Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sun Enters Taurus (April 19, 2016)


Your year­ly jour­ney with and through the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, what is com­mon­ly known as the Zodi­ac, departs from Aries, the First Realm of Fire. It is time for you and your world to move into this sec­ond act of the Sacred Twelve, it is time to abide in the First Realm of Earth, it is time to come home to Taurus.

This is the heart­beat of Spir­it, “Fire-Earth-Air-Water”, and after each sojourn in the space-time of Fire, (which is the realm of Visions, Ideals, Enthu­si­asms and Dreams), it is nec­es­sary to bring these plans of poten­tial “down to Earth”, it is time to see if these “Gifts of the Spir­it” can become Real and Substantial.

What you will face now is this chal­lenge: Will you be able to take the Inspi­ra­tion you found as you moved through the realm of Aries and make it come “to be”. For in Fire your soul/spirit is filled by this Intu­ition­al Truth: that you are a Divine Spark, and in essence, as a Spir­i­tu­al Mon­ad, you are “one of the ones of the One”, and so your sacred heart cen­ter is tru­ly the Foun­tain-Source of the “Infini­ties of Poten­tial­i­ty”. You are des­tined to become a ful­ly self-con­scious, Dream­ing-Mak­er Co-Cre­ator of Creation.

But the ques­tion is, can you take your Idea/Ideal and fash­ion “some-thing”, can you form your­self and your world into mean­ing­ful real­iza­tions and pur­pose­ful­ness today? The ques­tion is, can you bring your Ide­al into Being, can you breath upon the “Waters of What-Might-Be” and be a “Mak­er of Value”?

The First ques­tion of Aries is: Who are you?

The Sec­ond ques­tion of Tau­rus is: What are you?

You are brought by Aries to real­ize that you are a unique instance of the one Divine Spir­it. You are a spark of the Divine, a mon­ad trav­el­ling through Worlds, Forms and Lives as you unfold your­self by Imma­nence, by the sacred path of “Self-Becom­ing”. You grad­u­al­ly ascend from unself-con­scious spark of the Divine, and through many, many, many lives you will even­tu­al­ly become a self-ful­filled human: endowed with Cos­mic Con­scious­ness, Uncon­di­tion­al Love and a Cen­tered Spir­i­tu­al Will.

In Earth, and here by Tau­rus, you will make many “things”. You will pour your­self into count­less forms, objects and activ­i­ties, into phys­i­cal-emo­tion­al-social-cul­tur­al-spir­i­tu­al vehi­cles of Self-Realization…but the most impor­tant “thing” you will ever fashion…well that is you.

The real ques­tion will for­ev­er be, (as you will at many times doubt or feel your­self to be “unwor­thy”): What is the val­ue of you?

And the real or ulti­mate answer or truth will for­ev­er and ever be: Your val­ue is beyond measure…for you are priceless.

Why? Because beyond any forms of self-real­iza­tion, beyond all the phys­i­cal cre­ations you have fash­ioned, and into which you poured some mea­sure of the val­ue that is you, (and by this you cre­at­ed and bestowed your val­ue into “some-thing”)….beyond and behind all these things you make as a cre­ator, there abides in you this truth. You are one with the One Spir­it, a Spark of the Divine, which is the true source and mak­er of all val­ue, the foun­tain-source for all these worlds. Above all and any oth­er val­ue of you there will always be the Ulti­mate source of Beau­ty, Val­ue and Cre­ation… behind it all there is quite won­der­ful­ly and sim­ply Love.

You are one of the ones of the One…and your truth worth and val­ue is beyond all reck­on­ing. You have not even as yet begun to com­pre­hend how far you have come nor how far you will yet trav­el as you ful­fill your des­tiny to be the Dream­ing-Mak­ing-Cre­ator. You will pass through many Worlds, Forms and Lives…but these are not who or what you are.

You came from the stars…

You are des­tined to become a star…and then to go beyond.

And behind it all there is but one Force, one Truth, one Value…


Podcast—2016 Forecast–Part Four


Podcast—2016, Part Four

Jupiter Square Saturn

Today we con­sid­er anoth­er of the sig­na­ture align­ments for 2016, Jupiter Square Saturn.

The syn­od­i­cal cycle (from one con­junc­tion to the next con­junc­tion) of Jupiter and Sat­urn is 20 years long. Their rela­tion­ship artic­u­lates the vary­ing inte­gra­tions of our under­stand­ings, (Philoso­phies, Sci­ences, Reli­gions) with our sub­stan­tial real­iza­tions of our Ideas into the “real” or phys­i­cal world, (Insti­tu­tions, Busi­ness­es, Gov­ern­ments, and quite lit­er­al­ly our “way of life”).

When Jupiter and Sat­urn are form­ing align­ments that are more har­mo­nious, what is Real and how we Under­stand it are in greater agree­ment. And when they are in a peri­od char­ac­ter­ized with more ten­sion between them either our mean­ings or our real­i­ty (or both) do not add up or make sense/or func­tion as they should. It is at such times that we either have to refine our under­stand­ing and/or make adap­tive changes to our struc­tures so that we can bet­ter meet our needs and live a life of beau­ty, har­mo­ny and peace.

Today’s pod­cast con­cerns the Jupiter/Saturn align­ment from August 2015 through May 2016, which is formed by their wan­ing square, and this is their last major aspect before they meet in a his­toric con­junc­tion dur­ing 2020. This align­ment we are fac­ing now is a pre­cur­sor and prepa­ra­tion for that major shift in 2020. What might that shift entail?

We can also under­stand the Jupiter/Saturn cycle as being orga­nized into a larg­er series of repeat­ed con­junc­tions that occur in the same ele­ment (Fire, Earth, Air and Water) over a peri­od of about 180 to 200 years. Most recent­ly we have been expe­ri­enc­ing their con­junc­tions in Earth since 1842, but in 2020 they will begin a new series in the ele­ment of Air (until 2219). These series of con­junc­tions in a par­tic­u­lar ele­ment con­tribute to defin­ing a peri­od Spir­i­tu­al­ly (and Cul­tur­al­ly, Eco­nom­i­cal­ly and Polit­i­cal­ly). For exam­ple, the pre­vi­ous Water peri­od (1425–1663) could be called an “Age of Faith”, and the fol­low­ing Fire peri­od (1663–1842) an “Age of Explo­rations”, and our Earth peri­od (1842–2020) an “Age of Mate­ri­al­iza­tion”. What will arrive in 2020 is an Age of Air, or what we might call an “Age of Ide­al­iza­tion” or an “Age of Etherealization”.

Here is a list of the pre­vi­ous Great Muta­tions of Jupiter and Sat­urn, which can help us to under­stand what we are being formed by with regards to the pre­vail­ing  greater con­text of mean­ing in each his­tor­i­cal period:
Water 1425–1663 (Age of Faith), pri­or 690–868, 165BC-74AD, 960BC-781BC

Fire    1663–1842 (Age of Explo­ration), pri­or 868‑1047, 74AD-253, 781BC-582BC

Earth 1842–2020 (Age of Man­i­fes­ta­tion), pri­or 1047–1226, 253–452, 582BC-384BC

Air     2020–2219 (Age of Ide­al­iza­tion), pri­or 1226–1425, 452–690, 384BC-165BC


So, this year’s wan­ing square is the final shift/release before a new 200 year cycle com­mences. We are not only fac­ing a turn­ing point regard­ing what we have made of our Beliefs/Realities since 2000, but in some fash­ion we are also fac­ing the final karmic adjust­ment of what has been our the­mat­ic par­a­digm since 1842!

This final and Wan­ing Square of Jupiter to Sat­urn is informed by their respec­tive sign posi­tions, Vir­go for Jupiter and Sagit­tar­ius for Sat­urn, or between the realms of Earth and Fire. The wan­ing square requires that each one of us indi­vid­u­al­ly, and also col­lec­tive­ly, take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to “let go” or “rise above” both the thought-forms (or ideas) and formed-thoughts (or real­i­ties) in order to grow. Giv­en what was revealed at their last oppo­si­tion in 2010-11 ( with ref­er­ence back to the ori­gin point of 2000 and the wax­ing square of choic­es 2005-06), we now are asked to rise above our more lim­it­ed under­stand­ing of not only our time, but what has been cen­tral or core mean­ings and lessons we have come through since 1842.

For myself, I believe that one of our major lessons (or awak­en­ings) that has been re-dis­cov­ered dur­ing this peri­od, (and has espe­cial­ly been brought to a fin­er point by our Envi­ron­men­tal, Eco­nom­ic, Polit­i­cal and Cul­tur­al crises) is that we have re-dis­cov­ered the truth with regards to our mate­r­i­al exis­tence: “More does not equal More”.

We most cer­tain­ly have cre­at­ed vast wealth (for a few), and more for many oth­ers since the 1840’s. But we have done so through “Cre­ative Destruc­tion”, as our rela­tion­ship to our home plan­et became one of “tak­ing” rather than “tak­ing care”. Our time-frames became imme­di­ate and urgent, and we for­got that the con­se­quences of our actions would be expe­ri­enced by those who came long after us…and they will cer­tain­ly cast a shad­owed view back upon us as they won­der, “what were they think­ing, why did they not care?”

Quan­ti­ty does not equal Qual­i­ty, and we are expe­ri­enc­ing the need to reestab­lish our lives in the Way of Beau­ty, to find our joy by liv­ing in a greater har­mo­ny and bal­ance with one anoth­er and with our plan­et. Though there was a great expan­sion of mate­r­i­al well-being for the past 200 years, the true costs were not fac­tored into the “Ledger Book of Life”. As much as there was great cre­ation of phys­i­cal arti­facts, there was arguably equal or greater destruc­tion too of the phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al, men­tal and spir­i­tu­al realms on Earth as well.

For the future, for the Age of Air that begins in 2020, what might we find? There will be the enjoy­ment of expe­ri­enc­ing life more sim­ply, of hav­ing less “things” to come between one anoth­er. We will need to adopt a sim­pler, yet more spir­i­tu­al lifestyle and re-inte­grate our lives with the life of Moth­er Earth. We will get back to “Liv­ing in the Light”, for our des­tiny is to be con­scious co-cre­ators on this plan­et. Now that we under­stand more tru­ly the com­plex web of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it that is life on Earth, we must pro­tect and sup­port these very lives we depend upon for our very own survival.

We are here to be the Dreamer-Makers…

Let us fol­low the Ancient Wisdom…

Walk in Beau­ty, Live in Beauty…

Love one another.

Here is Part Four of the 2016 Pod­cast — Jupiter Square Saturn

Sun Enters Aries—The Equinox (March 19, 2016)


Hap­py Astro­log­i­cal New Year!

The Cir­cle of Life begins once more…

You are always sur­round­ed by, yet equal­ly jour­ney through,

The Twelve Man­sions of Life-Consciousness-Spirit,

The Liv­ing Waters of Life known to you as “the Zodiac”.

These Ener­gy-Forms both form and inform you,

As in each World, Body and Life you unfold from with­in yourself

The Divine Spark which is your Foun­tain Source of Light and Truth,

Your pre­cious Spir­i­tu­al Essence…for this is what makes you “you”.


In each life you weave togeth­er a unique com­bi­na­tion of these Twelve Rays.

For it is by and through any one life, and then through a series of many, many lives

That you will come to learn and to mas­ter each one of these Spir­i­tu­al Gifts.

It is through these Twelve-Fold infi­nite com­bi­na­tions that you learn to become

The “Self-Mas­ter­ful”, a Freed Mon­ad who is no longer bound by the Laws of Karma.


This is your Des­tiny, to be a unique, pre­cious melody in the Song of Spirit.

For you are a one, but you also one of many, many ones,

Who form in their infi­nite total­i­ty, through the many realms, worlds and lives

The resplen­dent Spir­i­tu­al Life, Mind and Love of the One.


But, as in all things, there must be a first step.

Here at the first por­tal of Aries, you pass from the mys­tery of Infinity

Into your Dawn of Self-Deter­mi­na­tion, and so into Self-Lim­i­ta­tion too.

For you can be any­thing giv­en time, but in any one time you must be some-thing.

Here, and at all begin­nings, you must take a stand…


Now you must answer the most impor­tant and pro­found of questions:

Who are you?”

This is always the begin­ning, the Invo­lu­tion of Spir­it into Mat­ter is where you start.

Here at this most awe­some por­tal of Poten­tial­i­ty you must pause and consider.

You must approach each and every moment of your life with great care,

For each action sets in motion what is to fol­low, for many years and even lives to come.

And far more than this, how you treat one anoth­er is filled with con­se­quences too,

For you form your­selves through one anoth­er, and

Your lives and Kar­ma are inter­twined and so made of one another.

These actions/reactions will fol­low you for this life, and

On through count­less worlds, forms and lives to come as well.


So, pause and con­sid­er care­ful­ly, for the Law is the Law,

And what you sow you shall reap.

You are the dream­er-mak­er-cre­ator; your past is done,

And what will be you can­not know…

The only moment that mat­ters is here,

Here you face the Eter­nal Now.

So, you must lead with your very best,

For your life…and for theirs too.

The whole of Cre­ation hangs in the bal­ance, and it all comes down to this:

You must do your part, lis­ten to your heart.

You will try to do a lit­tle better,

You will rise a lit­tle high­er, because

You are here today, you are here now,

It is your time to be a bet­ter “you”.


You must strive to do what is right by you and for others,

To be nei­ther over-whelm­ing, or under-whelming.

To bring to bear in what­ev­er sit­u­a­tion you enter what is need­ed from you.

To offer what­ev­er of you would be most wel­com­ing and welcomed.

You are here to bring light and dis­pel the darkness,

To bring clar­i­ty to con­fu­sion, calm­ness instead of chaos,

To be your­self tru­ly and let oth­ers be them­selves too.

Right Think­ing, Right Bear­ing and so Right Action,

This is you, this is being your Aries Truth.


The ques­tion at every step in your jour­ney will always be,

Who are you?”

And you will find your answer by know­ing this:

From where did you come?

The Divine.

Why you are here?

To Love.

And, by know­ing this,

You will turn to the Light, you will be the Light too.


Because you know this is your Destiny,

You are the Self-that-is-Becoming.

You are one of the ones of the One.

Your approach to this life and to one another

Must fol­low from this Feeling-Knowing-Being:

That before you, in every form of life you encounter…

There is the Mys­tery, there is “That”, there is a one, and so,

There am I too.


You will lead with Kindness,

You will act with Courage,

You will Love with all your heart.

Because this is who you are.

You are one of the ones of the One.

And you are here to Love.


Podcast—2016 Forecast–Part Three


Podcast—2016, Part Three

Sat­urn Nep­tune Cycle in Per­son­al Terms

To con­clude the dis­cus­sion regard­ing the Saturn/Neptune square for now, I wish to con­sid­er the impli­ca­tions of this aspect for indi­vid­u­als, groups and soci­ety in general.

The cycle of Sat­urn and Nep­tune, last­ing about 36 years, con­cerns the involutionary/evolutionary inte­gra­tion of our struc­tures of Real­i­ty (Sat­urn) with one of the three won­drous pow­ers that account for our spir­i­tu­al gift of self-unfold­ment, that par­tic­u­lar expe­ri­ence being the process of Illu­mi­na­tion as we exer­cise our Intu­ition­al nature through our Dreaming/Imagination (Nep­tune).

The Saturn/Neptune cycle com­mences with the release of a new impulse at their con­junc­tion and then unfolds over the next 36 years through phas­es of at times more grace­ful and then more chal­leng­ing artic­u­la­tions of inte­gra­tion (or lack there­of) with one another.

For us, from Novem­ber 2015 into Sep­tem­ber 2016, we are seek­ing to under­stand (again) one of the more chal­leng­ing moments in their cycle. Where­as the Con­junc­tion (0°) and cer­tain­ly the Sex­tile (60°) and Trine (120°) can be expe­ri­enced more ele­gant­ly, the Oppo­si­tion (180°) and the Wax­ing or Wan­ing Square (90°) are often more asso­ci­at­ed with fric­tions, frac­tions and schisms. We are encoun­ter­ing the chal­lenge of the Wan­ing Square this year.

Both the Wax­ing and Wan­ing Squares can be under­stood as times of Cri­sis, where this cycle rela­tion­ship of Dreams and Real­i­ty has arrived at a crit­i­cal moment of deci­sion, and we need, or are forced, to face the dilem­mas inward­ly and out­ward­ly regard­ing what­ev­er we encounter at this turn­ing. Giv­en the choic­es met at the Wan­ing Square, there are real­ly two pos­si­ble outcomes:

1) We can rise to the chal­lenge (through Love), face the sit­u­a­tion open­ly and wise­ly, and so lift our­selves up to a high­er lev­el of func­tion­ing. We can choose to face our­selves and our world and make this present dif­fi­cul­ty into an oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow beyond our for­mer self-lim­i­ta­tions, (those very self-lim­i­ta­tions being what actu­al­ly brought us to this very cri­sis), because we resolve, because we are inspired, to move beyond or through the old dichotomies and assump­tions, and this brings us into a high­er lev­el of under­stand­ing and action….or,

2) We fall back (frozen by fear), and cling to the shells of false-mean­ing (and dis­card the ker­nels of truth). We seek refuge in the rigid­i­ty of com­fort­able cer­tain­ties as we deny the “liv­ing spir­it”. We deny our own true self as we fail to hear the Song of Spir­it which is seek­ing to help us break free, to help us move beyond what have become the dog­mas and phar­i­saical prac­tices that have brought us to our self-doubts and despair.

The par­tic­u­lar ques­tion posed by Sat­urn and Nep­tune for each of us this year can be found by their respec­tive posi­tion in Astro­log­i­cal Signs. Sat­urn is mov­ing through Sagit­tar­ius, while Nep­tune is mov­ing through Pisces. Sat­urn, the Teacher/Tester and hold­er of Real­i­ty and Insti­tu­tions, is bring­ing us to exam­ine our rela­tion­ship to Truth, to the Sci­ences, Phi­los­o­phy and Reli­gion. Where­as Nep­tune, the Uni­ver­sal Sol­vent, Dis­solver of Bound­aries, Agent of Uni­ver­sal Love and Com­pas­sion is in its very own sign, and call­ing us to anchor our­selves in the greater Real­i­ty in which we tru­ly abide. That under­ly­ing or True Real­i­ty is this: That we are all sparks of the Divine, we are all relat­ed to one anoth­er and we all abide in the Love of the One. And, it is this Love of and by the One which holds us all togeth­er for­ev­er and ever. And so, there is but one path for­ward (always), and that is to Love one anoth­er. If what­ev­er we feel, or think or do does not fol­low from this fun­da­men­tal Truth, then it will come to noth­ing in the end.

With Nep­tune being the out­er­most plan­et, and being part of the Spir­i­tu­al Tri­ad of our spir­i­tu­al quick­en­ing, we should look to it as tak­ing the lead in the elic­i­ta­tion that will move us along the path of our spir­i­tu­al evo­lu­tion. It will help us to dis­pel any notions which seek to divide or sep­a­rate us, counter any actions which seek to make some greater and oth­ers less, and instead lead us out from with­in and inspire us to act with even greater com­pas­sion, under­stand­ing and love for one another.

But if any indi­vid­ual or group face this cri­sis and see only dan­ger and betray­al, it is because they hold to a fear-based real­i­ty of what they believe was lost. They fall into the frac­tured mir­rors of mad­ness that are the inverse of the “Wis­dom that is Love”, and into the pain of Nep­tun­ian Delu­sion and Self-Decep­tion. They will make of them­selves mar­tyrs and heroes, as they blame some “oth­er” for what they see as bro­ken promis­es and decep­tion. They become the “enthralled”, dri­ven by their self-cast fears of Sat­urn, and so become deceived into false­hoods of superior/inferior, whether in terms of beliefs, pol­i­tics or per­son­al behav­iors. They will seek to divide, allo­cate blame and act against the greater good, and so ulti­mate­ly bring great pain to them­selves (but also many oth­ers) by this false faith formed from dis­cord and fear.

The one True path remains the same, year after year, and life after life…and it will bring you, if you remain true to who you real­ly are, out of all such dark­ness and fear. The song of spir­i­tu­al self-awak­en­ing is what you must lis­ten for, the kind­li­ness, gen­tle­ness and love is what your soul lives from, by and for. Your high­er-self, your Spark of the Divine, is for­ev­er singing these Psalms of Love.

The qui­et, steady and lov­ing flame of the One will always remind you to resist those inner and out­er voic­es of fear, doubt, hatred and inse­cu­ri­ty. Instead, you will smile as you remem­ber your true nature. You are here to Dream of a Greater Real­i­ty, to Love every oth­er as you love yourself…And so it will come to pass, you will move steadi­ly and sure­ly out of these shad­ows and into the realm of Light.

In the next pod­cast, I will move on to con­sid­er anoth­er wan­ing square that is defin­ing this year for us, the square of Jupiter and Saturn.

Here is Part Three of the 2016 Fore­cast, Sat­urn and Nep­tune Personally

Podcast—2016 Forecast–Part Two


Podcast—2016, Part Two

Sat­urn Nep­tune Cycle

Con­tin­u­ing from Part One, in today’s pod­cast I con­sid­er the con­tri­bu­tion of the Third lev­el in this tri­par­tite Hier­ar­chy of Plan­e­tary forces, the inter­sec­tion of Jupiter’s orbit with the four pre­vi­ous plan­ets of Sat­urn, Uranus, Nep­tune and Plu­to. The influ­ence of Jupiter, the ruler of Truths, Phi­los­o­phy, Sci­ence and Reli­gion is to bestow the var­i­ous mean­ings for our jour­ney from unself-con­scious sparks of the divine to our even­tu­al awak­en­ing as ful­ly con­scious co-cre­ators of Creation.

These four mod­u­la­tions of Jupiter are: Jupiter/Saturn form­ing Truth and Order or how we bring Mean­ing into Man­i­fes­ta­tion. Jupiter/Uranus form­ing Truth and Freer Minds or how we bring Under­stand­ing into our mutu­al Lib­er­a­tion. Jupiter/Neptune form­ing Truth and Uni­ver­sal Love or how we come to under­stand the Truth of our One­ness. And, Jupiter/Pluto form­ing Truth and Will or how we Live in Truth in our Sacred Spaces.

Then I will con­sid­er one of the sig­na­ture align­ments of this year (actu­al­ly from Fall 2015 through Fall 2016), the Saturn/Neptune wan­ing square. Their rela­tion­ship artic­u­lates the ways and means by which we seek to inte­grate our Real­i­ty and our Dreams, of how we see the align­ment or dis­con­nects between our Visions of our life and the Phys­i­cal facts of our expe­ri­ence. Their Syn­od­ic cycle (from Con­junc­tion to Con­junc­tion,  like a New Moon to New Moon), is about 36 years.

The con­junc­tion of Sat­urn with Nep­tune forms the release of a new state­ment or instance of Dreams becom­ing Real­i­ty. This new impulse is then re-exam­ined, choic­es are faced and we are test­ed at the wax­ing square about 9 years lat­er. The ful­fill­ment and/or so-called fail­ure of this effort is then expe­ri­enced at their oppo­si­tion 9 years lat­er (which is like a Full Moon), when Sat­urn is on one side of Earth and Nep­tune upon the oth­er side. The wan­ing square 9 years lat­er, where we are this year, presents anoth­er moment of choice, but this time the devel­op­ment of Dreams becom­ing Real­i­ty (or Real­i­ty deny­ing Dreams), requires a “let­ting go” in order to grow. For at each wan­ing square, of what­ev­er plan­e­tary pair we are con­sid­er­ing, we are chal­lenged to face our assump­tions, thought-forms and ideals that have brought us to this point. We are giv­en an oppor­tu­ni­ty to see what must be tran­scend­ed or released so that we can con­tin­ue to grow on this path of ful­fill­ment, and/or to change direc­tion alto­geth­er to a bet­ter path if what has been so far real­ized is not true to our dreams.

The par­tic­u­lar focus of this Saturn/Neptune square can be ascer­tained by ref­er­enc­ing their Astro­log­i­cal Sign place­ments as they square one anoth­er. Nep­tune is in its own sign of Pisces, (which we last expe­ri­enced from 1848–8162), and is car­ry­ing the mes­sage of our most pre­cious gift of the Imag­i­na­tion and the pow­er of our Dreams as the source of our Real­i­ty-Mak­ing. That the Pow­er of our Faith can be found in our Spir­i­tu­al Nature, that we are in Truth the cre­ators of our reality.

Sat­urn is in Sagit­tar­ius, (the time before this was 1985–1988), and our deter­mi­na­tions of what is real­ly True, of what is cor­rect or right as artic­u­lat­ed by our Sci­ence, Law, Reli­gion and Phi­los­o­phy is being shaped/challenged in this wan­ing square by our under­stand­ing through Nep­tune. Nep­tune is chal­leng­ing Sat­urn­ian rigid­i­ty and dog­ma by this “Liv­ing Spir­it” of Nep­tune in Pisces, and that through this Greater Under­stand­ing we can re-expe­ri­ence that “we are one” in Truth.

We are one in Spir­it, and so in all things we should be guid­ed by the fun­da­men­tal warn­ing that the Great Illu­sion of any age is the error of Sep­a­ra­tion. That if we allow our­selves to be divid­ed from one anoth­er, if we make some of us into some­thing less, then this will lead to the divi­sion by those who wield a posi­tion of the supe­ri­or, who will then bring harm to those they con­sid­er to be less­er. By this we will reap only bit­ter fruits, as we bring about fear, pain and suf­fer­ing through injus­tice… and we will fall from grace, as we fail to ful­fill our human­i­ty and our spir­i­tu­al promise.

But real­ly, tru­ly, we are all one in Spirit…and so the Uni­ver­sal Teach­ings, the Ancient Wis­dom behind all less­er teach­ings shines forth again in the right align­ment of Sagit­tar­ius and Pisces in the Great Law or Truth:

Do unto oth­ers as you would have them do unto you….for before you is anoth­er who is as you, you are the same, and what you do to the least of any of these you do to the One.”

There is no oth­er way than the One Way, “Love one another”.

Here is Part Two of the 2016 Fore­cast, the Cycle of Sat­urn and Neptune