Sun Enters Aquarius (January 20, 2016)


The One, and the Many…We are all related

The Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones is turn­ing once more…
Your time in Earthy Capri­corn must now yield,
To the thought-filled realm that is your time in Airy Aquarius.

Though all these Twelve Fun­da­men­tal Ener­gy-Forms are ever present and active, it is most cer­tain­ly true that dur­ing each astro­log­i­cal month you should pay par­tic­u­lar atten­tion to the lessons and inspi­ra­tions of that sign. After all, you are real­ly not “a sign”, but a unique blend­ing of all these Twelve, formed into inte­gral inter­re­la­tion­ships that in sum cre­ate and express your nature. In any one life, and through count­less worlds, forms and lives, it is by these many expe­ri­ences and myr­i­ad com­bi­na­tions of each of these signs that you slow­ly learn to mas­ter them all. This is the path by which you will ful­fill your destiny…You will awak­en, and you will meet your promise which is to be “ful­ly human”, to be a ful­ly con­scious co-cre­ator of Cre­ation who is inspired and guid­ed by a Free Mind, Uncon­di­tion­al Love and a Cen­tered Will.

Tru­ly there is but one path to follow…but there are many, many ways. Just as there is but One life, One spirit…but many, many sparks of the Divine. You are one, and you are also one of many oth­er ones who togeth­er form this spi­ral­ing jour­ney of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it. This is the Jour­ney of the One through Time and Space, and each spark of this One is an aspect of the “self-that-is-becom­ing”. Each of you is the “same”, and yet each of you is “different”…special, an indi­vid­ual. You are a unique dew-drop in the Ocean of Spir­it, whose very unfold­ment of Spir­i­tu­al Poten­cy and Promise is dri­ven by your Svab­ha­va, which is the essence of you. That is because this very essence of you is a spark of the Divine, it is your High­er Self, which is the core of you, and it is this which makes you “you”.

But for you to become you, this will not and can­not be done by your­self alone. For how could you? The great Illu­sion that is Sep­a­ra­tion must also be bro­ken by you, time and time again. For though you may seem to be this “one”, unique and sep­a­rate from your fel­low human beings, and indeed may even in some belief sys­tems hold your­self apart from all oth­er life-forms, this is most cer­tain­ly and emphat­i­cal­ly (and empath­i­cal­ly) not true at all Spiritually.

For all humans, and all life-forms, come from the one Divine Source. That is why one of the fun­da­men­tal pre­cepts and cor­ner­stones of the Ancient Wis­dom, and which is to be found in the “heart-teach­ings” or eso­teric cores of all Phi­los­o­phy, Sci­ence and Reli­gion is this most ele­gant Truth:


As humans, we form one anoth­er, we are made of one anoth­er as we are most cer­tain­ly and of neces­si­ty “Social Beings”. From infan­cy by our par­ents and by sib­lings, then on through friends and teach­ers, part­ners and com­peti­tors, col­leagues and com­pa­tri­ots, we are all made from the expe­ri­ences we have cre­at­ed with one anoth­er. We are all “mixed-up” togeth­er so that we have formed with­in each of us inte­gral infu­sions of expe­ri­ence, sen­si­bil­i­ty, likes and loves from all with whom we have con­tact, here and now and in many, many past lives too…and there is no way to sep­a­rate us from one anoth­er at all. All our hopes and dreams are bound up with one anoth­er as we trav­el through these worlds, forms and lives in life after life.

And so like­wise as we enter this time of Aquar­ius, what you dream and wish for your­self has been large­ly shaped by your fam­i­ly, com­mu­ni­ties, cul­tures and beliefs. These long­ings for a bet­ter world and a truer life have been formed, impart­ed and shared by your jour­ney with one anoth­er. For as much as in Capri­corn you were asked to shoul­der your respon­si­bil­i­ties so as to pre­serve, pro­tect and ful­fill the achieve­ments embod­ied in the great works of civ­i­liza­tion, and there­by hon­or and revere your ances­tors and their gift to you of what was formed through the ages…It is on you now from the Aquar­i­an part of you, and in this time of Aquar­ius, to look out ahead, to imag­ine a bet­ter world for you and yours, and to take up the joy­ful task of build­ing those bet­ter worlds of tomorrow.

And for those bet­ter worlds to be, the only way that they will come into being is if each and every one of us under­stands this: That the truest, most human dreams are made and met by help­ing one anoth­er to make those dreams come true. How could it be oth­er­wise? For at the end of the day, as much as we may need or enjoy var­i­ous “things” in our world, at the end of the day it all comes down to our expe­ri­ences with one anoth­er. To share in the joys and pains, the tri­umphs and tragedies of rich­ly ful­filled lives by help­ing one anoth­er make our dreams come true…this is the heart of Aquar­ius. Just as we have made one anoth­er, are all what we are because of one anoth­er, so too does it fol­low that our dreams are made of one anoth­er too.

You can only become who you are to be by Dream­ing-Cre­at­ing-Being with your fel­low seek­ers, your broth­ers and sis­ters, whose dreams are of you, and yours are for them.

You are all made of and by your love for one another.

Your dream is made of their dreams, their ful­fill­ment yours too.

For tru­ly what you dream, for your­self and for one anoth­er is to Love and be Loved.

Love one another.


Mercury turns Retrograde (January 5, 2016)



Today is the first of 4 Mer­cury ret­ro­grades in 2016. This first ret­ro­grade runs from Jan­u­ary 5th until Jan­u­ary 25th, with most of the ret­ro­grade tak­ing place in the sign of Capri­corn. My com­men­tary in the pod­cast con­cerns the chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties pre­sent­ed by this ret­ro­grade with a spe­cial focus upon the nature of our thoughts and speech. The spe­cif­ic and time­ly mes­sage of this ret­ro­grade is to remind us that we must be respon­si­ble for and to one another.

Mer­cury Retrograde 

Sun Enters Capricorn ‑The Solstice (December 21, 2015)



The Sacred Path, the Path­way to Perfection…

These are the Four Sacred Directions:

You Rise in the East, as Aries,

You Turn to the South, in Cancer,

You Bow in the West, through Libra…

And so now you will take this Fourth Way,

Look to the North as you enter Capricorn.

The Twelve Signs of the Zodi­ac are the Liv­ing Waters of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.
These Four of the Twelve are the Realms of Aware­ness-Action, they are the Signs of Identity:

Aries is your Self-Aware­ness; Libra your Aware­ness of the Other.
Can­cer is your Sacred Cen­ter; and Capri­corn is your Destiny.

These four cor­ners form the Cross of Pur­pose; this is the Axis that leads to Apoth­e­o­sis. In Aries you are Inspired by the Flame of Spir­it of being a “one”, you are Self-Aware. In Libra you Know by Mind­ful Air, you are for one anoth­er, you are Inter-Depen­dent. In Can­cer you Feel through the Waters of Life, you are cen­tered and anchored by your Source. In Capri­corn you are made Man­i­fest by Earth, you assume your respon­si­bil­i­ties as you seek to ful­fill your Destiny.

These Sacred Four form what is known as the Car­di­nal Cross; held togeth­er they are the whirling wheel that cre­ates the Sacred Path-Way of Prax­is. For this is “the Way”, that by this Inte­gral Path that com­bines Inspi­ra­tion, Thought, Feel­ing made Real, it is by this that your won­drous Jour­ney of the Divine-that-is-the-Self-Becom­ing is made manifest.

For you are an Immor­tal mov­ing through mor­tal realms and forms. You move into Worlds, Bod­ies and Lives, but for­ev­er and ever you will always “walk on” through and beyond any one world, body or life. You are the self-becom­ing more and more of what you will be as you unfold the Spark of the Divine that resides at the Core of you in each and every life.

And in each life you will grow and become what you are meant to be through “Tri­al & Error”. You will suc­ceed at times, and you must and will also stum­ble. For it is by these “fail­ures” and your adjust­ments that you climb the spi­ral path of con­scious redemp­tion. And, it is by this that you will come to under­stand, accept and become more of what you are here to be…a ful­ly con­scious co-cre­ator of this Cosmos.

Yes you are climb­ing, high­er and high­er, and at each turn­ing you face again the ancient ques­tions and fun­da­men­tal truths that were there at the beginning…oh so long ago.

Today, as Win­ter begins, when the shad­ows have stretched to their great­est extent, and the light seems to be fad­ing away, it is now that you and the world will hold your breath…and you will pray. It is time once again, to face the dark­ness and believe, that Light and Truth and Good­ness will not fade away. It is time to remem­ber who you are, where you came from, who is before you, and why you are here…it is time once again to have a liv­ing faith in your destiny.

For though it may seem that your world is falling into shad­ows, that your life and world is in dire peril…you will find a way through. As the famil­iar forms of self-real­iza­tion are crack­ing and crum­bling, whether in the realms of Reli­gion, or Gov­ern­ment, or Edu­ca­tion or the Economy…you will come to know that this is mere­ly the wheel of life turn­ing again, for an old world is pass­ing so that a new and bet­ter one shall rise…as it has done many, many times before.

And this change, this re-birth, does not come from on high, it will not come by Fiat or by the will of the tem­po­ral hold­ers of Pow­er. No, the change in every world, form and life starts in the cen­ter of each and every one of you, from with­in each and every indi­vid­ual heart that hears the “Wind of the Spir­it” and answers to the angels of our bet­ter nature. It is the “Voice of the Silence”, your High­er Self abid­ing in the Intu­itive Know­ing that a bet­ter world is com­ing to be…and that you must be its Creator.

Each year, at this time of Capri­corn, you are asked to exam­ine quite sim­ply this one ques­tion, “What is the Respon­si­ble thing to do, what is my Respon­si­bil­i­ty?” To under­stand this you need but turn that word around. Your respon­si­bil­i­ty is always and for­ev­er about your “abil­i­ty to respond”. To what, you might ask. What or to who are you respond­ing? How can you know? How?

Know Thy­self!

You are a Spark of the Divine, mov­ing now through this King­dom of being Human. It is in this time of your Spir­i­tu­al Edu­ca­tion that you are to learn what is “the good”, for you are endowed with the gift of choice, (and angels and those greater than they envy you this choice). You are giv­en this gift so that you might learn to choose what is good, or bet­ter or lov­ing. So that you can become a con­scious, lov­ing co-cre­ator of creation.

For today, in this time, you are here to respond to the needs of your­self, your fam­i­ly, your friends and to all of those with whom you jour­ney. For you have come far and learned much, and you are only here now because you have tak­en care of one anoth­er, helped one anoth­er, and loved one anoth­er so as to cre­ate and form these liv­ing-lov­ing spaces for one anoth­er that can pre­serve, pro­tect and pro­mote Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it. Remain focused upon this, and you will keep to the path­way of Spirit.

There is much work to do when a world is pass­ing away and anoth­er is com­ing into being. Your respon­si­bil­i­ty is great, but so is your reward. Pre­serve what you can, for many lives and loves fash­ioned this world and much in it is good. Be guid­ed by your heart and know that the changes you must face and make should be guid­ed always by the fun­da­men­tal truth that you are here for one anoth­er, you are made by one anoth­er, and to harm any oth­er inevitably means that you injure your­self equal­ly too.

Today you need remem­ber, that even in the dark­est hour, there remains a Light that will not go out, a Love that will not fail, and a Promise that will be Ful­filled. And this is so because you stand with­in a shin­ing Hier­ar­chy of Light that stretch­es from the Heart of Cre­ation to the fur­thest reach­es of this Cos­mos. Every being with­in this Com­pa­ny of Brave Souls is slow­ly awak­en­ing to the truth, that all are sparks of the Divine, and in the heart of each soul there is found the Align­ment and Attune­ment to one anoth­er. All of Cre­ation is of the One, and every par­ti­cle, life, plan­et, star and galaxy are At-One­ment through and by the Love of the One, and by your love for one anoth­er too.

At each and every turn­ing, you will face your des­tiny. It is right, prop­er and good to align your­self with those like you who seek to bring about a bet­ter tomor­row. As we move from one world into the next, keep in your heart the Great Invocation:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.

Mars Square Pluto (December 6, 2015) / Mars Opposite Uranus (December 10, 2015) — Part 2



Decem­ber 10th is the sec­ond align­ment of Mars with the defin­ing major aspect of our time, the Uranus-Plu­to Square. Today the Avatar of Action and Desire stands oppo­site to the Avatar of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and Free­dom. The ques­tion before you is how do you rec­on­cile your desire for ful­fill­ment through rela­tion­ship (Mars in Libra) with your need to be as free as pos­si­ble (Uranus in Aries)?

It would seem appar­ent to most that you are most “per­fect­ly free” when you are by your­self, alone, behold­en to no oth­er. That any and all rela­tion­ship to anoth­er would require some mea­sure of con­sid­er­a­tion shown, some adjust­ment to and for one anoth­er, entail­ing nec­es­sary sac­ri­fices that would not be need­ed at all if one were to remain apart or alone.

But, as always in the jour­ney to the greater aware­ness, the Ancient Wis­dom held in your heart and soul will release you from your lim­it­ed and cir­cum­scribed cer­tain­ties and keep you on the one true path of Under­stand­ing, Com­pas­sion and Love. You will learn to rise above these dichotomies and real­ize that both ways are true, and both needs can only be met when held and lived together.

Mars-Uranus Com­men­tary