Astrologer Bill Attride Radio Show – The Path of Light, Part 2 (Sunday September 27, 2020 @ 2 pm EDT)

Astro­log­i­cal Mus­ings – The Path of Light, Part 2 – Nep­tune and the Way of Uncon­di­tion­al Love (Sep­tem­ber 27, 2020)

In my twen­ty-first show of 2020, we will con­tin­ue our review of the major Astro­log­i­cal influ­ences of the year. Last week we fin­ished by look­ing at Plu­to, and I want to look today at the role of Nep­tune and Uranus.

As before, I will answer your ques­tions dur­ing the show, whether on this top­ic or some oth­er mat­ter, includ­ing per­son­al ques­tions about your astro­log­i­cal chart. If you do wish to ask a per­son­al ques­tion, please be ready to pro­vide at least your birth date and birth­place, and time of your birth if you have that too.

If you wish to sug­gest a sub­ject or top­ic for a future show, please email me as I would be hap­py to hear from you. My email is:

Here is the main link to Astrologer Bill Attride Radio:

Here is the link to the show on Sun­day Sep­tem­ber 27th @ 2 pm EDT:–2020

The phone num­ber to call if you wish to ask a ques­tion dur­ing the live show is: (516) 531‑9638.

Please join me on Sun­day Sep­tem­ber 27th @ 2 pm EDT as we look at the cur­rent astro­log­i­cal indi­ca­tions and what they mean for you.

If you miss the show, it will be avail­able as a Pod­cast short­ly after on BlogTalk or my Apple Pod­casts.

Sun Enters Libra – The Equinox (September 22, 2020)

Libra (by Johannes Fran­cis­cus Gijs­ber­tus van den Berg)

We are made of one another…

Long, long ago, in the time when we became self-aware and self-know­ing, we began to share with one anoth­er our sto­ries. We shared our expe­ri­ences, knowl­edge, and wis­dom with one anoth­er. We knew one anoth­er and we cared for one anoth­er; and we found that our love with­in was met in anoth­er stand­ing before us.

And that is how we began to become tru­ly human.

We began to become human when we real­ized we are noth­ing with­out one another.
We under­stood that we could not be human with­out all these rela­tions start­ing with Father/Mother, and Brother/Sister, Friend to Friend, with our stead­fast Com­pan­ions and those Dear Ones we love most deeply. We came to know them all and that is how we came to know ourselves.

And to this day, and for all our days to come, we are made of one anoth­er; they made us, and we made them. We are insep­a­ra­ble; for we are the many that make the One. In these Man­sions of Spir­it, you live with one anoth­er and make one another.

In the Hous­es of the Holy known as the Zodi­ac, each step has led to this. From each Sign you find anoth­er por­tion of what makes you whole. From the Awak­en­ing of Aware­ness in Aries, to the Sub­stan­ti­a­tion of Val­ue in Tau­rus, to the Delights of Intel­li­gence in Gem­i­ni, to the Root­ing and Cen­ter­ing in Can­cer, to the Release of the Self in Leo, to the Whole­ness of Peace you find in Virgo.

From all these sacred places and expe­ri­ences, from the depths of your soul you know that you are ready for the next step. Now you must enter what I call “Third Space”. For­ev­er and always you are in your own Sacred Space, for you are a field of Ener­gy-Forms held as one; and who­ev­er is before you, they are in their own Sacred Space too.

And what you cre­ate with one anoth­er is from both of you; it is the space of I and Thou. Rela­tion­ship is a spe­cial Sacred Space; it is the “Third Space” that you make togeth­er. This is the Man­sion of Libra; it is the Space of Rela­tion­ship which is tru­ly your only way to Free­dom and Self-Realization.

For you are nev­er free when you are alone…you are just alone. You can only be and become you from, through and by rela­tion­ships. To do this, you learn to form these fields of relat­ing so that they are mutu­al­ly ben­e­fi­cial and sup­port­ive of one another’s devel­op­ment and self-realization.

In “Right Rela­tion­ships”, when you have under­stood who you are, and equal­ly who they are, you can then form a rela­tion­ship with one anoth­er that sup­ports and encour­ages each of you to be more of “That”. To be more of who you real­ly are with one anoth­er than you ever could pos­si­bly be by yourself.

What is the way to Right Relationship?

By Mind­ful­ness, we are to use our intel­li­gence and rea­son to cre­ate our pat­terns of meet­ing one anoth­er so that they are guid­ed by mutu­al­ly agreed upon under­stand­ings of one anoth­er. We agree to treat one anoth­er rec­i­p­ro­cal­ly and equal­ly, to treat one anoth­er as we would wish to be treated.

By Love, we are guid­ed by our aware­ness that we are equal sparks of the Divine, and that each of is made by love; that we are equal and liv­ing embod­i­ments of love. That who­ev­er is before us, we by them expe­ri­ence the reflec­tion of the Divine which shines is our heart too.

By Will, we hold and pro­tect our sacred space of the Divine Spark, as we equal­ly hold their sacred self to be a holy space too. We will not tres­pass upon one anoth­er. More­over, we pledge to help one anoth­er towards greater self-mas­tery and self-deter­mi­na­tion. By join­ing freely, bend­ing our wills towards ever greater self-con­trol and self-mas­tery, we hold true to one anoth­er for mutu­al self-fulfillment.

We are the means to our becom­ing ful­ly human, and we could nev­er be on the path of becom­ing a com­plete human with­out all those with whom we have met, shared, strug­gled, sup­port­ed, and loved.

Wher­ev­er Libra is found in your chart, and most espe­cial­ly in this time of Libra, strive to move beyond your great­est illu­sion, the illu­sion that is Separation.

Remem­ber who and what you are.

You are made of many; you are made of one another.

Just look into one another’s eyes and you will see it shin­ing back at you.

It is you and it is us; this is who we are.

We are the ones of the One, and we are all related.

Look at the light shin­ing there and say to one another,


2020–9‑13 Radio Show Transcript — The Path of Light, The Way of Will and Purpose

Tran­script of Radio Show: The Path of Light, The Way of Will and Purpose

I want­ed to talk today and I titled the show, “The path of Light, the Way of Will and Pur­pose”, and what I meant by that is that we find our­selves here on Earth, and we are all part of this great cos­mos, and involved in all these expe­ri­ences of ener­gies and ener­gy-forms that we are par­tak­ing in or influ­enced by. Astrol­o­gy is the study of all these dif­fer­ent cos­mic influ­ences from very near at hand like the Moon, and we see the tides ris­ing and falling, and the cycles of night and day and every­thing else that goes on that have framed our exis­tence and formed our sense of time and space, and from this we began to notice pat­terns as we became self-aware.

So what I would like to do is go into this under­stand­ing of Astrol­o­gy and the study of cycles and see how we might under­stand it, or how Astrologers under­stand it and help you under­stand it too. Astrol­o­gy in many ways can be large­ly under­stood as the study of cycles. From the dai­ly rev­o­lu­tion of the Earth mov­ing from day to night, to the Moon’s orbit around the earth in 29 days, in wax­ing and wan­ing, and the plan­ets orbit­ing around the sun, and on to the Sun’s cycle around the Milky Way, Astrologers have always sought to under­stand these var­i­ous and hier­ar­chi­cal “wheels with­in wheels” that map out the real­i­ty of we call Space-Time.

When try­ing to under­stand the life of an indi­vid­ual, or a group of indi­vid­u­als, or small­er or larg­er orga­ni­za­tions, it real­ly is impor­tant to keep in mind how var­ied and inter­re­lat­ed all these cycles are. Depend­ing upon what you are try­ing to deter­mine, you may focus upon just the imme­di­ate fac­tors form­ing the con­di­tions for a per­son. Or we may pull back to con­sid­er the fate of nations and civ­i­liza­tions that span the range of many cen­turies. These vary­ing influ­ences are a won­der to behold but mak­ing sense of them and under­stand­ing the true nature of what is hap­pen­ing can be con­fus­ing and often hum­bling, but ulti­mate­ly and reas­sur­ing­ly com­fort­ing to see that there is an order to the uni­verse. It is what I like to call the “Music of the Stars”.

I thought it would be use­ful to con­sid­er the hier­ar­chy of influ­ences that we should always remem­ber are work­ing togeth­er to influ­ence what hap­pened before and what is hap­pen­ing now. Tak­ing it to the high­est lev­el, the first lev­el is Galac­tic. Our Galaxy, the Milky Way, rotates in about 250 mil­lion years, which in effect becomes one Galac­tic Year. As we spin around with the sun, our plan­e­tary sys­tem moves up and down with­in that galac­tic plane, weav­ing and bob­bing. It is beyond our mor­tal lim­its to know what are the dif­fer­ent divi­sions of space that we encounter in these 250 mil­lion years, but there are those who spec­u­late that it would prob­a­bly illus­trate or form long wave geo­log­i­cal changes and oth­er changes upon the earth. And we know that our very Milky Way Galaxy rotates with­in a vaster col­lec­tion of local galax­ies, which in turn are mov­ing in an even greater rota­tion­al cycle, “Wheels with­in wheels” indeed!

Solar Sys­tem
The sec­ond lev­el is our solar sys­tem. We have all seen mod­els of our plan­e­tary sys­tem, with the con­cen­tric ring of plan­ets around the Sun, from the plan­et Mer­cury to Venus to Earth, and then beyond the Earth to Mars, Jupiter, Sat­urn, Uranus, Nep­tune and Plu­to. The phe­nom­e­na of cycles astrologers use are focused upon the cycle of rela­tion­ships of the plan­ets to the Earth, and their cycles with one anoth­er. This is what I prin­ci­pal­ly use in my read­ings for indi­vid­u­als, and for exam­in­ing the world of Mun­dane or World­ly Astrol­o­gy too.

Pre­ces­sion of Equinoxes
But there are oth­er cycles with­in this realm, and one that many of you may have heard about. The Pre­ces­sion of the Equinox­es is formed by anoth­er motion of the Earth rel­a­tive to the local area of our Galaxy. We all know that the Earth tilts in one orbital year, hav­ing the north­ern then the south­ern hemi­sphere be more direct­ly point­ed towards the Sun. It is the cause of our sea­son­al expe­ri­ences here on Earth.

But the Earth also “wob­bles” in such a fash­ion, that look­ing to the North Pole, we find it aligns with a dif­fer­ent star over­head over the course of some 25,000 years or so. For Astrologers, this pre­ces­sion of the equinox­es moves back­ward through the Signs in about 2,000 years per Sign. This cre­ates a divi­sion between the Side­re­al (star­ry) and Trop­i­cal (local) astrol­o­gy. Where exact­ly a Side­re­al Sign begins or ends is not eas­i­ly deter­mined, but the study of these pre­ces­sions is cer­tain­ly some­thing intriguing.

Astro­log­i­cal Ages
When we look at these Astro­log­i­cal Ages let us begin at 12,000 years ago, (and there is a rea­son for that), in the Age of Leo from around 10,500 to 8000 BCE. That was the age that is crit­i­cal to our under­stand­ing as to what is hap­pen­ing now. That was the peri­od when human­i­ty took the fate­ful step of mov­ing from hunt­ing-gath­er­ing lifestyles to ever more seden­tary ways of a pas­toral and agri­cul­tur­al life. It was at that time that we began to alter our world ever­more sig­nif­i­cant­ly. And here we are, one half of a cycle of pre­ces­sion lat­er deal­ing with the end result of that choice, which is the mount­ing threats of Cli­mate Change.

From 8000 to 6000 BCE, we had the Age of Can­cer, because the pre­ces­sion moves back­wards through the signs, which wit­nessed the age of domes­ti­ca­tion and what became known as the wor­ship of the “Great Moth­er”. From 6000 to 4000 BCE, we had the Age of Gem­i­ni, and writ­ing and trade routes were flour­ish­ing, and poly­the­is­tic reli­gions were promi­nent. From 4000 to 2000 BCE, the Age of Tau­rus came to be, and we see the rise of the first true empires and of Bull wor­ship and imagery. Then from 2000 to O BCE, the Age of an Aries, we see the begin­ning of the move away from Poly­the­ism to Monothe­ism, and there is an erup­tion in this Age of Aries, the first sign, of new thoughts and philoso­phies seed­ing the world. This was the age of Con­fu­cius and Bud­dha and Lao Tzu and Zoroast­er and Pythago­ras and many, many others.

Then from 0 to 2000 CE, which is our time, this was the Age of Pisces, the Age of Monothe­ism, or some would argue spir­i­tu­al­ly and psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly, the Age of the Indi­vid­ual and the Ego.

And now we find our­selves here, whether it has already hap­pened, or is hap­pen­ing or about to hap­pen, now from 2000s to the 4000, we are now mov­ing into the Age of Aquar­ius, which I argue will be the age when humans move beyond egoic lim­i­ta­tions, and form an ever more inclu­sive and  com­mu­nal based con­scious­ness. It is when we begin to man­age our­selves and our rela­tion­ships to one anoth­er, and with all life on this plan­et, in a holis­tic and heal­ing manner.

Now, when we want to under­stand what has been dri­ving our his­to­ry of late, I would cer­tain­ly want to begin with this obser­va­tion­al mod­el of the pre­ces­sion of the equinox­es as a big fram­ing of under­stand­ing. But then I would want to con­sid­er what var­i­ous plan­e­tary cycles are cur­rent­ly in play and com­pare them to pre­vi­ous moments in history.

Jupiter/Saturn, The Great Mutation
Of course, noth­ing is ever a rep­e­ti­tion as all these cycles move at var­i­ous time frames and though we can mea­sure repeat­ing align­ments of plan­ets, when look­ing at all the plan­ets togeth­er, there is nev­er going to be an exact rep­e­ti­tion between them. Of inter­est to us, con­sid­er­ing the pos­si­bly that we are in or at the begin­ning of the Age of Aquar­ius is anoth­er cycle astrologers study, the pat­tern of Jupiter and Sat­urn, which every 20 years move from con­junc­tion to con­junc­tion, and those con­junc­tions occur in a series, align­ing in one ele­ment for 200 years or so before the next 200 years in the next element.

The most recent ages as deter­mined by this cycling of Jupiter and Sat­urn were as fol­lows: We were in a Water Age from 1425 to 1663, that would be Jupiter and Sat­urn each time they came togeth­er every 20 years align­ing in either Can­cer, Scor­pio or Pisces. And I call that Age of Water from 1425 to 1663 an Age of Faith. The pre­vi­ous Water Age was 571 to 809. Then the next peri­od is the Fire Age from 1663 to 1842, called the Age of Explo­rations, (and the pre­vi­ous Fire peri­od was 809 to 1047). Then we have the age that is now end­ing, the Earth Age from 1842 to 2020, and this is an Age of Mate­ri­al­iza­tion, (and the pre­vi­ous time was 1047 to 1226). And what we are mov­ing into or we have just entered is an Age of Air, the Age of Ide­al­iza­tion from 2020 to 2219, (and the pre­vi­ous Age of Air was 1226 to 1425, which was also the time of the 12th cen­tu­ry renais­sance, it was called the “lit­tle renaissance”).

What this means for us is that we are mov­ing from a mate­ri­al­is­tic age into anoth­er, and what we will know or name it is yet to be deter­mined. Again, this Age of Earth is end­ing with the exis­ten­tial threat of cli­mate change, where­in our wor­ship of the mate­r­i­al life has been the very cre­ator of our present challenges.

But we must remem­ber the plan­ets do not cre­ate the man­i­fes­ta­tion, they inform it and they time it. We made choic­es, we dis­cov­ered how to release ener­gy that had been locked away for mil­lions of years and we released it in a geo­log­i­cal “sec­ond”. And now we see the con­se­quences in the loss of life, the nar­row­ing of diver­si­ty of all life forms, the extremes mount­ing in cli­mate and weath­er, and indeed the Nov­el COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, all of these reflec­tions and man­i­fes­ta­tions of what we have done by bring­ing about cli­mate change. We are crafty, we are high­ly intel­li­gent and capa­ble with our tools of sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy. But we lack wis­dom and humil­i­ty. To remind us of this, we are being hum­bled by the tee­ni­est of life forms, a sim­ple virus.

Plan­e­tary Orbits and Alignments
The orbit of the plan­ets and their align­ments with one anoth­er form a very intri­cate series of influ­ences, and some of these orbits are far longer than any indi­vid­u­al’s lifes­pan, with Plu­to being 245 years to get around the solar sys­tem or Nep­tune 164 years. So, they can only be par­tial­ly expe­ri­enced by any per­son. We then have Uranus’ orbit of 84, and Sat­urn 29 years, and Jupiter 12 years.

But then we have the syn­od­ic cycles of the plan­ets to one anoth­er, like that Jupiter-Sat­urn pair, and we look at all the pairs from Plu­to to Sat­urn. For Plu­to, the cycle with Nep­tune is 492 years, and with Uranus is 127 years, and Sat­urn is 33 years. Then for Nep­tune to Uranus is 171 years, and then to Sat­urn is 36 years. Final­ly, for Uranus the cycle with Sat­urn is 45 years.

With so many cycles inter­weav­ing and inter­sect­ing one anoth­er, what I like to call “The Dance of the Plan­ets”, it is quite a chal­lenge to ascer­tain exact­ly which influ­ences are more rel­e­vant or reveal­ing in any peri­od. So, what I like to do is pro­ceed in an order­ly man­ner, from longest to short­est, so I always look to Plu­to and then to Nep­tune and then Uranus, to see what the three Long-Wave Evo­lu­tion­ary influ­ences might be.

Plu­to in Capricorn
As many of you know, I have been exam­in­ing the role of Pluto’s cycle through the signs, and the sig­nif­i­cance of its series of pas­sages through the Sign of Capri­corn, the sign of Insti­tu­tions, Real­i­ty and Struc­tures, and look­ing at his­to­ry. Our moment from 2008 to 2024 can be under­stood as the next step after the pre­vi­ous times of 1762 to 1778, and before that 1516 to 1532, and then 1270 to 1287. In each of these peri­ods, we saw the end of a par­tic­u­lar form of Polit­i­cal-Cul­tur­al and Eco­nom­ic order and the emer­gence of a new one, along with a shift in the char­ac­ter and qual­i­ties of the kind of human that would exist in that period.

I am sure that the peo­ple in each peri­od that were going through this change felt that their world was com­ing undone, that it was for them like an “end of the world”. But giv­en the chal­lenges that have been cre­at­ed and pre­sent­ed to us, by us, in our time, this Plu­to pas­sage seems more con­se­quen­tial giv­en the exis­ten­tial threat of cli­mate change. Per­haps it is because we are at the end/beginning of a Jupiter-Sat­urn cycle, or more like­ly (or cer­tain­ly) because we are at the end of the 2000 year-long Age of Pisces, and the Age of Aquar­ius is upon us.

All the above is look­ing at his­to­ry with regards to the gen­er­al phe­nom­e­na and cycles of the plan­ets one to anoth­er. But there is also what many of you are more famil­iar with, the study of the plan­ets with regards to indi­vid­ual charts. In mun­dane astrol­o­gy, we look at the charts of lead­ers and nations and gov­ern­ments and com­pa­nies and oth­er forms of orga­ni­za­tion. With regards to the USA, I have been not­ing how once again how Plu­to is so instruc­tive here.

Plu­to in USA Chart
What the USA is expe­ri­enc­ing now is the very first return of Plu­to to its Natal posi­tion. Plu­to rules many things, but for me its root nature con­cerns the Third Prin­ci­ple of Divin­i­ty, the Divine Will, and then all the less­er wills that are formed from the One. As Uranus dri­ves the prin­ci­ple of humans devel­op­ing ever freer minds, to become ever more indi­vid­u­at­ed, and Nep­tune rules the prin­ci­ple of Uncon­di­tion­al Love that holds the whole of Cre­ation togeth­er by the love of the One in all us less­er ones, Plu­to holds these two togeth­er in the Ener­gy-Form of the “con­tain­er of spir­it”, a Cen­tered Will and Consciousness.

Plu­to is sig­nif­i­cant in the chart of the USA as it is its ris­ing plan­et, lead­ing the nation and the chart in this case, and it is placed in the Sec­ond House, which is the House of Val­ue, and for a nation reveals the val­ue of a nation and its source of wealth. For me, Plu­to here spir­i­tu­al­ly means that the USA is endowed with the val­ue and pow­er of Alche­my, of the root pow­er of Com­bi­na­tion and Trans­for­ma­tion, the pow­er of Rebirth and Renew­al, and there is much to be said for the spir­it of renew­al and trans­for­ma­tion that the USA has demonstrated.

But I would also argue that what tru­ly con­sti­tutes the val­ue of any human orga­ni­za­tion, from a fam­i­ly to a cor­po­ra­tion to a coun­try, is the val­ue of the human beings who formed that group. Their intel­li­gence, their love, their wis­dom is the mea­sure of a coun­try’s wealth, and there­fore how we treat one anoth­er, how we encour­age and sup­port or deny and lim­it the self-ful­fill­ment of each and every per­son in the USA, is the mea­sure of how far we have come and how far we need to go with regards to ful­fill­ing our promis­es to one another.

But when Plu­to is chan­neled or expe­ri­enced in a neg­a­tive man­ner it becomes the vehi­cle for manip­u­la­tion, dom­i­na­tion, and enslave­ment. It is the will mis­used and break­ing the bar­ri­er of anoth­er per­son­’s will is the spir­i­tu­al crime of Tres­pass­ing. Giv­en the his­to­ry of the USA, found­ed upon geno­cide and slav­ery, it is quite telling that Plu­to is found here.

Plu­to & Mer­cury in USA Chart
The USA Plu­to is oppo­site to Mer­cury, and Mer­cury rules a nation’s means of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, like a being’s ner­vous sys­tem. It rules the thought-form pat­terns and the devel­op­ment (or lack) of intel­li­gence. Each time Plu­to has aligned with Mer­cury and then with itself in his­to­ry, the USA has con­front­ed the nature of how we val­ue one anoth­er. The pre­vi­ous times in the late 1840s and into the 1850s wit­nessed the strug­gle over new states being allowed to enter as slave or free states; the 1930s with FDR and “The New Deal” in the attempt to pro­vide some greater sup­port to the gen­er­al wel­fare after the Great Depres­sion; and the 1980s and the Rea­gan rev­o­lu­tion, which in the suc­ceed­ing 40 years since then, has led to the most unequal dis­tri­b­u­tion of wealth in the USA since the 1920s, a fac­tor which led to the Great Depression.

Now we are here in 2020 and 2021, with Plu­to oppo­site Mer­cury and Plu­to return­ing to its Natal posi­tion too. The plan­ets do not deter­mine what will hap­pen. We are the cre­ators and instru­ments of Action and Will, and the con­tent of what we made and the pain and joy we face is formed by us not the plan­ets. They time the unfold­ment of pat­terns, they guide our steps with mean­ings and under­ly­ing causal­i­ty, but we choose well or poorly.

The choic­es made in the 1980s and beyond, with­in the eco­nom­ic struc­tures them­selves and with­in the legal and tax struc­tures of gov­ern­ment, led to the great divide we face between one anoth­er now. For exam­ple, from 1980 to 2020 the gross domes­tic prod­uct of the USA rose by 80% in 40 years, it almost dou­bled. But the man­ner in which that growth was dis­trib­uted was far less equal than the pre­vi­ous peri­od from 1940 to 1980. In the last 40 years, the bot­tom 20% of the USA pop­u­la­tion gain 20% more wealth; the mid­dle 40% gain 50% more wealth; but the top .01% gained 420% more in their wealth.

In terms of wealth dis­tri­b­u­tion, the USA is one of the worst of all the so-called “advanced soci­eties” and this inequal­i­ty is even greater when dis­trib­uted and defined by race and eth­nic­i­ty. This is the prin­ci­ple rea­son why the USA has appalling life expectan­cies and health out­comes com­pared to much of the world.

Once again, here in 2020 and 2021, we are being asked to look at how we treat the val­ue of our nation, of how we care for the true wealth of the land, which is our peo­ple.

By many mea­sures we have been fail­ing and the crises of the pan­dem­ic and cli­mate change, and the ris­ing call for social jus­tice and the var­i­ous con­flicts between groups, all of this is call­ing on each of us to decide what kind of world we wish to leave to those who come after us.

Will we be the ones that made a bet­ter choice for the future? Will we sac­ri­fice for one anoth­er and for our chil­dren’s children?

We are at the end of an age; all these crises are real­ly one.

We are going through a Spir­i­tu­al Crisis.

It is a choice but let us choose to make this a Spir­i­tu­al Awak­en­ing and Rebirth too.

Astrologer Bill Attride Radio Show – The Path of Light (Sunday September 13, 2020 @ 2 pm EDT)

Galax­ies Meet

Astro­log­i­cal Mus­ings – The Path of Light, The Way of Will and Pur­pose (Sep­tem­ber 13, 2020)

In my twen­ti­eth show of 2020, we will review the major Astro­log­i­cal influ­ences of the year and see how this informs what lies ahead on our path now.

As before, I will answer your ques­tions dur­ing the show, whether on this top­ic or some oth­er mat­ter, includ­ing per­son­al ques­tions about your astro­log­i­cal chart. If you do wish to ask a per­son­al ques­tion, please be ready to pro­vide at least your birth date and birth­place, and time of your birth if you have that too.

If you wish to sug­gest a sub­ject or top­ic for a future show, please email me as I would be hap­py to hear from you. My email is:

Here is the main link to Astrologer Bill Attride Radio:

Here is the link to the show on Sun­day Sep­tem­ber 13th @ 2 pm EDT:–2020

The phone num­ber to call if you wish to ask a ques­tion dur­ing the live show is: (516) 531‑9638.

Please join me on Sun­day Sep­tem­ber 13th @ 2 pm EDT as we look at the cur­rent astro­log­i­cal indi­ca­tions and what they mean for you.


Sun Enters Virgo (August 22, 2020)

The Pathway of Perfection

There is but one ques­tion that you will face, again and again:

Why am I here?

If you remain still and lis­ten, you will hear the answer ris­ing from the divine spark with­in you, and you will hear your beloved soul lov­ing­ly reply:

You are here for one pur­pose only; you are here to become a bet­ter human.

The Wheel of Life is turn­ing once more, and in the Heav­en­ly King­dom above and in the inner­most sanc­tum of your heart, you will feel a change in the air now. There is a dif­fer­ent qual­i­ty of light at dawn, and at dusk, the days grow short­er, the nights are longer, and you know that you need to pre­pare for what lies ahead.

Yes, the whole world can feel it, and you can feel it too, that a new sea­son is com­ing. But before you can move for­ward you must turn around and tend to your har­vest; you have learned much, and you must gath­er the fruits of your labors over the last many months. Yes, before you move into the next sea­son of life you must under­stand what you have learned about your­self and your world.

Today you enter a time in between; today you move into Vir­go. In every year at this time, and wher­ev­er Vir­go is found in your chart, it is here for the next 30 days, and in that space for­ev­er, that you are offered the gift of attune­ment, align­ment, and healing.

After the realm of Leo, after you have stretched your­self into new forms of Lead­er­ship, Cre­ativ­i­ty and Love, after your lat­est per­for­mance, it is time to pause and review; it is time to inte­grate, adjust and pre­pare for the sec­ond half of the Cir­cle of Life that will begin in Libra.

In Vir­go you are offered the gift of a greater mea­sure of Self-Under­stand­ing; by Vir­go, you come to know and under­stand that your spir­i­tu­al jour­ney is about one thing only, Self-Mas­tery. Your first step to Mas­tery is to “know thy­self”, to use your won­drous gifts of Self-Aware­ness, Intel­li­gence and Objec­tiv­i­ty. By these tools of Mas­tery, you strive to attune and align the hier­ar­chy of your entire being, to forge an inte­gral bal­ance of your body, heart, and mind; as an Appren­tice of Spir­it, you train your­self and train with oth­ers to become a Mas­ter of Light through Right Think­ing and Right Action.

Your first step comes by your acknowl­edge­ment and accep­tance of this truth: that you are a work in progress that stretch­es back many years (and many lives). That where you are today is a prod­uct of what you (and many oth­ers) have helped to make. It is you who has have forged your strengths that you rely upon. And it is you as well who has drawn to your­self these chal­lenges which you must face now. Humbly yet wise­ly, you will come to under­stand that these very dif­fi­cul­ties are gift to you from you; that you made these ener­gy-forms by your past thoughts and deeds, and now they have returned to you, their author. Because these very chal­lenges will pro­vide you with the expe­ri­ences you need to improve your­self, you are the very instru­ment and means to your lift­ing your­self high­er upon the mas­ter­ly path of humil­i­ty and sac­ri­fice. This, of course, is the great law of Karma.

You will find inspi­ra­tion in the “great ones” who came this way before on the Path­way of Light and Love, whose exam­ples and teach­ings became part of the great philoso­phies, reli­gions and myths that are equal­ly to be found in your heart. They are the “known mas­ters”: Con­fu­cius, Bud­dha, Lao Tzu, Zoroast­er, Pythago­ras, Jesus, Muham­mad, Bahá’u’l­láh and many oth­ers. But most who take up the life of ser­vice do so with­out recog­ni­tion; they have loved, sac­ri­ficed and forged the Path of Light for count­less cen­turies. They too are hon­ored by the Broth­er­hood of Light and Love.

Most cer­tain­ly, your prin­ci­pal guide will be your high­er self. Yet upon the path that leads from dark­ness to the light you will meet many teach­ers and stu­dents who will bring you gifts of com­pas­sion, grace, and love. Some you will know, some will pass unno­ticed, but all of them will serve you as you serve them too. Tru­ly, in every encounter you have, with Father and Moth­er, Broth­er and Sis­ter, Friend, Lover and Stranger too, each and every moment with all your fel­low humans, and oth­er life-forms too, in all of these expe­ri­ences with one anoth­er, you will be as dia­mond cut­ters of the soul for each oth­er, reveal­ing in joy­ous moments and painful ones too, the Light that resides with­in each and every heart.

Yes, we all have jobs to do. We all need to pro­vide for our­selves and loved ones with regards to our needs for food and shel­ter, com­fort, and secu­ri­ty. But, for each of us these occu­pa­tions are not the point or pur­pose of life at all.

The cen­tral pur­pose of your life, of any life, con­cerns your heart and your soul; life is all about your Spir­i­tu­al Life.

All that you do is a means to this end, to be a bet­ter human.

Equal­ly, you are here to help every oth­er human to be a bet­ter human too.

As you walk the path of Humil­i­ty and Wis­dom, the Way of Sac­ri­fice and Ser­vice, may you walk the path of Love and Beau­ty that is a mighty Riv­er of Light, may you always walk the Way of Beauty:

As I walk, as I walk

The Uni­verse is walk­ing with me

In beau­ty, it walks before me

In beau­ty, it walks behind me

In beau­ty, it walks below me

In beau­ty, it walks above me

Beau­ty is on every side

Sur­round­ed by Beauty

Liv­ing in Beauty

Lov­ing in Beauty

May you walk in Beauty

May you live in Beauty

For all your days

May you be at Peace

Sur­round­ed by Beauty

It is done.