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Venus Square Pluto & Sun Square Pluto (March 31, 2013)


The Winds of Spir­it con­tin­ue to blow and this time you will be
Squar­ing the Cir­cle, reflec­tive­ly shap­ing your Uran­ian Three­some from
Thursday…The Great Align­ment of this decade is brought to bear in this most
per­son­al of ways as Plu­to prof­fers his mighty Will, he serves you in your
nev­er-end­ing jour­ney of the Self Becom­ing, to elic­it a greater quick­en­ing of
your expe­ri­ence of Love and Self.

Dou­ble Gift begins as dear Aphrodite is drawn into Plu­to’s realm, for it is
Plu­to along with his two Shin­ing Sen­tinels that form the Three Pil­lars at the
foun­da­tions of your world, the Tri­une Root of Spir­it. These Foun­da­tions Three
are the Gifts of The Spir­it brought to you by the out­er­most plan­ets: A Free
Mind (Uranus), Uncon­di­tion­al Love (Nep­tune) and a Cen­tered Will (Plu­to).

pow­er is unessen­tial to this task, for you to become the Cre­ator that you are
(and are yet to be), but Plu­to, the Lord of Will and Sacred Space, is one of
the most chal­leng­ing to be sure. There is no greater les­son than this, to learn
how to mas­ter and wield your Sacred Will so as to form your own essen­tial sacred
space, while always and for­ev­er pre­serv­ing and pro­tect­ing the sacred spaces of
all oth­ers too…So impor­tant is this gift that it is includ­ed in all the
Sacred Teach­ings found through­out the ages…Thou shalt not Tres­pass upon one

your Beau­ty and Love, is now fac­ing the chal­lenge of Bound­ary and Will that
Plu­to must bestow. For as much as you must come to under­stand that your true
Val­ue is the Spark of the Divine with­in you, that your eter­nal and boundless
Love is the Mea­sure­less Mea­sure with­in, the Pearl of Great Price…It is
equal­ly true that you must Lov­ing­ly hold this spark with­in a Sacred Space that
is your very own, for it is by Form­ing and Abid­ing in this Right­eous Cen­ter of
Lov­ing Space that your Inner Flame may become steady and sure.

you fail to form this Secure Spir­i­tu­al Space of You, then oth­er Will­ing Beings
may force them­selves upon you, have their way with you, and for a time you will
lose your way upon your path, your one True Path of The Self Unfold­ing. Or, if
you through some mis­be­got­ten, fear-based abuse of your pow­er of will attempt to
force your val­ue upon anoth­er, or attempt to force them to some twist­ed form of
bondage (not love) to your­self, then again you will lose your way as well. The
under­world is not the Hell you think it to be, for you make your own heav­en and
hell here on Earth today, and for your future too. You may fall if you fail,
into the “pit” of Plu­to, into that so called Under­world of Shadows
and Fear…and only Under­stand­ing, Love and Will can set you free.

the mes­sage of Plu­to is awe­some and clear, You must pro­tect and pre­serve your
Sacred Space as much as you must respect and hon­or every oth­er Sacred Space you
encounter in your jour­ney. For you must Love one anoth­er as you Love
yourself…and you will come to know that this is true because at the core of
every par­ti­cle resides that same One Self, and so every sin­gle par­ti­cle of
cre­ation, every sin­gle being in Cre­ation resides in their own Sacred Space too!

squar­ing Venus will ask of you to turn this awe­some pow­er back on your­self, to
become stronger as a Cen­ter of Spir­i­tu­al Will and Love with­in, and equal­ly and
at the same time, and always with Love, you must turn this pow­er out­ward to
pro­tect those who are weak­er as you seek to cor­rect the mis­us­es of will
wher­ev­er you can…for none will be tru­ly free while anoth­er suf­fers still.

atten­tion will then turn, he turns and brings to bear his focused intention
upon that most Roy­al Play­er in your Com­pa­ny of Stars, the Avatar of Self you
know as Light Bringer, The Day­mak­er and you and he must face this les­son of
Sacred Space and Will too.

At the very core of you is this Spark of the Divine, just as at
the heart of your Sun burns this very same Lim­it­less Light…The source of this
burn­ing bright is your expe­ri­ence of what makes you “you”, it is the
watch­er watch­ing over the out­er you, it is that pres­ence “on high”
who is your unbro­ken link to the bound­less won­der that encom­pass­es all of
Cre­ation, that which is name­less, unknow­able and unfath­omable, the all knowing
All, the Immor­tal Self.

even here the lessons of Will must be mas­tered and won. For from this Seat of
your Self the as yet by you unimag­ined and awe­some uni­ver­sal pow­ers that form
and hold this Uni­verse spill forth, the very pow­ers of Cre­ation awaiting
release form the very core of every sacred cen­ter. These pow­ers must be
gath­ered and they must be har­nessed, so that direct­ed by your High­er Mind,
inspired by your Lov­ing Heart and then focused by your Stead­ied Will the one, true
and noble path of growth, good­ness and grace may prevail. 

Plu­to leans in upon you now, bends
upon the Sun your Avatar and upon your own self too and reminds you that your
sacred cen­ter is there to help and guide you, to lift you up and inspire you…

you are not your High­er Self alone, you like all of Cre­ation are a Hierarchical
Being and it is for this Human side of you, the One that is Becom­ing, that is
day by day, life by life striv­ing to learn and abide these lessons of Will and
Sacred Space, it is for this human part of you that this les­son is
bestowed…for it is only then, after many tri­als and tribu­la­tions, only when
you have passed through these cru­cibles of Sacred Will, only when you have by
your own efforts lift­ed your human self up will you and your beloved reach
the Promised Land.

You must turn your pow­er back upon your­self, your
Divine Pow­er must be focused and reflect­ed back upon your­self so that you may
achieve Self-Con­trol, for that is the only con­trol that is Spir­i­tu­al, true and Lasting…the only bat­tle for the Spir­i­tu­al War­rior ever lies within. 

It is not for any oth­er to mold you or make you, nor are you to make anoth­er, even for the best of rea­sons, nev­er are you to make anoth­er into some­thing. For to do so would be to break their will and only delay their even­tu­al re-birth and redemp­tion. Instead, find your way to your own cen­tered space and be as an exam­ple and give your lov­ing sup­port to oth­ers when it is asked for, always. 

Find­ing absolute ful­fill­ment and free­dom through Self-Mas­tery, nei­ther imposed
upon nor impos­ing your will upon anoth­er, you will reach the calm cen­ter that
lies with­in, and abide there with the watch­er who is wait­ing to wel­come you

This is the test and promise of Plu­to and the Sun. That you will only become what you are meant to be when you grow into this Self-Mas­tery, when you learn to rec­og­nize, accept and take up your awe­some respon­si­bil­i­ty as the Cre­ator of your own Destiny. 

May the Winds of the Spir­it blow away your fears…

May the Flame with­in you Burn ever brighter…

May you and your Beloved find one anoth­er, and

Take that next step into the Promised Land.

Venus Conjunct Sun & Venus Conjunct Uranus & Sun Conjunct Uranus (March 28, 2013)


Trip­li­ci Coniunctio!

Today you will expe­ri­ence a triple play
cours­ing through your life, three of your star­ry com­pan­ions are align­ing with
one another…First, Venus will align with the Sun, then Venus will conjunct
Uranus, and final­ly the Sun will make the same align­ment to Uranus…You cannot
see this because of the Sun’s Glo­ry, but you will most cer­tain­ly feel this
beau­ti­ful dance of Spirit!

Venus “con­juncts” the Sun in
one of two ways. Last year you enjoyed the pas­sage of Venus over the face of
the Sun, for at that time she was between the Earth and the Sun. This time she
is on the “far side” of the Sun, and though this is called a
“con­junc­tion”, I would argue that it is more like a Venus Full Moon
for you!

Venus and the Sun are in Aries now,
while you on Earth move through Libra, and here­in lies the mes­sage of what this
align­ment means for you. This Solar Infu­sion of Aries spir­it in Venus is
nec­es­sary and good, it serves to rein­force the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ple that your
expe­ri­ence of Val­ue and Beau­ty must begin with you, for with­out abid­ing and unconditional
self-love there can be no tru­ly healthy rela­tion­ship with any­thing or any­one else.

Yet this Venus “full moon” is
bal­anced by its coun­ter­point truth that resides in Libra, that with­out a
mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ship to the beloved, to one and to many oth­ers, to the
uni­verse in fact, with­out this…well, what point would your exis­tence have? You
find and secure the val­ue with­in your­self in order to seek and find it around
you and in one anoth­er too…You are here to real­ize that, as in all of Spirit
and Mat­ter (for they are also but mir­rors of one anoth­er too), all are part of the
One Self and that One Self is present in us all.

Part two of your dance brings Venus over
Uranus and there is elec­tric­i­ty danc­ing through the Fire of Aries now! Uranus
brings his mes­sage of Indi­vid­u­a­tion to your expe­ri­ence of Val­ue, Beau­ty and

Too often, aris­ing out of the doubts and
fears that echo from your past, you may slip into error regard­ing your true
nature…that you are, though it is as yet unrec­og­nized by you, that you are a
foun­tain-source of won­der, of immea­sur­able, ever-unfold­ing val­ue and love
with­in your­self. You may, out of fear and doubt, seek to hold or bind val­ue to
your­self, hold some­thing or some­one to your­self and so pro­tect and preserve
what you have, only to end up, of course, los­ing it, them or your­self, at least
for a while…You fall into error as you again for­get that the one great constant
of this Uni­verse, and the one great source of Hope too, is Growth and Change.

Uranus is here to remind you about your
expe­ri­ence of Love, that the core prin­ci­ple of your jour­ney is to devel­op true
uncon­di­tion­al recog­ni­tion, cel­e­bra­tion and sup­port for the spir­i­tu­al jour­ney of
your beloved. When you are able to love anoth­er as your­self tru­ly, then you can
forge a space of self-real­iza­tion that is tru­ly free, free for one anoth­er because
it is found­ed upon uncon­di­tion­al love…and it is in this spe­cial space that
you can in fact find your way to your truer self…that you can be more of who
you are with one anoth­er than you ever could out­side of this relationship…for
it is that very lov­ing recog­ni­tion of the spe­cial unique­ness of the beloved’s
spir­it that cre­ates the con­di­tions to help the greater release of their spirit
with and through yours too.

Final­ly, The Sun, the source of Self
aligns with Uranus, the pow­er of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. To what­ev­er extent you have
made choic­es that have bound you to con­di­tions which were not or are no longer
true for you…these will now become beyond bearing.

Being in this phys­i­cal world, you must
take your pure poten­tial and pour your­self into many forms and vehi­cles. These
forms, while pro­vid­ing you with your expe­ri­ence of self-real­iza­tion, are by
their very nature also lim­it­ing too. It is nec­es­sary this lim­i­ta­tion, and often
for you at the time quite welcomed…But over time, these roles and
rela­tion­ships, these forms of man­i­fes­ta­tion in fam­i­ly and in work, with friends
and with loved ones can become very lim­it­ing. Why? Because you and the Universe
are con­tin­u­al­ly unfold­ing and becom­ing so much more…and the forms must evolve
too or your spir­it will suffer…

This is such at time, it is a time of
Quickening…a time to break free and reset the forms of your self-fulfillment.
But True Free­dom can­not be imposed by you upon anoth­er, nor can it seized from
one and giv­en to another…The key to the Spir­i­tu­al Self-Ful­fill­ment and
Free­dom is not about divid­ing the “Pie of Self-Ful­fill­ment” differently…it
is about Grow­ing our Space of Self-Real­iza­tion together…That is your Goal
today, as it should be each and every day!

Thrice blessed you are today, three
times the bells of Spir­it will ring out…

To Love thy­self so as to love one

To Love the oth­er as oneself…

To be Free, to be oneself…

May it be, may you become…

Let it be so.


Venus Enters Aries (March 21, 2013)


Your Love has come back…to you!

Aphrodite enters Aries and a new cycle
begins in your expe­ri­ence of liv­ing with beau­ty, in your liv­ing by love. For
over three weeks while Venus moved through Pisces, you touched the sub­lime in
your world and in one another…you dis­solved those bound­aries between I and
Thou and felt, even for a moment, your one­ness with your­self, your beloved and
the worlds around and beyond you too…

But now you return to the source, you
must come back and begin again, to restore your­self and drink from your well,
that ever-renew­ing, bound­less foun­tain-source of self-affirm­ing Love…For the
force that holds the whole of this Uni­verse as One, that very same force flows
from with­in this Divine Cen­ter that is found in your own true heart.

Before you can ever hope to appreciate
any­thing as it tru­ly is, or most
cer­tain­ly love any­one as they tru­ly deserve to be loved, you must first have
expe­ri­enced this…You must learn to expe­ri­ence the Love of
yourself…Unconditionally. For this is the way of it, what­ev­er or whomev­er you
meet out there is a reflec­tion of what you have under­stood and accept­ed about
your own true self…

You are learn­ing, slow­ly but surely,
that it all comes down to this, to your know­ing accep­tance that you are a
won­drous spark of the Divine and your val­ue is beyond any mea­sure­ment (because
you will unfold from with­in your­self for­ev­er the Divin­i­ty that is there), and
the Love you have is as bound­less as the Uni­verse you call home (because the
Divine that is with­in you is the very abid­ing pres­ence found in every Force and
Par­ti­cle of Creation…for there is but One Self).

Cel­e­brate this renew­al of your Way of
Beau­ty, your Way of Love…

That sur­round­ed by Beau­ty you turn and see
as in a mir­ror the Beau­ty of your Soul…

That embraced by your Beloved you now
see in their eyes that same Eter­nal Light, the unbound­ed love of the Divine that
abides in your heart as well…

Begin in Beau­ty, Live in Love…

Venus, the Light-Bearer…bringing you

Sun Enters Aries, The Spring Equinox (March 20, 2013)


Hap­py Astro­log­i­cal New Year!

have fin­ished yet anoth­er chap­ter of your life. Your world, your Earth, has
com­plet­ed anoth­er spi­ral­ing dance through those Realms of Life and Spir­it known
as the Zodiac…And now it is Time…it is Your time…It is time to turn to
the next page in your Book of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it and see what
adven­tures, dis­cov­er­ies, hopes and dreams await you and yours…

A new day dawns and the world that
you have pre­pared awaits…It is full of pos­si­bil­i­ties, brim­ming over with the
joy of New Beginnings…A Won­drous, Ver­dant field for your Self-Becoming…But
there is a ques­tion you must ask and answer, a Right­eous Key so that you might
enter well this Holy Space of Self-Realization…You must turn and face the
Mir­ror that is Life and answer The Ques­tion of Ques­tions: “Who Are

Aries is the sign of the word made
flesh, of rein­car­na­tion, or more accu­rate­ly re-embod­i­ment. You enter these
Vir­gin Fields of the Self That is Becom­ing and the ques­tion that you must face
square­ly is, what do you bring into this Holy Space? Are you Aware of Your
Self, do you have the know­ing about your Way of Being?

When you move into any space, as you
sal­ly forth into this world, when you open each and every of those endless
doors of your life the ques­tion that must be answered is what did you present
to the world: were you hap­py or sad, seri­ous or sil­ly, car­ing or care­less. Did
you bring to bear exact­ly what was need­ed from you, at that time, in that
space? For this is your most impor­tant aware­ness, of the “Pres­ence”
that you abide in as you move through all the scenes of your life.

For you must under­stand, EVERYTHING
comes from this. Your Omega is con­tained in these Alpha moments, with how you bring
to bear the var­i­ous qual­i­ties you pos­sess as you make your way through your
world. It is from these first acts that you form the nature of your world…you build the
world by the inten­tion, atti­tude and demeanor that flow out and cre­ate your
real­i­ty, that form your expe­ri­ence of you in the world.

This is the first and the most
impor­tant step, for all else will fol­low from this your causal body in action…Through every first act you set in motion a chain of cau­sa­tion, of Karma,
that will flow down through many years, and echo on from life to life…Yes,
Every­thing Counts…but First things count the Most.

So, as this New Year Dawns and you
greet the Ris­ing Sun…

Always remem­ber you are the Mak­er of
the world that you now enter.

You are the sow­er of seeds and the
reaper of the har­vest to come…

And it is at this Cross­ing Point
between the Dark­ness and the Light, it is in this moment, like that of the
Eter­nal Now where your Spir­it resides, that you are free to begin again and to
make a bet­ter you and a bet­ter world.

This New Year begins with you.

It begins with Right Atti­tude and Right Action…

May you be Lov­ing and Kind, 

May you be Graceful
and Wise.

To each and every…

Hap­py New Year!

Mercury Turns Direct (March 17, 2013)


Had enough…of mis­cues, mis­steps and those
wheels spin­ning round and round??

Then you should be singing a different
tune start­ing today as your good friend, the Mer­ry Prankster, bet­ter known as
Mer­cury the Mes­sen­ger of the Gods, revers­es course and brings your three week
back­wards jour­ney, that mag­i­cal mys­tery tour of your inner depths, your grand
tour of Mys­ter­ies, Won­ders and Won­der­ing has fin­ished (for now).

It is always meant to be of ser­vice to
you, these ret­ro­grade circuits…they offer a chance to go back and provide
you with an oppor­tu­ni­ty to repair and renew your heart, mind and spirit…but
it can be just plain annoy­ing when every­thing, you know, just every­thing seems
to go off the rails.

So Hail and Farewell Prankster, who pointed
out and poked those glar­ing holes in your pre­ten­sions to being oh so wise…you
need­ed that, to be remind­ed that the extent of your Wis­dom will always be
mea­sured and defined by the depths of your Humility.

So take up the reins of your life
again…it is time to pre­pare for new projects, new endeav­ors and the becoming
that you will always be, you the self-unfold­ing cre­ative won­der that you are. 

You have gone with­in, you have reflect­ed, corrected
and reset…Freer from fear, from doubts and anx­i­eties, you car­ry a Greater Under­stand­ing now…and so you are ready.

You will go for­ward into this brand new

You the self-unfold­ing, self-reflective
won­der of your world…

It is time to Dream, it is time to

It is time to be, time to become…

To be the Dreamer-Maker…

It is your time.