Sun Enters Virgo (August 22, 2016)


The Path­way of Perfection

You are the Self-that-is Becoming,

A Self-Lumi­nous Spark of the One Divine Flame.

You jour­ney through many Worlds, Forms and Lives,

Lift­ing your­self and all these Ener­gy-Forms ever clos­er to the Fullness

To be found with­in the Greater Awareness.

Your play­ground of Con­scious­ness is turn­ing once more,

The “Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones”, the Zodi­ac, leaves behind

The Fixed Fire that is Leo and brings you

Into the Blessed Realm,

Into the Sacred Space of Wholeness.

Here now is your time of Grace, Beau­ty and Virtue,

On bend­ed knee and with great devotion

May you find Peace in your space of Virgo.

For after each Fire Sign, after every time of Inspi­ra­tion and Ide­al­ism, there must come this time…the time in which you expe­ri­ence what is real­ly real. Now those Ideals and Dreams are put to the test of Mat­ter and Form. Just as after your aware­ness of Pres­ence in the realm of Aries must be fol­lowed by your aware­ness of Val­ue in Tau­rus, so too must your aware­ness of Per­for­mance in the realm of Leo be fol­lowed by your aware­ness of Peace in Virgo.

You have always desired one thing, to be at Peace. There is no high­er realm, no greater val­ue than to be at Peace, both with­in and with­out. It is not found here or there, or any­where what­so­ev­er. It is not a place or even a time, it is beyond these things. To be at Peace is found in a high­er State of Con­scious­ness, where inner and out­er realms align, where you and your world are one…for a time.

For you and your world are here for one thing, you are Spir­it mov­ing through Space-Time, and the one injunc­tion pro­pelling the whole of Cre­ation is Growth. For it is all about the Self-That-Is-Becom­ing, from the One and to all those encom­passed in this great cre­ation formed by all the ones of the One. You and your world are part of a myr­i­ad of Ener­gy-Forms that are con­stant­ly grow­ing, con­stant­ly chang­ing, and so your chal­lenge is clear…How do you find Order and Peace in that?

You find and secure your Peace by align­ing and guid­ing your out­er phys­i­cal world inter­ac­tions to the inti­ma­tions of Wis­dom found in your High­er Self. As your aware­ness and con­duct becomes more attuned to the Greater Aware­ness, you make bet­ter choic­es for your­self and for what you bring to your world in Thoughts, Feel­ings and Deeds. And, if you go against these prompt­ings-know­ings of what is “the good”, you end up in a state of Suffering.

The Aware­ness of Vir­go is sharp and clear, it is refined and dis­cern­ing. This is what you need as you try to sep­a­rate the wheat from the chafe of your life. As the world changes and you do not adjust pro­por­tion­ate­ly, either by over­do­ing or under­per­form­ing, by doing too much or too lit­tle, pain begins to be felt. And if you per­sist, the pain will even­tu­al­ly increase beyond your bear­ing. You may fall ill Spir­i­tu­al­ly, and Men­tal­ly and Emo­tion­al­ly and final­ly suf­fer Phys­i­cal illness.

This is not pun­ish­ment. This is “The Way”, the immutable Law of Cause and Effect, and it is your Sal­va­tion. For by this Law the very nature of this uni­verse is formed to help you find your way back to the Light of Love, Beau­ty and Truth. So the pain and the suf­fer­ing of Vir­go is the way you are encour­aged to move away from the less­er, from the self­ish to the self­less, from the unloved to the uncon­di­tion­al lov­ing and so into your Greater Under­stand­ing. The Way of Vir­go is the Path of Heal­ing. It is the way you will find your way to Peace by liv­ing as you are in your inner­most: Beau­ti­ful and Lov­ing, for always remem­ber this, you are a spark of the Divine, and your lib­er­a­tion is wait­ing on you.

The Way of Vir­go is the Path of Heal­ing. It is the Way of Sacrifice.

For you must give up the less­er, you must sur­ren­der your ego

If you are to rise into your Divinity.

This has always been the way, and it has been shown to you by those who came before.

The Ser­vants of the Light, the Lone­ly Watch­ers of Initiation.

Who Offer Inspi­ra­tion and hope, yet too must wait,

For you must lift your­self up.

You must learn to choose between the less­er and the Greater,

You must become what you are here to be,

A Ful­ly Con­scious Co-Cre­ator of Creation.

Wel­come this return to the time of Virgo.

Always and Forever:

Live in Beauty

Walk in Beauty

Made of and by Beauty

May you find your way

To Truth and Light and Love.

May you be at Peace.

Full Moon in Aquarius (August 18, 2016)


You are special…oh yes, yes you are!

You are a one of kind; a dis­tinct, spe­cial sparkling gem of the cosmos.

And dur­ing this time of Leo, you are remind­ed to bring forth even more authen­ti­cal­ly the Quin­tes­sence that makes you “you”. Wher­ev­er you have Leo in your being, you must dig deep with­in your soul and bring forth and reveal your­self, your self-lumi­nous essence shin­ing through your won­drous ways of lead­er­ship, cre­ativ­i­ty and love.

But in every month there comes a crit­i­cal moment, a rev­e­la­tion and bal­anc­ing of the ener­gies and forms for that time. When the Moon has come to its fur­thest reach­es, beyond this beau­ti­ful blue Earth, it stands oppo­site to the Sun and reveals the coun­ter­point­ed truth held by the oppo­site sign. Today/tonight the Sun now roars with the truth of Leo; the Moon lov­ing­ly offers the Wis­dom that is Aquarius.

The essence that is Leo encour­ages you to seek recog­ni­tion, respect and approval. But in your striv­ing for such out­ward affir­ma­tions, you may often go against your own true self to meet what you believe the one before you (or the many) wants or needs from you. Rather than being authen­tic and ful­fill­ing your true pur­pose, you become enthralled by the need for those approvals that can take you away from your true nature. You look not with­in for the song of truth that is in your heart, and instead become way­laid by the need for out­ward approval and the roar of the crowd.

The Moon in Aquar­ius reminds you that what you are to bring forth from with­in your­self is your own spe­cial expres­sion of what you share with those with whom you jour­ney. The many of which you are a one, whether it be your fam­i­ly, tribe, cul­ture or human­i­ty as a whole, is formed by a palette of pat­tern and mean­ings, of sen­si­bil­i­ties, tastes, inten­tions and truths that you will mix togeth­er into your own unique expres­sion of that whole…Yes, you are a unique one, but you are still one of a kind. You must hold these togeth­er in your own way to ful­fill your­self and be true to one anoth­er too.

Tru­ly, we are all made of one anoth­er. In this life and through count­less lives, we have formed one anoth­er, loved and helped one anoth­er, shared and shaped one anoth­er so that in the end we are all mixed together…I am in you, and you are in me. You trav­el with your com­pan­ions, here and now and in life after life, com­ing in Incar­na­tion Waves to con­tin­ue your jour­ney of form­ing a more per­fect self and a more per­fect union too.

Leo roars that you are here to lead, cre­ate and love; Aquar­ius reminds you that you are made of one anoth­er, that you are here to dream of a bet­ter tomor­row for each oth­er. Because your dreams are made of one anoth­er, your hap­pi­ness and your ful­fill­ment is tru­ly mine, and mine is yours.

Always remem­ber: We are the “ones that are the self-becoming”,

We are all for one, and one for All.

We are sparks of the divine, dream­ing creation’s song.

As it is writ­ten upon the Great Seal of the Unit­ed States:

E Pluribus Unum”, Out of many One.

Be true to your­self; and be for one anoth­er too.

And all your dreams will come true.

Sun Enters Leo (July 22, 2016)


Your time in Can­cer is at an end,

Where you swam in the sacred waters of your origins,

And felt the lumi­nous truth that is shin­ing there, the root of you, there in your heart.

You have touched your truer “self”; and you must heed the inspi­ra­tion that now arises…

Your need is to release this “you”, and shine through ever more dis­tinc­tive acts of self-realization.

Of course, you are tru­ly made by all the Zodi­a­cal Signs; your indi­vid­u­al­i­ty comes from your indi­vid­u­at­ed and so unique­ly artic­u­lat­ed com­bi­na­tion of them all. For The Sacred Twelve are ever present and active in the entire­ty of Cre­ation. These “Liv­ing Ones” are the Ener­gy-Forms behind all the dimen­sions of this uni­verse; they are the “lumi­nous pres­ence” at every lev­el, from the very High­est and rang­ing down into every mon­ad that abides at the core of each spark of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Yet it is also true that the Winds of Spir­it swirl through the sea­son­al vari­a­tions of the Earth’s jour­ney around your Star, so that every month this source of Light and Love illu­mines anoth­er facet of the Twelve-Fold radi­ance by which you make your way out of the dark­ness and into your joy­ful awak­en­ing by self-illumination.

Your jour­ney takes you from your begin­nings as a divine spark, as an un-self-con­scious, self-unfold­ing enti­ty cycling through count­less worlds, forms and lives to arrive at the final ini­ti­a­tion, your Apoth­e­o­sis as a ful­ly awak­ened divin­i­ty. The key to that self-awak­en­ing lies in your mas­tery of the Twelve, and so you must endeav­or, again and again, to bring forth the splen­dor that is your burn­ing, bright artic­u­la­tion of the celes­tial har­mo­ny, the song of spir­it that is “you”.

The Wheel of Life turns, and the Waters of Can­cer yield to the Fire that is Leo. Where­as the Fire of Aries is about learn­ing the les­son of “Pres­ence”, the realm of Leo is about learn­ing the les­son of “Per­for­mance”. The Fire of Leo is the Fire of Cre­ation; it is the release of the ener­gy surg­ing out of the expe­ri­ence in Can­cer, com­ing from the core of you. Leo is about Lead­er­ship, it is about Creativity…and of course, Leo is real­ly all about Love.

The release of your pow­er must be expressed through an ade­quate and mean­ing­ful form. You can find and engage these right vehi­cles of self-real­iza­tion when you have more tru­ly met your “self” at your cen­ter. Then your Cre­ativ­i­ty, and your Lead­er­ship and your Love will be Authen­tic, Respect­ed and Appre­ci­at­ed by your fel­low companions.

As you draw ever clos­er to your truth, to your inner or “high­er self”, you release your Cre­ativ­i­ty in a man­ner in which it reveals not only the dis­tinc­tive unique­ness that is “you”, but it is also expe­ri­enced by your fel­low com­pan­ions to be more mean­ing­ful to them, for you have giv­en sub­stance to what is found at the core of one and all.

When you Lead with right inten­tion, set­ting an exam­ple for oth­ers by your con­duct and bear­ing, you inspire in oth­ers to find that same noble bear­ing too. For we do not need “lead­ers” telling us what to do; we need lead­ers who inspire each and every one of us to believe in our­selves and encour­age us to be that bet­ter per­son too.

And when you have met the Eter­nal Love shin­ing there with­in your­self, then you are able to turn and shine this Love upon the world; you become and express true, self­less love to those before you too. True Love is what it is…Unconditional. By this you open the way for oth­ers to draw clos­er to their true Self, so that they too may feel the uncon­di­tion­al love that has always been there with­in them, and they can respond in kind and return their uncon­di­tion­al love to you. This expe­ri­ence of the fullest mea­sure of Love, this is the heart and soul of Leo.

There is very great divide between a true Cre­ator-Leader-Lover and those who, hav­ing not met their truer nature in their heart, attempt to gain the atten­tion, respect and love of oth­ers. Their cre­ation will seem “off” to them­selves as well as their “audi­ence”, for it does orig­i­nate from their self but from ego; their lead­er­ship more of a “com­mand” or demand of respect, for they lack true self-respect; and their form of love behind it all is twist­ed into nar­cis­sism or neg­a­tive self-love. Instead of being self-illu­mined “stars” they become like “black holes”, draw­ing all ener­gy to them­selves and offer­ing noth­ing in return.

For those who have come that much clos­er to their true self, their “song of spir­it” is a cel­e­bra­tion of the truth that we are here to be dis­tinc­tive. A per­son who moves through expe­ri­ences with dis­tinc­tive respons­es reveals their self and true nature, they are rec­og­niz­ably who and what they are. Tak­ing from the palette of their Soci­ety and Cul­ture, they stretch them­selves into ever more dis­tinct forms of that way of life…They become a one among many ones and inspire one and all.

Where­as, those who have not aligned with their heart split the world into “alike­ness” and “dif­fer­ence”, and unwit­ting­ly fos­ter a world based on sep­a­r­a­tive­ness, a world that is divid­ed into “us” and “them”. They wrap them­selves in their neg­a­tive self-love, and find fault, allo­cate blame and cre­ate scape­goats from those not like them…this is the result of their mas­ter illu­sion, the illu­sion of separation.

To be dis­tinct means to be cen­tered upon Truth, Char­ac­ter and Uncon­di­tion­al Love; to be dif­fer­ent comes from the untruth of sep­a­ra­tion and iso­la­tion, and leads to soli­tude, fear and hate.

Con­sid­er the great exem­plars of human­i­ty, the life sto­ries of all great teach­ers and what they taught, but even more in how they revealed and embod­ied that truth in their con­duct. Whether you look to Con­fu­cius, Bud­dha, Lao Tzu, Pythago­ras, Jesus or many oth­er great souls, and tru­ly to the many more count­less ones whose labors of love remain in the back­ground, all great souls abide with a self-lumi­nous qual­i­ty of being Hum­ble, they are filled with the grace of Humility.

Why is this so? In the encounter with the true nature of one­self, you come to know and so expe­ri­ence that the core of you is of the One, and that this is the true Foun­tain-Source of Uncon­di­tion­al Love. It is the same One who is every­where and fills all the spaces of Space with this Love too. It is this radi­ant real­i­ty of Uncon­di­tion­al Love that fills your own heart with humil­i­ty and your mind with peace. You are one with the One; you are love. You look with­in and real­ize the awe­some nature of the great truth, “I am That, I am”, and equal­ly real­ize that this truth is true for one and all. You bow your head and bend your knee as your soul soars…

So, in this time of Leo…and at all times too…be what you are to be:

Cre­ate, Lead and Love.

But always remem­ber, your ori­gin is your destiny,

You are one of the ones of the One.

Bow your head to the one before you…

And to all of this Cre­ation too…

Live what you know, say what you see…

I am That, I am.


Full Moon in Capricorn (July 19, 2016)


Twelve Full Moons from sun­set until sunrise,

To illu­mi­nate your path of des­tiny each and every year.

To show you each les­son you are here to master,

And to illus­trate the way you must become the answer too.

The Full Moon in Capri­corn, (The Sun in Can­cer, the Moon in Capri­corn) is per­haps the most sig­nif­i­cant and pre­cious of these pair­ings of para­dox­i­cal truth. For in this realm of man­i­fes­ta­tion, upon this beau­ti­ful Earth, you will and must walk the “path­way of oppo­si­tion” as you seek the inte­gral way. The world of dual­i­ty is your real­i­ty, and all that is expe­ri­enced and known by you will come inex­orably bound to and informed by its opposite.

Whether at the most sub­lime lev­els of Being ver­sus non-Being, Ener­gy ver­sus Form, or Thought ver­sus Mat­ter, the pro­found yet sim­ple of Light ver­sus Dark, or Hot ver­sus Cold…all these can only exist with and through the oth­er. Every-Thing, Every-Ener­gy is found­ed, formed and expressed in rela­tion­ship to each other…and, of course, to all oth­er dual­i­ties too.

The Full Moon is a spe­cial moment, a time of and for Rev­e­la­tion. The Sun is now in the Zodi­a­cal Sign Can­cer, stream­ing the ener­gy-forms of truth about your ori­gins: You are a pre­cious par­ti­cle from the One; you are a spark of Divine Light that went forth in a great stream of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it who togeth­er form the Mind, Love and Will of the One who encom­pass­es you. Though you may in your jour­ney only iden­ti­fy or find your root or ori­gins in your imme­di­ate fam­i­ly, or your eth­nic group…you will even­tu­al­ly awak­en to the greater real­i­ties of belong­ing and becom­ing what you are through your cul­ture, through your com­mon human­i­ty with all humans, and ulti­mate­ly arrive to become a ful­ly self-aware, con­scious co-cre­ator of Cre­ation. You will come to under­stand and live in the pre­cious space (Nir­vana) where the illu­sion of sep­a­ra­tion is bro­ken, and you will live by the Love where you are all for one and know the One for us all.

The Moon ris­es in Capri­corn, the oppo­site ener­gy-form to Can­cer. As Can­cer is the Seed, Capri­corn is the Fruit; it is the promise kept and now met, it is the reward of your Self-Ful­fill­ment and brings the test of Respon­si­bil­i­ty. The germ that was plant­ed in Can­cer is said to find its ulti­mate real­iza­tion in the sign of Capri­corn. What was just a hope or idea has become a real­i­ty: a hob­by has turned into a career, a busi­ness has become an enter­prise. The spon­ta­neous respons­es to human needs have become insti­tu­tion­al­ized into the var­i­ous instru­ments found in the mod­ern world: into gov­ern­ment, busi­ness­es, reli­gions, etc. What was only a dream has now become Real­i­ty. Your feel­ings for one anoth­er, your car­ing for one anoth­er has made the real­i­ty that is your very self-fulfillment.

But equal­ly too, this Full Moon is the Rev­e­la­tion which offers the mean­ing for the test of Capri­corn, the Test of Respon­si­bil­i­ty. For as much as you find your expe­ri­ence of respon­si­bil­i­ty root­ed and found­ed upon the care of a par­ent for their child, and then of broth­er to broth­er or to sis­ter, of aunt and uncle and all oth­er kin­folk. So too does this awe­some test of respon­si­bil­i­ty expand as your aware­ness grows to encom­pass all these “fam­i­lies” to which you belong: to neigh­bor and to vil­lage, to com­mu­ni­ty and to your cul­ture, to your state and nation, and even­tu­al­ly the entire­ty of your pre­cious world of won­der called Earth.

Yes, final­ly you come to the know­ing that we are each respon­si­ble for and to one another…for you are insep­a­ra­ble from one anoth­er in the life of the One. As it is said by many before who became aligned to this know­ing in and by the One, “‘Tru­ly I tell you, what­ev­er you did for one of the least of these broth­ers and sis­ters of mine, you did for me”.

And equal­ly, what­ev­er you do to anoth­er, you do this to yourself…for the one before you is your broth­er, your sis­ter, your moth­er and your father…just like you, there is no dif­fer­ence. “We are all relat­ed”, and you are here to learn to love one anoth­er as such, to love the oth­er as much as you love yourself.

There is noth­ing so sim­ple to under­stand or so hard to per­fect­ly prac­tice… but it is the only path.

It is the Path of Truth.

It is the Truth of Love.

It is quite sim­ply, “the way”.

Watch the Sun set; See the Moon rise…

And take good care of one another.

Sun Enters Cancer ‑The Solstice (June 20, 2016)


Your jour­ney through the stars paus­es once more. For you are at one of two points in the year at which the Ener­gies and Forms of Life on Earth must stop and con­sid­er, and so you must ask your­self too, “Which way now, what path shall I take?”

This Hier­ar­chi­cal, Heli­cal move­ment of your form of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it through the spaces of space has reached a tip­ping point, as day and night are now most unequal. What has been build­ing since the Win­ter Sol­stice arrives at this moment of con­tra­pun­tal mean­ing of the Sum­mer Sol­stice. Six months ago, at the por­tal of Capri­corn, you stopped to con­sid­er what is your pur­pose, what is your respon­si­bil­i­ty and what should indeed be the “ever-last­ing” sub­stan­ti­a­tion of your Self-Fulfillment.

Here in Can­cer you must address a more inti­mate and per­son­al set of ques­tions (and answers). Now you must answer the ques­tion: “From whence did you come, what is the source of me?” Can­cer is the final fourth of the first set of signs. For it shall ever be that you will in Aries-Fire forge your Image of Pur­pose­ful Pres­ence; and through Tau­rus-Earth you will bring into being your Sub­stan­tial Val­ue of Heart­felt Love; so that by Gem­i­ni-Air you will come to know your­self and your world by that most human gift of Intel­li­gent Adaptability.

And so now you will pause as you enter this Sacred realm of Water. Mys­te­ri­ous­ly, now you end as you equal­ly begin, for Can­cer is the next of the Car­di­nal Signs that her­ald a new sea­son of life. Yet it is equal­ly the com­ple­tion of the first of three sets of these ele­men­tal group­ings of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. But tru­ly, your jour­ney through worlds, forms and lives is a spi­ral and not a cir­cle, and there was no “begin­ning” and there will nev­er be an “end”. There is but one Life, One Spir­it that is formed and expressed into the Sacred Twelve, the Shin­ing Prin­ci­pal­i­ties of the Signs, that take these Four Ways of Being which are formed/expressed into these three modal­i­ties: Car­di­nal for Ini­ti­a­tion, Fixed for Sub­stan­ti­a­tion and Muta­ble for Transformation.

Through each of these three ways there are the four: Fire is for Inspi­ra­tion, Earth is for Mate­ri­al­iza­tion, Air is for Under­stand­ing, and the realm of Water is that which brings them all togeth­er into what you know as the expe­ri­ence of Feel­ing. It is by feel­ings that all your expe­ri­ences of your­self (and of one anoth­er) are bound togeth­er into some­thing more than can be known and expe­ri­enced in any oth­er way. It is by Feel­ing that you find your way to your whole­ness, to your one­ness with one anoth­er, and to the One who encom­pass­es us all.

The Way of Can­cer is to find, secure and nur­ture the roots of your­self. It is about your need for being “Self-Cen­tered”, in the good sense of that term…becoming a tru­ly anchored, sta­ble soul who is cen­tered in the truth of their being. The way to that is found by many expe­ri­ences. For most it will begin (and could well remain) by iden­ti­fy­ing one­self with the imme­di­ate fam­i­ly, with Father/Mother, Brother/Sister, Grandmother/Grandfather, Uncle and Aunt, and to the par­tic­u­lar life-ways and sen­si­bil­i­ties nur­tured there. But it will inevitably broad­en and deep­en in your many loves and lives to encom­pass and include your eth­nic­i­ty, and your larg­er expe­ri­ence of cul­ture. And this will lead, ever widen­ing like rip­ples in a pond, to the larg­er nur­tur­ing-mean­ings of faith and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty too.

Even­tu­al­ly, it will arrive where it “began”, in the warm embrace of your feel­ing-know­ing that one and all, this human and all life forms, are part of this won­drous and great Ocean of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it. That all of “this”, what we know as The Cre­ation, comes from and is the sub­stan­tial man­i­fes­ta­tion of the One Life that is the One. You will know that you are safe, secure and loved by the One, in whom and by whom “we are all related”.

The great illu­sion that is Sep­a­ra­tion is thrown down by the first of the Water Signs. You are part of an amaz­ing jour­ney of Life and Light and Love.

You are a one of the One. Your jour­ney began as a Divine Spark that was unself-aware, a self-unfold­ing Con­scious­ness who is draw­ing ever clos­er to the expe­ri­ence of your ori­gin as Divin­i­ty, and so equal­ly to your Des­tiny which is to be a ful­ly con­scious co-cre­ator of this Creation.

As you come to know where you came from, to feel and know that you are one with one anoth­er by and through the One that is All, you will equal­ly feel the deep, abid­ing and eter­nal love in which you live, in which you share your lives with one anoth­er, and by which you cre­ate this Cre­ation by and for one anoth­er too. And you are here, you are sim­ply here, to care for one anoth­er as you are cared for too.

Wel­come home to the time of Cancer.

Care for one anoth­er, for you are all of one family,

You are all of one Life, one Con­scious­ness and one Spirit.

Be as you are and will always be,

All for one, and one for All.

Care for one another.

For at the cen­ter of it all,

There is just Love.