and expe­ri­enced in any oth­er way. It is by Feel­ing that you find your way to your whole­ness, to your one­ness with one anoth­er, and to the One who encom­pass­es us all.

The Way of Can­cer is to find, secure and nur­ture the roots of your­self. It is about your need for being “Self-Cen­tered”, in the good sense of that term…becoming a tru­ly anchored, sta­ble soul who is cen­tered in the truth of their being. The way to that is found by many expe­ri­ences. For most it will begin (and could well remain) by iden­ti­fy­ing one­self with the imme­di­ate fam­i­ly, with Father/Mother, Brother/Sister, Grandmother/Grandfather, Uncle and Aunt, and to the par­tic­u­lar life-ways and sen­si­bil­i­ties nur­tured there. But it will inevitably broad­en and deep­en in your many loves and lives to encom­pass and include your eth­nic­i­ty, and your larg­er expe­ri­ence of cul­ture. And this will lead, ever widen­ing like rip­ples in a pond, to the larg­er nur­tur­ing-mean­ings of faith and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty too.

Even­tu­al­ly, it will arrive where it “began”, in the warm embrace of your feel­ing-know­ing that one and all, this human and all life forms, are part of this won­drous and great Ocean of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it. That all of “this”, what we know as The Cre­ation, comes from and is the sub­stan­tial man­i­fes­ta­tion of the One Life that is the One. You will know that you are safe, secure and loved by the One, in whom and by whom “we are all related”.

The great illu­sion that is Sep­a­ra­tion is thrown down by the first of the Water Signs. You are part of an amaz­ing jour­ney of Life and Light and Love.

You are a one of the One. Your jour­ney began as a Divine Spark that was unself-aware, a self-unfold­ing Con­scious­ness who is draw­ing ever clos­er to the expe­ri­ence of your ori­gin as Divin­i­ty, and so equal­ly to your Des­tiny which is to be a ful­ly con­scious co-cre­ator of this Creation.

As you come to know where you came from, to feel and know that you are one with one anoth­er by and through the One that is All, you will equal­ly feel the deep, abid­ing and eter­nal love in which you live, in which you share your lives with one anoth­er, and by which you cre­ate this Cre­ation by and for one anoth­er too. And you are here, you are sim­ply here, to care for one anoth­er as you are cared for too.

Wel­come home to the time of Cancer.

Care for one anoth­er, for you are all of one family,

You are all of one Life, one Con­scious­ness and one Spirit.

Be as you are and will always be,

All for one, and one for All.

Care for one another.

For at the cen­ter of it all,

There is just Love.

Sun Enters Gemini (May 20, 2016)


I am.

I am, That.

I am That…I am.

These are the first three steps that you will take in your life jour­ney as you unfold your divine nature into the ener­gy-form you know as “human”.

In Aries, you expe­ri­ence your­self pure­ly, as Sub­jec­tive­ly Aware…you just are.

In Tau­rus, you expe­ri­ence your­self sub­stan­tial­ly, as Objec­tive­ly Aware…you are also some-thing.

In Gem­i­ni, you expe­ri­ence your­self as the Self-Aware…you are the both sub­ject and object…you expe­ri­ence the essen­tial mys­tery of your self-becom­ing spir­i­tu­al con­scious­ness which is mov­ing through a hier­ar­chy of Ener­gy-Forms, mov­ing through the many realms of Space-Time. You begin your re-dis­cov­ery of the awe­some poten­tials wait­ing to be unfold­ed from with­in, wait­ing with­in your spir­i­tu­al spark of the Divine.

For you are Ener­gy (Spir­it-Con­scious­ness-Love) and you are also Form (a Hier­ar­chy of vehi­cles formed by you to exist on each of the planes of Mat­ter). You are essen­tial­ly, in your core a Mon­ad, a spark of the Divine, a being of Light mov­ing through Space-Time. Your spi­ral jour­ney, which is mir­rored on so many lev­els of being, from the struc­ture of atoms, to the cells in your body, to the very solar sys­tem you jour­ney with­in, (which is also spi­ral­ing through our galaxy, and even your very own Milky Way galaxy spi­ral­ing along with a host of oth­er galax­ies), all of these are the “wheels with­in wheels”, are the whirls and spi­rals of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it that are both the with­in and the with­out form­ing the “warp and weft” of Cre­ation, rang­ing from the inner­most and sub­lime planes to the out­er­most and dens­est planes of energy-forms.

Tru­ly, all of your jour­ney, from your “begin­ning” as an un-self-con­scious spark of the Divine to your even­tu­al Apoth­e­o­sis or Divin­i­ty made ful­ly man­i­fest, is part of the greater jour­ney of Spir­it through the infi­nite ranges of life-forms…For Cre­ation is tru­ly all of and about the Divine or the One, it is the Song of Spir­it shin­ing through the entire­ty of Cre­ation as the Involution/Evolution of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it as it becomes ever more encom­pass­ing and self-ful­filled. Cre­ation is the Divine made man­i­fest in and through all of you who form the Spir­it-Mind-Body of the One. For the great­est false­hood is sep­a­ra­tion, and the fun­da­men­tal Truth is that all life-forms are ones of the One, all are of the One, by the One and indeed form the One.

Through count­less eons of your pere­gri­na­tions in less­er realms and forms, your jour­ney was formed, shaped and guid­ed fun­da­men­tal­ly by the lev­el of the self-unfold­ment of your aware­ness. Even upon reach­ing this most spe­cial king­dom of the human, you still had eons to go before you would reach the most crit­i­cal cross­ing point, the por­tal of true Self-Aware-Consciousness.

The sto­ry is found in many teach­ings, cul­tures and ages, that long ago there walked amongst us “the gods”, who brought to the mind­less ones, the inno­cent but mind­less humans of that time the gift of self-aware­ness. In a pre­vi­ous cos­mic cycle, these Angels of the Light had sim­i­lar­ly been awak­ened by those who came before them, and this self-lumi­nous torch, this spir­i­tu­al fire of under­stand­ing was passed from one to anoth­er. Now it was their Karmic des­tiny and duty to pass on this light to us…Their names are found in many cul­tures, in the tales of Prometheus, Lucifer, Loki and Quet­zal­coatl and many, many oth­ers. In the most ancient of record­ings, found in what is known as the Ancient Teach­ings there is the sto­ry or truth about the Kumaras, beings of a much more advanced state than we, who came at the appoint­ed time, when the Human­i­ty of that peri­od was ready for the next step for­ward in Con­scious­ness, and they walked among us, joined with us and we took the next great step in our journey…we became self-aware.

This step was tak­en long ago, dur­ing an “Age of Gem­i­ni”, yet it is also a series of steps that you will take in each of your lives, and through many years in any one of your lives. For the jour­ney of Self-Aware­ness is won­drous and hard, it requires patience and quick­ness, adapt­abil­i­ty and per­sis­tence, it is the mind seek­ing to know, to know itself and all that is around it too…it is your jour­ney to the gods, and you have as far to go as you have already come.

You are here to learn, to learn to choose between the less­er and the greater, you are here to learn from “cause and effect” and to learn by tri­al and error what is “the good”. To serve the One, to serve Life and Beau­ty and to help one anoth­er, to Love one another…for this is “The Way”, and it is the one true path that will bring you home in the end. When you divide your­self from your­self or from one anoth­er, you will stum­ble and fall, as you have before. And you will have to pick your­self and try again. But this is how you grow, you learn to move away from pain, dark­ness and fear, as you learn what is bet­ter. You will choose to move toward the light, to dis­cov­er and be guid­ed by the truth that is with­in you as much as it sur­rounds you…and so you will choose to live a life of under­stand­ing, beau­ty and love.

Yes, in Gem­i­ni you rise into your self-aware­ness, into your Human­i­ty and towards your Divin­i­ty. In the Realm that is Gem­i­ni you are gift­ed by and rev­el in con­trast and con­tra­dic­tions. You ques­tion your­self and your world, you shine the light that is under­stand­ing upon your world and one another…and you smile and laugh and learn. For you real­ize that the whole of this Cre­ation is just like you, alive, aware…conscious. It is most pre­cious, aware and pre­co­cious as are you and all of your fel­low com­pan­ions. You are here for and because of one anoth­er, and your con­scious­ness depends upon your rela­tion­ships with one another…and this is “revealed” in your very thought-form­s/­words that you have for your under­stand­ing about your most pre­cious gift of self-aware­ness. Look at your lan­guage, your idea-forms that artic­u­late your “know­ing”. Take apart the word “Con­scious”:

Con = Together

Scious = Hav­ing Knowledge

Con­scious means “Togeth­er hav­ing knowl­edge” or “Togeth­er Knowing”…And so this means that “Con­scious­ness” real­ly means this, that the abil­i­ty to be aware of one­self and your sur­round­ings is not an “indi­vid­ual” func­tion at all, but it is tru­ly a reflection/affirmation that we are formed by one anoth­er, we are made of one anoth­er, and our self-devel­op­ment and ris­ing into our Divin­i­ty depends upon one anoth­er. We create/provide the very social expe­ri­ences that form the con­fir­ma­tions and cor­rec­tions to our know­ing about our­selves and equal­ly about the world around us. We need one anoth­er to know, to see what we can­not see with­out one another’s point of view.

It is as if each of us shines our own very bright light of per­cep­tion upon the world around us and we assume that we see what we see clearly…we know and under­stand. But that bright light also cre­ates very deep shad­ows, of what we fail to see or understand…and by def­i­n­i­tion, we do not know what we can­not see or under­stand. Even more, we can­not see if we do not believe or have faith to guide us towards the wis­dom which only comes from shar­ing, con­trast­ing, com­par­ing and accepting.

And so, we have one anoth­er, we have each oth­er in our lives to shine our light upon one anoth­er and remove the shad­ows, the doubts, mis­un­der­stand­ings and fears, we are here to do this for one another…and this is Love. It is by com­par­ing and con­trast­ing and illu­mi­nat­ing for one anoth­er that we slow­ly remove our self-made shad­ows, it is how we rise above our mis­un­der­stand­ings of prej­u­dice, doubt and fear. This is how we can slow­ly but sure­ly move towards the Greater Aware­ness, to a more com­plete con­scious­ness, free from shad­ow and free from fear. This jour­ney of Con­scious­ness that we make hap­pen for one anoth­er will even­tu­al­ly lead to our Great Awak­en­ing into our Divin­i­ty, into our Cos­mic Con­scious­ness that is to be our des­tiny many, many years from now.

Today, and every day, cel­e­brate your Jour­ney of Awakening.

You took a very great step long ago, and espe­cial­ly in this time of Gem­i­ni, (and yet also in that por­tion of Gem­i­ni that is in each and every one of you), you can take anoth­er step every day through the Por­tal of greater Self-Aware­ness, which is equal­ly and tru­ly a por­tal of shared or Col­lec­tive Understanding.

Be a light for one anoth­er, for you are here for this…

Lis­ten to one anoth­er, and seek to bring out from one anoth­er the essen­tial truth which is found with­in each and every one of you, for you are made by, for and of one another.

Resist the shad­owed fears of divi­sion, turn away from those who seek by false­hood to assign blame or divide you from each other.

Ques­tion your­self thoroughly…Begin each day, (and end it too) with self-reflec­tive moments where­in you seek to cor­rect your own errors of assump­tion and judgement.

Be thank­ful to those who ques­tion and chal­lenge you, for they are the mes­sen­gers who will make you wiser.

Help one anoth­er, and as you do this you will grow togeth­er in true wis­dom as you find that your growth in under­stand­ing of your­self and of one anoth­er will only be found, secured and extend­ed through Love, Accep­tance and Humility.

You are a being of Light.

Step out of the shadows…

And Shine!

Podcast — Mercury Turns Retrograde (April 28, 2016 until May 22, 2016)



Today is the sec­ond of 4 Mer­cury ret­ro­grades in 2016. This ret­ro­grade runs from April 28th until May 22nd, with the entire ret­ro­grade tak­ing place in the sign of Tau­rus. My com­men­tary in the pod­cast con­cerns the oppor­tu­ni­ties (and, of course, the chal­lenges) pre­sent­ed by this ret­ro­grade, whose prin­ci­ple empha­sis will revolve around the Tau­rus expe­ri­ence, the ques­tion of Value.

Mer­cury Ret­ro­grade Podcast

Full Moon in Taurus – The Buddha Moon (April 22, 2016)


You are a Pil­grim of Spir­it; You are a Hier­ar­chy of Energy-Forms,
Mov­ing through Worlds, Bod­ies and Lives, for you abide in each of the 7 sacred realms.
You are a Micro­cosm of the Macro­cosm, learn­ing to know yourself.
You are a Phys­i­cal being, and Ether­ic, and Astral too.
These inte­gral vehi­cles of Ener­gy-Forms con­tin­ue into your Low­er Mind,
Then through the High­er Men­tal guid­ed by your Intuitional.
Final­ly, all of these are, as is all of Cre­ation, made into one.
For you are guid­ed by, inspired by and loved by
Your spark of the Divine, Your Mon­ad, your High­er Self, your one of the One.

Yes, you are a Mon­ad of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it trav­el­ling through Space-Time.
Your ori­gins are as far beyond your remembering,
As your future is more glo­ri­ous than you may imagine.
You began as an unself-con­scious spark of the Divine, and
You will become in time a ful­ly con­scious Co-Cre­ator of Creation.

You will lift your­self and one anoth­er up, by learning,
For it is by choice, through tri­al and error, that you grow.
Being guid­ed by the one Immutable Law, of cause and effect, by Karma,
You will to learn to choose what is good and true, and to let go of the rest.
You will learn to know your­self, and so equal­ly know this Uni­verse too.
You will jour­ney with count­less oth­er life-forms,
Who just like you are on this sacred path of Self-Becoming,
Formed, Guid­ed and Inspired by the Self-Lumi­nous Hier­ar­chy of Love.

Your jour­ney is pre­cious, and so you will nev­er walk alone.
For many have come this way before you…and they wait.
They range from beings beyond imag­in­ing, whose nature is far removed
From these human tri­als and tribulations.
To those who work, in forms and beyond forms,
Tire­less­ly striving/serving to heal by love.
They wait for you, watch over you, care for you.
Though you must do “the work”, of lift­ing your veil of doubt and fear
And so come by your own self-becom­ing to the ever­last­ing Truth,
They do what they can to help, lift­ing spir­its, send­ing com­fort and hope.
And when need­ed, an emis­sary will come to remind one and all,
To show “the way”, to lead you back to the sacred path of a
Freer Mind, Uncon­di­tion­al Love and a Cen­tered Will.

Among all the count­less beings who have come this way before, today we cel­e­brate and hon­or one of our “own”. For today is the Day of the Bud­dha, today we bow our heads and hon­or the first of our Kind. For just as you must some­day too, the Bud­dha was the first, he is the “Self-Awak­ened One”. He threw off the shack­les of uncon­scious­ness to become a com­plete human…what is known in the Ancient Wis­dom as a Jivanmukta…a freed Monad.

He is no longer bound by the Law of Kar­ma, he has made his final choice…
And he chose to wait…he chose to wait for all of you. For this is the Way, this is the Truth…this is Love.
He stands now, at the por­tal of self-transcendence,
He will wait for each of you to make your way.
For this is the Great Sac­ri­fice, this is Sacred Love.
He waits for you to be ful­ly human,
He waits for you to be the Self-Awak­ened too.

We cel­e­brate the Bud­dha today because it is said the he was born at the Full Moon of Tau­rus, achieved enlight­en­ment at anoth­er Full Moon of Tau­rus, and final­ly left his phys­i­cal form at anoth­er. His expe­ri­ence and sto­ry illus­trates one of the fun­da­men­tal truths you must mas­ter, you are an Immor­tal mov­ing through Worlds, Forms and Lives that are mor­tal and impermanent.

Your prin­ci­ple pain aris­es from “attach­ment”, from the desire to con­tin­ue and hold to this or that “thing”, whether it be an object, an expe­ri­ence, a loved one, or even your very own life…you suf­fer because you have forgotten…You are an Immor­tal Spir­it mov­ing through these forms of man­i­fes­ta­tion, but none of these can hold you for­ev­er, noth­ing can or will last for­ev­er in these mor­tal realms. You are Spir­it, you are here to grow, and there is no “con­tain­er” that can ever be enough, there is noth­ing that can hold for­ev­er the Light-Truth-Love that abides with­in you.

What you must do, what you have always done, is to sim­ply walk on. You are here to be what you are, Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it thrilling through count­less forms of self-becom­ing, seek­ing, stretch­ing, and grow­ing for­ev­er and ever.

You should cel­e­brate each encounter with your world and with one anoth­er. Mar­vel at the Sun setting…but it will end. And so, you will turn and watch as your Star ris­es again at the dawn. When in the phys­i­cal, live in Beau­ty by mov­ing through Life by Love. Know that whether you are with some­one for a won­der­ful after­noon, or for many, many years of rich­ly lived lives…it too will end. And it will hurt, as it must, but you will come to know that this pain is the mir­rored reflec­tion of the joy you shared, and will con­tin­ue to share again and again too.

Cel­e­brate your Spir­it in Motion, mov­ing from form to form, grow­ing and becom­ing as you move ever clos­er to the moment of true free­dom and spir­i­tu­al grace. Freed from doubt, free of fear, you under­stand your destiny.

Today/tonight cel­e­bra­tions will held around the world, to hon­or one who came before us, but one who is just like you and me…The teach­ers do not come to start a reli­gion, that is for those who come after. The teach­ers do not come and say “pray to me”. Every true Teacher comes in order to quite pro­found­ly yet sim­ply say: “Do as I have done, fol­low the path that is with­in you, lis­ten to the whis­pers of your own High­er Self who is singing the same songs I have sung to you. Fol­low this path and you will be wel­comed home too.”

To all who seek, an answer will come.

To all who serve, a door will open.

Join with those who seek by serv­ing, in cel­e­bra­tion of the truth of your des­tiny and the exam­ple of the one who came before, and who waits until all have made their way home too. Hold the Great Invo­ca­tion in your Mind, Heart and Will as you repeat the promise made of a bet­ter world to be:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.