Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mars Enters Cancer (July 13, 2013)


Your Avatar of Action splash­es into the
Waters of Life…

The final Cho­ris­ter in this Sum­mer Song
of Spir­it is now in place for the Grand Align­ment that embraces your world now.
For it is just ahead, around the next bend in the Riv­er of Life, where the
Lords Jupiter, Sat­urn and Nep­tune will align in a most beau­ti­ful and benefic
Grand Trine of Water and offer to you their Trip­tych of Truth, bestow­ing their Gifts
of Car­ing, Union and Grace.

With Mars in Can­cer for the next forty-five
days, you will feel, focus and act with deep­er con­vic­tions, as you align
your­self to and expe­ri­ence the inspi­ra­tion and guid­ance bestowed by this Sign
of your Center…

Yes, it is time to act with greater
Feel­ing, to strive for deep­er Secu­ri­ty and pur­pose­ly demon­strate that your
Inten­tion is, always and will for­ev­er be to Care for one another.

For this is your Path of
Self-Unfold­ment, because you are guid­ed by a fun­da­men­tal truth that was founded
by your Ori­gin, by what lies at the Root of You. You are here for one
rea­son, To Grow…And in so doing you will slow­ly but sure­ly acquire a more
encom­pass­ing under­stand­ing of your­self and of those with whom you journey.

And as you lift up your Self-Awareness
you will even­tu­al­ly come to a most beau­ti­ful Self-Real­iza­tion, that all of your
actions must be guid­ed by a sim­ple yet pro­found Under­stand­ing: That you and every
par­ti­cle of Cre­ation are part of a great fam­i­ly of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.
That Wher­ev­er, What­ev­er or Whomev­er you have before you, you must in the end act
with the under­stand­ing that here before me is my Moth­er, my Father, my Sister,
my Brother…that there is but One Spir­it and all of this Cre­ation, all of it
is in truth my Family.

Your jour­ney on Earth brings you out
from that most inti­mate cir­cle of your cen­tered aware­ness, where­in you pursue
per­son­al­ly cir­cum­scribed actions that are formed and bound­ed by your
iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with your imme­di­ate roots, by your feel­ings for Kith and Kin, of
friend and fam­i­ly, and this is quite nat­ur­al, right and understandable…

But over time, you will real­ize that your
well-being and future becomes inti­mate­ly woven into and secured by your ever
expand­ing lev­el of con­scious­ness and cir­cle of life …so that over time you come
to under­stand that your secu­ri­ty and cen­ter is inte­gral­ly tied to the fortunes
and fate of one and all…

Although you can take great com­fort in
how far humans have come in our Fam­i­ly Jour­ney, you must acknowl­edge that when
at least one-third of the world meets the ris­ing sun as they saw it set, that
their most basic needs are not met, that their day begins and ends in hunger
and star­va­tion, that in such a world you should and will find no com­fort, no
peace and no security…no, not really…

So your dri­ve for secu­ri­ty, your
striv­ing for your fam­i­ly and home, it needs to grow as must you…to whatever
extent you can feel, focus and extend your car­ing for one anoth­er, you will and
must do so as you expe­ri­ence this Greater Fam­i­ly, this Tree of Life, that needs
you as you need it too…because you care, because you are cared for too.

For we are all related…

As we are All for One and One for All.

From the beginning…

Until the final hour.

One Fam­i­ly, One Life…

One Home.

Mercury Conjunct Sun (July 9, 2013)


Your answer is here…

But of course, things are not quite ever
what they seem, no indeed…

For exam­ple, from your per­spec­tive here
on Earth, Mer­cury has been mov­ing ret­ro­grade since June 26, pro­vid­ing you with
a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to reflect and reex­am­ine the root con­nec­tions between
your Feel­ings and your Mind.

But tru­ly, it is Mer­cury who is
“catch­ing up” to you here on Earth, and pass­ing you on the inside
track of his orbit, com­ing between you and the Sun and today form­ing the
align­ment known as a Con­junc­tion (which is like a New Moon for your Mind).

So real­ly it is you here on Earth, it is
you who appears to be going back­wards com­pared to the pace and posi­tion of
Mer­cury, as Her­mes cir­cles the Sun over four times to your one Earth-bound
year…As in all mat­ters, the facts depend upon your per­spec­tive, the
“truth” that you can per­ceive, (and that you seek to obtain so as to gain
some mea­sure of certainty/security), is always rel­a­tive to your posi­tion, it is
always to be under­stood as lim­it­ed by your aware­ness and lev­el of

Three times dur­ing your year, Mercury
will seem­ing­ly turn around and come back across the face of the Sun, but it is
real­ly Mer­cury who is rac­ing up, catch­es you and pass­es by…and as he comes
between you and your Star, much like in a New Moon, there is formed and released
for you yet anoth­er pre­cious seed of understanding…And the ques­tions and
con­cerns you have pon­dered of late may find an answer.

For Mer­cury’s gift will
always pro­vide the poten­tial for resolv­ing or eas­ing some ques­tion or questions
that have been formed in your life, but whose answer or res­o­lu­tion seems just
out of reach…but you must be ready, will­ing and able to receive this gift…you
must open your mind and your heart, you must be ready to let go of your
cer­tain­ties and engage your capac­i­ty for a per­cep­tu­al shift.

The mes­sage of Mercury/Sun in Cancer
reminds you that your most won­der­ful low­er, rea­son­ing and objec­tive­ly focused
mind is indeed a mighty ser­vant but a most lim­it­ed mas­ter, it can only take you
so far, for it can only take you to the bound­ary of what you present­ly know and
believe to be true…But to obtain the answers to your prob­lems, the very
prob­lems formed by you, that you cre­ate by your very per­spec­tive or point of
view, to find your way out of your self-made maze requires you to move beyond your
assump­tions and per­spec­tives, to rise above your lim­it­ed paradigm. 

You need to
expand into a more inclu­sive, nuanced and liv­ing under­stand­ing which is there
for you, always. But it is not “out there”…it is ever wait­ing for you,
abid­ing there with­in your heart, seat­ed in your Soul, the cen­ter that you call your
High­er Self.

First by the ret­ro­grade, you have obtained
a refresh­ing return to the roots of your being, remind­ing you that at the core
of you resides the Watch­er watch­ing, observ­ing and patient­ly wait­ing for you to
lis­ten to the Song of Spirit…And when you hear this sweet whis­per it will
reawak­en and quick­en your Intu­ition­al Self, your Self-Know­ing that lifts
and expands your Perceptions…It is this Grace offered by You to you, and all
that is required is your atten­tive­ness, your lov­ing regard for and returned by
your High­er Self.

For alone you can­not become more than
your conditioning…but you are not alone, not from your begin­ning and unto the
day of your final awak­en­ing, there is the Always the one who is there, whose
whole being aches for your self-unfold­ment, for your real­iza­tion of your true
nature, of your sub­lime state of Being, which is just beyond, yet always so
near at hand.

Today you can move anoth­er step

You will go to bed with a question…

And a whis­per and gen­tle touch will
remind you…

That you have only to believe, to have

And calm­ly ask for guidance.

Then you will dis­cov­er, when

You open your eyes, now filled with

That your prayer was the answer…

Your Faith, is the Bridge…

To the Song of Songs.

New Moon in Cancer (July 8, 2013)


War­den of the Night can­not be seen, for she has come back into those Inner
Realms that lie between you and your Star. For the past few days, and for the
next few to fol­low, you will not see her, nei­ther ris­ing or set­ting, for she is
veiled now with­in those stream­ing Solar rays that fill and inform these spaces
of Space that you call home.

Every month the Solar-Lunar rela­tion­ship sweeps across the heavens
and lays down for you the basic Arche­typ­al Cycle of your Self-Unfold­ment. At
each New Moon a release of new inspi­ra­tion gives impe­tus to your striv­ing to
become a lit­tle bit more of what you are to be…and at each Full Moon you are
reward­ed with a new Under­stand­ing of the Inte­gral rela­tion­ship between the
Ener­gy-Forms of the Signs where­in the Sun and Moon stand watch at that time.

Today’s mes­sage con­cerns the release of a new Ener­gy-Form, a
renew­al of the mes­sages that Eter­nal­ly flow out from the Realm that is Cancer.
It is time to pause again and wel­come these sooth­ing, calm­ing reassuring
Feel­ing-Mem­o­ries that flow from the Cen­ter of your being, that flow from the Cen­ter of the Cos­mos and from your
Heart, and lead you back again to that warm embrac­ing feel­ing of being part of a
some­thing, of belong­ing some­where, of being home again.

This is the Gift of Can­cer, that in these Waters of Life that
con­nect you from your present day and back to your most ancient of Ori­gins, you
expe­ri­ence the Fun­da­men­tal Truth that you, what you know as your­self, are part
of some­thing more, that you move with­in a stream of Ener­gy-Forms that form this
larg­er expe­ri­ence of Self­ness, a wave of won­drous Light that you know as your

And it is here in your heart, where your Soul is Root­ed, that you can fol­low a Gold­en Chord of your many, many sojourns in this realm…and this chord forms your path­way that con­nects you to your past and to all who
trav­el with you, bind­ing you all to one anoth­er in these many lives and many
man­sions of your fam­i­ly home, your home on Earth.

So take a moment in this your cur­rent sojourn upon the Earth, take
a moment to feel the Moon there slid­ing between you and your Star, take a
moment to feel and remem­ber the con­nec­tions that hold you with and to your
imme­di­ate fam­i­ly, and with your Fam­i­ly of Light too…

For you are one of a
Com­pa­ny of Fel­low Seek­ers, Trav­el­ers in Time and Space, who for a time abide
upon this spe­cial Cor­ner of Space, your Home here upon this World of Wonder,
your home here on Earth.

a moment…

Breathe deep…

Open your heart,

and Remem­ber this Feeling.

Yes, there it is now…

The Cross­ing Point,

Between the Dark­ness and the Light.

Your beau­ti­ful jew­el of Blue and White…


Saturn Turns Direct & Venus Trine Uranus (July 7, 2013)


Lord of Forms and Real­i­ty stands still as he turns to move for­ward again
through Scor­pio until March 2014…It is time for you to turn the focus of your
atten­tion from inner to out­er realms, as you take with you now a deeper
under­stand­ing of what hopes and fears you bring into this sacred space of unions.

The past sev­er­al months have giv­en you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to reflect
upon what may hold you back from an even deep­er con­nec­tion with the one before
you. You would have encoun­tered what Sat­urn in Scor­pio will and must always
show you…That your long­ing for this deep­er Union must face the chal­lenge of
your Fears, for you have been here before, and your self-cast shad­ows of doubt
might bring about the very thing you wish to avoid, your fears will make
man­i­fest some form of rejec­tion, sep­a­ra­tion or loss rather than a deeper
bond­ing with one another.

What you require is a fear­less faith based upon a deeper
under­stand­ing of what core Prin­ci­ples, Truths and Val­ues makes you who you
are…That the pre­req­ui­site for Union is met by a truer Union with one­self, for
by this you will deter­mine how and what you are will­ing to sac­ri­fice in order
to cre­ate the con­di­tions for this union, but also there­by know which sacrifices
are too great…That it would be to no avail to sac­ri­fice what makes you and
cre­ate a Union, only to real­ize that the real you is not to be a part of it!

Yes, all com­bi­na­tions require that you make a Sac­ri­fice, but the
true mean­ing of that word means to “Make Sacred”, you are asked to
give up the less­er parts of your­self, but to always and for­ev­er hon­or, preserve
and pro­tect your Spir­i­tu­al Core. Yes sac­ri­fices will hurt, for you are attached
to many less­er things in your life, but the glo­ry and gain of a deep­er union
will be so much more for you and your beloved too.

So now you can turn with this greater Self-Knowl­edge, you can form
and forge your joint endeav­ors upon a sig­nif­i­cant shar­ing of com­mon val­ues and
interests…If there is enough val­ue shared between you, then you can hold to
one anoth­er, help one anoth­er, and actu­al­ly bring about a quick­en­ing of your
prin­ci­ple pur­pose which is to Grow…For it is in your com­bi­na­tion with one
anoth­er that you expe­ri­ence an inte­gral self-trans­for­ma­tion through the mutual
sup­port you give to one anoth­er. In your Sac­ri­fice, Join­ing and
Self-Tran­scen­dence you and they become more than you could, even if you were
some­how able to go for­ward alone.

But you also come togeth­er pre­cise­ly for what is not shared, because
each of you is spe­cial, dif­fer­ent and unique from one anoth­er, and so you come
into unions to com­ple­ment one anoth­er. You come togeth­er to work, to play to
grow because you are dif­fer­ent from one anoth­er and in your com­bi­na­tion with
each oth­er you are able to become so much more than you could ever be on your
own. You need your com­mon, shared bonds which form the basis of your joining,
but the rich­ness and reward of your union comes from your dif­fer­ences with one
another…and this is where today’s oth­er aspect is adding a spe­cial gift and
mes­sage to your Union Making… 




today Venus aligns most beau­ti­ful­ly with Uranus, and the Avatar of Val­ue is
graced by the Avatar of Individuality…and it is pre­cise­ly at such a time that
you can and should be delight­ed by and cel­e­brate how each of you is tru­ly a
unique aspect or spark of the Divine too…

Each of you has spe­cial qual­i­ties, sen­si­bil­i­ties and contributions
to make, and your Unions depend upon these as much as they are found­ed and
secured by what you have in com­mon in your core com­mit­ments and shared values.

For what you are and would become is some­thing spe­cial, each spark
of the Divine is here to come into and real­ize its own spe­cial song in the
Cho­rus of the Cosmos…and so you need to acknowl­edge this to one
anoth­er, sup­port one anoth­er in your dif­fer­ences and so dis­cov­er more in and
through one anoth­er about your­self and about these worlds through which you
jour­ney. You must forge a Union with one anoth­er that does not bind you blindly
to one anoth­er, but serves to estab­lish a greater space of free­dom to be, that
lib­er­ates your spir­its to soar into greater ranges of self-realization. 

You are free because you are com­mit­ted to one anoth­er, knowing
that each is there for the oth­er, secure­ly found­ed upon your core beliefs and
principles…and, you are also there for one anoth­er with that Uncon­di­tion­al Love which finds its true joy in the ful­fill­ment of one anoth­er’s jour­ney of
self-becom­ing. For each must ful­fill their pur­pose as a unique spark with­in the
Flame of Spir­it, and to do this you must hon­or, respect and sup­port one another…you must find your love in the jour­ney of the oth­er too…

You are here to grow, for your­self and for one another…

You do this by join­ing with one anoth­er in what you share…

And by tak­ing your delights in what is dif­fer­ent too.

By forg­ing Unions which Free you to become…

You reflect the greater Light with­in which you abide.

The Love of the One…

Hold­ing you to one another…

In the Ever­last­ing Union,

That is the Wis­dom, Love and Will

Of the One.

Venus Square Saturn (July 1, 2013)


You are here to grow…

And you do this
as you learn how to weave togeth­er these threads of Ener­gy and Form, that are within
and around you, and by this most won­drous process of your Self-Unfold­ment you and your world become the “Beau­ty of
the Self-Begot­ten”, the Divine made man­i­fest in this Cos­mos, your life,
your Creation.

Today Venus, your Muse of Beau­ty and
Love encoun­ters Sat­urn, the Mas­ter of Forms and Real­i­ty, and you will find the need
to adjust again the warp and weave of your Self-Illu­mined Life. For Venus is
sweep­ing through the Ide­al­is­tic Fires of Leo, where Love is met in acts of
Chival­ry and Feal­ty, where Hon­or and Loy­al­ty are offered up by and to one
another…With Venus in Leo you wish to Love and see your­self as stand­ing upon
these foun­da­tions of Self-Respect and Hon­or, which then become expressed
through and mir­rored in the Con­sid­er­a­tions and Con­duct you should show to one

But Sat­urn comes to this Plan­e­tary Joust
with anoth­er Ban­ner of Truth, he throws down the Gaunt­let of Growth and
Trans­for­ma­tion to these High and Mighty Ideals of Love and Beauty…for Saturn
rides for Scor­pio now. Sat­urn is here to remind you that your Idealistic
Prin­ci­ples of Love, your out­ward Acts of Con­sid­er­a­tion and Respect must not
flow from and fol­low mere­ly these prop­er Forms or Appear­ances of Love…Oh no!

Scor­pio demands that your love must come
from the depths of your being, root­ed in those trans­for­ma­tive feel­ings that have
been born by your encounter and Union with your own True Self, your Beloved…Which
then and only then can open the por­tal to break­ing the “Illu­sion that is Separation”. 

this is how you will expe­ri­ence self-tran­scen­dence and trans­for­ma­tion, by this death
and rebirth of your less­er sense of self, by know­ing Love as found­ed upon your essen­tial One­ness with one another…and that your Right­ful­ly Shared Sac­ri­fices are the Promise Keep­ers, the Foun­tain-Source and Foun­da­tion for the Greater Union with one
anoth­er too.

For it is not enough to mere­ly subscribe
to the Right Way of Relat­ing to one anoth­er, which may bring you
self-sat­is­fac­tion or the com­men­da­tion of your peers…you must Feel this Love
with­in and between you too…You must become more than mere Ideals, you must become more
than you were! 

It is not enough to know and believe what is True and Honorable,
for these Ideals must be anchored and secured with and to your Soul…They are anchored by,
in and through the Sac­ri­fices and Rewards you make with and for one another…They are secured
by this most awe­some Pow­er of your Feel­ings that you hold for one another.

These “Ideals made Real through Feel­ings” will then be woven into your soul, and into your relationship…and so it is
this that will hold you to your­self and to one anoth­er too, not mere­ly because it
is “Right”, but because it Feels Right too.

The Venus/Saturn chal­lenge may come as a choice, between
doing what is Right, Prop­er or Respectable ver­sus doing what feels more Authentic,
Desir­able or Passionate…but in the end you can­not and must not separate
your­self or these ways of being…your real Chal­lenge is to face the Choice
between one way or anoth­er, and then “choose not to choose”…Your Path is to take
the Third Way, to not choose because you have found the Mid­dle Way, the Path of

Then you can be what you are meant to

You will be Authen­ti­cal­ly Considerate…

Full of Feal­ty and Desire…

Pas­sion­ate and Respectful…

You will be more complete.

You the Self-Becom­ing Wonder…

Doing what is Right…

Feel­ing what is True.