Peace of Mind
What is the greatest good? Do you know your true heart’s desire? Where is happiness to be truly found?
Throughout the centuries, seekers and seers have pondered these questions, and the wisest of them have all come to the very same answer…
The greatest good, your true heart’s desire and the source of abiding happiness is found by being at peace with yourself, by having “Peace of Mind”.
This is the purpose, and this is the path that you will forever follow in the realm of Virgo.
No matter what your “Sun Sign” is, somewhere in your chart, somewhere in you, there you will experience the gift of Virgo.
It is the gift of “Initiation”, the quickening of development for your body, feeling, mind and spirit. Throughout the ages, in all cultures and spiritual traditions, (notably exemplified in the lesser and Greater Mysteries in Greece and Rome), the promise of being a more complete human being, of becoming a human capable of self-mastery, was offered to those ready to lift themselves up by receiving the key to the secrets of life. The Ancient Wisdom, the Perennial Philosophies, were imparted by various practices, trials and teachings whose purpose was quite simply to elicit the initiate’s unfoldment and upliftment. The goal or purpose was to bring about a more truly whole or complete human being. Only then, were you truly prepared to take on the next challenge of a truly interdependent experience of relationship (Libra).
Today you and your world celebrate the transition from Fire to Earth, where Leo makes way for the grace of Virgo. By Leo, you are forever inspired by the promptings of your true self (encountered in the realm of Cancer), to strive and to seek, and to stretch yourself into ever more meaningful forms of Leadership, Creativity and Love.
But now, after “the performance”, now comes the review. You have a need to be more circumspect and self-aware, and so improve yourself. Yes, it is a time to pause and consider, to analyze and critique and so learn how you can “do better”; how you can “be better”.
Of course, you do this every single day, (or you most certainly should). A well-ordered life would certainly subscribe or follow the example of such great souls as Seneca or Marcus Aurelius, who would take time at daybreak to consider and prepare for the day ahead, and then before bed, to review the day, to harvest the lessons learned, to separate the “wheat from the chaff” of life, so that they could then retire and prepare for the next day.
There is only one way to find peace, and it starts with the understanding that the only control you will truly have, the only mastery you need to acquire, is self-control and self-mastery…and this path begins and ends with the temple of your mind. You are here to learn that the way of the masters, the way of “the lonely ones”, is to listen to the voice of truth and beauty that abides within your own spark of the divine.
Virgo reminds us of the need for orderliness and rhythm in our lives. A good life is fashioned and formed with a balance between work and play, with activity and rest, so that you will feel the truth in how all the various parts and pieces of your life create a greater whole, a whole being that is “you”. There is a necessity to structure your day, week and year (and truly the entire arc of your life), but never rigidly but with constant adaptability and facility of nuance, so that each part of your life is integrated and in fact made more meaningful and complete by all the other parts.
At the center of this is “right thinking and so right action”; the good life, a beautiful life is formed and centered by the quality and state of your thoughts. The whole purpose of metaphysical, spiritual and philosophical engagement is to help you find the way to the greatest treasure and prize. The Wisdom that is Virgo is there to help you form the temple within that is guided and informed by the delicate and integral balance of your Intuition and Reason, by a knowing that is lucid, self-critical and open to the ever-unfolding journey of Spirit-Life-Consciousness. It is the Way of Beauty:
As I walk, as I walk
The Universe is walking with me
In beauty, it walks before me
In beauty, it walks behind me
In beauty, it walks below me
In beauty, it walks above me
Beauty is on every side
Surrounded by Beauty
Living in Beauty
Loving in Beauty
May you walk in Beauty
May you live in Beauty
For all your days
May you be at Peace
Surrounded by Beauty
It is done.