Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sun Enters Scorpio (October 23, 2015)


You are an Immortal…

A Being of Wis­dom, Love and Light.

You began this jour­ney of becom­ing, long, long ago…

Mov­ing from Age to Age, through World after World.

The Divin­i­ty with­in work­ing by count­less forms,

Sweep­ing through a ver­i­ta­ble infin­i­ty of lives.

You are a Hier­ar­chy of Energy-Forms,

From your inner­most Immor­tal Presence,

Reach­ing down into your pre­cious mor­tal frame.

At your inner­most and high­est there is the Spark of the Divine. It is your You, the “Watch­er”, your High­er Self who is lov­ing and lift­ing all these many bod­ies or vehi­cles of your Self-in-Manifestation.

This Inner­most and your less­er forms, all trav­el as one through many Worlds, Forms and Lives. It is this Inte­gral Hier­ar­chy of you that makes pos­si­ble your expe­ri­ence of the many dimen­sions of Space-Time-Form.

In each World, Form and Life, your High­er Self Inspires and Guides these less devel­oped forms of you. And, they equal­ly make pos­si­ble your jour­ney of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it by and through these many Ener­gy-Forms that are the Hier­ar­chies of the Cosmos.

With­in each life episode, each indi­vid­u­al­ly and all of you togeth­er rise high­er and high­er in this Cos­mos of Mind, Love and Will.

You are, in essence, your own lit­tle cos­mos of Life and Love…Yet you are also a pre­cious mote or spark of light with­in the Greater Cos­mos of the One.

For you, once you have crossed the razor’s edge that is self-aware­ness, there comes the poignant, pow­er­ful and awe­some con­fronta­tion with your essen­tial nature, that you are an Immor­tal in a Mor­tal frame. You are in your essence for­ev­er, you some­how “know this”, and yet you are only here in this form and life for a very short while indeed.

You are pow­er­ful beyond reck­on­ing, and yet so frag­ile too. You are Time­less and yet cir­cum­scribed by the immutable Laws of Kar­ma, by the work­ings of cause and effect, your jour­ney seem­ing­ly defined by Birth and Death…and Re-Birth.

In each life, and through many parts with­in any one life you will come to this moment you face now, you come to the Mys­tery and the Promise…

This is the por­tal you face now, this is the Time and Space in which we cel­e­brate this dance of Life after Life, of Birth and Death, of our Immor­tal­i­ty and Mor­tal­i­ty, this is the time that is known as Scorpio.

You are made of all these Liv­ing Ones, they all abide, inform and guide you, from with­in through and from all around you too. These Twelve Avatars of Uni­ver­sal Ener­gies and Forms, this Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones have become pop­u­lar­ly become known as the Signs of the Zodi­ac. They are much more than is con­ven­tion­al­ly under­stood, as they are Builders of this Cos­mos, Prin­ci­ples of the Ancient Wis­dom, a pre­cious Core of the Peren­ni­al Phi­los­o­phy, and their mean­ings and mes­sages are about the sto­ry of Spir­it. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, they reveal, guide and inspire your jour­ney of becoming.

For you to become what you are meant to be, you must and will mas­ter all of these Twelve. To be ful­ly human, to be awak­ened you will be all of these Signs com­plete­ly some­day. But through­out these Twelve there is no greater chal­lenge, no greater test or gift as the one which is held in this the Eighth Sign of Scorpio.

In Libra you met the expe­ri­ence of the oth­er, you formed the sacred space that is shared, the Space of We. It is where that you begin to tran­scend your illu­sion of alone­ness and sep­a­ra­tion, you begin to form the rain­bow bridges of under­stand­ing between one another…but this is not enough. Not for you or for them…You must go fur­ther, beyond. Beyond the illu­sion and to the Truth of One­ness and Union.

This is the promise and per­il of Scor­pio. The sweet joy of becom­ing one with one anoth­er nec­es­sar­i­ly places you upon the path of unimag­in­able Joy as you reach beyond the illu­sion that is sep­a­ra­tion and know in fact that you are tru­ly you when you are one with one anoth­er. That what you see look­ing back at you is anoth­er spark of the Divine, and there in them you see the Mys­tery of the One. In them and in you, and by your let­ting go of fear, you expe­ri­ence what is behind it all…it is all about Love. You feel the feel­ing behind all of Cre­ation, for you now know that you have found one another…again. And there are no words for this, you are in a sacred place that is tru­ly beyond all words…

But because of this you also have tak­en anoth­er step upon the path of pain…for noth­ing and no one is for­ev­er. If you love, you will feel joy; and so you will and must feel pain too. For this is the way of Truth. How could it not be so? The pain you will one day feel, when some­one leaves, or is tak­en away, or when they pass away…You won­der how, how can you bear this pain?

And for a time, maybe a long time, it is seem­ing­ly unbearable…and that is not alto­geth­er bad, for it is the liv­ing proof that you are Human, that you care, and feel…and so you should. But it will pass, for even­tu­al­ly the pain will turn into this Under­stand­ing: that it is the Love that was there, and is here now, and that will always be that is ever-present Song of Spir­it. Your pain is your love, and you will choose to Love again and again.

Because you will accept: that this pain is the refracted/reflected mir­ror of the Joy and Hap­pi­ness that was, is and will be again. For you are bound to one anoth­er from the begin­ning until the end. You are all made of one anoth­er, as all your lives lived, all the expe­ri­ences, feel­ings, hopes, dreams, all of it has been with and through one anoth­er and so you are made by, for and of one another…and you will meet again, and again to con­tin­ue your jour­ney of Light and Love.

It is the Time of Scorpio…it is time to face your great­est fears.

Face down your fear of Rejec­tion, your fear of Loss, your Fear of Death.

You must face them all and know you are an Immortal,

And you have noth­ing to fear.

You are a being of Light and Love.

You were formed by Love,

By the Love of the One, and

By your Love for one another.

This dark­ness will pass,

The Light will shine through.

For you Jour­ney togeth­er, and

You will lift your­self and one anoth­er up.

By Love, Wis­dom and Will,

You will make your way home,

Through this Galaxy of Stars.

Sun Enters Libra — The Equinox (September 23, 2015)


The Covenant of Spirit

You are made of one another…

Inex­tri­ca­ble, Indivisible…Inseparable.
You have made one anoth­er what and who you are…
You are in them, and they are all in you.

In Worlds after Worlds, in Form after Form and in Life after Life,
You are the Self-that-is-Becom­ing made by all your “rela­tions”.
For this is Truth: “We are all related”.

Your Spir­i­tu­al Intu­ition, Men­tal and Emo­tion­al Intel­li­gences and even Bod­i­ly Wis­dom, all of these attrib­ut­es have been sum­moned, elicit­ed and made more per­fect through the inte­gral rela­tion­ships you have with one anoth­er. For you are one of many, and all are part of a vast Hier­ar­chy of Self-Lumi­nous beings with whom you journey.

For in the Begin­ning, you all came from the One,
And to the One you will all some­day return.
Through eons upon eons, your jour­neys are with one another,
For you remain for­ev­er, one with this One, and so one with one anoth­er too.

From the begin­ning you must Remem­ber this, your Illu­sion is Sep­a­ra­tion
The Fun­da­men­tal Truth of Spir­it is For­ev­er: One Life, One Light, One Love.

Today the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, which form the Ener­gies you know as the Zodiac,shines once more through the Great Mys­tery that is Libra. What is this mys­tery? All the oth­er signs of the Zodi­ac are rep­re­sent­ed by an Ani­mal and/or Human fig­ure. Only in Libra do we have an object, the Scales, as the sym­bol for this spe­cial expe­ri­ence in Time and Space…why is that?

In your Jour­ney of Self-Becom­ing, it is in the realm of Libra that you move into true, objec­tive relationship…you reach out­side of your­self to the oth­er, only to come back to your­self with a greater under­stand­ing, a more objec­tive aware­ness of your­self and your world.

For this is the way, this is Truth: You always abide in your Sacred Space, the fields of phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al, men­tal and spir­i­tu­al ener­gy-forms that cre­ate the space of you. And whomev­er you are encoun­ter­ing “out there”, they too reside in their sacred space or vehi­cle of ener­gy-forms too. But know this, always, in any and all rela­tion­ships, there is the “Third Space”, the Sacred Space formed by one anoth­er in which you will meet in this dance of Spir­it with one anoth­er, the spi­ral­ing dance of Ener­gy-Forms that is your relationship…and that Space, that Sacred Space of “We” is pre­cise­ly the con­cern, focus and sub­stance found in the great mys­tery encoun­tered in Libra.

You are here to grow, for you are Spir­it. You are not here to try and change one anoth­er, (though in every encounter you will cer­tain­ly bring about changes for and in one anoth­er). You are here to see the oth­er as yourself…as a unique and pre­cious dew-drop of spir­it. You must treat this oth­er as befits your under­stand­ing, that you and they are equal and of one anoth­er. You will learn to fol­low the inher­ent “Law” which is found­ed by your ori­gins: Do Unto Oth­ers as You Would have them do Unto You…for they are you!

Each rela­tion­ship you form will act as a cat­a­lyst upon your own self-unfold­ment, and an alchem­i­cal quick­en­ing will occur with­in each of you from your expe­ri­ences with one anoth­er. But you must nev­er tres­pass upon one anoth­er; you must hold their space as much as your own as a sacred sanc­tu­ary, a holy place in which you may not force or be forced to be or do anything…you must hold true to who you are, a Divine Being of Light and Love.

But where you both may “play” and “learn” and “become”, where you may cre­ate and undo, where you will try and fail and then try again, and where you can and will become more than you were because of what you cre­ate together…this is pre­cise­ly the Third Space of the We, and it is here that you can become the bet­ter you and they will also, by and through this very Ener­gy-Form you cre­ate between one another.

You must make clear to one anoth­er what you will hold to here. That in mov­ing into rela­tion­ships, into “objec­tive space”, you must artic­u­late the prin­ci­ples, rules, guide­lines, laws and sen­si­bil­i­ties that each of you will be held to in order to cre­ate an expe­ri­ence of mutu­al ben­e­fit, bal­ance and dynam­ic equilibrium.

And these “rules” or prin­ci­ples or laws that you shall set, where will you find these? Why, they come from the very heart of you, from the sacred space that is the core of you and every­one else, and it is from here that you will align your­self with the Know­ing-Feel­ing-Love that guides you to treat one anoth­er as you should…as equal, as the same…as broth­er-sis­ter sparks of the one Divine Flame.

Yes, it is in this mutu­al offer­ing, of Bal­ance and Grace, that you will both give to and receive from one anoth­er, and by each of you con­scious­ly agree­ing to cre­ate this expe­ri­ence you will form a new Sacred Space of Light and Love between one another.

It will be a bridge of Light and Love,
A Rain­bow of Affir­ma­tion shining,
Con­scious­ly join­ing you to one another.

The promise will be kept,
The Covenant will be sealed,
Between you and your high­er self,
And so to the One in whom you all abide.

For you are nev­er alone,
You are always loved,
For­ev­er and ever,


Sun Enters Virgo (August 23, 2015)


You are a Spark of the Divine…

Pro­pelled by one imma­nent purpose.

You are what you are…

As you Grow, as you Become,

As you unfold your infi­nite potential.

Your pur­pose, to ful­fill your Divinity…

To become what you inher­ent­ly are.


Through all these Forms and Worlds,

In life after life, age upon age,

A pres­ence, an awareness,

A Light that shines within.

Listen…for the Voice of the Silence.

And You will find your way.


The Cycling, Spi­ral­ing Jour­ney of Spirit

Is turn­ing once more.

For there are 3 great moments in the

Sea­sons of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

There is a time to Start…

There is a time to Hold…

And a time, like now, that you must Let Go.


Each Sea­son starts with a Car­di­nal Sign,

You Begin a new Cycle of Activity.

A Fixed Sign fol­lows, the Mid­dle of a Season,

Where stead­fast­ness and deter­mi­na­tion hold sway.

Ah, but it is now, in a time of Transition,

Here in this moment of Mutability,

Of Adapt­abil­i­ty, Inge­nu­ity and Grace…

It is here where your Spir­i­tu­al Self tru­ly shines through.


In each of the four Muta­ble signs, as one Sea­son flows into the next, you must adapt and adjust. You use your gifts of Self-Aware­ness and Dis­cern­ment to har­vest the lessons and form a more per­fect Life. You take the essence of what you have learned and leave the rest. By this you tru­ly shine as a Cre­ator, form­ing your­self into ever more refined real­iza­tions of your essen­tial nature.

The Wheel of Life turns, and it is time to reap your pre­cious har­vest found in the mean­ings and mes­sages of Vir­go. It is in this time that you seek to find your way along the Inte­gral Path of Whole­ness, where­by a mean­ing­ful order­ing aris­es from an ever grow­ing align­ment between your Inner World or Spir­i­tu­al Nature that is grad­u­al­ly yet sub­stan­tial­ly real­ized in your out­er real­i­ty too.

When you come to this expe­ri­ence, of Inner and Out­er Attune­ment, you are in your “place of seren­i­ty”. You walk the path of whole­ness; you are Beau­ty in motion when you lis­ten to the Still­ness in your Heart and walk the Inte­gral path­way of Peace.

But you and all of Cre­ation are of the One, the One Spir­it, whose beat­ing heart is to Grow and Become…and so there is no Final, Per­fect or Sta­t­ic Form in all these worlds, forms or lives…There is no “Per­fec­tion”. There is only Becom­ing, there is form­ing and re-form­ing, mov­ing in and mov­ing out, there are begin­nings, mid­dles and end­ings that are the tran­si­tions to ever renew­ing begin­nings. There is only the path­way, and you must walk on…

Yet, yet behind it all there is…the Pres­ence. With­in you, and with­in every speck and mote of Cre­ation there abides the Spark of the Divine. And to vary­ing degrees, each and every Life-Con­scious­ness-Spark of the Divine has come to some Aware­ness of this, that all is One and One is all. So that all of these, the entire innu­mer­able hosts of the ones are learn­ing from this still­ness and from this motion too, and so through them all and guid­ing them all is found the shin­ing path that is from and leads back to the One.

Your aware­ness of aware­ness, your pres­ence, is the most Divine part of you. It is your beloved, form­ing a nev­er-end­ing source of Uncon­di­tion­al Love. It is this which will lead you to your path of beau­ty, to heal­ing and re-birth. For in order to become what you have yet to be, you must ever seek to align with this good that is your heart, and bring this Peace and Love and Beau­ty into the world around you too.

This is the time of Virgo,

Where you cel­e­brate by sacrifice.

You let go of the lesser,

To raise up what is greater.

This is the time to Remem­ber, once more, that you are Beautiful…

This is the time to Lis­ten to the Voice of the Silence…

This is the time for Humil­i­ty, Ser­vice and Grace.

Walk in Beauty,

Live by Love,

Go in Peace.

Sun Enters Leo (July 22, 2015)



These are not those “things” as you know them.

These are mod­u­la­tions of the one Light of the Cen­tral Star.

They form the Four Cor­ners of the Cos­mos; They are the Wheel­ing Cross of Ener­getic Rays from which all of you and all of this cre­ation is made. With­in you, and through­out the cos­mos these ener­gies weave togeth­er the Song of Life which is this won­drous jour­ney of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

In turn, these Fun­da­men­tal Four man­i­fest in Three States of Expres­sion: Car­di­nal, Fixed and Muta­ble, (Form­ing, Hold­ing and Trans­form­ing). Togeth­er, these 4 in 3 ways form the “Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones”, the Zodi­ac to you. From the most infin­i­tes­i­mal forms of life on up to the Galac­tic, these Spir­i­tu­al Rays weave togeth­er to form the lives of one and all.

All Twelve are active, all of the time, in each and every mote and speck of cre­ation, through all the inter­me­di­ary Life-Forms (includ­ing you), up through the Hier­ar­chy that is Cre­ation into the spi­ral­ing sys­tems of plan­ets and stars, and then beyond to even greater gath­er­ings you know as galax­ies, and clus­ters of galax­ies too…and even more, for there are dimen­sions inward­ly and out­ward­ly, hier­ar­chies with­in hier­ar­chies, far beyond your present perceptions.

This Cir­cle of Life fol­lows a nat­ur­al rhyth­mic pro­gres­sion of unfold­ment, where­by each sign pre­pares for and leads into the next, and yet all of them togeth­er form an ever-present whole, an inte­gral Spir­i­tu­al Cir­cle of Light, a con­stant inter­play of ener­getic forms of meaning.

To know these Ener­gies and Live them as one, this is the Jour­ney of Cre­ation you are upon. Today you cel­e­brate anoth­er turn­ing in the Wheel that is Life, today you enter again a place of Fire, today you make your way into the Time of Leo.

To under­stand what is before you now, you need to look back, to con­sid­er from where you have just come. You need to remem­ber and to bring your­self out­ward now into a greater expe­ri­ence of self-real­iza­tion, for this is how you ful­fill the promise of the time and the space that you had with­in Cancer.

It is by Can­cer that you turn inward and feel the foun­da­tions that secure your life back and forth through time beyond imag­in­ing. To reach back to the count­less lives that you have lived in worlds and var­i­ous forms; to feel also the sup­port and love that is forged in the depths and extent of your feel­ings for your present-day com­pan­ions; and, to appre­ci­ate also this rib­bon of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, the “Sil­ver Chord” that extends out into the count­less lives ahead of you too. You find in Can­cer the source of you, you feel the whole and heart of you, and from this affir­ma­tion there aris­es with­in you an answer­ing surge of spir­i­tu­al fer­vor. The “Fires” are stirred with­in you once more as you sal­ly forth into the realm that is Leo.

As much as your first expe­ri­ence of Spir­i­tu­al Fire in Aries was the expe­ri­ence of the Aware­ness of Self, or for Self-Aware­ness, the time that is Leo is for the expe­ri­ence of the greater Release of your Self, this time of Leo is for Self-Expres­sion. It is in Leo that you Grow as a Cre­ator, you take Risks as a Leader, as you more per­fect­ly live in the Uncon­di­tion­al Love that is your Spark of the Divine Light.

Leo is a part of you, and it should and can be active in every moment of your life. But in this month of Leo, you should strive to con­nect more deeply with your Authen­tic Self, and so bring forth your Truth and Essen­tial Nature, what is called your “Quin­tes­sence”.

I love to exam­ine words, and the ori­gin of this word quin­tes­sence is from the Latin, (and then by way of French and Mid­dle Eng­lish). In Latin, it is the “quin­ta essen­tia”, which means “fifth essence”. The Age you now trav­el through, the Age of present day Humans, is known as the time of the Fifth Root Race. And, of course, Leo is the Fifth Sign of the Zodi­ac. The Four Essen­tial Ele­ments, of Fire-Earth-Air-Water were said to be held as one by this Fifth Ele­ment, Ether, from which all are derived and which per­me­ates them all.

The essence of Leo is this: In Leo you are to release from the secured cen­ter you forged in Can­cer the Truth of you…and that Truth is that you are, in your Essence, in your Quin­tes­sence, you are a Spark of the Divine…you are Pure and Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

You are here to dis­cov­er who and what you are…and then you are to be the very best of that. You are here to find your bliss, to be your bliss. To do this by liv­ing as you were made, by being present ful­ly where you are, and by know­ing that you ulti­mate­ly abide in the heart of the One, as a Spark of the Divine…You are here to be as you are, Pure Love for your­self, and for one anoth­er too.

For from this very expe­ri­ence of the Essence that is you, you will also know that this is true for every part of this Cre­ation too. You are here to be your­self, to Love your­self Unconditionally…and you are here to Love one anoth­er this way too.

This is all there is. This is the Truth and Teach­ing that was there in the Begin­ning, that holds all the Realms and Worlds togeth­er, and it is this Love that will wel­come you home too.

This is the Jour­ney you are upon…

It is the Path of Self-Aware­ness, Self-Expres­sion and Self-Understanding.

It is the Jour­ney from, in and to Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

All of the hurts, pains and ter­ri­ble trau­mas of this world,

Will one day be washed away,

When this Truth is lived by one and all.

For Today, and for all your tomor­rows to come,

You have but one Essence that will bring you home,

Just Love.

Sun Enters Cancer, The Solstice (June 21, 2015)


Four Cor­ners mark the year-long dance around your Star; Four Sea­sons laid out in this Cir­cle of Light, Life and Love.

Two begin as Equinoc­tial, where Day and Night are equal, their por­tals marked by Aries and Libra, the Signs that begin your sea­sons called Spring and Fall.

Two begin as Sol­sti­tial, where Day and Night are most unequal, which begin with Can­cer and Capri­corn, the sea­sons you know as Sum­mer and Winter.

Sol­stice means “Sun Stands Still”, for it is at this time of the year that the Sun ceas­es to move fur­ther North or South in the sky, and begins to move in the oppo­site direc­tion. At either Sol­stice, the Sun will appar­ent­ly rise or set at the same point of the hori­zon for sev­er­al days. Then, on the third of fourth day after the exact Sol­stice, you can see that it has slow­ly begun to move back towards the oth­er Sol­stice point, (where it will arrive six months lat­er). So, for sev­er­al days, it appears as if the Sun is stand­ing still…and you and your world wait for a sign, for a turn­ing in this sto­ry of Light and Love.

Of course these turn­ings reveal the Earth’s bob­bing up and down on its axis, as it tilts towards or away from the Sun dur­ing one orbital sweep around your star. You are wit­ness­ing, what is for you, the fun­da­men­tal “Dance of Light and Love” that flows from the Lord of Light and shines upon you here on the Earth. It is this play of Light and Shad­ow that forms the fun­da­men­tal rhythms of Increase and Decrease, of Life and Death, the Sacred Cir­cle of Begin­nings and Endings…and Re-Begin­nings, that mark your jour­ney through the Cir­cle of Life and Light.

The Zodi­ac, which is known as the “Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones”, is dis­tin­guished and mod­u­lat­ed by the inter­play of two con­di­tions, by the Four Ele­ments and the Three Qual­i­ties, which com­bine to form the Sacred Twelve you know as the Signs. So far in this Zodi­a­cal Year you have been Inspired by the Car­di­nal Fire that is Aries; then you have expe­ri­enced your Sub­stan­ti­a­tion through the Fixed Earth of Tau­rus; and final­ly you have been brought into a greater Self-Aware­ness through the Muta­ble Air that is Gemini…

So now you come to this, to the next turn­ing in the Cir­cle of Life, you come to the last of the Ele­ments and to the begin­ning of yet anoth­er Sea­son. You, in some sense, “begin again”, (for your life is a cir­cle, or real­ly a spi­ral jour­ney, and there is no absolute begin­ning nor end, and you may mark any point on any Cir­cle or Spi­ral and see it as a begin­ning for you…and so it shall be). You begin again as you move into the next Car­di­nal Sign, for now you enter the Sacred Space of Cen­tered Feel­ing as you dive into the Car­di­nal Water sign that is Cancer.

For it is from Fire that you find your Vision or Inspi­ra­tion, and by Earth that you bring your vision into Real­iza­tion, and through Air that you come to Know and Under­stand. But, in the end, you need to bring these all togeth­er, you need to gath­er all of them as one, for this is “the way”, this is the way you and the Uni­verse tru­ly are, and you need to Feel your way and be as you tru­ly are…Whole and Fulfilled…Complete. You bring you and all of your expe­ri­ences togeth­er by Feel­ing the whole of you.

There are three modes of each Ele­ment, and so three “Ways of Feel­ing” to bring you to your whole­ness. In Can­cer, you con­nect to the roots of you, you go with­in to your Sacred Cen­ter, to your ori­gins and foun­da­tions. You look to your Fam­i­ly, to your Vil­lage or Tribe, to your Eth­nic­i­ty, to your Cul­ture and Traditions…and ulti­mate­ly to the One from whom all came. You feel your way back­wards in time, along the sil­ver chord of all your lives stretch­ing beyond all imag­in­ing; and, you will then mys­te­ri­ous­ly and mag­i­cal­ly feel your way ahead too, to what you are yet to be…

In Scor­pio you con­nect to the one (or the many) who is before you, you blow beyond the illu­sion that is sep­a­ra­tion and expe­ri­ence the won­der and mag­ic of “we”, of two becom­ing one, as you enter into the mys­tery of com­bi­na­tion, of trans­for­ma­tion, that sacred space of Alche­my and Rebirth, for it is here that you move into the realm that is the Union with one another.

And final­ly, in Pisces, you reach beyond this life, beyond any one life or form of life as your Spir­it awak­ens to the Greater Aware­ness of the “One Life in the One”. For thrilling through all the par­ti­cles and plan­ets, through all the spaces of Light and Shad­ow, what is the ulti­mate realm of this Cre­ation is there in the One Spir­it. And you come to your Faith-Filled Dream­ing nature, and you will know that all of this won­der that is Cre­ation, that it is the Body and Mind, it is the Heart and Spir­it, that all of this is the Love of the One, which is in truth the breath of life for one and for all.

So in this first of the three, in this Sacred Space that cel­e­brate the Waters of Life, take some time to look with­in, to feel the truth of the liv­ing pres­ence at the cen­ter of you. Whether it is found through your Father or Moth­er, through your Grand­moth­ers or Grand­fa­thers, in your tribe or band of broth­ers and sis­ters, wher­ev­er and through whomev­er you feel your kin­ship and your truth, you will also feel the deep­er and greater truth that all are ulti­mate­ly secured and cen­tered, all are root­ed by and through the one Life and by the one Love that is Spirit.

For your Secu­ri­ty and Cen­ter, the heart of you, is that you are made of and by one anoth­er, and you have been cared for and nur­tured by one anoth­er again and again, (for ages and ages). You are for each oth­er a gate­way to the cen­ter of the uni­verse which is tru­ly to be found with­in you as it is also there in every part of this won­drous home we call Cre­ation too.

If you fol­low your many roots, as you feel your way with these feel­ing-mem­o­ries-truths, as you go deep and deep­er, you will come to the very same cen­ter that is there for one and all. You are all relat­ed, you are all one with the One.

There in the heart of you, there is the heart of this uni­verse too…

For you came from the One, and

Your lives and love are the Song of Spirit.

You will find you way home,

As you under­stand that you nev­er real­ly left after all.

For you live for­ev­er in this Riv­er of Lives and Light,

As you trav­el the Sil­ver Chord of Radi­ant Splendor,

Singing songs of Spirit,

Mak­ing your way Home.