Sun Enters Capricorn – The Solstice (December 21, 2016)
You travel on the Path of Self-Becoming,
Passing through the Sacred Four,
The Seasonal Turnings that mark each year.
By Portals of Fire, Water, Air and Earth,
You learn by Trial and Error, as you help one another,
To be true to who you are, to remember your Destiny as you walk,
The Immortal Pathway of Perfection.
Today marks the beginning of Capricorn, the time of the Winter Solstice. The Sun has been rising later and setting earlier, so that now the precious light of life is feeble and fleeting, and shadows are growing ever longer, and your days are short and nights far too long and cold. You gather with loved ones for reassurance, in companionship and love, lighting candles, building bonfires, bringing greenery indoors and decorating your trees of hope.
You draw closer together, to remember and share in the wisdom ways of old. Always and forever, the Ancient Ways will bring you through these trials of faith. Your Fountain-Source of Beliefs, found in your traditions, songs and stories have stood the tests of time. And you know because you remember, you have Faith and Hope that brighter days are just ahead, because Life and Love will return even stronger, and the shadows will flee the luminous glory that is the returning of the Light.
You leave the realm of Sagittarius, bringing with you the Wisdom of the Ages, the stories and teachings found in the Philosophies, Sciences and Religions that provide the meanings and guidance to your many lives and journeys. You have come a little closer, to the Greater Understanding, to the Truth behind the truths, and can take some comfort and find acceptance of the World and your inseparable experiences of Love and Pain. You listen in the Silence, for the Lonely Ones, the Wise Ones and Wisdom-Keepers who help you hold to the Noble Path of Truth.
But it is not enough to know the Truth, it is not enough to have your Faith, it is not enough to Feel the Love…you must Live the Truth, and you must Act by Faith, and you must Be this Love too. This is the meaning of Capricorn, it is here that you face your Test of Responsibility, and it is here you will find your Reward of Fulfillment. In Sagittarian Fire, you encounter the Ideals of Spirit, but it is in Earthy Capricorn that you bring these mighty Truths into Manifestation.
Capricorn rules the structures of your world; Capricorn rules Reality. From the most intimate and central building block of Family, where you take care to love and nurture one another, to the middle ranges of local communities and small enterprises, to the most complex structures of Church, Economy and State, all of this is Capricorn’s realm, this is your World made Manifest.
Your Society and Culture is the product of many, many lifetimes of struggles and loves, a gift from your Ancestors so that you would be able to continue this journey of Self-Becoming for you and yours. So that you too, by assuming this awesome responsibility of preserving, protecting and improving this Path of Light, that you too would find the Loving Strength to pass this Spiral Chord of Light and Love to your children’s, children’s children, and fulfill your Destiny, Keepers of the Flame of the One Divine Light.
But, the shadows crossing your path seem stronger now, and your world seems to be staggering and stumbling towards some yawning abyss. This is not the first time, nor will it be the last. The Pathway of Perfection is not a straight line but a circuitous one that rises and falls, and only by falling into error and then correcting, only in this manner do you become wise and find a better way as you move into a greater light.
Your world has not trembled like this for over 240 years, during the 1700’s (and before that in the 1500’s), as the planet Pluto swept through the sign of Capricorn to herald the end of those ages. The Reality structures of those times had fulfilled their purpose, it was their time to be swept away, and it was equally the rising of a new world from within.
This is what is happening now…Whether in Government or Religion, in the Economy or Culture, the world is being turned upside down as the old order gives way to a New Age that is dawning. The good news? You, (and your ancestors), have been here before, and if you read about what they were experiencing in their time, they too thought that their world was ending, (and they were right), but they lived to see a new world dawn too.
You face an awesome responsibility now, the challenge to preserve what we must and to let go of the rest…What are you to do? How will you know what to preserve, and what you must surrender? Where can one find the way through?
As always, the Wisdom of the Ages, and its reflected Wisdom in your Heart, will guide you truly in your Thoughts, Feelings and Actions. The Laws of Life and Truth, of Spiritual Light are the Immortal guideposts which will light your way out of any darkness. Look to the inner core, the Esoteric Heart found in Metaphysics, Philosophy and Religion. Follow the Ancient Wisdom, and be guided by your loving heart…and you will find a way.
Remember that the real struggle for your world is not happening “out there”, but is in fact happening in each human heart. Each person must come to their own change of mind and heart, and remember what is the greater good. Each must find their way and be willing to sacrifice for one another. To remember that there is only one Path: to love, to be compassionate and filled with humility and forgiveness for one another. Most especially, each must be willing to carry the weight of responsibility, not just for our own lives and time, but for those who will come long after we have departed.
What is your responsibility? Look around, and take care in your daily life and immediate surroundings, be truly human, a self-aware spirit of consideration, consciousness and love. From below and from within outwards your new world will dawn.
The New Age is coming…
It is waiting on you…
It is counting on you…
It is your Destiny.
When in doubt or whenever in need, hold in your Heart and Mind the Great Invocation:
From the point of light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into our minds
Let LIGHT descend on Earth.
From the point of love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into our hearts
May LOVE increase on Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide our wills
The PURPOSE which the masters know and serve.
From the center which we call Humanity
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door
where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Mercury Turns Retrograde (December 19, 2016 ‑January 8, 2017)
Right Thinking—Right Action
One more time, for the fourth time in 2016, and this could not be more “timely”!
Mercury retrograde is always a wonderful opportunity to turn your mind back upon itself, to make some precious time for self-reflection. It is a time to bend your mind inwards so that you may contemplate and self-correct. It is a gift and not an annoyance at all, for it is offered to you in order that you may continue your journey of self-becoming, of raising your consciousness as you learn to exercise ever greater Mindfulness.
The sign of Mercury’s retrograde indicates in what matter and to what objective you should direct your Inner Sight now. For this circuitous round of retrograde, Mercury will be moving through the sign of Capricorn.
The principal message of Capricorn can be best summed up by one word, Responsibility. The question that you must ask yourself as Mercury takes you inward is exactly this, “Have you been responsible in your gathering of information; Have you been diligent in your examination of the various facts, viewpoints, teachings and truths by which you have formed your view of your world?” And most importantly, “Have you been responsible in your sharing of these facts, opinions, viewpoints with the world around you as well”?
You journey through an integral Spiritual Hierarchy of Life-Consciousness-Spirit, with innumerable fellow humans clustered around, above and below yourself. But this Ribbon of Light and Love extends far below you to less evolved life-forms yearning to become “human”, and equally far above you too, into the realms of the Deva’s or “shining ones” to whom you look for guidance and inspiration. And this Hierarchy continues further onwards without end, to the planets, stars and galaxies…and much more.
Your journey of self-becoming is aided by those who extend their love and consideration to you from above, while you give and receive comfort with those who abide on your own human plane of consciousness. And so then equally guided by your true nature, that you are a precious spark of the One Divine, following your heart and Higher Self, you will also reach below yourself to extend your love and help to the innumerable life-forms below who look up to you with wonder.
This Spiritual Hierarchy of Life-Consciousness-Spirit is the Body and Life of the One, and because of this, the whole of Creation is bound to one another by the Love of the One for one and all. It is this that forms the true source of your experience and expression of Responsibility. You are here because you were and will always be Loved. And you are here to be Loving too. You are cared for and have been guided to become who you are…And you in turn will care for many, many others for all your lives that were and are yet to be, for this is your nature, this is the Heart of all the teachings, “You are here to love one another as you love yourself”.
The word Responsibility literally means “your ability to respond”. But “what” is it that you are here to respond to you might ask. Most fundamentally, you are here to be Responsible to this Hierarchy of Life-Consciousness-Spirit, and that means especially on your own plane of learning and loving, you are here to take care of and be considerate towards your fellow human beings. With regards to Mercury, with regards to your thought-forms and communications, you must take responsibility for what you do in this most powerful realm of Consciousness.
All in this Creation are subject to what is known as The Law of Karma, of “cause and effect”. It is in fact how the Universe (or the One) brings about or fosters Responsibility! Quite simply this law of the universe means that what you do, in any form, will return to you its author or creator. The actions you take with regards to any other will come back to you. If you harm them, you will eventually suffer in turn. And, this is equally true for the thoughts that you think, and most especially for the words and images that you “share”.
The symbol of Mercury, the Caduceus, was adopted by the medical profession as its sign or symbol. Likewise, in this realm of thought, it would be a great blessing if one and all followed the truth embodied in the Hippocratic Oath of medicine with regards to thoughts and communications, the Heart and Soul of this teaching is this: “First, do no harm!”
With regards to the reception and adoption of information, data or “facts” for yourself, you must take the time to understand the source or provenance of this information. If you fill your mind with too many dissonant, conflict-filled or negative thoughts, you will turn away from the path of Light. Your mind will become cloudy and confused, your thoughts shadowed and self-destructive, and you will lose yourself in a web of darkness and fear.
Likewise, and even more importantly, you must consider carefully the thought-forms you share, whether in speech, or writings or postings, or whatever forms of communication in which you partake. If you spread misbegotten ideas, if you share half-truths or falsehoods, you contribute to the loss of clarity and trust upon which your life and the lives of others depend. You are by acting in this manner being very, very irresponsible. If you do not contribute to the Light of Love and Reason, you will bring about deeper shadows; if you spread falsehood and foster hatreds, you turn away from your own true self, you turn away from love, and you do harm to yourself and to many others as well.
For it is from the fostering and spreading of Lies that wrong actions follow, and so great harm will come to one and all by the willful and deliberate actions of some, as well as by the unknowing or unconscious spread of these fears and darkness by the many who did not understand what they did.
But ignorance of the Law of Karma is no excuse, nor will Justice be denied. You will reap what you sow, so choose wisely. If you do not know, really know, if something is “true” or factual, then do not pass it on, ever!
A cacophony of falsehoods is overwhelming reason and love in the world now. Choose to be a champion of Light and Love. Do not harbor or hold onto negative thoughts or half-truths. Do not share what is harmful or false, do not be used by the dark and destructive forces that are tearing your world apart.
Let Mercury take you on an inner journey of Mindfulness.
Choose to take responsibility for what you know and understand.
Let this turning of Mercury cleanse your mind of falsehoods and fears.
Help one another by illuminating the shadows that cloud one another’s minds.
Think clearly by following the Wisdom Ways that have stood the tests of time,
Centered by the quiet confirmations of your own Higher Self’s loving affirmations.
Look to the Fountain-Source of Truth found in the Ancient Teachings,
The Ancient Wisdom founded upon the Wisdom of Love.
This same Love is this Luminous Hierarchy of Life,
Built and formed by Love, Trust and Sharing.
Choose to stand in the Light, and
Be a light for one another.
Choose Reason over Fear; Choose Love over Hatred.
Live in Light,
Live by Love.
Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 21, 2016)
The Way of Understanding
The Way of Wisdom, Humility and Love
The Wheel of Life-Consciousness-Spirit turns once more.
Time to move out of the Waters of the Deep,
The Space of Union that is Scorpio.
Time to draw back your bow of Intention, and take aim by the Clarity of Fire,
To look for Truth in the Wisdom Ways of Sagittarius.
You have felt the joy of Union; and you have felt the agony of Separation too.
It is time to step back, to widen your perspective and points of view…
It is time to drink from that Ancient Well of Wisdom, and add your precious drops too.
Now you wish for one thing only, now you yearn to “understand”. You need the essence, the elixir of meaning from those heartfelt “meetings and partings”. You smiled in the joys of finding common purpose, of sharing your life or your work with one another, and becoming even more who you are through joining with one another.
Or, you experienced the awful pain of being broken apart as you found your common grounds were not so common after all. What defined you and they now made clear, at least for now, that you were too different from one another; your paths may have crossed, only to separate once again.
What did you learn about yourself (and of them)? What are you supposed to make from those awesome heights of ecstasy and these painful depths of despair…exactly where do you go from here?
You need to harvest the meaning from these experiences, so you can understand the Quintessence of Truth behind them. You aspire to see how these gleanings of meaning may provide some insight about yourself and your destiny, and likewise offer a Providential pointing to the greater destiny of “I and Thou” and your larger world too. Whether you came together as one; or fell apart into separations (for a time), you need this now. You must understand what this means, the how’s and why’s of what happened in that mysterious and Alchemical space of union.
Know this, it was exactly in this frictional crucible of value and meaning, of Unions made and Unions lost, it is exactly through this that you will discern what is you and what is less you. This is “the way”, you find yourself in and through one another. That by going out to meet, understand and join with them you also discovered “you”, that this is the way you come that much closer to your own true self too.
But now there is this urgent need to understand what happened, to extend yourself into a more encompassing framework of meaning. You wish to know how to be yourself, and for them to be themselves too, and so remain true to the path of light and love. Because you do need one another, we all need one another to become who we are meant to be. This is the Spiritual Dance of Life, the One and the many, and out of the many we return to the One.
So, you look for answers, you seek in the Halls of Wisdom and you look within your own mindful heart too. You look to the gifts of your Ancestors, from the Teachers, Sages and Seers who came this way before. They too struggled to understand, and their gifts remain a Light in the Darkness, and will help you to dispel the shadows of Ignorance and Evil in the world. By Philosophy, Religion, Science and Art, their Reasoning and Faith are the hard-won Quintessence of their spiritual struggles for the Greater Awareness, and their Lives, Love and Reason the most precious gift offered for one and all.
Yet the pathways of Truth are equally found within, because the same spiritual light behind all that is “out there”, is equally what makes you, you. Your own Wisdom Well, your Higher Self, will gently whisper integral affirmations, aligning what you inwardly intuit with what you outwardly know by experience, and so you take another step on the path of Truth too. You will offer yourself and your dewdrops of understanding, adding your experiences to the Well of Wisdom shared by one and all.
But because you are unique, each of you will come to the Greater Awareness upon different paths, so that even in your seeking for truth and understanding, you will come together but also at times pull apart over what is “the truth”. But through Reason and by Love, by combining and refining, through inner Inspirations and outward confirmations, you will come to know the most important Truth behind all the lesser truths you hold, that before me is another, just like me, and my only way forward is to love them as I love myself.
You started as One, one with one another, and you will through all your individuations, differentiations and resonations as a unique spark of the Divine, you will end as many but One again. In your journeys through Worlds, Forms and Lives you are will always be a special spark of the divine, and you will bring forth your individuality and differences that make you distinct. But this will also bring about your separations from one another too, at least for a time. But forever and always you must remember the fundamental Truth, that you are made by and for one another. You must strive to hold together “I and Thou”, to both honor the individuality in one another yet tenderly discover, nurture and abide in the Greater Awareness and Reality which is your Love for one another.
Your Journey is the story of Consciousness, of the self that is the Self-Becoming.
As you draw ever closer to Wisdom you will find that you will also become more humble too. For this is truth, the more you understand, truly understand, the more encompassing, nuanced and loving your truths will become. Your Wisdom will grow as your Humility grows too. There is an integral alignment between your Mind and Heart, and in this Journey of Self-Becoming, no matter how high or far you have come, you must ever “Walk On” to greater Wisdom, as you equally deepen your affections for one another.
You shall be inspired by the great ones lovingly show you “the way”. They did not come to tell you what you do, for you must walk your own path towards Understanding. But by their example, they showed you who you really are. By their Illumination held in the Greater Awareness, and by their lives filled with Grace and Humility, you see true Wisdom and feel what is holding together one and all, Unconditional Love.
Where is the answer, where is the Pearl of Great Price?
It is there in your heart, and found in all hearts too…
There you will find Peace in the Gift of Wisdom.
There you will find Grace in a Life of Humility.
There you will truly Live with Unconditional Love.
Full Moon in Taurus (November 14, 2016)
A Call for Understanding, Tolerance and Peace
There is something happening here; What it is ain’t exactly clear…. (“For What It’s Worth” by Buffalo Springfield)
Today is another Full Moon, the Full Moon in Taurus. Though many will write about how special this “Super Moon” is, (it is only a few hundred kilometers closer than other recent Perigee Full Moons), the important point or Truth is that each Full Moon brings a Revelation for you. A Full Moon illustrates the integral relationship between 2 of the 12 signs of the Zodiac. During this time of the year, we will have the Sun in Scorpio and the Full Moon is in Taurus.
This Full Moon should be viewed and understood as the counterpoint to the “Buddha Full Moon”, when the Sun is in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio, occurring in April or May. That Spring Full Moon in Scorpio is a reminder that though your spiritual journey requires you to move through many Worlds, Forms and Lives, you are not these vehicles, and you will have to let each one of them go. You are an Immortal working through mortal forms and there is nothing in this Material Realm that will last forever. This lesson of The Buddha reminds you about your true nature: You are Spirit moving through Time and Space, a Spark of the Divine, essentially Pure Consciousness evolving into a greater awareness by dancing through these forms, but you are ultimately beyond any one form. The Buddha taught that in order to free yourself from suffering, you must practice the Art of Non-Attachment.
But here in the Time of Scorpio, you are reminded of the integral and opposite Truth by the Full Moon in Taurus: That each form of manifestation, every speck and mote of creation, all things, all creatures great and small, all beings on any world, on up to the planets themselves, and the stars and galaxies too, that all of these are the living body of the ONE. Each and every dew-drop of Creation has value beyond measure, for each is a beautiful and precious realization of Spirit too. Every form is also “Divine”, every form is valuable, and each is beautiful and worth preserving for as long as they may last.
Held together, these two Signs speak to your never-ending journey in Consciousness: That you are to hold on and to let go, to preserve, protect and endure for as long as you can, and then you are to let go and allow yourself to become something more too. You and all of Creation are like a River, thrilling and flowing through Worlds, Forms and Lives so that in time you will be them All, you will have experienced all forms of Life-Consciousness-Spirit as you draw ever closer to being outwardly what you are forever inwardly, you are a sparking dewdrop of the One Divine Light.
You are here because of Love, the Love of the One. You are made by and all of your forms are because of this Divine Love. Your value, is beyond measure for you are a spark of the Divine…and so is everything and everyone else too. Hence the fundamental Truth found in all Teachings:
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you…for they are you!
And what you do unto the least of these, you do unto me, The One”.
You are here to care for one another, to help one another grow…and because you are Spirit, you will grow, and so you will change and this growth/change will often come because many are suffering in the old reality. But the very changes that are bringing about the New World will cause pain and suffering too…and you, by your Love for yourself and for one another equally, you are here to help heal this pain and suffering for one another. You must fulfill your responsibility to be true to yourself, which will equally guide you to be faithful to one another and to all of life too.
Now of course there is change…and then there is CHANGE. You are going through a very challenging time now, and it has been foreseen and expected. For this is not the first time, nor will it be the last. Ages come and ages go, and there are many intersecting cycles that beat out these rhythms of the Journey of Spirit and of human lives too. The changes that you and the world are experiencing now have not been seen or felt since the mid-1700’s, and before that the early 1500’s. You are witnessing the End of an Age and the Birth of a New World. In fact, you are here to be that change, but that is hard for many (if not most) to master, but you must try.
Many things and ways will endure, and many shall pass away. Why is this so? Whenever the planet Pluto sweeps through the Sign of Capricorn, we will experience a catharsis in the realm of Capricorn, the Sign that governs Institutions, Traditions, Responsibilities, really the entire Hierarchy of Life-Consciousness-Spirit…or more simply put what we know as “Reality”. Look at what happened before:
500 years ago, it was the end of Feudalism and the rise of Monarchies as the Reformation swept Europe and a new Cultural-Political-Economic order came into being. 250 years ago, it was the end of Monarchies and the rise of Democracies in the American and French Revolutions, and again a new Cultural-Political-Economic order came to be. These changes shook their world and our ancestors. They too lived through a time when the world was “turned upside down”.
Now we are experiencing this immense shift once again, from 2008 until (at least) 2024, the world we have called our reality is crumbling all around us. We are literally halfway through this process of transfiguration, and it is really getting serious now. We see our institutions fracturing and failing; we allocate the blame for our sufferings to these failures of “government”, “education”, “religion”, all these things that we have made are failing and we just want them to work again. We believe the “fix” is “out there”, that it is somehow external to us, separate and embodied in these reality structures…
But, of course, that is just projecting on our part, and it is certainly not fulfilling our purpose which is to take responsibility for ourselves, for all life-forms and habitats…and for our beautiful home called Earth. No, the change cannot happen “out there”, until it happens “in here”, in each of our hearts and minds. Those “things”, whether government, education or religion, they are not things in themselves, they are made by you and me…they are made of, by and for us. We are the Living Spirit that makes things come to life, we make them work (or not work). If we want them to be as they should, or we want them to change as they must, then it will come from “below”, from each one of us remembering who and what we are…we made this, and we will re-make this…for we are the problem and the solution too.
The good news…we have done this before, we became the new human of the 1500’s, we became the new human of the 1700’s…and now, now we will rise again to the call of our Divinity, for we are here because this is our time, we are here to end an age and begin another. We are like a relay racer, passing the baton of spirit to our descendants, who are counting on us to return to the one eternal “Source of Truth”, to listen to that quietly firm, calming voice in our hearts which will guide us to Think and Feel and Act with Love. We must turn to one another first…and Listen, Share and Care for one another…for we are here to Love one another first, last and always.
Remember who and what you are…Love.
Affirm this in how you care for yourself and for one another too.
Do not indulge/engage in the creation of more fear, discord or blame, (there is quite enough of that already).
Be an example of Kindness, Consideration and Mercy.
Stand up to hate and division, for “evil” is just the twisted fruits of ignorance and misunderstanding, (for they know not what they do).
Shine the Light of Truth which is the Light of Love whenever and wherever you can.
Take Responsibility and so Fulfill your Destiny, and behold the New World Rising…
Remain Centered, and hold in your Heart the message of the Great Invocation:
From the point of light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into our minds
Let LIGHT descend on Earth.
From the point of love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into our hearts
May LOVE increase on Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide our wills
The PURPOSE which the masters know and serve.
From the center which we call Humanity
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door
where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.