Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mars Opposition Jupiter (October 28, 2012)


Well what a whirl­wind of change is going
on today! 

Mars lines up with Jupiter, Venus
returns to Libra and Mer­cury makes a for­ay into Sagittarius…you are
def­i­nite­ly going to be feel­ing a change in the Winds of Spir­it today!

Mars is dri­ving you for­ward with
unbound­ed ide­al­ism as he aims for your one true way in Sagit­tar­ius. When you
have Truth on your side, well there is just no restrain­ing how far you might
reach…or over-reach!

Today you get a reminder that you need
to con­sid­er this: that your heart’s desire needs to be ever guid­ed by a more
nuanced understanding…and that you will find that as you walk the path of
truth you will see that your real growth of under­stand­ing is mea­sured and balanced
by the depth of your humil­i­ty too…

Jupiter in Gem­i­ni is offer­ing this
help­ful per­spec­tive, hold­ing forth that life is about con­trari­ness, diversity
and hon­or­ing mul­ti­ple points of view and sen­si­bil­i­ty. If you do not heed this
warn­ing, your enthu­si­asms for what is “right” (for you) can turn out
to be ter­ri­bly wrong for the many, and so in your pur­suit of what you believe
is truth you will impose upon oth­ers a greater untruth…by deny­ing to them a
space of belief and action as well.

The ques­tion posed now: are you acting
(Mars) right­eous­ly or self-right­eous­ly? The dif­fer­ence is to be found in your
moti­va­tion and intent. If you wish to fol­low the path of right­eous­ness, your
actions (Mars) must be guid­ed by prin­ci­ples (Jupiter) that are informed by your
high­er, intu­itive and ever more inclu­sive con­scious­ness. For it is by such
guid­ance, that comes from your high­er self, that calm steady voice from deep
with­in, that you will under­stand that the path­way to truth is found­ed upon
con­stant ques­tion­ing, com­par­i­son, con­trast, col­lab­o­ra­tion and inte­gra­tion. Instead,
that when you pur­sue a path of action that is based upon self-defensive
cer­ti­tudes and a closed mind…it will end poor­ly for you and others…

Mars in the pur­suit of the Truth may
push you into cer­tain­ties while blaz­ing his trail through Sagittarius…and
won­der­ful­ly now, and how appro­pri­ate too, that the nec­es­sary coun­ter­point is
deliv­ered by the very ruler of Sagit­tar­ius. Jupiter in Gem­i­ni shows Mars that
by shin­ing such a focused bright light upon what­ev­er may be the issue, you will
inevitably cre­ate and cast a very deep shad­ow too…and you can­not know or
under­stand what you can­not “see”.

Jupiter in Gem­i­ni reminds Mars that the
path­way to truth is often cir­cuitous. The way to reduce these self-cast shadows
that cre­ate your bound­ed beliefs, (to move beyond these half-truths that lead to
doubt, fear, pain and suf­fer­ing), is to shine many
lights, embrace many dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives or points of view as you share,
com­pare, con­trast and learn from one another…

Jupiter is help­ing Mars to open your
search for Truth…

For you may only approach the tem­ple of
Greater Under­stand­ing with Humility…

To remem­ber, that your Search for Mean­ing is an ever spiraling,
upward reach­ing towards the Light that can only be perceived…

By Shar­ing and Learn­ing and Being with and for
one another.

Sun Conjunct Saturn (October 25, 2012)


It is time…oh yes it is…it is time
for your next “Real­i­ty Check”…

Your won­drous, whirling dance around the
wheel of life comes back to yet anoth­er Incep­tion Point…That’s right, your cycle
of Self-unfold­ing, of you mov­ing In, Out and Through the won­ders of this world begins again

The Sun is your pure Poten­tial waiting
to take on count­less forms of self-real­iza­tion; Sat­urn is what you have formed
and shaped your­self into, it is your Real­i­ty. Togeth­er the Sun and Sat­urn give
Life and Form to your spi­ral dance of Spir­it in the mate­r­i­al world.

The present real­i­ty-form you have made
for your­self is the ful­fill­ment of your need to become, to bring your potential
into the real world around you…but para­dox­i­cal­ly, that very form must and
will always lim­it you as well. 

Most espe­cial­ly over time, as you seek to unfold
more of your poten­tials, and the world around you changes too, that very form
you made for your self-real­iza­tion will often become the very denial of your
greater cre­ation and self-realization…it is what brought you to
“here”, but it can­not take you “there”!

Four times a year, the Sun aligns with
Sat­urn so that you can see how you are doing in draw­ing down and bring­ing forth
your dreams, ideas and pas­sions as you make them part of the fab­ric of your life. 

But of all these moments the most impor­tant turn­ing is this one, because this
align­ment is like a New Year or New Moon. It is like a beau­ti­ful dawn for your ever
unfold­ing promise, a gift of the Spir­it, a reminder that it is you, yes you who is the
cre­ator, you who bring your dreams into the real.

Today a cycle of self-real­iza­tion closes,
you are fin­ished with that form. You have
learned much from what was made of the last cycle, and its gift to you now is
this har­vest of mean­ing and under­stand­ing that you can draw upon now…for you
have grown…

Today a New release of self-real­iza­tion begins to unfold, as you con­tin­ue your jour­ney of Spir­it in this mate­r­i­al world. Now you must turn and face this won­der­ful and awe­some Responsibility,
and be thank­ful for this Gift of a New Beginning. 

Your life is an unfold­ing, spi­ral jour­ney of Spirit
mov­ing in and out, from form to form, through Ages and Sacred Spaces.…

You are Spir­it and you are Mat­ter, and
your jour­ney will reveal much to you…and so you even­tu­al­ly will see…

That all of these Ener­gies and Forms,
All of this from you, of you and by you is part of the Greater Creation…

For you are one of the many, one of the ones of the

Who are here to take Dreams…and make them Real.

Sun Enters Scorpio (October 22, 2012)


So, it all comes down to this…and you
have to ask yourself…am I ready, have I pre­pared myself for this, do I
under­stand the risks…and the rewards? 

For there is noth­ing (No Thing), that is
greater than this, no sweet­er trea­sure to be had…but the price and pain of
failure…well, that too must be weighed and con­sid­ered before you approach
this awe­some portal.

You have passed through Sev­en Gateways,
you have walked through Sev­en Realms of Life. You have grown stronger and wiser
as you draw ever clos­er to the truth…and now you face the mys­tery and wonder
of mov­ing beyond the Great illu­sion, which always holds you in its thrall. For
you are bound and blind­ed by your mor­tal frame and your seem­ing sep­a­ra­tion from
the Greater Real­i­ty, the pre­sid­ing pres­ence that is all around and streams through
you too.

You have reached the cross­ing between “I
and Thou”, and your jour­ney’s oth­er half is now reflect­ed in your
beloved’s eyes…Now you feel the Waters stir­ring, from deep with­in your soul.
You feel the long­ing, to step beyond the yawn­ing gulf, between your­self and
what­ev­er lies beyond. You need to find your way to the deep­er places that hold
the promise of your for­ev­er more…to touch that immor­tal path­way, of lives you
lived and to be lived…yes, you can see them sparkle, like jew­els twinkling
all along that resplen­dent, mar­velous gold­en chord…

Yes you have come this far, but it is
not enough, not near­ly enough, because you seek for noth­ing less than communion
with one another…you seek for Union with the beloved and with your own true
Self too. 

But to pass this por­tal you must be
will­ing to go deep­er, beyond the shad­ows and fears that bar the way and hold
you apart from one anoth­er still. You seek for the Joy of Union, the Lamplight
of Under­stand­ing and the way beyond the Here and Now, to your noble-path of
Self-Transcending…but you hold back with doubt, born and borne by the darkness
of those rejec­tions of many, many past yesterdays…

But you need only remem­ber this, that
you are Spir­it and in your heart of hearts a Holy Fire Burns…Courage is your Nat­ur­al
. For you have come this way before as you danced your dance
celestial…yes, through many chal­lenges met and mas­tered, your ever-unfold­ing journey
has spanned the ages as you crossed the spaces of Space and beyond. 

You feel this Truth now, this passionate
desire once again, urg­ing you for­ward and there is no doubt that there can be
noth­ing more joy­ous than what you seek here…to become One with one anoth­er. You
will reach that dis­tant shore, to reach beyond and pierce those loom­ing fears,
those self-cast shad­ows that hold you here…

You should know that there is noth­ing to
them, noth­ing for you to fear…they have no real pow­er, or hold to hold you
back…They are but a dis­tant echo from your past, reach­ing for­ward to meet you
here and now. They only have this pow­er to delay your jour­ney if you for­get who
you real­ly are. 

But you do remem­ber, for you were made
for this, you belong with one anoth­er and you will make man­i­fest your Spiritual
strength…You wield it now through Faith and Will, by the sac­ri­fice and effort
you make to cre­ate your Sacred Space of We…

For it is by your open­ness and
vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty that you reveal your spir­i­tu­al strength of Courage and Love, and so you blow
those clouds of fear away…and then, well then it is up to the oth­er who
stands before you, it is up to them to take a chance with you…

And if you do, if
you do move beyond the shad­ows and make that space together…what a wonder
will be revealed…For before each will stand the oth­er, who now tru­ly shines with the Love that they were always
meant to be…

It is time to enter your Sacred Spaces…

It is time to Join
with One Another…

It is time to move
through this Eighth Por­tal in your Journey…

The Veil, parting
as the shad­ows fly away…

There stands
revealed the won­drous Glory…

Love, true Love has
won again the Day.

The Major Challenge to the USA and the World 2012–2015


The Major Chal­lenge of Our Time

Anoth­er excerpt from my lat­est radio inter­view that dis­cuss­es the major chal­lenge con­fronting the World in this peri­od. This is a sub­ject that I have dis­cussed for the past cou­ple of years and devot­ed a rather long analy­sis to in my overview for 2012. If you wish you can read about it here: 2012 Fore­cast: Uranus Square Plu­to.

In the radio inter­view I talk more about the response we should have to this chal­lenge and when the the USA will face this align­ment more direct­ly. Here is some of that radio excerpt:

…The changes that we are going through are not sim­ple changes because we haven’t gone through changes like this for over 200 years…And most peo­ple would agree in look­ing around the coun­try now or around the world, that they find that many insti­tu­tions if not most have failed them or are fail­ing them…

Peo­ple know that this is a time of change…Of course the real answer here is those things out­side of us, those insti­tu­tions, yes they must change but what makes them? They are not ‘things in them­selves’, they are made up of you and me… 

And so what is real­ly called for here is a change in Human Spir­it, in the human heart and con­scious­ness. That’s how insti­tu­tions change, not by chang­ing the thing out there but by each per­son look­ing in their own heart and mak­ing a bet­ter choice about how they going to con­duct them­selves in any office or job that they are fulfilling…

When crises hit and trou­bles comes down the road, we have to turn to each oth­er and help each oth­er and that’s what is hap­pen­ing and what will happen.”


You can lis­ten to the full excerpt here:

Radio Inter­view: Uranus/Pluto for USA and the World


Venus Square Jupiter (October 16, 2012)


What hap­pens when what you want does not
agree with what you believe? Huh?

That is what appears to be happening
today/tonight. Venus rules your Val­ues, so it is what you wish to have in your
own per­son­al life. Jupiter rules your Prin­ci­ples and Truths, so it indicates
the way you relate to the larg­er world around you. 

In a bal­anced life, what you
val­ue, what you wish to have for your­self is made even more mean­ing­ful within
the con­text of your beliefs…your val­ues extend out­ward as they are meaningfully
shared, trans­formed and social­ized in and through your larg­er social iden­ti­ty. In
this man­ner, your “pri­vate” wants and your “social”
expe­ri­ences should reflect and mutu­al­ly sup­port one another…and that would be
what many have called the “Good Life”.

Today it appears as if you (and they)
are at an impasse, as you can­not relate to what you want and/or rec­on­cile your
per­son­al val­ues with your social val­ues. When plan­ets square one anoth­er it
presents you with a contradiction…two ener­gies are pulling and push­ing upon
you and the only way for­ward seems to require you give up on one, to deny or sacrifice
it so that you might have or secure the other…

But of course by doing this you end up
with a life that does not make sense…In this instance, you either retreat
into your own pri­vate “world” that is some­how dis­con­nect­ed from the
larg­er world around you. Or, you end up not “prac­tic­ing what you
preach”, your pri­vate world and pub­lic life become sep­a­rat­ed, one set of
val­ues for you and anoth­er for the “pub­lic” you…and this is just unsustainable.

Of course what the uni­verse is really
ask­ing of you is to find a way to bring and keep these two fun­da­men­tal elements
of your­self together…the chal­lenge is not to choose. Instead, you must find
that fin­er way, to walk the Noble path of integration…

So what are Venus and Jupiter pos­ing as
this dilem­ma for you?

Venus is in Vir­go now, and the empha­sis is
laid upon you per­son­al­ly to have a life that works, a life that make sense…You
need a life that is ordered in such a way that every­thing you do is bal­anced by
and inte­grat­ed with all the oth­er ele­ments of your life. You want, you need more
than any­thing to be at Peace!

Jupiter is in Gem­i­ni now, and the social stream­ings that are mov­ing through your world encour­age change and
contrasts…You are meant now to encounter, encom­pass and embrace a wider
world, to cel­e­brate diver­si­ty, to appre­ci­ate many dif­fer­ing facets and sen­si­bil­i­ties. Your social sense is pushing
you to engage your most pre­cious gift, Intel­li­gence, because there are great changes
now (and more to come)…and the old solu­tions just will not do.

So Venus is call­ing you to main­tain or
cre­ate your own world of sim­plic­i­ty, order and peace, while Jupiter is
quick­en­ing your intel­li­gence as you must look beyond the bound­aries of the
famil­iar as waves of change come swirling through your world…

The choice you seem to face is: 1) To try to hold onto your way
that worked, your sim­ple space of peace, or 2) leap into the cos­mic whirlwinds
that lead to new dis­cov­er­ies, offer­ing delights and growth…

But of course, you must not
choose…except to choose to under­stand that both Venus and Jupiter are right and
true…And it is up to you, you who are this ever unfold­ing bea­con of awareness,
it is up to you to find the way to keep them togeth­er in this nev­er-end­ing  jour­ney of life-consciousness-spirit.

If you hold to order with­out change, you
stand against the fun­da­men­tal force dri­ving your Cos­mic journey…the one
con­stant force of your unfold­ing Spirit…Growth. But if you sim­ply give in to
con­stant­ly expand­ing, con­trast­ing diver­si­ties you will lose your way too…The
key is the Mid­dle Path, to see how each sup­ports and cre­ates the con­di­tions for
the oth­er, that they are both part of a larg­er whole or Greater Truth. 

That you
need your intel­li­gent-seek­ing ways to find new worlds and cre­ate new ways of
order­ing, time and time again. Yet at the same time, you need to main­tain some central
set of prin­ci­ples, of core mean­ings and order­ings for your life as these
chal­leng­ing and excit­ing changes swirl all around you.

When faced with a square you must be
strong, to be nei­ther rigid nor giv­ing way…

Instead, you must stand in the Cen­ter of
your­self and see the truth of each, and know and live the truth that each with­out the oth­er, each inform­ing and shap­ing one anoth­er, that with­out this mid­dle way you will
not have Peace or Meaningfulness. 

You can­not sep­a­rate your per­son­al life
from your social life, your home from your society…

For every­thing and every­one matters…because all are sparks of the one Divine Flame.

You must do your part, to live a live of Peace and Meaning…

To live your life for the One and for All.