Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 21, 2021)

Johfra Boss­chart — Zodi­ac-Paint­ings — Sagittarius

The Path of Awakening

From the depths of expe­ri­ence, we encounter the Jew­els of Meaning.
And from these Truths we have met, we weave our Sto­ries of one another.

Yes, we encounter the truth in Scor­pio, but in Sagit­tar­ius we tell our sto­ries to one another.
And that is how we forge the path, so that we may live with mean­ing and pur­pose in our lives.

At this time of the year, and some­where in your very own chart, you enter the Realm of Truth that is Sagit­tar­ius. Since we humans became human thou­sands of years ago, that is when we “woke up” and became self-aware, we have sought to expe­ri­ence “The Why” of our jour­ney with one another.

When we woke, we won­dered, why is the sky “blue”; why does the Sun rise and set; why do I ask why; and why am I? Which of course led us to heart of “why”, why is anything?

Yes, we sought and will ever seek to know the why of our jour­ney. Why…because we have felt the joy of love and the agony of loss, we have wit­nessed the mir­a­cle of birth and faced the mys­tery of what comes after death. We are aware, and we know that we do not know…and so we won­der, and we seek, and we strive to understand.

We have been on a very long jour­ney of Awak­en­ing. After count­less ages of sim­ple aware­ness, the Light of Self-Aware­ness was bestowed upon us by those who had received this gift of awak­en­ing long, long before our time. We hon­or these elder broth­ers and sis­ters, whose names echo down through the ages, Prometheus, Quet­zal­coatl, Adi­ti, Isis, Lucifer, Odin… We are the heirs to a great for­tune, and we hon­or their gifts by keep­ing the flame of Truth alive.

We do this as we have always done this, by being what we are. We are Sto­ry­tellers. In songs and sym­bols, in pet­ro­glyphs and pic­tures, in archi­tec­ture and stat­ues, in poet­ry and prose, in the Tem­ples of Truth that are Sci­ence, Reli­gion and Art, we tell the sto­ries that have come down to us and add our own to these great­est of gifts, this Trea­sure of Truth.

The great­est of Truths, the Eter­nals of Light and Mean­ing, have been shared with us by the Sages and Seers whose task it was to pre­serve the “Gifts from the Gods”. These are the wis­est of the Wise Ones, the Teach­ers who we know and hon­or and revere, Con­fu­cius, Bud­dha, Lao Tzu, Zoroast­er, and Pythago­ras and so many more. There are the known Truthtellers; but many more loved and labored to lift the Torch of Under­stand­ing, and we give thanks for their great ser­vice, for those who per­se­vered, pre­served, pro­tect­ed, and served to extend the Light that is Love.

And each one of us is here to do the very same thing. We are sto­ry­tellers, one and all. And we made and will remake one anoth­er through­out our many lives by shar­ing our sto­ries with one anoth­er. This is how it was done, and this is what you must do too. You must share with one anoth­er, lis­ten to one anoth­er, and help one anoth­er find your way to the Greater Understanding.

What the great ones found is what you will find too, that Truth is omnipresent and ever­last­ing, as it forms the very sub­stance and mean­ing of the Uni­verse. That is why you can per­ceive it, that is why you can know. Because what you see out there in the stars above is the very same truth that shines in your own heart too.

This is what is meant by “As above, so below”, because in the heart of every par­ti­cle of cre­ation, there is shin­ing the undy­ing Light of the One. This is the One Truth from which all oth­ers come, that “Spir­it is Life; Life is Spir­it, and all of this is held by the Love of the One.”

And so, it is known in the Ancient Wis­dom that as there is but one Spir­it, so there is but one Life. That is why the Truth is there for every one of us, for it is in One and all. If you have ears that are will­ing to lis­ten, and eyes that are open to see, you will under­stand. You need only to weave togeth­er, and hold togeth­er, your heart and your mind and find peace.

You need to gath­er togeth­er, to real­ly look into one another’s eyes, and you will smile.

You will see, shin­ing back from those win­dows of the soul, the blaz­ing truth that we are for one anoth­er the answer to the ques­tion, “Why”?

Why are you here?

You are here for one anoth­er; you are here to love one another.

Do this and you will remem­ber who you are.

And your heart will be at peace.

2021-11-14 Radio Show Transcript —The Field of Energy-Forms, the Cosmic Builders, and the Oneness of Creation, Part 2 Patterns of Meaning (November 14, 2021)

Tran­script of Radio Show: The Field of Ener­gy-Forms, the Cos­mic Builders, and the One­ness of Cre­ation, Part 2 Pat­terns of Meaning 

(If you wish to lis­ten to the show instead, here is the link on BlogTalk or Apple Pod­casts)

I thought it would be help­ful to con­tin­ue our dis­cus­sion from Octo­ber 3, 2021, where we exam­ined the con­sti­tu­tion of the Cos­mos. I think it is very impor­tant that we go fur­ther into this today, so that we might find a deep­er appre­ci­a­tion of the gift of under­stand­ing that this approach to the nature of real­i­ty provides.

Cos­mos – A Hier­ar­chy of Energy-Fields
What we have found is that when we see the Cos­mos as formed by a hier­ar­chy of Ener­gy-Fields, we can bet­ter under­stand that what we know as our bod­ies (phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al, men­tal, and spir­i­tu­al), should real­ly be seen for what they tru­ly are, as Ener­gy-Fields that by sig­nif­i­cant res­o­nances and align­ments man­i­fest as Forms; and, how in turn these fields, by their intra and inter­re­la­tion­ships, cre­ate a hier­ar­chy of Mean­ing-Filled Pat­terns that indeed con­sti­tute what we expe­ri­ence as Real­i­ty or Life. Because of this essen­tial nature of the Cos­mos, we can expe­ri­ence the Uni­verse as Mean­ing­ful, because it is made by and is full of pat­terns, mean­ings, and truths, from the dens­est of mate­r­i­al to the most ethe­re­al of ener­gy-forms, in what I like to call the “Song of Spir­it”. That Song of Spir­it, the Mas­ter Chords of Pat­terns and Mean­ings are held by the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac.

As I not­ed then, the mod­ern-era mod­els and the data we col­lect based upon our mod­ern tools of per­cep­tion, as well as the Wis­dom passed down to us in the Ancient Teach­ings, both of these approach­es, whether by Sci­ence or by Spir­it hold that the ulti­mate nature of Real­i­ty, the Noume­na behind the Phe­nom­e­na we per­ceive can best be under­stood as Fields of Ener­gy, and these Fields cre­ate the Ener­gy-Forms or Bod­ies that we per­ceive as the phys­i­cal real­i­ty that is made by a Hier­ar­chy of Atom­ic Par­ti­cles, Atoms, Mol­e­cules, Mat­ter, Life-Forms, Plan­ets and Stars.

Pat­terns of Mean­ing – The Design Bod­ies of Creation
But what we also need to under­stand is that these Fields of Ener­gy-Forms are shaped and guid­ed by Pat­terns that are inter­re­lat­ed with­in each type of Ener­gy-Form, and between them and oth­er Ener­gy-Forms too. These inter­nal and exter­nal pat­terns are the Web of Designs and Mean­ings, what the Ancient Wis­dom calls “the Design Bod­ies” that form, shape and hold Cre­ation togeth­er as it is, and cre­ate the Sto­ry of Spir­it, The Life of the One.

These pat­terns range from the phys­i­cal “Laws of Ener­gy-Forms” which guides their com­bi­na­tions-trans­for­ma­tions (what we call Chem­istry in the phys­i­cal sci­ences, or Alche­my in the spir­i­tu­al sci­ences), and which we humans have arranged and labeled in a Hier­ar­chy from the micro or sub-atom­ic up to the galac­tic struc­tures of the Uni­verse. We have dis­cerned and described this mate­ri­al­ized world as being formed and arranged by these pat­terns of the phys­i­cal laws that hold and guide their man­i­fes­ta­tion and meaning.

And equal­ly, what we con­sid­er as the realm of Liv­ing Ener­gy-Forms, (though in the Ancient Wis­dom we hold that every­thing in the Uni­verse is Alive and Con­scious in some form), we have arranged our under­stand­ing of these Life-Forms into a hier­ar­chy guid­ed by the Pat­terns or Laws of the Bio­log­i­cal, from the most archa­ic of life-forms, to the most com­plex of Liv­ing-Beings. And we see and under­stand that those life-forms are shaped and guid­ed by their chem­i­cal-bio­log­i­cal Pat­terns of Inter­re­la­tion­ships with­in each form, and between those forms of life and oth­er forms of life, and which we under­stand as being shaped and guid­ed by the pat­tern of mean­ings held by DNA.

Pat­terns of Consciousness
More­over, as we look at ever more com­plex forms of life, we see how these Pat­terns of Life move beyond the mere­ly phys­i­cal, chem­i­cal, and cel­lu­lar com­bi­na­tions and inter­re­la­tion­ships, into an ever-widen­ing web of the Phe­nom­e­na of Mind, of Pat­terns of Con­scious­ness, of Feel­ings and Thought-Forms and Aware­ness deep­en­ing and expand­ing with­in and between the Hier­ar­chies of Life. Though these exist accord­ing to the Ancient Wis­dom in all the realms of being, they become ever more pro­nounced and lumi­nous as we move into more com­plex orders of Creation.

When we come to the rel­a­tive­ly advanced forms of life, like our Human King­dom, the mul­ti­ple Pat­terns of Mean­ing that shape and guide our jour­ney range from the phys­i­cal, to the emo­tion­al, to the men­tal and to the spir­i­tu­al Ener­gy-Forms and their Pat­terns. As I not­ed last time, we humans are part of a Hier­ar­chy of Life-Forms in this Uni­verse, and we are not so very dif­fer­ent from many life-forms with whom we share this pre­cious plan­et, because we are all held and shaped by these Fields of Rela­tion­ships that we cre­ate with­in and between one anoth­er and all oth­er lives on this plan­et. Indeed, we see how very much the Pat­terns of these oth­er King­doms of Life, and our Pat­terns of Human Life, are deeply inter­wo­ven and inter­de­pen­dent with one anoth­er. And we can cer­tain­ly acknowl­edge giv­en the Covid-19 expe­ri­ence and the exis­ten­tial cri­sis posed by Cli­mate Change, that we are much more inter­de­pen­dent than we might have thought.

Yes, we can now see how we bear a sin­gu­lar respon­si­bil­i­ty for both the Cri­sis of Cli­mate Change and the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic (which is just anoth­er man­i­fes­ta­tion of Cli­mate Change). Why or how could a sin­gle species on a plan­et, that is team­ing with a host of life-forms, be so pow­er­ful as to effect such a change for the entire planet?

The rea­son is that we humans, giv­en our spe­cial abil­i­ties for self-aware, self-devel­op­ment, have devel­oped these Influ­en­tial Fields of Pat­terns in our Emo­tion­al-Men­tal-Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gy-Bod­ies to such a degree, to such a con­se­quen­tial pow­er, that we have been able to reshape our­selves and in con­se­quence our world in vaster, deep­er, and infi­nite­ly more com­plex ways than any oth­er life-form.

Par­a­digms of Belief
The com­bi­na­tion of these three Pat­tern Shapers, the Emo­tion­al, Men­tal, and Spir­i­tu­al Fields that we make with and through one anoth­er in our Human Inter­re­la­tion­ships, these three form our Con­scious­ness, our Par­a­digms of Belief and Real­i­ty-Forms that shape and guide our Actions and Behav­iors, and forge our Wants, Desires and Fears; and it is by these Pat­terns of Feel­ing, Think­ing and Believ­ing that we have made our Human Real­i­ty for thou­sands of years. Steadi­ly, and now increas­ing­ly, we have been chang­ing our­selves and our world. But it does appear to many of us, that we have forged these devel­op­ments with­out wis­dom or humil­i­ty, and we have failed to under­stand the costs and con­se­quences for our­selves and this plan­et until it was too late.

First Humans – Hunters/Gatherers for almost 200,000 years
For tens of thou­sands of years, we humans lived in a cer­tain Pat­tern of Mean­ing; we were what we call “Hunter-Gath­er­ers”, and our Design Body Pat­terns, our pat­terns of Emo­tion, Mind and Spir­it, were close­ly aligned with the nat­ur­al world around us. Accord­ing to our lat­est Genet­ic dis­cov­er­ies and Archae­o­log­i­cal find­ings, mod­ern Humans evolved into our present form around 200,000 years ago. And for all but the last 12,000 years we lived by align­ing our Pat­terns with the Nat­ur­al World around us, cre­at­ing what many have come to see as a most­ly sym­bi­ot­ic and bal­anced rela­tion­ship with the oth­er realms of life.

The Great Turn­ing – Set­tle­ments 12, 000 years ago
Whether by hap­pen­stance, or some cli­mate shift, or some oth­er yet as undis­cov­ered rea­son, we were able to set­tle down and begin to grow grains, and then domes­ti­cate ani­mals around 12,000 years ago…and every­thing began to change, for us and for the Nat­ur­al world around us. We began to change our own Pat­terns of Mean­ing and Inter­re­la­tion­ships with one anoth­er, and we can see this by com­par­ing our way of life to the few remain­ing groups of Hunter-Gath­er­ers that live at the mar­gins of our Human-Remade World. We moved away from an Egal­i­tar­i­an soci­ety ground­ed in shar­ing equi­tably, and into a Hier­ar­chi­cal order defined by pos­ses­sions and pow­er. And we began to sig­nif­i­cant­ly alter the del­i­cate bal­ance in the ecosys­tems for the land and wildlife to meet our ever-chang­ing and grow­ing needs for the next many thou­sands of years. But a most impor­tant change was still ahead, and it was because of this shift in our Con­scious­ness that we find our­selves with our exis­ten­tial cri­sis today.

Our self-fram­ing and self-shap­ing by our Pat­terns of Mean­ing and Con­scious­ness is the most sig­nif­i­cant fac­tor in cre­at­ing and deter­min­ing the path we have fol­lowed, and they will also deter­mine the path that we make that lies ahead. Through­out our jour­ney, that is since we “woke up”, we have been shar­ing our sto­ries with one anoth­er, for we are Sto­ry­tellers one and all, and our obser­va­tions, expe­ri­ences, knowl­edge, and wis­dom have formed the Web of Con­scious­ness that we weave around and between one anoth­er. These indi­vid­ual and col­lec­tive sto­ries form our Pat­terns of Belief and forge the Path that we are on. We are very much what we think and feel, and we make our real­i­ty accord­ing­ly, whether for good or for ill.

The Sci­en­tif­ic Rev­o­lu­tion – 500 years ago, the 1500’s
The last and most sig­nif­i­cant change in our Pat­terns of Mean­ing, in our Emo­tion­al, Men­tal and Spir­i­tu­al for­ma­tions of Real­i­ty, led us to a new Way of Belief and Life and it hap­pened just over 500 years ago. We once again expe­ri­enced a shift in our Con­scious­ness that fun­da­men­tal­ly altered how we under­stand our­selves and our rela­tion­ship to the rest of Cre­ation. Our Pat­terns of Mean­ing and Con­scious­ness shift­ed, our Pur­pose and Moti­va­tion went from pre­serv­ing the Wis­dom and Knowl­edge of the Ancients to acquir­ing prac­ti­cal Knowl­edge of the mate­r­i­al world. This Epis­te­mo­log­i­cal Shift has been named The Sci­en­tif­ic Revolution.

For most of our jour­ney, we have revered what was hand­ed down by our fore­bears, hold­ing that the first teach­ings and our ances­tral knowl­edge was the Truth, and in some fash­ion absolute and final. For gen­er­a­tions upon gen­er­a­tions, change was incre­men­tal and most­ly acci­den­tal, as all the solu­tions and answers to life were embod­ied in our cus­toms and crafts or found via the medi­a­tion of the reli­gious orders, so that a per­son whether from 2,000 years or 1,000 years or 500 years ago, would have found much that was famil­iar in one another’s lives and cus­toms. But this would cer­tain­ly not be true if they came into our world today, for we have made a very dif­fer­ent world now.

This shift began around 500 years ago, and it cre­at­ed an approach to the world that is crit­i­cal and ques­tion­ing. Rather than assum­ing what was hand­ed down was true, we began to exam­ine real­i­ty for our­selves. We mea­sured, and eval­u­at­ed and test­ed our find­ings, con­stant­ly refin­ing and improv­ing and retest­ing our find­ings so that we could con­tin­u­ous­ly increase our knowl­edge of how the Uni­verse works. This was not done to mere­ly sat­is­fy our curios­i­ty. Rather, we sought to know so that we could har­ness these dis­cov­er­ies and make use of them to meet our needs. And as we acquired more capa­bil­i­ties, we cre­at­ed ever more com­plex needs and wants that we sought to sat­is­fy, and then we did it again. We went from most­ly very sim­ple lives to cre­ate a world of astound­ing com­plex­i­ty. We went from over 400 mil­lion humans to a cur­rent pop­u­la­tion of just under 8 bil­lion now!

Our Cri­sis – The Next Turning
But now we find our­selves with a range of chal­lenges that we have brought upon our­selves. For in our rush for the Ener­gy and Mate­ri­als to cre­ate and sus­tain our mod­ern lives, the mod­ern world that our Sci­ence and Tech­nolo­gies have made pos­si­ble, we have changed the del­i­cate bal­ance of the var­i­ous ecosys­tems that make up the rich and beau­ti­ful hier­ar­chy of life-forms on this plan­et. As the increas­ing loss of diver­si­ty of species accel­er­ates, we can tru­ly see now that our world is becom­ing less beau­ti­ful, less vibrant, less mean­ing­ful because quite lit­er­al­ly, “life is leav­ing the planet”.

At this crit­i­cal moment, when the future of the plan­et and the prospects for human­i­ty are in great per­il, we must hope and expect that our Pat­terns of Mean­ing, our com­plex Web of Feel­ings, Thoughts and Spir­i­tu­al Inti­ma­tions, that our most spe­cial Gift of the Imag­i­na­tion will help us to find a way to solve our self-made crises and avoid the calami­ties that are hurtling towards us.

Con­fu­sion Reigns
But at this crit­i­cal moment, we are faced with anoth­er cri­sis of our own mak­ing, we face a Cri­sis of Con­scious­ness itself. Because of our tech­nolo­gies, because of our means to spread infor­ma­tion and mis­in­for­ma­tion with­out lim­its, we find our­selves today in a ver­i­ta­ble “Ocean of Cacoph­o­nies”, with clash­ing “storms of sto­ries” and mean­ings with­out con­text or foun­da­tion, where com­pet­ing opin­ions and duel­ing facts stream out of our many devices, and we can­not find our way to what is rea­son­able let alone what is true. We are lost because our sto­ry­telling and sto­ries are bro­ken, and we can nei­ther find our way home nor see a path to a bet­ter future. What are we to do?

Yes, if I were some sort of outside/alien observ­er of human­i­ty at this time, I would say the gen­er­al con­di­tion of our species right now is that we are con­fused and uncer­tain. It is rather telling, that at this time we are expe­ri­enc­ing the pas­sage of Nep­tune through the Sign of Pisces, which always rep­re­sents a time when the bound­aries between the var­i­ous realms of Spir­it and Mat­ter become more per­me­able and unfixed. When­ev­er I have a client expe­ri­enc­ing a major tran­sit of Nep­tune in their chart, I always point out that they are going through a time of mys­tery and con­fu­sion. They will often say yes, they are con­fused, and it is dis­tress­ing and scary. But I gen­tly remind them that the uni­verse is not out “to get them”, and that the rea­son we must go through peri­ods of con­fu­sion is to make it pos­si­ble for us to grow! They look at me as if I am some­what out of my mind, but I explain that we become attached to the way things are, to the way we are, and even though those ways may now be hurt­ing us (or oth­ers) we hold to them, not because of our faith but because we are fear­ful. So it is Spir­it, in this case Nep­tune, that comes along to make that old real­i­ty appear as it is, an illu­sion, a moment in time that is pass­ing, and that we are being giv­en this oppor­tu­ni­ty to let go and grow.

Our Time, Like the 1500’s
That is what is hap­pen­ing now, and it is on a glob­al scale because we are so inter­con­nect­ed by our new tech­nolo­gies, so the entire world can vir­tu­al­ly par­tic­i­pate in the most uplift­ing inspi­ra­tions of the human spir­it and our dark­est fears too. Nep­tune was in Pisces before, from 1848 to 1862, and 1685 to 1698, and 1521 to 1535. Our shift from 2011 to 2026 is most sim­i­lar to and per­haps as con­se­quen­tial as that dawn of the Sci­en­tif­ic Rev­o­lu­tion in the 1500’s. Not only was Nep­tune in Pisces dur­ing that peri­od, but the plan­et Plu­to was also pass­ing through Capri­corn as well. That is exact­ly what we are expe­ri­enc­ing now, Nep­tune in Pisces with Plu­to in Capri­corn. We are at the Dawn of a New Age, but we can­not yet see what that New World might be.

Remem­ber, when­ev­er Plu­to is in Capri­corn it indi­cates the End of an Insti­tu­tion­al Age, when the struc­tures we have cre­at­ed to meet our needs break down because they can no longer meet our needs, that is why the world as we knew it falls apart around us. And Nep­tune mean­while is dis­solv­ing those bound­aries between Pat­terns of Mean­ing, so that our Under­stand­ing of the World and of one anoth­er is cloud­ed and confused.

The Way Ahead
What we can know is that our ances­tors found a way through their time of break­down and con­fu­sion, and they built a New World. They did it not by deny­ing Sci­ence or their Faith, but by find­ing a way to hold them togeth­er. That is “The Way”.

We will find our way when we let go of what we must but hold onto that which is ever­last­ing. We must tell one anoth­er our sto­ries, share our hopes and our fears, find new mean­ings and ways to meet one another’s needs. We must turn to one anoth­er with love and lis­ten and try to find a way to meet one anoth­er in a new­ly cre­at­ed shared space of understanding.

We can do this if we remain on the Path of Love and Light, by hold­ing togeth­er our Hearts and our Minds.

At the Dawn of the Sci­en­tif­ic Age, Descartes famous­ly declared as part of the new Pat­terns of Mean­ing, this defin­ing phrase for being human: “I think, there­fore I am”.

But I would dif­fer with this claim of what it means to be human, and in accor­dance with the Ancient Teach­ings and all the great Reli­gions, I believe we would be truer to affirm, “I love, there­fore I am”!

We are here for one thing, To Love One Another.

And we do this when we lis­ten to one anoth­er, share with one anoth­er, and care for one another.

This is the Way.

And this is the way we will make a New World.

Astrological Musings – The Zodiac — The Field of Energy-Forms, the Cosmic Builders, and the Oneness of Creation, Part 2 – Patterns of Meaning (November 14, 2021)

Astro­log­i­cal Mus­ings – The Zodi­ac- The Field of Ener­gy-Forms, the Cos­mic Builders, and the One­ness of Creation
Part 2 – Pat­terns of Mean­ing (Novem­ber 14, 2021)

In my eleventh show of 2021, I want to con­tin­ue our pre­vi­ous talk about how approach­ing the fun­da­men­tal nature of the Uni­verse as a “Field of Fields of Ener­gy-Forms” can help us bet­ter under­stand our­selves and what is hap­pen­ing in our world right now. In this Part 2, I want to exam­ine how these Fields form pat­terns of inter­ac­tions, which make for pat­terns or struc­tures of mean­ing, and it is these Design Bod­ies or pat­terns that cre­ate and shape the Cos­mos. What we need to under­stand is how our human pat­terns of mean­ing are shap­ing us and our future at this time.

If you wish to sug­gest a sub­ject or top­ic for a future show, please email me as I would be hap­py to hear from you. My email is:

Here is the main link to Astrologer Bill Attride Radio:

Here is the link to the show on Sun­day Novem­ber 14th @ 2 pm EST:–patterns-of-meaning

The phone num­ber to call if you wish to ask a ques­tion dur­ing the live show is: (516) 531‑9638.

Please join me on Sun­day Novem­ber 14th @ 2 pm EST as we look at the cur­rent astro­log­i­cal indi­ca­tions and what they mean for you.

If you miss the show, it will be avail­able as a Pod­cast short­ly after on BlogTalk or my Apple Pod­casts.

Sun Enters Scorpio (October 23, 2021)

Johfra Boss­chart — Zodi­ac-Paint­ings — Scorpio

The Alchemy of Creation

What makes you, you? For that mat­ter, what makes any­thing and every­thing in the cos­mos? Yes, from that pre­cious moment long ago when humans became self-aware, we have won­dered, “Where do we come from, why are we here, and where are we going”?

But behind these pro­found ques­tions, there is the first ques­tion, how did any­thing or any­one come to be?

When we look to the lat­est sci­en­tif­ic dis­cov­er­ies about the ori­gins of the cos­mos, and when we also look at all the sto­ries of Cre­ation, all the sto­ries, myths, and tales we have shared with one anoth­er, we find that they all con­verge upon an under­stand­ing that the Uni­verse, from a sci­en­tif­ic view, is formed by a hier­ar­chy of fields of Ener­gy and Mat­ter, a host of fields of vibra­to­ry res­o­nances; and when viewed from the var­ied Spir­i­tu­al Tra­di­tions, it is a hier­ar­chy formed by Spir­it or Mind and Mat­ter, equal­ly form­ing fields of vibra­tions which I like to call the “Song of Spir­it”, which is the Celes­tial Sym­pho­ny of Spirit.

Real­ly, what mod­ern sci­ence and the ancient teach­ings say about this Uni­verse is essen­tial­ly the same, for they all agree that we can under­stand the con­sti­tu­tion of the Cos­mos as being formed by a Field of fields of Ener­gy-Forms that shape and trans­form one anoth­er. So, what I like to say is that we humans and all of Cre­ation, are fields of Ener­gy-Forms who can be seen as form­ing com­plex inter­re­la­tion­ships and com­bi­na­tions, and these fields are pro­tean, so that they evolve into ever more com­plex forms by these vibra­tional rela­tion­ships with­in our­selves and between one another.

What we humans, and what every part of Cre­ation form is quite sim­ply the Song of Songs that are the One. The entire­ty of Cre­ation is a sym­pho­ny of vibra­tions, and these Songs of Spir­it by all beings from the great­est to the small­est form the whole Cho­rus of creation.

Today we enter that most spe­cial field of space we call Scor­pio, and at this time, and wher­ev­er Scor­pio is found in your chart, you enter what forms the beat­ing heart of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness. For what is the pro­pelling ener­gy-form behind the whole of Cre­ation is held here, and that is the pow­er of Com­bi­na­tion, which is the won­der of Alchemy.

In the less com­plex King­doms of Cre­ation, from infin­i­tes­i­mal par­ti­cles to atoms, from mol­e­cules to the sim­pler forms of life, these fields of Ener­gy-Forms com­bine to cre­ate more and more com­plex com­bi­na­tions, and these com­bi­na­tions are pri­mar­i­ly formed and guid­ed by what we know as the phys­i­cal laws of “com­bi­na­tion­al trans­for­ma­tion” or what we call Chem­istry. But once we reach the tru­ly con­scious realm of life-forms, and espe­cial­ly once we reach the stage of self-aware com­bi­na­tion­al trans­for­ma­tions like our human king­dom, these process­es come to be shaped by more com­plex realms of Spir­it, by our Thought and Feel­ing Forms, and these trans­for­ma­tions take us from mere Chem­istry into the heart of Alchemy.

For us humans, whether it is the field of ener­gy-forms between Par­ent and Child, or Sib­lings and Friends, or Class­mates and Col­leagues, or dear Com­pan­ions and Loved Ones, we humans become tru­ly human by this Sacred Space that is Alche­my, because it is here in the holy of holies that we are both Trans­form­ers and the Transformed.

We pre­pare the way for this quick­en­ing, of what I call our “Self that is Becom­ing”, by “in-form­ing” the space for our Unions through Mind­ful­ly Just and Equi­table thought-forms, which comes by the Grace and Wis­dom held in Libra. But the real work of Cre­ation is what is before you now, for now you are in the Cru­cible of Union that is Scorpio’s Domain. It is here, in the Heart of Spir­it that you will meet and ful­fill the truth of your nature, which is that we are Spir­it danc­ing through realms of mat­ter, we are “Immor­tals in Mor­tal Frames”.

In this most Sacred Realm, in this Heart of Cre­ation, you will find that your path can only be met and mas­tered by Love and through Sac­ri­fice. In your Heart is Uncon­di­tion­al Love, and by this you can cre­ate, hold, and then release your Unions when it is time to do so. For this you also know, that on this side of the Veil, in this Mor­tal realm, noth­ing will last beyond the time appoint­ed to it. All “things” must pass, as your spir­it, like all of Spir­it, must move on to more per­fect forms for­ev­er and ever. So, whomev­er you have met here now in any sacred union, you may be assured, that you will meet again and again; and so, we mere­ly say to one anoth­er, “fare thee well”.

Like­wise, no Union, no join­ing with one anoth­er, or you with many oth­ers, no com­bi­na­tion can be made with­out mak­ing sac­ri­fices for and to one anoth­er. This word “Sac­ri­fice”, it means “to make sacred”, and it is by your sac­ri­fices to and for one anoth­er that you “give up the less­er and so hon­or the greater”, to affirm and build upon that which is with­in you, and what you now share with one anoth­er. It is by this giv­ing up to one anoth­er, it is by let­ting go and grow­ing, it is by this lov­ing sac­ri­fice that you move clos­er and trans­form one anoth­er, and so become much more than you ever could have pos­si­bly been by your­self alone.

This is how you grow; this is how the entire Cos­mos grows.

You are mov­ing ever clos­er to being a Co-Cre­ator of Cre­ation; now, you are the Trans­former and the Trans­formed. Here in the time of Scor­pio, and wher­ev­er Scor­pio is found in your chart, it is here that you expe­ri­ence the Mys­tery and the Won­der of being an Immor­tal in a mor­tal world.

It is here that you face the ulti­mate Truth; all things must pass away…
It is here you live the Eter­nal Truth; the One is Ever Lasting.

Yea, though I walk through the val­ley of the shad­ow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they com­fort me…and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

In Scor­pio expe­ri­ence the Joy of Union, and the pain of separation.
Here in Scor­pio, you hear the Song of the One.

There is no end­ing, there is noth­ing to fear…, for
I am an Immor­tal, danc­ing through mor­tal worlds”.

2021–10‑3 Radio Show Transcript — The Zodiac — The Field of Energy-Forms, the Cosmic Builders, and the Oneness of Creation

Holo­graph­ic Universe

Tran­script of Radio Show: The Zodi­ac – The Field of Ener­gy-Forms, the Cos­mic Builders, and the One­ness of Creation

(If you wish to lis­ten to the show instead, here is the link on BlogTalk or Apple Pod­casts)

The Fields of the Lord
In this time of Libra, in this space that holds the realm or the fields of Rela­tion­ship, we are remind­ed that we, as I like to say, we are more like a “we than an I”. This is because of a foun­da­tion­al truth, that you and I are a host of ener­gy-forms; we are much more than a sin­gu­lar, sep­a­rate phys­i­cal organ­ism or any dis­crete kind of thing. Of course, this is true uni­ver­sal­ly, no mat­ter what form of man­i­fes­ta­tion or what kind of enti­ty or being we are con­sid­er­ing. Because this Truth con­cerns the Nature of Real­i­ty with regards to the entire­ty of Creation.

Whether you look at indi­vid­ual atoms or mol­e­cules, whether you con­sid­er the ranges of types of organ­isms, or com­mu­ni­ties of organ­isms or beings, the Truth is we and all of Cre­ation are tru­ly a field of ener­gy-forms that are immersed, sur­round­ed, inter­pen­e­trat­ed, and held by all the ener­gy fields and forms with which we jour­ney. The Uni­verse is in fact a Field of fields, a Holo­gram of holograms.

Cre­ation began with the One, who became the many, many ones that make up the Uni­verse. From the One, these many mon­ads or “sparks of the Divine”, the ini­tial “field of fields”, went forth to form all the var­i­ous orders, realms, and dimen­sions of man­i­fest­ed Spir­it. But we must remem­ber to see beyond the appear­ance of all these things, beyond the mate­ri­al­ized plane of spir­it, beyond our fix­a­tion on the par­ti­cles of mat­ter and to see what lies with­in and behind all these so-called sub­stan­tial forms.

We must start with the Truth, that all of Cre­ation is pure Spir­it; and pure Spir­it in its essence is just the most ethe­re­al­ized form Mat­ter, just as Mat­ter is the dens­est man­i­fes­ta­tion of Spirit…in effect, they are tru­ly one and the same, for all these ener­gies, fields, and beings are real­ly the Mind, Body and Spir­it that is the One.

The Zodi­ac
But just as all these Fields of Ener­gy-Forms unfold­ed from the One, so did what are known as the form­ing, shap­ing, hold­ing, and guid­ing prin­ci­ples which equal­ly came from and are of the One. These “for­m­ers of fields”, these hold­ers of form, are called the builders of Space-Time, and we know them as the Lords of Time and Space. Yes, these are the fun­da­men­tal Ener­gy-Forms that hold all the ener­gy-forms togeth­er, and you know them as the Signs of the Zodiac.

As I men­tioned in my show on June 13th this year, the Zodi­ac is not some­thing “in itself”, or some­thing by itself. It is not sep­a­rate and apart from Cre­ation; in fact, we should under­stand that the Zodi­ac is the very Warp and Weft of Cre­ation. These Hold­ers of Form and Mean­ing are in every field and every par­ti­cle of Cre­ation, in all the numer­ous hier­ar­chies and orders of being from the most infin­i­tes­i­mal to the most immense beings that are the One made man­i­fest. These Elec­tro-Mag­net­ic or bet­ter Spir­i­tu­al-Mag­net­ic shapers of Space and Time came from the One. They are the Elec­tro-Mag­net­ic Heart and Mind of the One, and they are the Archi­tect-Builders of Reality.

The Pri­mal Ener­gy-Form of Cre­ation, Divine Love, is divid­ed into these Twelve Vibra­tions. That is to say the Zodi­ac, this Realm of the Liv­ing Ones, is divid­ed into twelve cos­mic elec­tro-mag­netisms. These Noble Twelve are known in the Ancient Wis­dom as the Builders of Cre­ation, so that these twelve are omnipresent, they are in every­thing and every­one, as the twelve-fold mod­u­la­tions of the Divine Love that forms the fab­ric of the Universe.

The Zodi­ac – Not Con­stel­la­tions but part of the Fab­ric of the Cosmos 
You need to free your­self from mis­con­cep­tions and under­stand that the Zodi­ac is not a band of space that is mere­ly around our Solar Sys­tem. The Zodi­ac is the Cir­cle of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness, and it is all encom­pass­ing because it is the Pri­mal Ener­gy-Sub­stance of the Mind of the One that informs and forms all the Fields of the Lord that we know as Creation.

This Pri­mal Ener­gy Form is direct­ed and shaped through the Signs of the Zodi­ac by what is called Fohat, which can be under­stood as an instru­ment of the One. This instru­ment of Guid­ing Intel­li­gence and Love is quite sim­ply the prin­ci­ple of Cos­mic Life guid­ed by Cos­mic Intel­li­gence that informs and shapes all of Spirit-Life-Consciousness.

From the One came this Mas­ter tem­plate for the entire­ty of Cre­ation; and through­out all human his­to­ry, observers have not­ed how the whole cos­mos seems to be the result of some grand design, and that it is formed and held in intel­li­gence and by beau­ty. And we can under­stand and appre­ci­ate this Intel­li­gent Design and Beau­ty because it is formed and shaped by the Mind of the One, as our hearts and mind are too. Tru­ly it is said, “as above, so below”, and that is why we can per­ceive the Intel­li­gence and Beau­ty “out there” because it is our own true nature too.

The Zodi­ac – The Design Body of Creation
In effect, the Builders of Cre­ation are these Twelve, because this Cre­ation is sim­ply the Man­i­fes­ta­tion of the Love and the Mind of the One, guid­ed, shaped, and informed by these Twelve. That is why the Zodi­ac should be seen as an Elec­tro-Mag­net­ic Field of Ener­gy-Forms that pro­vide the “Design Body” or what is known as the Sub­tle Body for all aspects of Creation.

How does this work? These fields of Ener­gy-Forms, these Holo­grams of Spir­it-Mat­ter, inter­sect to form dis­tinct fields which by their inter­sec­tions cre­ate the par­ti­cles that we expe­ri­ence as “Real­i­ty”; that is, we expe­ri­ence our­selves in our mat­ter bod­ies, and our emo­tion­al, men­tal, and spir­i­tu­al bod­ies too. But real­ly, what we are made of is a mul­ti-lay­ered inter­sec­tion of fields of Ener­gy; and fun­da­men­tal­ly, these fields of Ener­gy are formed by the Twelve Signs, in var­ied and won­der­ous com­bi­na­tions with one anoth­er. Not only is this for­ma­tion with­in each mon­ad of Cre­ation, but it exists in ever larg­er and more inclu­sive com­bi­na­tions through­out Cre­ation too.

Just as you hold all the Signs with­in your being, like an Auric Enve­lope or Design Body, so does the Earth itself, and then the Solar Sys­tem and then out into our very galaxy and beyond to the entire cos­mos. And, since this mak­er and shaper of forms remains aligned to each suc­ceed­ing lev­el from above and from below, shap­ing each atom in you, every cell in you, to your organs, and up to the whole of you and me in our vehi­cles or bod­ies, this same align­ment of the Zodi­ac con­tin­ues up and out­ward to the plan­ets and stars too, as their shap­ing and form­ing illu­mi­nates your jour­ney here on Earth.

Yes, there is an order to Cre­ation where­in all are held togeth­er and guid­ed and formed by these Twelve. This true way of under­stand­ing the nature of the Zodi­ac helps us to appre­ci­ate how infi­nite­ly com­plex yet pro­found­ly con­nect­ed every­one and every­thing is with every­thing else. We are all our very own cos­mos of ener­gy-forms as a human being, but we are also held in a larg­er field of ener­gy-forms, and this pro­ceeds in ever more encom­pass­ing fields of holo­grams on up to the Solar Sys­tem and beyond.

We are all Relat­ed – We are all Holograms
This brings us back to the fun­da­men­tal truth held by Libra, “that we are all relat­ed”. We are all held togeth­er by these fields with­in fields of ener­gy-forms that form the web of Spir­it, the Zodi­ac of the One. In a man­ner of speak­ing, each of us indi­vid­u­al­ly is a Holo­gram, an inter­sec­tion of var­i­ous ener­gy-forms which form our unique self; yet we are equal­ly mov­ing through the fields or Holo­grams of a host of oth­er Life-Forms with which we share this plan­et, this Solar Sys­tem and indeed the Uni­verse too.

Those inter-weav­ings and inter­sec­tions, our giv­ing and shar­ing with our fel­low humans have made us what we are. We would be noth­ing, we could not be, with­out the many, many dear ones who are part of us as we are part of them. We have con­tributed to one another’s unfold­ment of poten­tial, and with­out our rela­tions with fam­i­ly, friends, col­leagues and loved ones, we sim­ply would not be human at all.

Yet we equal­ly are com­ing to under­stand that what we thought was spe­cial or dif­fer­ent about us, that we were social­ly shaped and formed as human by humans, (and yes, that is a spe­cial form of the inter­sec­tion of fields of ener­gy-forms or Holo­grams to be sure), we have come to see the intri­cate order­ings and inter-weav­ings with­in oth­er life-forms and species, as well as across and between species too. We humans hold only a slight dif­fer­ence of kind or degree from our fel­low crea­tures, for we can see now that all of life, and in fact all of Cre­ation is formed by fields of rela­tion­ships of beings and orders of life-forms with one another.

Human Sep­a­ra­tion from the King­doms of Life
We have shaped one anoth­er, but we have most cer­tain­ly shaped and inter­wo­ven our lives with many oth­er life-forms too. What we do to or for them, and what they do for or to us is deep and pro­found. But we have moved away from our ancestor’s rev­er­ence and more inti­mate rela­tion­ship with the life-forms who share this plan­et with us. We have drawn a line between us and them, so that we have cre­at­ed a space apart for us and the rest of life. And this con­struct or con­ceit, well this is quite impos­si­ble to jus­ti­fy or accom­plish, because every­thing and every­one is con­nect­ed, is inter­re­lat­ed, and is inter­wo­ven with all oth­ers. We should remem­ber what we have been told, that “what you do to the least of these, you do to me”.

Com­pe­ti­tion ver­sus Cooperation
We have come to under­stand of late, that some of the con­ceits of our human supe­ri­or­i­ty can be explained by our mis­con­cep­tion or mis­char­ac­ter­i­za­tion that the prin­ci­pal dri­ver of the devel­op­ment of the King­doms of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness is cen­tered and steered by the so-called com­pe­ti­tion with­in and between species. But of late, we have come to under­stand (and remem­ber) that there is far more coop­er­a­tion at the root nature of the Cos­mos. The pro­found­ly inter­con­nect­ed and coop­er­a­tive real­i­ties in the so-called plant king­dom, or the insect or mam­malian king­doms is quite mov­ing and real. For exam­ple, the way trees help one anoth­er, com­mu­ni­cate with one anoth­er through what we now know as the Myceli­um net­work under­ground, is quite mov­ing and won­der­ous. I would rec­om­mend read­ing “The Over­sto­ry” by Richard Pow­ers for exam­ple, or his new book “Bewil­der­ment”.

It seems ear­li­er humans did per­ceive and under­stand this true nature of the coop­er­a­tive, inter­wo­ven, inter­de­pen­den­cy of life. But it seems many of us have lost it. Why? I would say it is because we are very much shaped as humans by our thought-forms, which is a very sig­nif­i­cant part of our Holo­gram of Ener­gy-Forms, and those Ideation-Holo­grams became dom­i­nat­ed by the fear-based con­ceits of pow­er and dom­i­na­tion as opposed to our love-based nature of shar­ing and equity.

Sep­a­ra­tion By Thought-Forms
To reach this degree of sep­a­ra­tion from the rest of life, we humans in our self-unfold­ment forged a new holo­gram, a new Par­a­digm of Per­cep­tion, a new Field of Con­scious­ness, and it did mark anoth­er step in our spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment. We reached the stage of self-aware, self-devel­op­ment and this quick­ened the devel­op­ment of our intel­li­gence. By this we were enabled to stand apart from the world around us, to expe­ri­ence our­selves as some­thing apart, and this allowed us to change both our phys­i­cal world and us too in very dra­mat­ic ways.

But we seem to have cre­at­ed a field of per­cep­tion that con­tained a fatal flaw in that it was incom­plete, and by mak­ing this choice and form­ing an assump­tion of spe­cial­ness and sep­a­ra­tion, we divid­ed our­selves from oth­er life-forms, and more than this, we even divid­ed our­selves from one anoth­er too. Yes, we gained some spe­cial abil­i­ties by this divi­sion, but we forged a path that began to erode our humil­i­ty and com­pas­sion. We became God-like in our manip­u­la­tion of ener­gy and mat­ter, but we began to turn our hearts to stone towards the rest of life on this plan­et and even towards one anoth­er. And now, most cer­tain­ly, we are suf­fer­ing the trag­ic con­se­quences of our mis­un­der­stand­ing about the nature of Life and Spir­it and the fun­da­men­tal One­ness of Creation.

Giv­en our sta­tus of self-aware con­scious­ness, we have achieved the abil­i­ty to choose, well or poor­ly for our­selves and for one anoth­er, and equal­ly for the all the life-forms we share on this home we call Earth. By our intel­li­gence and rea­son, we have dis­cov­ered some of the con­di­tions and phys­i­cal laws gov­ern­ing the holo­grams or ener­gy-fields of the man­i­fest­ed or mate­r­i­al plane. But we failed to real­ize or under­stand the pro­found and man­i­fold ways in which all of Cre­ation, how all the ener­gy-fields and how all of life on this plan­et is inter­wo­ven and inter­de­pen­dent. Because of this sev­er­ance from the greater real­i­ty of Earth’s Holo­gram, we are respon­si­ble now for the break­down of the inte­gra­tion and integri­ty of life on this plan­et. We have tru­ly become the Creator/Destroyer gods here on Earth.

Our Spir­i­tu­al Crisis
But pre­cise­ly because of our sep­a­ra­tion from the Greater Real­i­ty, we humans are going through a Spir­i­tu­al Cri­sis, and the Holo­grams that are most con­se­quen­tial for us as Human, the Fields of our Thought-Forms, these are being bent and warped by fear, con­flict and grief. The per­ils we have cre­at­ed for our­selves, and for all the oth­er life-forms on this plan­et are very real, but the good news is this…we made these perils…and we can with our rein­te­gra­tion with the larg­er holo­grams of under­stand­ing on this Earth, and those above and beyond our Earth, by remem­ber­ing and recon­nect­ing to them we can find our way to right thoughts, so that we might be guid­ed by com­pas­sion­ate feel­ings, and forge a path of right action and heal our­selves and our world. What is need­ed, and what is indeed hap­pen­ing I would argue, is for humans to move through anoth­er shift of con­scious­ness, and by this we can choose to return to a bal­anced and inte­gral way of being and liv­ing once again.

We have turned against our own true nature; we have become in a way alien­at­ed from the entire­ty of Cre­ation. The Truth is that we are all relat­ed, but we have cre­at­ed a bub­ble of belief that fos­tered the illu­sion­ary con­ceits of “excep­tion­al­ism”. For­tu­nate­ly for us, though some may still believe that we humans are apart and alone, I believe most humans very much still embrace and are guid­ed by the encom­pass­ing holo­grams of Mind and Love that are ever-present in the oth­er King­doms of Life on this plan­et and most cer­tain­ly in the stars above.

The One is All, and the Lords of Time and Space are hold­ing us in their Wis­dom and Love, and we need only to open our minds and hearts to this Greater Real­i­ty and return to the path of beau­ty and love once more.

Let us remem­ber, and hold in our hearts and minds the Great Invocation:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.