Transcript of 2020–3‑29 Radio Show—The USA & Pluto, the End of an Age

The USA & Plu­to, the End of an Age

The USA & Plu­to, the End of an Age

Today’s dis­cus­sion is about the cycling of the plan­et Plu­to through the sign of Capri­corn. It goes around the solar sys­tem in about 245 years, and into Capri­corn on a peri­od­ic basis. So, if we look at this , and we are going to talk about why this is so, but if we look at Plu­to going through Capri­corn which is the thing I’ve been talk­ing about since the mid 2000’s and Plu­to is back in Capri­corn start­ing in 2008.

The last two times before this was 1516 to 1532, a very long time ago, and then more recent­ly 1762 to 1778. That peri­od would raise eye­brows, wow that’s when the USA was born, and sure enough the USA chart has Plu­to in Capri­corn (and we’re going to talk about that). And then, our time right now, Plu­to went into Capri­corn once again in 2008 and it lasts until 2024.

Capri­corn is the sign of insti­tu­tions, of how we take our human needs and how we meet those needs and rather than just always wing­ing it and being spon­ta­neous we cre­ate sys­tems with­in a fam­i­ly cer­tain­ly, as well as build­ing on that fam­i­ly mod­el in terms of com­mu­ni­ties and larg­er orga­ni­za­tions, in com­pa­nies and regions and nations in the world. We cre­ate all these instru­ments of our own that serve ulti­mate­ly to meet our needs for one anoth­er and to one anoth­er in sig­nif­i­cant ways, and those sys­tems are amaz­ing and resilient and pur­pose­ful and infused with our intel­li­gence and love and can last for a long time.

But this is the nature of the world, of the phys­i­cal realm: noth­ing lasts for­ev­er. Things will even­tu­al­ly fall apart and need to be remade and redone and that’s what we’re encoun­ter­ing when Plu­to goes through Capri­corn. The insti­tu­tions we have cre­at­ed are now fail­ing us. Whether it’s the indi­vid­u­als in the insti­tu­tions who have “dropped the ball” or aren’t of the cal­iber we need them to be, that they do not under­stand their mis­sion and how to car­ry it out, or because the insti­tu­tion itself has been falling apart for some time. Or, equal­ly because the sys­tem it’s serv­ing, the needs that are evolv­ing and chang­ing, and how we meet our needs and deal with the chang­ing world, have gone out of phase with the insti­tu­tions or they have gone out of phase with it, so that insti­tu­tion­al form no longer solves the problem.

So I made this short­hand anal­o­gy that in the 1500s we moved from, (look­ing at Europe only but it’s true in many places in the world, and it is increas­ing­ly becom­ing more true uni­ver­sal­ly as we go to a one kind of world in our con­nec­tiv­i­ty), we went from feu­dal­ism to monar­chies, the break­ing down of a feu­dal order and the rise of monar­chies. Flash­ing for­ward to the 1760s and of course then it’s the fall of the monar­chies and the rise of par­lia­men­tary democracies.

And, of course, that’s what’s falling now, it’s all com­ing undone, and so in each of these peri­ods not only did the polit­i­cal and cul­tur­al, the eco­nom­ic and oth­er sys­tems become trans­formed because they had to be to meet the chang­ing way we under­stand and meet our needs, but it also led or required or real­ly made a new kind of human per­son. The peo­ple or humans in the 1500s would not be like you and I, and the peo­ple of the 1700s, though more like you and I, would still not be you and I; they were not dri­ven by the same visions and goals and dreams and notions of what it means to be human. Yes, there are many things that car­ry for­ward and would be under­stand­able, but tru­ly a dif­fer­ent kind of char­ac­ter and per­son was evi­dent then. And we’re going through our own change now, a very big one. A new kind of per­son emerges in each era, a new kind of human type you could argue. And so, in each peri­od, what hap­pened is that the very solu­tions that were meet­ing human needs, that were formed in that peri­od, those ways of being become the very lim­it or obsta­cle that caus­es the sys­tem to fail. And so, it must make way for the next order in realms spir­i­tu­al and men­tal emo­tion­al and physical.

So why Plu­to? Plu­to is the will or the avatar of the Will I like to say. It is the third aspect of the divine which is held as a tri­ad by the three out­er plan­ets of Uranus, Nep­tune and Plu­to. Now, of course, they’re just time­keep­ers and place­hold­ers and avatars of this, this is uni­ver­sal ener­gy. This tri­ad of spir­it is formed by, in this con­text, of Uranus, Nep­tune and Plu­to form­ing us into ever freer minds, ever deep­er uncon­di­tion­al love, and ever more tru­ly cen­tered wills. And, that’s the third aspect, Plu­to the will. And, it is by the will or by Plu­to that each enti­ty, and here we are talk­ing about humans, but each enti­ty is formed into its own sacred space and for us humans that is some­thing we have become now more self-aware and ever more con­scious about, about our spaces.

Plu­to as the avatar of the will rules the process­es of trans­for­ma­tion, of spir­it mov­ing from one form or man­i­fes­ta­tion to anoth­er, which are those most won­der­ful and mag­i­cal and mys­te­ri­ous process­es of pro­gres­sions that we see in so many realms, in all the realms. But most inti­mate­ly for us we expe­ri­ence this process as the mys­tery and joy and the awe-filled chal­lenge of birth, death and rebirth. It is through com­bi­na­tion that real­ly and tru­ly cre­ation exists and unfolds: From the one emerges the many, devel­op­ing from what are the infin­i­tes­i­mal’s I like to say, the mon­ads of spir­it, the spark of the divine at the core of every­thing. These com­bine to form as we call them and know them as atoms, which com­bined to form mol­e­cules, and into var­i­ous sub­stances, and into organ­isms, even­tu­al­ly lead­ing up to the plan­ets and stars and galax­ies. All of cre­ation exists because of what is fun­da­men­tal­ly known sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly as chem­istry, but it’s known in the ancient wis­dom as alchemy.

Plu­to & USA Chart
Plu­to in the USA chart and its oppo­si­tion to Mer­cury, this is the key as we are look­ing at the USA now, and we are a coun­try born with Plu­to and its most impor­tant rela­tion­ship is to Mer­cury. What is hap­pen­ing this year in 2020, and it was build­ing in 2019 but this year 2020 and into 2021, we are hav­ing the plan­et Plu­to go over Mer­cury in the US chart and then over Plu­to. And I will talk about when this has hap­pened before in var­i­ous ways, but this is the big one because it’s our Plu­to return, so it real­ly stands apart from the oth­er times.

Plu­to is in the sec­ond house of the USA chart and Mer­cury is in the 8th house. The 2nd House of a chart is the inher­ent val­ue of that being which indi­cates for us as a coun­try that the USA’s val­ue or strength is root­ed in the abil­i­ty we have, which all beings, but we espe­cial­ly as a nation have, the essen­tial nature of our val­ue or strength is our abil­i­ty to com­bine and trans­form val­ues, to remake and renew and restore and rebuild. Plu­to is the USA’s ris­ing plan­et, it leads us through life, which tru­ly makes the USA an Alchem­i­cal Nation.

What is the val­ue, the true val­ue of the USA, (and I would argue real­ly of any human group)? It is the val­ue of its peo­ple, it is their phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al, intel­lec­tu­al, and spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment. It is their result­ing capa­bil­i­ty, each of us, to be alchemists. It is to live and love, to live and work in com­bi­na­tion with one anoth­er. And it is by this, this forge of union, this alchem­i­cal space of com­bi­na­tion, that we elic­it our own growth, indi­vid­u­al­ly and for one another.

This is how spir­it grows; it is how we make pos­si­ble our growth, and it is how we are cease­less­ly chang­ing one anoth­er and our world.

Mer­cury & Pluto
Mer­cury is in the oppo­site house in the USA chart. Plu­to is in Capri­corn, Mer­cury is in Can­cer, and we are a Can­cer nation. The USA, with the Mer­cury in the 8th house, is a coun­try that is dri­ven to probe beneath sur­face appear­ances. As Plu­to rules the sign of Scor­pio, and Mer­cury is in the 8th house which is like the eighth sign of Scor­pio, this is the house that deals with going deep­er than any place else to dis­cov­er and to con­nect and thrive through trans­for­ma­tion­al net­works, such as man­i­fest­ed in our trans­porta­tion, com­mu­ni­ca­tions and research efforts. The eighth house is the realm of unions; it is the very space of alche­my. So, both the Plu­to in the 2nd House of the USA chart, and with mer­cury the ruler up thought and edu­ca­tion and com­merce in the 8th house of joint endeav­ors, the USA will always reveal its strength, its spir­i­tu­al strength, in the mag­ic and mys­tery of alche­my, the pow­er of combinations.

We saw this in the begin­ning as we came togeth­er as a peo­ple, who had sep­a­rat­ed our­selves from oth­er times and places and cul­tures, and we tried to make a New World here. We choose to work togeth­er, vol­un­teer­ing to help one anoth­er, rais­ing barns togeth­er, and in so many oth­er ways, help­ing one anoth­er and reach­ing out to one anoth­er to form these com­bi­na­tions which elicit­ed our great growth.

Break­ing free from for­mer bound­aries and prej­u­dices and lim­i­ta­tions, we changed our­selves and the world. For the USA our true val­ue, our real strength and our most essen­tial truth is most per­fect­ly reflect­ed by our nation­al mot­to. Those founders knew what they were doing, they were wise men and they were wise women, who under­stood what they were about. What they inscribed on the seal of the Unit­ed States was our mot­to, “E Pluribus Unum”, “Out of many One”.

Mer­cury oppo­site Pluto
This oppo­si­tion of Mer­cury to Plu­to in the USA chart, (the very aspect that is being acti­vat­ed right now by Plu­to going over Mer­cury and then over Plu­to), can in its most pos­i­tive man­i­fes­ta­tions lead to a mind or con­scious­ness that is more able to probe beyond the lim­its hereto­fore accept­ed. It is by this that the light of aware­ness is drawn to go ever deep­er in an attempt to dis­cern the noume­na behind the appar­ent phe­nom­e­na of the world.

It is one of the instru­ments that steers all who have this to con­stant­ly strive to fol­low the path of truth. How­ev­er, Plu­to rul­ing “the Will” requires a per­son to have learned to turn that will back upon them­selves first and fore­most, to use their will for self-mas­tery. But, when Plu­to is devel­oped or exer­cised with­out a tru­ly cen­tered will it can often lead to a very dark place, and cre­ate an ener­gy-form that becomes dri­ven by fear, by shad­ows and destruc­tive­ness, and that mind or those minds grabbed by this form become obses­sive and con­trol­ling in their thought. This mis­use of the Will cre­ates divi­sions and self-blind­ing, and the loss of judg­ment in rea­son which can ulti­mate­ly result in a descent into madness.

Either you’re in con­trol or you’re out of con­trol, and this is the key for every­thing, but espe­cial­ly when it comes to con­trol­ling our minds. And that’s part of the chal­lenge and task we’re all under­go­ing right now, here faced with such great pres­sures in our lives per­son­al­ly, and region­al­ly and glob­al­ly. We must keep our minds cen­tered and calm even in the face of the great­est of fears. Because if we don’t do that, we will not be able to find a way through this challenge.

Plu­to in His­to­ry of the USA
The his­tor­i­cal align­ments of Plu­to with Mer­cury and Plu­to to itself in the chart of the USA are inter­est­ing. The last two times before now was 1933 to 1937, and I wrote about this in my fore­cast for 2019 because it was build­ing in and you could read that here.

From 1933 to 1937 Plu­to was con­junct Mer­cury and was oppo­site to Plu­to. and that was when we went through a great cri­sis in Amer­i­ca and changed fun­da­men­tal­ly the way we orga­nize our work and Com­merce, our under­stand­ing of Val­ue, and how we treat one anoth­er in terms of val­ue and as pro­duc­ers and cre­ators of val­ues. That was the new deal, that was FDR, and it set in motion a kind of econ­o­my and cul­ture from the late 1930s and ear­ly 1940s that con­tin­ued all the way up to the end of the 1970s.

But of course, it began to become undone and that “solu­tion” did not work so well, giv­en cer­tain choic­es that were made in the 1960s and 1970s, and things were falling apart. So, there was a call­ing to shift or change that way of struc­tur­ing things, and Plu­to was­n’t going to “say” which way it’s going to go, but it was time. That is when Plu­to lined up squar­ing the USA Plu­to and squar­ing the USA Mer­cury, which is more of a clash or con­flict, and a break­ing between one side and anoth­er. That was the “Rea­gan rev­o­lu­tion”, where again there was a reset of the eco­nom­ic way of life and it affect­ed cul­ture and every­thing else.

That car­ried us for­ward to this moment now, and so we’re in the next iter­a­tion. Now Plu­to is oppo­site Mer­cury and it’s going to come to con­junct itself. This is a big­ger moment more like the 1930s but per­haps even big­ger because this is a Plu­to return, so it is fun­da­men­tal in terms of a reset.

The Choice
Dur­ing each of these peri­ods though, as well as in our own, we have faced the chal­lenge and a choice. And, the chal­lenge is always:

Will we be fear­ful; will we divide from one anoth­er and lose our great­est val­ue and strength which is our love for one anoth­er? Or will we be inspired by the actions of our heroes and true lead­ers who call upon us once again, and always, to help one anoth­er to pull togeth­er, to sac­ri­fice for one anoth­er, to love one another?”

This is the only choice before you now; will you help or will you be the prob­lem? Major crises cre­ate a break. I always think of crises and con­sid­er the Chi­nese ideogram for “cri­sis” is made up of two ideograms, Dan­ger and Oppor­tu­ni­ty. I’ve always held to the notion that what that means is that if we face a cri­sis well, then we will rise above that dilem­ma and find a new way. But if we get frozen in fear, then we fail to rise, and we fall backwards.

Basi­cal­ly, it is our chal­lenge to grow and move to the next lev­el. So, major crises cre­ate a break between one form of life and anoth­er, whether in an indi­vid­ual or group or a nation, or in our case real­ly the whole world. And it chal­lenges us to break from the old way into anoth­er form of life.

There is noth­ing that focus­es any­one’s mind, let alone a peo­ple or nation or even now today the entire plan­et, than the one inescapable fact we “immor­tals in mor­tal frames” have to face in this or most any extreme cri­sis, and that of course is the fear of death.

Until the vast major­i­ty of peo­ple know that their chil­dren and their com­pan­ions and loved ones and col­leagues, that their friends and even strangers are safe, we are going to remain far away from any sense of nor­mal in our world.

The world that was will not be the one we return to; there is no return­ing. The prob­lem we are now encoun­ter­ing was cre­at­ed by the world we had made. Peo­ple often ask me what plan­et or align­ment caused this cri­sis, what indi­cates COVID-19. And, I say noth­ing in the plan­ets made this; we made this.

Life on Earth
We have made choic­es good and bad for gen­er­a­tions, set­ting in place a cer­tain engine of growth and devel­op­ment that was won­drous and won­der­ful in terms of what it pro­vid­ed. But it also cre­at­ed great destruc­tion and pol­lu­tion and dis­rup­tion to the nat­ur­al world, which is now also con­fronting us.

So, I will always gen­tly remind any ques­tion­er that the plan­ets did not cause or cre­ate this. The plan­ets can only pro­vide insight with regards to the mean­ing, and the tim­ing, of any cir­cum­stance. But in our human-formed world, which this is, the con­tent of what we face now, and always will be, is ours. We made this world, again with all its won­ders and its hor­rors too.

The good news there is that then we are the ones who can change it; we made it; we can change it. We have more than enough evi­dence before us now in our bios­phere, in all the realms of life on this plan­et, that the very ways in which we had been meet­ing our human needs, whether in terms of pow­er or food or shel­ter and trans­porta­tion, and also many oth­er ways, that it is those very sys­tems that are now threat­en­ing the very com­plex web in the hier­ar­chy of life on this planet.

And so, we must under­stand (or remem­ber, because we knew this before) that spir­i­tu­al­ly and sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly all high­er life forms depend upon the entire range of life forms below it. And life is leav­ing the plan­et now at an increas­ing­ly rapid rate. That not only makes our world less bright and beau­ti­ful, but it is also a direct threat to our own very lives too.

We are going to have to pull togeth­er to face and over­come this present cri­sis, and we will. But those very respons­es, our amaz­ing cre­ativ­i­ty, our won­drous inven­tive­ness, our inge­nu­ity har­nessed to and always guid­ed by our com­pas­sion, and love for one anoth­er, will change us and we will enter into a new world in the months and years to come.

The New World
Peo­ple want to know, when is the new world com­ing? We are mak­ing it now; it’s chang­ing before your eyes and there is no going back. But our most impor­tant val­ues and qual­i­ties will be reaf­firmed secured and renewed by what we do now.

We are going to shine in this moment because we love one anoth­er, and we see that love in small and larg­er acts of sac­ri­fice and sav­ing every day now. We are heal­ing our­selves and our plan­et and it is from this that we will be the seed humans for a bet­ter world for our chil­dren and their chil­dren too.

Well there’s so much to talk about here; I’m almost about to break into tears myself, con­sid­er­ing what we’re going through. But we’re all going through it; and, I know we’re all going to be cry­ing a lot and laugh­ing and shar­ing and help­ing one anoth­er get through this. And, that is what we’re here for, we are here for one anoth­er. And no one is alone.

So, all of us need to reach out, con­nect to one anoth­er, reach out but don’t touch. It’s a strange thing we; humans always hold each oth­er. We ache to hold each oth­er, we want to kiss and hold and stroke one anoth­er, and we can­not now.

And, that is our love now, in that very inac­tion in that form of our love now. But we can do so much for one anoth­er and we are, and we will con­tin­ue to do so.

And we long for that day, we will get to that day, when we will not have to pull apart phys­i­cal­ly, but we can join togeth­er and laugh and hold one anoth­er again.

Astrologer Bill Attride Radio Show, 2020 – The USA and Pluto (Sunday March 29, 2020 @ 2 pm EDT)

Astro­log­i­cal Mus­ings – The End of an Age & The USA (March 29, 2020)

In my sev­enth show of 2020, we will con­sid­er the Astro­log­i­cal pat­terns and cur­rent con­di­tions in the chart of the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca. It was dur­ing Pluto’s pre­vi­ous pas­sage through Capri­corn in the 1700’s that the USA became a real­i­ty. We are now expe­ri­enc­ing the chal­lenge of Plu­to; it is time for our spir­i­tu­al re-birth and renewal.

I have been writ­ing and speak­ing about the cycle of Plu­to for many years, and I have writ­ten and talked about Pluto’s pas­sage through Capri­corn every 250 years, which is hap­pen­ing once again from 2008–2024. Each Plu­to in Capri­corn peri­od sig­nals the end of a world order, which is equal­ly the emer­gence of a new insti­tu­tion­al order in the hier­ar­chy of social realms: spir­i­tu­al, cul­tur­al, polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic. What we are see­ing across the globe today is not how it had to be; it is we and our way of life that has made the con­tent and facts of what this chal­lenge would look like. But it is most cer­tain­ly true that this is our time to bring into being a New World, and what emerges will and must be dif­fer­ent than the order we have had since the late 1700’s, not just here but for the entire world.

As before, I will answer your ques­tions dur­ing the show, whether on this top­ic or some oth­er mat­ter, includ­ing per­son­al ques­tions about your astro­log­i­cal chart. If you do wish to ask a per­son­al ques­tion, please be ready to pro­vide at least your birth date and birth­place, and time of your birth if you have that too.

If you wish to sug­gest a sub­ject or top­ic for a future show, please email me as I would be hap­py to hear from you. My email is:

Here is the main link to Astrologer Bill Attride Radio:

Here is the link to the show on Sun­day March 29th @ 2 pm EDT:

The phone num­ber to call if you wish to ask a ques­tion dur­ing the live show is: (516) 531‑9638.

Please join me on Sun­day March 29th @ 2 pm EDT as we look at the cur­rent astro­log­i­cal indi­ca­tions and what they mean for you.

Saturn Enters Aquarius (March 21–22, 2020)

The Test of Respon­si­bil­i­ty, to the Test of Social Consciousness

The Lord of Real­i­ty is mov­ing from Capri­corn into Aquar­ius this year. Sat­urn will make the first tran­si­tion on March 21–22, it will ret­ro­grade back into Capri­corn on July 1, and re-enter Aquar­ius on Decem­ber 17 where it will remain until March 2023.

For more than two years with Sat­urn in Capri­corn, we were giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty, by encoun­ter­ing var­i­ous chal­lenges, to under­stand how we must strive to improve the ful­fill­ment of our respon­si­bil­i­ties. It is by these “Hier­ar­chies of Oblig­a­tions” that we meet and ful­fill one another’s needs which are root­ed in the var­i­ous posi­tions we hold in our lives. Whether as a par­ent or child, as a teacher or stu­dent, as an employ­er or work­er, we were being test­ed to reex­am­ine our under­stand­ing and exer­cise of our roles and duties towards one another.

But for the next cou­ple of years, you will face the next step in your spir­i­tu­al evo­lu­tion as held in the Sign of Aquar­ius. Where­as Capri­corn con­cerns the ful­fill­ment you achieve by main­tain­ing the “World that Is”, (what your ances­tors passed on to you), Sat­urn in Aquar­ius demands that you turn around; it shines a light upon the path so that you will con­sid­er what comes next, to imag­ine what your future will be, and most impor­tant­ly and lov­ing­ly, to do this with care­ful and self­less regard as to what will you pass on to your chil­dren, and to their chil­dren, and for all who come after you.

Sat­urn in Aquar­ius reminds you that it is not enough to pre­serve and main­tain what has been; Aquar­ius is about the future that you are mak­ing for you and for those who come after you. We humans are dream­ers; we are the “Imag­i­neers of Earth”. We are here to con­stant­ly remake our­selves and our world. And now you must ask, what kind of world shall it be?

Your chal­lenge will always be to lift your vision high­er, and you must strive to be ever more con­scious and con­sid­er­ate, as you make a bet­ter you. But Sat­urn in Aquar­ius will remind you of this: That what you dream, and what you will make, must be framed and formed by all with whom you jour­ney, by the truth that you are part of a host of souls who must make a bet­ter world togeth­er, and so you will remake one anoth­er and your world in such a way that it is bet­ter for one anoth­er, and for all of life on Earth too.

We humans dream of ful­fill­ment, to be hap­py and live a life that is good; and, Sat­urn in Aquar­ius will remind you that your ful­fill­ment and your hap­pi­ness can only become a real­i­ty when it is also makes pos­si­ble the ful­fill­ment and hap­pi­ness for one and for all.

This is the chal­lenge of Sat­urn in Aquar­ius; it is the test of your Social Con­scious­ness. And it chal­lenges you to over­come one of your great­est illu­sions, your expe­ri­ence of being sep­a­rate and apart from one anoth­er. In truth, from the begin­ning of your jour­ney, and through life after life, you are formed by all who accom­pa­ny you. Your expe­ri­ences, your thoughts, your love and your wis­dom, they are all formed by the count­less moments you have shared with one anoth­er. You are all mixed up in one anoth­er, you are all made of one anoth­er; and your hap­pi­ness and your ful­fill­ment are made with one anoth­er too.

Sat­urn in Aquar­ius calls on all of us now; we must con­sid­er what kind of future we wish to make, what will be the lega­cy that we will pass down to those who come after.

Our chal­lenge is to choose wise­ly. We must cher­ish and pro­tect one anoth­er, but we can only do this if we make this pos­si­ble for all life on this beau­ti­ful plan­et. This is our respon­si­bil­i­ty now, for we made this world as it is, and we are reap­ing what we have sown.

If we wish for a bet­ter world, for us and for those who come after, we must do what we have always done. We must come togeth­er, we Imag­i­neers of Earth, and be the seeds of a bet­ter world for many, many years to come.

Astrologer Bill Attride Radio Show, 2020 – Where are we now? (Sunday March 22, 2020 @ 2 pm EDT)

Astro­log­i­cal Mus­ings – Where are we now – The End of an Age (March 22, 2020)

In my sixth show of 2020, we will con­sid­er the Astro­log­i­cal indi­ca­tions as to how we got to where we find our­selves now, and what may lie ahead. As most of you know, I have been writ­ing and speak­ing about the cycle of Plu­to for many years. The pas­sage of Plu­to in Capri­corn every 250 years, and for us from 2008–2024, typ­i­cal­ly sig­nals the last stage of a world order and the even­tu­al emer­gence of a New World. The events over the past many weeks and months cer­tain­ly fits that pattern.

As before, I will answer your ques­tions dur­ing the show, whether on this top­ic or some oth­er mat­ter, includ­ing per­son­al ques­tions about your astro­log­i­cal chart. If you do wish to ask a per­son­al ques­tion, please be ready to pro­vide at least your birth date and birth­place, and time of your birth if you have that too.

If you wish to sug­gest a sub­ject or top­ic for a future show, please email me as I would be hap­py to hear from you. My email is:

Here is the main link to Astrologer Bill Attride Radio:

Here is the link to the show on Sun­day March 22nd @ 2 pm EDT:

The phone num­ber to call if you wish to ask a ques­tion dur­ing the live show is: (516) 531‑9638.

Please join me on Sun­day March 22nd @ 2 pm EDT as we look at the cur­rent astro­log­i­cal indi­ca­tions and what they mean for you.

Sun Enters Aries (March 19, 2020)

The Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, the Zodiac

You always need to remem­ber: Where did we come from, and where are we going?

And to this, all the Teach­ers and Mas­ters have replied: You are on a nev­er-end­ing jour­ney of Light and Love.

Today we mark the begin­ning of the Astro­log­i­cal Year. Hav­ing con­sid­ered dur­ing Pisces the mean­ings and mes­sages of the year just past, we turn our heads and look ahead to the far hori­zon of what is yet to be writ­ten in the Book of Life, the Sto­ry of Spir­it. And, as always, we begin with the sign of the Spir­i­tu­al War­rior, the Sign of Aries.

As I have not­ed since before 2008, the year when Plu­to entered the sign of Capri­corn, we are here to be those humans who wit­ness the “end of age and the dawn of anoth­er”. The entire hier­ar­chy of insti­tu­tions by which we meet one another’s needs, rang­ing from the most fun­da­men­tal and inti­mate in our fam­i­lies, on up through com­mu­ni­ty, state and nation­al struc­tures are being test­ed again and again, and again.

Some­times we will be sur­prised by their resilience and rel­e­vance; and some­times we will wit­ness their fail­ure and obso­les­cence. The aware­ness we had, the actions we took, and the world that we made brought us to this moment of des­tiny. Yes, in so many ways this world that we made is like a fog that is giv­ing way, and it is mak­ing way for the dawn of a new world that we must make now.

It is our chal­lenge to under­stand the world we made, its trea­sures and its fail­ings. The way we met our needs and lived with one anoth­er brought us to here; but we can no longer live this way if care for one anoth­er and our dear plan­et too. We must accept the respon­si­bil­i­ty for what we have cre­at­ed, for much of this world is now human-shaped, for good and for ill. We are the “gods in the mak­ing”, but we are very, very imper­fect embod­i­ments of the one divine light.

We must come togeth­er, take sacred oaths and pledge our lives and for­tunes to one anoth­er. We have only one choice now, and that is to take up the chal­lenge of this moment; for it is your respon­si­bil­i­ty, duty and priv­i­lege to make a bet­ter world right now and for those who will follow.

Aries is the space for the begin­ning of all things; and in this time and wher­ev­er it is found in your chart, Aries is the Avatar of what is the most impor­tant truth that you must hold in your heart and mind: you only exist here. What was you can­not change; and what will be you can­not know; the only place you can redeem your past and make a bet­ter future is in this Space­time we call the Eter­nal Now.

That is why the most impor­tant step you will ever take is the next one. And not just the actu­al step. Before you leap, you must look with­in, and you must look around you too. You must con­sid­er most care­ful­ly the truths that guide you, for these will shape and form your moti­va­tion or rea­son behind your next step. Yes, you must be clear: what is my inten­tion, what is my pur­pose or goal, and then move for­ward with that decisively.

But equal­ly you must per­ceive or appre­hend, and ask your­self “what exact­ly what am I encoun­ter­ing here?” You must act with under­stand­ing and humil­i­ty, by clear­ly con­sid­er­ing what is need­ed from you. You must ask: What does this space, what does this exist­ing con­di­tion need from me?

Then, once you under­stand, you must do your very best; to give what you can and let go of what you must.

This is the begin­ning, but there will be many begin­nings and you will take many steps.

You must be present in each moment; you must be ful­ly awake, alert, and ready to respond with what will make pos­si­ble a bet­ter world for one and all.

You must be coura­geous, self­less and guid­ed by love, for this is the way of spirit.

This is the mes­sage of Aries; this is the moment Now.

This is the Way of the Spir­i­tu­al Warrior.