Sun Enters Scorpio (October 23, 2019)

The Sacred Union, the Cru­cible of Immortality

Now you enter the place of mys­tery and mag­ic; the holy realm that is known as the “Tem­ple of Alche­my”. It is here that you will find the source of your quick­en­ing, the leav­en­ing of your spir­i­tu­al poten­tial through a hier­ar­chy of com­bi­na­tions, col­lab­o­ra­tions and syn­the­ses. This is the heart and soul of Spir­it; this is the Way of the Divine which is made man­i­fest in the sacred dances of Spir­i­tu­al Union.

In Libra you forge the space of I and Thou, and it is there that you must strive to con­scious­ly set the con­di­tions for one another’s expe­ri­ence of one anoth­er. There you formed the implied and explic­it pat­terns and con­di­tions between I and Thou, “the third space of We”. This is the true space of your “free­dom to be and become”, and it is shaped by your under­stand­ing of your­self and of one anoth­er. You deter­mine what you seek from and need to give to one anoth­er, guid­ed by your rea­son, and so you form the mutu­al­ly agreed upon prin­ci­ples and rules, often formed into laws and con­tracts, that will make pos­si­ble your mutu­al self-fulfillment.

But it is here in the “Cru­cible of Union” that that the real “work of the soul” is done. Here you move beyond the “airy” rea­sons of Libra into the “watery” realm of feel­ings held by Scor­pio. It is here in the sacred cen­ters that are every­where and in every­thing, it is here where the promise of indi­vid­u­a­tion, of your real­iza­tion of your indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and the ful­fill­ment of your unique promise is forged through your sac­ri­fices to and for one another.

It is by these sacred acts of self-tran­scen­dence, of giv­ing up the less­er parts of your­self in order to bring forth the greater that is with­in and between you, it is this which makes and moves you into your greater or high­er self. It is here in the realm of alchem­i­cal trans­for­ma­tions where you become for one anoth­er the very means of spir­i­tu­al awak­en­ing; it is here where you encounter the mys­ter­ies of love and loss, of birth, death and rebirth, and it is here that you expe­ri­ence the inti­ma­tions and proof of your own immor­tal­i­ty too.

Yes, you can­not become tru­ly human with­out one anoth­er; you are made of one anoth­er and become what you are by all the many inter­ac­tions that you have with one anoth­er. It is here in Scor­pio that you con­scious­ly choose to do this: Here you must will­ing­ly give up some less­er part of your­self (and so dis­cov­er some deep­er truth, some fin­er qual­i­ty of being with­in you both), as you share, hon­or and lift one anoth­er into a more sub­lime real­i­ty. And this can only hap­pen because you face and over­come your fear of rejec­tion and loss.

You take a risk in reach­ing out to one anoth­er, (but you real­ly have noth­ing “to lose”), and as long as you remain true to your­self, anchored in your love and cen­tered in your truth, you will find the path togeth­er to your greater selves.

Yes, in Scor­pio you expe­ri­ence the heights and the depths, the unimag­in­able joy of pierc­ing beyond the illu­sion of being alone and sep­a­rate, and so become more tru­ly one with one anoth­er. Yet you will also expe­ri­ence the awful pain of when that inevitably ends, when they leave or are “tak­en” from you. Here in Scor­pio you face the ulti­mate truths and they leave you speech­less, you are struck dumb and with­out words.

You can­not expe­ri­ence the gift of Love with­out the agony of loss; you can­not have Joy with­out pain for they are insep­a­ra­ble. Here you must bow you head and open your heart to that mys­tery where two become one is made real, and then you must equal­ly be ready, at some point, to say to one anoth­er, “fare thee well, until we meet again.”

Yes, it is in Scor­pio, (and you have Scor­pio some place in your chart), where you will find your­self beyond words, as you encounter the great­est joys and the most ago­niz­ing pains. You expe­ri­ence the unimag­in­able joy of union, of trans­for­ma­tion and self-tran­scen­dence, the redemp­tion and release from your less­er self. But you equal­ly face the great­est fears and pains, of rejec­tion, of loss of your beloved, and you equal­ly face your own mor­tal­i­ty too.

Yes, it is said that Scor­pio is the “strongest” sign; It is stronger, because it needs to be.

Yes, you feel this now, you know the truth that makes you tremble…everything and every­one will die, and you ask your­self “what hope can remain after this?” Well, it comes from this…this expe­ri­ence which is “real” is also anoth­er illu­sion. It is not your spir­it or soul that is lost, it is just the form that you were in for a very short time. You (and all of cre­ation), are Immor­tals in mor­tal mat­ter. This dance of Spir­it and your Spir­it-Form are eter­nal; and you will move through form after form, into life after life, meet­ing one anoth­er again and again and again, so that you may smile and laugh and dance and love once more, as you have so many, many times before.

You have noth­ing to fear; you are an Immor­tal mov­ing through mor­tal realms. You are here to be for one anoth­er the very liv­ing instru­ments that lift one anoth­er to live by the Light and Love that is the “Warp and Weft” of the whole of Cre­ation. What is with­in you sur­rounds and sus­tains you; It is Spir­it whose Ener­gy-Form you know as Love. The illu­sion of your mor­tal exis­tence is this feel­ing of sep­a­ra­tion, and your mov­ing beyond this each time in your Scor­pio Unions will ulti­mate­ly free you from the fear of death and bring you to the promised land of Immortality.

This is the gift and truth of Scorpio.

You have noth­ing to fear, for you are an Immortal.

You were made by love, and you are here to love.

You are here for one anoth­er, because you are all part of one another.

And all you have to do, is let go of your fear,

And Love one another.

Astrological Musings – Where are we now, Part 2? The USA, Trump and Impeachment (October 7, 2019)

I thought it might be use­ful to offer (more or less) a tran­script of my lat­est radio show (Octo­ber 6, 2019):

Don­ald Trump – The test of Power

As I not­ed in my 2019 Fore­cast, it is cer­tain­ly true that through­out his­to­ry, one can often dis­cern the future of a nation by the for­tunes or mis­for­tunes indi­cat­ed in the chart of its head of state. I had also not­ed in the my fore­cast for the USA that the most sig­nif­i­cant plan­e­tary tran­sit in the chart of the USA this year is Plu­to oppos­ing the USA Mer­cury. It may come as no sur­prise then that the most impor­tant tran­sits in the chart of Don­ald Trump is by Plu­to in 2019 and 2020.

Yes, in 2019 and 2020, Don­ald Trump will have Plu­to form­ing an Incon­junct aspect (150°) to his Sun. But out­er plan­e­tary align­ments build in over more than one year, and then cul­mi­nate when they are exact. For now, in 2019 and becom­ing exact in 2020, the plan­et Plu­to will be in oppo­si­tion to Trump’s Saturn.

Pluto’s Role in the Tri­ad of Spirit

Plu­to is one of the Avatars of the tri­par­tite core of our Spir­i­tu­al Hier­ar­chy, or what I like to call the “Tri­ad of Spir­it”. Uranus is the Avatar or prin­ci­ple of the High­er Mind; Nep­tune is the Avatar of Uncon­di­tion­al Love; and Plu­to is the Avatar of the Will. Togeth­er, form­ing the crown of the spir­i­tu­al hier­ar­chy, which is found in every speck and mote of cre­ation, they rep­re­sent the Mind, Love and Will of God. Where­as their man­i­fes­ta­tion on low­er planes is seen in the struc­tures of ele­men­tary par­ti­cles, chem­i­cal, and organ­ic life-forms, we as humans, being self-aware, are here to learn to wield these pow­ers, by align­ing are thoughts, feel­ings and pow­er to the path of truth and light. We humans are cir­cuitous­ly and slow­ly, but sure­ly bend­ing ever upward as we walk the path of awak­en­ing by devel­op­ing ever freer minds, more tru­ly uncon­di­tion­al love and becom­ing ever more guid­ed by our more cen­tered wills.

For humans, Plu­to rules will-pow­er, and it is by exer­cis­ing our will that we strive to mas­ter our­selves. We are slow­ly learn­ing that we must focus inward­ly, and to use our will for greater self-con­trol and self-mas­tery. The num­ber one error (or sin) on this Earth is when we use our will and pow­er to con­trol, sub­ju­gate, manip­u­late and vio­late one anoth­er. The great­est spir­i­tu­al crime that we humans can com­mit is tres­pass­ing, where­in we vio­late the sacred space of another.

We are here to mas­ter our­selves. By our exam­ple to one anoth­er, as well as by offer­ing lov­ing help and guid­ance to oth­ers, we are here to help one anoth­er towards greater self-mas­tery and self-con­trol. It is only by being tru­ly cen­tered by the will, (and guid­ed by Wis­dom and Uncon­di­tion­al Love), that we will use what­ev­er per­son­al pow­er (as in a fam­i­ly), or social pow­er (as in our com­mu­ni­ty) or our larg­er col­lec­tive pow­ers (such as in Cor­po­rate or Insti­tu­tion­al pow­ers) it is only by our Tri­ad of Spir­it that we exer­cise them cor­rect­ly. We must always remem­ber that all pow­er flows from the source and must serve it, (the fam­i­ly, the com­mu­ni­ty or the Nation),  and so we must serve the source of that pow­er and direct it in a prop­er man­ner as deter­mined by what or whom we serve. It is not “our” pow­er; we are but ves­sels serv­ing some­thing high­er. Ulti­mate­ly, any exer­cise of pow­er must be in accor­dance with Spir­i­tu­al truth which is the source of the One Pow­er. That is why we must hold our­selves to the roy­al road and say, “Let Thy Will Be Done”.

In all these human hier­ar­chies of Fam­i­ly, Com­mu­ni­ty, Cor­po­ra­tion or State, the lead­er­ship is spir­i­tu­al­ly invest­ed with the respon­si­bil­i­ty to be the prime mover and exam­ple for the whole that they serve, they are the “Exem­plar” or Avatar in human terms of this spir­i­tu­al truth: Their exer­cise of Will and Pow­er must be held, cen­tered and so yoked so that it serves the pur­pose and intent of that enti­ty that they serve. This is why we acknowl­edge these investi­tures of pow­er by some form of cer­e­mo­ny, and very often that per­son will take a “oath”, which binds their indi­vid­ual will to the gen­er­al good or pur­pose of the what or whom they serve. They are to acknowl­edge that this pow­er is not “theirs”, but it is mere­ly entrust­ed to them while they hold that office faithfully.

Don­ald Trump

In 2019 Don­ald Trump is expe­ri­enc­ing both Plu­to Incon­junct to his Sun, as he also faces the steadi­ly build­ing Oppo­si­tion of Plu­to to his Sat­urn. With the Sun rul­ing the “Expe­ri­ence of One­self”, and with Sat­urn rep­re­sent­ing the Real­i­ty that this Self has made or formed for itself, we are wit­ness­ing the grow­ing unease and uncer­tain­ty of Trump’s expe­ri­ence of his pur­pose and will, (Plu­to to his Sun). But also, increas­ing­ly in dur­ing 2019 but becom­ing ful­ly formed in 2020, Trump will encounter the grow­ing real­i­ty that his pow­er is being be met with a Pow­er greater than his which, depend­ing upon how he responds (or reacts), may ulti­mate­ly lead to the removal of his exer­cise of pow­er alto­geth­er as Plu­to goes over his Saturn.

The 2019 Incon­junct, is slow­ly but sure­ly cre­at­ing a con­di­tion of uncer­tain­ty and fear for Trump, as he real­izes that his inte­ri­or expe­ri­ence of his own pow­er, and the actu­al expe­ri­ence of pow­er out­ward­ly are becom­ing uncou­pled. Many indi­vid­u­als who face this same aspect often find them­selves with a fore­bod­ing sense that the ground is shift­ing from under­neath them, so that they feel and act as indi­vid­u­als who are becom­ing unmoored and uncen­tered. Some have cho­sen to walk away, to relo­cate or refo­cus their cen­ter and their exer­cise of pow­er. For many of those, it is actu­al­ly quite lib­er­at­ing, and is expe­ri­enced as it should be, an oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow. For some, who do not wish to lose what they believe to be “theirs”, they are remind­ed that we are all here to serve the source of pow­er, and not to exer­cise it as if it were ours alone. So, what is actu­al­ly hap­pen­ing “spir­i­tu­al­ly” for Trump, is that his per­son­al will and its align­ment to the greater Will of the whole is becom­ing increas­ing­ly tenuous.

Mean­while, grow­ing in 2019 and then force­ful­ly show­ing itself ful­ly in 2020, the Plu­to Oppo­si­tion to Trump’s Sat­urn will direct­ly con­front the very struc­ture or Real­i­ty of his Pow­er, as it will force a con­fronta­tion between Pow­er and Pow­er in the very Roles and Titles, the very Insti­tu­tion­al nature as under­stood and expe­ri­enced by Trump. Pluto’s pas­sages are most often expe­ri­enced as quite cathar­tic and trans­for­ma­tion­al, and for many are likened to a death and/or rebirth expe­ri­ence. The Real­i­ty that Trump has made of him­self is fac­ing its ulti­mate test. He will see it as a “life or death” expe­ri­ence. He will fight hard­er than he ever has to main­tain his posi­tion and pow­er. The oth­er realms of col­lec­tive Will and Pow­er will take up one side or anoth­er, and often Trump will see these oth­er wield­ers of Pow­er as coun­ter­ing him and what he con­sid­ers to be his right­ful exer­cise of pow­er. The ques­tion will be, is it a right­ful or wrong­ful use of his posi­tion. Pow­er will face Pow­er, claims of Right will bat­tle with oth­er claimants. In the end, Spir­it will decide who is right and who must fall.

Oth­er Alignments

As I not­ed in my 2019 fore­cast, there are sev­er­al oth­er chal­leng­ing tran­sits in Trump’s chart in 2019 and 2020. For exam­ple, Nep­tune, the sec­ond plan­et of the Spir­i­tu­al Tri­ad, is mak­ing sev­er­al align­ments: Nep­tune Squares his Uranus in 2019 and Nep­tune Squares his Lunar Nodes in 2020; and Nep­tune will Square his Moon and Sun in 2021:

  • The Square of Nep­tune to Uranus will make an indi­vid­ual feel that their indi­vid­ual free­dom is being cir­cum­scribed and dimin­ished. Here in 2019, life will seem more and more fraught with uncer­tain­ties and con­fu­sion for Trump, lead­ing to ris­ing lev­els of anx­i­ety and fear. This par­tic­u­lar pas­sage is even more dis­turb­ing for Trump, who has Uranus as the plan­et next to his Sun and also lead­ing the pat­tern of his chart. This posi­tion of Uranus has cre­at­ed a self-image for Trump as an “Icon­o­clast” (a break­er of idols), and he has through­out his life sought to break con­ven­tions, norms and stretch the bounds of what is right and wrong. Now his very “pow­er”, to be an unbound man, is com­ing into ques­tion as he feels his free­dom to act as he will challenged.
  • In 2020, Nep­tune Squares Trump’s Nodes of the Moon, (what are known as the point­ers of life, of where you are com­ing from and going to, what we know as Dharma/Karma). It is one of the most impor­tant indi­ca­tors of your spir­i­tu­al pur­pose, show­ing the path of growth (or not) for the soul. This aspect is already being felt by Trump, cre­at­ing a grow­ing unease and con­fu­sion regard­ing his real pur­pose, and storm clouds of anx­i­ety will obscure what he is tru­ly fac­ing on the path ahead.
  • Cul­mi­nat­ing in 2021, but already being felt in 2019 and cer­tain­ly through­out 2020, Trump will have Nep­tune Squar­ing both his Moon and his Sun. The pas­sage over his Moon will make him ever more emo­tion­al and unsta­ble. He will expe­ri­ence ever increas­ing degrees of emo­tion­al con­fu­sion, and he will exhib­it many more emo­tion­al upsets and out­bursts, as he slow­ly descends into ever greater emo­tion­al vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. This tran­sit can make a per­son who is not cen­tered and strong ever more con­fused, fear­ful and delu­sion­al. It real­ly should be a peri­od, for any­one, to take some time to con­sid­er their life with regards to spir­i­tu­al and emo­tion­al ful­fill­ment. They should take time to restore their emo­tion­al health, and so reduce or let go of major responsibilities.
  • At the same time, Nep­tune will align with Trump’s Sun which is often more chal­leng­ing than the pas­sage over the Moon. The Sun rules your sense of self, and Nep­tune will erode and dis­solve that sense of self and reveal the “truth”, that you do not real­ly know who you are, and that you are more (or less) than the per­son you thought your­self to be. Trump will expe­ri­ence a loss of con­fi­dence and cer­tain­ty about him­self, (and most like­ly com­pen­sate by dou­bling down on his grandios­i­ty and claims of being “per­fect”). If he were hon­est with him­self, he would sur­ren­der his respon­si­bil­i­ties (and per­haps go on a spir­i­tu­al quest which might lead to some kind of re-birth and renew­al). But if Trump per­sists as if noth­ing has changed, he will increas­ing­ly find that his view of him­self and the world will become irrev­o­ca­bly and deeply divid­ed from the world as it tru­ly is.

The Chart of the Impeach­ment Inquiry

I also thought it worth men­tion­ing that an Astrologer can cre­ate a chart for any “event”, and see what it might indi­cate for that moment in time, that is the con­di­tions and mes­sag­ing from the stars in “the now”. I cal­cu­lat­ed the chart for the announce­ment by Nan­cy Pelosi of the offi­cial start of the Impeach­ment Inquiry on Sep­tem­ber 24, 2019, at just after 5 pm EDT.

I often make use of, in my per­son­al read­ings with clients, a book of sym­bols for each degree of the Zodi­ac, writ­ten by Dane Rud­h­yar titled, “An Astro­log­i­cal Man­dala: The Cycle of Trans­for­ma­tions and its 360 Sym­bol­ic Phases”.

I often use this when exam­in­ing Pro­gressed New Moons and Pro­gressed Full Moons, as well as oth­er rel­e­vant moments in a client’s jour­ney. One of the most impor­tant points of any chart is formed by the Ris­ing Sign and Degree. The ris­ing degree or Ascen­dant in the “Impeach­ment Chart” is 18 degrees of Aquar­ius. Here is the sym­bol of that degree:

Keynote: The dif­fi­cul­ty for the mod­ern indi­vid­ual to keep secret his pri­vate past or his deep­er motives…
This sym­bol refers to the UNMASKING of hid­den motives and per­son­al secrets. It may refer to the pub­li­ciz­ing of past behavior.

This is Trump’s “test of pow­er”, and it will reveal whether or not he has aligned his will with the Greater Will, or whether he has mis­used his pow­ers and tak­en the Social and Col­lec­tive good will to serve his own per­son­al and self-inter­est­ed needs.

Astrologer Bill Attride Radio Show, 2019 – Where are we now, Part 2? (Sunday October 6, 2019 @ 2 pm EDT)

Astro­log­i­cal Mus­ings – Where are we now, Part 2? Astro­log­i­cal themes for 2019 –
Don­ald Trump and the USA (Octo­ber 6, 2019)

In my Thir­teenth show of 2019, we will look at the major align­ments in the charts for the USA and Don­ald Trump for 2019 and 2020. We will also con­sid­er the chart for the start of the House Impeach­ment investigations.

As before, I will answer your ques­tions dur­ing the show, whether on this top­ic or some oth­er mat­ter, includ­ing per­son­al ques­tions about your astro­log­i­cal chart. If you do wish to ask a per­son­al ques­tion, please be ready to pro­vide at least your birth date and birth­place, and time of your birth if you have that too.

If you wish to sug­gest a sub­ject or top­ic for a future show, please email me as I would be hap­py to hear from you. My email is:

Here is the main link to Astrologer Bill Attride Radio:

Here is the link to the show on Sun­day Octo­ber 6th @ 2 pm EDT:

The phone num­ber to call if you wish to ask a ques­tion dur­ing the live show is: (516) 531‑9638.

Please join me on Sun­day Octo­ber 6th @ 2 pm EDT as we look at the cur­rent astro­log­i­cal indi­ca­tions and what they mean for you.

Sun Enters Libra – The Equinox (September 23, 2019)

The Space of Freedom

The whole of Cre­ation can be under­stood as a hier­ar­chy of Spir­it-Mat­ter, rang­ing inward­ly and out­ward­ly into a seem­ing­ly infi­nite series of rela­tion­ships, formed by a host of beings from the many infin­i­tes­i­mals on up through ever larg­er spir­it-life forms, to final­ly encom­pass the stars and galax­ies (and what lies beyond). All are spir­i­tu­al mon­ads; all are embraced in a great hier­ar­chy of rela­tion­ships with one anoth­er, and ulti­mate­ly all these many ones are held togeth­er into the one life that is the One.

Just as “no-thing” can be under­stood with­out this fun­da­men­tal real­i­ty of rela­tion­ship of all to each oth­er, you too can­not be “you” with­out one anoth­er. From the begin­ning of each life, you are formed and informed, shaped and sup­port­ed, guid­ed and inspired, as you are loved, and you share your love with count­less mem­bers of your fam­i­ly, friends, neigh­bors and so-called “strangers”.

It is one of the most chal­leng­ing illu­sions you must rise above, this sense of being sep­a­rate and apart from any­one (or any­thing for that mat­ter). It would seem obvi­ous to you (and to me), that we are most cer­tain­ly dis­tinct and sep­a­rate from each oth­er. We occu­py a def­i­nite phys­i­cal space defined by bod­ies, our won­drous vehi­cle of matter.

But you prob­a­bly know, or you have intu­itive­ly felt, that you extend far beyond your phys­i­cal body, as these many ener­gy-forms that are you radi­ate out­ward and far beyond your more lim­it­ed phys­i­cal space. In a very real sense, we are all con­nect­ed by these ener­gy-forms to one anoth­er in a quite exten­sive, (and some would say), infi­nite man­ner. Real­i­ty is not made of dis­crete “things” as we seem­ing­ly expe­ri­ence them; Real­i­ty is more clear­ly under­stood as a Field of many fields. It is formed by vibra­tions and waves of a hier­ar­chy of ener­gy-forms, what I like to call the Song of Spirit.

Yes, we are con­nect­ed to one anoth­er in a host of ways, from the most ethe­re­al to the more rec­og­niz­able phys­i­cal encoun­ters we meet with every day. All these encoun­ters, from the most casu­al and tran­sient to the most inti­mate and abid­ing, is what we con­sid­er now when we seek to under­stand the mean­ing of pur­pose behind the Sign of Libra.

When you first meet anoth­er, you are in “your” space; they are in “their” space. As you begin your expe­ri­ence of one anoth­er, you are cre­at­ing some­thing alto­geth­er orig­i­nal, some­thing brand new. You are form­ing your shared space, what I call “Third Space” or “our space”, which is the field of ener­gy-forms that we have made into our relationship.

This is so very impor­tant, as one human being alone can­not even be or become human. It is by and through our rela­tion­ships that we elic­it the quick­en­ing of our spir­i­tu­al growth and awak­en­ing. We are here for one anoth­er because we are the very way for each oth­er to lift our­selves towards ever high­er Rea­son, Love and Self-Mastery.

Form­ing and guid­ing our inter­ac­tions with one anoth­er, so that we might forge our space of Free­dom and Self-ful­fill­ment, we hold to these very three:

By Rea­son, we are enlight­ened to form our rela­tion­ship based upon our ratio­nal under­stand­ing of how we wish to be treat­ed by them, and that this should equal­ly guide us in how we should respond in turn; that we should treat any oth­er as we wish to be treat­ed. We aspire to be fair­ly treat­ed and to be equal with one anoth­er; to do unto oth­ers as you would have them do unto you.

By Love, we are embraced by that warmth of feel­ing, which forms as soon as we look into the eyes of the oth­er. We see it there, shin­ing from the win­dows of the soul, we see the same essen­tial “aware­ness” we have. It is the pres­ence of “the One”, in them as in us. This is the Heart and source of Love; for all Love comes from the spir­i­tu­al spark of the Divine, from the One in all of us, hold­ing us togeth­er by Love.

By Self-Mas­tery, or the Will, we are held by Spir­it to respect and hon­or the holy space with­in which each of us abides. We are to use our will by turn­ing it back upon our­selves, so that we may acquire ever greater self-con­trol, as we equal­ly treat with the utmost rev­er­ence the sacred space of the oth­er. The self at the cen­ter must nev­er be pro­faned; you shall not tres­pass upon one another.

Libra is the cru­cible of Spir­it; by mov­ing into rela­tion­ship, you move into the Greater Aware­ness. Wher­ev­er you find Libra in your chart, there you will find the way to the quick­en­ing of your spir­it. For you are made of one anoth­er, from the begin­ning and through all eternity.

You do not encounter strangers here on the Earth, as you have been on this jour­ney for a very long time. That is why, again and again, you will meet so many souls and each and every time, you will look them in the eye and see it there again, the proof, a sign, the recognition.

So, you will smile, and they will smile too…

Hel­lo dear friend, I have missed you! I am so very hap­py to be with you once more.”

That is all there is, the know­ing that we are all related.

This is all you need, just open your heart.

Smile and laugh with one another.

For you are made by love for love.

Just love one another.

Astrological Musings – Where are we now? Astrological themes for 2019

I thought it might be use­ful to offer the (more or less) tran­script of my lat­est radio show (Sep­tem­ber 14, 2019):

As we approach the turn­ing of anoth­er sea­son, not to men­tion being at anoth­er Full Moon today, I thought it would be use­ful to step back from the noise and con­fu­sion of the every­day to con­sid­er again the major astro­log­i­cal themes that our shap­ing our world now.


First among these I would argue is the move­ment of Plu­to through the sign of Capri­corn, from 2008 into 2024. As I have been not­ing since before 2008, this pas­sage of Plu­to has accom­pa­nied the last sev­er­al trans­for­ma­tions from one kind of Spiritual/Cultural/Economic and Polit­i­cal order into another.

Dur­ing the last such peri­od in the 1700’s, in what I would call the “Cri­sis of King­doms”, most vivid­ly expe­ri­enced through the Amer­i­can and French Rev­o­lu­tions, the world that had been was torn apart by what was emerg­ing from with­in it. That old­er sys­tem of Mean­ing and Form was super­seded by a new Spir­i­tu­al-Social-Eco­nom­ic order that we have come to know and expe­ri­ence as our “real­i­ty” in the present day “Mod­ern World”. Our Order is a world of Nation-States which have most­ly, to vary­ing degrees, held to some form of rep­re­sen­ta­tive gov­ern­ment that has now encom­passed the world. It is this very Nation-State mod­el, our world order, which is com­ing undone here from 2008 to 2024.

If we look back once again, to the pre­vi­ous peri­od of Plu­to in Capri­corn in the ear­ly 1500’s, the world expe­ri­enced anoth­er Cathar­sis of Becom­ing, that some have called a “Cri­sis of Faith”, (named “The Ref­or­ma­tion”). There had been, more or less, a world formed around the One Catholic Church and a Feu­dal Political/Economic Order, with accom­pa­ny­ing Ide­olo­gies and World Views that formed and sup­port­ed that sys­tem. Again, as in the peri­od of the 1700’s, spiritual/cultural and eco­nom­ic devel­op­ments emerged in that sys­tem that shat­tered that old way of being as the new order emerged from with­in it.

It was out of that dis­or­der in the 1500’s that there arose the cen­tral­ized King­doms or Monar­chies, and with them there was cre­at­ed a new expres­sion of what it meant to be human and a new Reli­gious, Polit­i­cal, Eco­nom­ic and Cul­tur­al world came into being too.

Real­ly, I would argue, it is the imper­a­tive of Spir­it, the fun­da­men­tal Ener­gy-Form, which dri­ves this one shin­ing imper­a­tive for all of Life-Consciousness-Spirit…that is, it and we, and all life-forms are here for one thing only, to unfold our spir­i­tu­al poten­tial. We are here to be and become more and more fulfilled…which means we and all our vehi­cles or forms of self-real­iza­tion must grow and change too.

What you and I must accept and under­stand is that what we are going through is not a unique expe­ri­ence, not at all. It is in truth a nec­es­sary moment in “The Way of Spir­it”. It is how this Jour­ney of Spir­it will man­i­fest again and again, because it is formed by the one Truth that resides at the core of Spir­it, and so at the core of you, which is “to grow”.

As I have repeat­ed­ly stat­ed, this Dri­ving Force of His­to­ry aris­es in and streams forth from every Mind and Heart and Soul, it comes from you and I and every­one. We are the Liv­ing Spir­it, and you and your com­pan­ions are the Dreamer/Makers of all of this. This is the world that we humans made, and it is now our time to pass on the best of what was as we take up the chal­lenge to re-make this world together.

This process of trans­for­ma­tion is embod­ied in and exe­cut­ed through three major types of his­tor­i­cal char­ac­ters: The Pre­servers, the Cre­ators and the Destroy­ers. There are those whose tasks may bend toward try­ing to pre­serve and pass down those ele­ments of Wis­dom, Beau­ty, and Love that have (and will always stand) these tests of time. There are oth­er agents whose role is to be the bringer of new Ways and Means that will address the very lim­its and self-made prob­lems that arose out of the pass­ing order. And, there is a role for those who are here to tear down the old ways, who are the agents of Cathar­sis and Nega­tion, and they too serve by dis­rupt­ing the old order to make way for a new.


Accel­er­at­ing this End of an Age is anoth­er major “Wind of the Spir­it”, car­ried by the Avatar of Awak­en­ing, the Plan­et Uranus. From 2018/19 until 2026, Uranus is mov­ing through Tau­rus. As before, we can get some under­stand­ing of this influ­ence by cast­ing our view back to its pre­vi­ous pas­sages through the Sign of Value.

The pre­vi­ous times for Uranus in Tau­rus were 1935–1942, 1851–59 and 1768–75. In each of those peri­ods, Uranus as The Awak­en­er accom­pa­nied sig­nif­i­cant shocks and con­flicts, lead­ing to the upheaval in the hier­ar­chies of fun­da­men­tal val­ues, as dif­fer­ing val­ue sys­tems with­in and between cul­tures, broke apart the glue that hold soci­eties togeth­er. When there is loss of a strong con­sen­sus, when we lack a sig­nif­i­cant agree­ment on com­mon­ly accept­ed val­ues and virtues, it is then that the “cen­ter can­not hold” because it seem­ing­ly (or actu­al­ly) does not exist.

Look­ing to the Unit­ed States, the most recent pas­sage was in the late 1930’s which led up to the “War of Democ­ra­cies ver­sus Fas­cism” or World War II; in the 1850’s Amer­i­cans strug­gled over the fun­da­men­tal nature of our coun­try and it led to our defin­ing con­flict, “The Civ­il War” from 1860–65, and the 1760’s‑70’s wit­nessed the break­down between the Amer­i­can colonies and Eng­land, lead­ing to the “The Rev­o­lu­tion­ary War”.

Giv­en those three pre­vi­ous pas­sages, we must be pre­pared for great changes, as we wit­ness the break­ing of our old val­ue hier­ar­chy as we equal­ly have a pro­found oppor­tu­ni­ty to cre­ate a new com­mon­ly held val­ue system.

I would argue that to do this we need, each of us indi­vid­u­al­ly and togeth­er in our com­mu­ni­ties, to remem­ber and rely upon the eter­nal truths found in the Peren­ni­al Teach­ings or Ancient Wis­dom. By hold­ing to this bedrock of spir­it, we can be Lov­ing, strong and cen­tered so that we may respond to this chal­lenge with faith and not in fear.

Agents of Destruction


Yes, it is quite a moment we find our­selves in, and the par­al­lels between what is hap­pen­ing here in the USA and what is hap­pen­ing in the UK (and the world for that mat­ter), are quite sim­ply uncan­ny. The very so-called “moth­er of mod­ern democ­ra­cy”, The Unit­ed King­dom, and her “child”, the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca, are fac­ing fun­da­men­tal chal­lenges to their Polit­i­cal-Eco­nom­ic and Cul­tur­al integri­ty. Both are being led now by very sim­i­lar men, both who hap­pen to be Gem­in­is. It cer­tain­ly seems we are in some kind of his­tor­i­cal rhyming that is no accident.

I would most cer­tain­ly char­ac­ter­ize both Boris John­son and Don­ald Trump as being or using their Gem­i­ni gift of con­trari­ness and their mul­ti­ple, con­flict­ing points of view as instru­ments of extreme dis­rup­tion. Their aim is to divide, to dis­rupt the polit­i­cal-social order so as to rule by con­fu­sion and fear, as they forge their pow­er through myr­i­ad splits of “us ver­sus them”.

By propos­ing a series of mul­ti­ple and con­tra­dic­to­ry assump­tions, by split­ting real­i­ty into many mir­rors of inchoate mean­ing, they are agents of dis­rup­tion who seek to desta­bi­lize the rules and cus­toms of the old order as they throw out half-truths and false­hoods that under­mine the nor­mal gov­ern­ing con­sen­sus and shared reality.

They seek to divide rather than unite and are quite extra­or­di­nary exam­ples of cathartic/iconoclastic agents who are break­ing down the old estab­lished order. They are not builders but destroy­ers. They serve by expos­ing the weak­ness and con­tra­dic­tions of the old order. But they are not capa­ble of cre­at­ing a new world or par­a­digm, because their very pow­er aris­es from the con­tra­dic­tions of the old, and it will fail and fall as a new world rises.

A New World

Each of us must find our way, to do our part in this world that is pass­ing away. Though this world we made is under­go­ing great changes, there are fun­da­men­tal truths that will always remain. The Eter­nal Val­ues of the Ancient Wis­dom, which have guid­ed our foot­steps since the begin­ning, these Trea­sures of Truth, are the most pre­cious gifts from all our ances­tors. It was their duty to pro­tect and pass down to us these build­ing blocks of Wis­dom and Love, and these Songs of the Spir­it are equal­ly to be found in your own heart and high­er spir­it too. It is now your duty and priv­i­lege to stand in this light and build a bet­ter world.

You hap­pen to be here, at this cru­cial hour. What an hon­or and priv­i­lege this is; what a respon­si­bil­i­ty you bear. You have earned this; you are here in this end­ing that is a begin­ning, you are here to be “Torch­bear­ers of the Light”.

This is no error or hap­pen­stance; you are exact­ly where you are sup­posed to be. You are part of a greater plan, and all those choic­es you made long ago have brought you and I to this moment now.

Always remem­ber, that behind each cul­ture, in the Dia­mond Heart of every Civ­i­liza­tion, in the heart of all Reli­gions, in all the Philoso­phies and Sci­ences of every age, the Shin­ing Ones hold the Arche­types of Eternity.

By mov­ing beyond the old divi­sions, by striv­ing to pre­serve what is ever-present in the realms of Wis­dom, Beau­ty and Love, and by lis­ten­ing to the Light of Truth with­in your heart, through you and your com­pan­ions a new world will rise once again.