The New Year – Part 2 (January 2018)

Whence – Where – Whither

Part 2 – Where

Astro­log­i­cal­ly, 2018 will be like many years. We will have three peri­ods of Mer­cury in Ret­ro­grade, (March 22—April 15, July 25—August 18, Novem­ber 16—December 6), and Mars will turn Ret­ro­grade too, (June 26—August 27). There will be New Moons and Full Moons and many of the oth­er typ­i­cal phe­nom­e­na that form the warp and weave of Ener­gy-Forms that thrill through your world year after year.

But there are some sig­nif­i­cant changes com­ing to you in 2018. As the last year end­ed, Sat­urn entered Capri­corn, (until Decem­ber 2020). And, anoth­er major Sign shift lies ahead in 2018; Uranus will enter Tau­rus in May and remain there until 2026. We are mov­ing into a new mod­u­la­tion of ener­gies, (both plan­e­tary moves will shift the bal­ance of ener­gy, from Fire Signs to Earth Signs), and the dom­i­nant sen­si­bil­i­ties and themes in your life will change accordingly.

These two Sign shifts will com­bine with a crit­i­cal phase in anoth­er plan­e­tary pair­ing of out­er plan­ets, (Uranus Semi­square Nep­tune). This Plan­e­tary Pair artic­u­lates the ever-shift­ing inte­gral evo­lu­tion and bal­ance between Indi­vid­u­al­iz­ing Ener­gies (Uranus), and Com­mu­nal­iz­ing Ener­gies (Nep­tune). It is here, through these star­ry Avatars, it is here you will see play out our Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney in the weaving/warping of our Greater Aware­ness; it is here that the sto­ry of your awak­en­ing will unfold in the dynam­ic inter­play (and often­times strug­gle) between Mind and Intu­ition, between Rea­son and Faith, between Sci­ence and Religion.

Yes, what lies ahead for you is quite a “seis­mic shift” in The Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, (The Zodi­ac), that form and inform your life here on Earth. The Winds of Spir­it are blow­ing now, the Plan­e­tary Tides are sweep­ing away the old, as they bring glad tid­ings of a New Age to you and your world.

Sat­urn in Capri­corn – The Test of Responsibility
I have already writ­ten a piece on this shift of Sat­urn into Capri­corn, and I would refer you to that blog entry for a deep­er analy­sis of this most impor­tant pas­sage here: Sat­urn in Capri­corn. But I did not then note the sig­nif­i­cance of Sat­urn (or any plan­et) mov­ing from a Fire Sign into an Earth Sign. Where­as you are to expe­ri­ence the Ideals and Inspi­ra­tions of Spir­i­tu­al Truths when plan­ets move through Fire Signs, it is in the ele­ment of Earth that you bring these Shin­ing Truths into the man­i­fest­ed forms of your world. As Sat­urn now, (and Uranus soon), move into Earth, it is time to make real what you know and hold to be dear and true; for after all that is thought, writ­ten and spo­ken, you are here to be this Truth, you are here to make the Dream of Spir­it shine in all that you make and do.

But from a more Mun­dane or World­ly per­spec­tive, Sat­urn in Capri­corn has been asso­ci­at­ed with chal­leng­ing peri­ods in US His­to­ry, (this is prob­a­bly because the USA is a Can­cer, the oppo­site Sign to Capri­corn), and more espe­cial­ly because both Venus and Jupiter, the less­er and greater benefics, are in Can­cer too. The last three times Sat­urn went through Capri­corn, (1988–91, 1959–1962 and 1929–32), the USA expe­ri­enced eco­nom­ic and finan­cial chal­lenges. Reces­sions and worse led to cul­tur­al and polit­i­cal upheavals, remind­ing us once again that what dri­ves all mar­kets is the one thing com­mon to all of them, human nature. Though many fac­tors must be inte­grat­ed to under­stand the ups and downs of eco­nom­ic life, it all comes down to Faith and Fear. Now the past is no cer­tain indi­ca­tor of our future, pat­terns nev­er repeat exact­ly, but they do car­ry remark­able res­o­nances, and so it would be wise or pru­dent to pre­pare for some chal­leng­ing times ahead.

Uranus in Tau­rus – Trans­for­ma­tion of Value
Uranus in Tau­rus, (2018–2026) will bring star­tling trans­for­ma­tions to the realm of Val­ues. The pre­vi­ous times for Uranus in Tau­rus were 1935–1942, 1851–59 and 1768–75. Those peri­ods were char­ac­ter­ized by upheavals and rapid changes in Soci­ety and Cul­ture, and brought about new order­ings of Eco­nom­ic and Polit­i­cal struc­tures. These Uran­ian shocks and turn­ings break old iden­ti­fi­ca­tions, lead­ing to rev­o­lu­tion­ary break­throughs in Ideas and Tech­nol­o­gy, in Soci­ety and Cul­ture. Uranus leads us beyond our self-cre­at­ed Sat­urn­ian bound­aries, and in Tau­rus it cre­ates a new Fab­ric of Mean­ing. Uranus in Tau­rus will ush­er in a new Val­ue Hier­ar­chy, and a so new kind of Human too. The self-lim­it­ing attach­ments to out­worn ways and val­ues are bro­ken, and a new way of being emerges.

Uranus & Nep­tune – Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty vs Community
The more con­se­quen­tial (yet more hid­den or obscure) ener­gy-form of 2018 is the next sig­nif­i­cant cycle moment in the rela­tion­ship between Uranus and Nep­tune. The inter­play of Uranus and Nep­tune artic­u­late the dynam­ic and inte­gral devel­op­ment of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty ver­sus Com­mu­ni­ty. Their rela­tion­ship inspires our spir­i­tu­al jour­ney and reminds us to hold togeth­er the devel­op­ment of ever Freer Minds with a com­men­su­rate deep­en­ing of our Uncon­di­tion­al Love. Their cycle from Con­junc­tion to Con­junc­tion is about 170 years and the last one hap­pened in 1993. The most recent pre­vi­ous con­junc­tions were 1821 and 1650, and each time a new order­ing of the inte­gral rela­tion­ship between the Indi­vid­ual and their Com­mu­ni­ty was articulated.

When either of these ener­gy-forms becomes imbal­anced with the oth­er, we either move towards extreme forms of inde­pen­dence, (and break our bonds of fel­low­ship), or we bind our­selves into indi­vid­u­al­i­ty-deny­ing forms of com­mu­nal­ism, (and break the integri­ty of each mem­ber of the group). There is a need for Life, for Spir­it to find itself by being One and True, but it also can only do this by being part of some­thing greater, of belong­ing and being formed by some­thing larg­er too. We all want to be One of a Kind; but we also can only find our Mean­ings and Val­ues by being part of some Kind.

The release of a new order­ing of these two prin­ci­ples in 1993 has now reached a crit­i­cal moment, (the sim­i­lar peri­od before was 1845–47). Clear­ly, through­out the world the ten­sion between Free­dom and Com­mu­nal life-ways is rip­ping cul­tures into ever more frag­ment­ed sub-cul­tures and group­ings; the Cen­tripetal force of Free­dom has become severe­ly unbal­anced in its inte­gral rela­tion­ship with the Cen­trifu­gal force of Love. Each is seem­ing­ly devolv­ing into a warped ver­sion of its high­er nature. Free­dom becomes ripped from shared affec­tions, becom­ing self­ish and nihilis­tic; Love becomes bound­ed by fear of the unfa­mil­iar, affec­tions nar­row and retreat inward­ly to anachro­nis­tic anchors of “blood and soil”. The spir­i­tu­al­ly true com­mu­nal foun­da­tions founder and break, the Cen­ter that is Love can­not hold, and soci­eties devolve into dis­as­so­ci­at­ed groups, made of tribes formed upon fear.

But just as in the same cyclic moment of the 1840’s, new notions and pat­terns are emerg­ing for us now, and there is hope that the bonds formed by our affec­tions for one another’s restored and shared core val­ues will equal­ly be matched by our sup­port for one another’s essen­tial need to be a unique expres­sion of those shared affec­tions and values.

There is much to give one hope, but there is need on the part of one and all to re-estab­lish trust in one anoth­er; we need to build our greater faith on kind­li­ness and lov­ing deeds. These small and greater acts of indi­vid­u­als and their com­mu­ni­ties are hap­pen­ing all around us too…and we must do every­thing we can to hold our­selves to our ori­gins and orig­i­nal intent, to hon­or and remem­ber the com­pact we have formed freely, and as inscribed upon the Great Seal of our nation­al motto:

E Pluribus Unum—Out of Many One

As the great dra­ma of “Light and Shad­ows” unfolds in this trou­bled time of an Age that is End­ing, when you feel the need to re-cen­ter your­self and one anoth­er, remem­ber the Great Invo­ca­tion and be assured that you are not alone and the Dawn of and New Age is all around you too:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.

Next, “Whith­er are we going?”

Astrologer Bill Attride Radio Show, 2018 – The New Year (Saturday January 13, 2018 @ 2 pm EST)

2018, The New Year – Whence, Where and Whith­er (Jan­u­ary 13, 2018)

Whence, Where and Whither

In my first show of 2018 we will look back, around and ahead as we con­sid­er the lessons learned, and the oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges that lie ahead of us in the New Year.
(For a more com­pre­hen­sive view, I will be post­ing my Fore­cast for 2018 in the blog over the next sev­er­al days. Part 1 was post­ed yesterday).

The Winds of Spir­it are blow­ing stronger now, and it is most use­ful to have a bet­ter sense of how to find your way in a world that is increas­ing­ly unfa­mil­iar. With Sat­urn mov­ing through Capri­corn, Uranus about to enter Tau­rus and sig­nif­i­cant align­ments in the charts of the USA and Don­ald Trump, we will have much to cov­er. I do expect that we will need to have more than one show to under­stand, “from whence we came, where are we now and whith­er are we going”.

As before, I will answer your ques­tions dur­ing the show, whether on this sub­ject or some oth­er mat­ter, includ­ing per­son­al ques­tions about your astro­log­i­cal chart. If you do wish to ask a per­son­al ques­tion, please be ready to pro­vide at least your birth date and birth place, and time of your birth if you have that too.

If you wish to sug­gest a sub­ject or top­ic for a future show, please email me as I would be hap­py to hear from you.

Please join me on Sat­ur­day Jan­u­ary 13th at 2 pm ET as we con­sid­er what 2018 is going to bring.

Here is the main link to Astrologer Bill Attride Radio:

Here is the link to the show on Sat­ur­day Jan­u­ary 13th @ 2 pm EST:–2018

The phone num­ber to call if you wish to ask a ques­tion dur­ing the live show is: (516) 531‑9638.

I very much look for­ward to shar­ing time with you on Sat­ur­day Jan­u­ary 13th!

Warm regards,


The New Year – Part 1 (January 2018)

Whence – Where – Whither

Part 1 – Whence

As we look ahead to 2018, we seek to find in our fad­ing foot­steps some indi­ca­tion as to what we might encounter. So, let us look ahead by first glanc­ing back at the major Astro­log­i­cal fac­tors that mod­u­lat­ed our lives last year.

Through much of last year we felt the push and pull of two inter­re­lat­ed aspects, Jupiter was Oppo­site Uranus while Jupiter Squared Plu­to. The fact that these two align­ments over­lapped one anoth­er won­der­ful­ly illus­trat­ed that we were still expe­ri­enc­ing the major influ­ence that has dom­i­nat­ed our world of late, the ongo­ing Square of Uranus and Pluto.

The rela­tion­ship between Uranus and Plu­to artic­u­lates the dynam­ic inter­play between Free­dom and Will, or Mind and Con­trol. Through their series of align­ments, (from Con­junc­tion, to Square, to Oppo­si­tion, to Square and onto the next Con­junc­tion) we wit­ness the chal­lenge that plays out in human affairs between our need to be Free and our need for Order. Many com­men­ta­tors have not­ed the sim­i­lar­i­ty of the chal­lenges and upheavals we are expe­ri­enc­ing in our own peri­od to those of the 1960’s, (their pri­or Con­junc­tion) and to the 1930’s, (their pre­vi­ous Square).

In our time, this strug­gle has been mod­u­lat­ed and exag­ger­at­ed by the 245-year cycle of Plu­to which has once again brought it into the Sign of Capri­corn, (from 2008 until 2024); once again we are here to bear wit­ness to and bear the respon­si­bil­i­ty for bring­ing this Age to a mean­ing­ful end as we help to give birth to anoth­er. Just like our ances­tors who went through sim­i­lar “End­ings of an Age/Beginnings of an Age”, (1762–1778 and 1516–1532) our Insti­tu­tions and Norms are being shat­tered by Agents of Destruction.

Yet, many, many more will seek to pre­serve what was so dear­ly bought by the Love and Sac­ri­fice of those who came before. And, there are those who are the Seers and Builders of the next New Age. But know this, that one and all will serve in their own way to be part of a Greater Sto­ry, the nev­er-end­ing Jour­ney of Life-Spir­it-Con­scious­ness which is lead­ing one and all home­ward to the Ever­last­ing Light.

The “Destroy­ers” serve as much as those who seek to Pre­serve, Heal and Build. Wise Ones know that we can nev­er judge anoth­er spir­i­tu­al­ly, for that is ful­filled by greater pow­ers than held in human under­stand­ing, will and laws. And, it most cer­tain­ly true, that no one per­son is all one or the oth­er. Just as Light and the Dark most cer­tain­ly con­tend “out there”, always and for­ev­er the real strug­gle of spir­it is to be faced with­in, by each indi­vid­ual in any life, and in life after life, as they walk the Spir­i­tu­al Razor’s Edge between Love and Fear, between Faith and Fate.

Each of us must find our way, to do our part in this world that is pass­ing away. For those who stand for the Eter­nal Val­ues of the Ancient Wis­dom, for those who are guid­ed by and seek to pre­serve the Trea­sures of Truth that all your for­bears endeav­ored to pass down to you, the way ahead is straight and true. You need only need remem­ber from whence you came, and you will steer your life by the ever­last­ing val­ues that stand behind all Creation.

Behind each cul­ture, in the Dia­mond Heart of every Civ­i­liza­tion, in the heart of all Reli­gions, in the Philoso­phies and Sci­ences of every age, the Shin­ing Ones hold the Arche­types of Eter­ni­ty. In the end, it will always be your Joy and Duty to stand in the Light, and to hold to the path of Freer Thought, Uncon­di­tion­al Love and Cen­tered Will.

You hap­pen to be here, at this cru­cial hour. What a priv­i­lege this is; what a respon­si­bil­i­ty you bear. You have earned this; you are here to be the torch-bear­ers of Light. It is no acci­dent; you are part of a greater plan, and all those choic­es you made long ago have brought you and I to this moment now. And now, there is no more pre­cious moment than the next step you will take in this Jour­ney of Light and Love.

The world holds its breath; the Sto­ry of Light and Shad­ows arcs across your world.

It has always been so; and you have been here before.

Will you Stand for Truth?

Will you Stand Together?

Will you Stand for Love?

There is only One answer…

Stand in the Light; Be the Light.

Fol­low your Heart home.

Be guid­ed by the Wise Ones, who know there is no reli­gion high­er than Truth.
Walk the path of the Great-Souls, who prac­tice the Wis­dom of Love.
Find inspi­ra­tion in the Lone­ly Ones, their Will­ing-Sac­ri­fice hon­ored by
the Angels and Devas above.
Lis­ten for the Voice of the Silence, attend the gen­tle whis­pers in your Heart,
And you will find “The Way”.


Next, “Where are we now?”

Sun Enters Capricorn — The Solstice (December 21, 2017)

The Hier­ar­chy of Spir­it, The Spi­ral of Light and Love, The Way

The Sun stands Still…

And the World holds its breath.

As the shad­ows grow longer,

And nature waits for a sign,

You wait for the moment,

The return of your Star.

You have reached the last of the Four Great Turn­ings in the Astro­log­i­cal year: In Aries, Can­cer, Libra and Capri­corn you encounter the Inte­gral four-fold ques­tions that cir­cum­scribe your jour­ney through the stars. In Aries you won­der, “Who am I?”; in Libra you seek to know, “Who are We?”; in Can­cer you must dis­cov­er, “From Where did I Come?”; and in Capri­corn you seek to know the ulti­mate ques­tion, “What is my Destiny?”

This is the Car­di­nal Cross, the Four Sea­sons of each year and in all your lives. Each depends upon the oth­er, and from these sacred Four Direc­tions you find your way along this Path­way of Per­fec­tion, the Road of Illu­mi­na­tion, the Lumi­nous Rib­bon of Light and Spir­i­tu­al Love that is the Ethe­re­al Essence form­ing all of Creation.

Yes, we often think we are bound to our fate, as we strug­gle against the weight of the past, bur­dened by our errors, our sins and mis­for­tunes, our stum­bles and our fears. And, as the shad­ows fall, as they do right now, we feel bound and cir­cum­scribed by our piti­ful mea­gre form, and fear that our life is fat­ed, with­out essen­tial mer­it in an unfeel­ing, soul­less uni­verse which cares not for our future.

But you must know this: That the Uni­verse is Alive, it is Spir­it, and it is quite sim­ply formed of Life and Love. You have always known this, a deep and abid­ing feel­ing that there is some­thing more about all of this and of you. You and I are part of a Great Jour­ney with an infi­nite host of oth­er beings. From the small­est infin­i­tes­i­mals on up to Heav­en­ly Lords, the entire­ty of this Uni­verse is Spir­it-Life and it sings and thrills with Con­scious­ness. We are, as are all Life-Forms that form this Cos­mos, trav­el­ling through this Cre­ation in a great com­pa­ny, form­ing a Shim­mer­ing Rib­bon of Light that is ever bend­ing towards a Greater Awareness.

We are Beings of Light and Love who in our hearts and minds think of one thing in the end, we hold one thought and feel­ing above all the shad­ows and bur­dens of long ago…we are guid­ed from with­in by a yearn­ing, a cer­tain know­ing that there is a Des­tiny to all of this.

We can feel, even in our dark­est moments, and most cer­tain­ly shin­ing through in our great­est tri­umphs too, that there is a “Leav­en of Light” with­in, a Lumi­nous Sparkling in the heart of one and all, that this Light stretch­es back through ages and ages ago, and it calls to us equal­ly from the Future and from on High. We are all con­nect­ed, back­wards and for­wards upon this Rib­bon of Light and Love, and our Des­tiny is most assured. Our “North Star” is pulling us home­ward, back home to the ONE, whose Cen­ter is Every­where and whose Cir­cum­fer­ence is beyond the bounds of Space-Time.

We should not look back­wards with fear or regrets at all, for we have learned in our over-com­ing, in our count­less tri­als and errors, in our stum­bles and falls, that this is pre­cise­ly how we rose to become what we are; we are what we have become because we fell and then we got up again, and again and again. Much like the sym­bol of Capri­corn, the goat, we climb high­er, and high­er, and higher…

But we did not, and can­not do this alone or for our­selves. We indeed stand upon all our own pri­or lives, this is most cer­tain­ly true. We have made our­selves what we are (self-lumi­nous), yet this is only because of count­less oth­ers whose well-won tri­umphs of Soul and Spir­it helped to light and lift us up too. Our tri­umph is theirs, and theirs is ours. We are made of one anoth­er, and all our feel­ings, thoughts and spir­i­tu­al strengths come from our many lives lived togeth­er; we have become what we are now because we lived for one and for all. Our shared aspi­ra­tions, dreams and life expe­ri­ences are what has lift­ed one anoth­er out of the dark­ness and into the Light.

And know this, Greater ones than us, both in bod­i­ly forms and beyond, have always extend­ed their hearts and hands to help us find our way. For those who have come this way know that they too were helped along this path; and, it is so with us, that we, in turn, will feel our kin­ship with all who fol­low, we will respond with Wis­dom and Love, and we will help those who fol­low, and so on, and so on.

This is the Gold­en Thread of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness, this is the Hier­ar­chy of Mas­ters and Pupils, this is the path of Light and Love…and this, this is your Des­tiny. This is the Por­tal of Capri­corn; This is the Path of Mas­tery. This is the Wis­dom of Love.

The Path of Light and Love, The Riv­er of Shin­ing Ones is the road upon which you travel.

For some it is known as the Mid­dle Way, or The Noble Path, or The Red Road.

But most sim­ply and beau­ti­ful­ly, it is sim­ply “Tao”.

It is The Way.

It is from whence you came; and it is the way home.

It is your Destiny.